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云南省沼气及其综合利用发展预测与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张无敌  胡云 《生态科学》1997,16(1):109-113
云南省气候适宜,农村有机废弃物丰富,是以展沼气的理想区域.沼气综合利用前景广阔,沼气发酵系统与农业相结合,能使农业的发展容能源、经济、社会和生态效益为一体,有力地促进农村经济的发展,是我国农业奔小康的理想途径之一.针对云南省沼气发展现状,在对沼气及其综合利用发展预测与分析的基础上,对云南省发展沼气提出一些看法  相似文献   

1972年以来,我省农村大办沼气的群众运动蓬勃发展,许多生产队、生产大队和人民公社已基本实现沼气化。在大办沼气的群众运动中,我们开展了沼气发酵菌的研究工作。活性污泥的选择为了提高沼气产量并加速产气以及增加沼气中的甲烷成分,我们采集了沼气较多的活性污泥,经富集培养,选取产气量和沼气中甲烷含量较高的污泥作为“菌  相似文献   

农村户用沼气的发展是一件利国利民的大事,改善农村卫生条件,减少化肥用量,促进农民增产增收,能够既离不开政府的支持,也离不开农民的积极参与,在各类因素的影响下,云南农村户用沼气的发展还存在一些问题,本文主要分析我们云南省农村户用沼气发展的现状、问题,并提出相关的解决对策。  相似文献   

面对金融危机,扩大内需,以沼气为核心的农村能源结构的调整和环境的改善是解决农村问题的关键.黑龙江省生物质能源丰富,由于受冬季低温的限制,严重制约了生物质能源的转化,特别是沼气能源的推广应用."低温发酵"是制约北方农村沼气的重要的亟待解决的关键问题和技术瓶颈.其核心技术是如何实现低温条件下厌氧消化处理生物质废弃物高效转化,提高沼气的单位产量.本文针对黑龙江省,现有沼气应用技术发展现状及存在的问题,提出了适合寒地的沼气应用的新理论、新技术及新工艺,并对今后的发展趋势进行深入的探讨和分析.  相似文献   

伟大领袖毛主席对于群众办沼气这件事,曾经发出指示:“这要好好地推广”。目前,一个广泛应用沼气的热潮,正在我省广大农村兴起。这种生物能的利用,对于解决我省农村燃料、肥料、饲料的矛盾,改变农村卫生面貌,解放妇女劳动力,具有重大意义。为了促进扩大沼气的利用,我们搜集整理了有关沼气基本知识方面的资料,供各地参考。  相似文献   

杨谨  陈彬  刘耕源 《生态学报》2012,32(13):4007-4016
近年来,农村传统的粗放式发展模式对资源和环境造成了巨大的压力,严重阻碍农村的可持续发展进程,为此,国家在农村大力推行以沼气为重点的农村生态建设,加快建立以沼气为纽带的可持续农业发展模式。因此,对沼气农业生态系统的可持续性进行评价对农村能源生态建设和沼气工程的推广具有重要意义。本文选取广西恭城瑶族自治县沼气农业生态系统作为案例,将种植业、养殖业和生态旅游业作为一个复合生态系统,应用能值分析方法将不同能质的能量折算为统一的能值单位,分析了复合农业生态经济系统的可持续发展现状,通过能值分析发现案例区域恭城县沼气农业生态系统具有以下特点:(1)与传统农业生态系统相比,有机肥所占比重较大;(2)水果生产为当地主导产业,生态旅游业有了初步发展;(3)农业的快速发展使人民具有较高物质生活水平;(4)科技水平相对落后,生产率低;(5)沼气替代传统能源,大大减小了环境压力。通过对恭城县农业生态系统发展中的问题进行识别,提出相应政策建议,能够对其未来的发展模式提供参考,对沼气农业生态系统的推广具有重要意义。  相似文献   

南阳酒精厂利用酒精废糟进行高温沼气发酵,实现了变废为宝。所产沼气不仅可用作燃料,而且可以用它生产出几种化工产品。该厂的经验可供农村大办沼气和有关工厂因地制宜地开展综合利用时参考。  相似文献   

陕西省南郑县猕猴资源调查郑生武,左华,徐怀浩陕西省动物研究所西安710032南郑县林业局猕猴(Macacamulatta)广布于我国南方诸省,陕西南部的南郑、西乡、镇巴3县亦有其踪迹。南郑县资助陕西省动物研究所于1990年9月至1991年1月对该县境...  相似文献   

农村实现沼气化以后,随着三通(沼气、厕所、猪圈)沼气池的推广,密闭的沼气池沤肥就将成为今后郊区农村的主要积肥方式。根据我们所掌握的国内外一些试验材料和在京郊的试验结果,对密闭沼气池沤肥的好处作一介绍。  相似文献   

沼气的推广为解决农村烧柴开辟了一条新途径,也是发动群众积造肥料,扩大肥源的措施之一。为更好地推广沼气,有必要研究产生沼气的原料(如作物秸杆、人畜粪、青草等)经过沼气池发酵后的肥效变化及施用在作物上的效果,同时为沼气的进一步综合利用提供参考。  相似文献   

生态位理论在鄂中丘陵地区生态农业建设中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
近年来在我国的生态农业建设实践中,生态位理论得到了广泛应用,并在应用中有了丰富和发展。孙鸿良等将生态位理论应用于农业生态系统,鉴于农业生态系统具有强烈的  相似文献   

Molecular studies indicate that Penaeaceae, Oliniaceae, and the monospecific families Alzateaceae and Rhynchocalycaceae form a clade of Myrtales. Of these four families, Penaeaceae have tracheids with vestured pits, whereas the others have septate fibers lacking vestures; all have vestured pits in vessels. Tracheid presence in Penaeaceae may be related to the arid South African habitats of the family. Presence of vestures on tracheids in families with vestured vessel pits is one indication that imperforate elements are tracheids and are conductive cells, whereas fiber-tracheids and libriform fibers are non-conductive. Tracheids occur widely in angiosperms and may be plesiomorphies or apomorphies. Combretaceae, the first branch of the Myrtales clade, has a great diversity of vesture features in vessels compared to the Penaeaceae alliance families. Alzatea has vestures that spread over the inside of the vessels, whereas in most taxa of the alliance, vestures are confined to the pit cavities and pit apertures. Vestures in the alliance tend to be globular in shape, and are bridged together by strands of wall material. Lignotubers and roots in Penaeaceae have vestures much like those in stems. Only a few species and genera (notably Alzatea) of the alliance have vesture features the pattern of which correlates with the current taxonomic system. Vestured pits should be viewed from the inside surface of vessels as well as the outer surface, and although sectional views of vestured pits are infrequent, they are very informative. Studies that explore diversity from one order or family to another are needed and offer opportunities for understanding the evolutionary significance of this feature.  相似文献   

Basisphenoid and basioccipital pits in microchiropteran bats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We examined 686 skulls of 420 species of microchiropteran bats in 16 families to assess variation in pits in the basisphenoid and basioccipital bones. A total of 26 measurements were used to describe variation in pits, and patterns in the distribution of pits were examined across the families. Pits were absent from 154 species and present in 266 species. While some species had as many as four basisphenoid pits, basioccipital pits, when present, always occurred as a single pair. No species had more than four pits (basisphenoid or basioccipital and basisphenoid) in total. In some families all species either had pits (e.g. Emballonuridae) or none had pits (e.g. Rhinolophidae), but the incidence of pits usually was variable within families. The results of a cluster analysis of families based on the incidence of pits and morphological features of pits bore little resemblance to a recent phylogeny of Microchiroptera. A discriminant function analysis of features of pits of Emballonuridae, Phyllostomidae, Vespertilionidae and Molossidae correctly classified 66% of species to family revealing some continuity in pit structure among related species. There was no evidence of significant sexual dimorphism in the incidence or features of pits. Basisphenoid and basioccipital pits tended to increase in size with skull size. Neither the incidence nor the morphology of basisphenoid nor basioccipital pits was consistently associated with echolocation, diet or foraging behaviour. Pits were present or absent from species using either high‐intensity or low‐intensity echolocation calls, and the same was true of bats using high or low duty cycle modes of echolocation. Furthermore, the presence or absence of pits did not correspond to the presence or absence of harmonics in echolocation calls. We propose that basisphenoid and basioccipital pits are oscillators in the vocal tract and contribute to the production of non‐linear phenomena in vocalizations made by bats. © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2003, 78 , 215–233.  相似文献   

The dynamin family of mechanoenzymes: pinching in new places   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
The large GTPase dynamin is a mechanoenzyme that mediates the liberation of nascent clathrin-coated pits from the plasma membrane during endocytosis. Recently, this enzyme has been demonstrated to comprise an extensive family of related proteins that have been implicated in a large variety of vesicle trafficking events during endocytosis, secretion and even maintenance of mitochondrial form. The potential contributions by the dynamin family to these diverse but related functions are discussed.  相似文献   

Report of two cases with Van der Woude syndrome: a child and her mother: Congenital pits of the lower lip are rare malformations. They are closely associated with cleft lip (CL), cleft lip/palate (CL/CP) or isolated cleft palate (CP) and if so this condition is known as Van der Woude syndrome, which is inherited in an autosomal dominant fashion with high penetrance. Two individuals, one with lower lip pits and cleft palate and the other with isolated lower lip pit from the same family are described. Autosomal dominant pattern of inheritance was observed in this family and treatment consisted of complete removal of sinus tracts in one patient. Pathological features of sinus tracts consisted of stratified nonkeratinized squamous epithelium and a lamina propria of dense connective tissue. Importance of genetic counseling is emphasized as at least half of gene carriers have some kind of clefting.  相似文献   

Members of the evolutionarily conserved dynamin-related GTPase family mediate numerous cellular membrane remodeling events. Dynamin family functions include the scission of clathrin-coated pits from the plasma membrane, mitochondrial fission, and chloroplast division. Here we report that the divergent eukaryote Trypanosoma brucei possesses a single dynamin family gene, which we have designated TbDLP. Furthermore, a single dynamin family gene is also found in the Leishmania major and Trypanosoma vivax genomes, indicating that this is a conserved feature among the kinetoplastida. TbDLP is most homologous to the DMN/DRP family of dynamin-like proteins. Indirect immunofluorescence microscopy reveals that TbDLP is distributed in punctate structures within the cell that partially co-localize with the mitochondrion when labeled with MitoTracker. To define TbDLP function, we have used RNA interference to silence the TbDLP gene. Reduction of TbDLP protein levels causes a profound alteration in mitochondrial morphology without affecting the structure of other membrane-bound compartments, including the endocytic and exocytic apparatus. The mitochondrial profiles present in wild type trypanosomes fuse and collapse in the mutant cells, and by electron microscopy the mitochondria are found to contain an accumulation of constriction sites. These findings demonstrate TbDLP functions in division of the mitochondrial membrane. Most significantly, as TbDLP is the sole member of the dynamin family in this organism, scission of clathrin-coated pits involved in protein trafficking through the highly active endocytic system in trypanosomes must function in the absence of dynamin. The evolutionary implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

领春木茎次生木质部中导管穿孔板的变异   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
领春木Euptelea pleiosperma Hook. f. &; Thoms.隶属领春木科Eupteleaceae。该科为东亚特有的单型科,其系统位置一直颇有争议。本文对中国产领春木茎次生木质部中导管穿孔板的变异进行了观察,以期为它的系统位置提供进一步的解剖学证据。结果表明,领春木茎次生木质部中包括无明显穿孔板的管胞状导管和典型的导管两种类型。在无明显穿孔板的导管中,穿孔中的纹孔膜全部或部分消失,但穿孔无规则排列或聚集,不形成具典型的形态特征的穿孔板;在典型的导管中,穿孔板形态变异较大,包括几个类型:网状穿孔板(含麻黄式穿孔板)、网状和梯状混合型穿孔板、梯状穿孔板、梯状穿孔板向单穿孔板的过渡。在上述导管穿孔板类型中,只有梯状穿孔板的穿孔中可以观察到纹孔膜的残余。在领春木次生木质部中也观察到了端壁多穿孔板及侧壁穿孔板。根据观察结果,我们认为领春木次生木质部导管穿孔板的许多特征说明该科可能处于毛茛目中比较原始的系统位置。  相似文献   

Abstract. Vegetation development in 68 abandoned gravel pits and their surroundings in five regions in Sweden is described by means of classification and ordination. Most pits were less than 10 yr old, but some pits in central Sweden were up to 100 yr old. For 26 pits in central Sweden the results of mechanical and chemical soil analyses are presented. Vegetation in young pits is more homogeneous than the vegetation in the surroundings. The surrounding vegetation type strongly affects pit vegetation. There are regional differences in pit vegetation between pits in coniferous forests in different parts of Sweden. Old gravel pits are clearly distinguished from young ones and show more resemblance to the surrounding vegetation. Tree layer cover and nitrogen content increase, whereas C/N ratio and pH decrease with age. Species richness of the gravel pits was not related to their size.  相似文献   

The secondary xylem of Elaeagnus, Hippophae, and Shepherdia is described and illustrated in detail. Shrubs and small trees of Elaeagnaceae have ring-porous or semi-ring-porous wood with simple perforation plates, vascular tracheids, fiber-tracheids, diffuse or rarely paratracheal axial parenchyma, and uni- or biseriate rays in Hippophae and Shepherdia, but wider rays in Elaeagnus. Walls of vessel elements, especially narrow ones, tracheids, or fiber-tracheids sometimes show helical thickenings; in a few instances these intergrade with small bud-like protrusions associated with pits. Scanning electron microscopy illustrates that small to vestigial vestures are present in all species studied, although nonvestured pits are also common. The analogous nature of vestures and helical thickenings is considered. Comparative wood anatomy suggests a rather isolated position of the family Elaeagnaceae; affinities with Rhamnaceae, Proteaceae, and Thymelaeaceae are discussed.  相似文献   

Disabled-2 (Dab2) is a widely expressed relative of Disabled-1, a neuron-specific signal-transduction protein that binds to and receives signals from members of the low-density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR) family. Members of the LDLR family internalize through clathrin-coated pits and vesicles to endosomes, from where they return to the cell surface through the secretory pathway. In this study, we show that the Dab2 phosphotyrosine-binding domain binds peptides containing the sequence FXNPXY. This core sequence is found in the intracellular domains of LDLR family members and is important for receptor internalization. Dab2 transiently colocalizes with the LDLR in clathrin-coated pits, but is absent from endosomes and lysosomes. Dab2 is alternatively spliced and its localization depends on a region of the protein that contains two DPF motifs that are present in the p96 Dab2 protein and absent in the p67 splice variant. This region is sufficient to confer Dab2 binding to the α-adaptin subunit of the clathrin adaptor protein, AP-2. Overexpression of p96 but not of p67 Dab2 disrupts the localization of AP-2. These findings suggest that in addition to previously reported signal-transduction functions, Dab2 could also act as an adaptor protein that may regulate protein trafficking.  相似文献   

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