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沉水植物化感作用控藻能力评述   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
沉水植物所释放的化学物质对藻类的抑制作用是浅水湖泊维持清水状态的机制之一.本文从具有化感活性的沉水植物在湖泊中出现的频度、盖度、化感物质的种类、抑藻效应等方面对化感控藻进行了评述.已有研究结果表明:穗花狐尾藻、金鱼藻、伊乐藻等是具有很高活性的沉水植物,尤其是在其生物量达到一定程度,且湖泊中的优势藻为较敏感的种类时,沉水植物分泌的化感物质对浮游藻类的抑制作用更强;沉水植物释放的多酚类等化感物质具有控藻能力;化感物质对于不同种类藻的抑制作用具有选择性,蓝藻和硅藻比绿藻更为敏感,附生藻类通常比浮游藻类具有更高的耐受性;环境因素如光照、营养限制、温度等会显著影响沉水植物化感作用效果.沉水植物的化感控藻研究尚处于初始阶段,关于环境因素对化感作用的影响、化感物质的分离鉴定、选择性抑藻机理以及化感物质代谢途径等方面还有待深入、全面的研究.  相似文献   

五种沉水植物对富营养化水体的净化效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为达到净化水质的目的,采用移栽沉水植物控制富营养化水体中营养盐含量和浮游藻类生物量。本研究在夏季藻类密度较高的富营养化水体中移栽5种长江中下游流域常见沉水植物,比较不同沉水植物去除营养盐和控制藻类总量的能力。研究结果:5种沉水植物对水体总氮含量去除率的大小顺序为:竹叶眼子菜>黑藻>苦草>微齿眼子菜>菹草,对总磷去除率大小顺序为:竹叶眼子菜>黑藻>微齿眼子菜>苦草>菹草;竹叶眼子菜控制水体中藻类总量的效果最佳,苦草、微齿眼子菜及菹草次之,黑藻对水体总磷和浮游植物的去除效果均极显著(p≤0.01),而对总氮含量的作用影响不明显(p=0.209)。综合营养盐吸收作用和藻类控制效果来看,竹叶眼子菜在整个实验过程中生长状态良好并达到较为稳定的净化作用,是夏季治理浅型富营养化静水水体的理想物种之一。  相似文献   

滤食性贝类与沉水植物是水生态系统的重要组成部分,对浅水湖泊生态系统的结构、功能和过程具有重要影响,但两者共存产生的生态环境效应尚不明确。本文以背角无齿蚌(Anodonta woodiana)及沉水植物苦草(Vallisneria natans)为对象,通过构建中型水生态系统(对照组、蚌处理组、草处理组、蚌草共存组),研究了背角无齿蚌、苦草及其共存对水质的影响。结果表明:背角无齿蚌可显著降低浮游藻类生物量(Chl-a,P0.05);苦草显著降低了总氮(TN)、硝态氮(NO3--N)、总磷(TP)、溶解性总磷(TDP)及浮游藻类Chl-a(P0.05);蚌草共存显著降低了氮、磷营养盐水平及浮游藻类Chl-a(P0.05);背角无齿蚌对苦草的生长起促进作用,实验结束时蚌草共存组的苦草干重及株高显著高于草处理组(P0.05)。  相似文献   

邢鹏  孔繁翔  曹焕生  张民 《生态学报》2007,27(5):1696-1702
为研究浮游细菌与浮游藻类群落演替的相关性,2005年4月至6月在太湖5个观测点采集浮游细菌及浮游藻类样本。分别采用聚合酶链式反应-变性梯度凝胶电泳(PCR—DGGE)和显微观察的方法分析浮游细菌及浮游藻类群落组成。结果表明,春末夏初,浮游细菌与藻类均呈现较高的多样性,浮游细菌DGGE图谱具有43种不同条带,浮游藻类的常见种有29种。浮游细菌群落聚类分析显示,丝藻(Ulothrix sp.)和微囊藻(Microcystis spp.)占优势时,浮游细菌群落基因组成存在明显差异。以藻类种群Shannon—Wiener多样性指数(Hp),浮游藻类总细胞数(N)以及Microcystis spp.(M)百分含量为变量,典型对应分析(CCA)结果显示浮游细菌与浮游藻类群落结构变化的相关系数为30.9%,表明春末夏初太湖浮游细菌与浮游藻类群落演替具有较高的相关性。  相似文献   

藻类对微量元素的生物富集及其应用   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
生物富集(bioenrichment)又04生物浓缩(bioconcentration)或生物积聚(bioacct-unulahon),是指生物体从周围环境中蓄积某种元素或难分解的化合物,从而使该物质浓度超过环境中其浓度的现象,富集的程度可以用富集系数即生物体中某富集物浓度与环境中该物质浓度之比来表示[l]藻类对许多微量元素具有较强的生物富集能力,可作为生物吸附剂广泛应用于污水处理、水质净化[2.3];稀有、贵重金属和放射性物质的回收[4];痕量、超痕量元素分析[5.6];高附加值生物的培养等方面[7~9]。利用藻类富集微量元素具有经济、高效、选择性…  相似文献   

太湖环棱螺(Bellamya sp.)及其与沉水植物的相互作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
白秀玲  谷孝鸿  何俊 《生态学报》2009,29(2):1032-1037
选用太湖常见的环棱螺及沉水植物,研究了不同状态下环棱螺营养盐的释放特征,探讨了环棱螺对水体营养盐、透明度和浮游藻类的影响,及其与沉水植物的相互作用.结果表明:在一定温度范围内,环棱螺营养盐的释放速率随温度升高而增加,且进食状态下释放速率高于饥饿状态;环棱螺能在短时间内提高水体透明度,但其营养盐释放又引起局部水体溶解态氮磷含量的增加;适宜的条件下,水体中藻类的再生能力超过环棱螺对其的抑制力;水体营养盐含量增加,促进与环棱螺共存的伊乐藻和轮叶黑藻的生长.在太湖的不同湖区,草型湖区螺类的生物量远高于藻型湖区,这表明沉水植物可能是影响螺类分布的重要生态因子之一.  相似文献   

喻晓  张修峰  刘正文 《生态科学》2012,31(3):301-305
底栖藻类和浮游藻类之间的竞争关系对浅水生态系统的结构、功能具有重要的影响,双壳类可通过滤食控制浮游藻类,从而改变底栖藻类与浮游藻类之间的竞争结果。论文通过比较放养背角无齿蚌(Anodonta woodiana)(蚌处理组)与不放养背角无齿蚌(对照组)系统中底栖藻类、浮游藻类的生物量和优势种等的变化,研究了滤食性双壳类对底栖藻类和浮游藻类间竞争的影响。结果表明,背角无齿蚌可显著降低浮游藻类生物量,提高水体透明度和沉积物表面光照条件,从而显著提高底栖藻类的生物量;背角无齿蚌也改变了浮游藻类的优势种,使优势种由蓝藻转变成硅藻。因此,滤食性双壳类有利于促进浅水生态系统从混水态向清水态转变,本研究结果对富营养化浅水湖泊修复与管理具有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

浮游植物叶绿素与脱镁叶绿素的测定方法   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
叶绿素含量的测定,早已受到生理学家的重视。在生态学范畴内,浮游藻类的叶绿素含量既是浮游藻类现存量的一个指标,又是推算浮游藻类生产量的重要参量。故生态学家、水产与环境科学工作者,均日益重视叶绿素含量的测定。本文在综合国内外有关资料的基础上,结合作者的工作经验,对浮游藻类的光合色素组成、叶绿素与脱镁叶绿素的测算原理、测算方法作了详细介绍。  相似文献   

基于化感物质释放特性的沉水植物抑藻作用模式研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
沉水植物对藻类的化感抑制作用,是沉水植物获取竞争优势和维持清水稳态的重要机制之一。化感物质是由植物产生并释放到水环境中的次生代谢产物,化感物质的有效释放和作用是实现沉水植物化感抑藻作用的关键环节。因此,在化感物质释放水平阐明沉水植物化感抑藻的作用模式、过程和机制具有重要意义。通过比较沉水植物化感物质释放到水环境中的种类、含量和常规急性毒性测试中化感物质的抑藻效果,发现沉水植物化感物质在释放水平上的作用模式不同于常规急性毒性试验中的单次作用。为了回答沉水植物化感物质在释放水平如何高效抑藻的问题,结合化感物质的释放特性,重点从化感物质的联合作用和持续作用等角度探讨沉水植物化感抑藻的作用模式,提出沉水植物可能通过多种化感物质低剂量持续释放的方式,实现对目标藻类的持续协同控制。今后有必要进一步结合沉水植物与目标藻类的共存系统与原位实验,借助分析化学、植物化学、细胞和分子生物学的技术手段,从生态学水平加强沉水植物化感抑藻作用机制研究。  相似文献   

淡水湖泊附着藻类生态学研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
附着藻类是淡水生态系统初级生产者的主要组成部分,对淡水生态系统营养盐循环及沉水植物分布具有重要的影响。本文对近年来淡水湖泊生态系统中附着藻类群落组成、生态功能以及主要影响因子进行了分析,从附着藻类种群结构入手,指出附着藻类通过改变群落中优势种的组成来适应不同的环境,阐述了附着藻类在湖泊生态系统营养盐循环中的作用及其与沉水植物之间的关系。针对淡水湖泊富营养化问题,提出了今后附着藻类生态学研究应侧重于:主要因子(如弱光、高浓度的营养盐等)的交互作用对附着藻类的影响,原位实验方法弄清楚附着藻类在湖泊生态系统碳、氮、磷生物地球化学循环中的作用,以及富营养湖泊附植藻类与沉水植物相互作用的机理。  相似文献   

Epiphyton-feeding snails are often a conspicuous feature ofthe invertebrate fauna associated with submerged freshwatermacrophytes. In this paper I review the different interactionstaking place between snails, epiphyton and macrophytes. Studies on grazing by freshwater snails show that snails havea great impact on the biomass, productivity and species compositionof epiphytic communities. Direct effects of grazing on livingmacrophytes are probably of minor importance, but snails havea significant indirect effect on macrophytes by reducing thedetrimental impact of epiphyton (e.g. shading and competitionfor nutrients). Predators of snails can have a mediating effecton snail-epiphyton-macrophyte interactions, both through a directpredatorprey relationship (reducing the density of snails) andby inducing a habitat displacement of the snails. In a studyon the effects of predation by the pumpkinseed sunfish (a specializedsnail predator) it was found that predation indirectly affectsthe biomass and species composition of epiphytic algae by regulatingthe density of snails.  相似文献   

大型水生植物及其附着藻类是浅水湖泊中的重要初级生产者。淡水螺类作为重要的初级消费者,其密度对沉水植物及其附着藻类的影响存在争议。本研究设置4种初始螺类密度(0、40、80、240 ind·m-2),研究淡水螺类(椭圆萝卜螺Radix swinhoei H.Adams)对刺苦草(Vallisneria spinulosa Yan)及其附着藻类的直接牧食作用和螺类种群的变化。结果显示,在添加螺处理中,刺苦草和人工基质表面附着藻类的生物量显著降低,同时沉水植物的生长显著增加,在较高初始密度螺类处理中刺苦草产生更多的分株。到实验结束时,螺类的死亡率较高,但3个有螺处理间螺类鲜重无显著差异,而高初始密度螺类条件下的最终密度仍较高,同时个体重量(均重)也较小。在中富营养条件下淡水螺类可以直接牧食沉水植物叶片,但对植物生长的抑制作用不显著,有可能是因为沉水植物并不能作为唯一的食物来源维持螺类种群,同时螺类的种群结构受到水体营养水平等因素的制约。  相似文献   

Summary An experimental investigation under field conditions of enclosures containing freshwater pulmonate snails, the macrophyteCeratophyllum demersum and epiphytes, produced evidence of beneficial interactions.Ceratophyllum growth, measured in terms of stem length, numbers of leaf-nodes and growing tips and leaf survival was significantly enhanced in the presence of snails. This effect was attributed to the increased availability of plant nutrients of snail origin, such as phosphates and ammonia, as well as to the snails' action as “cleaning symbionts” in reducing the density of bacterial and algal epiphyton potentially deleterious to macrophytes. Principal component analysis revealed both seasonal and treatment effects of snail grazing on algal epiphyton. Small adnate algal species (e.g.Cocconeis placentula) survived grazing and benefited from the removal of larger, competitor, species. Snail densities increased in all treatments, despite high (86%) juvenile mortality. It is concluded that freshwater pulmonate snails are strong interactors in lentic habitats, enhancing the growth ofCeratophyllum and producing characterisic epiphyte communities. This benefits not only the snails, but also the plants and epiphytes that are associated with them. Thus the interactions between these component parts of the community can be considered as mutualistic.  相似文献   

Macrophytes play a key role in stabilizing clear‐water conditions in shallow freshwater ecosystems. Their populations are maintained by a balance between plant grazing and plant growth. As a freshwater snail commonly found in shallow lakes, Radix swinhoei can affect the growth of submerged macrophytes by removing epiphyton from the surface of aquatic plants and by grazing directly on macrophyte organs. Thus, we conducted a long‐term (11‐month) experiment to explore the effects of snail density on macrophytes with distinctive structures in an outdoor clear‐water mesocosm system (with relatively low total nitrogen (TN, 0.66 ± 0.27 mg/L) and total phosphorus (TP, 36 ± 20 μg/L) and a phytoplankton chlorophyll a (Chla) range of 14.8 ± 4.9 μg/L) based on two different snail densities (low and high) and four macrophyte species treatments (Myriophyllum spicatum, Potamogeton wrightii, P. crispus, and P. oxyphyllus). In the high‐density treatment, snail biomass and abundance (36.5 ± 16.5 g/m2 and 169 ± 92 ind/m2, respectively) were approximately twice that observed in the low‐density treatment, resulting in lower total and aboveground biomass and ramet number in the macrophytes. In addition, plant height and plant volume inhabited (PVI) showed species‐specific responses to snail densities, that is, the height of P. oxyphyllus and PVI of M. spicatum were both higher under low‐density treatment. Thus, compared with low‐density treatment, the inhibitory effects of long‐term high snail density on macrophytes by direct feeding may be greater than the positive effects resulting from epiphyton clearance when under clear‐water conditions with low epiphyton biomass. Thus, under clear‐water conditions, the growth and community composition of submerged macrophytes could be potentially modified by the manual addition of invertebrates (i.e., snails) to lakes if the inhibitory effects from predatory fish are minor.  相似文献   

1. Although the biomass of freshwater macrophytes consumed by invertebrate herbivores (excluding crayfish) is usually low, there is growing evidence that invertebrates do exert a structuring effect on macrophyte communities. To explain this, we postulated that the effect of invertebrates may be concentrated on macrophytes during their regenerative phase.
2. We tested this hypothesis by means of a mesocosm-based experiment, in which we investigated the effects of different densities of pond snails [ Lymnaea stagnalis (L.)] on macrophytes regenerating from the natural sediment propagule bank.
3. After 2 months, a diverse macrophyte community had established in the absence of snails, mainly from sexual propagules. Under moderate snail grazing (4 individuals m−2), the ultimate biomass of macrophytes was similar, but its species composition differed dramatically. Only a few unpalatable taxa, such as Ceratophyllum demersum and Nymphaeaceae, persisted. Moreover, the relative success of macrophytes regenerating from vegetative rather than sexual propagules improved. Under higher snail grazing (20 m−2), all macrophytes disappeared before the end of the experiment.
4. These results confirm that snails at natural densities can have a strong effect on the ultimate structure of macrophyte communities by selectively consuming some species at a juvenile stage. Therefore, the regenerative phase can be seen as a window of opportunity for invertebrate grazers, which can have a qualitative effect on communities that is disproportionate to the biomass consumed.  相似文献   

In order to better understand the role of herbivorous snails in freshwater ecosystems, we conducted experiments investigating food preference of the snail Radix swinhoei on leaves of the submerged plant Vallisneria spiralis with and without periphyton coverage. The effects of snail grazing on the growth of V. spiralis were assessed in a no-snail control and at three snail densities (80, 160, 240 individuals m?2). Results showed that the snails chose preferentially leaves covered by periphyton. Grazing activity at low snail density (80 individuals m?2) was found to stimulate V. spiralis growth, but at higher snail density (240 individuals m?2), plant growth was apparently suppressed. An increase observed in nutrient concentrations in water column with increasing snail density may be attributed to nutrient release by snails. This study suggests that the nature of the relationship between herbivorous snails and macrophytes in freshwater ecosystems depends on the abundance of the snails. At low snail density, the relationship may be a mutualistic one, but at high density snail herbivory may impact negatively on macrophyte biomass in lakes.  相似文献   

1. Grazing by invasive species can affect many aspects of an aquatic system, but most studies have focused on the direct effects on plants. We conducted mesocosm and laboratory experiments to examine the impact of the invasive apple snail Pomacea canaliculata on macrophytes, filamentous algae, nutrients and phytoplankton. 2. In a freshwater pond, we confined 500 g of Myriophyllum aquaticum or Eichhornia crassipes with 0, 2, 4 or 8 apple snails in 1 m × 1 m × 1 m enclosures for approximately 1 month. Apple snails grazed heavily on both species of macrophytes, with higher overall weight losses at higher snail densities. The damage patterns differed between the two macrophytes. In M. aquaticum, both leaves and stems suffered from substantial herbivory, whereas in E. crassipes, only the roots suffered significant weight reduction. 3. In addition to grazing on macrophytes, apple snails appeared to have controlled the growth of filamentous algae, as these did not develop in the snail treatments. The ability of P. canaliculata to control filamentous algae was supported by a laboratory experiment where the consumption was as high as 0.25 g g−1 snail DW d−1. Because of a lack of native herbivorous snails in the pond, the growth of filamentous algae (mainly Spirogyra sp.) reached 80.3 g m−2, forming a spongy pond scum in the no‐apple snail control. Together with previous reports that apple snails could eat the juveniles and eggs of other freshwater snails, our results indicated that P. canaliculata could have out‐competed native herbivorous snails from the pond by predation on their juveniles or eggs. Alternatively, P. canaliculata might have out‐competed them by monopolisation of food resources. 4. Nitrogen and phosphorous concentrations remained low throughout both experiments and were not correlated with apple snail density. The treatment effects on chlorophyll a (Chl a) and phytoplankton composition varied in the two experiments. In the M. aquaticum experiment, with increasing snail density, Chl a increased, and the phytoplankton community became dominated by Cryptophyceae. In the E. crassipes experiment, Chl a level was independent of snail density, but with increasing snail density, the phytoplankton community became co‐dominated by Cryptophyceae, Chlorophyceae and Bacillariophyceae. 5. Given the multiple effects of P. canaliculata on wetland biodiversity and function, management strategies should be developed to prevent its further spread. In invaded wetlands, strategies should be developed to eradicate the apple snail and re‐introduce native snails which can control the development of filamentous algae.  相似文献   

The golden apple snail (Pomacea canaliculata), a native of freshwater wetlands of South America, has invaded many Asian countries and grazed heavily in agricultural and wild areas. Common carp (Cyprinus carpio) has been proposed as a biological control agent against this snail, but little is known about its impact on non-target aquatic plants and animals. In a 8-week enclosure experiment, we quantified the impact of common carp on three species of aquatic macrophytes and nine species of snails, including the apple snail, in a shallow pond. The results showed that the apple snail or carp alone significantly reduced the plant biomass, although the apple snail had a stronger overall herbivorous effect than the carp. The carp completely removed juvenile apple snails, but had only a weak predatory effect on larger apple snails and no effect on the adults’ oviposition frequency. Furthermore, the carp significantly reduced the populations of most species of other snails that occurred naturally in the pond. Our results thus indicate that common carp can be an effective biological control agent against the invasive apple snail, but caution should be taken about its potential to reduce wetland floral and faunal diversity.  相似文献   

  • 1 The effects of epiphyton grazing and nutrient recycling by the freshwater snail Planorbis planorbis on the growth of the macrophyte Ceratophyllum demersum were examined in laboratory experiments.
  • 2 Ceratophyllum plants grown in the presence of snails, or in water chemically conditioned by snails, were significantly longer, had more healthy nodes of leaves, and more growing tips than Ceratophyllum plants grown in isolation. There were no significant differences between the growth of plants that were grazed by snails, and those plants which received water chemically conditioned by snails.
  • 3 Adult P. planorbis released 3.74 × 10?4μg phosphate, 23.9 × 10?4μg nitrate, 4.38 × 10?4μg ammonia, and 0.79 × 10?4μg of urea mg?1 wet weight of snail h?1. Measurements of these chemicals in the experimental systems suggested that ammonia was an important nutrient in stimulating the growth of Ceratophyllum.
  • 4 Removal of epiphyton by grazing snails significantly prolonged the life of individual Ceratophyllum leaves compared to ungrazed leaves.

1. The invasive golden apple snail (Pomacea canaliculata), native to South America, is a serious pest on rice seedlings in south‐east Asia and has also been shown to consume large amounts of macrophytes in natural wetlands, with large effects on ecosystem functioning. Earlier studies suggest that the snail undergoes an ontogenetic diet shift, feeding on algae and detritus as juveniles and shifting to aquatic macrophytes as adults. 2. Here, we study the effects of snail populations with a size‐structure typical of either populations at an invasive front or the size‐structure of established populations. In an enclosure experiment performed in a wetland in Laos, we compared treatments with small snails only (3 mm; invasive treatment) to treatments with small, medium sized (10 mm) and adult (>25 mm) snails (established treatment). The effects of snail grazing on three aquatic macrophyte species and periphytic algae were quantified. 3. We found that snails of all sizes had a strong negative effect on the biomass of all macrophyte species and periphytic algae. There was no evidence of an ontogenetic diet change, i.e. snails in both the invasive and established treatments affected macrophyte biomass. Foraging was size‐dependent in that small snails had higher relative foraging capacity (g plant consumed per g of snail) compared with medium and adult snails. Small snails, therefore, depressed growth of medium snails at increasing densities through exploitative competition for preferred resources, while adult snails did not grow at all in the presence of small snails. 4. Density dependence is common in freshwater invertebrates, including gastropod populations, but differences in size dependent foraging‐ and competitive‐ability have rarely been demonstrated in this group of organisms. Knowledge about intra‐specific differences in ecological performance may, however, both deepen our understanding of the processes that underlie population dynamics in invertebrates such as gastropods, and help develop control strategies for invasive golden apple snails.  相似文献   

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