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本文论述了近30年来广东省昆虫生态学的发展状况及不同分支学科的研究进展,主要包括30年来的代表性事件、昆虫种群生态学、昆虫群落生态学、昆虫行为生态学、昆虫生理生态学、昆虫化学生态学和昆虫分子生态学的研究。  相似文献   

植物、植食性昆虫及捕食者种间化学信息物质   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
张学祖 《昆虫知识》1994,31(1):52-55
昆虫与植物、昆虫与昆虫之间的联系,存在一个极为复杂的信息化学网络(alleloch。micalwe),这些信息化学物质(semiochemica)引起昆虫行为和生理上的许多反应,从而形成一个多层次、巨大的生物群落网络,并协调三级营养(tritronhic)即植食性昆虫取食植物,而肉食昆虫又捕食或寄生植食性昆虫,或更多营养层次之间的关系。本文拟概述化学生态学在这方面取得的一些新进展。种内信息化学物质叫做信息素(pheromone)研究的较早,例如多种昆虫的性息素。而另一类属于种间的信息化学物质(allelochemics)则研究的较少。在任何三级营养水平…  相似文献   

昆虫触角电位(EAG)及其与气谱联用(GC-EAD)技术   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
昆虫触角电位(EAG)和气相色谱-触角电位(GC-EAD)是昆虫化学生态学中最重要的电生理技术,在研究昆虫对信息化学物质的感受机理、筛选活性信息素成分或植物次生物质等方面发挥关键作用。本文介绍这两种技术的基本原理、操作步骤和应用实例等,并对使用中应该注意的事项进行了详尽讨论。  相似文献   

多通道电生理记录(Multiunit recording,MR)和气相色谱(Gas chromatography,GC)-多通道电生理记录(GC-MR)是昆虫化学生态学中研究昆虫对气味化合物神经元反应非常重要和前沿的电生理技术,在研究昆虫对植物气味和性信息素的嗅觉反应机制以及高灵敏性筛选活性化合物等方面具有非常重要的作用。本文介绍这一技术的基本原理、操作步骤和应用实例,并详尽说明了使用中应该注意的事项。  相似文献   

作为传统的交叉学科,化学生态学在解决农林生产和人类健康的问题中逐步成为内涵越来越丰富的学科领域;同时,技术进步极大推动着化学生态学的发展,使得我们对于生物之间化学通讯规律的认识更加深入和全面。本“昆虫化学生态学”专辑论文全面反映了我国昆虫化学生态学研究的特色,即以农林生产应用为导向,传统和现代技术并用,研究水平逐步和国际同步。在组学的技术背景下,坚持交叉学科特色,加强合作,化学生态学研究在粮食安全、生态保护、应对全球气候变化等方面会发挥更大作用。  相似文献   

第十四届国际化学生态学年会于1997年7月12日至16日在加拿大、温哥华市举行。有来自美国、加拿大等23个国家的近400名代表出席了会议。我受国家自然科学基金委的资助出席了会议。会议进行3场讨论会和10场论文报告会。讨论会的题目分别是:1.小合化学生态学的最新进展;2.吸血节肢动物的引诱信息化合物及其它引诱因素;3.海洋化学生态学。10场论文报告会的题目分别是:1.鞘翅目昆虫的信息素;2.昆虫与植物的化学关系;3.脊椎动物的信息素;4.蚜虫对信息化合物的反应;5.海洋化学生态学;6.社会性昆虫的化学生态学;7.鳞翅目昆虫的…  相似文献   

2009年10月27~30日,亚太地区化学生态学大会在美国夏威夷召开。这次大会的主题是“探索生命的多样性”。来自世界各地的约200名学者和研究生参加了会议。参会代表就“果蝇的化学生态学”、“昆虫信息素的基础和应用”、“分子化学生态学”、“入侵物种化学生态学”、“水生生物化学生态学”、“三级营养关系”、“昆虫与植物的关系”、“次生物质多样性”、“次生物质的研究和应用”等方面,利用大会报告、分组报告、口头报告和墙报等形式,进行了广泛和深入的交流。  相似文献   

中国昆虫生态学五十年(1949~1999)   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
丁岩钦  戈峰 《昆虫知识》2000,37(1):18-23
150年来昆虫生态学在我国的发展概况昆虫生态学这门学科50年来在我国有了很大的发展,它不仅由一门经典的描述性生物分文学科,发展而成为动态的定量分析的学科,由一门纯生物学科发展而成多门交叉学科,并且正在通过宏观学科与微观学科相结合,而发展成为一门完整的综合生态学科。50年前(即1949年以前)昆虫生态学在我国的基础极其薄弱,仅有一些田间调查描述性的记载。50年代的研究内容主要是重要害虫的田间发生规律及生态习性,亦相应开展一些生理生态的实验工作。60年代的中心工作是种群生态学的数量动态与空间动态的研究以及种群大发…  相似文献   

植物气味多样性与昆虫关系的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
植物气味是多种挥发物组成的混合物,具有丰富的多样性。由于植物气味多样性在植食性昆虫及其天敌与植物的关系中起着决定性作用,近年来将昆虫化学生态学、昆虫行为学与景观生态学研究相结合,探讨田间和不同景观尺度上植物气味多样性与昆虫嗅觉行为的关系受到关注。本文从植物气味多样性相关概念的分析、植物气味多样性与植食性昆虫的关系、植物气味多样性与天敌昆虫的关系、植物气味多样性研究方法等方面,介绍了国内外最新的研究进展,期望为推进我国该领域研究提供参考。  相似文献   

在昆虫信息素研究领域当中,鳞翅目昆虫的性信息物质相关研究开展得的最早,也较为详尽。目前全世界已经鉴定出来有超过了1 572种蛾类的信息素组分,各个种间信息素的比例和组分都不尽相同,这正是生物多样性在化学信息联络方面的完美体现。人类对昆虫信息素的研究已经持续了半个多世纪,昆虫信息素的研究一直是化学生态学的一个重要课题,总结出的很多经典方法与结论,对于指导农业实际生产和相关产业生活都具有指导意义。本文综述了昆虫信息素的研究概况、研究方法以及应用现状,力求为进一步深入研究提供参考。  相似文献   

寄主植物-蚜虫-天敌三重营养关系的化学生态学研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张峰  阚炜  张钟宁 《生态学报》2001,21(6):1025-1033
综述了寄主植物-蚜虫-天敌三重营养关系的化学生态学研究,重点阐述了3个研究热点:①植物挥发性物质在蚜虫及其天敌选择寄主行为过程中的作用;②蚜虫信息素和蜜露对蚜虫天敌寄主选择行为的影响;③植物挥发性物质对蚜虫信息系作用的影响。对寄主植物-蚜虫-天敌三重营养关系的全面了解,将为蚜虫的综合治疗提供新思维。  相似文献   

Aphids, through their close association with plants, cause systemic release of semiochemicals. These may have negative effects on subsequent aphid colonisation and can also have positive roles with insects that are antagonistic to aphid development, for example parasitoids. One of the semiochemicals involved in host selection by aphids is methyl salicylate, and since this compound was shown to have a role as a plant stress signal, the hypothesis that aphids might facilitate identification of new plant signals was examined. Confirmation was obtained during an investigation of avoidance of unsuitable hosts by the lettuce aphid, Nasonovia ribis-nigri. (Z)-Jasmone was identified as a plant-derived semiochemical acting negatively for a number of aphid species, and positively for insect antagonists such as parasitoids and predators. However, when the compound was employed at 0.1 ppm in air above intact plants, these plants then attracted aphid parasitoids long after the (Z)-jasmone itself was no longer detectable. A specific interaction was proposed, since the (Z)-jasmone appeared to be selectively taken up by the plants. Aerial interactions between intact barley plants from different cultivars, which may be differentially releasing stress associated signals, can also influence acceptability to aphids. Furthermore, it has been shown that exudates from the roots of aphid-infested plants, grown hydroponically or in soil, cause intact plants to become more attractive to parasitoids.  相似文献   

The aphid–ant mutualistic relationships are not necessarily obligate for neither partners but evidence is that such interactions provide them strong advantages in terms of global fitness. While it is largely assumed that ants actively search for their mutualistic partners namely using volatile cues; whether winged aphids (i.e., aphids’ most mobile form) are able to select ant‐frequented areas had not been investigated so far. Ant‐frequented sites would indeed offer several advantages for these aphids including a lower predation pressure through ant presence and enhanced chances of establishing mutuaslistic interactions with neighbor ant colonies. In the field, aphid colonies are often observed in higher densities around ant nests, which is probably linked to a better survival ensured by ants’ services. Nevertheless, this could also result from a preferential establishment of winged aphids in ant‐frequented areas. We tested this last hypothesis through different ethological assays and show that the facultative myrmecophilous black bean aphid, Aphis fabae L., does not orientate its search for a host plant preferentially toward ant‐frequented plants. However, our results suggest that ants reduce the number of winged aphids leaving the newly colonized plant. Thus, ants involved in facultative myrmecophilous interactions with aphids appear to contribute to structure aphid populations in the field by ensuring a better establishment and survival of newly established colonies rather than by inducing a deliberate plant selection by aphid partners based on the proximity of ant colonies.  相似文献   

Aphid ecology and population dynamics are affected by a series of factors including behavioural responses to ecologically relevant chemical cues, capacity for population growth, and interactions with host plants and natural enemies. Using the aphid Rhopalosiphum padi (L.) (Homoptera: Aphididae), we showed that these factors were affected by infection with Rhopalosiphum padi virus (RhPV). Uninfected aphids were attracted to odour of uninfected aphids on the host plant, an aggregation mechanism. However, infected aphids were not attracted, and neither infected nor uninfected aphids were attracted to infected aphids on the plant. Infected aphids did not respond to methyl salicylate, a cue denoting host suitability. Infected aphids were more behaviourally sensitive to aphid alarm pheromone, and left the host plant more readily in response to it. RhPV reduced the lifespan and population growth rate of the aphid. The predacious ladybird, Coccinella septempunctata (L.) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), consumed more infected aphids than uninfected aphids in a 24‐h period, and the aphid parasitoid Aphidius ervi Haliday (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae) attacked more infected than uninfected aphids. However, the proportion of mummies formed was lower with infected aphids. The results represent further evidence that associated organisms can affect the behaviour and ecology of their aphid hosts.  相似文献   

1. The aphid alarm pheromone (E)‐β‐farnesene (EBF) is often considered to be used by natural enemies as a prey/host finding kairomone. However, studies show opposing results, some appear to confirm an attraction of aphid natural enemies by EBF whereas others do not provide any evidence for the kairomone function of EBF. 2. To clarify if aphid natural enemies are attracted by the amounts of EBF naturally emitted by aphids, the existing literature was reviewed about EBF attractiveness to aphid natural enemies with consideration of the amounts of EBF used in the studies. 3. Thirty‐one publications that investigated the ability of EBF, aphid cornicle secretion, and attacked aphids, to attract aphid natural enemies were found. Several studies showed an attraction by EBF, but these used much higher amounts of EBF than usually emitted by aphids during a predator attack. Studies investigating EBF amounts similar to what is emitted by aphids are rare and failed to show attraction. Only two studies document an attraction of natural enemies by attacked aphids. 4. As EBF is emitted in very low amounts, not very stable, and only present after an attack, we suggest that aphid‐derived EBF is not a suitable kairomone for most natural enemy species, especially when they are able to use alternative cues. As EBF, amongst other volatiles, is also emitted by herbivore‐induced plants, we propose that natural enemies might use plant‐derived EBF as a synomone to identify aphid‐infested plants via an altered plant volatile bouquet.  相似文献   

Aphid herbivory decreases primary production in natural ecosystems and reduces crop yields. The mechanism for how aphids reduce yield is poorly understood as some studies suggest aphid feeding directly impedes photosynthesis, whereas other studies suggest a change in allocation of resources from growth to defense compounds reduces yield. To determine the mechanisms underlying reduced plant growth by aphids, Nicotiana attenuata plants, native tobacco, were infested with Myzus persicae ssp. nicotianae, tobacco-adapted green peach aphids, at low and high densities, and plant performance including fitness was assessed. To test the direct defense capacity of salicylic acid (SA) on aphid performance, we fed aphids an artificial diet with varying levels of SA and measured their survivorship and fecundity. There was no detectable effect of aphid herbivory on net photosynthesis, yet herbivory reduced plant growth, final biomass (43 % at high aphid density), and seed set (18 % at high aphid density) at both low and high aphid infestation levels. High-density aphid attack during the rosette and flowering stage caused an increase in SA levels, but caused only a transient decrease in jasmonic acid concentration at low aphid density. SA concentrations similar to those found in infested flowering plants decreased aphid fecundity, suggesting that SA was an effective chemical defense response against aphids. These results suggest that as aphid densities increased the proximal cause of reduced growth and yield was not reduced photosynthesis, but instead resources may have been mobilized for defense via the SA pathway, decreasing the availability of resources for building plant biomass.  相似文献   

When attacked by natural enemies some insect pests, including many aphid species, alert neighboring conspecifics with alarm pheromones. Cornicle secretions with pheromones benefit the attacked aphid but are costly to produce, while alarm pheromone benefits probably fall largely on alerted conspecifics. Given these variable benefits, the likelihood of a secretion may change depending on aphid density. Thus, we first hypothesized that the common alarm pheromone in aphids, E-ß-farnesene (EBF), was present in soybean aphid (Aphis glycines Matsumura) cornicle secretions and would elicit an alarm response in aphids exposed to it. Second, since aphids other than the secretor also benefit from cornicle secretions, we hypothesized that the likelihood of secretion would increase concurrently with the density of neighboring clonal conspecifics. Third, because alarm reaction behavior (e.g. feeding cessation) is probably costly, we hypothesized that alarm reaction behavior would decrease as conspecific density (i.e. alternative prey for an attacking natural enemy) increased. We found that soybean aphids 1) produce cornicle secretions using EBF as an alarm pheromone, 2) are less likely to release cornicle secretions when alone than in a small group (~10 individuals), but that the rate of secretion does not increase further with additional conspecific density, and 3) also exhibit alarm reaction behavior in response to cornicle secretions independent of aphid density. We show that soybean aphids can use their cornicle secretions to warn their neighbors of probable attack by natural enemies, but that both secretion and alarm reaction behavior does not change as density of nearby conspecifics rises above a few individuals.  相似文献   

Since its introduction into the United States in the past 10 yr, soybean aphid, Aphis glycines Matsumura (Hemiptera: Aphididae), has been a damaging pest to soybean, Glycine max (L.) Merrill. During 2008 and 2009, fields in central and north central Iowa experienced pockets of high soybean aphid populations. Electroantennograms have shown that soybean aphid alatae are capable of detecting host plant volatiles and sex pheromones. Here, we evaluated baited pan traps as a potential soybean aphid attractant. Yellow pan traps were placed in soybean fields after planting along with lures that contained plant volatiles and sex pheromones in 2008 or sex pheromones only in 2009. Pan trap contents were collected weekly, and plant counts also were conducted. Aphids were identified, and soybean aphids were counted to determine whether one chemical lure was more attractive to spring migrants than other lures. In both years, soybean aphids collected in pan traps with lures were not significantly different from the other products tested.  相似文献   

The impacts of infestation by the green peach aphid (Myzus persicae) on sweetpotato whitefly (Bemisia tabaci) settling on tomato were determined in seven separate experiments with whole plants and with detached leaves through manipulation of four factors: durations of aphid infestation, density of aphids, intervals between aphid removal after different durations of infestation and the time of whitefly release, and leaf positions on the plants. The results demonstrated that B. tabaci preferred to settle on the plant leaves that had not been infested by aphids when they had a choice. The plant leaves on which aphids were still present (direct effect) had fewer whiteflies than those previously infested by aphids (indirect effect). The whiteflies were able to settle on the plant which aphids had previously infested, and also could settle on leaves with aphids if no uninfested plants were available. Tests of direct factors revealed that duration of aphid infestation had a stronger effect on whitefly landing preference than aphid density; whitefly preference was the least when 20 aphids fed on the leaves for 72 h. Tests of indirect effects revealed that the major factor that affected whitefly preference for a host plant was the interval between the time of aphid removal after infestation and the time of whitefly release. The importance of the four factors that affected the induced plant defense against whiteflies can be arranged in the following order: time intervals between aphid removal and whitefly release > durations of aphid infestation > density of aphids > leaf positions on the plants. In conclusion, the density of aphid infestation and time for which they were feeding influenced the production of induced compounds by tomatoes, the whitefly responses to the plants, and reduced interspecific competition.  相似文献   

Most studies regarding ant–aphid interactions focus only on the direct effects of ants on tended aphids and aphidophagous predators, or the indirect effects on the host plant. Studies evaluating the effects of aphid‐tending ants on more than one trophic level are rare and evaluate only the presence or absence of such effects. Here we assessed the effect sizes of ants in a tri‐trophic system (common bean plants, aphids and lacewing larvae). We tested if the presence of aphid‐tending ants has positive effects on aphid abundance and host‐plant production and negative effects on aphid predator abundance. We also hypothesized that aphid‐tending ants affect more intensely trophic levels that are more directly related to them (i.e., first aphids, then aphid predators and then host plants). We tested these hypotheses in field mesocosms experiments using the presence and absence of ants. We found that aphid‐tending ants have great positive effects on final aphid abundance. Ants also positively affected the number of seeds; however, it was not possible to measure the effect size for this trophic level. Furthermore, ants had negative effects on lacewing larvae only at first release. The effect size of ants was greater for aphids, followed by lacewing larvae, and with no effects on the number of seeds produced. Ants positively affect aphids and host‐plant production, probably by way of honeydew collection preventing the development of entomophagous/saprophytic fungi. On the other hand, ants negatively affect lacewing larvae by excluding them from the host plant. In natural systems, several ant species may attend aphids, differently affecting the organisms of the various trophic levels within the ant–aphid interaction, thereby obscuring the real effect size of ants. Assessing the effect size of aphid‐tending ants on the organisms involved in ant–aphid interactions provides more realistic information about the effects of this interaction on natural systems.  相似文献   

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