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人工繁殖的东方田鼠G带核型研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
东方田鼠 (Microtusfortis)分布于我国东北、西北、华中、华南 17个省区 ,在韩国及俄罗斯也见报道。国内对该鼠的 5个亚种 ,即指名亚种 (M .f.for tis) (西北 )、东北亚种 (M .f .pelliecus)、辽宁亚种 (M .f.dolichocephalus)、长江亚种 (M .f .calamorum)和福建亚种 (M .f .fujianensis) (华南 ) ,作过一般生物学描述[1] ,对于东方田鼠研究得较多的是长江亚种 ,6 0年代有人对该种动物的生态学特点进行了报道 ,近期对洞庭湖区东方田鼠的种群动态、繁殖特性、迁…  相似文献   

大雾岭保护区野猪种群数量、结构及繁殖习性的初步研究   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:18  
吴诗宝  陈海  蔡显强 《兽类学报》2000,20(2):151-156
野猪 ( Susscrofa)是重要的资源兽类之一 ,几乎广布于我国各地 ,国外见于欧洲、非洲和亚洲。至今已记录的亚种有 2 3个 ,我国 6个 [1~ 3] ,由于大量捕杀和栖息地破坏 ,其数量下降很快 ,不少地方已很难见到 [1,4 ] 。广东已将野猪列为省重点保护动物。开展野猪生态学的研究 ,可为野猪资源的保护和利用提供科学依据。近年来 ,国外对野猪的种群生态学的研究十分活跃 ,内容广而深入 [5~ 12 ] ,而国内迄今只有几篇综述性的报道 [13~ 16 ] ,仅有高中信等对小兴安岭地区野猪冬季卧息地选择进行了较为细致的研究 [4 ] 。笔者于 1 996年 5月至 1 …  相似文献   

稻绿核菌〔Ustilaginoideavirens(Cke.)Tak.〕又名稻曲拟黑粉菌[1],其子实体即为中药的粳谷奴,治走马喉痹[2],ShibataS.报道稻绿核含有稻核黑粉菌素(ustilaginoidins)[3]。YabutaT.andSumikiY.检测证?..  相似文献   

甘肃鼢鼠的求偶和交配行为   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李金钢  何建平  王廷正 《兽类学报》2001,21(3):234-235,233
甘肃鼢鼠 (Myospalaxcansus)主要分布在我国黄土高原地区 ,该鼠的繁殖生态学已有许多报道[1~3] 。其繁殖行为尚未见报道。国内外已对高原鼢鼠 (Myospalaxbaileyi)、裸瞎鼠 (Heterocephalusglaber)、鼹形鼠 (Spalaxehrenbergi)和囊鼠 (Thomomysbottae)等地下鼠的繁殖行为作了研究[4~8] 。由于甘肃鼢鼠营严格的地下生活 ,在野外其繁殖行为无法观察。本文对室内甘肃鼢鼠的求偶行为和交配行为进行初步观察 ,将结果予以报道。1 材料和方法实验用成年甘肃鼢…  相似文献   

熊科(Ursidea)动物世界上共有6个属,我国的熊科动物仅包括3个属,即棕熊属(Ursus),黑熊属(Selenarctos)和马来熊属(Helarctos)。其中,棕熊Ursusarctos全球共分9个亚种,我国有4个亚种:普通棕熊U.a.arc...  相似文献   

In 1 991 ,Huangetal.[1] attributedtheLonggupomandibletoHomoerectus ,andthenlater[2 ]suggesteditwasclosetoHomoergaster.WoodandTurner[3] agreedthisattribution .LarickandCio chon[4 ] aswellasCiochon[5] attributedittoHomo .ThehominidstatushasbeenchallengedbyWolpoff[6 ] ,SchwartzandTattersall[7] andPope[8] ,aswellasbyEtlerandZhou[9] whofurtherindicat edanancestor descendentrelationshipbetweenLufengpithecusandtheLonggupomandible .Butthereisnodetaileddiscussioninanyofthesearticles.Thepresentauthorwouldliketopresen...  相似文献   

胭脂鱼弹状病毒对鲤科鱼类感染性的测定   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
已报道的鱼类弹状病毒有十几种[1~4] ,包括胭脂鱼弹状病毒 (ChineseSuckerRhabdovirus,CSRV)、病毒性出血败血症病毒 (Viralhaemorrhagicsepticemiavirus,VHSV)、传染性造血器官坏死病病毒 (Infectioushematopoieticnecrosisvirus,IHNV)等。CSRV是近年从患致死性出血综合症的胭脂鱼中新分离到的一种病毒病原 ,其毒力较强 ,能在胞质中形成包涵体 ,能很快导致包括草鱼卵巢细胞 (Ctenopharyngodonidellu…  相似文献   

基因工程杀蚊幼蓝藻研究的由来和发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用基因工程手段构建杀蚊幼蓝藻始于1987年[1],在1993年第一次报道了完整活细胞的高杀蚊幼活力[2]。当时国外对杀蚊幼蓝藻日趋持否定态度,基因工程蓝藻高杀蚊毒效的报道重新激起了人们的兴趣。7年来杀蚊幼蓝藻在蚊虫控制方面的应用前景已进一步获得肯定[3,4]。虽然也有报道显示水细菌Asticcacaulisexcentricus表达杀蚊幼蛋白基因获高毒效[5],相比而言,丝状固氮蓝藻可开放式大量生产,并可在水稻田中放养作为生物肥源[6],其工厂化生产规模使得大范围推广应用较容易,因而在未来蚊虫和流行病控制的实际操作中应具有更…  相似文献   

乳链菌肽的生物合成及其分子结构与功能的关系   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
乳链菌肽 (Nisin)是乳酸乳球菌乳酸亚种 (Lactococcuslactissubsp.lactis)某些菌株产生的一种小肽 ,亦称之为乳酸链球菌肽或乳酸链球菌素。由于它对许多革兰氏阳性菌 ,包括葡萄球菌 (Staphylococcus)、梭菌 (Clostridium)、芽孢杆菌 (Bacillus)、利斯特氏菌 (Listeria)等造成食品严重危害的腐败菌有强烈抑制作用 ,并对人体安全无毒 ,是人们广为应用的一种天然食品防腐剂 ,已被全世界 5 0多个国家和地区用于乳制品、罐头食品、植物蛋白食品、肉制品的防腐保鲜。…  相似文献   

水稻草状矮化病于70年代曾在南亚、东南亚大面积发生,给当地的水稻生产造成严重损失,在我国也有分布[1]。其病原是水稻草矮病毒(Ricegrassystuntvirus,RGSV),为纤细病毒属(Tenuivirus)的一个成员,病毒粒体丝状,由核衣壳蛋白和基因组RNA组成[2]。基因组含六个ssRNA片段,均为双义编码[3,4],其中RNA5的毒义互补链编码核衣壳蛋白(nucleocapsidprotein,NCP)[3]。本文报道应用RTPCR技术获得RGSV沙县分离株(RGSVSX)NCP基因的cDNA克隆,并得到其在大肠杆…  相似文献   

岩层倾向对南方喀斯特地区坡耕地土壤理化性质的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
岩层倾向与不同坡向组合形成了顺向坡和逆向坡的地貌差异,进而影响了土壤中非生物资源的分布。喀斯特地区由于特殊的地质构造,顺向坡和逆向坡分布普遍。以重庆市酉阳县泔溪镇喀斯特槽谷坡耕地为研究区域,研究岩层倾向对喀斯特地区坡耕地土壤理化性质的影响。研究结果表明,顺向坡表层和下层土壤的自然含水量、饱和含水量、总孔隙度、毛管孔隙度均显著高于逆向坡相应层位,非毛管孔隙度、容重显著低于逆向坡相应层位。顺向坡土壤的sa(SiO_2/Al_2O_3)、saf(SiO_2/(Al_2O_3+Fe_2O_3))值显著高于逆向坡,顺向坡淋溶发育程度高于逆向坡。顺向坡土壤表层和下层的有机质、速效钾及碱解氮含量均显著高于逆向坡表层和下层相应含量,而pH值和有效磷含量是逆向坡含量较高。顺向坡下层土壤pH值和水分含量低于表层,而逆向坡下层土壤pH值和水分含量高于表层。综上结果表明,当岩层倾向与坡向相同时,更有利于水分的入渗和保持,促进土壤的淋溶与发育。  相似文献   

2010年4~5月,在甘肃马鬃山采用样线法对北山羊Capra ibex春季卧息地的选择性进行了研究,共测定了63个卧息地样方,63个对照样方.经过分析表明,北山羊卧息地选择偏好利用阳坡、上坡位、膜果麻黄与裸岩(P<0.05),同时具有海拔高、坡度大、远离道路、远离居民点、距水源较近、接近隐蔽物、隐蔽级高等特征(P<0....  相似文献   

海南坡鹿(Cervus eldi hainanus)仔鹿对卧息地的选择   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
宋延龄  李善元 《兽类学报》1991,11(3):161-164
1986年和1987年的10月至12月共发现14个海南坡鹿仔鹿的卧息地。研究表明,仔鹿对卧息地的选择不受母鹿影响。在保护区围栏内的多种栖息地中,仔鹿对次生落叶季雨林白下的茅、黄茅草坡有明显偏爱,有12个卧息地被发现于这种环境中。该环境在每10平方米面积内约有1—2株小乔木,30一60株灌木,草本植物高于50厘米,通视条件良好。仔鹿对卧息地的选择似乎与水源无关,但不能排除风向对仔鹿选择卧息地坡向有所影响。适当地清除过于密集的灌丛,有利于仔鹿栖息。  相似文献   

Black rhino numbers have decreased greatly since the early 1970s, primarily as a result of poaching. A recent strategy to protect rhinos in Kenya has been to establish fenced sanctuaries. This has increased the rhino population and that of other species, but problems have emerged because of limited dispersal and rising animal densities. Unfortunately, how rhino utilize habitat, especially areas called bedding sites, is not well understood. These areas provide shade and may be a critical component of rhino habitat. We measured habitat variables at bedding sites located in bedding plots and compared them with control plots at Sweetwaters Reserve, Kenya. Euclea divinorum was the most common tree in the bedding site comprising 64.3% of the vegetation. Elephant dung was significantly more likely to be found in bedding plots than in control plots which suggests that elephants and rhinos use overlapping habitats. Elephants may be causing damage to the tree species that are important for bedding sites. Resource competition between large herbivores in small reserves is likely to negatively affect the tree species. Black rhino habitat, particularly bedding sites, may be at risk and rhino numbers may decrease.  相似文献   

We sought to explore the distribution pattern of Na(+) channels across ventricular wall, and to determine its functional correlates, in the guinea pig heart. Voltage-dependent Na(+) channel (Na(v)) protein expression levels were measured in transmural samples of ventricular tissue by Western blotting. Isolated, perfused heart preparations were used to record monophasic action potentials and volume-conducted ECG, and to measure effective refractory periods (ERPs) and pacing thresholds, in order to assess excitability, electrical restitution kinetics, and susceptibility to stimulation-evoked tachyarrhythmias at epicardial and endocardial stimulation sites. In both ventricular chambers, Na(v) protein expression was higher at endocardium than epicardium, with midmyocardial layers showing intermediate expression levels. Endocardial stimulation sites showed higher excitability, as evidenced by lower pacing thresholds during regular stimulation and downward displacement of the strength-interval curve reconstructed after extrasystolic stimulation compared with epicardium. ERP restitution assessed over a wide range of pacing rates showed greater maximal slope and faster kinetics at endocardial than epicardial stimulation sites. Flecainide, a Na(+) channel blocker, reduced the maximal ERP restitution slope, slowed restitution kinetics, and eliminated epicardial-to-endocardial difference in dynamics of electrical restitution. Greater excitability and steeper electrical restitution have been associated with greater arrhythmic susceptibility of endocardium than epicardium, as assessed by measuring ventricular fibrillation threshold, inducibility of tachyarrhythmias by rapid cardiac pacing, and the magnitude of stimulation-evoked repolarization alternans. In conclusion, higher Na(+) channel expression levels may contribute to greater excitability, steeper electrical restitution slopes and faster restitution kinetics, and greater susceptibility to stimulation-evoked tachyarrhythmias at endocardium than epicardium in the guinea pig heart.  相似文献   

The selection of bedding sites is important for the ecology of ruminants, but has mainly been described for temperate species. Here we assessed the bed site selection of two Southeast Asian tropical deer, red muntjac and sambar, in Khao Yai National Park, Thailand. We surveyed transects weekly for 10 weeks each in 2003 and 2004 to locate bed sites, and compared the slope, aspect, and forest canopy cover of bed site locations between the two species and with available habitat. As with most temperate deer, muntjac and sambar both avoided sites with low levels of cover for their bed site locations; this could be for concealment or thermoregulation. Sambar also selected flatter sites than would be expected by the availability of topographic slopes; this could be to reduce the energy associated with getting to and from bed sites, or to increase long-range visibility from sites. Muntjac and sambar differed in their choice of aspects for bed sites; muntjac disproportionately chose west-facing areas, while sambar chose east-facing locations. This could represent a strategy by which one species avoids the other, or else differential resource requirements between the two species.  相似文献   

Decline of zoonotic agents in livestock waste and bedding heaps   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
AIMS: To measure the rates of decline of zoonotic agents introduced into heaps of spent bedding and faecal wastes generated by commercially farmed livestock and managed in a similar way to that of a working farm. METHODS AND RESULTS: Livestock isolates of Salmonella, pathogenic Listeria, Campylobacter and Escherichia coli O157 were laboratory cultured and used to inoculate 5 m3 heaps of cattle, sheep or pig wastes mixed with bedding materials. Decline of each of the infectious agents was monitored with time as was the temperature inside each heap. Temperatures of >50 degrees C were typically achieved at the core of the heaps. Pathogen decline was rapid, typically <3 days for a 1-log reduction in levels. The longest time that zoonotic agents were isolated from the heaps was 93 days. CONCLUSIONS: Movement of heaps of livestock bedding waste from animal pens to a secondary store, and storing them under conditions conducive for increased temperature is a simple and cost-effective treatment for rapidly lowering levels of zoonotic agents in solid farm wastes. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This study demonstrates a simple and cheap treatment that can be used to help prevent the spread of zoonotic agents through agricultural environments.  相似文献   

李言阔  张明海  蒋志刚 《生态学报》2008,28(10):4619-4628
于2004~2005年冬季研究了完达山地区马鹿的生境利用和选择。在野外调查的基础上,获取了研究地区马鹿种群水平上的生境利用数据;利用地理信息系统和遥感技术,从区域尺度上测度了各类生境因子的可获得性。通过比较被利用生境与可获得生境,测度了马鹿冬季对各类生境或生态因子的选择。结果表明,马鹿对植被类型、海拔、坡向、NDVI等级、到公路距离表现出非比例利用,对坡度的利用与其可获得性则没有显著性差异。马鹿选择采伐迹地,低郁闭度生境(第2、3NDVI等级),200~300m海拔区间,南坡,距离公路600~700m的区间。马鹿采食生境和卧息生境对各类因子具有不同的选择性,表现出不同功能生境分离的特征。对于采食生境,马鹿选择采伐迹地、阔叶疏林,低郁闭度(第2、3NDVI等级),南坡;对于卧息生境,马鹿仅选择采伐迹地,低郁闭度(第2、3、4NDVI等级)。根据马鹿活动样点的出现与否,建立了马鹿冬季生境选择的逻辑斯谛回归模型。模型回判结果表明,该模型对马鹿活动样方与对照样方的总体正确预测率为74.4%,对马鹿活动样方的正确预测率为84.2%,对对照样方的正确预测率为62.4%,能够较好的预测生境利用概率。  相似文献   

A wildlife species’ selection of bedding sites is often characterised by strong trade-offs, as habitat quality, predator avoidance and foraging needs should be achieved simultaneously. Human activities often represent major threats in addition. In areas of intensive agriculture, e.g. mowing is one of the main causes of mortality of roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) fawns due their hiding strategy. For a species’ offspring, the selection of bedding sites is particularly crucial and thus, identifying how and when animals use such habitats is important for management. We used a long-term dataset of marked roe deer fawns in Switzerland (1971–2015) to reveal the characteristics of optimal bedding sites within the first two weeks of a fawn’s life in three contrasting landscapes and the potential trade-offs that may occur. We hypothesised that roe deer adjust the selection of bedding sites to current environmental conditions and available habitat to achieve sufficient levels of predator avoidance and thermoregulation necessary for the fawn’s survival, as well as the availability of sufficient food resources for the mother doe. We found that, in general, grassland habitats with medium vegetation height (20–50 cm) and habitats in close proximity to the edge of the forest were favoured to achieve those basic requirements. However, the use of bed site habitats differed between the three contrasting landscapes in dependence of elevation and hence vegetation phenology. Our results provide essential information to reduce mortality rates caused by mowing and improve the reproductive success of this species.  相似文献   

Thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) binding sites were labeled in vitro in mounted brain tissue sections from rat and guinea pig brains with [3H]methyl TRH and localized autoradiographically using 3H-sensitive film. Regional densities of TRH binding sites were measured by computer-assisted microdensitometry. The distribution of sites in both species was highly heterogeneous. In both guinea pig and rat brains, the highest densities of binding sites were seen in the amygdaloid nuclei and the perirhinal cortex. In contrast, in other brain areas, a clear difference between the distribution of sites in rat and guinea pig was found. The temporal cortex, pontine nuclei, and interpeduncular nucleus, which contained high densities of binding in the guinea pig, were scarcely labeled in the rat. The accessory olfactory bulb and the septohippocampal area presented in the rat higher concentrations of binding sites than in the guinea pig. Other brain areas showing intermediate to low densities in both species were accumbens nucleus, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, dentate gyrus, facial and hypoglossal nuclei, and gelatinosus subnucleus of the trigeminal nerve, among others. The anterior pituitary also presented low to intermediate concentrations of receptors. The distribution of TRH sites here described does not completely correlate with that of endogenous TRH, but is in good agreement with previous biochemical data. The results are discussed in correlation to the physiological effects that appear to be mediated by TRH.  相似文献   

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