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陆地生态系统碳循环模型研究概述   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
陆地碳循环研究是全球变化研究中的一个重要组成部分,而碳循环模型已成为目前研究陆地碳循环的必要手段.本文针对有关碳循环研究方面的进展,介绍了陆地碳循环模型的基本结构、碳循环过程中涉及的两个基本模型以及目前陆地生态系统碳循环模型的两大类型,并通过对现有主要陆地生态系统碳收支模式的分析,指出了未来陆地碳循环模型的研究方向可能是发展基于动态植被的生物物理模型.这种耦合模型也可能是地球系统模式的重要组成部分.  相似文献   

草地群落的土壤呼吸   总被引:56,自引:2,他引:54  
通过土壤呼吸作用向大气释放CO2是陆地生态系统碳循环的一个最主要的环节,也是人类活动影响下陆地生态系统对大气中CO2浓度产生影响,从而导致全球气候变化的关键生态学过程,因而成为全球碳循环研究中倍受关注的核心问题[33,37,38]。1土壤呼吸的测定方...  相似文献   

陆地生态系统类型转变与碳循环   总被引:50,自引:6,他引:44       下载免费PDF全文
 土地利用变化引起的陆地生态系统类型转变对于全球碳循环有着极其重要的作用。 通过总结国内外有关森林砍伐以及森林、草地转变成农田对于碳循环的影响,阐述了可能引起全球“未知汇”现象的重要原因,强调未来中国陆地生态系统碳循环研究应充分重视陆地生态系统类型转变对于全球碳循环的影响研究,包括研究陆地生态系统的不同发展阶段(自然与退化生态系统)、利用方式的改变(森林转化为人工林或农田,草地转化为农田、退耕还林草等)所引起的碳库类型转换的增汇机理及其对全球变化响应,并指出了建立统一观测方法与规范的陆地生态系统碳通量观测网  相似文献   

陆地生态系统地下碳输入与输出过程研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
生态系统地下碳输入与输出过程是陆地生态系统碳分配和转化的核心,并直接影响着全球碳循环。陆地生态系统凋落物、根系周转、根系分泌物、土壤有机碳、土壤微生物和土壤呼吸是地下碳输入与输出过程中的重要组成部分。由于这些组分非常复杂且其研究技术和方法受到限制,目前人们对陆地生态系统地下碳输入与输出过程尚缺乏全面的认识,故在陆地生态系统碳循环研究中存在诸多的不确定性。该文概述了凋落物、根系周转、根系分泌物、土壤有机碳、土壤微生物和土壤呼吸的研究方法,以及它们对气候变化的响应,探讨了陆地生态系统地下碳输入与输出过程中的研究难点,并对未来需要深入探究的一些领域进行了展望。  相似文献   

陆地生态系统碳源与碳汇及其影响机制研究进展   总被引:27,自引:2,他引:25  
全球碳循环研究中发现,目前已知碳源与碳汇不能达到平衡。存在一个很大的碳失汇。大气、海洋和陆地生态系统是人工源CO2的3个可能的容纳汇,其中陆地生态系统最复杂、最具不确定性,因此陆地生态系统碳源与碳汇研究是全球碳循环研究的核心问题之一。大气成分监测、CO2通量测定、森林资源清查以及模型模拟等方面的研究都表明,CO2施肥效应、氮沉降增加、污染、全球气候变化以及土地利用变化,是影响陆地生态系统碳储量的主要生态机制,但不确定在过去的10~100年以及未来哪一种机制起最主要的作用。  相似文献   

陆地碳循环研究中的模型方法   总被引:23,自引:3,他引:20  
陆地碳循环是全球变化研究中的重要内容,碳循环模型已成为研究陆地碳循环的必要方法.其中气候变化、大气CO2浓度上升以及人类活动引起的土地利用和土地覆盖变化导致陆地生态系统在结构、功能、组成和分布等方面的变化及其反馈关系对陆地碳循环的影响是模型模拟的关键问题.生物地理模型和生物地球化学模型是碳循环模型的两大类型,建模方法、模型性质、特点和应用范围各异.碳循环模型的发展方向是综合两类模型的特点,建立全球动态碳循环模型.  相似文献   

陆地生态系统与大气间CO2交换是全球碳循环的最重要组成部分,科学地测定其CO2交换通量一直是陆地生态系统碳循环研究的核心工作之一。提高观测的效率和减少观测对自然的干扰,是科学精确地估算区域和全球尺度上的陆地生态系统与大气间CO2交换量的关键。在参考国内外已有的陆地生态系统与大气间CO2交换通量箱式法观测技术的基础上,发展了一套多通道全自动通量箱系统用来连续观测陆地生态系统或土壤与大气间的CO2交换通量。在黄土高原中国科学院长武农业生态试验站的麦田和苹果园中进行了系统测试,结果表明,该系统不但能够实现自动、连续、多点观测,而且对自然环境的影响比较小,在田间的实验观测中,该系统运行稳定,能够比较客观地得到陆地生态系统与大气间的CO2交换通量。  相似文献   

气候变暖对陆地生态系统碳循环的影响   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
作为全球变化的主要表现之一,气候变暖对全球陆地生态系统碳循环的影响巨大,揭示这一作用对于精确理解碳循环的过程和相关政策的制定具有重要的指导意义。该文综述了此领域近十几年来的主要研究工作,总结了陆地生态系统碳循环对气候变暖响应的主要内部机制及其过程,简述了相关模型的发展及其主要应用,并指出以往研究中存在的主要问题以及未来研究的主要方向。在气候变暖条件下,陆地生态系统碳循环的变化主要体现在以下几个方面:1)低纬度地区生态系统NPP一般表现为降低,而在中高纬度地区通常表现为增加,而在全球尺度上表现为NPP增加;2)土壤呼吸作用增强,但经过一段时间后表现出一定的适应性;3)高纬度地区的生态系统植被碳库表现为增加趋势,低纬度地区生态系统植被碳库变化不大,或略微降低,在全球尺度上表现为植被碳库增加;4)地表凋落物的产量和分解速率增加;5)土壤有机碳分解加速,进而减少土壤碳储存,同时植被碳库向土壤碳库的流动增加从而增加土壤碳库,这两种作用在不同生态系统的比重不同,在全球尺度上表现为土壤碳库的减少;6)尽管不同生态系统表现各异,总体上全球陆地生态系统表现为一个弱碳源。生物物理模型、生物地理模型和生物地球化学模型陆续被开发出来用于研究工作,并取得了一定的成果,但是研究结果仍然存在很大的不确定性。在未来的数年甚至是数十年间,气候变暖与全球变化的其它表现间的协同影响将是下一步的研究重点,气候变暖和陆地生态系统间的双向反馈作用机制是进行更准确研究的理论基础,生态系统结构和功能对气候变化的适应性是准确理解和预测未来气候情景下陆地生态系统碳循环的前提。  相似文献   

UV-B辐射增强对陆地生态系统碳循环的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为全球变化的重要现象之一,紫外射线B(UV-B,波长280~320 nm)辐射增强对陆地生态系统碳循环具有重要影响.UV-B辐射增强主要通过改变植物的光合作用、凋落物分解以及土壤呼吸来影响陆地生态系统碳的输入和转化输出.其他气候因子(大气CO2浓度、温度和水分)可能会促进或减缓UV-B辐射对陆地生态系统碳循环的作用.本文介绍了UV-B辐射增强的背景,综述了国内外近年来UV-B辐射增强及与其他气候因子交互作用对陆地生态系统碳循环的影响,总结了目前研究存在的不足,讨论了未来的研究重点和方向.  相似文献   

骆亦其  夏建阳 《生物多样性》2020,28(11):1405-340
生态系统维持物质与能量的动态平衡是地球系统孕育与维持生物多样性的重要基础。自工业革命以来, 人类活动导致陆地生态系统的碳循环转变为动态非平衡,进而使陆地生态系统的结构与功能出现许多难以预测的变化动态。本文阐释了陆地生态系统碳循环的动态非平衡假说。该假说构建于陆地碳循环内部过程的四点基本特征和五类外部驱动因素。基于这些内部特征与外部因素, 本文归纳了陆地生态系统碳循环动态非平衡在不同时间与空间尺度的表达现象, 并从观测、实验与模型的角度讨论了其检测方法。陆地生态系统碳循环的动态非平衡假说不仅有助于我们理解复杂的陆地碳循环现象, 也为预测未来陆地碳汇动态提供了新的理论框架。  相似文献   

城市土壤碳循环与碳固持研究综述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
罗上华  毛齐正  马克明  邬建国 《生态学报》2012,32(22):7177-7189
城市化过程带来的土地利用变化和环境污染是全球变化的重要方面,城市为人们了解人类与自然复合生态系统对全球变化的影响及其对全球变化的响应过程提供一个独特的"天然实验室"。陆地生态系统碳循环是全球变化研究的热点领域之一,然而,人们对城市在全球碳循环中的作用和影响知之甚少,城市土壤碳循环研究处于起步阶段。介绍了城市土壤的主要特性和碳循环特征,指出强烈的人为作用是其最突出的特点;综述了城市土壤碳库、碳通量和碳固持研究方面取得的进展;探讨了城市化过程中土地利用变化、土壤中生物及土壤管护措施、城市小气候、大气污染沉降和土壤污染等对土壤碳循环的影响;提出未来城市碳循环研究需要开展长期系统监测、深化城市土壤碳循环机制研究、创新研究范式和研究方法、并将研究成果与城市景观规划与设计相结合,提升城市土壤碳管理能力。  相似文献   

赵广  张扬建 《生态学报》2023,43(20):8493-8503
工业革命以来,大气CO2浓度持续上升,升高的CO2浓度会改变植物光合产物积累、土壤碳库的碳输入和碳输出过程,进而通过影响有机碳组成和周转特征来调控土壤碳库动态变化。土壤碳库是陆地生态系统碳库的重要组成部分,其碳储量的微小变化都会对大气CO2浓度和气候变化产生巨大影响。但目前关于CO2浓度升高对土壤碳库动态和稳定性的影响还不清楚,很大程度上限制了预测陆地生态系统碳循环对气候变化的反馈。系统综述国内外大气CO2浓度升高对植被生产力、植被碳输入和土壤碳库影响的研究进展,旨在揭示土壤碳库物理、化学组成以及周转特征对CO2浓度升高的响应过程和机理,探讨CO2升高情境下土壤微生物特征对土壤碳库稳定性的影响和驱动机制,为深入理解全球变化下的土壤碳循环特征提供理论支撑。  相似文献   

The response of soil organic carbon (SOC) pools to globally rising surface temperature crucially determines the feedback between climate change and the global carbon cycle. However, there is a lack of studies investigating the temperature sensitivity of decomposition for decadally cycling SOC which is the main component of total soil carbon stock and the most relevant to global change. We tackled this issue using two decadally 13C‐labeled soils and a much improved measuring system in a long‐term incubation experiment. Results indicated that the temperature sensitivity of decomposition for decadally cycling SOC (>23 years in one soil and >55 years in the other soil) was significantly greater than that for faster‐cycling SOC (<23 or 55 years) or for the entire SOC stock. Moreover, decadally cycling SOC contributed substantially (35–59%) to the total CO2 loss during the 360‐day incubation. Overall, these results indicate that the decomposition of decadally cycling SOC is highly sensitive to temperature change, which will likely make this large SOC stock vulnerable to loss by global warming in the 21st century and beyond.  相似文献   

外来植物入侵对陆地生态系统地下碳循环及碳库的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
闫宗平  仝川 《生态学报》2008,28(9):4440-4450
生物入侵是当今全球性重大环境问题之一, 是全球变化的主要研究内容.评价外来植物入侵对于生态系统影响的研究多集中在地上部分,对于生态系统地下部分影响的研究相对较少.陆地生态系统地下部分对于生态系统过程的重要性之一体现在它处于生态系统碳分配过程的核心环节.入侵种通过影响群落凋落物的输入数量、质量以及输入时间,影响到对于土壤的碳输入,而入侵种与土著种根系的差异以及入侵种对微生物群落的影响是造成土壤呼吸强度发生变化的主要因素,前者土壤呼吸强度一般比后者高.多数研究表明外来植物入侵对生态系统地下碳循环和碳库产生影响,但由于入侵植物种类较多以及研究地点环境条件的不同,关于外来植物入侵对于土壤碳库和土壤有机碳矿化影响的研究结论并不统一.最后,提出了今后该研究领域应加强的一些建议和方向.  相似文献   

Removal of biomass for bioenergy production may decrease soil organic carbon. While perennials or cover‐cropped grains often have greater root production than annual grain crops, they variably impact soil carbon and underlying mechanisms remain unclear. We used high‐frequency measurements of soil respiration and natural abundance carbon stable isotopes to differentiate respiration sources, pool sizes, and decomposition rate constants during a 10 month incubation of soils collected to 1 m depth from a 10 year old field experiment in Iowa, United States. Conversion of corn–soybean rotations to reconstructed prairies or addition of a rye cover crop to continuous corn significantly altered respiration sources and dynamics of fast‐ and slow‐cycling carbon (turnover times of weeks to months–years, respectively), but had little effect on bulk soil carbon and several extractable pools (except in fertilized prairie). Both unfertilized and fertilized prairies increased slow‐cycling carbon pools relative to annual crops, but only in 0–25 cm soil. Compared with fertilized prairie, the unfertilized prairie significantly increased decomposition rates of fast‐ and slow‐cycling carbon pools in 0–25 cm soil, likely explaining the lack of significant bulk soil carbon accrual despite twofold greater root production. Carbon derived from C4 plants decomposed faster than C3‐derived carbon across all depths and cropping systems and contributions of C3‐carbon to respiration increased with depth. Respiration of cover crop‐derived carbon was greatest in 0–25 cm soil but comprised >25% of respiration below 25 cm, implying a disproportionate impact of the cover crop on deep soil metabolism. However, the cover crop also increased the decomposition rates of fast‐ and slow‐cycling carbon pools and decreased their pool sizes across all depths relative to corn without a cover crop. Despite their notable environmental benefits, neither unfertilized perennials nor cover crops necessarily promote rapid soil carbon sequestration relative to conventional annual bioenergy systems because of concomitant increases in decomposition.  相似文献   

Thermal adaptation of soil microbial respiration to elevated temperature   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the short‐term heterotrophic soil respiration is strongly and positively related to temperature. In the long‐term, its response to temperature is uncertain. One reason for this is because in field experiments increases in respiration due to warming are relatively short‐lived. The explanations proposed for this ephemeral response include depletion of fast‐cycling, soil carbon pools and thermal adaptation of microbial respiration. Using a > 15 year soil warming experiment in a mid‐latitude forest, we show that the apparent ‘acclimation’ of soil respiration at the ecosystem scale results from combined effects of reductions in soil carbon pools and microbial biomass, and thermal adaptation of microbial respiration. Mass‐specific respiration rates were lower when seasonal temperatures were higher, suggesting that rate reductions under experimental warming likely occurred through temperature‐induced changes in the microbial community. Our results imply that stimulatory effects of global temperature rise on soil respiration rates may be lower than currently predicted.  相似文献   

Livestock grazing activities potentially alter ecosystem carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) cycles in grassland ecosystems. Despite the fact that numerous individual studies and a few meta‐analyses had been conducted, how grazing, especially its intensity, affects belowground C and N cycling in grasslands remains unclear. In this study, we performed a comprehensive meta‐analysis of 115 published studies to examine the responses of 19 variables associated with belowground C and N cycling to livestock grazing in global grasslands. Our results showed that, on average, grazing significantly decreased belowground C and N pools in grassland ecosystems, with the largest decreases in microbial biomass C and N (21.62% and 24.40%, respectively). In contrast, belowground fluxes, including soil respiration, soil net N mineralization and soil N nitrification increased by 4.25%, 34.67% and 25.87%, respectively, in grazed grasslands compared to ungrazed ones. More importantly, grazing intensity significantly affected the magnitude (even direction) of changes in the majority of the assessed belowground C and N pools and fluxes, and C : N ratio as well as soil moisture. Specifically,light grazing contributed to soil C and N sequestration whereas moderate and heavy grazing significantly increased C and N losses. In addition, soil depth, livestock type and climatic conditions influenced the responses of selected variables to livestock grazing to some degree. Our findings highlight the importance of the effects of grazing intensity on belowground C and N cycling, which may need to be incorporated into regional and global models for predicting effects of human disturbance on global grasslands and assessing the climate‐biosphere feedbacks.  相似文献   

Arid and semiarid ecosystems play a significant role in regulating global carbon cycling, yet our understanding of the controls over the dominant pathways of dryland CO2 exchange remains poor. Substantial amounts of dryland soil are not covered by vascular plants and this patchiness in cover has important implications for spatial patterns and controls of carbon cycling. Spatial variation in soil respiration has been attributed to variation in soil moisture, temperature, nutrients and rhizodeposition, while seasonal patterns have been attributed to changes in moisture, temperature and photosynthetic inputs belowground. To characterize how controls over respiration vary spatially and temporally in a dryland ecosystem and to concurrently explore multiple potential controls, we estimated whole plant net photosynthesis (Anet) and soil respiration at four distances from the plant base, as well as corresponding fine root biomass and soil carbon and nitrogen pools, four times during a growing season. To determine if the controls vary between different plant functional types for Colorado Plateau species, measurements were made on the C4 shrub, Atriplex confertifolia, and C3 grass, Achnatherum hymenoides. Soil respiration declined throughout the growing season and diminished with distance from the plant base, though variations in both were much smaller than expected. The strongest relationship was between soil respiration and soil moisture. Soil respiration was correlated with whole plant Anet, although the relationship varied between species and distance from plant base. In the especially dry year of this study we did not observe any consistent correlations between soil respiration and soil carbon or nitrogen pools. Our findings suggest that abiotic factors, especially soil moisture, strongly regulate the response of soil respiration to biotic factors and soil carbon and nitrogen pools in dryland communities and, at least in dry years, may override expected spatial and seasonal patterns.  相似文献   

鼎湖山自然保护区土壤有机碳贮量和分配特征   总被引:63,自引:4,他引:59  
基于61个土壤剖面的数据,分析了鼎湖山自然保护区4种自然植被类型(沟谷雨林、季风常绿阔叶林、山地常绿阔叶林和山地灌木草丛)和4种次生植被类型(马尾松针叶林、针阔混交林、次生季风常绿阔叶林和常绿灌丛)的土壤有机碳贮量及其分配特征.结果如下(1)各植被类型土壤有机碳含量随深度增加而减少,但植被类型不同其减少程度不同.除 >40cm土层外,自然植被类型的土壤有机碳含量明显高于次生植被类型.(2)土壤碳密度和土壤有机碳含量一样随深度增加而减少.两大植被类型间比较,除山地灌木草丛 >40cm土层外,自然植被类型各个土层土壤碳密度都高于所有的次生植被类型对应的碳密度.对于整个土层而言,各植被类型土壤碳密度在30.9~127.9 t/hm2间,总平均为73.9 t/hm2.(3)各植被类型的土壤厚度平均为36.7~73.3cm,总平均为56.4cm.除了山地常绿阔叶林外,土壤厚度基本上沿海拔高度增加而减少.(4)保护区各植被类型总面积为1028.4 hm2,土壤总碳贮量为72287.0 t,其中0~10、10~20、20~40cm和 >40cm四个土层分别占32.0%、20.6%、25.8%和21.6%.自然植被土壤碳贮量在表层(0~20cm)的比重比次生植被的高.所有的植被类型中,混交林碳贮量贡献最大,季风常绿阔叶林次之.自然植被类型土壤在碳贮存方面发挥积极的作用.(5)通过比较,鼎湖山保护区土壤碳密度整体较低,表层土壤碳贮量贡献较大.分析表明人为干扰是制约土壤碳贮存量大小的重要因素.  相似文献   

Global changes such as variations in plant net primary production are likely to drive shifts in leaf litterfall inputs to forest soils, but the effects of such changes on soil carbon (C) cycling and storage remain largely unknown, especially in C‐rich tropical forest ecosystems. We initiated a leaf litterfall manipulation experiment in a tropical rain forest in Costa Rica to test the sensitivity of surface soil C pools and fluxes to different litter inputs. After only 2 years of treatment, doubling litterfall inputs increased surface soil C concentrations by 31%, removing litter from the forest floor drove a 26% reduction over the same time period, and these changes in soil C concentrations were associated with variations in dissolved organic matter fluxes, fine root biomass, microbial biomass, soil moisture, and nutrient fluxes. However, the litter manipulations had only small effects on soil organic C (SOC) chemistry, suggesting that changes in C cycling, nutrient cycling, and microbial processes in response to litter manipulation reflect shifts in the quantity rather than quality of SOC. The manipulation also affected soil CO 2 fluxes; the relative decline in CO 2 production was greater in the litter removal plots (?22%) than the increase in the litter addition plots (+15%). Our analysis showed that variations in CO 2 fluxes were strongly correlated with microbial biomass pools, soil C and nitrogen (N) pools, soil inorganic P fluxes, dissolved organic C fluxes, and fine root biomass. Together, our data suggest that shifts in leaf litter inputs in response to localized human disturbances and global environmental change could have rapid and important consequences for belowground C storage and fluxes in tropical rain forests, and highlight differences between tropical and temperate ecosystems, where belowground C cycling responses to changes in litterfall are generally slower and more subtle.  相似文献   

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