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Gavin  Daniel G.  Peart  David R. 《Plant Ecology》1997,131(2):223-231
We examined the spatial structure and regeneration of Tetramerista glabra, a dominant canopy tree in peat swamp rain forest in Borneo (West Kalimantan, Indonesia). T. glabra has strong spatial structure that changes dramatically during the life cycle; seedlings were highly aggregated, saplings were random and trees were evenly distributed. Germination and seedling relative growth were highest within canopy gaps, but seedling densities were highest at gap edges. Concentration of seedlings in gap edges, rather than localized seed dispersal, was responsible for seedling patchiness. The slope of the relationship between relative growth rate and seedling height decreased from gap, to gap edge to understory habitats, suggesting that competition within the seedling layer is more important in gaps than in the understory. The processes that break down seedling aggregation, leading to over-dispersion of trees, must be density dependent, but remain unknown.  相似文献   

We compared the functional type composition of trees ≥10 cm dbh in eight secondary forest monitoring plots with logged and unlogged mature forest plots in lowland wet forests of Northeastern Costa Rica. Five plant functional types were delimited based on diameter growth rates and canopy height of 293 tree species. Mature forests had significantly higher relative abundance of understory trees and slow-growing canopy/emergent trees, but lower relative abundance of fast-growing canopy/emergent trees than secondary forests. Fast-growing subcanopy and canopy trees reached peak densities early in succession. Density of fast-growing canopy/emergent trees increased during the first 20 yr of succession, whereas basal area continued to increase beyond 40 yr. We also assigned canopy tree species to one of three colonization groups, based on the presence of seedlings, saplings, and trees in four secondary forest plots. Among 93 species evaluated, 68 percent were classified as regenerating pioneers (both trees and regeneration present), whereas only 6 percent were classified as nonregenerating pioneers (trees only) and 26 percent as forest colonizers (regeneration only). Slow-growing trees composed 72 percent of the seedling and sapling regeneration for forest colonizers, whereas fast-growing trees composed 63 percent of the seedlings and saplings of regenerating pioneers. Tree stature and growth rates capture much of the functional variation that appears to drive successional dynamics. Results further suggest strong linkages between functional types defined based on adult height and growth rates of large trees and abundance of seedling and sapling regeneration during secondary succession.
Abstract in Spanish is available at http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/loi/btp  相似文献   

利用1996年在湖南省会同林区布置的20个1 hm~2的实验样地,以剔除或林下不含箬叶竹样地作为对照(C),保留箬叶竹作为处理(I),评估了天然林重建过程中林下单优箬叶竹灌丛形成对树种更新过程的影响.处理10a以后结果显示,箬叶竹灌丛盖度上升到95%.进一步通过2007年两种样地乔木多度、多样性、生物量以及物种组成等指标的测量表明,单优箬叶竹灌丛显著抑制了树种的存活与生长,18~390 cm高度级别的树种多度和多样性显著降低,尽管高度18 cm以下级别的幼苗以及成年树的多度和多样性没有显著下降,但是生物量从幼苗到成年树,处理样地普遍下降.幼苗、幼树、成年树地上部分生物量分别下降47.45%、39.87%、59.64%,地下部分生物量分别下降55.70%、46.08%、63.62%.NMS(非计量多元尺度法)排序进一步表明两种样地具有显著不同的树种组成,揭示两种样地处于不同的演替更新阶段.结果表明单优箬叶竹灌丛的形成能延缓树种更新的进程,因此天然林重建过程中应注意避免该类林下植被的出现.  相似文献   

Seedling and sapling dynamics in a Puerto Rican rain forest were compared between forest understory and soil pits created by the uprooting of 27 trees during Hurricane Hugo. Soil N and P, organic matter, and soil moisture were lower and bulk densities were higher in the disturbed mineral soils of the pits than in undisturbed forest soils ten months after the hurricane. No differences in N and P levels were found in pit or forest soils under two trees with N–fixing symbionts (Inga laurina and Ormosia krugii) compared to soils under a tree species without N–fixing sym–bionts (Casearia arborea), but other soil variables (Al, Fe, K) did vary by tree species. Forest plots had greater species richness of seedlings (<10 cm tall) and saplings (10–100 cm tall) than plots in the soil pits (and greater sapling densities), but seedling densities were similar between plot types. Species richness and seedling densities did not vary among plots associated with the three tree species, but some saplings were more abundant under trees of the same species. Pit size did not affect species richness or seedling and sapling densities. Recruitment of young Cecropia schreberiana trees (>5 m tall) 45 months after the hurricane was entirely from the soil pits, with no tree recruitment from forest plots. Larger soil pits had more tree recruitment than smaller pits. Defoliation of the forest by the hurricane created a large but temporary increase in light availability. Recruitment of C. schreberiana to the canopy occurred in gaps created by the treefall pits that had lower soil nutrients but provided a longer–term increase in light availability. Treefall pits also significantly altered the recruitment and mortality of many understory species in the Puerto Rican rain forest but did not alter species richness.  相似文献   

 以浙江天童国家森林公园常绿阔叶林为对象,应用永久样方法和每木调查法调查了群落种类组成和结构,并对主要组成种的种群结构进行了分析。依据胸径级频率分布的形状,将各树种的种群结构归纳为5种类型,并结合生物学、生态学特征,分别讨论了其更新类型,同时对调查群落所处的演替阶段进行了诊断。结果表明:1)群落为6种共优势群落,出现木本植物69种。2)种群结构为单峰型的马尾松(Pinus massoniana)、枫香(Liquidambar formosana)和檫木(Sassafras tzumu)等为阳性高大乔木,无正常更新能力,更新类型是先锋群落优势种或是顶极性先锋种;间歇型的木荷(Schima superba)、黑山山矾(Symplocos heishanensis)和红楠(Machilus thunbergii)等为具有耐荫性的常绿阔叶树种,更新具有波动性和机会性,是演替系列或顶极群落优势种;逆-J字型的米槠(Castanopsis carlesii)、栲树(Castanopsis fargesii)和长叶石栎(Lithocarpus harlandii)等为强耐荫性的常绿阔叶树种,通过幼苗库和根萌生枝进行更新,是顶极群落的优势种;浙江新木姜子(Neolitsea aurata var. chekiangensis)、厚皮香(Ternstroemia gymnanthera)等为L字型;连蕊茶(Camellia fraternna)、老鼠矢(Symplocos stellaris)等为单柱型,此二型是群落亚乔木层和灌木层的主要组成种。3)调查群落已进入演替的顶极阶段,但仍处于其前期,将进一步向以米槠、栲树为主要优势种的方向发展。  相似文献   

The effect of canopy trees on understory seedling and sapling distribution is examined in near-climax hemlock-northern hardwood forests in order to predict tree replacement patterns and assess compositional stability. Canopy trees and saplings were mapped in 65 0.1-ha plots in 16 tracts of old-growth forests dominated by Tsuga canadensis, Acer saccharum, Fagus grandifolia, Tilia americana, and Betula lutea in the northeastern United States. Seedlings were tallied in sub-plots. Canopy influence on individual saplings and sub-plots was calculated, using several indices for canopy species individually and in total. For each species sapling and seedling distributions were compared to those distributions expected if saplings were located independently of canopy influence. Non-random distributions indicated that sapling and seedling establishment or mortality were related to the species of nearby canopy trees. Hemlock canopy trees discriminate against beech and maple saplings while sugar maple canopy favors beech saplings relative to other species. Basswood canopy discourages growth of saplings of other species, but produces basal sprouts. Yellow birch saplings were rarely seen beneath intact canopy. Since trees in these forests are usually replaced by suppressed seedlings or saplings, canopy-understory interactions should influence replacement probabilities and, ultimately, stand composition. I suggest that hemlock and basswood tend to be self-replacing, maple and beech tend to replace each other, and birch survives as a fugitive by occupying occasional suitable gaps. This suggests that these species may co-exist within stands for long periods with little likelihood of successional elimination of any species. There is some suggestion of geographical variation in these patterns.  相似文献   

The taungya agro‐forestry system is an under‐researched means of forest restoration that may result in high tree diversity. Within a forest reserve in Ghana, the forest core and its surrounding Teak‐ and Cedrela‐taungya on logged, cropped and burned land were mapped with ALOS satellite imagery. Native trees, seedlings and saplings were enumerated in 70 random, nested plots, equally divided between forest and taungya. The native tree regeneration was assessed by species richness (SR), Shannon‐Wiener Index (SWI), Shannon Evenness Index (SEI) and species density (SeD) for seedlings, saplings and trees separately and combined and subsequently correlated with canopy covers (CC) in taungya. As anticipated, the taungya diversity was lower than the forest diversity but higher than reported from nontaungya exotic plantations. In the forest, the diversity of native trees increased from seedlings through saplings to trees. The reverse was found in the taungya. Taungya seedling diversity was not significantly different from the forest, while the sapling and tree diversity were significantly lower. Weak correlations of CC with SR, SWI, SEI and SeD were found. Our results suggest the need for treatment to maintain the tree diversity beyond the seedling stage in the taungya.  相似文献   

Non-random seed shadows are commonly seen in plant species whose seeds are dispersed by animals, in particular by birds. The behaviour of birds can influence the spatial pattern of seed dispersal and, consequently, the entire regeneration process of fleshy-fruited trees. This study examined regeneration patterns in a fleshy-fruited tree species, rowan (Sorbus aucuparia L.), growing in West Carpathian subalpine spruce forests, focussing on two problems: the temporal relationship between rowan regeneration and gap formation, and the spatial relationship between rowan regeneration and stand structure. It was found that rowan seedlings and saplings were recruited in advance of gap formation. Establishment of new rowan individuals in gaps was infrequent, but gaps enhanced their regeneration nearby under spruce canopy, where they occurred densely in a narrow belt about 15 m wide. Inside spruce stands, the highest density of young rowans was directly under crowns, especially near trunk bases. Few rowan saplings were found growing under mature rowan trees. The presence of a rowan seedling and sapling bank determines whether rowans fill spruce stand gaps. Dense rowan groves can develop mainly in extensive but slowly expanding gaps.  相似文献   

Bray and Curtis ordination was used to explore which environmental variables explained importance values and the presence–absence of tropical tree seedlings, saplings and adults in La Escondida-La Cabaña, Sierra de Manantlán, Jalisco, Mexico. The diameters of trees ≥2.5 cm DBH and the presence and height of seedlings and saplings were measured in nine 0.1 ha sites. Four matrices including presence–absence data and importance value indices for trees and seedlings and saplings were analyzed through Bray and Curtis ordination. The matrices were based on density, frequency, and dominance of adult trees as well as seedlings and saplings. The environmental matrix consisted of 18 variables, including elevation, slope, canopy gaps, disturbance, and soil variables. We recorded 63 tree species and 38 seedling and sapling species in the nine sites. The ordination explained 70.9% of the variation in importance value data for trees and 62.6% for seedlings and saplings. The variation explained in presence–absence data for trees was 67.1 and 77.4% for seedlings and saplings. The variance in the ordination axes of seedlings and sapling presence–absence data was poorly explained by the number of gaps in the tree, shrub, or herb layer, suggesting little light specialization by seedlings and saplings. Habitat specialization for soil nutrients appears to be important in explaining the presence–absence of seedlings and saplings. Seedling and sapling specialization along different soil microsites could promote species coexistence in this forest, while heterogeneity in light conditions may instead determine differences in growth and, thus, importance value of trees. We hypothesize that in tropical dry forest in Jalisco, Mexico, a habitat specialization for soil resources is likely more importance at early stages in tree life histories than in later life history.  相似文献   

Regeneration of forest canopy trees can be inhibited by understory thickets. We hypothesized that Isoglossa woodii , a large-leaved herbaceous plant, limits tree recruitment in subtropical coastal dune forests by providing habitat to fruit and seedling consumers. Using uncaged and caged treatments in I. woodii gaps and thickets, we found that frugivore and herbivore behavior is not influenced by I. woodii . We conclude that direct effects of I. woodii on postemergence processes in seedlings contribute to tree recruitment limitation.  相似文献   

Seedling emergence and establishment are fragile processes that determine the direction and structure of forest succession and regeneration. However, seedling emergence and establishment are easily affected by biotic and abiotic (environmental) factors. A dense and expanding understory of dwarf bamboo is one such important factor that can seriously hinder the seedling regeneration. We conducted a field experiment to investigate the emergence and establishment of canopy tree seedlings under artificially controlled densities of dwarf bamboo. We found that understory dwarf bamboo obstructed seedling emergence but reduced the death of seedlings. Although understory dwarf bamboo reduced the median retention time of seedlings, dense bamboo increased the mean survival time of seedlings. Our results suggest that understory dwarf bamboo has multiple selectivities for tree seedling emergence and establishment: high‐density dwarf bamboo was beneficial to evergreen species but lower‐density of bamboo was conducive to the survival of deciduous species, it means the dwarf bamboo potentially alters successional trajectories of forest communities. Path analysis revealed that the most important factors affecting tree seedling emergence and death were the abundance of seeds in the seed bank and the density of emerged seedlings, and that the soil temperature promoted seedling emergence but increased seedling death, the thickness of litter limited seedling emergence, and the leaf area index of the bamboo canopy limited seedling death. The present study suggests that dwarf bamboo can directly alter the microenvironment, significantly reducing light levels and soil temperature but increasing the thickness of litter and soil humus, thereby indirectly impacting the regeneration of tree seedlings. Our results indicate that various factors affected seedling emergence, and there were complex indirect relationships among these factors. In general, biological factors had a stronger influence on tree seedling regeneration than environmental factors.  相似文献   

S. Yamamoto 《Plant Ecology》1996,127(2):203-213
Gap regeneration of major tree species was examined, based on the pattern of gap phase replacement, in primary old-growth stands of warm-temperate, cool-temperate and subalpine forests, Japan. Using principal component analysis, the gap-regeneration behavior of major tree species could be divided into three guilds and that of Fagus crenata (monodominant species of cool-temperate forests). The criteria used for this division were total abundance of canopy trees and regenerations and relative abundance of regenerations to canopy trees. The gap-regeneration behavior of species in the first guild was that canopy trees regenerate in gaps from seedlings or saplings recruited before gap formation; they had higher total abundance and more abundant regenerations relative to their canopy trees. The gap-regeneration behavior of F. crenata was same as species in the first guild, but F. crenata had less abundant regenerations relative to its canopy trees. Species in the second guild had lower total abundance and less abundant regenerations to their canopy trees. The guild contained species whose canopy trees regenerate in gaps from seedlings or saplings recruited after gap formation or regenerate following largescale disturbance. The third guild consisted of species with lower total aboundance and more abundant regenerations relative to their canopy trees. The gap-regeneration behavior of some species in this guild was that trees regenerate in gaps from seedlings or saplings recruited before gap formation, and grow, mature, and die without reaching the canopy layer, while the gap-regeneration behavior of other species was same as that of species in the first guild or F. crenata. Major tree species of subalpine forests were not present in the third guild.  相似文献   

Invasion by exotic plant species is known to affect native communities and ecosystems, but the mechanisms of the impacts are much less understood. In a field study, we examined the effects of a tree invader, Acer platanoides (Norway maple, NM), on canopy structure and seedling growth in the understory of a North American deciduous forest. The experimental site contains a monospecific patch of A. platanoides and a mixed patch of A. platanoides with its native congener, A. rubrum (red maple, RM). In the study, we examined canopy characteristics of three types of trees in the forests, i.e., RM trees in the mixed forest, NM trees in the mixed forest, and NM trees in its monospecific patch. Height growth and biomass production of RM and NM seedlings under intact canopies and newly created gaps of the three types of trees were followed for two growing seasons. We found that removal of half of the canopy from focal trees increased canopy openness and light transmission to the forest floor, but to a greater extent under NM trees than under RM trees. Seedlings of these two Acer species varied greatly in biomass production under canopies of the same type of trees and in their responses to canopy opening. For example, seedlings of the exotic NM grown under the native RM trees in the mixed forests increased biomass production by 102.4% compared to NM seedlings grown under conspecific trees. The native RM seedlings grown under NM trees, however, reduced biomass production by 23.5% compared to those grown under conspecific trees. It was also observed that RM was much more responsive in biomass production to canopy opening than NM. For instance, total seedling biomass increased by 632.2% in RM, but by only 134.6% in NM in response to the newly created gaps. In addition, we found that NM seedlings allocated a greater portion of biomass below-ground as canopy openness increased, whereas the same trend was not observed in RM seedlings. Our results thus demonstrated that invasion of NM significantly altered canopy structure and community dynamics in the hardwood forest. Because the exotic NM seedlings are able to grow well under the native RM trees, but not vice versa, NM will likely expand its distribution in the forests and make it an ever increasingly serious tree invader in its non-native habitats, including North America.  相似文献   

In regenerating coastal dune forest, the canopy consists almost exclusively of a single species, Acacia karroo. When these trees die, they create large canopy gaps. If this promotes the persistence of pioneer species to the detriment of other forest species, then the end goal of a restored coastal dune forest may be unobtainable. We wished to ascertain whether tree species composition and richness differed significantly between canopy gaps and intact canopy, and across a gradient of gap sizes. In three known‐age regenerating coastal dune forest sites, we measured 146 gaps, the species responsible for gap creation, the species most likely to reach the canopy and the composition of adults, seedlings and saplings. We paired each gap with an adjacent plot of the same area that was entirely under intact canopy and sampled in the same way. Most species (15 of 23) had higher abundance in canopy gaps. The probability of self‐replacement was low for A. karroo even in the largest gaps. Despite this predominance of shade‐intolerant species, regenerating dune forest appears to be in the first phase of succession with ‘forest pioneers’ replacing the dominant canopy species. The nature of these species should lead to successful regeneration of dune forest.  相似文献   

伏牛山自然保护区森林冠层结构对林下植被特征的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
卢训令  丁圣彦  游莉  张恒月 《生态学报》2013,33(15):4715-4723
在伏牛山自然保护区典型地段设立样方,测定了森林生态系统内几种典型群落类型的冠层结构、光环境特征,调查了林下植被的特征,分析了它们之间的相互关系.结果显示:各群落的冠层结构和光环境有一定的差异,单因素方差分析表明,部分群落间的差异性达到显著水平;各群落灌木层物种丰富度、多样性和均匀度均高于草本层,而优势度正相反;线性拟合的结果表明,草本层的物种丰富度、多样性与冠下光合量子通量密度间呈极显著负相关,优势度与冠下光合量子通量密度间呈显著正相关,灌木层各参数与冠层结构特征间相关性不显著.研究表明,冠层结构的变化对草本层(包括更新幼苗)的影响显著高于灌木层.林隙/林窗或林中空地的出现可能对草本物种或其他阳性及先锋物种具有促进作用,而对优势种幼苗的萌发和定植产生负效应.推测在典型的落叶阔叶林生态系统演替进程中,林下光照强度可能不是最主要的限制因素,优势种种子的扩散、萌发和定植限制可能更重要.  相似文献   

The planting of non‐timber forest products (NTFPs) in the understory of tropical forests is promoted in many regions as a strategy to conserve forested lands and meet the economic needs of rural communities. While the forest canopy is left intact in most understory plantations, much of the midstory and understory vegetation is removed in order to increase light availability for cultivated species. We assessed the extent to which the removal of vegetation in understory plantations of Chamaedorea hooperiana Hodel (Arecaceae) alters understory light conditions. We also examined how any changes in light availability may be reflected by changes in the composition of canopy tree seedlings regenerating in understory plantations. We employed a blocked design consisting of four C. hooperiana plantation sites; each site was paired with an adjacent, unmanaged forest site. Hemispherical canopy photographs were taken and canopy tree seedlings were identified and measured within 12 3 × 2 m randomly placed plots in each site for a total of 96 plots (4 blocks × 2 sites × 12 plots). Plantation management did not affect canopy openness or direct light availability but understory plantations had a higher frequency of plots with greater total and diffuse light availability than unmanaged forest. Comparisons of canopy tree seedling composition between understory plantations and unmanaged forest sites were less conclusive but suggest that management practices have the potential to increase the proportion of shade‐intolerant species of tree seedlings establishing in plantations. Given the importance of advanced regeneration in gap‐phase forest dynamics, these changes may have implications for future patterns of succession in the areas of forest where NTFPs are cultivated.  相似文献   

We asked the following questions regarding gap dynamics and regeneration strategies in Juniperus-Laurus forests: How important are gaps for the maintenance of tree diversity? What are the regeneration strategies of the tree species? Thirty canopy openings were randomly selected in the forest and in each the expanded gap area was delimited. Inside expanded gaps the distinction was made between gap and transition zone. In the 30 expanded gaps a plot, enclosing the gap and transition zone, was placed. In order to evaluate the differences in regeneration and size structure of tree species between forest and expanded gaps, 30 control plots were also delimited in the forest, near each expanded gap. In the 60 plots the number of seedlings, saplings, basal sprouts and adults of tree species were registered. Canopy height and width of adult individuals were also measured. The areas of the 30 gaps and expanded gaps were measured and the gap-maker identified. Juniperus-Laurus forests have a gap dynamic associated with small scale disturbances that cause the death, on average, of two trees, mainly of Juniperus brevifolia. Gap and expanded gap average dimensions are 8 and 25 m2, respectively. Gaps are of major importance for the maintenance of tree diversity since they are fundamental for the regeneration of all species, with the exception of Ilex azorica. Three types of regeneration behaviour and five regeneration strategies were identified: (1) Juniperus brevifolia and Erica azorica are pioneer species that regenerate in gaps from seedlings recruited after gap formation. However, Juniperus brevifolia is a pioneer persistent species capable of maintaining it self in the forest due to a high longevity and biomass; (2) Laurus azorica and Frangula azorica are primary species that regenerate in gaps from seedlings or saplings recruited before gap formation but Laurus azorica is able to maintain it self in the forest through asexual regeneration thus being considered a primary persistent species; (3) Ilex azorica is a mature species that regenerates in the forest.  相似文献   

The degradation of natural forests to modified forests threatens subtropical and tropical biodiversity worldwide. Yet, species responses to forest modification vary considerably. Furthermore, effects of forest modification can differ, whether with respect to diversity components (taxonomic or phylogenetic) or to local (α-diversity) and regional (β-diversity) spatial scales. This real-world complexity has so far hampered our understanding of subtropical and tropical biodiversity patterns in human-modified forest landscapes. In a subtropical South African forest landscape, we studied the responses of three successive plant life stages (adult trees, saplings, seedlings) and of birds to five different types of forest modification distinguished by the degree of within-forest disturbance and forest loss. Responses of the two taxa differed markedly. Thus, the taxonomic α-diversity of birds was negatively correlated with the diversity of all plant life stages and, contrary to plant diversity, increased with forest disturbance. Conversely, forest disturbance reduced the phylogenetic α-diversity of all plant life stages but not that of birds. Forest loss neither affected taxonomic nor phylogenetic diversity of any taxon. On the regional scale, taxonomic but not phylogenetic β-diversity of both taxa was well predicted by variation in forest disturbance and forest loss. In contrast to adult trees, the phylogenetic diversity of saplings and seedlings showed signs of contemporary environmental filtering. In conclusion, forest modification in this subtropical landscape strongly shaped both local and regional biodiversity but with contrasting outcomes. Phylogenetic diversity of plants may be more threatened than that of mobile species such as birds. The reduced phylogenetic diversity of saplings and seedlings suggests losses in biodiversity that are not visible in adult trees, potentially indicating time-lags and contemporary shifts in forest regeneration. The different responses of taxonomic and phylogenetic diversity to forest modifications imply that biodiversity conservation in this subtropical landscape requires the preservation of natural and modified forests.  相似文献   

Ethiopian Afromontane moist forests where coffee grows as understorey shrub are traditionally managed by the local communities for coffee production through thinning of the shade tree canopy and slashing of competing undergrowth. This management practice has a negative impact on the coffee shrubs, because the removal of shade tree saplings and seedlings reduces the succession potential of the shade tree canopy, which threatens the very existence of the shade coffee production system. We assessed the functionality of small exclosures to initiate coffee shade tree canopy restoration through natural regeneration. Our results show that small exclosures have a strong restoration potential for the coffee shade trees preferred by farmers (Albizia schimperiana, A. gummifera and Millettia ferruginea), as evidenced from their seedling abundance, survival and growth. The regeneration of late‐successional tree species of the moist Afromontane forest was not successful in the small exclosures, most probably due to the low abundance or absence of adult trees as seed sources for regeneration. Therefore, temporary establishment of small exclosures in degraded coffee forest fragments where shade trees are getting old or dying is recommended for sustainable shade coffee production.  相似文献   

The tree community of both canopy gaps and mature forest was surveyed in a 5 ha plot of cloud forest in the Ibitipoca Range, south-eastern Brazil, aiming at: (a) comparing the tree community structure of canopy gaps with that of three strata of the mature forest, and (b) relating the tree community structure of canopy gaps with environmental and biotic variables. All saplings of canopy trees with 1–5 m of height established in 31 canopy gaps found within the plot were identified and measured. Mature forest trees with dbh 3 cm were sampled in four 40×40 quadrats laid on the four soil sites recognised in the local soil catena. All surveyed trees were identified, measured and distributed into three forest strata: understorey (<5 m of height), sub-canopy (5.1–15 m) and canopy (15.1–30 m). The following variables were obtained for each gap: mode of formation, age, soil site, slope grade, size, canopy openness and abundance of bamboos and lianas. A detrended correspondence analysis indicated that the tree community structure of gaps in all soil sites was more similar to that of the mature forest understorey, suggesting that the bank of immatures plays an important role in rebuilding the forest canopy and that gap phases may be important for understorey shade-tolerant species. There was evidence of gap-dependence for establishment for only one canopy tree species. Both canonical correspondence analysis and correlation analysis demonstrated for a number of tree species that the distribution of their saplings in canopy gaps was significantly correlated with two variables: soil site and canopy openness. The future forest structure at each gap is probably highly influenced by both the present structure of the adjacent mature forest and the gap creation event.  相似文献   

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