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为了研究高原亚寒带沙化生境中切断根茎对克隆植物基株扩展能力和分株定居能力的影响,在川西北若尔盖高原沙化区内,对根茎禾草赖草和沙生苔草进行了以切断根茎为处理的野外实验。结果表明,赖草和沙生苔草基株的幼小部分(观测单元)地上枝总长度增量、主根茎长度增量和根茎总长度增量显著减少,而对根茎数增量、主根茎节增量和根茎节总数增量影响不显著;赖草观测单元地上枝数增量显著减少,而对沙生苔草地上枝数增量无影响;赖草地上枝与根茎的相关性质发生逆转。这表明.在高原亚寒带半湿润沙化生境中.克隆整合效应显著促进基株幼小部分地上枝和根茎的伸长生长,但对新生根茎的产生和根茎节分化没有影响;切断根茎处理导致赖草、沙生苔草生殖生长与营养生长间竞争加剧,同时使赖草地上部分与地下部分间竞争加剧;观测单元在缺少与基株(或上级株系)的克隆整合作用时,赖草受到的影响大于沙生苔草。  相似文献   

切断根茎对根茎禾草沙鞭和赖草克隆生长的影响   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
为了研究半干旱内陆沙化生境中植物克隆整合对克隆植物基株扩展能力和对克隆植物分株定居逆境能力的贡献,在内蒙古鄂尔多斯高原毛乌素沙地对根茎禾草沙鞭(Rsammochloavillosa(Trin.)Bor)和赖草(Leymussecali-nus(Georgi.)Tzvel.)进行了以切断根茎为处理的野外实验。实验结果表明,切断根茎处理使根茎禾草沙鞭基株的幼小部分(观测单元)在实验期间根茎数量增量、地上技数量增量、地上枝总长度增量、主根茎节数增量、根茎节总数增量、主根茎长度增量和根茎总长度增量显著地减少。然而,切断根茎处理对另一根茎禾草赖草基株幼小部分(观测单元)的上述7个特征在实验期间的增量没有影响。这些结果指示着在克隆整合及其对克隆生长贡献方面的种间差异。沙鞭的克隆整合特性和克隆生长特性对它在水分短缺、蒸散剧烈、养分贫瘠、生境斑块化和扰动经常的沙化草地环境中的生存能力有重要贡献。  相似文献   

根茎禾草沙鞭的克隆基株及分株种群特征   总被引:47,自引:2,他引:45       下载免费PDF全文
 在内蒙古沙地站对根茎禾草沙鞭的观测实验发现,沙鞭具有规则的克隆生长、“游击型”克隆构型和相当快的克隆扩展。其地下根茎的寿命至少2年。这些发现指示着该植物种可能具有很强的克隆整合。对内蒙古沙地站和内蒙古草原站的单种沙鞭分株种群的比较和在各站对单种和混交沙鞭分株种群的比较发现,不同地点和在不同群落条件下的沙鞭分株种群在许多重要性状上都存在差异。这些结果暗示着克隆可塑性对沙鞭生态适应性的可能贡献。关于沙鞭克隆整合和克隆可塑性的进一步研究是必要的。  相似文献   

水分在自然系统中呈异质性分布。有关水分异质性对克隆植物生长、形态和生理影响的研究已有大量的工作, 但是水分异质性对克隆植物存储能力, 尤其是水分存储能力影响的研究却十分缺乏。该文将两种根茎型克隆植物赖草(Leymus secalinus)和假苇拂子茅(Calamagrostis pseudophragmites)进行水分异质性和同质性实验处理, 探讨水分异质性对克隆植物水分存储能力、生长和形态的影响。在异质性水分处理下, 两种克隆植物的间隔子、枝和根的含水量均显著增加。两种克隆植物对水分异质性分布的适应策略有所不同, 赖草通过降低单个克隆分株的生长、提高芽的数量以应对水分异质性, 而假苇拂子茅通过增强整个分株种群的地下部分(根状茎、根和芽)生长来应对水分资源的异质性分布。水分储存能力的增强可以提高克隆植物适应水分异质性的能力。  相似文献   

通过温室控制试验,分析不同光强及光强对比度处理下克隆植物大米草生长性状的差异,研究同质异质光强条件下克隆整合对大米草响应遮阴能力的修饰作用.结果表明: 在同质条件下,大米草在无遮阴(高光强:温室内自然光照强度)条件下的生物量显著大于中度遮阴(中光强:光照强度为高光强的70%)和深度遮阴(低光强:光照强度为高光强的30%).在低对比度异质性光强条件下(分株对的一个分株不遮阴,另一个分株中度遮阴),大米草遮阴分株的叶片数、根长和生物量均显著高于同质中度遮阴处理,而无遮阴分株各生长指标与同质无遮阴处理相比均无显著差异.因此,在低对比度异质性光强下,大米草受体(遮阴)分株通过克隆整合显著受益;同时,对供体(非遮阴)分株没有显著的耗损.然而,在高对比度处理下(分株对的一个分株不遮阴,另一个分株深度遮阴),克隆整合对受体(遮阴)分株的效应不显著.大米草的克隆整合并不随着光强对比度的增加而增加.在自然生境中度遮阴情况下,克隆整合可以提高大米草的生长和克隆繁殖能力,但在深度遮阴情况下,克隆整合对大米草适应性的作用可能很小.  相似文献   

切断根茎对根茎禾草沙鞭的赖草克隆生长的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
为了研究半干旱内陆沙化生境中植物克隆整合对克隆植物基株扩展能力和对克隆植物株定居逆境能力的贡献,在内蒙古鄂尔多斯高原毛乌素沙地对根茎禾草沙鞭和赖草,进行了以切断根茎为处理的野外实验。实验结果表明,切断根茎处理使根茎禾草沙鞭基株的幼小部分(观测单元)在实验期间根茎数量增量,地上枝数量增量,地上枝总长度增量,主根茎节数增量,根茎节总数增量,主根茎长度增量和根茎总长度增量显著地减少。然而,切断根茎处理对  相似文献   

根茎禾草沙鞭的克隆生长在毛乌素沙地斑块动态中的作用   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5  
陈玉福  于飞海  张称意  董鸣 《生态学报》2001,21(11):1745-1750
毛乌素沙地沙化景观是由众多不同类型和大小的斑块镶嵌而成的,许多生态学过程影响着这些斑块的动态,根茎禾草沙鞭的克隆生长就是其中之一.通过对有沙鞭生长的3块1hm2风蚀样地的野外调查和染料饲喂实验,研究了沙鞭的克隆生长在毛乌素沙化景观斑块动态中的作用.每块样地均被划分为625个4m×4m的格子,在3块样地的流沙斑块出现的植物中,沙鞭占据了最多的格子数.沙鞭根茎扩展的主要方向是从半固定斑块到流沙斑块,染料饲喂实验测量了沙鞭扩展到风蚀流沙斑块中的分株数、根茎分枝数、根茎长度和地上生物量.将不同斑块土壤含水量和沙鞭根茎在土壤中的分布进行比较发现,在沙鞭根茎分布集中的地下30~50cm处,流沙斑块的土壤含水量显著地高于半固定斑块.这一研究结果表明沙鞭的克隆生长在风蚀流沙斑块的固定和演变中起着非常重要的作用.  相似文献   

松嫩平原赖草无性系构件的形成与空间扩展实验   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在松嫩平原栽培条件下, 赖草无性系生长的可塑性较大.在移植当年,赖草经过153 d的生长,4个无性系中最大的为215个分蘖株,是最小(40个)分蘖株的5.4倍,均遵循着相同的指数生长规律.在2个年度8个赖草无性系样本中,其分蘖株、根茎和芽3种构件之间数量与生物量以及3种构件的数量特征与无性系空间大小的变化均有较好的规律性. 赖草分蘖株数量与直径之间为幂函数异速生长;分蘖株和根茎生物量及芽数与直径之间均为指数异速生长;分蘖株及根茎的数量和生物量与所占面积之间均为线性同速生长.在具有充分生长空间且没有种间竞争条件下,赖草无性系采用先生存后发展的构件生长策略,并充分发挥无性系的持续更新潜力.  相似文献   

许多湿地同时遭受养分和有毒金属的污染,其植被多数为克隆植物。我们假设,富养化和克隆整合可以通过增加植物的生长来提高对有毒金属污染的植物修复能力,即使在毒性胁迫环境下也是如此。为验证此假说,我们将常见、广布的匍匐茎漂浮植物大薸(Pistia stratiotes L.)的单个分株种植在两种不同的养分条件下和两种镉污染处理(无镉或含0.6 mg L−1 的镉)中42天。通过保持或切断母株与其后代分株之间的连接来维持或阻止克隆整合,并通过保留或移除切断后的后代分株来控制克隆内竞争的有无。由于高养分条件下克隆后代分株的数量增加了一倍,因此镉处理下大薸的生物量在高养分条件下几乎是在低养分条件下的两倍。切断匍匐茎连接对整个克隆(母株和后代分株的总和)的生物量没有影响。切断连接后去除后代分株对镉污染下母株的生物量没有显著的影响,但却显著增加了无镉污染下母株的生物量。这些研究结果支持富养化可以提高水生植物对有毒金属污染的修复能力这一假说,但并不支持克隆整合有利于植物修复的假说。因此,水生植物(如大薸)可能有助于对同时遭受有毒金属和养分污染的湿地进行修复,但克隆片段化对植物的这种修复能力可能没有显著影响。  相似文献   

根茎禾草沙鞭的等位酶变异及克隆多样性   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
沙鞭(Psammochloavilosa(Trin.)Bor)是禾本科的一种沙生旱生植物,靠根茎进行无性生殖。采用10种酶系统共15个基因位点对中国科学院植物研究所内蒙古伊克昭盟鄂尔多斯沙地草地生态研究站的4个天然居群进行了遗传结构和克隆多样性分析。结果表明,和同类植物相比,沙鞭的遗传变异水平和克隆多样性均较低。沙鞭4个居群的遗传组成明显不同。石龙庙流动沙丘和石灰庙固定沙丘的基株数目多,遗传变异水平较高,而石龙庙固定沙丘和石灰庙半流动沙丘的基株数目少,只有1株或2株,且多样性水平极低。环境差异在沙鞭的等位酶变异上未得到反映。和其它克隆植物相似,沙鞭的大部分变异存在于居群间(GST=62.16%),居群内变异所占比例较少。沙鞭91.67%的基因型属地方型,无广布基因型。  相似文献   

Feng-Hong Liu  Jian Liu  Fei-Hai Yu  Ming Dong   《Flora》2007,202(2):106-110
In clonal plants, a clonal fragment is a basic unit. There may exist clonal integration that is often regarded adaptive. By definition, a larger clonal fragment comprises more interconnected ramets and/or occupies a larger area of the habitat. When the habitat is so heterogeneous in terms of essential resources that the resources the whole clonal fragment needs can be captured only in a limited number of microhabitats, a large clonal fragment may require extensive and/or intensive clonal integration. Therefore, we hypothesize that in an environment where the resources are distributed in a highly heterogeneous way, a species forming large clonal fragments possesses more extensive and/or intensive clonal integration gaining essential resources than that forming small ones.This hypothesis was tested in a field experiment with two rhizomatous species growing in inland-dune habitats with high heterogeneity of water resource, one (Psammochloa villosa) forming large clonal fragments and the other (Hedysarum laeve) forming small ones. In P. villosa, tracer-(water-soluble acid fuchsin)-labeled water could be transported along the rhizome at a velocity of about 0.93 m per hour and 4 ramets per hour, which was much faster than that in H. laeve. Similarly, the acid fuchsin-labeled water was transported to a longer length in the rhizomes (3.96 m vs. 1.12 m) and to more ramets (14 vs. 3) in P. villosa than in H. laeve. In P. villosa, the acid fuchsin-labeled water reached the ends of the rhizomes and all ramets along the rhizomes were dyed purple. In H. laeve, however, the acid fuchsin-labeled water could not reach the rhizome tips and along the rhizomes only some ramets were labeled. The results suggest that P. villosa is an extensive and intensive integrator, whereas H. laeve is a restrictive and less intensive integrator, supporting the hypothesis. The possible mechanisms and the ecological implications of the findings were discussed.  相似文献   

Sui Y  He W  Pan X  Dong M 《Annals of botany》2011,107(4):693-697

Background and Aims

Mechanical stimulation (MS) often induces plants to undergo thigmomorphogenesis and to synthesize an array of signalling substances. In clonal plants, connected ramets often share resources and hormones. However, little is known about whether and how clonal integration influences the ability of clonal plants to withstand MS. We hypothesized that the effects of MS may be modulated by clonal integration.


We conducted an experiment in which ramet pairs of Leymus secalinus were subjected to three treatments: (1) connected ramet pairs under a homogeneous condition [i.e. the proximal (relatively old) and distal (relatively young) ramets were not mechanically stressed]; (2) connected ramet pairs under a heterogeneous condition (i.e. the proximal ramet was mechanically stressed but the distal ramet was not); and (3) disconnected ramet pairs under the same condition as in treatment 2. At the end of the experiment, we harvested all plants and determined their biomass and allocation.

Key Results

Clonal integration had no significant influence on measured traits of distal L. secalinus ramets without MS. However, under MS, plants with distal ramets that were connected to a mother ramet produced more total plant biomass, below-ground biomass, ramets and total rhizome length than those that were not connected. Partial MS exerted local effects on stimulated ramets and remote effects on connected unstimulated ramets. Partial MS increased total biomass, root/shoot ratio, number of ramets and total rhizome length of stimulated proximal ramets, and increased total biomass, root weight ratio, number of ramets and total rhizome length of connected unstimulated ramets due to clonal integration.


These findings suggest that thigmomorphogenesis may protect plants from the stresses caused by high winds or trampling and that thigmomorphogenesis can be strongly modulated by the degree of clonal integration.  相似文献   

The rhizomatous sedge Carex brevicuspis can produce clumping ramets from shortened rhizomes (phalanx) and spreading ramets from elongated rhizomes (guerrilla) to form a combined clonal growth form. In this paper, changes in clonal growth and biomass allocation pattern of C. brevicuspis in response to sedimentation were studied. Four sedimentation depths (0, 3, 6, and 9 cm) were applied to 48 ramets in a randomized block design. Plants were harvested after 20 weeks. With increasing sedimentation depth, the proportion of spreading ramets to total ramets increased from 19.6% in 0 cm to 92.9% in 9 cm sedimentation treatments, whereas that of clumping ramets decreased from 80.4% to 7.1%, indicating a change of clonal growth form from phalanx to guerrilla as a response to sedimentation. With increasing sedimentation depth, biomass allocation to shoots and roots did not change, but rhizome mass ratio increased from 2.7% in 0 cm to 7.2% in 9 cm sedimentation treatments, suggesting that production of long rhizomes changes biomass allocation pattern. The results show that plasticity of clonal growth forms, by which more spreading ramets are produced, is an effective strategy to avoid sedimentation stress under our experimental conditions.  相似文献   

Physiological integration is a major ecological advantage of clonal growth in angiosperms. Clonal growth is also common in pteridophytes, but almost no study has tested whether clonal integration increases performance in ramets of pteridophytes in natural populations. To test this hypothesis and also whether the positive effect of integration is greater on smaller ramets, we severed the connecting rhizomes of individual ramets of the common, understory fern Diplopterygium glaucum in an evergreen, broadleaf forest in southeastern China. In another experiment, we severed rhizomes around the edges of small plots each containing several ramets. After 19.5 weeks, survival was 100% in intact individual ramets but only 27% in severed ones. Among surviving ramets, final dry mass and lamina mass were also less in severed than in intact ramets, though stalk, rhizome, and root mass and maximum quantum yield of PSII (Fv/Fm) were not reduced. Individual ramets with fewer stalk nodes had lower dry mass but were not more affected by severing than ramets with more stalk nodes. Severance around the edge of plots did not significantly affect the combined final mass of the ramets within a plot. We conclude that clonal integration can have significant positive effects on both survival and growth of individual ramets of ferns in natural populations.  相似文献   

Yu FH  Wang N  He WM  Chu Y  Dong M 《Annals of botany》2008,102(4):571-577

Background and Aims

Wind erosion is a severe stress for plants in drylands, but the mechanisms by which plants withstand erosion remain largely unknown. Here, the hypothesis is tested that maintaining rhizome connections helps plants to tolerate erosion.


Five transects were established across an inland dune in Inner Mongolia, China, and measurements were made of leaf number, biomass per ramet and rhizome depth of Psammochloa villosa in 45 plots. In 40 × 40 cm plots of P. villosa on another dune, the top 15 or 30 cm of sand was removed for 1·5 or 3 months to simulate short- and long-term moderate and severe erosion, respectively, with untreated plots as controls, and the rhizomes at the edges of half of the plots were severed to mimic loss of rhizome connections.

Key Results

Leaf number and biomass per ramet showed quadric relationships with rhizome depth; when rhizomes were exposed to the air, the associated ramets either died or became very weak. Ramet number, leaf number and biomass per plot decreased with increasing erosion severity. Rhizome connections did not affect these traits under control or short-term erosion, but increased them under long-term erosion.


Rhizome connections alleviated the negative effects of erosion on P. villosa, very likely because the erosion-stressed ramets received water and/or photosynthates translocated from those connected ramets that were not subject to erosion. This study provides the first evidence that maintaining rhizome connections helps plants to tolerate erosion in drylands.Key words: Clonal integration, inland-dune grass, Psammochloa villosa, resource sharing, rhizome severing, wind erosion  相似文献   

Herbaceous species possess several mechanisms to compensate for tissue loss. For clonal herbaceous species, clonal integration may be an additional mechanism. This may especially hold true when tissue loss is very high, because other compensatory mechanisms may be insufficient. On inland dunes in northern China, we subjected Bromus ircutensis and Psammochloa villosa ramets within 0.5 m×0.5 m plots to three clipping treatments, i.e., no clipping, moderate (50% shoot removal) and heavy clipping (90% shoot removal), and kept rhizomes at the plot edges connected or disconnected. Moderate clipping did not reduce ramet, leaf or biomass density of either species. Under moderate clipping, rhizome connection significantly improved the performance of Psammochloa, but not that of Bromus. Heavy clipping reduced ramet, leaf and biomass density in the disconnected plots of both species, but such negative effects were negated or greatly ameliorated when the rhizomes were connected. Therefore, clonal integration contributed greatly to the compensatory growth of both species. The results suggest that clonal integration is an additional compensatory mechanism for clonal plants and may be important for their long-term persistence in the heavily grazed regions in northern China.  相似文献   

Michael L. Cain 《Oecologia》1990,82(2):201-209
Summary For the rhizomatous perennial, Solidago altissima, I identified clonal fragments in the field, mapped ramet spatial locations, and documented patterns of ramet recruitment, growth, and mortality. Parent ramet size influenced the size and number of daughter ramets produced, and small ramets had lower survivorship and fecundity than large ramets. Similarly, small rhizomes tended to develop into small ramets, and ramets that survived to produce daughter ramets had longer parent-daughter rhizome connections than ramets that did not survive. In addition, most ramets that died during the growing season were connected to (genetically identical) ramets that persisted. There were large size inequalities among rhizomes, ramets, and clonal fragments. Inequalities in the size of ramets increased during the early part of the growing season, then decreased at the end of the season; similar patterns were observed for the growth of clonal fragments. In both instances, the decrease in size inequality could be attributed to the mortality of small individuals (ramets or clonal fragments). I found little evidence that ramet size hierarchies were structured by intraspecific competition. For example, path analyses and randomization tests indicated that size variation among S. altissima ramets was influenced little by the size of their near neighbors (but was influenced by parent size and rhizome size). In addition, within-season variation for the relative size and growth rate of individual ramets led to poor correlations between early and final ramet size; this result suggests that there was no stable hierarchy of dominant and suppressed ramets. I discuss implications of my results for contrasting interpretations of clonal plant population dynamics.  相似文献   

松嫩平原野古草种群构件结构动态   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
李程程  李海燕  杨允菲 《生态学报》2015,35(8):2609-2615
野古草是根茎型无性系禾草,在松嫩平原草甸经常形成单优种群落。采用单位面积挖掘取样、分株按营养繁殖世代划分龄级、根茎按实际生活年限划分龄级的方法,对松嫩平原单优群落和混生群落的野古草种群构件结构进行了调查与分析。结果表明,在生长季初期两群落野古草种群均以春性分株和根茎芽占优势,且分株及芽构件结构相对稳定,芽库的输出率单优群落为80.4%,混生群落为62.5%;整个生长季分株由2—3个龄级组成,1a分株数量是2a的2.9—10.2倍,其生物量各月份所占比例平均为93%,随着龄级的增加依次明显减少,呈增长型年龄结构;根茎由3—4个龄级组成,根茎累积长度及生物量均以2a占绝对优势,为稳定型年龄结构;分株生产力1a明显高于2a,对种群贡献最大;根茎贮藏力除个别月份以3a、4a最高外,两群落大部分以2a最高,在生长季后期,1a根茎物质积累的速率最快。  相似文献   

《Acta Oecologica》2002,23(2):109-114
Hedysarum laeve, a rhizomatous clonal semi-shrub, commonly dominates the inland dunes in semiarid areas of northern China. This species propagates vegetatively by extension of horizontal woody rhizomes resulting in programmed reiteration of apical and/or axillary meristems. In this study, the plants were experimentally manipulated by cutting rhizome connections and 14C-labelling techniques were employed to investigate the ecological significance of rhizome connections within the H. laeve clone. Severance of rhizome connections had a great effect on the performance of young ramets within a clone. Young ramets severed from their parent ramets experienced a significant reduction both in ramet growth and vegetative propagation, as compared with the intact young ramets. Within clonal fragments, consisting of three interconnected ramets including a mother ramet, a daughter ramet and a granddaughter ramet, 14C-photosynthates from the fed leaves of mother ramets were acropetally transported to all clonal component parts. The 14C-photosynthate translocation within the clonal fragment provides evidence that the young ramets were supported by their parent ramets. Our results suggest that the woody rhizome connections among the interconnected ramets are ecologically and strategically important for the species to grow in the sand dune habitat.  相似文献   

Zhang J  C Zhou  YF Yang 《Phyton》2015,84(2):417-422
Spatial expansion of clonal plants and growth of their modules are of concern in the field of plant ecology. After measuring a large number of samples, we analyzed the module components and the growth patterns of vegetatively propagated Agropyron michnoi clones in the Songnen Plain on Northeast China. The results showed that the plasticity of clonal growth was large; the coefficients of variation of both extensive areas and the quantitative characters of modules were more than 20%. The numbers of ramets, seedlings, and buds and the cumulative length of the rhizomes showed exponentially and linearly increasing patterns with increases of the area and the total number of modules. The biomass of each module, total number of modules and total biomass showed an allometric growth pattern, which was best described by power functions. For A. michnoi, there was a relatively stable investment to sexual reproduction; it showed a priority for allocating biomass to reproductive ramets, and also to rhizomes and buds formation.  相似文献   

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