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生态社区评价指标体系研究进展   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
周传斌  戴欣  王如松  黄锦楼 《生态学报》2011,31(16):4749-4759
生态社区建设融合了建筑学、生态学、社会学等多学科原理,充分体现了人与自然和谐的理念,是符合可持续发展理念的社区发展模式。生态社区评价指标体系在一定的一级指标框架下,采用定性或定量的评价指标,评判社区的可持续发展水平。对生态社区的概念和内涵、形成与发展历程、国内外生态社区相关评价指标体系进行总结和归纳,在此基础上综述了生态社区评价指标体系的研究进展,包括评价主体、一级指标框架的构建、二三级指标使用的频度分析及指标权重的确定方法。最后总结分析了生态社区指标体系研究中对外环境关联、动态发展、参与性与适应性等方面的不足,提出将复杂性理论、生命周期分析方法和生态足迹分析引入生态社区评价指标体系的研究,以提高指标体系的系统性、科学性和参与性。  相似文献   

张倩  邓祥征  周青  姚丽娜 《生态学报》2016,36(10):3013-3020
简评了城市居民行为与社区生态环境的关系及其对生态社区建设的启示,归纳了相关研究的进展及存在的问题,并提出下一步研究方向。研究发现,当前城市居民行为对生态环境的胁迫及社区环境对居民行为的影响研究方法多样、内容分散,研究设计及其逻辑尚无系统完备的研究体系做支撑。此外,目前生态社区建设研究大多集中于新型生态社区的设计与开发,少有针对已有社区的生态化改造的分析,也没有充分针对不同城市社区类型及资源、能源、环境禀赋提出因地适宜的建设生态社区的建议。研究还发现,即使是针对新型生态化社区,在构建过程中也是重视生态社区的规划和生态基础设施的建设、忽视生态社区的后续管理,更是缺乏针对管理机制创新方面的探讨。另外,现有城市生态社区建设多重视单个具体指标的提升,轻视全面建设生态社区中的系统性思考,缺少具有普适性的生态社区评价指标体系及对指标间关联关系的考量与分析。现有社区物业管理信息化平台,大多包含了社区环境卫生管理,并没有从社区生态系统建设和保护的角度出发将社区物质能量代谢、碳氮循环、生态系统性管理理念纳入进来,更缺少实时、动态的面向社区居民的生态环境资产核算方面的计算、查询、规划等互动式交流。当前生态社区集成示范的可推广性与普适性有待进一步深入考察,即要保证示范具有可参考、可借鉴、可推广等实际应用价值,避免由于技术过于超前或成本太高而导致示范难有操作性。  相似文献   

王秦 《生态科学》2023,42(2):172-182
通过分析雄安新区的生态状况,基于绿色治理、绿色生产与绿色生活三个维度,选择环保投入占财政支出的比重、白洋淀水质达标率等30个基础性评价指标,在运用SPSS的相关性分析消除信息重复评价指标进行初步筛选的基础上,基于主成分分析提炼新区生态承载力的主要影响因子进一步筛选评价指标,确定最终的14个基础性评价指标,构建更加真实、准确地反映新区生态系统与社会经济活动之间协调发展程度的生态承载力评价指标体系,并运用模糊综合评价法对2014—2018年新区的生态承载力进行了评价,最后提出了雄安新区生态承载力提升的主要对策:实施白洋淀环境治理与生态修复工程,充分发挥白洋淀的生态功能;调整优化产业结构,严格控制污染排放,形成绿色生产方式;推广“绿色交通+清洁能源”的绿色生活方式。  相似文献   

张静  艾彬  徐建华 《生态科学》2005,24(4):339-343
从生态系统和可持续发展理论出发,构建了生态社区评价的指标体系,运用主因子分析方法建立了生态社区评价模型;并在遥感与GIS技术支持下,对上海中心城区做了生态社区评价研究.结果表明,在空间格局上,社区生态水平差异明显,无论是在社区内部还是社区之间,各主因子分布极不平衡;总体看来,浦西核心区的大部分社区,其规模结构比较合理,服务设施比较完善,然而部分社区的生态环境质量急需要改善,部分社区的居住条件也需要进一步完善;而浦东一些社区,尽管生态指数较高,生态环境质量较好,但由于基础配套设施不够健全,规模结构不够均衡,道路交通系统尚待进一步完善.  相似文献   

中国典型特大城市交通的生态足迹评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国城市化快速发展带来机动车数量的骤增、交通拥堵、交通污染物排放及能源消耗恶化等城市生态问题,生态足迹可以作为衡量城市交通发展带来生态环境压力的有效指标。本文以北京、上海、天津、杭州、沈阳和成都6个特大城市为研究对象,计算了2005—2012年6个城市的交通生态足迹。结果表明:6个城市交通的生态足迹均有所增加,城市交通的生态环境压力逐年增加,化石能源间接生态足迹在城市交通生态足迹增长中起到主要作用;快速增长的机动车和小汽车及其高出行率导致能源消耗不断增加,是城市交通生态足迹增长的主要原因;完善的轨道交通及慢行交通等绿色出行的发展,可以有效降低特大城市自驾出行的次数,优化交通出行结构,缓解城市交通生态环境压力。  相似文献   

城市公园绿地可达性分析——以沈阳市铁西区为例   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
卢宁  李俊英  闫红伟  施拓  李英 《生态学杂志》2014,25(10):2951-2958
公园绿地作为城市重要的自然景观元素,其可达性是体现公园绿地所提供的自然服务能否被市民便捷、公平享用的一个重要指标.对可达性理论进行深入研究,从而更加准确、真实地对公园绿地可达性进行评价是目前亟需解决的问题.本文基于QuickBird卫星影像和GIS平台,以沈阳市铁西区为例,选取步行、非机动车、机动车和公共交通4种方式来定量评价公园绿地的可达性,并对4种交通方式下公园绿地可达区的空间分布、可达面积及可达人口的数量差异进行对比分析.结果表明: 沈阳市铁西区公园绿地数量较少且分布不均衡,表现为西南部及中心区域公园绿地的可达性较好,边缘区域可达性较差,东部和北部边缘可达性最差;各交通方式下公园绿地的可达性存在较大差异,机动车可达性最好,其次为非机动车和公共交通,步行可达性最差:近九成的居民可以采用步行30 min、非机动车和公共交通15 min、机动车10 min的方式到达最近的公园绿地.该研究对城市公园绿地可达性理论的深入、系统研究提供了一种新思路,对基于可达性的绿地空间布局优化具有重要的现实意义.  相似文献   

近年来,随着城市交通拥堵和环境污染等问题的日益凸显,自行车作为通勤出行方式的地位逐渐上升,通勤者对建立不受机动车干扰的、连续的、具备通勤功能的城市绿色道路的需求也在不断增加。绿色道路的线路建设不仅要保障空间可实施性和交通环境质量,还要与居民的通勤出行需求紧密结合,实现绿道使用的综合效益最大化。基于此,研究以北京市回龙观地区为对象,采用与居民出行行为有关的数据,识别郊区居民中短程通勤特征,划定主要通勤范围,探究基于居民真实出行的多源大数据的选线方法,通过基于通勤出行需求强度与吸引强度的绿道节点甄选与路段适宜性的评价分析。最后,通过GIS网络分析功能进行最优线路选择,并结合城市公园、绿地、河流等资源的分布情况进行修正,形成一条满足居民通勤需求的、完整互联的、安全的且具备较强实施性的绿色通道。最终达到降低居民通勤时耗、提升区域可达性、完善城市慢行系统网络的目的。  相似文献   

北京旧城胡同具有悠久的绿色空间营造传统,而社区居民作为绿色空间更新的主体,拥有极大的自发性和能动性。随着北京“留白增绿”等政策的推进,基于居民自发更新的“自下而上”的绿色空间微更新越来越得到重视,充分发挥居民自发性对于社区生活原真性留存、景观管理和维护、社区力量凝聚具有重要意义。首先梳理大栅栏片区社区营造的组织形式发展过程,分析现存胡同绿色空间的类型与组织模式,阐明更新过程中面临的诸多挑战。之后结合实地调研成果重点分析居民自发更新下胡同种植空间、搭建材料与植物选择的特征。最后,结合具体实例从组织形式、绿化模式和思路创新3个方面探讨居民自发更新视角下的胡同绿色微更新的实现途径,总结绿色空间微更新的经验。  相似文献   

幸丽君  杜赛南  仝照民  张蕾 《生态学报》2023,43(13):5370-5382
从环境正义视阈出发,重点关注选择步行和私家车出行的居民群体,采用高斯两步移动搜索(2SFCA)模型和基尼系数测度2000-2018年武汉市中心城区公园绿地可达性和公平性的时空差异,并运用梯度提升决策树(GBDT)模型进一步探析交通因素、用地因素和社会经济因素对公园绿地可达性的非线性影响及其阈值效应,以期为公平导向下的城市绿地规划提供相关参考。结果表明:(1)研究时段内公园绿地供给与需求均呈现较快的增长,居民出行成本在逐渐降低;(2)居民选择两种交通方式出行的公园绿地可达性高值区域均呈现扩大趋势,主要分布在长江两岸、湖泊和大型风景区周围,但是不同时期步行方式可达性低值区域均多于车行;同时,基尼系数显示研究时段内两种交通出行的居民享受公园绿地服务的机会均不公平,且步行可达不公平程度远大于车行;(3)用地结构和社会经济因素对不同时期公园绿地服务可达性存在协同性影响,而交通因素是不同交通方式出行可达性存在差异的主要原因;(4)非线性关系图显示关键变量的阈值效应能够为城市绿地精细化规划与管理提供量化参考。  相似文献   

在“双碳目标”的背景下,社区作为生态文明建设的基本单元,其碳排放核算及生态效率评估尤为重要。基于家庭消费视角,采用碳排放系数法和消费者生活方式法核算社区居民碳排放,并运用超效率DEA模型评估社区生态效率,最后通过计量分析识别生态效率影响因素。研究结果显示:(1)社区居民人均碳排放的评估结果呈现出商品房社区(528.85kgCO2/月)>单位社区(475.66kgCO2/月)>传统社区(368.33kgCO2/月)的关系;(2)生态效率的评估结果呈现出传统社区(111.04%)>商品房社区(108.78%)>单位社区(105.70%)的关系;(3)社区管理工作参与意愿、家庭光照条件会对社区生态效率产生积极影响;此外,年龄结构(中青年人口占比)对商品房社区的生态效率有消极影响,受教育程度的提升则会提高生态效率。进一步提出针对三类社区特点的转型发展策略,为全国不同类型社区生态转型和绿色低碳发展提供参考范式和决策支持。  相似文献   

Urbanization is one of the most extreme forms of environmental alteration, posing a major threat to biodiversity. We studied the effects of urbanization on avian communities via a systematic review using hierarchical and categorical meta‐analyses. Altogether, we found 42 observations from 37 case studies for species richness and 23 observations from 20 case studies for abundance. Urbanization had an overall strong negative effect on bird species richness, whereas abundance increased marginally with urbanization. There was no evidence that city size played a role in influencing the relationship between urbanization and either species richness or abundance. Studies that examined long gradients (i.e. from urban to rural) were more likely to detect negative urbanization effects on species richness than studies that considered short gradients (i.e. urban vs. suburban or urban vs. rural areas). In contrast, we found little evidence that the effect of urbanization on abundance was influenced by gradient length. Effects of urbanization on species richness were more negative for studies including public green spaces (parks and other amenity areas) in the sampled landscapes. In contrast, studies performed solely in the urban matrix (i.e. no green spaces) revealed a strong positive effect on bird abundance. When performing subset analyses on urban–suburban, suburban–rural and suburban–natural comparisons, species richness decreased from natural to urban areas, but with a stronger decrease at the urban–suburban interface, whereas bird abundance showed a clear intermediate peak along the urban–rural gradient although abundance in natural areas was comparable to that in suburban areas. This suggests that species loss happens especially at the urban–suburban interface, and that the highest abundances occur in suburban areas compared to urban or rural areas. Thus, our study shows the importance of suburban areas, where the majority of birds occur with fairly high species richness.  相似文献   

近年来,绿化造林工程在北京市大规模展开,涉及林地生境类型多样.林地昆虫群落组成和多样性特征受林分树种组成、立地条件、管护方式的影响.通过对北京市5种人工林样地中蛾类群落结构、多样性和相似性及其时空动态特征的调查,探讨了蛾类多样性变化对生境类型的生态响应.结果 表明:共获得标本7046头,隶属于25科269种,以夜蛾科(...  相似文献   

生态空间(林地、灌木、草地、水体)所产生的生态系统服务极大的改善了人类的生存环境,在城市绿地破碎化日益严重、绿地质量逐渐降低、乡土植物逐渐减少、入侵风险逐渐加剧等生态背景下,如何维持稳定而持续增长的城市生态系统服务供给,一直困扰着当下从事城市生态学领域研究的学者和城市管理者。植被群落作为城市绿地系统的基本组成单元,在绿地破碎化趋势下,可作为研究内容来探讨城市生态系统服务维持或提升策略;植被群落泛指城市中常见的、具有明显边界的、按照一定分布规则的植物群落单元,既包括道路绿地、居住区绿地、公园绿地等,也包括城市郊野自然林地。但对植被群落生态功能的研究也多停留在对某一生态问题的简单相关性研究,缺乏系统性和整体性。从微观层面的植被群落角度,整合相关文献研究,介绍了受植被群落特征影响的6种典型城市生态系统服务,综述了植被群落特征对这6种城市生态系统服务的影响机理,对植被群落特征因子进行总结、归类,从树种特性、垂直结构、水平结构、其他4个角度构建了"植被群落特征因子对城市生态系统服务影响关系表"。最后面向典型生态系统服务提升提出了城市低质量植被群落地区的营建和更新原则,以期为今后城市园林部门、规划部门制定城市绿地系统规划提供基础性技术支撑。  相似文献   

Capsule Different urban breeding bird communities are associated with different habitat types, but, although community species diversity varies significantly, total bird density does not.

Aims To investigate the association between breeding bird communities and habitats within Bristol, UK and how these communities vary in terms of species diversity and total bird abundance.

Methods Breeding density data for 70 species in the metropolitan area of Bristol, UK were subjected to de‐trended correspondence analysis to identify the number of different communities present and their indicator species. These data were then used to identify patterns of habitat association with each community and differences in species richness and total bird density.

Results Three communities were identified: a rural community associated with woodland, managed grassland and inland water; a suburban community associated with buildings and residential gardens; and an intermediate community that shared some of these habitat characteristics. Species richness, but not total bird abundance, was lowest in the suburban community.

Conclusion The diversity of species in urban areas appears to be most dependent upon the availability of patches of natural and semi‐natural habitats. Residential gardens support fewer species, but those species that are present may be found at high densities.  相似文献   

1. Urban ecosystems create suitable habitats for many plant and animal species, including pollinators. However, heterogenic habitats in city centres and suburban areas have various effects on pollinators due to variations in the composition of vegetation and in landscape management by humans. 2. This study compared the abundance and species richness of three main groups of pollinators – wild bees, butterflies, and hoverflies – in Poznań, western Poland, and in three different types of urban green areas – urban grasslands, urban parks, and green infrastructure in housing estates. 3. The total abundance of pollinators was higher in urban grasslands than in housing estates and urban parks. Species composition of pollinator communities differed between the three habitat types. 4. The study results showed that species richness and abundance of butterflies varied between habitat types, whereas no such differences were found in the case of wild bees and hoverflies. Cover of green area, vegetation structure, and plant height were important for the pollinator community; however, these variables had different effects depending on habitat type. 5. These findings revealed that not all urban green areas are equally valuable in terms of local biodiversity. High‐quality urban habitats such as urban grasslands are capable of supporting rich and abundant populations of pollinators. Therefore, it is important to protect high‐value urban green areas and simultaneously strive to improve intensively managed urban habitats through effective planning and new management practices.  相似文献   

Questions: How does urbanisation influence soil mineral nitrogen stocks (nitrate and ammonium stocks) and what are the consequences of these modifications on the functional diversity of the herbaceous vegetation (vascular plants) and the seed bank? Location: Nine study sites were located on an urbanisation gradient in the city of Rennes, France. Methods: Three urbanisation levels were defined: urban areas (high grey/green ratio), suburban (medium grey/green ratio) and periurban (low grey/green ratio). For each urbanisation level, nitrates and ammonium stocks were quantified; the herbaceous vegetation was surveyed as well as the soil seed bank (using the seedling emergence method). Results: Nitrate concentration increased with urbanisation (the nitrate level in urban plots was twice the concentration in periurban ones) whereas the ammonium level was higher in periurban areas than in urban areas. In urban plots, the vegetation and the seed bank were more nitrophilous, whereas the nitrogen requirement was lower for periurban species. The relationship between the seed bank and the above‐ground vegetation was not significant. Conclusions: The higher nitrate concentration in the urban area appeared to be related to higher concentrations of atmospheric pollutants found in this area and lower ammonium levels may be related to the higher temperature in urban areas (leading to higher nitrification rates). The shift in the composition of the seed bank and vegetation appeared to be a consequence of higher nitrate stocks. The dissimilarity between the seed bank and vegetation may be caused by enhanced emergence of nitrophilous species in urban areas.  相似文献   

In urban environments, green roofs provide a number of benefits, including decreased urban heat island effects and reduced energy costs for buildings. However, little research has been done on the non-plant biota associated with green roofs, which likely affect their functionality. For the current study, we evaluated whether or not green roofs planted with two native plant communities in New York City functioned as habitats for soil fungal communities, and compared fungal communities in green roof growing media to soil microbial composition in five city parks, including Central Park and the High Line. Ten replicate roofs were sampled one year after planting; three of these roofs were more intensively sampled and compared to nearby city parks. Using Illumina sequencing of the fungal ITS region we found that green roofs supported a diverse fungal community, with numerous taxa belonging to fungal groups capable of surviving in disturbed and polluted habitats. Across roofs, there was significant biogeographical clustering of fungal communities, indicating that community assembly of roof microbes across the greater New York City area is locally variable. Green roof fungal communities were compositionally distinct from city parks and only 54% of the green roof taxa were also found in the park soils. Phospholipid fatty acid analysis revealed that park soils had greater microbial biomass and higher bacterial to fungal ratios than green roof substrates. City park soils were also more enriched with heavy metals, had lower pH, and lower quantities of total bases (Ca, K, and Mg) compared to green roof substrates. While fungal communities were compositionally distinct across green roofs, they did not differentiate by plant community. Together, these results suggest that fungi living in the growing medium of green roofs may be an underestimated component of these biotic systems functioning to support some of the valued ecological services of green roofs.  相似文献   

美国纽约州阔叶林物种多度格局的研究(英文)   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
物种多度格局是群落结构的重要反映 ,近年来又受到生态学家的重视。用 5种生态位模型研究美国纽约州“城 -郊 -乡”生态样带温性落叶阔叶林的物种多度格局。其中 3个模型 ,即几何级数模型、生态位重迭模型和分割线段模型拟合效果很好 ,它们既适合于简单群落 ,又适合于复杂群落结构的研究。另外两个模型 ,即随机分配模型和优势优先模型拟合效果不如前三个模型 ,可能仅适合于简单的群落研究。森林群落不同功能层的物种多度格局相似 ;沿“城 -郊 -乡”生态样带 ,森林群落的结构一致 ;物种多度格局与物种多样性指数结合使用可以更好地研究群落的结构特征。  相似文献   

Urbanization is considered as one of the most important land-use and land-cover (LULC) changes with multiple pervasive effects on biodiversity. However, the quantitative assessment of biodiversity responses to urbanization remains challenging because some species can be directly and negatively affected by the spread of human settlements, while others can benefit from this LULC change. Moreover, although species sensitivity to urban settlements (their “synanthropy”) can either correspond to the spatial segregation of individuals within urban habitats or to their positive temporal trends in these habitats, these two facets are hardly distinguished explicitly. Here, we confronted the fine-scale spatial distribution of all the buildings in France with the spatial distribution and population trends of the 119 most common French breeding birds monitored in 2124 plots from 2001 to 2012. We developed and tested two indicators of “synanthropy”. The first indicator (S1) differentiates species along a continuous gradient from urban “avoiders” (low S1) to urban “dwellers” (high S1). The second indicator measures the beneficial or detrimental effect of building densities on the temporal trends of the populations. It allows the segregation among urban “losers” having lower temporal trends with increasing buildings (low S2) from urban “winners” (high S2) having more positive trends in more urbanized areas. We then tested the relationships between S1 and S2 with a set of species and life history traits. Finally, we transposed these species indicators to communities using community weighted means to test the link between the synanthropy of communities with bird species richness, and the spatial, temporal and spatio-temporal trends of the synanthropy of bird communities. We found that 43% of the species were “urban dwellers”, and 18% “urban winners”. Both urban dwellers and winners were species widely distributed and locally abundant. Urban dwellers were mainly ground feeders but did not nest on the ground. At the community level, high species richness was associated with medium-values of community synanthropy, following the intermediate-disturbance hypothesis. We found that the average value of community synanthropy and their trend were not randomly distributed in space. These two indicators of synanthropy can be used in different taxonomic groups and areas to assess the proportion of synanthropic species within communities, to monitor their temporal trends and their spatial distribution and represent a straightforward complement to the synthetic indicators of human footprint on biodiversity.  相似文献   

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