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不同育苗方式对移栽后侧柏和白榆幼苗根系生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
不同类型苗木,具有不同的根系结构特征,其根系结构也将影响林木的生长和恢复生态系统的稳定性。以侧柏和白榆为研究对象,对移栽18个月后的种基盘苗与营养钵苗根系的生长进行了调查。结果表明:侧柏种基盘苗的总根长和平均直径比营养钵苗分别增加了316.20 cm和0.05mm,白榆苗则分别增加了651.54 cm和0.88mm。侧柏和白榆种基盘苗的根系表面积比营养钵苗分别增加了40.05%和73.04%。侧柏种基盘苗的根系总体积与营养钵苗的差异不显著,而白榆种基盘苗的根系总体积则比营养钵苗增加了54.70%。侧柏和白榆营养钵苗的一级侧根数量大于种基盘苗,增幅分别为42.31%和30.65%。对于侧柏来说,营养钵苗的根尖总数比种基盘苗的增加324个,但白榆苗差异不显著。各种处理的幼苗总根长与根系表面积都有显著相关性,但与根体积不具有显著相关性。营养钵苗的根系平均直径和根尖数量具有相对独立性,而种基盘的根系平均直径与总根长以及根体积均表现为显著相关。种基盘苗能提高侧柏、白榆幼苗的根冠比,促进幼苗株高、地径和主根的生长。采用种基盘苗进行植被恢复,由于其具有较大的根表面积和根长度,林木便具有了较大的吸收水分和营养的能力,以及较高的固结表层土壤能力。  相似文献   

用暗褐网柄牛肝菌纯培养菌种, 接种盆栽及袋栽的小粒咖啡(Coffea arabica L.)苗、田 间小粒咖啡树的根系, 结果表明:接种 30 d~90 d , 子实体幼蕾紧靠苗(树)的茎基或于茎基四周土壤中生长子实体并发育成熟。子实体单生或丛生, 出菇至成熟3 d~4 d, 单个子实体重20.0 g~62.0 g; 小粒咖啡苗(树)的根茎、主根及侧根被茶褐色的菌索和菌膜包裹, 而根尖及靠近根尖的侧根上没有菌丝和菌索生长或生长很少; 盆栽小粒咖啡苗, 在接种90 d后其根系表面的菌索死亡。  相似文献   

采用不同规格控根育苗容器对橡胶树籽苗芽接苗进行悬空和近地培养,观测其生长情况。结果表明,悬空培养对橡胶树籽苗芽接苗的纵向伸长(株高、主根长度)影响较为显著。育苗容器的高度一致时,体积越大的育苗容器,根系伸展空间越多,苗木地上部分长势越好;体积一致时,高度越高的育苗容器,苗木主根长度越长,但对籽苗地上部分及主根粗度影响较小。  相似文献   

吴小芹  郑玲  叶建仁 《生态学报》2009,29(10):5493-5499
为探讨林木不同菌根根系亚宏观结构对植物生长的影响,将黑松(Pinus thunbergii)分别接种黄色须腹菌(Rhizopogen luteous,简称Rl)、彩色豆马勃(Pisolithus tinctorius,简称 Pt2)和美味牛肝菌(Boletus edulis,简称Be)3种外生菌根菌,研究了不同菌根苗根系构型的差异及其与黑松生长的关系.结果表明,黑松3种菌根苗的根系参数(主根长、侧根总级数、一级侧根数量及直径、吸收根分布的范围、吸收根的数量及比表面积等)均比对照有不同程度的增加,且与黑松生长呈一定的正相关性;黑松不同处理菌根苗的根系整体构型差异显著:在生长最好的Rl菌根苗根系中,主根与侧根间具不同夹角的一级侧根分布均衡,且横向生长(80~90°)的侧根较多,其它角度(60~80°和<60°)的一级侧根依次递减,使整个根系呈""型,有效扩大了根系吸收的空间范围;生长相对较差的Be菌根苗其根系不同角度的一级侧根分布不均或80~90°的侧根较少;Pt2菌根苗生长较好,其根系构型界于前二者之间;而生长差的对照苗根最少,几乎没有80~90°的一级侧根.由此可见,不同菌根菌可通过影响根系的结构发育而影响黑松苗木的生长.  相似文献   

长柄水青冈(Fagus longipetiolata)是我国亚热带山地林的重要组成树种,本研究在温室中用河砂培养长柄水青冈幼苗,采用直接测量法研究了长柄水青冈的根系构型。结果表明,生长50 d的长柄水青冈幼苗的根系呈倒圆锥形,根宽小于根深;基根平均生长角度较小,基根的向地性小;一级侧根与主根的夹角从根系上部至下部逐渐变小;二级侧根首先发生于根系的中下部,然后其发生范围向根系上、下部扩展。虽然长柄水青冈幼苗根系构型存在较大的个体差异性,但一级侧根与主根的夹角则具有较好的稳定性。研究揭示了实验条件下长柄水青冈幼苗的根系构型及其在幼苗建成过程中的生长变化规律,为长柄水青冈的进一步研究提供科学依据。  相似文献   

用凝胶根系观测装置对榆中北山弃耕地演替前期的黄花蒿,中期的阿尔泰狗娃花、冷蒿、赖草和后期的短花针茅的种子根生长进行了为期2周的观测,比较了种间种子根特征以及种子根特征与千粒重之间的关系。结果表明演替前期的黄花蒿萌发起始时间为6 d,中期的阿尔泰狗娃花、冷蒿、赖草为6—9 d,后期的短花针茅为14 d。演替前期的黄花蒿主根较短,但侧根数较多,侧根较长,侧根生长速率较高,侧根总长与主根长比率较大,主侧根夹角较大;演替后期的短花针茅主根较长,但侧根数少,侧根短,侧根生长速率小,侧根总长与主根长比率低,主侧根夹角小;演替中期的阿尔泰狗娃花、冷蒿、赖草的上述各指标值介于黄花蒿和短花针茅之间。主根长、侧根数、侧根总长、主侧根夹角与植物种子千粒重之间不存在相关关系。结果表明从演替前期到演替后期,植物种子根投入向增加主根生长,减少侧根生长的方向演变,这是不同演替阶段的植物对演替过程中土壤逐渐旱化长期适应的结果。  相似文献   

盆栽条件下暗褐网柄牛肝菌人工菌塘及其子实体的培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在土壤中添加促进暗褐网柄牛肝菌(Phlebopus portentosus)菌丝及其宿主咖啡生长的营养液,用暗褐网柄牛肝菌纯培养种接种盆栽件下的咖啡苗根系,结果表明:92.5%以上的小粒咖啡(Coffea arabica)苗形成菌根,菌根上外延菌丝向根尖、侧根及根系周围的土壤延伸生长,与土粒相互交结形成菌塘。接种20天后,菌塘中子实体紧贴咖啡苗茎基或于咖啡苗株间生长,共生长162个子实体,发育成熟52个。子实体菌柄基部菌索与咖啡苗主根表面菌套连接。  相似文献   

分别采用不同基质配比(即泥炭和珍珠岩体积比分别为1:0、2:1和3:1)、不同促侧根措施(包括主根截短和200 mg·L-1 IBA溶液灌根单一措施以及上述2种单一措施的复合措施)和不同栽培容器(包括穴盘、营养钵和无纺布育苗袋)对凤丹( Paeonia ostii T. Hong et J. X. Zhang)容器苗进行培育,分析了容器苗的形态指标、单株质量、根冠比及部分生理指标的差异,并在此基础上筛选出适宜凤丹容器苗培育的栽培措施。分析结果表明:在泥炭-珍珠岩(体积比3:1)混合基质中,凤丹容器苗的单株侧根数、单株地下部鲜质量和干质量、根冠比以及叶片的总叶绿素含量、可溶性糖含量和含水量均显著高于其他基质。采取主根截短单一措施或复合措施后,容器苗的单株叶面积、单株侧根数、单株地下部鲜质量和干质量、根冠比及叶片含水量均显著高于对照(不做任何处理)和采取200 mg·L-1 IBA溶液灌根单一措施的容器苗,其中,采取复合措施的容器苗大部分指标最高。在无纺布育苗袋和营养钵中栽培的容器苗的株高、根颈直径、单株侧根数以及叶片的总叶绿素含量、可溶性糖含量和含水量显著高于在穴盘中栽培的容器苗;其中,在无纺布育苗袋中栽培的容器苗的单株侧根数以及叶片的总叶绿素含量和含水量均最高,且这3个指标显著高于在营养钵中栽培的容器苗。研究结果显示:不同栽培措施对凤丹容器苗的生长及生理均有一定影响,总体上看,对根系的单株侧根数、主根长、地下部质量和根冠比以及叶片的叶面积、总叶绿素含量、可溶性糖含量和含水量的影响均较大。根据实验结果,初步筛选出适宜凤丹容器苗培育的栽培措施,即用无纺布育苗袋,以泥炭-珍珠岩(体积比3:1)混合基质为栽培基质,实施主根截短和200 mg·L-1 IBA溶液灌根复合措施。  相似文献   

低磷供应对拟南芥根系构型的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
王学敏 《植物研究》2010,30(4):496-502
在人工气候箱中,采用Johnson培养基对拟南芥在低磷供应条件下根系构型的变化进行了研究,结果表明:拟南芥在磷饥饿诱导下,主根缩短,侧根密度、根毛的数量和长度显著增加,并且,根尖到第一侧根和第一根毛的距离也大大缩短。这些改变增加了根系比表面积,并且使得根系分布更加靠近土壤表层,有利于提高植物吸收土壤中有机磷的效率。低磷胁迫还导致拟南芥根系分生组织区细胞形状变异,柱细胞数量减少;主根生长和细胞伸长的动力学分析显示,磷饥饿促使拟南芥主根生长变缓,细胞长度随磷饥饿程度的加深迅速缩小。CycB1;1:GUS染色分析结果表明,低磷破坏拟南芥根系分生组织细胞分裂能力,这些结果说明磷胁迫同时抑制了细胞的伸长和分裂,从而引起拟南芥主根的缩短。  相似文献   

细叶马先蒿为玄参科多年生草本植物。年生产周期明显缩短。根系营养生长至花期为粗壮主根与纤细侧根并存,果期侧根几乎全部枯萎脱落,所存留根系皆呈乳白色。由胚根形成的初生主根根毛密集,初生木质部二原型。侧生分生组织只有形成层而无木栓形成层。根表皮细胞经解离后略呈不规则方形片状,横切面为平周长梭形,进行垂周分裂增加梭形根表皮细胞长度,以适应根的增粗生长。根表皮脱落时,外皮层以同样生长方式代替脱落的表皮。在年  相似文献   

Previous studies suggest that the positive response of transplanted rice (Oryza sativa L.) to nursery fertiliser application was due to increased seedling vigour or possibly to increased nutrient content. This paper presents results of two glasshouse experiments designed to test the hypothesis that seedling vigour was responsible for the response of transplanted seedlings to nursery treatments. The aim of the present study was to explore the concept of seedling vigour of transplanted rice and to determine what plant attributes conferred vigour on the seedlings. Seedling vigour treatments were established by subjecting seedlings to short-term submergence (0, 1 and 2 days/week) in one experiment and to leaf clipping or root pruning and water stress in another to determine their effect on plant growth after transplanting. Submerging seedlings increased plant height but depressed shoot and root dry matter and root:shoot ratio of the seedling at 28 days after sowing. After transplanting these seedlings, prior submergence depressed shoot dry matter at 40 days. Nursery nutrient application increased plant height, increased root and shoot dry matter, but generally decreased root:shoot ratio. Pruning up to 60% of the roots at transplanting decreased shoot and root dry matter, P concentration in leaves at panicle initiation (PI) and straw dry matter and grain yield at maturity. By contrast, pruning 30% of leaves depressed shoot and root dry matter by 30% at PI, and root dry matter and straw and grain yield by 20% at maturity. The combined effects of leaf clipping and root pruning on shoot, root and straw dry matter were largely additive. It is concluded that the response of rice yield to nursery treatments is largely due to increased seedling vigour and can be effected by a range of nutritional as well as non-nutritional treatments of seedlings that increase seedling dry matter, nutrient content, and nutrient concentration. Impairment of leaf growth and to a lesser extent root growth in the nursery depressed seedling vigour after transplanting. However, rather than increasing stress tolerance, seedling vigour was more beneficial when post transplant growth was not limited by nutrient or water stresses.  相似文献   

高山松(Pinus densata)是油松(P. tabuliformis)和云南松(P. yunnanensis)的天然二倍体杂交种, 是为数不多的与亲本种没有严格生殖隔离的同倍体杂交种。为了检测3个种在油松生境下的苗期适应性和生长发育特点, 为高山松成种机制提供数据, 选取了代表高山松及其亲本种遗传多样性的25个种群, 在油松生境下对比分析了苗期11个适应性指标和3个生长发育指标。结果表明, 大部分适应性指标和生长发育指标在种间和种内群体间差异显著, 主要变异存在于种间及种内群体间; 出苗率、2011年11月和2012年10月的封顶率、二年生苗在2012年10月的保存率等指标的种间方差分量较大, 种内变异较小, 是体现种间苗期适应性和生长发育状况的重要指标。油松在大部分适应性指标和3个生长发育指标上均表现最好, 总体适合度高于云南松和高山松; 云南松在封顶率和保存率上都居于最低值, 大部分一年生苗木到11月底仍未出现封顶现象且黄苗比例最高, 二年生苗的存活率为0, 表明云南松在油松生境下适合度最低; 高山松除了在紫苗比例上表现出超亲优势外, 大部分性状居于亲本种之间。此外, 位于青藏高原东北部的高山松祖先种群在适应性上表现较好, 具有在油松生境下发展的潜力; 而位于青藏高原西部的高山松种群及东南部的康定种群对油松生境的适应性较差。研究揭示出生态选择在高山松的同倍性杂交物种形成中起到了关键作用。  相似文献   

缪丽华  王媛  高岩  季梦成 《生态学报》2012,32(14):4488-4495
采用砂培法研究了不同浓度再力花地下部水浸提液对荇菜、苦草、水田芥、芦苇和黄菖蒲幼苗的生长、光合速率、根系活力、叶绿素含量以及抗氧化保护酶活性的影响,并采用气相色谱-质谱(GC-MS)联用技术对再力花地下部水浸提液的化学成分进行了分析。结果表明:再力花地下部水浸提液对荇菜、苦草、水田芥、芦苇和黄菖蒲5种水生植物幼苗生长有明显的影响,其中使用50mg干重/mL再力花水浸提液处理5种水生植物幼苗,对其生长指标有着极显著的抑制作用(P<0.01),苦草、水田芥和黄菖蒲的净光合速率分别降低69.0%、63.7%和73.5%,荇菜、苦草、水田芥和黄菖蒲幼苗根系活力分别降低67.3%、65.4%、52.2%和46.7%,5种水生植物幼苗叶绿素含量分别下降59.7%、71.2%、35.2%、50.0%和76.5%。当处理浓度为5mg/mL时,对5种水生植物幼苗体内过氧化物酶(POD)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性有显著的促进作用;当浓度为50mg/mL时,对5种水生植物幼苗体内POD、SOD和CAT有显著的抑制作用,丙二醛(MDA)含量增加。分析显示,再力花地下部水浸提液中主要含有愈创木酚(78.93%)、邻苯二甲酸二丁基酯(7.13%)、邻苯二甲酸二乙氧基乙酯(1.48%)、香豆满(1.09%)、邻苯二甲酸二乙酯(0.98%)、松油醇(0.70%)、吲哚(0.65%)、二丁基羟基甲苯(0.64%),合计占到总量的91%以上。  相似文献   

Topa  Mary A.  Sisak  Cheryl L. 《Plant and Soil》1997,190(2):317-329
The effects of low-P growth conditions on growth and net P acquisition were examined in two species of pine that are indigenous to P-deficient soils of the Atlantic Coastal Plain: pond pine (Pinus serotina Michx.), a moderately-fast growing pine, and a slow-growing seed source of loblolly pine P. taeda L.) from Texas. Short-term 32P uptake experiments were conducted using intact nonmycorrhizal seedlings that had been grown for 7 weeks in continuously-flowing solution culture at 5 or 100 µM P. Growth and P uptake of pond pine were more responsive to a higher P supply than the slow-growing loblolly pine. Pond pine seedlings in the 100 µM P treatment were twice the size of those grown in 5 µM P and accumulated almost five times as much seedling P. In contrast, seedling biomass of loblolly pine increased by only 8% under high-P growth conditions, and seedlings accumulated twice as much P, reflecting the higher P concentrations in shoot and root tissues. Although rates of unidirectional influx of 32P were 22 and 61% higher under low-P growth conditions in pond and loblolly pine, respectively, net uptake rates in seedlings from the 5 µM P treatment were over three times those of seedlings grown in 100 µM P. These results suggest that unidirectional efflux out of the root was controlling net uptake of P as much, if not more, than unidirectional influx. Efflux of32 P out of root tissue, particularly older tissue, decreased in seedlings grown under low-P conditions, possibly due to a reduction in the size of the phosphorus pool available for efflux, i.e. the soluble Pi pool. Over 75% of the total root P in both loblolly and pond pine seedlings grown in 100 µM P treatment was present as organic P, suggesting that organic P, particularly phytate, may represent important storage pools in roots of woody species. Within each species, higher rates of influx and net uptake in seedlings from the low-P treatment were associated with lower P concentrations in shoot and root tissue, and shoot FW:root FW ratios. Efflux may represent a short-term means of regulating net P uptake, while the demand for P created by growth and storage may represent a long-term regulation.  相似文献   

Large and high nitrogen (N) concentration seedlings frequently have higher survival and growth in Mediterranean forest plantations than seedlings with the opposite traits, which has been linked to the production of deeper and larger root systems in the former type of seedlings. This study assessed the influence of seedling size and N concentration on root growth dynamics and its relation to shoot elongation in Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis Mill.) seedlings. We cultivated seedlings that differed in size and tissue N concentration that were subsequently transplanted into transparent methacrylate tubes in the field. The number of roots, root depth, and the root and shoot elongation rate (length increase per unit time) were periodically measured for 10 weeks. At the end of the study, we also measured the twig water potential (ψ) and the mass of plant organs. New root mass at the end of the study increased with seedling size, which was linked to the production of a greater number of new roots of lower specific length rather than to higher elongation rate of individual roots. Neither plant size nor N concentration affected root depth. New root mass per leaf mass unit, shoot elongation rate, and pre-dawn ψ were reduced with reduction in seedling size, while mid-day ψ and the root relative growth rate were not affected by seedling size. N concentration had an additive effect on plant size on root growth but its overall effect was less important than seedling size. Shoot and roots had an antagonistic elongation pattern through time in small seedlings, indicating that the growth of both organs depressed each other and that they competed for the same resources. Antagonism between shoot and root elongation decreased with plant size, disappearing in large and medium seedlings, and it was independent of seedling N concentration. We conclude that root and shoot growth but not rooting depth increased with plant size and tissue N concentration in Aleppo pine seedlings. Since production of new roots is critical for the establishment of planted seedlings, higher absolute root growth in large seedlings may increase their transplanting performance relative to small seedlings. The lack of antagonism between root and shoot growth in large seedlings suggests that these plants can provide resources to sustain simultaneous growth of both organs.  相似文献   

In vitro directly micropropagated plantlets from three selected five-year-old Eucalyptus grandis Hill ex. Maiden hybrids were compared to their related half-sib seedlings for growth and growth pattern parameters under greenhouse conditions used for operational seedling production. The oven dry weights were determined from stem, leaf, and root samples collected every 40 days for four times. Relative growth rate, net assimilation rates and shoot:root ratio were calculated. Survival was 98% and 95% for plantlets and seedlings, respectively. Significant differences were observed between parents in terms of shoot and root dry weights and their ratios with similar ranking among plantlets and seedlings, suggesting genetic control over these traits. Plantlets started with significantly higher root: shoot ratios and stem, leaf, root, and total dry weight. Although seedlings had higher relative growth and net assimilation rates, all the initial differences decreased sharply over time.  相似文献   

Rice seedlings release momilactone B into the environment   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Since the growth inhibitor momilactone B was found recently in root exudates of rice (Oryza sativa L.), 3-day-old rice seedlings were transferred to hydroponic culture and the level of momilactone B released into the environment from the seedlings was measured. At day 15 after transfer, the level of momilactone B in the culture solution was 1.8 nmol per seedling compared with endogenous levels of 0.32 and 0.63 nmol per root and shoot, respectively, suggesting that rice seedlings actively releases momilactone B into the culture solution. This release must occur from the roots because only rice roots were immersed in the culture solution. Momilactone B inhibited the growth of ten cress (Lepidium sativum L.) seedlings at concentrations greater than 3 microM. Ten rice seedlings were incubated with ten cress seeds in a Petri dish containing 1 ml of medium, the medium contained 18 nmol of momilactone B, which came to 18 microM. This level of momilactone B was enough to reveal growth inhibition of the cress seedlings. Release level of momilactone B and its effectiveness as a growth inhibitor suggest that it may play an important role in rice allelopathy.  相似文献   

Methods for production of containerized seedlings ofAlnus species were developed which permit nitrogen-fixing nodules to form on the root systems prior to outplanting, in order to provide an early nitrogen input during seedling establishment. The methods are based on procedures for inoculating root systems with suspensions ofFrankia (Actinomycetales), applied either directly in the container cell as a soil drench at the time of seeding, or as a root dip for seedlings transplanted into the containers. Germination of dried, stored seed was enhanced by light and by presoaking for 16 h in water. Pretreatments to overcome seed dormancy or to eliminate fungal pathogens did not further enhance germination. Some loss of seedlings was recorded in the early stages of growth shortly after germination, which is a factor in calculating projected seedling yield. Nodulation and seedling growth were evaluated in terms of growth media characteristics. Seedlings performed well in peat-vermiculite, at soil pH between 5.5 and 8.0.  相似文献   

Cr6+胁迫对小麦幼苗根系生长的影响及DNA损伤效应研究   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7  
研究了Cr6+胁迫对3 d和10 d龄小麦幼苗根系生长的影响及DNA损伤效应.结果表明(1)>5 mg/L的Cr6+均显著或极显著降低幼苗根长、根数及根系鲜重、干重,3 d龄幼苗根系生长比10 d龄幼苗对Cr6+胁迫更敏感;(2)所试浓度Cr6+均降低两苗龄幼苗根系DNA含量;5~20 mg/L Cr6+浓度范围内,3 d龄幼苗根系DNA含量下降幅度大于10 d龄幼苗,Cr6+浓度>20 mg/L时,3 d龄幼苗根系DNA含量低于10 d龄幼苗;(3)Cr6+对两苗龄幼苗根系DNA增色效应的影响均呈现随浓度增大先升高后下降的趋势;3 d龄幼苗根系DNA增色效应在5~60 mg/L Cr6+浓度范围内大于对照,Cr6+浓度>60 mg/L时则小于对照;在所试Cr6+浓度范围内,10 d龄幼苗根系DNA增色效应均大于对照.  相似文献   

橡胶树(Heveabrasiliensis)种子催芽生长一般使用沙床培育,沙子是不可再生资源,为了选择一种适合橡胶树种子培育方式来替代对沙子的依赖,该研究通过水培、悬空培育和传统的沙培比较橡胶树实生苗第1蓬叶稳定时,苗木的生长势、生理指标及养分含量。结果表明,水培实生苗地上部株高、茎粗、叶面积的长势最佳,壮苗指数和生物量的含量最高,但其根太长,根相对较细。水培的叶、茎、根的可溶性糖、丙二醛、游离脯氨酸、超氧化物歧化酶的含量均较低;水培和悬空培育的叶片和茎的叶绿素、类胡萝卜素及根系活力的含量没有显著性差异,均高于沙培。水培的叶、茎、根中的氮和磷含量最低,沙培的最高;而水培实生苗根和茎中钾的含量较高,叶片中含量与悬空培育、沙培均没有显著性差异;悬空培育在叶、茎、根中钾的含量最低。水培促进了苗木的生长,降低干旱胁迫,提高养分利用率,但后续还需调控根系,建设良好根团。悬空培育的苗木长势较弱,还需进一步完善方法。  相似文献   

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