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密度对尖头叶藜生物量分配格局及异速生长的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
植物器官指示植物不同的功能,而植物器官生物量分配比例的变化表征了植物对资源获取能力的调整。在植物生长发育过程中,植物各器官呈一种明显的异速生长规律。利用异速生长分析方法,通过模拟不同密度(16、44.4、100、400株/m~2)下尖头叶藜(Chenopodium acuminatum)的生长特性,研究密度对尖头叶藜器官生物量分配格局及异速生长的影响。结果表明,随密度增加,尖头叶藜地上和地下器官都存在不同程度的竞争:其中,根和主茎生物量分配增加,茎和地上生物量分配减少,而叶和繁殖生物量分配不随密度变化而变化。研究发现,尖头叶藜各器官间具有显著的异速生长关系:其中叶∶主茎、根∶地上部分、根∶茎、根∶主茎、繁殖器官∶地上部分及繁殖器官∶根生物量间的异速生长不随密度变化而变化,属于表观可塑性;而叶∶地上部分、叶∶根、叶∶茎、茎∶地上部分、主茎∶地上部分、繁殖器官∶茎、繁殖器官∶主茎生物量间具有极显著的异速生长关系,异速指数和个体大小显著受密度变化影响,属于真正可塑性,这表明密度能够影响尖头叶藜各器官的生长变化。尖头叶藜叶∶主茎、叶∶根及主茎∶地上部分生物量间的异速指数在D4-密度时与3/4差异不显著(P0.05),符合生态代谢理论,而在D1—D3密度时与3/4差异显著(P0.05),表明充分竞争的植株更符合代谢理论,而竞争不激烈的植株对资源的投入具有物种特异性。  相似文献   

种群密度对大果虫实形态特征与异速生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为揭示种群密度与植物形态特征、器官生物量间的异速生长关系,阐明植物在退化土地恢复过程中的适应策略,以大果虫实为材料,通过异速生长分析方法,研究种群密度对其形态特征、生物量分配与异速生长的影响。结果表明,种群密度对大果虫实的株型构建产生了显著地影响。随着密度增大,大果虫实株高呈减小趋势,其分枝数及分枝长度明显减小。大果虫实各器官生物量随密度增大而显著减小。随密度增大,茎和繁殖器官生物量分配呈减小趋势,根和叶片生物量分配呈增大趋势。这与最优化分配理论中水分、营养物质及光资源受限时的情况一致。密度对大果虫实株高:根生物量间异速生长具有显著影响,且对株高与器官生物量间异速指数和个体大小产生了极显著影响。密度对根:地上部分、叶片:根、繁殖器官:根生物量间的影响属于表观可塑性,而对根:茎、茎:地上部分、叶:其他器官及繁殖器官:其他器官生物量间的影响属于真正可塑性,说明密度改变了大果虫实的株型发育系统,并影响各器官间的异速生长,进而权衡器官生物量分配以完成生活史。  相似文献   

以干热河谷6种草本植物为对象,研究了水分、养分、刈割对生物量在根、茎、叶的分配及异速生长关系的影响.结果表明:刈割处理叶生物量质量分数从25.1%显著增加到31.2%,茎生物量质量分数从43.7%显著降低到34.2%;养分添加处理根生物量质量分数从34.0%显著降低到30.8%;水分处理对生物量分配没有显著影响.物种对根、茎、叶生物量分配有显著影响,适应贫瘠土壤的物种将更多生物量分配给叶和根,对茎生物量的分配相对较低.物种与环境因子存在显著的互作效应,表明环境因子对不同物种的生物量分配影响不同.适应贫瘠土壤的物种叶-茎标度指数和异速生长常数大于其他物种,而茎-根标度指数和异速生长常数小于其他物种.养分显著增加了叶-茎和叶-根的异速生长常数,刈割显著降低了茎-根的标度指数,水分处理则没有显著效应.环境因素对器官间异速生长关系的影响存在种间差异.生物量分配的种间差异及其对环境因素的响应特征可能对植物适应环境变化产生重要影响.  相似文献   

以濒危植物明党参低温催芽形成的幼苗和常温正常萌发的幼苗为对象,对其存活及形态、结构、生物量及其分配、生长速率等指标进行测定和分析.结果表明,明党参幼苗在较高光强(65%全光照)存活率最高,有利于幼苗建成,低光强存活率最低.低温催芽形成的幼苗和常温正常萌发的幼苗对光照强度的响应规律类似,明党参幼苗的生长参数(株高除外)叶生物量、根生物量、总生物量、生长速率和总叶面积均在65%全光照条件下达到最大值,表现出最佳生长状况,表明适宜明党参幼苗生长的光照条件是65%全光照;利用低温催芽形成的幼苗生物量约是常温正常萌发幼苗的5倍,能提高其经受不利环境的能力,为明党参的栽培和保护提供一种新的途径.  相似文献   

东北天然次生林下木树种的生物量器官分配规律   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以帽儿山天然次生林主要下木树种为研究对象,探讨了植物生物量器官(叶、新枝、多年枝、细根、粗根)分配特征及其与物种和个体大小的关系。结果表明:1)林下植物器官生物量的相对生长遵循异速生长理论,相对生长关系并不唯一。叶与新枝(0.924~1.055)、多年枝与粗根(0.917~1.024)和地上部分与地下部分(1.064~1.125)近于等速生长,新枝与多年枝(0.585~0.700),叶与总枝(0.742~0.795),叶与总根(0.853~0.918),以及细根与粗根(0.658~0.750)的生物量相对生长表现为异速生长。2)林下植物生物量器官分配遵循异速生长分配理论,叶、新枝、多年枝、细根和粗根等的生物量比例依次是5.83%~20.60%、0.83%~7.42%、36.25%~68.24%、1.32%~6.75%和16.38%~42.88%、根冠比是0.272~0.866。3)器官生物量比例与物种和植物大小等有关,各植物的器官生物量比例有差异,随植物生长,各植物生物量的叶分配、新枝分配、细根分配和根冠比明显减小、多年枝分配明显增加(P0.05),仅少数植物的粗根分配无明显变化(P0.05)。  相似文献   

以青藏高原东部高寒草甸6种优势禾本科植物为研究对象,分析了不同生境和降温对幼苗形态特征、生物量分配和存活率的影响,为研究高寒草甸优势植物在不同生境下生长策略提供一定的基础。结果表明:在模拟覆盖地环境条件下,6个物种的幼苗将更多的资源分配给地上部分来增加对光资源的竞争,而在模拟裸露地环境条件下,幼苗有较大的生物量和生长速率,长势较好;幼苗生长初期的两次降温对其后的幼苗生长起着显著的作用,降温处理过的幼苗将更多的资源分配给根部;模拟覆盖地条件下的幼苗存活率显著高于模拟裸露地条件的幼苗存活率,但降温对幼苗存活率无显著影响。因此,本研究中所用的6种禾本科植物对环境条件的变化均表现出明显的形态可塑性特征,其存活率对异常降温的不显著变化可能是对青藏高原长期以来多变环境的适应性选择。  相似文献   

张东来  张玲  葛文志 《植物研究》2017,37(5):658-663
为了探求不同光环境对胡桃楸幼苗生长的影响,对全光照(100%光照)、中光照(60%光照)、低光照(30%光照)3种光环境下胡桃楸幼苗的生长、形态特征、生物量分配和水分特征开展研究。结果表明:胡桃楸幼苗的形态在不同光环境下存在明显的可塑性变化,生物量分配和水分特征均表现出不同程度的差异。低光照条件下,胡桃楸幼苗生长快,株高、地径分别为全光照的1.14、1.18倍;冠幅大,是全光照的1.40倍;叶片宽大,叶长和叶宽分别是全光照的1.25和1.36倍;分枝数明显少于全光照。3种光环境下胡桃楸幼苗地上部分生物量存在显著差异,地下部分差异不显著。叶片相对含水量随着光照的降低呈现逐渐增加的趋势;全光照条件下叶片饱和持水量与叶片干鲜比明显大于遮阴条件;3种光照条件下叶绿素含量差异显著。胡桃楸幼苗为适应不同光环境,在形态和生理方面都做出适应性调整,适当的遮阴处理有利于胡桃楸幼苗生长。  相似文献   

短命植物是中国荒漠区系中重要的组成部分,坡向是准噶尔荒漠区最重要的地形因子之一,可能影响该地区短命植物的生物量和化学计量特征。该研究通过分析两种十字花科的短命植物涩荠(Malcolmia africana)和条叶庭荠(Alyssum linifolium)的不同器官(根、茎、叶和繁殖器官)在不同坡向(东坡、西坡和北坡)上的生物量分配和化学计量特征,来探究短命植物的适应策略。结果表明:(1)两种短命植物个体生物量在不同坡向上均差异显著,但涩荠在西坡的单株生物量最大(1.1±0.0134 g),而条叶庭荠在北坡的单株生物量最大(1.45±0.0113 g),东坡最小(0.5±0.0084 g)。(2)涩荠各器官的生物量分配均表现为叶茎繁殖器官根,且在不同坡向上各器官分配比例相似;条叶庭荠各器官的生物量在不同坡向的分配均差异显著,且均表现为根部生物量显著低于其他器官(P0.05),其中北坡繁殖器官的比例最大,东坡叶片的比例大,而西坡的根、茎、叶生物量所占比例差异不大。(3)两种短命植物在不同坡向的生物量与C、N、P化学计量呈极显著正相关关系。(4)两种短命植物在不同坡向的N/P均小于14,说明植物的生长受到N的限制;涩荠通过调整个体大小以适应不同环境,而条叶庭荠则是通过调整各器官的分配比例来适应变化的环境。研究认为,短命植物具有通过调整养分和生物量分配来适应荒漠环境的策略,在准噶尔荒漠区的低山丘陵地带,坡向是影响其生物量分配和化学计量特征的主要环境因子。  相似文献   

王雪梅  闫帮国  史亮涛  刘刚才 《生态学报》2020,40(21):7767-7776
水分是干热河谷植物生长过程中最主要的限制因子,种植密度增加也会引起植物生长的资源限制,两者交互作用下植物生长性状及种内关系的变化特征还不清楚。以干热河谷优势植物——车桑子为研究对象,根据元谋干热河谷年均生长季降雨量设置3种水分梯度:高水分、中水分和低水分,同时在各水分梯度下设置4个种植密度:1、2、4、9株/盆,探究水分、种植密度及其交互作用对车桑子生长性状、生物量分配及种内相互作用的影响。结果表明:(1)低水分条件下,车桑子生长和水分生理受到抑制,但车桑子在较低的叶水势下依然能够保持较高的相对含水量;(2)干旱胁迫显著降低了车桑子总生物量和单株生物量,显著增加了枯叶生物量比例,低水分和中水分条件下,增加种植密度对总生物无显著影响;而高水分条件下,增加种植密度显著提高了车桑子总生物量;(3)低水分显著增加了茎、叶生物量的异速生长指数,将更多生物量分配到叶,而种植密度增加显著降低了茎、叶生物量的异速生长指数,增加了茎的生物量分配;(4)通过相对邻体效应的计算,各处理条件下,车桑子种内关系均表现为竞争作用,并且,这种竞争作用的强度随水分的减少和密度的增加而增加。在高密度条件下(9棵/盆),增加水分不会减轻种内竞争作用。综上,水分和种植密度均会对车桑子个体的生理生长产生影响,在植被恢复过程中,应考虑水分和种植密度对车桑子个体产生的资源限制作用。  相似文献   

剑叶金鸡菊(Coreopsis lanceolata)原产北美, 作为观赏植物传入我国, 被列为有害外来入侵物种。采用开顶式生长室(OTC)模拟增温的方法, 研究了剑叶金鸡菊在增温条件下其形态特征、克隆分株数、生物量及生物量分配的响应。结果表明: 受短期增温的影响, 剑叶金鸡菊的叶片数显著增加85.38%, 株高、叶片长、叶片宽及克隆分株数均没有显著差异。地上生物量的积累在增温后显著增加21.86%, 但增温后地下生物量及根冠比与对照相比没有显著差异。增温对剑叶金鸡菊的地上生物量分配及地下生物量分配有显著影响, 地上生物量分配显著增加, 地下生物量显著减少。综合上述结果可知短期增温促进了剑叶金鸡菊的生长及生物量的积累, 但增温导致土壤水分的降低限制了根系的生长, 使生物量更多分配给地上部分, 利于植物生长, 增强其入侵能力。  相似文献   

Luo T  Luo J  Pan Y 《Oecologia》2005,142(2):261-273
Knowledge of how leaf characteristics might be used to deduce information on ecosystem functioning and how this scaling task could be done is limited. In this study, we present field data for leaf lifespan, specific leaf area (SLA) and mass and area-based leaf nitrogen concentrations (Nmass, Narea) of dominant tree species and the associated stand foliage N-pool, leaf area index (LAI), root biomass, aboveground biomass, net primary productivity (NPP) and soil available-N content in six undisturbed forest plots along subtropical to timberline gradients on the eastern slope of the Gongga Mountains. We developed a methodology to calculate the whole-canopy mean leaf traits to include all tree species (groups) in each of the six plots through a series of weighted averages scaled up from leaf-level measurements. These defined whole-canopy mean leaf traits were equivalent to the traits of a leaf in regard to their interrelationships and altitudinal trends, but were more useful for large-scale pattern analysis of ecosystem structure and function. The whole-canopy mean leaf lifespan and leaf Nmass mainly showed significant relationships with stand foliage N-pool, NPP, LAI and root biomass. In general, as elevation increased, the whole-canopy mean leaf lifespan and leaf Narea and stand LAI and foliage N-pool increased to their maximum, whereas the whole-canopy mean SLA and leaf Nmass and stand NPP and root biomass decreased from their maximum. The whole-canopy mean leaf lifespan and stand foliage N-pool both converged towards threshold-like logistic relationships with annual mean temperature and soil available-N variables. Our results are further supported by additional literature data in the Americas and eastern China.  相似文献   

Noriyuki Osada 《Plant Ecology》2013,214(12):1493-1504
The theory of optimal nitrogen (N) distribution predicts that the carbon gain of plants will be maximised when leaves of higher irradiance have higher N content per area (N area). Most previous studies have examined optimal N distribution without explicitly considering the branching status of plants. I investigated light environment, N distribution and photosynthetic traits of individual leaves of an herbaceous species, Xanthium canadense. X. canadense was grown solitary under high (HN) and low nutrients (LN). Light availability, leaf mass per unit area and N area were measured for all leaves within plants. Daily photosynthesis of the plants of actual N distribution was compared with those of optimal and constant N distribution. Branch production was facilitated in HN but not in LN plants. N area was correlated more with leaf order than with leaf light environment. Although N was more limited and the light environment was less heterogeneous within crowns in LN than in HN plants, leaf N distribution was closer to optimal in the latter. These results suggest that leaf N distribution was not optimised in solitary plants of X. canadense. Because this species often regenerates in a dense stand, leaf N distribution might be selected to maximise carbon gain only in such a stand. Leaf N distribution might thus be constrained by the regeneration strategy of the species.  相似文献   

Plants exhibit higher leaf-to-root ratios (L/R) and lower leaf nitrogen content (N area) in low-light than in high-light environments, but an ecological significance of this trait has not been explained from a whole-plant perspective. This study aimed to theoretically and experimentally demonstrate whether these observed L/R and N area are explained as optimal biomass allocation that maximize whole-plant relative growth rate (RGR). We developed a model which predicts optimal L/R and N area in response to nitrogen and light availability. In the model, net assimilation rate (NAR) was determined by light-photosynthesis curve, light availability measured during experiments, and leaf temperature affecting the photosynthesis and leaf dark respiration rate in high and low-light environments. Two pioneer trees, Morus bombycis and Acer buergerianum, were grown in various light and nitrogen availabilities in an experimental garden and used for parameterizing and testing the model predictions. They were grouped into four treatment groups (relative photosynthetic photon flux density, RPPFD 100% or 10%×nitrogen-rich or nitrogen-poor conditions) and grown in an experimental garden for 60 to 100 days. The model predicted that optimal L/R is higher and N area is lower in low-light than high-light environments when compared in the same soil nitrogen availability. Observed L/R and N area of the two pioneer trees were close to the predicted optimums. From the model predictions and pot experiments, we conclude that the pioneer trees, M. bombycis and A. buergerianum, regulated L/R and N area to maximize RGR in response to nitrogen and light availability.  相似文献   

赖小红  李名扬  刘聪  钟雨航  林立  王海洋 《生态学报》2019,39(19):7025-7034
为探究植物物候对山地城市内部热岛效应的响应特征,于2016年1月—2017年1月对重庆市主城区80种木本植物进行地面物候观测,同时利用Landsat 8热红外数据反演研究区地表温度,结合同时期地面实测气温,对研究区热岛强度等级进行划分,进而比较城市内部不同热岛强度等级下植物物候变化特征。结果表明,热岛过渡区与热岛区植物展叶期较凉岛区分别提前了5.1 d和8.1 d,初花期分别提前了4.0 d和20.8 d,终花期分别提前了4.8 d和11.6 d,而落叶期分别推迟了8.5 d和18.9 d,即城市内部热岛増温使植物春季物候提前,秋季物候推迟,生长季延长,且物候变化幅度随热岛强度等级增大而增大。不同功能型植物物候对热岛増温的响应存在差异,灌木、常绿植物和引种植物物候比乔木、落叶植物和本土植物更加敏感。本研究在一定程度上填补了我国西南山区物候研究的空缺,可为预测城市植物物候对未来山地城市小气候变化乃至全球气候变暖趋势的响应提供早期预警。  相似文献   

We studied the effects of photon flux density (PFD) and leaf position, a measure of developmental age, on the distribution of nitrogen content per unit leaf area (N area) in plants of different heights, in dense stands grown at two nitrogen availabilities and in solitary plants of the erect dicotyledonous herb Xanthium canadense. Taller more dominant plants received higher PFD levels and experienced a larger difference in relative PFD between their youngest and oldest leaves than shorter subordinate plants in the stands. Differences in PFD between leaves of solitary plants were assumed to be minimal and differences in leaf traits, found for these plants, could thus be mainly attributed to an effect of leaf position. In the solitary plants, N area decreased with leaf position while in the plants from the stands it decreased with decreasing relative PFD, indicating both factors to be important in determining the distribution of N area. Due to the effect of leaf position on N area, leaves of subordinate plants had a higher N area than older leaves of dominant plants which were at the same height or slightly higher in the canopy. Consequently, the N area distribution patterns of individual plants plotted as a function of relative PFD were steeper, and probably closer to the optimal distribution which maximizes photosynthesis, than the average distribution in the stand. Leaves of subordinate plants had a lower mass per unit area (LMA) than those of dominant plants. In the dominant plants, LMA decreased with decreasing relative PFD (and with leaf position) while in the subordinate plants it increased. This surprising result for the subordinate plants can be explained by the fact that, during the course of a growing season, these plants became increasingly shaded and newer leaves were thus formed at progressively lower light availability. This indicates that LMA was strongly determined by the relative PFD at leaf formation and to a lesser extent by the current PFD. Leaf N content per unit mass (N mass) was strongly determined by leaf position independent of relative PFD. This indicates that N mass is strongly ontogenetically related to the leaf-aging process while changes in N area, in response to PFD, were regulated through changes in LMA. Received: 11 May 1997 / Accepted: 9 September 1997  相似文献   

Above-ground biomass (AGB) is an important indicator of grassland ecosystem performance. Easily measured plant functional traits (PFTs) may provide useful predictors of the response of plants to grazing. Understanding the response of PFTs to grazing and the relationship between PFTs and AGB is very important for effectively predicting the response of ecosystems to grazing and rangeland management. A grazing experiment was conducted in Gangcha County, Qinghai Province, in the northeastern part of the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau in 2012 and 2013. We investigated the response of PFTs in three dominant species (Elymus nutans, Kobresia humilis, and Stipa purpurea) to grazing, using six stocking rates. Plant height (PH), plant weight, leaf area, and leaf dry biomass of these three dominant species had significantly negative relationships with stocking rate. Leaf thickness (LT) of these three species usually showed a unimodal response to grazing. Specific leaf area generally showed a quadratic relationship with grazing intensity. No consistent effects of grazing were observed on nitrogen content per unit mass (N mass) and nitrogen content per unit area (N area). PH, leaf area, and leaf dry mass (LDM) were positively associated with AGB, but LT, N mass, and N area had no statistically significant association with AGB. We thus conclude that PH, leaf area, and LDM best predict the effects of grazing on AGB. Finally, 2.87 sheep/ha is recommended as the optimal stocking rate in this region to maintain the health of this grassland ecosystem and to allow for sustainable development.  相似文献   

Models were developed to estimate nondestructively chlorophyll (Chl) content per unit of leaf area (Chlarea) and nitrogen content per unit of leaf area (Narea) using readings of two optical meters for five warm-temperate, evergreen, broadleaved tree species (Castanopsis sieboldii, Cinnamomum tenuifolium, Eurya japonica, Machilus thunbergii, and Neolitsea sericea). It was determined whether models should be adjusted seasonally. Readings (were obtained six times during a year period and Chlarea and Narea were determined using destructive methods. Bayesian inference was used to estimate parameters of models that related optical meter readings to Chlarea or Narea for each species. Deviance information criterion values were used to select the best among models, including the models with seasonal adjustment. The selected models were species-specific and predicted Chlarea accurately (R 2 = 0.93–0.96). The best model included parameters with seasonal adjustments for one out of five species. Model-based estimates of Narea were not as accurate as those for Chlarea, but they were still adequate (R 2 = 0.64–0.82). For all species studied, the best models did not include parameters with seasonal adjustments. The estimation methods used in this study were rapid and nondestructive; thus, they could be used to assess a function of many leaves and/or repeatedly on individual leaves in the field.  相似文献   

The theory of optimal leaf N distribution predicts that the C gain of plants is maximized when the N content per unit area (N area) scales with light availability, but most previous studies have demonstrated that the N distribution is not proportional to light availability. In tall trees, the leaves are often clustered on twigs (leaf cluster) and not evenly distributed within the crowns. Thus, we hypothesized that the suboptimal N distribution is partly caused by the limited capacity to translocate N between leaf clusters, and consequently, the relationship between light and N area differs for leaves in different clusters. We investigated the light availability and N content of all individual leaves within several leaf clusters on tall trees of a deciduous canopy species Fagus crenata in Japan. We observed that the within-cluster leaf N distribution patterns differed from the between-cluster patterns and the slopes of the relationships between light and N area were lower within clusters than between clusters. According to the detailed analysis of the N distribution within leaf clusters, N area was greater for current-year shoots with greater light availability or a larger total leaf area. The latter pattern was probably caused by the greater sink strength of the current-year shoots with a larger leaf area. These N distribution patterns suggest that leaf clusters are fairly independent with respect to their N use, and the productivity of real F. crenata crowns may be less than optimal.  相似文献   

Herbivory can trigger physiological processes resulting in leaf and whole plant functional changes. The effects of chronic infestation by an insect on leaf traits related to carbon and nitrogen economy in three Prunus avium cultivars were assessed. Leaves from non-infested trees (control) and damaged leaves from infested trees were selected. The insect larvae produce skeletonization of the leaves leaving relatively intact the vein network of the eaten leaves and the abaxial epidermal tissue. At the leaf level, nitrogen content per mass (Nmass) and per area (Narea), net photosynthesis per mass (Amass) and per area (Aarea), photosynthetic nitrogen-use efficiency (PNUE), leaf mass per area (LMA) and total leaf phenols content were measured in the three cultivars. All cultivars responded to herbivory in a similar fashion. The Nmass, Amass, and PNUE decreased, while LMA and total content of phenols increased in partially damaged leaves. Increases in herbivore pressure resulted in lower leaf size and total leaf area per plant across cultivars. Despite this, stem cumulative growth tended to increase in infected plants suggesting a change in the patterns of biomass allocation and in resources sequestration elicited by herbivory. A larger N investment in defenses instead of photosynthetic structures may explain the lower PNUE and Amass observed in damaged leaves. Some physiological changes due to herbivory partially compensate for the cost of leaf removal buffering the carbon economy at the whole plant level.  相似文献   

Data for the vegetation periods (May–November) of 1985–2003 were used to collate the nutrient content and biomass of the most important phytoplankton groups in Lake Peipsi (Estonia). Two periods differing in external nutrient load and water level were compared by analysis of variance. The years 1985–1988 were characterized by the highest loads of nitrogen and phosphorus, high water level and cool summers. The years 2000–2003 were distinguished by low or medium water levels and warm summers. The first period showed statistically significantly higher values of total nitrogen (Ntot) and a higher Ntot:Ptot mass ratio. The second period showed a higher content of total phosphorus (Ptot), a higher ratio of dissolved inorganic compounds N to P and higher phytoplankton and cyanobacterial biomasses. Comparison between parts of the lake demonstrated that the differences between the two periods were more evident in the shallower and strongly eutrophic parts, Lake Pihkva and Lake Lämmijärv, than in the largest and deepest part, the moderately eutrophic Lake Peipsi s.s. Temperature and water level acted synergistically and evidently influenced phytoplankton via nutrients, promoting internal loading when the water level was low and the temperature high. The effect of water level was stronger in the shallowest part, Lake Pihkva. The difference in Ptot content between the southern and northern parts was twofold; the Ntot:Ptot mass ratio was significantly lower in the southern parts, and phytoplankton biomass (particularly the biomass of cyanobacteria) was significantly higher for Lake Pihkva and Lake Lämmijärv than for Lake Peipsi s.s.  相似文献   

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