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【目的】新烟碱类农药是目前全球应用最广泛的一类农药,大量研究表明亚致死量新烟碱类农药能够影响蜜蜂的采集、学习和记忆等行为。本文主要探究亚致死浓度新烟碱类农药噻虫嗪对西方蜜蜂5种免疫相关基因:Abaecin类抗菌肽(ABA)、Hymenoptaecin类抗菌肽(HYM)、防御素(Defensin,DEF)、葡萄糖脱氢酶(Glucose dehydrogenase,GLD)和溶解酵素(Lysozyme,LYS)表达及蜜蜂个体生存的影响。【方法】(1)通过饲喂管法确定噻虫嗪对蜜蜂的经口性急性毒性;(2)对蜜蜂长期(10 d)饲喂亚致死浓度(100、10、2.2μg·kg~(-1)噻虫嗪,然后运用荧光定量PCR技术检测了蜜蜂免疫相关基因的表达变化,并统计各组蜜蜂的存活率。【结果】(1)噻虫嗪对蜜蜂经口性半数致死浓度LC_(50)=692μg·kg~(-1);(2)亚致死浓度噻虫嗪对ABA、DEF和LYS表达没有显著影响;但能够极显著的降低HYM表达水平(P0.01);100μg·kg~(-1)噻虫嗉处理能显著增加蜜蜂GLD表达(P0.05)。【结论】研究表明亚致死浓度噻虫嗪能够抑制蜜蜂免疫相关基因HYM表达,这对于从分子水平上探究新烟碱类农药对蜜蜂健康和生存的影响具有一定的生物学意义。  相似文献   

王星  王强  代平礼  刘锋  周婷 《昆虫知识》2007,44(6):859-862
重新界定的外寄生螨类---狄斯瓦螨Varroa destructor(Anderson and Trueman),严重危害全世界的西方蜜蜂Apis mellifera。但是对其原始寄主东方蜜蜂Apis cerana不构成可见的危害。在西方蜜蜂群中,狄斯瓦螨在雄蜂房和工蜂房都能进行繁殖。在其亚洲的原始寄主东方蜜蜂群中,它们可以寄生于雄蜂和工蜂,但在工蜂房中不育。蜜蜂的血淋巴是狄斯瓦螨生存和繁殖需要摄取的惟一食物来源,推测血淋巴中的某种物质含量会影响狄斯瓦螨的繁殖。对中华蜜蜂Apis ceranaFabricius和意大利蜜蜂ApismelliferaL.工蜂和雄蜂封盖幼虫血淋巴中游离氨基酸和与营养有关的微量元素含量进行了比较,发现其存在明显差异,并推测这些差异与东方蜜蜂抗螨能力强有关。  相似文献   

【目的】杀虫剂甲氰菊酯广泛应用于农业生产中,但有关该杀虫剂对蜜蜂健康影响的研究较少。本研究旨在探究甲氰菊酯对意大利蜜蜂Apis mellifera ligustica生存、取食、免疫和解毒相关基因表达以及肠道菌群的影响。【方法】利用亚致死浓度的甲氰菊酯饲喂意大利蜜蜂7 d后,统计各组意大利蜜蜂的生存率和取食量;采用荧光定量PCR技术检测蜜蜂解毒和免疫相关基因表达的变化;利用16SrDNA测序技术检测蜜蜂肠道菌群组成结构的变化。【结果】甲氰菊酯能显著降低蜜蜂的生存率和糖水取食量(P<0.05);甲氰菊酯显著抑制了蜜蜂Hymenoptaecin、Apidaecin和Cyp9q1的表达(P<0.05),5 mg/L剂量的甲氰菊酯显著诱导了Defensin的上调表达(P<0.05)。与对照相比,5 mg/L和1 mg/L剂量的甲氰菊酯对Abaecin表达的影响虽无显著性差异,但是5 mg/L处理组Abaecin的表达水平显著高于1 mg/L处理组的(P<0.05);甲氰菊酯对意大利蜜蜂肠道菌群的Alpha多样性和Beta多样性无显著影响,但对特定肠道菌的丰度造成了影响。【结论】甲氰菊酯的曝露可能对意大利蜜蜂的免疫、解毒系统以及肠道菌群的组成产生了一定的影响。  相似文献   

【目的】梅氏热厉螨Tropilaelapsmercedesae是亚洲地区西方蜜蜂Apismellifera的重要害螨,给我国蜂产业造成巨大损失。该研究主要探究了梅氏热厉螨寄生对西方蜜蜂生存、糖水和花粉取食量及体内病毒变化的影响。【方法】从蜂群中收集被梅氏热厉螨寄生的和未被寄生的新出房蜂,并在室内饲养15 d,统计蜜蜂的存活率。统计蜜蜂每天对糖水和花粉取食量及对总的糖水和花粉取食量。检测7日龄幼虫、新出房蜜蜂和人工饲养15 d的蜜蜂体内BQCV、DWV、VDV-1、ABPV、CBPV、IAPV、SBV和CSBV8种病毒的感染情况。【结果】梅氏热厉螨寄生使蜜蜂对糖水和花粉取食量显著增加,并且寄生显著降低蜜蜂寿命。7日龄蜜蜂幼虫体内均检出DWV;新出房蜂体内均检测到DWV和IAPV;人工饲养15 d的蜜蜂,对照组蜜蜂体内检测到DWV,梅氏热厉螨寄生的蜜蜂体内检测到BQCV、DWV、IAPV和VDV-1病毒。【结论】研究发现,梅氏热厉螨寄生的蜜蜂随着存活时间的增加病毒种类增多。即使梅氏热厉螨寄生未引起某些蜜蜂形态变化,但寄生可能导致体内病毒增加,病毒的复制和免疫反应使蜜蜂能量消耗增多,从而致使蜜蜂寿命缩短。  相似文献   

长白山中华蜜蜂种质资源丰富,具有开发特色,然而,长白山区生态环境破坏严重,中华蜜蜂的生存和繁衍受到严重威胁,如何才能有效保护中华蜜蜂资源多样性,发展长白山特色蜂业经济,实现中华蜜蜂资源的可持续发展,已经迫在眉睫。最近几年,国家逐渐认识到保护中华蜜蜂的重要性和紧迫性,专门设立了中华蜜蜂保护区,对中华蜜蜂进行保护。笔者根据多年的工作经验,对如何保护好长白山中华蜜蜂谈一点浅薄看法。  相似文献   

蜜源木本植物的鉴定能为中华蜜蜂Apis cerana cerana保护和利用提供依据.本研究从在秦岭地区收集的4份中华蜜蜂蜂蜜中分离出植物花粉,然后在扫描电镜下观察花粉形态,根据花粉大小、赤道面观、极面观、表面纹饰对花粉所属植物的种类进行鉴定.共鉴定出中华蜜蜂利用的蜜源木本植物13科,19属,20种.其中以壳斗科Fagaceae、忍冬科Caprifoliaceae最多,卫矛科Celastraceae、桦木科Betulaceae、蔷薇科Rosaceae次之.这些蜜源木本植物中有13种是药用植物.秦岭地区丰富的蜜源木本植物为中华蜜蜂的生存提供了食物资源;同时中华蜜蜂作为传粉昆虫,对维持秦岭地区蜜源植物的生存和生态系统稳定起着重要的作用.  相似文献   

噻虫嗪及其混配制剂是防治刺吸式口器害虫的常用药剂,但对中华蜜蜂的生存风险尚未明确。在实验室条件下通过模拟中华蜜蜂授粉期间农药暴露的3种方式(蜂体接触、取食接触、植株接触),评估了噻虫嗪及其4种混配制剂,在田间最高推荐剂量下对中华蜜蜂采集蜂的毒性。结果表明,无论哪种暴露方式,噻虫嗪及其混配制剂均显著影响中华蜜蜂采集蜂的生存,且噻虫嗪混配制剂毒性高于单剂。在直接喷洒蜂体处理中,25%噻虫嗪·异丙威可湿性粉剂表现出最高毒性,其致死中时间(LT_(50)值)为1.23 h;在摄入和接触植株残留处理中,40%氯虫·噻虫嗪水分散粒剂和25%噻虫嗪·异丙威可湿性粉剂均表现出最高毒性,LT_(50)值分别为2.09、6.75 h和2.15、6.77 h。在3种暴露方式下,25%噻虫嗪水分散粒剂的LT_(50)值分别为6.50、17.24和8.90 h,明显低于对照。因此建议蜜蜂授粉期间禁止施用噻虫嗪及其混配制剂,为更好地推进蜜蜂授粉与绿色防控技术的研究与示范提供安全保障。  相似文献   

唐敏  邹怡  苏秦之  周欣 《生物多样性》2019,27(5):516-15
作为生态服务提供者的传粉蜜蜂与景观生态息息相关, 而以农田为主的景观组成显著降低了传粉蜜蜂的多样性。目前调查研究显示, 农田的扩张与蜜蜂多样性下降相关, 且农药残留对蜜蜂损害严重。景观中的开花植物决定了蜜蜂的食物(营养)组成, 其中花粉蛋白含量与蜜蜂的生长发育紧密相关。尽管研究已证实景观环境会显著影响蜜蜂蜂群的发展和个体的生长繁殖能力, 但未来还需要加强景观组成变化直接作用于蜜蜂的机制研究。另一方面, 大量研究表明蜜蜂肠道共生菌是影响宿主健康的重要因素: 可促进宿主吸收营养和抵抗病原菌。作为传粉者, 蜜蜂接触到的主要外部环境——花粉和花蜜都含有特殊的微生物, 很多研究暗示花源微生物是蜜蜂肠道菌来源之一。研究表明景观环境相关的食物(营养)、农药残留以及环境微生物都会显著影响肠道微生物。现有少量的研究证明不同景观的蜜蜂肠道微生物有差异, 景观环境可能通过作用于蜜蜂肠道微生物进而影响蜜蜂健康。然而不同景观环境中的微生物, 尤其是花源微生物和蜜蜂肠道菌之间的关联有待证明。景观对蜜蜂肠道微生物的影响值得研究, 希望可以从肠道菌的视角鉴别对蜜蜂友好的景观环境, 进而指导土地合理利用和蜜蜂保护。  相似文献   

蜜蜂是重要的传粉昆虫,在农业生产和生态平衡中起着重大作用。近年来蜜蜂数量大幅下降,由于农药使用、生态污染、气候变化等原因,以及受到天敌如胡蜂Vespidae的影响,更重要的是受到病原如真菌、细菌以及各种病毒的危害。其中蜜蜂病毒病是造成蜜蜂数量减少的重要原因之一。为了调查贵州省越夏期和越冬期中华蜜蜂感染病毒病的情况,利用RT-PCR技术对贵州省兴义市、息烽县、台江县、龙里县采集的样本进行检测。结果显示:贵州省越夏期以红火蚁Solenopsis invicta Buren病毒Sindbis virus(SINV)为主要流行病毒,而越冬期以囊状幼虫病毒Sacbrood virus(SBV)和黑蜂王台病毒Black queen cell virus(BQCV)为主要流行病毒。本研究初步调查了贵州省主要中蜂饲养区在两个重要饲养阶段发生蜜蜂病毒病情况,这将在一定程度上为防治蜜蜂病毒病提供理论依据。  相似文献   

蜜蜂嗅觉相关蛋白的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蜜蜂是一类营社会性生活的昆虫,蜂群中的蜂王、工蜂和雄蜂相互依存,各司其职,共同维持着群体严密有序的生活。其中,嗅觉系统在它们的生存和繁衍过程中起到重要的作用。昆虫对气味物质的感受过程是非常复杂的,需要有多种蛋白的参与。研究蜜蜂的化学感受机制可以帮助我们更深入地了解蜜蜂特有的行为及生物学特性。本文重点综述了与蜜蜂嗅觉相关的3种蛋白质的生化特性、分子结构、基因表达及其生理功能等方面的研究进展,以期为今后开展相关研究工作提供理论参考。  相似文献   

蜜蜂病毒学研究进展   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
张炫  陈彦平  和绍禹 《昆虫知识》2012,49(5):1095-1116
蜜蜂是自然界最重要的授粉昆虫,对维护自然生态系统的生物多样性和保持农业生态系统的增产效应发挥着巨大的作用。作为世界第一养蜂大国,中国养蜂业健康发展的意义不仅在于获取大量高品质的蜂产品,更重要的是发挥蜜蜂授粉的农业增产效应,保证我国的粮食安全。和其他动物一样,蜜蜂健康也受到多种病害的威胁,近年来蜜蜂病毒病在世界范围内的广泛流行与传播,是导致世界蜂群持续下降的一个重要原因。蜜蜂病毒长期广泛的以无明显发病症状的低浓度隐性感染方式存在于蜜蜂蜂群中,但多数蜜蜂病毒在特定环境条件下可被激活,在寄主体细胞内快速复制,表现出强烈的致病性,引发致死性蜜蜂病毒病的流行与爆发。蜜蜂病毒病知识的缺乏,以及复杂的蜜蜂病毒鉴定技术使得蜜蜂病毒病难以及时确诊和防治,因此每年在养蜂生产上造成的巨大损失已严重阻碍了我国养蜂业的健康发展。本文将综述这一领域的研究成果和学科发展趋势,为在我国开展蜜蜂病毒学研究提供参考,并介绍国外的一些蜜蜂病毒病诊断方法与防治经验服务于我国养蜂生产实践。  相似文献   

Honey bee is vital for pollination and ecological services, boosting crops productivity in terms of quality and quantity and production of colony products: wax, royal jelly, bee venom, honey, pollen and propolis. Honey bees are most important plant pollinators and almost one third of diet depends on bee’s pollination, worth billions of dollars. Hence the role that honey bees have in environment and their economic importance in food production, their health is of dominant significance. Honey bees can be infected by various pathogens like: viruses, bacteria, fungi, or infested by parasitic mites. At least more than 20 viruses have been identified to infect honey bees worldwide, generally from Dicistroviridae as well as Iflaviridae families, like ABPV (Acute Bee Paralysis Virus), BQCV (Black Queen Cell Virus), KBV (Kashmir Bee Virus), SBV (Sacbrood Virus), CBPV (Chronic bee paralysis virus), SBPV (Slow Bee Paralysis Virus) along with IAPV (Israeli acute paralysis virus), and DWV (Deformed Wing Virus) are prominent and cause infections harmful for honey bee colonies health. This issue about honey bee viruses demonstrates remarkably how diverse this field is, and considerable work has to be done to get a comprehensive interpretation of the bee virology.  相似文献   

This study examined the use of honey bees, Apis mellifera L., to supplement bumble bee, Bombus spp., pollination in commercial tomato, Lycopersicon esculentum Miller, greenhouses in Western Canada. Honey bee colonies were brought into greenhouses already containing bumble bees and left for 1 wk to acclimatize. The following week, counts of honey and bumble bees foraging and flying throughout the greenhouse were conducted three times per day, and tomato flowers open during honey bee pollination were marked for later fruit harvest. The same counts and flower-marking also were done before and after the presence of honey bees to determine the background level of bumble bee pollination. Overall, tomato size was not affected by the addition of honey bees, but in one greenhouse significantly larger tomatoes were produced with honey bees present compared with bumble bees alone. In that greenhouse, honey bee foraging was greater than in the other greenhouses. Honey bees generally foraged within 100 m of their colony in all greenhouses. Our study invites further research to examine the use of honey bees with reduced levels of bumble bees, or as sole pollinators of greenhouse tomatoes. We also make specific recommendations for how honey bees can best be managed in greenhouses.  相似文献   

Recent declines in managed honey bee, Apis mellifera L., colonies have increased interest in the current and potential contribution of wild bee populations to the pollination of agricultural crops. Because wild bees often live in agricultural fields, their population density and contribution to crop pollination may be influenced by farming practices, especially those used to reduce the populations of other insects. We took a census of pollinators of squash and pumpkin at 25 farms in Virginia, West Virginia, and Maryland to see whether pollinator abundance was related to farming practices. The main pollinators were Peponapis pruinosa Say; honey bees, and bumble bees (Bombus spp.). The squash bee was the most abundant pollinator on squash and pumpkin, occurring at 23 of 25 farms in population densities that were commonly several times higher than that of other pollinators. Squash bee density was related to tillage practices: no-tillage farms hosted three times as great a density of squash bees as tilled farms. Pollinator density was not related to pesticide use. Honey bee density on squash and pumpkin was not related to the presence of managed honey bee colonies on farms. Farms with colonies did not have more honey bees per flower than farms that did not keep honey bees, probably reflecting the lack of affinity of honey bees for these crops. Future research should examine the economic impacts of managing farms in ways that promote pollinators, particularly pollinators of crops that are not well served by managed honey bee colonies.  相似文献   

蜜蜂是最重要的农业授粉昆虫之一,蜜蜂在授粉过程中极有可能接触到广泛使用的广谱杀虫剂-拟除虫菊酯,大多数拟除虫菊酯对蜜蜂等农业授粉昆虫有较高的毒性.本文对拟除虫菊酯类杀虫剂的作用机理进行了综述;总结了蜂群及蜂产品中拟除虫菊酯类杀虫剂的残留现状、拟除虫菊酯对蜜蜂的急性毒性以及亚致死效应,讨论了拟除虫菊酯类杀虫剂复配农药对蜜...  相似文献   

The honey bee is a major insect used for pollination of many commercial crops worldwide. Although the use of honey bees for pollination can disrupt the habitat, the effects on their physiology have never been determined. Recently, honey bee colonies have often collapsed when introduced in greenhouses for pollination in Japan. Thus, suppressing colony collapses and maintaining the number of worker bees in the colonies is essential for successful long-term pollination in greenhouses and recycling of honey bee colonies. To understand the physiological states of honey bees used for long-term pollination in greenhouses, we characterized their gene expression profiles by microarray. We found that the greenhouse environment changes the gene expression profiles and induces immune-suppression and oxidative stress in honey bees. In fact, the increase of the number of Nosema microsporidia and protein carbonyl content was observed in honey bees during pollination in greenhouses. Thus, honey bee colonies are likely to collapse during pollination in greenhouses when heavily infested with pathogens. Degradation of honey bee habitat by changing the outside environment of the colony, during pollination services for example, imposes negative impacts on honey bees. Thus, worldwide use of honey bees for crop pollination in general could be one of reasons for the decline of managed honey bee colonies.  相似文献   

Although commercially reared colonies of bumble bees (Bombus sp.) are the primary pollinator world-wide for greenhouse tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) previous research indicates that honey bees (Apis mellifera L.) might be a feasible alternative or supplement to bumble bee pollination. However, management methods for honey bee greenhouse tomato pollination scarcely have been explored. We 1) tested the effect of initial amounts of brood on colony population size and flight activity in screened greenhouses during the winter, and 2) compared foraging from colonies with brood used within screened and unscreened greenhouses during the summer. Brood rearing was maintained at low levels in both brood and no-brood colonies after 21 d during the winter, and emerging honey bees from both treatments had significantly lower weights than bees from outdoor colonies. Honey bee flight activity throughout the day and over the 21 d in the greenhouse was not influenced by initial brood level. In our summer experiment, brood production in screened greenhouses neared zero after 21 d but higher levels of brood were reared in unscreened greenhouses with access to outside forage. Flower visitation measured throughout the day and over the 21 d the colonies were in the greenhouse was not influenced by screening treatment. An economic analysis indicated that managing honey bees for greenhouse tomato pollination would be financially viable for both beekeepers and growers. We conclude that honey bees can be successfully managed for greenhouse tomato pollination in both screened and unscreened greenhouses if the foraging force is maintained by replacing colonies every 3 wk.  相似文献   

Honey bee pathology: current threats to honey bees and beekeeping   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Managed honey bees are the most important commercial pollinators of those crops which depend on animal pollination for reproduction and which account for 35% of the global food production. Hence, they are vital for an economic, sustainable agriculture and for food security. In addition, honey bees also pollinate a variety of wild flowers and, therefore, contribute to the biodiversity of many ecosystems. Honey and other hive products are, at least economically and ecologically rather, by-products of beekeeping. Due to this outstanding role of honey bees, severe and inexplicable honey bee colony losses, which have been reported recently to be steadily increasing, have attracted much attention and stimulated many research activities. Although the phenomenon “decline of honey bees” is far from being finally solved, consensus exists that pests and pathogens are the single most important cause of otherwise inexplicable colony losses. This review will focus on selected bee pathogens and parasites which have been demonstrated to be involved in colony losses in different regions of the world and which, therefore, are considered current threats to honey bees and beekeeping.  相似文献   

To achieve maximised and sustainable crop productivity, it is critical that we develop crop-specific strategies for managing pollination. Honey bees (Apis mellifera) and stingless bees (Tetragonula carbonaria) are considered effective pollinators of macadamia (Macadamia integrifolia). The introduction of managed honey bee or stingless bee hives into orchards is likely to boost the numbers of these insects visiting flowers; however, there is a lack of published information and consensus regarding their management for pollination. Here, we identify factors that affect the distribution of both honey bees and stingless bees across cultivated macadamia, and establish whether increased flower visitation leads to higher nut set. A gradient of bee visitation rates was created by placing colonies on the ends of a four-hectare block, and mixed-effect models were applied to assess forager abundance and nut set with respect to distance from hive, time of day, cultivar, and floral display size. Distance from colony had a strong effect on stingless bee numbers, with >96% of individuals recorded within 100 metres of colonies, whereas the distribution of honey bees was more closely related to daily floral display: trees with greater numbers of flowers attracted more honey bees. Simplified surveys conducted in a further 17 macadamia blocks confirm that these are broadly occurring distribution patterns. Bee abundance alone did not significantly predict nut production; however, an indirect effect of bee visits to flowers is inferred, as nut production increased with size of floral display. To encourage a more even distribution of bees and uniform pollination, we recommend placement of stingless bee hives to maximise their distribution through a block (e.g. at 100-m intervals) and management practices that promote even distributions of flowers across trees.  相似文献   

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