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生物保护廊道研究进展   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
生物保护廊道是景观生态廊道的一种应用类型。本文介绍了有关生物保护廊道的基本概念、理论基础、结构和作用、质量与功能、有效性验证、建设与管理等研究进展;其基本现状是生物保护廊道的理论探讨较多而具体实践较少、社区参与的重要性成为共识却缺乏实际研究;深入剖析西双版纳生物保护廊道规划与建设的实例,发现社区参与成为生物保护廊道建设成败的关键。因此认为,社区参与的共管模式将成为生物保护廊道规划和建设的重要方向。  相似文献   

云南西双版纳尚勇保护区亚洲象新活动廊道的开辟和利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用村寨访问、痕迹追踪和3S技术,对西双版纳尚勇保护区及周边地区的亚洲象种群活动范围进行调查.研究发现,尚勇亚洲象的活动区域包括尚勇保护区的大部分区域,保护区西部的上中良、曼粉、河图和南平等村寨的部分集体林以及由河图、南平延伸,途经田房,龙匡和咖啡二队直至老挝境内的狭长廊道,总面积约395 km2.廊道长约17 km,呈"S"形,两端宽中间窄,最窄处约0.66 km,廊道内天然林面积仅占37.6%,且呈不连续分布.至2006年12月,记录亚洲象经由该廊道的跨境活动共6次,象群不仅利用此廊道在不同栖息地之间来回活动,而且还以廊道内的天然林或橡胶林为庇护所,取食周围的农作物.栖息地减少和破碎化、人类活动和盗猎威胁是导致亚洲象在此区域内活动并最终开辟新活动廊道的原因.在勐养、勐腊和尚勇保护区以及中国老挝之间建立生态走廊带,严厉打击盗猎和科学的栖息地管理是恢复和增大亚洲象生存空间,缓解人象冲突,更好地保护亚洲象的有效措施.  相似文献   

西双版纳亚洲象的栖息地评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用亚洲象种群野外调查数据,结合3S技术,应用生态位因子分析(Ecological Niche Factor Analysis,ENFA)模型对西双版纳亚洲象的栖息地状况进行评价,并对适宜栖息地做出预测。结果表明:ENFA分析的边界值M=1.3751,耐受值T=0.478,说明亚洲象对环境条件有一定选择性和耐受性,但生态位仍不宽,专化程度较高;影响亚洲象栖息地质量的最重要因素为植被因素,尤其是竹林和竹阔混交林;在本研究中,象群在农地中的分布点占所有分布点的45.2%,它们对栖息地预测结果的影响显著;与有农地象分布点所预测的亚洲象栖息地相比,无农地象分布点所预测的亚洲象总栖息地面积共减少2 652.5 km2,其中农地面积减少最大,共计1 788 km2,所占比例由35.7%降低至6.3%。因此,有农地象分布点所预测得到的亚洲象栖息地分布是人为干扰模式下的亚洲象栖息地状况,而无农地象分布点所预测的亚洲象栖息地是真正适宜亚洲象生存的栖息地;这些栖息地主要分布在西双版纳国家级自然保护区的勐养、勐仑、勐腊、尚勇子保护区和纳板河流域国家级自然保护区内及其周边地区,且已呈现岛屿化,因此急需在勐养子保护区和普洱之间、勐腊和尚勇子保护区之间以及中国—老挝边境地区建立生态廊道以保护亚洲象种群的长期维持和健康发展。  相似文献   

建设食物源基地的目的是招引亚洲象返回保护区深处而减少周边村寨的人象冲突.2005-2010年对勐养子保护区食物源基地内亚洲象活动的监测数据进行统计,分析亚洲象在基地的活动规律,结合基地周边村寨的亚洲象肇事情况,研究了基地对亚洲象和周边村寨的影响,以探讨基地对缓解人象冲突的效应.结果表明:基地提供大量食物招引亚洲象,对缓解人象冲突有一定作用;亚洲象在基地活动的月节律和日节律与当地农作物的播种、成熟时间以及日常劳作时序基本一致;食物匮乏时,亚洲象取食引种的外来植物王草,或是进入周边村寨取食作物,并出现距离基地越近,亚洲象肇事越严重的现象.因此,认为食物源基地建设应格外关注其位置布局和更恰当的植物配置.  相似文献   

文化林是按照文化传统和风俗习惯来保护和管理的森林,在保护生物多样性的同时也维持了生态系统服务功能.采用半结构式访谈法调查了文化林周边村民对文化林的生态系统服务功能的认知及保护意愿,结果表明:(1)村民认为文化林提供的最重要的服务功能为固碳释养、水源涵养及美学价值,并与最满意的服务功能间存在正相关关系.最期望提高的服务功能是文化功能,例如:生态旅游,美学价值.(2)相对周边其他森林村民对文化林的资源利用较小,主要是非林木产品,平均26.3%的被访村民在文化林中获得过收入,40.6%的被访者获得山野菜、竹子、中药材、薪柴等.但90.1%被访者从其他森林中得到薪柴等林产品,开展旅游村落的村民获得林产品比例相对较小,但管护意愿相对较低.(3)村民对文化林的保护积极性较高,70.4%的被访者愿意花时间来管护森林,距文化林越近、家庭收入越高,管护意愿越高.38.9%的被访者愿意支付费用来维持服务功能不变化,距文化林越近,管护意愿越低的被访者,支付意愿越高.(4)通过了解村民对文化林的态度和认知,对我国农村森林生态系统服务功能和天然林保护具有重要意义.建议大力宣传文化林的生态系统服务功能,尤其是文化功能,并寻找替代生计提高居民收入,雇佣当地男性村民看护森林,充分利用村民的传统知识加强共管力度,完善村规民约,在今后规划中尽量将村落沿着文化林布局,积极支持对文化林的保护和发展.  相似文献   

何思源  魏钰  苏杨  闵庆文 《生态学报》2021,41(8):3021-3032
大量研究表明自然保护地周边社区居民对保护地的态度是影响社区参与保护,实现保护地管理目标的主要因素,由此建立了"认知-态度-参与"的行为逻辑。中国国家公园体制建设希望进一步推进社区与保护地的关系,全面提升自然保护管理效率,也建立在对这一行为逻辑的认同之上。为验证社区认知与行为的关系,并为促进不同利益相关者参与国家公园建设与管理提供科学支持,研究试图分析武夷山国家公园体制试点区社区居民的国家公园的"认知-态度-参与"的行为逻辑以揭示社区参与国家公园建设与管理的深层机制。与一般研究不同在于,本研究是针对正在建设中的国家公园,使得本地利益相关方的态度有机会影响国家公园建设进程。为获得社区"认知-态度-参与"核心观念,探索社区参与的过程和方式,提出促进社区参与的方法,研究采用扎根理论这一质性研究方法,基于对本地利益相关者采用半结构化开放问题的深度访谈,归纳出概念与范畴,形成社区参与国家公园建设与管理的理论。研究首先形成45个概念与13个范畴,通过范式模型研究发现,稳定资源使用权利、引导社区参与决策、保障社区发展权利、创新社区产业模式、提高个体适应能力、降低政策风险影响等六个主范畴能够解释社区居民对国家公园的认知-态度-参与这一行为逻辑。通过归纳主范畴,研究进一步提炼出社区参与国家公园建设与管理的理论核心在于社区自然资源管理的自主性、创新性与适应性,其内在机制在于社区参与是一个自主性提高的动态过程,需要通过保障社区生计资源禀赋来实现长期的价值转化,最终使其成为社会-生态系统适应性治理的组成部分。在理论阐释基础上,研究提出从改善社区认知、提升社区参与角度推进国家公园建设的路径。研究也指出,所提出的社区参与机制理论能够提炼量化指标评价社区参与,追踪武夷山国家公园体制试点进程。  相似文献   

通过社区村寨访问、监测网络、痕迹追踪和生态位因子分析(ENFA)等方法对西双版纳国家级自然保护区勐腊子保护区内亚洲象的种群和栖息地状况进行研究。结果显示:2007年勐腊子保护区的亚洲象种群数量约为25—32头,2009年其数量增至35—42头;2006—2007年期间,亚洲象的分布区包含保护区东南部和东部的两片区域,面积共221 km2,占保护区总面积的19.2%;象群在分布区内开辟了固定的活动路线,总长约65 km,它们利用这些路线巡回取食天然植物和农作物并导致严重的人象冲突;栖息地评价研究表明亚洲象对栖息地具有一定的选择偏好性,保护区内亚洲象喜好的栖息地面积为328.5 km2,仅占保护区总面积的28.5%,且主要被分为两大斑块1和2,分别位于保护区的东南部和西北部。  相似文献   

圈养动物放归项目是否成功,与放归地周边社区居民的支持力度有很大关系。大熊猫(Ailuropoda melanoleuca)野化培训与放归项目自2010年以来取得了突破性进展,野化培训圈养大熊猫陆续被放归野外并开展了持续的跟踪监测。2017年,在6只圈养大熊猫被放归至栗子坪国家级自然保护区后,基于入户调查426份有效问卷数据,运用卡方检验(或Fisher精确检验)和Kruskal-Wallis秩和检验比较了四川省六个保护区周边社区居民的保护知识、保护意识和对大熊猫放归的态度,并分析放归发生地组(栗子坪)、相关地组(冶勒、大相岭)和不相关地组(嘛咪泽、老君山和瓦屋山)之间的差异性,结果表明:(1)六个保护区相比,周边社区居民在保护知识、保护意愿和放归支持方面存在极显著差异(P<0.001)。(2)各保护区多数居民都支持大熊猫放归,放归发生地组支持度最高,相关组居中,不相关组的支持度最低;同时,不相关组在保护意愿和态度上的得分也低于其余两组。即使放归项目处于未实施阶段,当知道项目的居民比例上升时,该社区对放归的支持会进一步提高。(3)管理部门和媒体作为信息主要来源对提高居民保护认知起到...  相似文献   

胡仁传  周迎  董亦非  罗斌圣 《广西植物》2023,43(8):1428-1436
生物多样性是人类赖以生存的物质基础,目前对生物多样性的保护主要通过建立自然保护区来进行。保护小区作为我国现有自然保护区体系的一个重要补充,是联通动植物破碎化的栖息地,维护生态系统完整性的重要手段。该文通过文献研究和实地调查等方式对以社区为主体的渠楠保护小区的组织架构、制度建设、日常工作以及初步成效等进行了系统的整理和分析。结果表明:(1)渠楠保护小区以“自建、自筹、自管、自受益”为指导思想进行建设,采取“平等议事、民主协商”为主的方式进行管理,得到了当地社区居民的认可和拥护,并得到了当地政府和外界的承认和支持。(2)保护小区的成立、建设和发展,不仅提高了社区居民的保护意识和周边动植物种群数量及多样性,还改善了渠楠社区的生活环境,丰富了社区居民的精神文化,为当地的生物多样性和传统文化的保护做出了积极贡献。该文还探讨了以社区为主体的保护小区建设中存在的隐患,并提出可行性建议,以期为我国生物多样性保护及其他保护小区的发展提供参考。  相似文献   

在2006年6月至2007年9月,通过种群个体识别、社区监测网络、样线调查和村寨访问等方法对尚勇保护区亚洲象的种群动态和季节性分布格局进行研究.结果显示:目前在尚勇保护区的亚洲象种群数量约为68头;拍摄到亚洲象共计347头次,通过个体识别方法识别出亚洲象53头,其中幼体、青少年体、亚成体和成体数量及所占比例分别为:3(...  相似文献   

Evaluating road effects on the ecological status and landscape connectivity is critical for animal corridor design. Taking the fragmented nature reserves in Xishuangbanna as a case, road impacts on Asian elephant habitats were determined based on a suitability analysis. Potential corridors between different sub-reserves were located using “least-cost” method as a systematic way incorporating remote sensing (RS) and geographic information system (GIS). Our results revealed that road networks, especially high-level roads (expressway, national road and city-county city road), had the largest effects on the suitability according to the sensitivity analysis. Suitability ( > 40) area will increase about 40% if there were no high-level roads. In total, seven potential linkages were located and found to be capable of connecting the habitats of the four sub-reserves. We suggested the Menglun reserve could serve as a stepping-stone for elephant migration. Four further conservation priorities were also identified between the Menglun reserve and the Mengla reserve where the road impacts were intensive. Our study provided information for the development of an efficient reserve network for elephant conservation between existing nature reserves in China and neighboring provinces in Lao PDR.  相似文献   

Although more than 40% of Tanzania mainland is managed for nature conservation, protected areas are increasingly becoming isolated because of rapid habitat degradation in the matrix in between. Knowledge on corridors connecting the protected areas is urgently needed. We assessed the area between Saadani National Park and Wami‐Mbiki Wildlife Management Area, combining interviews about wildlife occurrences from 20 villages in the area with least‐cost landscape modelling with African elephants (Loxodonta africana) as the focal species. The interviews suggested that, in contrast to earlier assumptions, migration of elephants or the presence of one or more independent elephant populations still exists in the unprotected area between Saadani and Wami‐Mbiki. A combination of the interview results and multiple least‐cost models showed three corridors in the area. The corridor along the Wami river is the most important one, the area between Miono and Mandera was identified as an impeding zone. Management decisions on the wildlife corridors to be protected will require further in‐depth research in the three specified corridor zones. Apart from providing insights into elephant movement ecology, the approach may be useful for localizing corridors elsewhere in eastern Africa.  相似文献   

Wildlife corridors, protected bands of suitable habitat linking core populations of plants and animals, are seen as the best solution to the problem of habitat fragmentation. A corridor between two wildlife refuges was identified in the communal lands of Zimbabwe. Results of tracking the current preferred migration of bull elephants between the two refuges using radio collars were combined with a GIS analysis to examine the zone where conservation of habitat would have least impact on current activities within the communal lands. A suitable corridor was identified using least‐cost analysis allowing for the improved conservation of the elephants and therefore potentially increasing the benefits to local residents by both reducing human/elephant conflict and increasing income from sport hunting and tourism in the region. Recent political violence in the corridor region, the illegal killing of elephants and the loss of suitable habitat makes the implementation of this corridor unlikely.  相似文献   

Mapping landscape corridors   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《Ecological Indicators》2007,7(2):481-488
Corridors are important geographic features for biological conservation and biodiversity assessment. The identification and mapping of corridors is usually based on visual interpretations of movement patterns (functional corridors) or habitat maps (structural corridors). We present a method for automated corridor mapping with morphological image processing, and demonstrate the approach with a forest map derived from satellite imagery of northern Slovakia. We show how the approach can be used to differentiate between relatively narrow (‘line’) and wide (‘strip’) structural corridors by mapping corridors at multiple scales of observation, and indicate how to map functional corridors with maps of observed or simulated organism movement. An application to environmental reporting is demonstrated by assessing structural forest corridors in relation to forest types in northern Slovakia.  相似文献   

Human–elephant conflict is a common conservation problem throughout Africa, but poorly studied where forest elephants (Loxodonta cyclotis) occur. Here, we investigated people's perceptions towards the impact of elephants around Nouabalé‐Ndoki National Park, northern Congo. We aimed to understand the perceptual differences amongst residents of four villages that varied substantially in the degree of conservation benefits received. We used a multivariate analysis to investigate how socio‐economic variables, such as employment, wealth, education and ethnicity, influenced perceptions. Using both quantitative and qualitative data, we found that the majority of respondents experienced elephant impacts, mainly through crop raiding. Residents of the village where the local conservation project is based had significantly more positive perceptions of elephants, whereas perceptions of farmers were mostly negative. We identified some misunderstandings regarding the responsibilities of elephant impact mitigation regarding benefit sharing, stakeholder involvement and lawbreaking, but also willingness to apply mitigation measures. To mitigate the prevalent impact of elephants, a comprehensive approach of measuring impact, exploring community‐based mitigating strategies and understanding of the root causes of the conflict is crucial. We propose a long‐term programme within logging concessions organizing groups of farmers to cooperate on mitigation techniques and explore alternative incomes.  相似文献   

沿道路设置供野生动物迁徙、扩散和连接栖息地的廊道是应对道路干扰最有效的措施,科学选址则是野生动物廊道建设的前提,也是廊道研究的薄弱领域。以大熊猫廊道为例对野生动物廊道选址指标体系、方法和程序进行了探索,将栖息地特征、地形因素、植被可转化性、工程成本作为大熊猫廊道选址指标,基于Arcgis和栖息地格局、海拔、坡度、植被数据,为四川306省道椅子垭口段确定了两处大熊猫廊道位置,并用监测数据证明了所选位置具有较大的可行性和准确性。研究表明栖息地格局是廊道选址的重要基础,应侧重对地形因素的研究。研究为廊道选址方法和流程进行了示范,还对选址指标体系优化、提高选址的科学性进行了探讨,有助于推动野生动物廊道研究从理论探索走向实际应用。  相似文献   

Mudumalai Wildlife Sanctuary in southern India plays an important role in biodiversity conservation, especially of large mammals, by offering habitat contiguity of about 3300 km2 with three other protected areas in the region, namely Nagarahole and Bandipur National Parks and Wynaad Wildlife Sanctuary through forest corridors between the Western Ghats and Eastern Ghats forests. The habitat linkage is crucial for large ranging animals such as elephants, which use these forest corridors for migration. Livestock grazing, a major biotic interference in forest corridors, originates from seven settlements of the Masinagudi group of villages on the eastern and the southeastern fringes of the sanctuary. Construction of a series of hydroelectric power stations, numbering about three at Singara, Marvakandy (Masinagudi) and Moyar, around the Masinagudi villages caused a rapid growth in human population (143% between 1961 and 1991), particularly the landless labourers and livestock. Free grazing by about 15 000–17 000 resident as well as migratory livestock every year in and around the forest corridors, coupled with removal of cattle dung from the forest floor, have adversely affected the forest regeneration and helped proliferation of weed species such as Lantana camara, Casia tora, C. occidentalis, Opuntia dillenii, and Ageratum conyzoides. The annual fodder production from the corridor forest could meet the demand of about two-thirds of the resident population, while the crop residues from the marginal agriculture could not support the remaining one-third livestock population. In view of such a situation, measures have been suggested to reduce livestock population and implement the ecodevelopment packages in order to ensure the corridor connectivity for the long-term conservation of the elephant population.  相似文献   

生态廊道的作用在于提供生物迁徙的路径、促进不同栖息地之间的物种交流.廊道的构建能够减轻因城市化速度加快导致景观破碎化带来的危害,对生物多样性的保护具有十分重要的意义.本文以昌黎县为研究区,以2015年土地利用现状为基础,采用生态敏感性评价和生态系统服务价值分析的综合结果确定生态源地,然后基于最小累积阻力模型(MCR)和最小成本路径方法生成潜在廊道,根据重力模型对关键廊道进行识别,最终得到研究区包括4条重要廊道和2条一般廊道在内的生态廊道体系,旨在促进昌黎县生态廊道建设工程的科学实施和保护生物多样性.结果表明:研究区生态敏感性总体一般,生态系统服务价值总体较差,两者均呈现出四周高于中间的特点.生态源地主要分布在北部碣石山风景区、东部滨海国有林场和西部水源保护地这3个区域,与研究区生态环境建设与保护规划(2011-2030年)确定的自然保护区高度吻合.研究区生态廊道总长112.66 km,其中,重要廊道47.61 km,一般廊道65.05 km,廊道的最佳宽度范围为30~60 m,生态廊道与生态源地大致构成了一个环形闭合区域,能够有效促进生物物种的迁徙和物质能量的交流.  相似文献   

The African elephant, Loxodonta africana, is under threat from habitat loss, poaching and human–elephant conflict. To mitigate for impact of habitat loss and reduce conflict, connectivity between elephant habitats can be improved through the protection of corridor areas. This study looks at elephant distribution and movement patterns within the Kasigau Wildlife Corridor (KWC) within the Tsavo Conservation Area in South‐east Kenya. Elephant presence data were obtained from observations by rangers during routine patrols across KWC, and were analysed in MaxEnt. The environmental factors predicting elephant distribution and density were tested, as well as the relationship between elephant maximum entropy and the presence and abundance of other wildlife. Seasonal variations in temperature and precipitation, plus presence of waterholes were found to play significant roles in elephant distribution across KWC. Higher elephant densities were not found to correlate with lower densities of other wildlife species; indeed, during the dry seasons, elephant presence was associated with greater wild herbivore densities. Besides illustrating the importance of the KWC for elephant conservation in the Tsavo ecosystem, both as a key corridor and habitat, this study also hopes to highlight the untapped utility of routine ranger patrol data, and encourage the use of such presence‐only data for deducing important knowledge for conservation of biodiversity.  相似文献   

Connectivity for large mammals across human-altered landscapes results from movement by individuals that can be described via nested spatial scales as linkages (or zones or areas) with compatible land use types, constrictions that repeatedly funnel movement (as corridors) or impede it (as barriers), and the specific paths (or routes) across completely anthropogenic features (such as highways). Mitigation to facilitate animal movement through such landscapes requires similar attention to spatial scale, particularly when they involve complex topography, diverse types of human land use, and transportation infrastructure. We modeled connectivity for Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) and gaur (Bos gaurus) in the Shencottah Gap, a multiple-use region separating two tiger reserves in the Western Ghats, India. Using 840 km of surveys for animal signs within a region of 621 km2, we modeled landscape linkages via resource selection functions integrated across two spatial resolutions, and then potential dispersal corridors within these linkages using circuit theoretical models. Within these corridors, we further identified potential small-scale movement paths across a busy transportation route via least-cost paths and evaluated their viability. Both elephants and gaur avoided human-dominated habitat, resulting in broken connectivity across the Shencottah Gap. Predicted corridor locations were sensitive to analysis resolution, and corridors derived from scale-integrated habitat models correlated best with habitat quality. Less than 1% of elephant and gaur detections occurred in habitat that was poorer in quality than the lowest-quality component of the movement path across the transportation route, suggesting that connectivity will require habitat improvement. Only 28% of dispersal corridor area and 5% of movement path length overlapped with the upper 50% quantile of the landscape linkage; thus, jointly modeling these three components enabled a more nuanced evaluation of connectivity than any of them in isolation.  相似文献   

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