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为了保护浑善达克沙地榆树(Ulmus pumila)疏林景观,拟建立自然保护区。基于榆树疏林植被图,运用ArcGIS分析榆树疏林斑块数量、面积、破碎化程度,发现该区榆树疏林斑块大小差异较大,小斑块较多,斑块边界割裂严重,破碎化程度高,需要及时加以保护。按照景观生态学原理、生物岛屿地理学设计自然保护区原则,选择疏林斑块集中分布区,作为潜在核心区,运用ArcGIS的缓冲区分析功能,设计不同的宽度,发现斑块边界向外延伸3 km能够连接较多的斑块,而占用较少的非疏林斑块土地面积。同时调查斑块外不同距离样方与疏林斑块的群落相似度,发现1 km以内能够包含大于10%相似度的群落。由此而初步确定的核心区分布在正蓝旗23个嘎查,面积1 531 km2,约占全旗总面积的13%。  相似文献   

疏林草原榆树种子-幼苗更新过程研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
榆树疏林草原曾广泛分布于我国北方农牧交错区,是科尔沁沙地、浑善达克沙地和呼伦贝尔沙地特有的原始景观,景观特征类似于热带稀树草原——萨瓦纳,乔木种类单一,草灌木植被发达,是遏制沙漠扩张的重要屏障。但目前榆树疏林的生长状况大都不良,树龄老化,自然消亡长期得不到更新,特别是种子-幼苗时期更新过程受到人为因素和自然环境的影响,使得榆树疏林生态系统处于崩溃边缘。本文基于国内主要的榆树疏林草原分布区榆树种子-幼苗更新过程研究,列举了榆树疏林种子-幼苗的分布特征以及影响其生长发育的主要因素,并且提出进行榆树种源保护、长期定位观测,开展多学科交叉研究和榆树固沙效果分析的展望,对于榆树疏林植被恢复和重建具有重要的理论价值。  相似文献   

浑善达克沙地榆树疏林幼苗更新空间格局   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
刘振  董智  李红丽  李钢铁 《生态学报》2013,33(1):294-301
榆树疏林广泛分布于浑善达克沙地,是适应半干旱、半湿润气候的沙地植被类型.采用Ripley的K函数统计方法,分析了浑善达克沙地固定沙丘与丘间低地封育状态下的榆树幼苗空间分布及更新格局.结果表明:两种生境下榆树幼苗密度分别为88株/hm2和77株/hm2,丘间低地更适合幼苗的生长.固定沙丘和丘间低地榆树幼苗均呈聚集分布,但丘间低地的幼苗聚集强度更高.固定沙丘上榆树幼苗与成熟树种群在小尺度上呈负关联,而丘间低地幼苗与成熟树种群呈现较显著的正关联,但二者在大尺度上均无关联性.研究对揭示浑善达克沙地榆树幼苗分布、更新空间格局及其恢复保护具有重要意义.  相似文献   

榆树(Ulmus pumila)疏林是浑善达克沙地的地带性隐域植被,小叶杨(Populus simonii)是该区域主要的防风固沙造林树种。该文通过测定两种森林生态系统乔木层(叶、枝、干、根)、草本层(地上植被和地下根系)和土壤层(0–100 cm)的碳含量,比较了两种森林生态系统的碳密度及其分配特征,并运用空间代替时间的方法,阐明了乔木层、土壤层和总碳密度随林龄增加的变化特征,估算了两种森林生态系统的固碳速率。结果表明,榆树疏林乔木层和土壤层平均碳含量都低于小叶杨人工林,榆树疏林生态系统总碳密度是小叶杨人工林的1/2。两种森林生态系统的总碳密度中,乔木层碳密度和土壤层碳密度总占比98%以上;土壤层与植被层碳密度的比值随林龄的增加而降低,过熟林时该比值分别为1.66(榆树疏林)和1.87(小叶杨人工林);榆树疏林和小叶杨人工林的乔木层、土壤层和生态系统的总碳密度随林龄的增加而增加,其中乔木层碳密度及榆树疏林总碳密度与林龄均呈现出显著的线性正相关关系。小叶杨人工林乔木层的固碳速率约为榆树疏林的5倍,榆树疏林生态系统和小叶杨人工林生态系统的总固碳速率分别为0.81 Mg C·hm^(–2)·a^(–1)和5.35 Mg C·hm^(–2)·a^(–1)。这一研究结果有利于估算沙地森林生态系统的碳储量,为区域生态环境恢复和增加碳汇的政策制定提供依据。  相似文献   

羊草草原土壤微生物的数量和生物量   总被引:37,自引:1,他引:36  
羊草原原土壤微生物数量特征是,细菌数量在名生境中分布的顺序为:拂子茅群落〉杂类草〉榆树疏林〉羊草群落〉碱蓬群落;真菌的分布:榆树疏林〉羊草群落〉杂类草群落〉指子茅群落〉碱茅群落〉碱蓬群落,放线菌为:羊草群落〉发类草群落〉碱茅群落〉碱蓬群落〉指子茅群落〉榆树疏林。土壤微生物生物量在6个植物群落中的大小顺序为:羊草群落〉杂类草群落〉榆树疏林〉拂水茅群落〉碱茅群落〉碱蓬群落,土壤微生物数量在土壤剖面中的  相似文献   

榆树(Ulmus pumila)疏林是浑善达克沙地的地带性隐域植被, 小叶杨(Populus simonii)是该区域主要的防风固沙造林树种。该文通过测定两种森林生态系统乔木层(叶、枝、干、根)、草本层(地上植被和地下根系)和土壤层(0-100 cm)的碳含量, 比较了两种森林生态系统的碳密度及其分配特征, 并运用空间代替时间的方法, 阐明了乔木层、土壤层和总碳密度随林龄增加的变化特征, 估算了两种森林生态系统的固碳速率。结果表明, 榆树疏林乔木层和土壤层平均碳含量都低于小叶杨人工林, 榆树疏林生态系统总碳密度是小叶杨人工林的1/2。两种森林生态系统的总碳密度中, 乔木层碳密度和土壤层碳密度总占比98%以上; 土壤层与植被层碳密度的比值随林龄的增加而降低, 过熟林时该比值分别为1.66 (榆树疏林)和1.87 (小叶杨人工林); 榆树疏林和小叶杨人工林的乔木层、土壤层和生态系统的总碳密度随林龄的增加而增加, 其中乔木层碳密度及榆树疏林总碳密度与林龄均呈现出显著的线性正相关关系。小叶杨人工林乔木层的固碳速率约为榆树疏林的5倍, 榆树疏林生态系统和小叶杨人工林生态系统的总固碳速率分别为0.81 Mg C·hm-2·a-1和5.35 Mg C·hm-2·a-1。这一研究结果有利于估算沙地森林生态系统的碳储量, 为区域生态环境恢复和增加碳汇的政策制定提供依据。  相似文献   

种子扩散是榆树疏林天然更新研究的重要内容,榆树种子扩散主要为风力驱动。为探究风力对种子扩散的影响,本研究建立个体模型,模拟风力驱动的科尔沁沙地疏林榆树种子扩散。研究发现:各风向上种子扩散呈现单峰分布的特征,其峰值在距离种子源3~4个单位处;种子扩散距离与种子累积数量在各风向上差别不大。这一结果与野外观测结果一致。本研究表明,个体模型是研究种子扩散过程及其影响因素的有力工具。研究结果有助于理解科尔沁沙地榆树疏林天然更新过程,为植被恢复提供依据。  相似文献   

韩东  王浩舟  郑邦友  王锋 《生态学报》2018,38(18):6655-6663
植被覆盖度是评估生态环境质量与植被生长的重要指标,也是全球众多陆面过程模型和生态系统模型中表达植被动态的重要参数。卫星遥感和地面测量是估算植被覆盖度的常见方法。然而,如何精确估计榆树疏林草原上木本、草本不同类型植被的覆盖度仍然具有挑战性。无人机飞行系统有效的补充了区域尺度低空间分辨率的卫星遥感影像与样地尺度实地调查之间的缺口,为精确的监测、评估疏林草原的植被动态提供了新途径。利用无人机监测平台和决策树算法构建了一套快速、准确、自动获取景观尺度植被类型和估算植被覆盖度的自动化工具,以浑善达克沙地榆树疏林草原为对象,应用无人机监测平台对榆树疏林草原长期定位监测大样地2017年生长季植被状况进行7次监测。结果表明:1)无人机植被监测平台数据飞行高度100 m,获取的样地数字正射影像空间分辨率为2.67 cm/像元,远高于高分卫星影像,利用决策树算法基于数字正射影像可以实现自动划分榆树疏林草原木本和草本植被类型和估算植被覆盖度; 2)生长季内榆树疏林草原木本植被覆盖度为(19±2)%,草本植被覆盖度为(50±8)%,植被总覆盖度为(69±9)%,相对于木本植被,草本植被生长季内盖度变幅较大; 3)在整个生长季中,木本植被和草本植被对植被总覆盖度的平均贡献率分别为27%和73%,草本植被对植被总盖度的贡献远大于木本植被,榆树疏林草原植被的盖度主要受草本植被的影响。本研究证明无人机监测平台是一种高效、准确的植被监测工具,结合机器学习算法,实现了景观尺度植被类型的自动划分和不同类型植被覆盖度快速获取;在浑善达克沙地榆树疏林草原地区首次获取了木本植被和草本植被覆盖度的生长季动态。该平台未来可应用于各种类型生态系统植被类型划分、监测和评估。  相似文献   

土壤微生物群落结构变化及其与土壤养分和酶活性相互作用的研究能够客观认识短期封育对沙地退化榆树疏林生态系统功能恢复的影响。本研究以短期封育和自由放牧的榆树疏林为对象,采用16S rRNA基因和ITS基因高通量测序技术研究了短期封育和自由放牧对科尔沁沙地榆树疏林土壤微生物群落组成变化特征及其与土壤养分和酶活性的相互关系。结果表明,沙地榆树疏林土壤中最优势细菌和真菌类群分别为放线菌门和子囊菌门,其在封育区和放牧区占有比例分别为40.63%和43.02%,76.19%和66.42%;封育后的沙地榆树疏林土壤细菌由缓慢生长型细菌主导转变为快速生长型细菌主导;封育不仅明显增加了土壤细菌和真菌的特有OTU数量,而且降低了土壤细菌/真菌比值,同时封育使土壤真菌的α-多样性和丰度分别比放牧区提高77.89%和70.78%,说明封育改善了土壤真菌栖息环境,有利于真菌的生长;土壤养分和酶活性与土壤细菌和真菌的相互作用在封育区更显著,表明短期封育能够显著影响沙地榆树疏林土壤微生物的群落组成。  相似文献   

姚雪玲  李龙  王锋  刘书润  吴波  郭秀江 《生态学报》2020,40(5):1663-1671
浑善达克沙地榆树疏林是分布于草原地带的隐域植被类型,相较周边的典型草原区,其植被更加茂密,乔灌丛生,水草丰美,千百年来一直是牧民的优质冬季牧场。近半个世纪以来,因人类的过度开垦以及不合理的放牧管理,浑善达克沙地植被遭到空前的破坏,沙丘活化,载畜能力降低,生态价值和经济价值严重受损。近年来,随着国家草畜平衡以及禁牧政策的推广落实,放牧的牲畜总量得到一定程度的遏制,然而大面积草场还在继续退化。在牧民对生产生活的基本需求下,牲畜总量不可能无限制的压制。另外,适度的放牧对草原生态系统健康是有益的。因此,如何改良放牧方式,合理利用草场,在保持生态良好的基础上合理发挥草场的畜牧价值,是我们亟待探索的问题。以浑善达克沙地的典型天然植被榆树疏林为例,对不同放牧方式下的植被进行调查,基于沙地特殊的基质和植被特征,探讨适合沙地的放牧利用方式。研究表明,在相似的放牧强度下,把沙地作为冬营地,其榆树种群更新正常,植被覆盖度以及植物种类等均能保持良好,而把沙地作为夏季营地,榆树疏林植被退化严重,具体表现为:(1)榆树种群自然更新受阻;(2)灌木群落大量死亡或消失;(3)草本覆盖度显著降低,植物种类减少,多年生草本比例减少,一、二年生草本比例增加;(4)裸沙面积增加,沙丘趋于活化。本研究认为目前沙地植被的退化主要由不合理的放牧引起,并非气候因素所致。沙地适合于冬季放牧而不适合其他季节放牧。借鉴牧民的传统放牧方式,建议配合周边的典型草原区实行季节性倒场放牧,仅将沙地作为冬季营地使用,既能有效保护沙地植被又能充分发挥其畜牧价值。  相似文献   

Martín JA  Solla A  Coimbra MA  Gil L 《Phytochemistry》2005,66(20):2458-2467
Dutch elm disease (DED) is the most devastating and widespread disease of elms. The pathogen, Ophiostoma novo-ulmi, spreads systemically causing xylem vessels blocking and cavitation, and ultimately resulting in the development of a wilt syndrome. Twig samples from susceptible and resistant Ulmus minor trees were harvested at 0, 5, 15, 30, 60, and 120 days post-inoculation (dpi) with O. novo-ulmi. Fourier transform-infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy, in tandem with chemometrics, was used to monitor changes in wood chemistry as consequence of infection. Principal component analysis distinguished between spectra from inoculated and control elms, and from susceptible- and resistant-inoculated elms. By 30 dpi, infected xylem showed reduced relative levels of carbohydrates and enhanced relative levels of phenolic compounds, probably due to the degradation of cell wall polysaccharides by fungal enzymes and the synthesis of host defence compounds. On 15 dpi, samples from resistant-inoculated elms showed higher levels of starch than samples from susceptible-inoculated elms, suggesting that availability of starch reserves could affect the tree's capacity for defensive responses. The results showed the power of FT-IR spectroscopy for analysing changes in the major components of elm xylem as consequence of infection by DED, and its potential for detecting metabolic profiles related to host resistance.  相似文献   

虞国跃  张正好  王合 《昆虫知识》2011,48(3):664-668
本文记述了在北京松山发现的榆近脉三节叶蜂Aproceros leucopoda Takeuchi,这是北京榆树上一种新的食叶害虫。由于它营孤雌生殖,一年多代,并已入侵多个欧洲国家,在我国也具扩散的可能性。本文详细介绍了榆近脉三节叶蜂各虫态的形态特征(附特征图和彩色生态图)和生物学特性。  相似文献   

Elms (Ulmus spp.) have long been appreciated for their environmental tolerance, landscape and ornamental value, and the quality of their wood. Although elm trees are extremely hardy against abiotic stresses such as wind and pollution, they are susceptible to attacks of biotic stressors. Over 100 phytopathogens and invertebrate pests are associated with elms: fungi, bacteria and insects like beetles and moths, and to a lesser extent aphids, mites, viruses and nematodes. While the biology of the pathogen and insect vector of the Dutch elm disease has been intensively studied, less attention has been paid so far to the defence mechanisms of elms to other biotic stressors. This review highlights knowledge of direct and indirect elm defences against biotic stressors focusing on morphological, chemical and gene regulation aspects. First, we report how morphological defence mechanisms via barrier formation and vessel occlusion prevent colonisation and spread of wood- and bark-inhabiting fungi and bacteria. Second, we outline how secondary metabolites such as terpenoids (volatile terpenoids, mansonones and triterpenoids) and phenolics (lignans, coumarins, flavonoids) in leaves and bark are involved in constitutive and induced chemical defence mechanisms of elms. Third, we address knowledge on how the molecular regulation of elm defence is orchestrated through the interaction of a huge variety of stress- and defence-related genes. We conclude by pointing to the gaps of knowledge on the chemical and molecular mechanisms of elm defence against pest insects and diseases. An in-depth understanding of defence mechanisms of elms will support the development of sustainable integrated management of pests and diseases attacking elms.  相似文献   

Elms (Ulmus procera andU. glabra) have been devastated in the UK by Dutch Elm disease. Because of lower temperatures in Northern Britain, relative to Southern Britain, elms have survived. In spite of this, elms have declined markedly in South-east Scotland over the past 20 years. Tree data relating to this decline are presented, together with a pollen calendar for the genus in S.E. Scotland and a tentative forecast for the disappearance of these two species in the region.  相似文献   

Parasitic insects use herbivore induced plant volatiles as signals for host location. However, their responses to these volatiles in the background of natural habitat odours need further evaluation for developing successful biological control strategies. Field elms (Ulmus minor Miller (Ulmaceae)) release a blend of volatiles in response to oviposition of the elm leaf beetle, Xanthogaleruca luteola Müller (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), a major urban and forest pest in the USA and Australia. This induced blend attracts the beneficial egg parasitoid Oomyzus gallerucae Fonscolombe (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae). Our olfactory assays showed that an odorous background of non-attractive host plant volatiles from feeding damaged elms or (Z)-3-hexenyl acetate masks the attractive effect of the host-induced (E)-β-caryophyllene to O. gallerucae. Quantitative GC–MS analyses revealed decreased concentrations of (Z)-3-hexenyl acetate accompanied by highly increased concentrations of sesquiterpenes in oviposition and feeding treated elms compared to undamaged elms. This finding hints to how the parasitoid might distinguish between different odorous backgrounds. It is corroborated by the outcome of our field study in natural elm stands, where the egg parasitoid parasitized more host egg masses due to an artificially induced blend of elm terpenoids.  相似文献   

Seedlings of three elm species with variable susceptibility to the elm leaf beetle (Pyrrhalta luteola Müller) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) were subjected to three water stress treatments (no stress, low stress, and high stress) in a greenhouse experiment. The species tested were Ulmus pumila L. (Siberian elm = highly susceptible), U. parvifolia Jacq. (Chinese elm = resistant), and U. americana L. (American elm = intermediate). The seedlings were analyzed for changes in the levels of selected host traits (trichome density, foliar concentration of nitrogen [N], phosphorus [P], potassium [K], calcium [Ca], magnesium [Mg], iron [Fe], and manganese [Mn]), some of which had previously been implicated in resistance to the elm leaf beetle. Density of leaf abaxial surface trichomes (simple, bulbous, and total trichomes) and foliar Fe and Mg concentrations increased significantly in the highly susceptible Siberian elms under water stress. In contrast, stress reduced trichome density in the moderately susceptible American elms, but it had no effect on levels of foliar mineral nutrients. The stress treatments had no influence on host traits in the resistant Chinese elms. The results suggest that environmental stress can alter plant traits that are likely involved in determining resistance of elms to the elm leaf beetle.  相似文献   

Dutch elm disease (DED), caused by the fungi Ophiostoma ulmi and O. novo‐ulmi, has reduced elm populations severely in Europe and North America. Breeding programmes are in action to find less susceptible elm varieties suitable for re‐establishing elm stands. Bark beetles, mainly Scolytus spp., are the only known natural vectors of DED. During twig feeding, beetles transfer Ophiostoma spores to healthy elms. Thus, less palatable elms should run a lower risk of DED infections. In feeding preference bioassays, we offered twigs from elms exhibiting different degree of susceptibility to O. novo‐ulmi, together with non‐host trees to Scolytus beetles. Scolytus multistriatus preferred wych elm, Ulmus glabra, to 100% in two‐choice tests, whereas S. laevis did not discriminate between a tolerant and a susceptible variety of field elm, U. minor. We suggest that the feeding assay is useful as a low‐tech method in breeding programmes for evaluating the suitability of promising elm genotypes to vector insects.  相似文献   

The survival of some elms to Dutch elm disease (DED) epidemics could be related with the application of disinfectant products based on simple phenols. To test this hypothesis, the protective effect of different phenolic treatments in Ulmus minor trees was evaluated through inoculations with Ophiostoma novo-ulmi, the current DED pathogen. During spring 2004 and spring 2005, 4-year-old elms were: (i) watered with a 0.02% solution of the phenolic fraction of phenolic oil, (ii) watered with a 0.02 and 0.2% solution of a phenol–cresol mixture, and (iii) trunk injected with a 0.2% solution of phenol–cresol mixture. In May, trees were artificially inoculated with O. novo-ulmi. At the end of the 2004 and 2005 vegetative periods, phenol-treated trees showed significantly lower wilting values than control trees. One week of bud break delay was observed in trees watered with the 0.2% solution of phenol–cresol mixture. Fourier transform-infrared spectroscopy and electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry evidenced enhanced levels of suberin-like compounds in phenol-treated trees with respect to non-treated trees. The deposition of suberin in xylem tissues, as a response to phenol treatments, might be considered as one of the mechanisms of resistance of elms to O. novo-ulmi.  相似文献   

Experiments were done for three years on street elms at Folkestone and Aldenham to repeat American work on the use of insecticidal sprays to prevent feeding by Scolytus beetles, which carry Ceratostomella ulmi , the cause of elm disease. Although the fungus can remain alive in the older annual rings of an infected tree, active disease usually results from fungus freshly introduced by Scolytus. Thus spraying is of value on infected, as well as uninfected elms.
The results of the experiments supported American conclusions that DDT was superior to benzene hexachloride. A 1.5% solution of DDT in miscible oil gave reasonably good, but not perfect, control, and was much superior to solutions made from DDT in the form of a dispersible powder.
Spraying of trees 20–30 ft. high cost over £1 per tree per year, which is considered prohibitive, except for small trees of special amenity or sentimental value.  相似文献   

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