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在测定武钢工业区园林植物滞尘能力的基础上,结合绿地实地调查和武钢工业区园林绿地GIS,比较分析了园林绿地不同植物种类和层片类型的滞尘能力,并定量研究了武钢厂区园林绿地的滞尘效应.结果表明,不同园林植物的滞尘能力有较大差异,这主要与不同植物的叶表面特性、树冠结构、枝叶密集程度等差异有关.不同层片类型滞尘能力依次为落叶阔叶灌木>常绿阔叶灌木>绿篱>常绿阔叶乔木>落叶阔叶乔木>针叶乔木>草本.武钢厂区园林绿地的日滞尘量是9.51 t,年总滞尘量为3 089.98 t.其中常绿阔叶乔木层片年滞尘量最大,达991.68 t,落叶阔叶灌木层片最小,只有0.0181 t.由于园林绿地的滞尘量取决于所构成植物的滞尘能力及其叶面积绿量,因此,选择滞尘能力强的植物,并以乔灌草不同生活型植物进行合理配置,是提高园林绿地滞尘效应的有效途径.  相似文献   

惠州城市植被的滞尘效应   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
邱媛    管东生    宋巍巍  Peart M.R. 《生态学报》2008,28(6):2455-2455~2462
城市植被对城市环境质量的改善发挥了巨大作用.研究了广东省惠州市不同功能区4种主要绿化乔木(大叶榕、小叶榕、高山榕、紫荆)的滞尘能力,比较了不同功能区叶面降尘的重金属和S含量差异,并利用遥感影像技术估算了惠州城市植被的地面总生物量及叶总生物量,推算了惠州市的总滞尘量.结果表明:在达到饱和之前,4种绿化乔木叶面滞尘量随时间延长而增长,大叶榕、高山榕与紫荆、小叶榕两组植物的滞尘能力存在显著性差异 (p<0.05),滞尘能力差异为1.2~2.44 倍,不同植物滞尘量由大到小排列为:高山榕>大叶榕>小叶榕>紫荆;不同植物滞尘能力的差异尤其与植株的叶面积、叶倾角、枝条硬度、枝条伸展角度等相关.不同功能区植物滞尘量差异显著(p<0.01),4种植物在不同功能区的滞尘总量排序为:工业区>商业交通区>居住区>清洁区.不同功能区植物叶面降尘的重金属和硫含量存在显著性差异(p<0.05),降尘综合污染指数由大到小为:工业区(包括电厂)、商业交通区、居住区、清洁对照区;降尘中重金属含量高负荷.惠州建成区植被的地面生物量为3.2×105 t,叶面积总量为808.4 km2,全年滞尘量达4430.7 t,可去除大气中Cr、Cu、Zn、Cd、Pb、S的量分别为1.63,2.70,5.54,0.04,1.84,19.52 t.  相似文献   

城市绿化植物叶片表面特征对滞尘能力的影响   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
王会霞  石辉  李秧秧 《应用生态学报》2010,21(12):3077-3082
以西安市21种常见绿化植物为对象,采用人工降尘方法测定植物叶片的最大滞尘量,研究植物叶片表面绒毛、润湿性、表面自由能及其分量对滞尘能力的影响.结果表明: 21种供试植物叶片的最大滞尘量在0.8~38.6 g·m-2,不同树种最大滞尘量差异显著,物种间相差40倍以上.叶片表面绒毛数量及其形态、分布特征对滞尘能力具有重要影响,可能与绒毛和颗粒物间的作用方式有关.除叶片表面着生绒毛的悬铃木、国槐、榆叶梅和毛梾4个物种外,其他植物叶片接触角与最大滞尘量均呈显著负相关.接触角较小、易润湿的植物叶片最大滞尘量在2.0~8.0 g·m-2,而接触角较大的银杏、三叶草、紫叶小檗和鸡爪槭的最大滞尘量均<2.0 g·m-2.叶片表面自由能主要表现分子间色散力的作用,而极性分量对表面自由能的贡献低于20%,可能与叶片表面含有的非极性或弱极性物质有关.最大滞尘量与叶片表面自由能及其色散分量呈显著正相关,而与极性分量的相关关系不显著.  相似文献   

武汉市15种阔叶乔木滞尘能力与叶表微形态特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以武汉市15种常见的阔叶乔木为研究对象,通过3级滤膜过滤法测定了各乔木单位叶面积滞留不同粒径颗粒物(TSP、PM_(10)、PM_(10)、PM_(2.5))的质量,并通过扫描电镜观察比较了15种乔木的叶表面微形态结构,分析了微形态对植物滞尘能力的影响。结果表明:15种乔木单位叶面积的滞尘量存在显著差异(P0.05),综合滞尘能力最强的植物为二球悬铃木、桂花和石楠,除以上3者外,女贞和广玉兰分别具有较强的滞留PM_(10)和PM_(2.5)的能力;加杨滞留TSP和PM_(10)的能力最弱,玉兰滞留PM_(10)和PM_(2.5)的能力最弱。各乔木单位叶面积滞留PM_(2.5)和PM_(10)的质量分别占总粉尘量的0.7%—8.9%和3.6%—33.9%。叶表面微结构观察表明,叶表面粗糙、褶皱较多,或被有蜡质层的植物有利于粉尘颗粒物的附着。相关性分析表明,植物单位叶面积的滞尘量与叶表面沟槽的宽度呈显著相关,上下表面沟槽宽度越小,越有利于细微颗粒物(PM_(2.5))的滞留,下表面沟槽宽度增加,有利于粉尘总颗粒物(TSP)的滞留。由此可见,叶表面粗糙度、蜡质含量和沟槽宽度等微形态结构是调控绿化树种叶片滞尘能力的重要因素,在武汉以治理大气粉尘污染为目标进行城市绿化时,可考虑选择二球悬铃木、桂花和石楠等滞尘能力强的树种。  相似文献   

东北地区城市针叶树冬季滞尘效应研究   总被引:62,自引:4,他引:58  
对不同种针叶树同一降尘条件及同种针叶树不同降尘条件的滞尘能力进行研究,结果表明,针叶树在东北的冬季有很强的滞尘作用,不同的针叶树滞尘能力排序为沙松冷杉>沙地云杉>红皮云杉>东北红豆杉>白皮松>华山松>油松,不同针叶树叶表面结构不同,滞尘量较小的白皮松、华山松和油松表面平滑,细胞与气孔排列整齐,而滞尘量较大的红皮云杉、沙松冷杉、东北红豆杉的针叶表皮平滑程度较差,细胞与气孔排列较前3种植物差,在红皮云杉叶表面上有大小不等的瘤状物,不同针叶树叶断面形状与滞尘量相关,白皮松和油松叶片的上表面呈弧形,不易附着灰尘;华山松叶片呈三棱形,上表面较窄,附着灰尘的量较小;两种云杉的叶片呈四棱形,上表面较3种松属植物的叶片要宽与平展,因此相对滞尘量要大;沙松冷杉和东北红豆杉的叶断面形状都较扁、平,这种断面正是构成其滞尘量大于3种松属和两种云杉属植物的主要因素。  相似文献   

以热带地区湛江市常见的行道乔木作为研究对象, 研究行道树滞尘能力及作用机理, 为筛选生态效益高、适合热带环境种植的行道树种提供理论依据。选择热带街道常见的9种行道乔木在4个地点重复采样, 采用最新比例称重法计量尘埃质量, 纸重法测量叶面积, 并进行叶面微结构, 叶面特征, 叶柄长度和滞尘情况组合分析探索滞尘机理。这9种行道树的滞尘能力差异极显著, 麻楝滞尘能力最强, 达6.2907 g•m–2, 羊蹄甲滞尘能力最差, 为1.3136 g•m–2, 它们相差达5倍, 9个树种的滞尘能力从大到小依次是: 麻楝>小叶榄仁>非洲楝>人面子>大花紫薇>垂叶榕>雅榕>糖胶树>羊蹄甲; 植物的滞尘能力与其叶片气孔密度、开闭程度有关, 表明气孔密度小且开张程度大的植物叶片滞尘能力高于气孔密度大且开张程度小的植物; 植物的滞尘能力与叶片表面特征和伸展角度有一定关系, 其关键影响因素是叶面的纹路和粗糙程度, 而与叶片的质地关系不大; 关键研究结果是行道树叶柄长度与滞尘能力呈明显的负相关, 其叶柄越长, 滞尘能力相应越差, 羊蹄甲平均叶柄长度为3.43 cm, 滞尘能力最差。行道树间滞尘能力差异极显著, 行道树的气孔特征、叶面特征、叶柄长度和枝条伸展角度都会影响行道树的滞尘能力。  相似文献   

北京市26种落叶阔叶绿化树种的滞尘能力   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
为筛选适用于北京市的具有优良滞尘能力的绿化物种, 提高城市植被滞尘效应, 选取北京市园林绿化应用最广泛的26种落叶阔叶树种, 应用质量差值法, 于2014年夏季对不同树种单位叶面积滞尘量进行测定, 计算单叶滞尘量与单株滞尘量, 并对树种滞尘能力进行了相应的聚类分析。结果表明: 不同树种间滞尘能力存在较大差异, 选择不同的滞尘量计量单位, 树种滞尘量排序会相应地发生变化。对26种北京市常用落叶阔叶树种从叶片、植株与综合滞尘能力三个方面的聚类分析均可得到相应的分类, 各类别代表不同级别的滞尘能力水平。研究分析认为, 植物滞尘能力与其叶表特征、滞尘方式、株型结构、整株叶量及所处环境含尘量等密切相关, 评价树种滞尘能力时应进行综合考虑。  相似文献   

广州市常见行道树种叶片表面形态与滞尘能力   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
刘璐  管东生  陈永勤 《生态学报》2013,33(8):2604-2614
以广州市常见的18种行道树为对象,通过扫描电镜观察比较了行道树的叶表面形态结构、应用接触角测定仪测定了绿化树种叶片的接触角对滞尘能力的影响.结果表明:不同树种的滞尘量差异显著,18种植物叶片雨后第26天的最大滞尘量在0.066-1.831 g/m2,物种间相差达27倍以上.叶表面具有网状结构,气孔密度较大(20<气孔密度<60个)且气孔开口较大(如芒果)容易滞留粉尘;叶表面平滑具有蜡质层,气孔排列整齐,无明显起伏(如红花羊蹄甲、桃花心木、大叶紫薇、鹅掌藤),滞尘能力较弱.植物叶片接触角与滞尘量呈负相关(r=-0.614),接触角<90°的表现为亲水性.易润湿的植物叶片雨后第26天最大滞尘量在1.0-1.831 g/m2,叶片表面的形态结构凹凸不平,具有钩状或脊状褶皱、突起等且20<气孔密度<60范围内,测得的接触角较小(芒果、重阳木、高山榕),使得粉尘与植物叶片接触面积较大,粉尘不易从叶面脱落,滞尘能力较强.而接触角较大的盆架树、麻楝、大叶紫薇、鹅掌藤和红花羊蹄甲的滞尘量均<1.0g/m2,其特殊的表面结构和疏水的蜡质使颗粒物不易吸附在植物叶片上,因此滞尘能力较弱.由此可见,植物叶表面蜡质含量和气孔密度及其叶片接触角的大小是影响植物叶片滞尘能力的主要因素,在进行城市绿化时,适当考虑选择叶表面形态有利于滞尘的绿化树种,将可提高城市植被的环境效应.  相似文献   

绿化树种在截留沙尘、降低大气颗粒污染物浓度、改善城市生态环境等方面发挥着不可替代的作用。该文选取新疆南部典型绿洲城市——阿克苏市不同功能区的绿化树种, 用多重比较法对比分析了二球悬铃木(Platanus × acerifolia)、新疆杨(Populus alba var. pyramidalis)、圆冠榆(Ulmus densa)、天山梣(Fraxinus sogdiana)和垂柳(Salix babylonica) 5个树种叶片平均滞尘量随时间变化及不同高度叶片的滞尘能力, 探讨了阿克苏市主要绿化树种的滞尘规律, 得出以下结论: 不同绿化树种单位叶面积滞尘量差异显著, 差距在1.15-2.17倍之间, 绿化树种滞尘量随着时间延长而增加; 同一树种在城市不同功能区的滞尘能力不同: 工业区>交通枢纽区>居民区>清洁区; 不同高度的叶片, 其滞尘量在工业区和交通枢纽区差异显著: 高度1 m的叶片滞尘量>高度2 m的叶片滞尘量>高度4 m的叶片滞尘量。  相似文献   

为探究乡土和外来树种对城市不同污染环境的适应性,选取阜新市工业区、道路、矿区和公园绿地共有的10种树种作为研究对象,采用洗脱法测定了各树种单位叶面积滞尘量,并测定了叶片滞尘前后生理指标的变化,探讨不同种树叶片滞尘效应,以及叶片滞尘后对植物生理活动的影响。结果表明:(1)在4个功能区的不同树种单位叶面积滞尘量均不同,其中新疆杨单位叶面积滞尘量都较高、均值为1.45 g/m2,银杏单位叶面积滞尘量都较低、均值仅有0.92 g/m2。(2)叶片滞尘之后生理指标分析显示,叶片SPAD值呈显著下降趋势,渗透调节物质(脯氨酸、可溶性蛋白、可溶性糖)含量和细胞膜透性(MDA、Rec)均呈上升趋势,而抗氧化酶活性(SOD和POD)呈下降趋势但下降率不明显。(3)银杏和五角枫滞尘量与各生理指标之间有显著相关关系,更适合从生理方面检测城市粉尘污染环境指示物。(4)4个功能区不同树种滞尘能力与抗尘能力聚类分析显示,新疆杨、紫丁香、山皂荚和臭椿的滞尘能力和抗尘能力均较强;阜新市外来树种新疆杨、紫叶李、臭椿等的滞尘和抗尘能力均与乡土树种相当。研究认为,在长期粉尘污染胁迫下,各绿化树种可能通过提高渗透调节物质含量和抗氧化酶的活性等来缓解粉尘污染的伤害,外来树种与乡土树种同样在各污染环境中表现出较强的适应能力;在不造成生物入侵危害的前提下应该积极引进能够有效滞尘和治沙防风的外来树种。  相似文献   

The leaves of Nepenthes pitcher plants are specialized pitfall traps which capture and digest arthropod prey. In many species, insects become trapped by 'aquaplaning' on the wet pitcher rim (peristome). Here we investigate the ecological implications of this capture mechanism in Nepenthes rafflesiana var. typica. We combine meteorological data and continuous field measurements of peristome wetness using electrical conductance with experimental assessments of the pitchers' capture efficiency. Our results demonstrate that pitchers can be highly effective traps with capture rates as high as 80% but completely ineffective at other times. These dramatic changes are due to the wetting condition of the peristome. Variation of peristome wetness and capture efficiency was perfectly synchronous, and caused by rain, condensation and nectar secreted from peristome nectaries. The presence of nectar on the peristome increased surface wetness mainly indirectly by its hygroscopic properties. Experiments confirmed that pitchers with removed peristome nectaries remained generally drier and captured prey less efficiently than untreated controls. This role of nectar in prey capture represents a novel function of plant nectar. We propose that the intermittent and unpredictable activation of Nepenthes pitcher traps facilitates ant recruitment and constitutes a strategy to maximize prey capture.  相似文献   

While there has been much debate on the role of landscape corridors or linkages for animal movement and residency, there is little information on their role in maintaining ecological associations. We assess here the arthropod assemblages on flowers, seed heads and leaves of indigenous plants in a network of remnant grassland corridors across an alien pine-planted landscape in southern Africa. The results showed that the arthropod-plant (flowers, seed heads and leaves) associations remained, and were mostly quantitatively similar throughout the network of corridors. Narrow corridors (20–100 m wide) deep within the plantation-grassland mosaic still had high biodiversity value. The most threatening factor to flower-arthropod associations was disturbance, particularly cattle grazing. That the host plants were actually present was, in itself, an indicator that disturbance nevertheless was low. The associations are only lost when the plants are lost, and not when the plants are present but under some disturbance pressure. Although these corridors, which amount to about a third of the total area, mitigate the effects of pine afforestation, they can also be conduits for heavy human impact. This means that these corridors, even narrow and deep ones, are only of maximum value when there is minimal anthropogenic impact.  相似文献   

Flowering plants in agricultural landscapes can provide ecological services, such as nectar-provision for adult parasitic Hymenoptera. Various flowering native, introduced/established and cultivated potted plants were used to bait interception traps along the wooded margins of fields planted seasonally with either feed-corn or rye. Depending on circumstances, controls consisted of traps baited with the same species of plant without flowers, a pot/area without plants, or both. In most cases pots were rotated among trap-sites. Of the 19 plant species tested, 10 captured significantly more summed ichneumonoids and chalcidoids, seven more Braconidae, two more Ichneumonidae and six more Chalcidoidea than controls. Among Braconidae, traps baited with certain plants captured significantly more individuals of specific subfamilies. “Attractive” and “unattractive” plant species tended to cluster in a principal components vector space constructed from plant morphological characteristics (flower width, flower depth, flower density and plant height). Flower width and plant floral-area (flower width2 * flower density) were the variables that most often explained the variance in capture of the different parasitoid taxa. Our study identified particular plants that could be incorporated into regional conservation biological control programs to benefit parasitoid wasps In addition, the results indicate that morphological characteristics might help identify further suitable plant candidates for agricultural landscape modification.  相似文献   

Carnivorous pitcher plants capture prey with modified leaves (pitchers), using diverse mechanisms such as 'insect aquaplaning' on the wet pitcher rim, slippery wax crystals on the inner pitcher wall, and viscoelastic retentive fluids. Here we describe a new trapping mechanism for Nepenthes gracilis which has evolved a unique, semi-slippery wax crystal surface on the underside of the pitcher lid and utilises the impact of rain drops to 'flick' insects into the trap. Depending on the experimental conditions (simulated 'rain', wet after 'rain', or dry), insects were captured mainly by the lid, the peristome, or the inner pitcher wall, respectively. The application of an anti-slip coating to the lower lid surface reduced prey capture in the field. Compared to sympatric N. rafflesiana, N. gracilis pitchers secreted more nectar under the lid and less on the peristome, thereby directing prey mainly towards the lid. The direct contribution to prey capture represents a novel function of the pitcher lid.  相似文献   

Coalmines, which are major contributors of particulate matter in the form of coal dust, are expanding globally into rural environments. However, ecological effects on organisms interacting with coal‐dusted foliage in mining landscapes are unknown. We tested how the behaviour, development and survival of a polyphageous insect herbivore, Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) is affected by consuming tomato leaves Lycopersicon esculentum laden with coal dust. We tested (a) feeding site establishment preference of neonates, (b) feeding behaviour and leaf consumption of late‐instar larvae, (c) survival of neonates and (d) survival and development of late‐instar larvae. We found that coal dust consumption increased the mortality of late‐instar larvae but did not influence their development. Despite long‐term implications for survival, late‐instar larvae did not adjust their feeding behaviour or the amount of leaf material consumed in response to foliar coal dust. Contrastingly, when neonate H. armigera were given a choice, they avoided establishing themselves on the coal‐dusted adaxial surface of leaves. Neonate mortality was 99% within 7 days, with no effect of coal dust. Our study provides the first data on the impact of coal dust on an insect herbivore. This has implications for ecological interactions in landscapes adjoining coalmines.  相似文献   

Kidney-bean plants ( Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Contender) were dusted with sulphur 25 days after germination. The amount of ethylene evolution was measured in shoots (with attached leaves) and roots from plants in several stages of development. The growth of shoots and roots was also measured, and the flowering time observed. The ethylene evolution was associated with precise morphogenic stages. The amounts of ethylene produced from sulphur treated plants, compared with that evolved from control plants, showed two stages of stimulation in shoots, one preceding full bloom and one preceding fruit-set. Inhibition of ethylene evolution due to sulphur dust occurred in roots before initiation of floral primordia and before full bloom. The treatment with sulphur dust seemed to increase the number of leaves per plant, but only in the vegetative stage. Likewise, the earliness of flowering was enhanced. The effects of elemental sulphur dust treatments on ethylene evolution may be attributed to a slow oxidation of elemental sulphur in air producing SO2; this SO2 greatly enhances ethylene evolution from leaf tissues.  相似文献   

Helitron transposons play an important role in host genome evolution due to their ability to capture genes and regulatory elements. In this study, we developed a pipeline to identify and annotate Helitrons systematically from 358 plant and 178 animal high-quality genomes. All these data were organized into HelDB, a database where Helitrons can be explored with a user-friendly Web interface and related software. Based on these data, further analysis showed that the number or the cumulative length of Helitrons is positively correlated with genome size. Helitrons had experienced two expansion periods in plants, with the first occurring 20–30 Ma and peaking at approximately 24 Ma. The second expansion occurred in the last 4 million years. The expansions might be due to stimulation of paleogeographic environment. Detailed investigation of gene capture by Helitrons in Brassicaceae and Solanaceae plants showed that the captured genes showed diverse functions. Interestingly, metal ion binding function was enriched in these captured genes in most species. This phenomenon might be due to the need for binding of divalent metal ions to the Rep domain required for Helitron transposition. This study improves our knowledge of the landscape and evolution of Helitron transposons in plants and paves a way for further functional studies of this kind of transposable element.  相似文献   

Understanding broad‐scale ecological patterns and processes often involves accounting for regional‐scale heterogeneity. A common way to do so is to include ecological regions in sampling schemes and empirical models. However, most existing ecological regions were developed for specific purposes, using a limited set of geospatial features and irreproducible methods. Our study purpose was to: (1) describe a method that takes advantage of recent computational advances and increased availability of regional and global data sets to create customizable and reproducible ecological regions, (2) make this algorithm available for use and modification by others studying different ecosystems, variables of interest, study extents, and macroscale ecology research questions, and (3) demonstrate the power of this approach for the research question—How well do these regions capture regional‐scale variation in lake water quality? To achieve our purpose we: (1) used a spatially constrained spectral clustering algorithm that balances geospatial homogeneity and region contiguity to create ecological regions using multiple terrestrial, climatic, and freshwater geospatial data for 17 northeastern U.S. states (~1,800,000 km2); (2) identified which of the 52 geospatial features were most influential in creating the resulting 100 regions; and (3) tested the ability of these ecological regions to capture regional variation in water nutrients and clarity for ~6,000 lakes. We found that: (1) a combination of terrestrial, climatic, and freshwater geospatial features influenced region creation, suggesting that the oft‐ignored freshwater landscape provides novel information on landscape variability not captured by traditionally used climate and terrestrial metrics; and (2) the delineated regions captured macroscale heterogeneity in ecosystem properties not included in region delineation—approximately 40% of the variation in total phosphorus and water clarity among lakes was at the regional scale. Our results demonstrate the usefulness of this method for creating customizable and reproducible regions for research and management applications.  相似文献   

We experimentally demonstrate in the field that prey of the carnivorous plant Sarracenia purpurea are attracted to sugar, not to colour. Prey capture (either all taxa summed or individual common taxa considered separately) was not associated with total red area or patterning on pitchers of living pitcher plants. We separated effects of nectar availability and coloration using painted ‘pseudopitchers’, half of which were coated with sugar solution. Unsugared pseudopitchers captured virtually no prey, whereas pseudopitchers with sugar solution captured the same amount of prey as living pitchers. In contrast to a recent study that associated red coloration with prey capture but that lacked controls for nectar availability, we infer that nectar, not colour, is the primary means by which pitcher plants attract prey.  相似文献   

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