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云南南部的长臀鲃属(Mystacoleucus)鱼类   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报告云南南部的长臀鲃属(Mystacoleucns)鱼类三种,其中细尾长臀鲃(M.lep-turus为一新种。三种的区别如下表:  相似文献   

倒刺鲃属鱼类系统分类的研究(鲤形目:鲤科)   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
倒刺鲃属(Spinibarbus)鱼类分布于我国秦岭以南和元江以东诸水系以及台湾和海南岛。其属级和种级分类,历来意见不一。对采自6个省区的104尾标本进行形态性状测量和对骨骼标本进行观察的结果表明,倒刺鲃属鱼类以其最末一枚前躯椎上方无上髓棘、第4椎骨的髓棘发达、背鳍前方具一卧伏于皮下的倒刺等特征与亚科(Barbinae)其余属种明显相区别,进一步肯定了把它们作为亚科的一个属是合适的。该属鱼类共有5个有效种,而且首次提出长身刺鲃(S.etongatus)是光倒刺鲃(S.hollandi)的同物异名。光倒刺鲃和倒刺鲃(S.denticulatus)的种内地理变异呈现出独特的相关性,提示海南岛的倒刺 属鱼类可能是源自珠江水系,而不是源自元江水系。  相似文献   

菜花原矛头蝮(Protobothropsjerdonii[G櫣nther,1875])是我国主要毒蛇之一,隶蝰科(Viperidae),蝮亚科(Crotalinae),原矛头蝮属。它是山西省三种毒蛇之一,有一定危害,也具有一定的经济价值。现对其分布和繁殖生态报道如下。AlbertG櫣nther(1875)依据印度东北部Assam邦Khassya(=KhasiHills)标本描述Trimeresurusjerdonii,我国称菜花烙铁头蛇。稍后(1889),同一作者又依据我国湖北宜昌标本描述Trimeresurusxanthome…  相似文献   

通过整理广西师范大学馆藏标本与查阅文献,共记录广西(螩)目昆虫75种,隶属于5科28属.物种按Brock(2011)的新分类系统分科排列,同科物种按学名字母顺序排列.原来长角枝(螩)亚科Necroseiinae中的大部分属与短角棒(螩)亚科Pachymorphinae中的一部分属从异(螩)科Heteronemiidae移至笛(螩)科Diapheromeridae,短角棒(螩)亚科Pachymorphinae中的一部分属与长角棒(螩)亚科Lonchodinae中的大部分属从异(螩)科移至(螩)科Phasmatidae.笛(螩)科与蝻科包含了中国(螩)目的大部分种类,异(螩)科目前在中国没有记录.根据期刊的实际出版时间将3个物种的发表时间修正如下:花坪长棒(螩)Lonchodes huapingensis (Bi&Li,1992)、长臀薇(螩)Pachyscia longicauda(Bi,1992)与梵净山副华枝(螩)Parasinophasma fanjingshanense (Chen&He,2006).对部分物种的学名变动作了简要讨论.  相似文献   

作者于1999年4月在广西防城港市防城区大镇采集到3尾鲤科亚科鱼类标本,经鉴定为小鳔属一新种,似长体小鳔 M.pseudoefongatus sp.nov..新种与嘉积小鳔 M.kacheken-sis和长体小鳔 M.elongatus较相近,但身体较后两者更为细长,背鳍更近于身体的前端,头长等于或小于尾柄长,体侧有1条连续的黑色纵带而不是黑斑,背部无大横斑,这些特点与长体小鳔明显不同.上唇中部有1排4~6个排列整齐的发达乳突;中央1对呈门齿状,其大小约为相邻乳突的2倍,甚为特化,该特征与属内其它已知种明显不同.  相似文献   

本文记述了我国半翅目异翅亚目的四个属和六个种,其中包括一个新属和五个新种。它们代表在我国首次纪录的两个科:捷蝽科(Velocipedidae),细蝽科(Leptopodidae)和一个亚科:版纳蝽亚科(Saileriolinae),后者属于异尾蝽科(Urostylidae)。  相似文献   

我国经济海产鱼类双尾吸虫亚科的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
半尾科吸虫的分类,意见分歧,按斯克里亚平与古斯强斯卡娅(Skrjabin and Guschanskaja,1954)的意见,把半尾科(Hemiuridae)提升为总科;亚科提升为科,其中双尾亚科提升为双尾科(Dinuridae Skrjabin and Guschanskaja,1954),下分为3个亚科与11个属。山口左仲(Yamaguti,1958)在半尾科下分出19个亚科,在双尾亚科(Dinurinae)下分出9个属;又于1971年重新调整,从外膜属(Ectenurus Looss,1907)分出细尾属(Erilepterus Woolcock,1935),取消大盘属(Magnacetabulum Yamaguti,1934),并人外膜属。增添拟鞘茎属(Elytrophalloides Szidat,1955)与侧双尾属(Paradinurus P(?)rez vigueras,1958)恢  相似文献   

作者于1999年4月在广西防城港市防城区大录镇采集到3尾鲤科Qu亚科鱼类标本。经鉴定为小鳔Qu属一新种,似长体小鳔Qu M.pseudoelongatus sp.nov.,新种与嘉积小鳔Qu M.kachekensis和长体小鳔Qu M.elongatus较相近,但身体较后两者更为细长,背鳍更近于身体的前端,头长等于或小于尾柄长,体侧有1条连续的黑色纵带而不是黑斑,背部无大横斑,这些特点与长体小鳔Qu明显不同,上唇中部有1排4-6个排列整齐的发达乳突;中央1对呈门齿状,其大小约为相邻乳突的2倍,甚为特化,该特征与属内其它已知种明显不同。  相似文献   

华枝(虫脩)属 Sinophasma Günther(1940)隶属于竹节虫目,长角枝(虫脩)亚科(Necrosciinae)。本属昆虫一般生活于森林中,大部分为害壳斗科植物,至目前为止全世界共记载有5种,均分布于我国,它们是:异尾华枝(虫脩)S.mirabile Gnther,克氏华枝(虫脩)S.Klapperichi Günther,瓦腹华枝(虫脩)S.hnei Günther,垂臀华枝(虫脩)S.brevipenne Günther,和斑腿华枝(虫脩)S.maculicruralis Chen。1987年笔者从贵州省森林昆虫考察  相似文献   

通过整理广西师范大学馆藏标本与查阅文献,共记录广西■目昆虫75种,隶属于5科28属。物种按Brock(2011)的新分类系统分科排列,同科物种按学名字母顺序排列。原来长角枝■亚科Necrosciinae中的大部分属与短角棒■亚科Pachymorphinae中的一部分属从异科Heteronemiidae移至笛科Diapheromeridae,短角棒亚■科Pachymorphinae中的一部分属与长角棒■亚科Lonchodinae中的大部分属从异■科移至■科Phasmatidae。笛■科与■科包含了中国■目的大部分种类,异科目前在中国没有记录。根据期刊的实际出版时间将3个物种的发表时间修正如下:花坪长棒Lonchodes huapingensis(BiLi,1992)、长臀薇■Pachyscia longicauda(Bi,1992)与梵净山副华枝Parasinophasma fanjingshanense(ChenHe,2006)。对部分物种的学名变动作了简要讨论。  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) hypervariable segment I sequences (HVSI, 471 bp) of the control region and partial cytochrome b sequences (Cytb, 403 bp) were analyzed in three tentative species of the genus Mystacoleucus in China (M. chilopterus, M. marginatus, and M. lepturus). Not more than two mutations were found in both the HVSI and Cytb fragments among the samples from M. chilopterus and M. marginatus. However, M. lepturus differed from each of them by at least 25 mutations in Cytb and 51 mutations in HVSI. Moreover the HVSI sequence variation within M. lepturus was larger than that between M. chilopterus and M. marginatus. Given that M. chilopterus and M. marginatus are very similar in morphology, it is reasonable to consider M. chilopterus and M. marginatus as conspecific. Our results also suggest a recent radiation of M. marginatus from downstream to upstream of the Lancangjiang (Mekong) River.  相似文献   

The taxonomy and phylogeny of the Chinese species of the Barbinae (Cypriniformes) has a confusing history. In this study, partial sequences of four mitochondrial genes (cyt b, COI, ND4 and 16S rRNA) from 75 Barbinae species and 38 outgroup species were used to investigate the taxonomy and phylogeny within the Barbinae in China. The monophyly of Neolissochilus, Sikukia and Tor are not supported. Neolissochilus benasi might represent a new genus, and Tor hemispinus and Tor qiaojiensis should be moved into Neolissochilus. Sikukia flavicaudata is not Sikukia species. Puntius paucimaculatus might be a synonym of Puntius semifasciolatus. Puntius semifasciolatus does not belong to Puntius. Onychostoma barbatum might consist of more than one species. Our molecular results corroborate that Acrossocheilus stenotaeniatus is a synonym of Acrossocheilus longipinnis. Finally, Barbonymus gonionotus from Menglun, Yunnan should be Poropuntius huangchuchieni.  相似文献   

It has long been thought that the genera Mobiluncus and Falcivibrio contain the same organisms. Using a polyphasic approach, it was found that Mobiluncus curtisii and Mobiluncus mulieris were the same as Falcivibrio vaginalis and Falcivibrio grandis, respectively. As the genus name Mobiluncus takes precedence, it is proposed that F. vaginalis and F. grandis be transferred to the genus Mobiluncus. In agreement with previous studies, results from phenotypic tests did not support the separation of M. curtisii strains into its two subspecies, M. curtisii subsp. curtisii and M. curtisii subsp. holmesii. Phenotypic complexity within M. curtisii dictates that the species should be treated as a complex until more in-depth analyses of the species have been performed. Phylogenetic analyses, based on 16S rRNA gene sequences, demonstrated that the genus Mobiluncus was associated with Varibaculum cambriense and the two subspecies of Actinomyces neuii, and that A. neuii is only distantly related to Actinomyces sensu stricto.  相似文献   

A rapid PCR-RFLP analysis was designed to identify 3 closely related species of hairtails: Trichiurus lepturus, T. japonicus, and Trichiurus sp. 2, basing on partial sequence data (600 bp) of the mitochondrial DNA encoding the 16S ribosomal RNA (16S rRNA) gene. Restriction digestion analysis of the unpurified PCR products of these 3 species, using EcoRI and VspI endonucleases, generated reproducible species-specific restriction patterns showing 2 fragments (250 bp and 350 bp) for T. lepturus in EcoRI digestion and 2 fragments (196 bp and 404 bp) for T. japonicus in VspI digestion, whereas no cleavage was observed for Trichiurus sp. 2 in both EcoRI and VspI digestions. The PCR-RFLP technique developed in this study proved to be a rapid, reliable and simple method that enables easy and accurate identification of these 3 closely related species of the genus Trichiurus.  相似文献   

Two cyprinid fishes, Spinibarbus hollandi and Onychostoma alticorpus, are endemic to southeastern Taiwan. This study examined the phylogeography of these two codistributed primary freshwater fishes using mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b sequences (1140 bp) to search for general patterns in the effect of historical changes in southeastern Taiwan. In total, 135 specimens belonging to these two species were collected from five populations. These two codistributed species revealed similar genetic variation patterns. The genetic variation in both species was very low, and the geographical distribution of the genetic variation corresponded neither to the drainage structure nor to the geographical distances between the samples. The results of a statistical dispersal-vicariance analysis suggested that the ancestral populations of these two species were distributed in southern Taiwan before their dispersal. Our study suggests that the initial colonization occurred in the Kaoping River followed by eastern and northward dispersal. Our results also indicate that the Central Range in Taiwan did not act as a barrier to the dispersal of S. hollandi or O. alticorpus.  相似文献   

We investigated mitochondrial and nuclear DNA in the small tyrant-flycatcher genus Zimmerius (Tyrannidae) and show that molecular data are in strong disagreement with morphology-based taxonomy, but in good concordance with vocal characters. Our molecular data identified two independent cases of well-supported polyphyletic species arrangements within this genus that indicate the following taxonomic changes: elevation of Z. acer and Z. albigularis to species level, separation of northern populations of Z. chrysops as a species and inclusion of southern populations of Z. chrysops into Z. viridiflavus. Although polyphyly has rarely been encountered in bird systematics it has previously been shown for two other tyrannid genera and suggests that tyrannid taxonomy may be poorly resolved, presumably as a consequence of the conserved plumage patterns observed in many tyrannid genera. Our study suggests that vocalizations can be a better indicator of taxonomic limits than plumage pattern in tyrannids.  相似文献   

大鳞裂峡鲃繁殖生物学特征   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
2009、2010和2013年在云南省西双版纳自治州勐腊县境内的南腊河共收集大鳞裂峡鲃(Hampala macrolepidota)样本438尾。研究结果表明:大鳞裂峡鲃雌性群体初次性成熟体长228 mm、体重270.3 g,雄性群体初次性成熟体长205 mm、体重172.5 g,对应年龄均为4龄。大鳞裂峡鲃雌、雄繁殖群体的成熟系数年度变化趋势基本一致。成熟系数值在1月、3月、4月呈逐渐增大趋势,5月显著上升,6月达到最高峰,7月急速下降,8月至9月趋于平缓。繁殖活动每年4月开始,一直可持续至10月,主要集中在5~6月。大鳞裂峡鲃雌雄性比为1︰1.19,与鲃亚科其他部分鱼类雌性数量多于雄性的情况相反;繁殖盛期则雌性数量多于雄性。繁殖群体由4~8龄共5个年龄组组成,雌、雄群体均以5龄组所占比例最大。大鳞裂峡鲃属单次产卵鱼类。平均卵径1.18 mm;绝对繁殖力为63 393粒,相对繁殖力为70.04粒/g。与鲃亚科其他部分鱼类比较,大鳞裂峡鲃的卵径相对较小而繁殖力较大。  相似文献   

We established the phylogeny of 11 species of the genus Marmota based on the entire sequence of the mitochondrial cytochrome b ( cyt-b ) gene (1.1 kb) and a partial sequence of the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 ( ND4 ) gene (1.2 kb). In three species ( Marmota caligata , Marmota olympus , and Marmota bobac ) full-sized nuclear pseudogenes of the mitochondrial cyt-b were identified. The mitochondrial cyt-b genes and the three pseudogenes form separate clusters in the maximum parsimony dendrogram. This finding suggests that the pseudogenes originated from a single transfer to the nucleus that may have occurred prior to the radiation of the genus Marmota . Notably, compared with their functional mitochondrial equivalents the pseudogenes show a much lower substitution rate. In the dendrograms deduced from the mitochondrial sequences two distinct clusters become apparent: one cluster consists of the North-west American species, the other contains the Eurasian species together with the North American species Marmota monax . The position of M. monax as a member of the Eurasian clade is in accordance with the evolution of chromosome numbers. The results are of special interest with respect to the evolution of social systems in the genus that vary from solitary species ( M. monax ) to highly social species living in family groups (e.g. Marmota marmota ). The molecular phylogeny suggests a diphyletic origin of high sociality in the genus Marmota .  相似文献   

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