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任昱  卢琦  吴波  李永华  辛智鸣  姚斌 《生态学报》2014,34(21):6101-6106
以荒漠生态系统典型植物白刺(Nitraria tangutorum Bobr)叶片为研究对象,利用数码图像显微镜处理系统,研究了不同人工模拟增雨处理下的白刺叶片气孔密度及形态特征的变化情况。结果表明,荒漠植物固有特征决定了白刺叶片下表皮气孔密度大于上表皮,上表皮、下表皮气孔密度对增雨响应差异不显著(P0.05)。增雨处理上表皮、下表皮气孔密度与对照差异显著(P0.05)。相同增雨季节,50%处理下叶片气孔密度高于100%处理;不同增雨季节,气孔密度对生长季后期增雨响应更明显。白刺叶表皮气孔分布遵循"一细胞间隔(one cell spacing rule)"法则。增雨后叶片上表皮和下表皮气孔长度、宽度均有不同程度的增加,气孔形态特征对100%处理的响应较50%处理更为明显,且生长季后期增雨对叶片气孔形态特征的影响更大。  相似文献   

黄瓜叶表面特性与生态适应性   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
王绍辉  张福墁 《生态学报》2003,23(1):199-204
对不同类型的黄瓜品种的气孔形态进行了扫描电镜观察 ,发现需水量不同的黄瓜品种气孔形态特征有很大的差异。保卫细胞表观差异比较明显 ,气孔的密度、大小及开张度均有显著的差异 :亚洲类型的黄瓜品种气孔密度较欧洲类型与欧亚杂交品种大 ,气孔的保卫细胞的大小为欧洲品种 >欧亚杂交品种 >亚洲品种。气孔周围的形态特征表现为 :亚洲品种保卫细胞角质褶皱较多 ,起伏较大 ,气孔深深地陷于褶皱中 ;欧洲品种黄瓜气孔保卫细胞周围角质则较平坦 ,保卫细胞突出于表皮细胞之上 ;欧亚杂交品种的气孔大小与形态介于上述二者之间。土壤含水量的不同也影响黄瓜叶片气孔的形态特性 ,随着土壤含水量的减少 ,黄瓜叶片单位面积的气孔密度增加 ,保卫细胞的大小变小 ,气孔开展度增加。  相似文献   

Long-term sulfate, selenate and molybdate accumulation and translocation were investigated in two ecotypes of Stanleya pinnata and non-hyperaccumulator Brassica juncea under different levels of applied sulfate and selenate. Morphological differences were observed between the ecotypes of S. pinnata, but few differences in selenium (Se) and sulfur (S) accumulation were measured. Se-to-S ratios were nearly identical between the ecotypes under all treatments. When compared with B. juncea, several unique trends were observed in the hyperaccumulators. While both S. pinnata ecotypes showed no significant effect on Se content of young leaves when the supplied sulfate in the growth medium was increased tenfold (from 0.5 to 5 mM), the Se levels in B. juncea decreased 4- to 12-fold with increased sulfate in the growth medium. Furthermore, S. pinnata’s S levels decreased slightly with high levels of supplied Se, suggesting competitive inhibition of uptake, while B. juncea showed higher S levels with increasing Se, possibly due to up-regulation of sulfate transporters. Both ecotypes of S. pinnata showed much larger Se concentrations in young leaves, while B. juncea showed slightly higher levels of Se in older leaves relative to young. Molybdenum (Mo) levels significantly decreased in S. pinnata with increasing sulfate and selenate in the medium; B. juncea did not show the same trends. These findings support the hypothesis that S. pinnata contains a modified sulfate transporter with a higher specificity for selenate.  相似文献   

落羽杉属(杉科)叶表皮结构及气孔参数   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
落羽杉属Taxodium Rich.现生3种植物——落羽杉T. distichum (L.) Rich.、池杉T. ascendens Brongn.和墨西哥落羽杉T. mucronatum Tenore.的条形叶为双面气孔型或单面气孔型。叶片远轴面气孔分布于中脉两侧,每侧各有4-8列气孔。叶片中部气孔数量稳定,顶部和基部气孔数量比中部略少。近轴面气孔在中脉两侧各有1-4行,有时仅少数几个气孔或没有气孔分布。非气孔分布区内,表皮细胞长方形,细胞壁直或稍微呈波状,细胞长轴与叶片长轴一致。气孔分布区内的表皮细胞有时为多边形。气孔器椭圆形,长轴与叶片长轴垂直或成一定的角度。保卫细胞壁加厚明显,极端联合形成极层结构。落羽杉属3种现生植物的气孔密度和气孔指数差异显著,不同采集地的落羽杉气孔密度和气孔指数差异不显著。这3种植物的气孔指数的变异系数均小于气孔密度的变异系数,用气孔指数指示大气CO2浓度比用气孔密度可靠。  相似文献   

荐圣淇  赵传燕  赵阳  彭守璋  彭焕华 《生态学报》2011,31(17):4818-4825
拟利用遥感图像处理技术--面向对象分类,计算胡杨叶片气孔密度,采用面向对象分类的专业软件eCognition对气孔图像进行多尺度分割,将生成的分类图像导入ArcGIS中计算气孔密度,最后用R语言编写代码进行批处理。研究结果显示:该方法用于计算叶片气孔的密度精度高;18个样点胡杨气孔密度存在着较大的差异,从76.7 个/mm2到139.4 个/mm2不等,其平均密度为105 个/mm2;随着干旱胁迫加强,气孔密度表现下降上升再下降的趋势。  相似文献   

在光学显微镜下观察了不同产地何首乌叶表皮结构特征,应用多元回归方法对不同产地何首乌的叶表皮特征与气候因子的关系进行了分析。观察的叶表皮特征指标有气孔密度、气孔指数、气孔器长、气孔器宽、气孔极区角质加厚、气孔器类型、表皮细胞垂周壁性状及叶表面角质条纹。观察结果:上表皮有少量气孔器分布;在下表皮,气孔器类型为非典型不等细胞型和不规则型,有少量腺鳞分布,气孔器密度每1mm2为241.7(64~573)个,气孔指数为17.1(7.5~26.5)%,气孔器长31.1(20~44)μm,气孔器宽23.1(16~38)μm。随着产地的不同,何首乌叶下表皮结构有明显差异。分析结果显示气孔器、气孔器宽度以及气孔密度均与纬度关系密切,随纬度的升高,气孔器长、气孔器宽呈减小的趋势,气孔密度呈增加的趋势,R2值分别为0.619、0.729、0.772。  相似文献   

Stomatal frequency in leaves of plants of Iris hollandica, cultivated under four light intensities, about 12%, 37%, 75% and 100% of natural daylight, was studied. The stomatal frequency decreases with lower light intensities. The gradients of stomatal frequency of successive leaves show an increase up to the third or fourth leaf with a subsequent decrease of values up to the highest leaf. The total number of stomata per leaf is not constant; differences exist in successive leaves of a shoot as well as among the leaves of plants growing under various light intensities. The character of gradients was changed at lower light intensities. The largest reaction to the light intensity appeared in leaves with higher stomatal frequency. The gradients in individual leaves depend on the insertion of the leaf. Both the shape and the slope of these gradients are influenced by the light intensity.  相似文献   

Phenotypic mosaic trees offer an ideal system for studying differential gene expression. We have investigated two mosaic eucalypt trees from two closely related species (Eucalyptus melliodora and E. sideroxylon), which each support two types of leaves: one part of the canopy is resistant to insect herbivory and the remaining leaves are susceptible. Driving this ecological distinction are differences in plant secondary metabolites. We used these phenotypic mosaics to investigate genome wide patterns of foliar gene expression with the aim of identifying patterns of differential gene expression and the somatic mutation(s) that lead to this phenotypic mosaicism. We sequenced the mRNA pool from leaves of the resistant and susceptible ecotypes from both mosaic eucalypts using the Illumina HiSeq 2000 platform. We found large differences in pathway regulation and gene expression between the ecotypes of each mosaic. The expression of the genes in the MVA and MEP pathways is reflected by variation in leaf chemistry, however this is not the case for the terpene synthases. Apart from the terpene biosynthetic pathway, there are several other metabolic pathways that are differentially regulated between the two ecotypes, suggesting there is much more phenotypic diversity than has been described. Despite the close relationship between the two species, they show large differences in the global patterns of gene and pathway regulation.  相似文献   

广州市常见行道树种叶片表面形态与滞尘能力   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
刘璐  管东生  陈永勤 《生态学报》2013,33(8):2604-2614
以广州市常见的18种行道树为对象,通过扫描电镜观察比较了行道树的叶表面形态结构、应用接触角测定仪测定了绿化树种叶片的接触角对滞尘能力的影响.结果表明:不同树种的滞尘量差异显著,18种植物叶片雨后第26天的最大滞尘量在0.066-1.831 g/m2,物种间相差达27倍以上.叶表面具有网状结构,气孔密度较大(20<气孔密度<60个)且气孔开口较大(如芒果)容易滞留粉尘;叶表面平滑具有蜡质层,气孔排列整齐,无明显起伏(如红花羊蹄甲、桃花心木、大叶紫薇、鹅掌藤),滞尘能力较弱.植物叶片接触角与滞尘量呈负相关(r=-0.614),接触角<90°的表现为亲水性.易润湿的植物叶片雨后第26天最大滞尘量在1.0-1.831 g/m2,叶片表面的形态结构凹凸不平,具有钩状或脊状褶皱、突起等且20<气孔密度<60范围内,测得的接触角较小(芒果、重阳木、高山榕),使得粉尘与植物叶片接触面积较大,粉尘不易从叶面脱落,滞尘能力较强.而接触角较大的盆架树、麻楝、大叶紫薇、鹅掌藤和红花羊蹄甲的滞尘量均<1.0g/m2,其特殊的表面结构和疏水的蜡质使颗粒物不易吸附在植物叶片上,因此滞尘能力较弱.由此可见,植物叶表面蜡质含量和气孔密度及其叶片接触角的大小是影响植物叶片滞尘能力的主要因素,在进行城市绿化时,适当考虑选择叶表面形态有利于滞尘的绿化树种,将可提高城市植被的环境效应.  相似文献   

中国北方鸢尾属植物叶片解剖结构特征及分类学价值研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
王宏  申晓辉  郭瑛 《植物研究》2008,28(1):30-37
以中国北方生长的鸢尾属9种植物为研究对象,利用光学显微镜对叶表皮细胞形状及大小、气孔大小、气孔分布及气孔密度、气孔指数等叶表皮构造特征进行观察,并探讨了叶表皮特征在鸢尾属内各个亚属、亚组间的分类学价值,结果表明:表皮细胞的形状和大小显示了同亚属或同亚组植物之间较为明显的亲缘关系,在区分鸢尾属下不同亚属或亚组植物上也有一定的分类学价值。气孔密度和气孔指数在鸢尾属内分类学价值不大,但却能很好地反映不同鸢尾属植物与生境之间的密切关系。并从表皮构造特征上证实了野鸢尾与射干有很强的亲缘关系,且近于鸢尾属内的其他植物的结论;此外,通过对鸢尾属植物叶横切解剖结构的观察:从维管束、横切面形状、表皮细胞与角质层、乳突、气孔、气室大小、叶肉细胞的分化这7个较为明显的特征上的相关性和差异性,探讨了由于生境的不同而产生的植物形态结构的差异。  相似文献   

The degree of genetic diversity within and between 21 Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh ecotypes was estimated by AFLP analysis. Within seven of the 21 ecotypes, a low but significant level of polymorphism was detected, and for five of these ecotypes two or three distinct subgroups could be distinguished. As these ecotypes represent natural populations, this intra-ecotypic diversity reflects natural genetic variation and diversification within the ecotypes. The source of this diversity remains unclear but is intriguing in view of the predominantly self-fertilizing nature of Arabidopsis. Interrelationships between the different ecotypes were estimated after AFLP fingerprinting using two enzyme combinations (EcoRI/MseI and SacI/MseI) and a number of selective primer pairs. SacI recognition sites are less evenly distributed in the genome than EcoRI sites, and occur more frequently in coding sequences. In most cases, AFLP data from only one enzyme combination are used for genetic diversity analysis. Our results show that the use of two enzyme combinations can result in significantly different classifications of the ecotypes both in cluster and ordination analysis. This difference most probably reflects differences in the genomic distribution of the AFLP fragments generated, depending on the enzymes and selective primers used. For closely related varieties, as in the case of Arabidopsis ecotypes, this can preclude reliable classification.  相似文献   

We report here whether accessions of Phaseolus vulgaris var. aborigineus, collected from the southernmost part of the Andean domestication center of common bean, presented differences among leaf epidermal characters. Epidermal microcharacters such as deposition of wax crystalloids, cuticle thickness, trichome types, size and density, stomata types and size, stomatal density and index were examined on the surface of 66 leaves of 11 accessions of P. vulgaris var. aborigineus by means of light and scanning electron microscopy. Unlike the leaves of cultivated beans, those of P. vulgaris var. aborigineus were hypostomatous. Among epidermal characters only the stomatal density, stomatal index, and the number of trichomes on the abaxial leaf epidermis were different between bean accessions. The stomatal density and index of the accessions were inversely related to the altitude of the area of the wild bean collection. This is the first report describing the presence of diversity among epidermal characters (e.g. hypostomatous leaves) in P. vulgaris var. aborigineus that might contribute to plant resistance to pathogens.  相似文献   

对叶子花(Bougainvillea spectabilis)正常叶和变态叶上气孔密度、气孔指数和保卫细胞大小进行了研究。结果表明:正常叶上表皮的表皮细胞为多边形,垂周壁平直;下表皮的表皮细胞为不规则型,垂周壁浅波状;气孔类型为不规则型。变态叶上表皮没有发现气孔,变态叶下表皮的表皮细胞垂周壁则由浅波形逐渐变为深波形,气孔类型为不规则型和轮列型。随着变态叶的发育,变态叶下表皮的气孔密度降低,气孔指数升高;变态叶保卫细胞的长增大,宽减小。变态叶的平均气孔密度和平均气孔指数明显低于正常叶。正常叶和变态叶的保卫细胞均呈肾形。  相似文献   

Electrical potentials in stomatal complexes   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Guard cells of several species, but predominantly Commelina communis, were impaled by micropipette electrodes and potential differences measured that occurred between cell compartments and the flowing bathing medium. The wall developed a Donnan potential that was between −60 and −70 millivolt in 30 millimolar KCl at pH 7. The density of the fixed charges ranged from 0.3 to 0.5 molar; its dependence on pH was almost identical with the titration curve of authentic polygalacturonic acid. The vacuolar potential of guard cells of Commelina communis L., Zea mays L., Nicotiana glauca Graham, Allium cepa L., and Vicia faba L. was between −40 and −50 millivolt in 30 millimolar KCl when stomata were open and about −30 millivolt when stomata were closed. The vacuolar potential of guard cells of C. communis was almost linearly related to stomatal aperture and responded to changes in the ionic strength in the bathing medium in a Nernstian manner. No specificity for any alkali ion (except Li+), ammonium, or choline appeared. Lithium caused hyperpolarization. Calcium in concentrations between 1 and 100 millimolar in the medium led to stomatal closure, also caused hyperpolarization, and triggered transient oscillations in the intracellular potential. Gradients in the electrical potential existed across stomatal complexes with open pores. When stomata closed, these gradients almost disappeared or slightly reverted; all epidermal cells were then at potentials near −30 millivolt in 30 millimolar KCl.  相似文献   

pH Gradients in the Stomatal Complex of Tradescantia virginiana   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
pH of the vacuolar sap, cytoplasm, and apoplast of the cellsof the stomatal complex of Tradescantia virginiana was measuredusing micro-electrodes. Marked differences in vacuolar and apoplasticpH were observed between leaves with open and closed stomata.Cytoplasmic pH appeared to be uniform in all the cells and didnot change with stomatal aperture. The information obtainedenabled proton motive force across the plasmalemma and tonoplastof the guard cells to be calculated. The results are discussedin relation to the accumulation of potassium by the guard cellon stomatal opening. Key words: Stomata, pH gradients, Proton pumps  相似文献   

Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Samsun) plantlets were cultured in vitro on Murashige-Skoog medium photoautotrophically (without sucrose) or photomixotrophically (with 3 % sucrose) under two irradiances [70 or 230 µmol m–2 s–1]. Significant differences in stomatal density and sizes in leaves of different insertion levels (3rd, 5th and 7th leaves from bottom) in photomixotrophic plantlets but not in photoautotrophic ones were found after 35 d of culture. Stomatal density was higher in upper leaves and on abaxial leaf side. Higher irradiance enhanced stomatal density in photoautotrophic plantlets. Stomatal sizes decreased with leaf insertion level but no significant differences between leaf sides were found. Abaxial stomata were more circular than the adaxial ones. In photomixotrophic plantlets stomata tended to be more elongated in the 3rd and the 5th leaves, whereas stomatal elongation in photoautotrophic plantlets was similar in all leaves.  相似文献   


Key message

An automated process using a cascade classifier allowed the rapid assessment of the density and distribution of stomata on microphotographs from leaves of two oak species.


Stomatal density is the number of stomata per unit area, an intensively studied trait, involved in the control of CO2 and H2O exchange between leaf and atmosphere. This trait is usually estimated by counting manually each stoma on a given surface (e.g., a microphotograph), usually repeating the procedure with images from different parts of the leaf. To improve this procedure, we tested the performance of a cascade classifier to automatically detect stomata on microphotographs from two oak species: Quercus afares Pomel and Quercus suber L. The two species are phylogenetically close with similar stomatal morphology, which allowed testing the reuse of the cascade classifier on stomata with similar shape. The results showed that a cascade classifier trained on only 100 sample views of stomata from Q. afares was able to rapidly detect stomata in Q. afares as well as in Q. suber with a very low number of false positives (5 %/1.9 %) and a small number of undetected stomata (14.8 %/0.74 %), when partial stomata near the edge of the microphotographs were ignored. The remaining undetected stomata were due to obstacles such as trichomes. As an example of further applications, we used the positions detected by the cascade classifier to assess the spatial distribution of stomata and group them on the leaf surface. To our knowledge this is the first time that a cascade classifier has been applied to plant microphotographs, and we were able to show that it can dramatically decrease the time needed to estimate stomatal density and spatial distribution.  相似文献   

The changes in leaf dimensions, transverse and longitudinal gradients in stomatal density and the total number of stomata under the influence of root hypoxia were followed. In spite of considerably reduced leaf area following hypoxia the total number of stomata per leaf was not changed significantly. The resulting increase in stomatal density was not uniform being the most prominent in the basal part of the leaf where the distances between stomata and between rows of stomata became shorter.  相似文献   

主要观察了气孔在四季秋海棠营养器官和繁殖器官上的分布和发育情况,并分别对叶片和翅上气孔簇大小、气孔簇密度等指标的相关性进行了研究、结果表明:在叶片的下表皮、雌花和雄花的花被片、苞片、小苞片和翅上有气孔分布,而在茎、花梗上却未见气孔分布.叶片下表皮和翅上气孔通常成簇分布.在叶片的下表皮,气孔簇大小与气孔簇密度呈显著的负相关(P<0.05);气孔簇密度与叶片长度呈极显著的负相关(P<0.01).而翅上的气孔簇密度、气孔簇大小与子房长度无显著相关性(P>0.05).在四季秋海棠中,不同器官表皮的气孔簇大小是不同的,这可能与生理功能的不同有关.  相似文献   

The fine structure of the green stem of Dianthus caryophyllus, the leaf petiole and the flower pedicel of Zantedeschia aethiopica were studied using light and scanning electron microscopy. It was revealed that these non-foliar plant parts of both species possess epidermis with numerous stomata. Stomatal density of D. caryophyllus stem was found to be relatively high (79 vs 100 per mm2 found on leaf surface). Z. aethiopica petioles and pedicels also possess numerous stomata (17 per mm2), yet stomatal density was found to be about half of that of leaves. Anatomical differences observed between petioles and pedicels were only minor. Stems of D. caryophyllus as well as petioles and pedicels of Z. aethiopica have a chlorenchyma-type tissue whose fine structure is quite similar to the leaf palisade chlorenchyma. Yet, the palisade of Z. aethiopica petioles and pedicels shows a peculiar arrangement: palisade cells are arranged with their long axis parallel to the longitudinal organ axis. Palisade tissue found in the aforementioned non-foliar plant organs in both species shows strong red chlorophyll auto-fluorescence under epi-fluorescence optics, consists of cells with abundant chloroplasts, possesses high percentage of intercellular spaces (13 and 20%, respectively) and its cells expose considerable part of their surface to the intercellular air. The fine structure of this stem palisade tissue along with the abundance of functional stomata found on the epidermis may support efficient photosynthesis.  相似文献   

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