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Understanding the nature of partially folded intermediates transiently populated during protein folding is important for understanding both protein folding and misfolding. These ephemeral species, however, often elude direct experimental characterization. The well-characterized protein ribonuclease H (RNase H) from Escherichia coli populates an on-pathway intermediate identified in both bulk studies and single-molecule mechanical unfolding experiments. Here, we set out to trap the transient intermediate of RNase H at equilibrium by selectively destabilizing the region of the protein known to be unfolded in this species. Surprisingly, a single change at Ile25 (I25A) resulted in the equilibrium population of the intermediate under near-native conditions. The intermediate was undetectable in a series of heteronuclear single quantum coherences, revealing the dynamic nature of this partially unfolded form on the timescale of NMR detection. This result is in contrast to studies in which the structures of trapped intermediates are solved by NMR, indicating that they are well packed and native-like. The dynamic nature of the RNase H intermediate may be important for its role as an on-pathway, productive species that promotes efficient folding.  相似文献   

Staphylococcin 1580 increased the relative amount of diphosphatidylglycerol and decreased the amount of phosphatidylglycerol in cells of Staphlococcus aureus, while the amounts of lysylphosphatidylglycerol, phosphatidic acid and total phospholipid remained constant.Treatment of cells of Escherichia coli and S. aureus with colicin A and staphylococcin 1580, respectively, did not affect proton impermeability but subsequent addition of carbonylcyanide-m-chlorophenylhydrazone resulted in a rapid influx of protons into the cells.Bacteriocin-resistant and -tolerant mutants of E. coli and S. aureus were isolated. The bacteriocins caused leakage of amino acids preaccumulated into membrane vesicles of resistant mutants and had no significant effect on membrane vesicles of tolerant mutants.The uptake of amino acids into membrane vesicles was inhibited by both bacteriocins, irrespective of the electron donors applied. The bacteriocin inhibition was noncompetitive. The bacteriocins did not affect oxygen consumption and dehydrogenases in membrane vesicles.Both bacteriocins suppressed the decrease in the fluorescence of 1-anilino-8-naphthalene sulfonate caused by d-lactate or α-glycerol phosphate when added to membrane vesicles.It is concluded that the bacteriocins uncouple the transport function from the electron transport system.  相似文献   

Ronidazole (1-methyl-5-nitroimidazole-2-methanol carbamate) is reductively metabolized by liver microsomal and purified NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reductase preparations to reactive metabolites that covalently bind to tissue proteins. Kinetic experiments and studies employing immobilized cysteine or blocked cysteine thiols have shown that the principal targets of protein alkylation ara cysteine thiols. Furthermore, ronidazole specifically radiolabelled with 14C in the 4,5-ring, N-methyl or 2-methylene positions give rise to equivalent apparent covalent binding suggesting that the imidazole nucleus is retained in the bound residue. In contrast, the carbonyl-14C-labeled ronidazole gives approx. 6--15-fold less apparent covalent binding indicating that the carbamoyl group is lost during the reaction leading to the covalently bound metabolite. The conversion of ronidazole to reactive metabolite(s) is quantitative and reflects the amazing efficiency by which this compound is activated by microsomal enzymes. However, only about 5% of this metabolite can be accounted for as protein-bound products under the conditions employed in these studies. Consequently, approx. 95% of the reactive ronidazole metabolite(s) can react with other constituents in the reaction media such as other thiols or water. Based on these results, a mechanism is proposed for the metabolic activation of ronidazole.  相似文献   

Doxylstearic acid spin labels are used to study the fluidity of the membranes of the cellular slime mold, Dictyostelium discoideum. The T0 value of the wildtype cell membrane is close to that of egg lecithin indicating a rather fluid membrane. No detectable change in the fluidity of the bulk lipids at the 16-carbon depth occurs during differentiation of the myxamoebae into stalk and spore cells despite reported changes in the individual lipid components. The results of studies on temperature-sensitive and aggregationless mutants are also presented.  相似文献   

A technique is described for the examination of fluorescence in planar black lipid membranes. Special attention has been devoted to the elimination of light scattered from the border regions of the membrane and from the numerous small lenses of hydrocarbon solvent which can form in certain types of black film. Fluorescence spectra of 1-anilino-8-naphthalene sulphonate (ANS) are reported for phospholipid and monoglyceride membranes. The adsorption of the fluorescent probe has been measured by a thermodynamic method and the quantum yield of the probe in the membrane has been determined. Both the emission spectrum and the quantum yield of ANS in black films agree well with the respective data obtained from measurements on sonicated aqueous dispersions of the lipid.  相似文献   

Mitochondria isolated from rat heart and kidney cortex by Polytron treatment of the tissues exhibit lower state 3 rates of respiration than mitochondria isolated by Nagarse method. Addition of cytochrome c to Polytron mitochondria isolated from heart, but not from kidney, increases oxygen uptake to values approaching those of Nagarse-treated preparations. Similar results were observed for Ca2+ uptake. Kidney Polytron mitochondria exhibited lower mitochondrial, but higher non-mitochondrial enzyme activities compared to kidney Nagarse mitochondria. Enzyme activities were the same in Polytron and Nagarse mitochondria from heart. The differences between Polytron and Nagarse mitochondria appear to be mainly due to lower cytochrome c content of Polytron mitochondria from heart and higher contamination of Polytron mitochondria from kidney.  相似文献   

Casein micelles are a major component of milk proteins. It is well known that casein micelles show chaperone-like activity such as inhibition of protein aggregation and stabilization of proteins. In this study, it was revealed that casein micelles also possess a high refolding activity for denatured proteins. A buffer containing caseins exhibited higher refolding activity for denatured bovine carbonic anhydrase than buffers including other proteins. In particular, a buffer containing α-casein showed about a twofold higher refolding activity compared with absence of α-casein. Casein properties of surface hydrophobicity, a flexible structure and assembly formation are thought to contribute to this high refolding activity. Our results indicate that casein micelles stabilize milk proteins by both chaperone-like activity and refolding properties.  相似文献   

A protein, tentatively named apo-Q-protein I, with molecular weight of 15,0001 from the reconstitutively active cytochrome b-c1 complex has been identified as being responsible for electron transfer between succinate dehydrogenase and ubiquinone. The identification was based on the chemical modification, proteolytic enzyme digestion, and isolation and purification of the protein to nearly pure form.  相似文献   

The mitogens serum, vasopressin and bradykinin stimulate a significant rise in the inositol phosphate content of cultured human fibroblasts within 10 seconds, while serum- and bradykinin-stimulated arachidonic acid release does not occur until after 30 seconds. The release of inositol phosphates is not secondary to a rise in Ca activity since the Ca ionophore ionomycin does not stimulate release of inositol phosphates. Moreover, we show that phospholipase C in human fibroblasts is activated by these mitogens at resting Ca levels since TMB-8, which blocks the mitogen-induced rise in Ca activity, does not affect the serum-stimulated accumulation of inositol phosphates.  相似文献   

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