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记述中国蕨叶蜂亚科3新种:美斑长片叶蜂Neothrinax formosula Wei et Xiao,sp.nov,.糙眶侧齿叶蜂Neostromboceros punctiorbita Wei et Xiao,sp.nov和.周氏侧齿叶蜂Neostromboceros zhousyi Wei et Liu,sp.nov。.  相似文献   

记述采自中国河南的真片叶蜂属4新种:短室真片叶蜂Eutomostethus brevicellus Wei et Niu,sp.nov.,狭突真片叶蜂Eutomostethus lineituberculus Wei et Niu,sp.nov.,白腹真片叶蜂Eutomostethus albiventralinus Wei et Niu,sp.nov.和假亮真片叶蜂Eutomostethus pseudometallicus Wei et Niu,sp.nov..新种模式标本保存于湖南长沙中南林业科技大学昆虫模式标本室.  相似文献   

中国叶蜂属(膜翅目,叶蜂科)三新种   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
记述采自中国河南、陕西、浙江的叶蜂科叶蜂亚科叶蜂属3新种:吕氏横斑叶蜂Tenthredo lunani Wei et Niu,sp.nov.,三斑槌腹叶蜂Tenthredo dolichomisca Wei et Niu,sp.nov.,黑腰白端叶蜂Tenthredo pararubiapicilina Wei et Niu,sp.nov.。新种模式标本保存于湖南长沙中南林业科技大学昆虫模式标本室。  相似文献   

记述中国大基叶蜂亚科3新种:宽斑大基叶蜂Beleses latimaculatus Wei et Niu,sp.nov.,黑毛大基叶蜂Beleses nigropilosus Wei et Niu,sp.nov.和黄褐凹跗叶蜂Eusunoxa fulvitarsis Wei et Xue,sp.nov.。  相似文献   

记述采自中国甘肃的钩瓣叶蜂属3新种,肿跗钩瓣叶蜂Macrophya incrassitarsalia Wei et Wu,sp.nov.,黑体钩瓣叶蜂Macrophya melanosomata Wei et Xin,sp.nov.和白转钩瓣叶蜂Macrophya leucotrochanterata Wei et Li,sp.nov..新种模式标本保存于中南林业科技大学昆虫模式标本室.  相似文献   

中国叶蜂属(膜翅目,叶蜂科)二新种   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
记述中国叶蜂科叶蜂属Tenthredo subflava种团2新种:宽齿平绿叶蜂T.latidentella Wei et Zhao,sp.nov.和双斑平绿叶蜂T.flatoscutellania Wei et Niu,sp.nov..编制了T.  相似文献   

记述平背叶蜂亚科3新种:薛氏片爪叶蜂Darjilingia xueae Wei et Liu,sp.nov.,黑痣狭腹叶蜂Athlophorusnigrostigmata W ei,sp.nov.,斑背蔡氏叶蜂Caiina maculoterga W ei et Niu,sp.nov.。  相似文献   

厘订中国刻胸叶蜂属Eriocampa Hartig.记述了6个种,包括5新种 黑足刻胸叶蜂E. melanopoda Nie et Wei, sp. nov.; 大窝刻胸叶蜂E. foveata Nie et Wei, sp. nov.; 环腹刻胸叶蜂E. annulata Nie et Wei, sp. nov.; 小齿刻胸叶蜂E. dentella Nie et Wei, sp. nov.; 红环刻胸叶蜂E. rufomaculata Nie et Wei, sp. nov..详细描述了5新种形态,并给出了重要形态特征图、分布和分种检索表.模式标本分别保存于中南林学院昆虫标本室(CSFU)和天津自然博物馆(TNM).  相似文献   

厘订中国刻胸叶蜂属Eriocampa Hatrig。记述了6个种,包括6新种:黑足刻胞叶蜂E.melanopoda Nie et Wei,sp.nov.;大窝刻胞叶蜂E.foveata Nie et Wei,sp.nov.;环腹刻胸叶蜂E.annulata Nie et Wei,sp.nov.;小齿刻胸叶蜂E.dentella Nie et Wei,sp.nov.;红环刻胸叶蜂E,.rufomaculata Nie et Wei,sp.nov.。详细描述了5新种形态,并给出了重要形态特征图、分布和分种检索素。模式标本分别保存于中南林学院昆虫标本室(CSFU)和天津自然博物馆(TNM)。  相似文献   

本文记述中国叶蜂科蕨叶蜂亚科一新属,尖臂叶蜂属Nesaselandriola,gen.nov,及四种新;环胚尖臂叶蜂Nesoselandriola circularis,sp.nov.,黑腹尖臂叶蜂N.nigroveniralis,sp.nov.,黄足尖臂叶蜂N.albipes,sp.novl,刘氏尖臂叶蜂N.liui,sp.nov.,同时编制了尖臂叶蜂属已知种的检索表。  相似文献   

姚志远  李枢强 《生物多样性》2021,29(8):1058-496
本文总结了2020年发表的中国蜘蛛新分类单元和中国分类学者发表的国外蜘蛛新分类单元。基于国内标本, 2020年共发表中国蜘蛛223个新分类单元, 其中中国学者在12种期刊的56篇文章中命名了1新亚科、12新属和201新种, 国外学者命名了9新种, 合计210新种。云南是发现新种数量最多的省份, 占全国发现新种总数的38.1%。基于缅甸等12个国家标本, 2020年中国分类学者发表了外国蜘蛛95个新分类单元, 包括2新科、7新属和86新种。本文还总结了过去5年中国分类学者对全球蜘蛛分类的贡献, 2016‒2020年有1位中国学者发表771个新分类单元。  相似文献   

An investigation of Inula helenium, I. royleana, I. salicina and I. bifrons afforded in addition to known sesquiterpene lactones 20 new lactones, the eudesmanolides 3, 6 and 8–12, the germacranolides 14–18 and 20–22, the guaianolides 23 and 25, the pseudoguaianolide 26, the xanthanolides 28 and 32 and the cyclopropane analogue 30. Structures and configurations of these new compounds were established by extensive PMR studies and by some chemical transformations. Some of the investigated species contain besides the widely distributed pentaynene 33 several known thymol derivatives together with a new one (40).  相似文献   

袁锋  王敏 《昆虫分类学报》1994,16(2):115-119
本文描述采自陕西的环蛱蝶属1新种-周环蛱蝶Neptischouisp.nov.;将黄环蛱蝶伊洛亚种NeptisthemisilvsFuhstorfer提升为种,即伊洛环蛱蝶NeptisilvsFruhstorfer,认为黄环蛱蝶台湾亚种NeptisthemisnieriNomura应为伊洛环蛱蝶NeptisilvsFruhstorfer的1个亚种,描述了伊洛环蛱蝶的1新亚种-四川亚种Neptisi  相似文献   

广西爵床科植物新资料   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
方鼎  罗献瑞  唐恢天   《广西植物》1997,17(1):23-59
本文报道广西爵床科33个新分类群,4个新组合,8个中国新记录,13个广西新记录,1种花的补充描述和1种花萼描述的修订  相似文献   

The investigation of nine Baccharis species afforded, in addition to known compounds, three new clerodane derivatives related to bacchotricuneatin B, two ent-labdane derivatives, two 3-acetoxyflavanones, a benzofuran derivative and a chromene. The overall picture of the chemistry of this large genus is still not very clear.  相似文献   

The investigation of twelve further species of the Eupatorium complex affords four new germacrolides and seven guaianolides together with new thymol and p-hydroxyacetophenone derivatives. The structures of these compounds have been elucidated by spectroscopic methods. Chemotaxonomic aspects of these findings are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

本文总结了2021年国内外学者发表的中国鳞翅目新分类单元的情况。经过统计, 2021年共发表与中国鳞翅目物种相关的论文104篇, 专著1部, 涉及新分类群230个, 其中新属7个, 新种215个, 新亚种8个; 发表中国新记录属9个、中国新记录种78个(包括2亚种)、新组合31个; 提出4个种的异名, 2个种被赋予新名。新种(亚种)隶属于34科。云南省发表的新物种数和新记录物种数明显高于其他地区, 分别占全国发表总数的36.8%和39.7%。2021年我国南方新物种和新记录种发表数量仍然显著高于北方。  相似文献   

The investigation of two further Senecio species afforded two new furanoeremophilanes, four eremophilanolides and a new hydroxyeremophilane. The structures of two furanoeremophilane, isolated before, have been revised.  相似文献   

郭英兰 《菌物学报》2011,30(6):865-869
报道钉孢属Passalora Fr.的1个新种,日本防己钉孢Passalora cocculi-trilobi,1个新组合,漆钉孢P. rhoidis和2个新名称,梾木生钉孢P. cornicola,穿龙薯蓣钉孢P. dioscoreae-nipponicae。文中提供了各个种的形态描述、绘图及讨论,新种还提供了拉丁文描述。研究的标本包括模式标本保存在中国科学院菌物标本馆(HMAS)。  相似文献   

Investigation of a further 27 Euryops species affords, besides known compounds, 55 new furanoeremophilanes together with several other compounds. The configuration of six furanoeremophilanes earlier given as 10β-H has to be changed to 10α-H. Furthermore 9 new eremophilenes were isolated; the configurations of four compounds of this type isolated before have had to be changed. One of the eremophilenes is esterified with 3-methylpent-3(E)-enoic acid, not found before in nature. Two hemiacetals, which are probable precursors of the furanoerephilanes, and a corresponding lactone are also present. Furthermore two benzylic esters, cis-caryophyllene, a bicyclo-germacrene derivative, and a new oplopanone derivative have been found. The structures are elucidated mainly by spectroscopic methods together with some chemical transformations. From the chemotaxonomic viewpoint, the high concentration of very variable furanoeremophilanes may be important. The proposed differentiation into sections however can not be clearly correlated with the chemical constituents, though some taxonomic conclusions seem to be supported by the chemical evidence.  相似文献   

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