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贵州省喀斯特地区原始林水化学特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
降水是森林生态系统的一个主要的养分输入源,观测并分析降水化学对于准确地估算森林生态系统养分循环的养分元素浓度与量显得极为重要。对贵州省茂兰国家自然保护区原始林森林群落2007年9月-2008年8月的降水进行定位观测与分析。结果表明:(1)在林外雨、林内雨、树干流和溪流水中,除了Na+之外,pH值与大部分的养分元素的浓度表现出明显的季节变化,冬季与早春浓度较高,夏季浓度较低。这与各季节的降雨量不同而导致浓度稀释或者浓缩有关。(2)大气降雨通过林冠的过程中,养分元素的浓度出现了较大的变化,林内雨与树干流中的浓度基本高于大气降雨;养分元素变化中,浓度差异较大的元素是K+、Mg2+和Ca2+,K+在林内雨和树干流的浓度分别是大气降雨的14倍和21倍;Mg2+浓度分别为大气降雨的12倍和9倍;Ca2+浓度分别为大气降雨的4倍和3倍,这与大气降雨通过林冠,与树体的养分交换以及树体养分的溶脱有关。(3)通过林内雨,树干流输入样地较多的养分元素是K+和Ca2+,分别是35.8kg.hm-.2a-1和31.5kg.hm-.2a-1;通过溪流水输出的元素中,较多的是Ca2+和Mg2+,分别是-547.4kg.hm-.2a-1和-144.5kg.hm-.2a-1;其次是SO24-,而Na++K++NH4+-N总量不足阳离子总量的1%,Cl-+NO3-总量不足阴离子总量的1%。这可能与母岩风化是碳酸岩类岩石风化有关。(4)年养分的垂直移动量特征显示,土壤0cm到土壤5cm的养分元素量变化较明显,无机态N量的变化可能跟微生物的氮固定、无机化或者植被的吸收有关。(5)研究地的年间养分元素量收支分别为N2.9kg.hm-.2a-1;K25.2kg.hm-.2a-1;Ca-547.4kg.hm-.2a-1;Mg-144.5kg.hm-.2a-1;Na-4.0kg.hm-.2a-1;Cl2.5kg.hm-.2a-1和SO24-S-5.9kg.hm-2.a-1。在年间养分的输入与输出中,无机态N跟K+显示正收支,Ca2+、Mg2+为负收支,而Na+、Cl-相对较稳定。  相似文献   

武夷山甜槠生态系统的养分平衡研究(英文)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
本文通过比较大气降水的养分输入与由地表径流和地下渗流的养分输出,对武夷山甜槠林生态系统的养分平衡进行了研究。结果表明:在1993年4月至1994年4月期间,通过大气降水进入甜槠林的养分元素以N最高,为34.207kg·hm-2,其余依次为Ca(22.99kg·hm-2)、S(12.722kg·hm-2)、Na(6.679kg·hm-2)、K(3.558kg·hm-2)和Mg(2.057kg·hm-2),以P的输入最低,仅1.779kg·hm-2;由地表径流和地下渗流的养分输出总量N、P、K、Ca、Mg、S、Na分别为5.68、1.016、7.345、3.430、0.620、0.534、0.576kg·hm-2,以K的输出量最高,S的输出最少。其中,通过地下渗流的养分损失占输出总量的85.97%~96.38%,而地表径流的养分输出仅占总输出的3.62%~14.03%;在该系统中,N、Ca和S有大量的积累(分别为28.527、19.560和12.188kg·hm-2),Mg和Na有少量积累(分别为 1.437和6.103kg·hm-2),P基本上处于平衡状态(0.763kg·hm-2),而K则为净的输出损失(-3.787kg·hm-2)。岩石风化对于该生态系统K的补偿可能起重要作用,而其他养分元素仅通过降水输入即可得到补充。  相似文献   

对鼎湖山季风常绿阔叶林大气降雨、穿透雨和树干茎流中的5种养分元素K、Ca、Mg、N、P进行了测定,结合水量分配规律,研究了森林降雨过程中养分在水相中的含量变化特征和输入规律。结果表明:(1)所有离子浓度均为大气降水<穿透雨<树干流,且增幅较大,而平均浓度以K+和总氮(TN)含量最高;总磷(TP)、磷酸盐(HPO42-)、总有机磷(TOP)含量均最低。(2) 大气降雨中的离子平均浓度中以总有机氮(TON)的变异系数最大,为1.282;最小的是NO3-(0.502);穿透雨中变异系数最大的是TOP(2.357);最小的是TN(0.621)。树干流中各养分元素浓度与树种的相关性不显著(P>0.05)。(3) 季风常绿阔叶林树干流和穿透雨各养分对森林土壤的年输入量为TN>K+>Ca2+>Mg2+>TP,树干流和穿透雨对森林土壤层Ca2+的输入大于凋落物分解输入。因此,大气降雨是养分从林冠层转移到土壤层的重要因素。  相似文献   

广西马尾松和红锥纯林降水再分配及冠层淋溶效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
明析马尾松(Pinus massoniana)和红锥(Castanopsis hystrix)纯林降水再分配及冠层淋溶效应的差异,可为南亚热带针叶人工林改造提供水文数据。依托广西友谊关森林生态系统国家定位观测研究站,通过野外测定和室内分析相结合的方法,利用林下布设的30个自记雨量筒,测定了2016年1—12月的大气降水、穿透雨及树干径流,同时采集7—12月10次降水事件水样,监测其化学成分。结果表明:观测期间降雨总量为1070.2 mm,马尾松和红锥纯林穿透雨分别为823.0和693.2 mm,占降雨量的76.9%和64.8%;树干径流分别为3.2和9.9 mm,占降雨量的0.3%和0.9%;林冠截留量分别为244.0和367.1 mm,占降雨量的22.8%和34.3%,说明马尾松和红锥纯林对降水再分配的作用是不同的,红锥纯林具有更好的林冠截留能力。降水对红锥纯林冠层4种盐基离子(K~+、Mg~(2+)、Na~+、Ca~(2+))的淋溶量为17.53 kg·hm~(-2),是马尾松纯林的0.7倍,但酸缓冲是马尾松纯林的1.6倍。与马尾松纯林相比,红锥纯林具有更好的避免冠层养分淋溶和应对酸沉降的能力。  相似文献   

喀斯特峰丛洼地不同类型森林养分循环特征   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
以中国西南喀斯特峰丛洼地为研究区域用标准木法和收获法对人工林、次生林、原生林3个不同类型森林的6个代表性群落的生物量、营养元素生物循环量及循环特征进行了研究。结果表明:(1)不同类型森林群落乔木各器官的养分含量大小顺序为:叶枝根干,林下植被层和凋落物层的养分含量比较高,其含量普遍高于乔木层各组分,仅次于乔木叶片;各组分中营养元素以K、Ca最高,P、Mg最低;(2)3种类型森林间乔木层的养分积累量总规律表现为原生林(4540.30 kg/hm~2)次生林(2107.09 kg/hm~2)人工林(719.51 kg/hm~2),分别占林分养分积累量的88.30%、79.57%和62.60%;(3)3种类型森林生态系统养分总贮量相差不大,均主要集中在土壤层在各层分配格局有所差异;营养元素的年吸收量和年归还量均为次生林原生林人工林,年吸收量分别为:418.80、271.17和148.79 kg hm~(-2)a~(-1);年归还量分别为:182.98、111.43和43.37 kg hm_(-2)a~(-1);(4)不同类型森林养分利用系数总规律为人工林(0.35)次生林(0.20)原生林(0.10);循环系数则相反,为原生林(0.48)次生林(0.46)人工林(0.30);而周转时间为原生林(37.32)人工林(18.63)次生林(13.93)。喀斯特峰丛洼地土层薄,养分贮存能力差,森林养分循环能力相对较弱,沿着强、中、弱干扰递减梯度,3种类型森林养分利用效率和循环能力呈增长趋势。  相似文献   

在杉木林和马尾松林中雨水的养分淋溶作用   总被引:41,自引:8,他引:41  
马雪华 《生态学报》1989,9(1):15-20
本试验地是在杉木林和马尾松林中,主要对降雨和径流水中所含各种养分物质进行测定。结果表明:降雨的养分含量与降雨量存在着半对数函数关系。降雨输入林地的养分量显著地大于径流输出的养分量。林内雨和树干茎流淋溶的养分量占养分还原总量的48—53%。林内雨和树干淋溶的K、Mg、N养分物质量超过凋落物归还养分量。  相似文献   

对鼎湖山季风常绿阔叶林大气降雨、穿透雨和树干茎流中的5种养分元素K、Ca、Mg、N、P进行了测定,结合水量分配规律,研究了森林降雨过程中养分在水相中的含量变化特征和输入规律。结果表明:(1)所有离子浓度均为大气降水穿透雨树干流,且增幅较大,而平均浓度以K+和总氮(TN)含量最高;总磷(TP)、磷酸盐(HPO42-)、总有机磷(TOP)含量均最低。(2)大气降雨中的离子平均浓度中以总有机氮(TON)的变异系数最大,为1.282;最小的是NO3-(0.502);穿透雨中变异系数最大的是TOP(2.357);最小的是TN(0.621)。树干流中各养分元素浓度与树种的相关性不显著(P0.05)。(3)季风常绿阔叶林树干流和穿透雨各养分对森林土壤的年输入量为TNK+Ca2+Mg2+TP,树干流和穿透雨对森林土壤层Ca2+的输入大于凋落物分解输入。因此,大气降雨是养分从林冠层转移到土壤层的重要因素。  相似文献   

北京西山地区油松林水文过程中营养元素迁移特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
王登芝  聂立水  李吉跃 《生态学报》2006,26(7):2101-2107
对北京西山地区31a油松林降水化学进行定位监测与分析.结果表明:(1)大气降水流经油松林过程中,其营养元素(除Na^+外)的浓度出现梯度变化:树干茎流高于穿透雨高于大气降水,并且有明显的月际变化,表明从林冠、树干淋洗大量的营养元素,林冠和树干中养分元素迁移是森林生态系统养分循环重要的组成部分.(2)营养元素变化中,浓度差异变化较大的元素是NO3^--N和K^+,NO3^--N在穿透雨和树干茎流的浓度分别是大气降水的4.4倍、9.9倍,它们中的K^+浓度分别为大气降水的4.1倍和8.1倍.(3)降水经过油松林,养分淋溶总量为54.12kg hm^-2,淋溶量较多的元素是Ca和K,淋溶强度最大的元素是K^+.(4)北京西山地区大气降水输入林地的养分66.38kg hm^-2,较多的元素是Ca、N.降水经过油松林输入林地养分总量为120.50kg hm^-2,Ca元素最高,为61.22kg hm^-2,其次是N元素(NH4^+-N+N3^--N),为31.34kg hm^-2,K元素为16.49kg hm^-2,Mg元素为8.11kg hm^-2,Na元素最少,为3.34kg hm^-2.  相似文献   

鼎湖山针阔叶混交林水文学过程中总有机碳动态   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
2002年7月~2003年7月对鼎湖山针阔叶混交林生态系统水文学过程中总有机碳(TOC)总量和浓度进行了初步研究.结果表明,观测期间,林外大气降水输入的TOC总量为41.80kg·hm-2·yr-1,地表径流和地下水(50 cm土壤渗透水)输出分别为17.54和1.80kg·hm-2·yr-1,输入输出之差为22.4kg·hm-2·yr-1,系统TOC为正平衡.各类型水中TOC总量月动态基本上与大气降水月动态变化趋势一致.大气降水的TOC平均浓度为3.4 mg·L-1.经过森林林冠淋洗和树干淋溶后,穿透雨和树干流中TOC的平均浓度分别比大气降水中TOC浓度增加了.10倍和7.39倍.地表径流、25 cm和50 cm土壤渗透水中TOC平均浓度分别为12.72、7.905和3.0 mg·L-1.穿透雨和树干流中TOC浓度的月变化相似,生长季初(3月),TOC浓度开始增加,9月后逐渐下降,12月又有所回升.降水量较大的月份地表径流中TOC浓度较高.25 cm和50 cm土壤渗透水中TOC浓度无明显的月变化规律.不同树种树干流中TOC浓度差异很大.大气降水、穿透雨、25 cm和50 cm土壤水中TOC浓度随降水量的增加而规律性递减,树干流和地表径流中TOC浓度与大气降水量之间无明显相关关系;除树干流和土壤水外,水文过程各分量水中TOC浓度随着大气降水强度的变化呈现规律性波动.  相似文献   

樟树人工林凋落物养分含量及归还量对氮沉降的响应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
赵晶  闫文德  郑威  李忠文 《生态学报》2016,36(2):350-359
氮沉降的持续增加对陆地生态系统的健康发展构成严重威胁,森林是陆地生态系统中重要的组成部分,大量的氮沉降对其结构和功能造成严重影响。凋落物是森林生态系统养分循环的重要组成部分,它对土壤肥力、森林生态系统养分循环等方面具有重要作用。为了探讨亚热带常绿阔叶森林凋落物对氮沉降增加的响应,在湖南省森林植物园以樟树人工林为研究对象进行模拟氮沉降的实验,实验设置4种氮添加水平CK(0g N m~(-2)a~(-1),对照)、LN(5g N m~(-2)a~(-1)),MN(15g N m~(-2)a~(-1)),HN(30g N m~(-2)a~(-1)),研究氮沉降对樟树林年凋落物量、凋落物养分含量以及归还量的影响。结果表明:不同施氮水平下(CK、LN、MN、HN),樟树林凋落物的年凋落量分别为(4.53±0.32)t hm~(-2)a~(-1)、(3.95±0.28)t hm~(-2)a~(-1)、(3.56±0.41)t hm~(-2)a~(-1)、(4.46±0.48)t hm~(-2)a~(-1),施氮抑制了樟树林的凋落量,且低、中氮处理下差异显著(P0.05);施氮处理后凋落物的养分含量大小顺序为:CNCaKMg,凋落物的碳含量没有显著变化,但氮含量都有所增加,因此,施氮降低了樟树凋落物各组分的C/N比;凋落物中元素的年归还量大小顺序表现为:CNCaKMg,施氮处理对凋落物C、K、Ca、Mg归还量有抑制作用,但对凋落物N归还量表现为促进作用。  相似文献   

Shrub canopies are expected to funnel substantial amounts of intercepted rainwater with enriched nutrients as stemflow to shrub base in the desert ecosystems characterized by limited water and nutrients. However, lacking are quantitative studies on the water and nutrient enrichment of stemflow at the shrub basal area. In this study, stemflow were quantified for two xerophytic shrubs (Caragana korshinskii and Artemisia ordosica) in a revegetated desert ecosystem of Shapotou area in northwestern China. We also measured the ion concentrations of total nitrogen (TN), total phosphors (TP), NH4 +–N, NO3 ?–N, Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Cl?, SO4 2? and the pH and electric conductivity (EC) in stemflow, throughfall and bulk precipitation. Results indicated that stemflow accounted for 8.8 and 2.8 % of the gross rainfall for C. korshinskii and A. ordosica, respectively. Individual stemflow linearly increased with increasing rainfall depth. Stemflow increased with rainfall intensity when rainfall intensity was less than 2 mm h?1 but showed decreased tendency thereafter. An antecedent precipitation of 1.3 and 1.6 mm was necessary for stemflow initiation for C. korshinskii and A. ordosica, respectively. The mean (confidence intervals, α = 0.05) funneling ratio was 82 (17) for C. korshinskii and 26 (7) for A. ordosica. Ion concentrations in stemflow were higher than in throughfall, and the concentration of most of the ions measured were significantly higher (p < 0.05) in stemflow than in bulk precipitation, with a nutrient enrichment ratio ranged 122.8–1677.0 for C. korshinskii and 12.6–1306.0 for A. ordosica among measured ions, respectively. Overall, the larger funneling ratios and enrichment ratios for the two shrubs suggest that stemflow plays a significant positive role in soil water replenishment and nutrient enrichment at deeper soil profile of root zone in the revegetated ecosystems under arid desert conditions.  相似文献   

Dissolved nutrient inputs in bulk precipitation and outputs in streamwater were measured during 3 years of contrasting hydrological conditions in a 6.3-ha, grazed heathland watershed on schists in the Montseny mountains (NE Spain), drained by an intermittent stream. On average, 39% of the precipitation became streamflow. Bulk precipitation delivered positive net alkalinity (mean 0.22 keq/ha/yr), sulphate input was moderate (9.0 kg SO4-S/ha/yr), and the mean input of inorganic N was not exceptionally high (6.6 kg/ha/yr). Ion concentrations were relatively low in streamwater; SO4 2- was the dominant anion. Most concentrations in streamwater varied seasonally, with maxima in late summer or early autumn and minima in spring. This pattern probably resulted from increased availability of ions for leaching due to decomposition of organic matter and chemical weathering during the warm period. Nitrate concentrations were relatively high in winter and dropped sharply in early spring, probably because of biological uptake. Annual element outputs in streamwater varied between years and seemed to be controlled by both the amount of annual streamflow and its seasonal distribution. Annual inputs exceeded outputs for dissolved inorganic N. The watershed accumulated H+ and Ca2+, had net losses of Na+ and Mg2+, and was close to steady state for K+, SO4 2-, Cl- and alkalinity. The chloride budgets gave no evidence of substantial dry deposition in this system. The cationic denudation rate was negative (-0.14 keq/ha/yr) because Ca2+ retention was higher than net exports of Na+ and Mg2+ from silicate weathering. Low nutrient export and little production of alkalinity suggest that this watershed has a low buffering capacity.  相似文献   

In a pristine evergreen rainforest of Nothofagus betuloides, located at the Cordillera de los Andes in southern Chile (41?°S), concentrations and fluxes of nutrients in bulk precipitation, cloud water, throughfall water, stemflow water, soil infiltration and percolation water and runoff water were measured. The main objectives of this study were to investigate canopy–soil–atmosphere interactions and to calculate input–output budgets. From May 1999 till April 2000, the experimental watershed received 8121?mm water (86% incident precipitation, 14% cloud water), of which the canopy intercepted 16%. Runoff water volume amounted 9527?mm. Bulk deposition of inorganic (DIN) and organic (DON) nitrogen amounted 3.6?kg?ha?1?year?1 and 8.2?kg?ha?1?year?1 respectively. Occult deposition (clouds?+?fog) contributes for 40% to the atmospheric nitrogen input (bulk?+?occult deposition) of the forest. An important part of the atmospheric ammonium deposition is retained within the canopy or converted to nitrate or organic nitrogen by epiphytic bacteria or lichens. Also the export of inorganic (0.9?kg?ha?1?year?1) and organic (5.2?kg?ha?1?year?1) nitrogen via runoff is lower than the input to the forest floor via throughfall and stemflow water (3.2?kg?DIN?ha?1?year?1 and 5.6?kg?DON?ha?1?year?1). The low concentrations of NO-3 and NH+4 under the rooting depth suggest an effective biological immobilization by vegetation and soil microflora. Dry deposition and foliar leaching of base cations (K+, Ca2+, Mg2+) was estimated using a canopy budget model. Bulk deposition accounted for about 50% of the total atmospheric input. Calculated dry and occult deposition are both of equal value (about 25%). Foliar leaching of K+, Ca2+, and Mg2+ accounted for 45%, 38% and 6% of throughfall deposition respectively. On an annual basis, the experimental watershed was a net source for Na+, Ca2+ and Mg2+.  相似文献   

In a pristine evergreen rainforest of Nothofagus betuloides, located at the Cordillera de los Andes in southern Chile (41 °S), concentrations and fluxes of nutrients in bulk precipitation, cloud water, throughfall water, stemflow water, soil infiltration and percolation water and runoff water were measured. The main objectives of this study were to investigate canopy-soil-atmosphere interactions and to calculate input-output budgets. From May 1999 till April 2000, the experimental watershed received 8121 mm water (86% incident precipitation, 14% cloud water), of which the canopy intercepted 16%. Runoff water volume amounted 9527 mm. Bulk deposition of inorganic (DIN) and organic (DON) nitrogen amounted 3.6 kg ha–1 year–1 and 8.2 kg ha–1 year–1 respectively. Occult deposition (clouds + fog) contributes for 40% to the atmospheric nitrogen input (bulk + occult deposition) of the forest. An important part of the atmospheric ammonium deposition is retained within the canopy or converted to nitrate or organic nitrogen by epiphytic bacteria or lichens. Also the export of inorganic (0.9 kg ha–1 year–1) and organic (5.2 kg ha–1 year–1) nitrogen via runoff is lower than the input to the forest floor via throughfall and stemflow water (3.2 kg DIN ha–1 year–1 and 5.6 kg DON ha–1 year–1). The low concentrations of NO 3 and NH 4 + under the rooting depth suggest an effective biological immobilization by vegetation and soil microflora. Dry deposition and foliar leaching of base cations (K+, Ca2+, Mg2+) was estimated using a canopy budget model. Bulk deposition accounted for about 50% of the total atmospheric input. Calculated dry and occult deposition are both of equal value (about 25%). Foliar leaching of K+, Ca2+, and Mg2+ accounted for 45%, 38% and 6% of throughfall deposition respectively. On an annual basis, the experimental watershed was a net source for Na+, Ca2+ and Mg2+.  相似文献   

The volumetric quantity and biogeochemical quality of throughfall and stemflow in forested ecosystems are influenced by biological characteristics as well environmental and storm meteorological conditions. Previous attempts at connecting forest water and nutrient cycles to storm characteristics have focused on individual meteorological variables, but we propose a unified approach by examining the storm system in its entirety. In this study, we use methods from synoptic climatology to distinguish sub-canopy biogeochemical fluxes between storm events to understand the response of forest ecosystems to daily weather patterns. For solute inputs tied to atmospheric deposition (NH4 +, NO3 ?, SO4 2?, Na+, Cl?), stagnant air masses resulted in high inputs in rainfall (273.42, 81.81, 52.30, 156.99, 128.70 μmol L?1), throughfall (355.05, 130.66, 83.24, 239.55, 261.32 μmol L?1), and stemflow (338.34, 182.75, 153.74, 125.75, 272.88 μmol L?1). For inputs tied to canopy exchange (DOC, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+), a clear distinction was observed between throughfall and stemflow pathways. The largest throughfall concentrations were in the Great Lakes Low (1794.80, 352.96, 72.75, 74.37 μmol L?1) while the largest stemflow concentrations were in the Weak Upper Trough (3681.78, 497.34, 82.36, 72.46 μmol L?1). Stemflow leaching is likely derived from a larger reservoir of leachable cations in the tree canopy than throughfall, with stemflow fluxes maximized during synoptic types with greater rainfall amounts and throughfall fluxes diluted. For flux-based enrichment ratios, water volume, storm magnitude, antecedent dry period, and seasonality were important factors, further illustrating the influence of synoptic characteristics on wash-off, leaching and, ultimately, dilution processes within the canopy.  相似文献   

树干径流对梭梭"肥岛"和"盐岛"效应的作用机制   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为探明荒漠灌木个体周围土壤养分和盐分的空间分布及其成因,以荒漠灌木梭梭(Haloxylon ammodendron Bge.)为研究对象,对其周围土壤pH值,电导率,有机碳,全氮和有效磷的空间异质性以及树干径流的化学性质进行了研究。结果表明:树干周围出现显著的"肥岛"效应,且土壤有机碳,全氮和有效磷的"肥岛"作用范围发生在距主根大约20—40 cm以内。土壤pH值和电导率在主根周围25 cm以内的值却显著低于外围,而在离主根25 cm处出现了"盐岛",即在梭梭主根中心形成了一种高养分、低盐和低pH值的环境。树干径流和自然降雨化学性质的对比研究表明:除pH值和CO23-外,树干径流中其他化学离子的含量均显著高于自然降雨中的含量,说明这种高养分、低盐分的环境是由树干径流引起的,也就是树干径流带给土壤养分的同时将盐分带走。  相似文献   

Converting deciduous forests to coniferous plantations and vice versa causes environmental changes, but till now insight into the overall effect is lacking. This review, based on 38 case studies, aims to find out how coniferous and deciduous forests differ in terms of throughfall (+stemflow) deposition and seepage flux to groundwater. From the comparison of coniferous and deciduous stands at comparable sites, it can be inferred that deciduous forests receive less N and S via throughfall (+stemflow) deposition on the forest floor. In regions with relatively low open field deposition of atmospheric N (<10 kg N ha−1 year−1), lower NH4+ mean throughfall (+stemflow) deposition was, however, reported under conifers compared to deciduous forest, while in regions with high atmospheric N pollution (>10 kg N ha−1 year−1), the opposite could be concluded. The higher the open field deposition of NH4+, the bigger the difference between the coniferous and deciduous throughfall (+stemflow) deposition. Furthermore, it can be concluded that canopy exchange of K+, Ca2+ and Mg2+ is on average higher in deciduous stands. The significantly higher stand deposition flux of N and S in coniferous forests is reflected in a higher soil seepage flux of NO3, SO42−, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+ and Al(III). Considering a subset of papers for which all necessary data were available, a close relationship between throughfall (+stemflow) deposition and seepage was found for N, irrespective of the forest type, while this was not the case for S. This review shows that the higher input flux of N and S in coniferous forests clearly involves a higher seepage of NO3 and SO42− and accompanying cations K+, Ca2+, Mg2+ and Al(III) into the groundwater, making this forest type more vulnerable to acidification and eutrophication compared to the deciduous forest type.  相似文献   

The chemistry and nutrient inputs of wet deposition, and the N chemistry of throughfall, were characterized for a tallgrass prairie in north-central Kansas. Dominant ions in wetfall were NH 4 + , Ca2+, H+, NO 3 - , and SO 4 2- ; weighted mean pH was 4.79. Principal sources of ions appeared to be natural emissions and wind-blown soils. Concentrations of NO 3 - -N, NH 4 + -N, and organic N in wet deposition were 0.31, 0.30, and 0.17 mg/L, respectively, resulting in N inputs of 2.5, 2.5, and 1.4 kg · ha-1 · yr-1. Comparisons with bulk precipitation suggested that at least 50% of atmospheric N inputs were from dry deposition. Concentrations of NO 3 - -N, NH 4 + -N, and organic N in unburned prairie throughfall were 0.27, 0.28, and 1.28 mg/L, and in burned prairie throughfall were 0.33, 0.37, and 0.91 mg/L, respectively. The prairie canopy intercepted up to 48% of incident precipitation. Lower inorganic N and higher organic N concentrations in throughfall relative to wet deposition probably resulted from leaf uptake of N and immobilization by microbes associated with the standing dead plant materials of the prairie canopy. The removal of these materials by fire is important in maintaining N availability for tallgrass prairie. Much of the N immobilization appeared to have been of N that was supplied to the prairie canopy by dry deposition.  相似文献   

Composition and deposition of throughfall in a flooded forest archipelago   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
The sources of spatial and temporal variation and rates of nutrient deposition via throughfall were studied for 9 months in the Anavilhanas archipelago of the Negro River, Brazil. A total of 30 events was sampled individually for rain and throughfall chemistry in a 1-ha plot of flooded forest. Throughfall samples were collected in 40 collectors distributed in five parallel transects in the study plot, while rain was collected in 4 collectors in an adjacent channel. Volume-weighted mean (VWM) concentrations of solutes in rain were consistently lower than in throughfall, except for H+, NO 3 and NH 4 + . Ratios of VWM concentrations of rain to throughfall indicated that K+, followed by Mg2+ and PO 4 3– , were the most enhanced solutes as rain passed through the forest canopy. The deposition of solutes varied significantly among transects, except for Na+ and Ca2+, and was significantly correlated with maximum flooding depth, foliar nutrient content, soil fertility and canopy closure for most solutes. The concentrations of PO 4 3– and most major ions were higher in throughfall compared to those in rain due to canopy exchange and dry deposition. In contrast, NO 3 , NH 4 + and H+ were retained due to immobilization by leafy canopy and ion exchange processes. Solute inputs via throughfall (not including stemflow) to a floodplain lake (Lake Prato) of the archipelago accounted for 30 to 64% of the total for most solutes in the lake at high water, which indicates that throughfall is an important source of nutrients to the aquatic ecosystem of the Anavilhanas archipelago.  相似文献   

Plant-soil interactions result in a special rhizosphere soil chemistry, differing from that of the bulk soil found only a few mm from the root. The aim of this study was to investigate adaptation mechanisms of herbs growing in acid soils through studying their rhizosphere chemistry in a greenhouse experiment and in a field study. Ten herbs were grown in acid soil (pH 4.2 in the soil solution) in the greenhouse. The concentrations of NO3 -, SO4 2-, phosphates, Ca2+, Mg2+, Mn2+, K+, Na+, NH4 + and pH were analysed in soil solutions obtained by centrifugation. The general pattern found was a depletion of nutrients in the rhizosphere compared with their concentrations in the bulk soil. The pH increase (up to 0.7 units) in the rhizosphere soil appeared to be caused by plant uptake of NO3 - (r2=0.88). The ion concentrations in the soil solution of the rhizosphere were dependent on plant species and biomass increase. Although species with a larger biomass and higher growth rates showed a higher degree of ion depletion (except for Na+, SO4 2-) in the rhizosphere, there were also species specific responses. A field study of five herbs at five oak forest sites in Southern Sweden (Scania) was also carried out. In addition to the soil solution concentrations, the loss on ignition (LOI) and the concentrations of 0.1 M BaCl2 extractable K+, Mg2+, Mn2+, Ca2+, and Al ions were measured. The amount of soil solution Al was determined as free ionic (quickly reacting) Al. For all species and sites, the LOI and the concentrations of exchangeable cations were higher in the rhizosphere than in the bulk soil, apparently due to the roots preferably growing at organic-rich microsites. The concentrations of the ions as measured in the centrifuged soil solution, were either higher in the rhizosphere than in the bulk soil or were the same in both, except for NO3 - and quickly reacting Al. The lower concentrations of quickly reacting Al in the rhizosphere, compared with the bulk soil could indicate the uptake of Al by the plant or the exudation of complexing substances. The pH differences were only small and mostly non-significant. Plant-soil interactions and the ability of plants to utilise heterogeneity of the soil appear to be more important for plant growth in acid soils than recognised heretofore. Rhizosphere studies provide an important means of understanding plant strategies in acid soils. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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