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杉木和米槠凋落叶DOM对土壤碳矿化的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
DOM(Dissolved organic matter)是土壤微生物呼吸的重要底物,凋落物淋溶的DOM对土壤碳矿化具有重要影响。选择中亚热带地区具有代表性的杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata)和米槠(Castanopsis carlesii)凋落叶作为研究对象,通过两个月的短期室内培养,把不同凋落叶浸提出的DOM添加到培养瓶中,定期测定土壤碳矿化速率,计算土壤碳累积矿化量,探讨两种等浓度等量DOM添加对土壤碳矿化的影响,并分析DOM化学性质在土壤碳矿化过程中的重要性。结果表明:米槠凋落叶浸提得到的DOC(Dissolved organic carbon)和DON(Dissolved organic nitrogen)浓度均显著高于杉木凋落叶的(P0.05),而杉木凋落叶浸提得到的DOM的UV吸收值(SUVA_(254))和HIX(Humification index)均显著低于米槠凋落叶的(P0.01)。添加等浓度等量杉木和米槠凋落叶DOM到土壤中均显著增加了土壤碳矿化速率,在第1天内分别比对照高198%和168%,3d后下降到61.8%和44.1%,14d后基本处于平稳状态,表明外源有机物添加对土壤碳矿化的前期影响较大。培养过程中,添加杉木和米槠凋落叶DOM的土壤碳矿化累积量均能采用双因素指数模型进行拟合(r~2=0.99),但添加两者凋落叶DOM后土壤碳矿化累积量没有显著差异。  相似文献   

刘翥  杨玉盛  朱锦懋  谢锦升  司友涛 《生态学报》2015,35(19):6288-6297
选取中亚热带福建三明格氏栲天然林及其转换而成的木荷、锥栗及福建柏等3种人工林表层土壤(0—10 cm)可溶性有机质(DOM)为对象,对其数量和光谱学特征进行了研究,以探讨森林转换对土壤DOM的影响。结果表明,天然林转换成上述3种人工林后,0—5 cm土壤可溶性有机碳(DOC)浓度显著降低(P0.05),降低程度分别为66.1%,69.9%及29.4%,可溶性有机氮(DON)浓度也有所下降;除福建柏外,其余两种人工林5—10 cm土壤DOC及DON浓度均低于天然林。各林分0—5 cm土壤DOC及DON浓度均高于5—10 cm土层。两个土层中,天然林土壤DOM的芳香化及腐殖化程度均显著高于人工林(P0.05),但荧光效率值低于人工林;荧光光谱图显示,天然林土壤DOM在芳香性脂肪族及木质素类复杂结构荧光基团处的吸收大于人工林;各林分土壤DOM傅里叶红外光谱出现吸收谱带的位置相似,其中吸收强度最大的为形成氢键的—OH的伸缩振动,此外还有芳香性CC伸缩振动、有机羧酸盐COO-反对称伸缩振动、碳水化合物中烷氧基C—O的振动等,人工林土壤DOM中碳水化合物的比例增加是其结构简单的主要原因。土壤DOM中结构复杂、分子量大的组分不易向下迁移;天然林与人工林间土壤DOM数量及光谱学特征的差异主要与凋落物输入及营林措施的干扰有关;本研究所涉及的3种人工林中,福建柏更有利于土壤养分的累积。  相似文献   

为探究氮沉降对亚热带杉木人工幼林土壤溶液可溶性有机物质(DOM)浓度及光谱学特征的影响,采用负压法,对0~15和15~30 cm土层土壤溶液DOM进行了2年的动态监测及光谱学特征研究.结果表明:氮沉降显著减少了各土层土壤溶液可溶性有机碳(DOC)浓度,增加了芳香化指数(AI)及腐殖化指数(HIX),但对可溶性有机氮(DON)无显著影响.土壤溶液DOM浓度存在明显的季节变动,夏秋季显著高于春冬季.傅里叶红外光谱结果表明,森林土壤溶液DOM在6个区域的相似位置存在吸收峰,其中1145~1149 cm-1的吸收峰最强.三维荧光光谱表明,DOM主要以类蛋白质物质(Ex/Em=230 nm/300 nm)和微生物降解产物(Ex/Em=275 nm/300 nm)为主,施氮使0~15 cm土层类蛋白质物质减少.氮沉降可能主要是通过降低土壤pH、抑制土壤碳矿化和刺激植物生长等途径显著抑制土壤溶液DOC浓度,而表层被抑制的DOC成分以类蛋白质物质和羧酸盐物质为主.氮沉降短期可能有利于土壤肥力的储存,但随着氮沉降量的积累,土壤中营养物质将难以得到有效利用.  相似文献   

为探究水土保持林恢复过程中土壤可溶性碳氮含量变化及其有机组成特性,揭示水保林土壤固存可溶性有机质的效应及机制。选取了黄土丘陵区恢复12-45a的人工柠条、刺槐林以及撂荒地,分析了土壤可溶性碳氮含量及其三维荧光光谱特征与特性参数的动态变化。结果表明:随恢复年限的增加,3种植被土壤可溶性有机碳(DOC)、有机氮(DON)、无机氮(DIN)的含量均呈增加趋势,并且相同恢复年限下DOC、DON、DIN含量总体表现为撂荒 < 柠条 < 刺槐;但柠条和刺槐林土壤DOC:DON及二者占总有机碳、全氮比例并未持续增加,到恢复45a时DOC占总有机碳比例以及DOC:DON均以撂荒地最高,刺槐林最低,DON占全氮比例则表现相反。三维荧光结合平行因子分析得出所有样地土壤可溶性有机质(DOM)主要有大分子腐殖物质(C1)、低分子量类富里酸(C2)、类色氨酸(C3)及农业措施输入的腐殖物质(C4)4个组分,并且以C1组分占比最大,平均达37.4%。随恢复年限增加,3种植被土壤DOM中C3组分占比升高,C2和C4组分占比降低,C1组分占比在柠条和刺槐林中升高,在撂荒地中则降低。不同植被土壤可溶性有机质荧光指数(FI)、新鲜度指数(β:α)及自生源指数(BIX)差异不显著,分别为1.63、0.58、0.59;不同恢复年限撂荒地腐殖化指数(HIX)没有差异,但柠条和刺槐林显著高于撂荒且随恢复年限增加先增大后稳定。综上,水保林持续恢复可以显著提升土壤可溶性碳氮含量,也使土壤可溶有机质组成趋向复杂和相对稳定,利于累积固持,特别以刺槐林效应最明显。  相似文献   

为探讨福建省三明市马尾松人工林淋溶液中水溶性有机物(DOM)的溶解特征和光谱学特征,以马尾松(Pinus massoniana)和芒萁(Dicranopteris dichotoma)鲜叶、未分解层(L层)和半分解层(F层)凋落物为研究对象进行室内淋溶,对淋溶液中的水溶性有机碳(DOC)、水溶性有机氮(DON)与水溶性有机磷(DOP)含量和紫外光谱(SUVA)、荧光光谱指标和红外光谱(FTIR)等特征进行研究。结果表明,在24 h内,随着淋溶时间的延长,DOM含量呈现有波动的上升趋势;芒萁除鲜叶的DOC含量显著高于马尾松外(P0.01),其余DOM含量均小于马尾松。两植物F层DOM的SUVA值和腐殖化指标(HIX)都显著高于鲜叶和L层(P0.05),表明F层的芳香性化合物含量和腐殖化程度越来越高。DOM的同步荧光峰值显示淋溶液中含有类蛋白和类富里酸荧光团。两植物的红外光谱显示有5个相似的吸收谱带,强度最大的吸收来自于H键键合的-OH的伸缩振动,同一植物3种样品之间红外吸收的差异证明从鲜叶-L层-F层凋落物的共轭体系逐渐增大,结构更复杂。因此,随分解进程两植被DOM的化学结构越来越复杂;马尾松较芒萁含有更多的DON和DOP,这一方面为微生物提供了更多的养分,另一方面又增加了底物分解的难度。  相似文献   

选取中亚热带米槠人促更新林(CCF)和杉木人工林(CLP)内的鲜叶、未分解层(L层)和半分解层(F层)凋落物为研究对象进行室内淋溶,对其淋溶液中的溶解性有机碳(DOC)、溶解性有机氮(DON)和溶解性有机磷(DOP)含量,紫外吸收值(SUVA),腐殖化指标(HIX)和红外光谱(FTIR)等进行了比较分析,以揭示其淋溶液中溶解性有机物(DOM)的数量和光谱学特征。结果表明:随着淋溶时间的增加,不同样品的DOM含量呈现先上升后下降,或者有波动的上升的趋势,这是因为DOM的释放和反吸附共同控制着DOM的含量。两林分中,F层凋落物DOM的SUVA值显著高于鲜叶和L层凋落物(P0.05);从鲜叶到L层到F层凋落物,其HIX逐渐变大并且三者荧光强度最大值对应的波长由短波向长波移动,这是腐殖化程度越来越高、电子共轭体系逐渐增大的体现。两个林分6种样品的红外光谱显示了5个相似的吸收谱带,但不同样品各吸收带的相对比例不同,强度最大的吸收来自于H键键合的—OH的伸缩振动;同一林分内3种样品之间红外吸收的差异证明了鲜叶到L层再到F层凋落物,其DOM的芳香类物质含量逐渐升高,化学键力常数变小。总体上,与杉木人工林相比,米槠人促更新林的DOM养分含量更高,结构更复杂,因而更有利于有机质的积累。  相似文献   

温度和水分影响森林生态系统的结构与功能,而全球变暖和降雨格局的改变是未来气候变化的趋势。我国中亚热带地区森林覆盖率大,碳库丰富,可溶性有机质(DOM)作为森林生态系统的重要组成部分,气候变化对它的数量和组成具有重要的影响。本文对我国湿润亚热带地区杉木人工林土壤进行模拟增温以及隔离50%的降雨试验,利用光谱技术手段研究增温及隔离降雨对土壤可溶性有机质(DOM)的数量及其结构的影响。试验设对照(CK)、增温(W)、隔离降雨(P)、增温与隔离降雨的交互作用(WP)4种处理。结果表明,与对照相比,土壤增温后,0—10cm和10—20cm土层的土壤可溶性有机碳(DOC)和可溶性有机氮(DON)增加,但其芳香性指数和腐殖化程度降低,增温加速DOM的流失,不利于土壤有机质的稳定。季节变化影响土壤的环境,导致隔离降雨有使DOM的数量增加或减少的趋势;在旱季(2014年10月和2015年1月),隔离降雨降低了土壤DOM的数量,但其芳香性指数和腐殖化程度增加,而进入雨季(2015年4月),隔离降雨有使DOM增加的趋势,但其组分中的芳香化合物较少。增温和隔离降雨的交互作用在一定程度上促进DOM的产生,其结构比对照简单。温度和降雨对DOM的影响较为复杂,在全球气候变化背景下,只有长期对其进行观测并探讨其他因素带来的影响才能深入了解气候变暖和降雨格局的变化对土壤碳、氮的影响。  相似文献   

可溶性有机质(DOM)是森林生态系统能量循环的主要载体,在碳循环过程中发挥着重要的作用。为了深入了解植被恢复后土壤DOM的变化和结构特征,在典型红壤侵蚀区福建省龙岩市长汀县河田镇选取不同恢复年限的马尾松(Pinus massoniana)林为研究对象,利用光学技术对比分析了不同恢复年限(0年,13年,31年)马尾松林保留芒萁(Dicranopteris dichotoma)覆盖地、去除芒萁覆盖地和林下裸地土壤DOM光谱特征。结果表明:未治理地(Y0)、恢复13年(Y13)和恢复31年(Y31)马尾松林芒萁覆盖地土壤可溶性有机碳(DOC)含量分别是林下裸地的7.61倍、4.83倍和5.47倍,去除芒萁一年后,土壤DOC的含量显著下降,但仍分别是林下裸地的1.84倍、4.12倍和4.73倍;芒萁覆盖地土壤DOM的芳香化指数(AI)和腐殖化指数(HIX)均显著高于林下裸地,而波长在250 nm和365 nm处的紫外可见光光度值之比(E2:E3)的趋势与之相反,去除芒萁一年后,AI和HIX降低显著,表明芒萁覆盖地土壤DOM腐殖化和芳香化程度更高,分子量更大;林下裸地DOM红外光谱中特征峰明显不如林下芒萁覆盖地丰富,其含有更多的羟基、羧酸类,以及碳水化合物中的烷氧基等结构简单、易迁移的物质,去除芒萁一年后,DOM红外光谱特征峰无明显变化,表明芒萁是土壤DOM数量和结构的主要影响因素,而这种影响是一个长期缓慢的过程。从DOM光谱分析结果可知,芒萁覆盖下土壤DOM的分子量更大,结构更复杂,易于被土壤胶粒吸附,维持其化学稳定,利于土壤有机碳积累。由此可见,芒萁在土壤有机碳积累过程中具有积极的作用。  相似文献   

采用负压法对福建省三明市亚热带常绿阔叶林中米槠次生林(BF)、米槠人促更新林(RF)、米槠人工林(CP) 0~15、15~30、30~60 cm土层土壤溶液可溶性有机质(DOM)的浓度及光谱学特征进行研究.结果表明: 土壤溶液可溶性有机碳(DOC)浓度整体趋势为RF>CP>BF,而可溶性有机氮(DON)则为米槠人工林最高;且 DOC 和 DON 在表层(0~15 cm)土壤浓度皆显著高于底层(30~60 cm).芳香化指数大小为RF>CP>BF,且整体为表层较高.米槠人工林表层土壤以荧光强度高的短波峰(320 nm)为特征峰,表明其易分解物质含量高,腐殖化程度较低;而米槠人促更新林表层土壤则以宽平的中长波峰(380 nm)为特征峰,说明其腐殖化程度较高,有助于土壤肥力的储存.此外,30~60 cm深层DOM特性几乎不受森林更新方式的影响.  相似文献   

为探究黄山松土壤可溶性有机质(DOM)数量和质量对短期氮(N)添加的响应及其与细菌群落的关联,在福建戴云山自然保护区设置不同N添加水平(0、40和80 kg N·hm-2·a-1)试验,采用三维荧光与平行因子联用法,并结合高通量测序手段分别对土壤DOM和细菌群落进行分析。结果表明: 与对照相比,N添加整体降低了0~10和10~20 cm土层可溶性有机碳(DOC)含量和DOM腐殖化指数(HIX),其中,高氮(80 kg N·hm-2·a-1)添加下均显著降低。平行因子分析法进一步表明N添加下DOM中类腐殖质组分(C1、C2)的相对含量降低。此外,N添加减少了富营养细菌(变形菌门、酸微菌纲)的相对丰度,而增加了贫营养细菌(斯巴达杆菌纲)的相对丰度。富营养细菌的相对丰度与HIX、C1、C2呈显著正相关,与相对易分解的类富里酸组分(C3)呈显著负相关;而贫营养细菌的情况则相反。说明N添加下不同生活策略的细菌类群对DOM中难分解和易分解组分存在明显的偏好性。我们推测N沉降加剧背景下土壤微生物生活策略的转变可能有助于DOM组分的塑造。  相似文献   

土壤可溶性有机质(DOM)及其组分淋失特征研究对深入理解干扰作用下土壤碳氮养分损失机制具有重要意义,本研究基于翻耕模拟试验,分析喀斯特石灰土可溶性有机碳(DOC)、可溶性有机氮(DON)、及DOM官能团组分的淋失动态特征及其对不同耕作频率的响应,并探讨其影响因子。结果表明:(1)土壤DOC与DON的淋失量均随翻耕频率的增加而增加,但4个官能团特征参数对翻耕频率响应均不显著;DOC/DON淋失比随翻耕频率的增大而减少,DON占淋溶水可溶性总氮(TDN)比例随翻耕频率增加而增加。(2)DOC和DON月淋失量同时受翻耕处理与季节变化及其交互作用的影响,4个官能团特征参数仅受季节变化的影响;翻耕处理实施后,DOC月淋失量表现为初期大、后期小,各处理间差异性逐渐降低;但DON月淋失量初期小、后期大,各处理间差异性逐渐增大。(3)DOC淋失量与4个官能团特征参数呈显著负相关(P0.05),与Ca~(2+)、NH_4~+-N的淋失量呈显著正相关;DON淋失量与4个官能团参数无显著相关关系,与Mg~(2+)淋失量呈显著正相关关系。以上结果表明耕作扰动会加剧土壤DOM淋失,但淋失组分中稳定性组分没有变化,意味着耕作干扰将导致土壤有机质的持续损失,且由于其淋失组分碳氮比(DOC/DON)随扰动频率增加而降低,DON/TDN比随扰动频率增加而增加,持续的耕作干扰将大大增加水体氮素污染风险。  相似文献   

We examined the impact of permafrost on dissolved organic matter (DOM) composition in Caribou-Poker Creeks Research Watershed (CPCRW), a watershed underlain with discontinuous permafrost, in interior Alaska. We analyzed long term data from watersheds underlain with varying degrees of permafrost, sampled springs and thermokarsts, used fluorescence spectroscopy, and measured the bioavailabity of dissolved organic carbon (DOC). Permafrost driven patterns in hydrology and vegetation influenced DOM patterns in streams, with the stream draining the high permafrost watershed having higher DOC and dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) concentrations, higher DOC:DON and greater specific ultraviolet absorbance (SUVA) than the streams draining the low and medium permafrost watersheds. Streams, springs and thermokarsts exhibited a wide range of DOC and DON concentrations (1.5–37.5 mgC/L and 0.14–1.26 mgN/L, respectively), DOC:DON (7.1–42.8) and SUVA (1.5–4.7 L mgC−1 m−1). All sites had a high proportion of humic components, a low proportion of protein components, and a low fluorescence index value (1.3–1.4), generally consistent with terrestrially derived DOM. Principal component analysis revealed distinct groups in our fluorescence data determined by diagenetic processing and DOM source. The proportion of bioavailable DOC ranged from 2 to 35%, with the proportion of tyrosine- and tryptophan-like fluorophores in the DOM being a major predictor of DOC loss (p < 0.05, R 2 = 0.99). Our results indicate that the degradation of permafrost in CPCRW will result in a decrease in DOC and DON concentrations, a decline in DOC:DON, and a reduction in SUVA, possibly accompanied by a change in the proportion of bioavailable DOC.  相似文献   

为了解植被恢复对侵蚀红壤可溶性有机质含量及结构特征的影响, 以福建省长汀县河田镇植被恢复后的侵蚀红壤及对照裸地为研究对象, 对两试验地0-60 cm深土壤中可溶性有机质的含量及光谱学特征进行了比较研究。结果表明: 侵蚀红壤植被恢复后, 土壤可溶性有机碳含量显著提高, 在土表到60 cm深度的6个10 cm土层中, 植被恢复土壤可溶性有机碳含量分别提高为对照裸地相应土层的5.6、4.7、4.6、3.1、2.4及2.2倍。可溶性有机氮含量在两试验地之间的差异在各土层中不一致。植被恢复各土层侵蚀红壤可溶性有机质的芳香化指数显著高于对照裸地, 荧光发射光谱腐殖化指数略高于对照裸地, 植被恢复后的侵蚀红壤与对照裸地间荧光同步光谱腐殖化指数无明显差异。荧光同步光谱图中, 两试验地侵蚀红壤可溶性有机质的吸收主要为类蛋白质及芳香性脂肪族荧光基团的吸收。傅里叶红外光谱结果显示, 与对照裸地相比, 植被恢复后的侵蚀红壤土壤可溶性有机质中官能团种类更多, 且含有更多芳香碳及羧基碳。两试验地土壤可溶性有机质均表现为芳香化及腐殖化程度随土层的加深而降低。相关性分析显示, 土壤可溶性有机质的芳香化及腐殖化指数与土壤碳氮总量有极显著正相关关系。总之, 侵蚀红壤经植被恢复后, 土壤可溶性有机碳含量及可溶性有机质的芳香化指数显著提高, 可溶性有机质的腐殖化指数略有增大, 可溶性有机质结构更复杂, 更不易被分解, 因此有利于土壤肥力的恢复。  相似文献   

Atmospheric N Deposition Increases Organic N Loss from Temperate Forests   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Atmospheric deposition of nitrogen (N) resulting from fossil fuel combustion has increased N inputs to temperate forests worldwide with large consequences for forest productivity and water quality. Recent work has illustrated that dissolved organic N (DON) often dominates N loss from unpolluted forests and that the relative magnitude of dissolved inorganic N (DIN) loss increases with atmospheric loading. In contrast to DIN, DON loss is thought to be controlled by soil dynamics that operate independently of N supply and demand and thus should track dissolved organic carbon (DOC) following strict stoichiometric constraints. Conversely, DON loss may shift with N supply if soil (SOM) or dissolved organic matter (DOM) is stoichiometrically altered. Here, we assess these two explanations of DON loss, which we refer to as the Passive Carbon Vehicle and the Stoichiometric Enrichment hypotheses, by analyzing patterns in soil and stream C and N in forest watersheds spanning a broad gradient in atmospheric N loading (5–45 kg N ha−1 y−1). We show that soil N and DON losses are not static but rather increase asymptotically with N loading whereas soil C and DOC do not, resulting in enrichment of organic N expressed as decreased soil C:N and stream DOC:DON ratios. DON losses from unpolluted sites are consistent with conservative dissolution and transport of refractory SOM. As N supply increases, however, N enrichment of organic losses is greater than expected from simple dissolution of enriched soils, suggesting activation of novel pathways of DON production or direct N enrichment of DOM. We suggest that our two hypotheses represent domains of control over forest DON loss as N supply increases but also that stoichiometric enrichment of bulk soils alone cannot fully account for large DON losses in the most N-polluted forests.  相似文献   

Retention of soluble organic nutrients by a forested ecosystem   总被引:10,自引:6,他引:4  
We document an example of a forested watershed at the Coweeta HydrologicLaboratory with an extraordinary tendency to retain dissolved organic matter(DOM) generated in large quantities within the ecosystem. Our objectives weretodetermine fluxes of dissolved organic C, N, and P (DOC, DON, DOP,respectively),in water draining through each stratum of the ecosystem and synthesizeinformation on the physicochemical, biological and hydrologic factors leadingtoretention of dissolved organic nutrients in this ecosystem. The ecosystemretained 99.3, 97.3, and 99.0% of water soluble organic C, N and P,respectively, produced in litterfall, throughfall, and root exudates. Exportsinstreamwater were 4.1 kg ha–1yr–1of DOC, 0.191 kg ha–1 yr–1 ofDON, and 0.011 kg ha–1 yr–1 ofDOP. Fluxes of DON were greater than those of inorganic N in all strata. MostDOC, DON, and DOP was removed from solution in the A and B horizons, with DOCbeing rapidly adsorbed to Fe and Al oxyhydroxides, most likely by ligandexchange. DON and DOC were released gradually from the forest floor over theyear. Water soluble organic C produced in litterfall and throughfall had adisjoint distribution of half-decay times with very labile and veryrefractory fractions so that most labile DOC was decomposed before beingleachedinto the mineral soil and refractory fractions dominated the DOC transportedthrough the ecosystem. We hypothesize that this watershed retained solubleorganic nutrients to an extraordinary degree because the soils have very highcontents of Fe and Al oxyhydroxides with high adsorption capacities and becausethe predominant hydrologic pathway is downwards as unsaturated flow through astrongly adsorbing A and B horizon. The well recognized retention mechanismsforinorganic nutrients combine with adsorption of DOM and hydrologic pathway toefficiently prevent leaching of both soluble inorganic andorganic nutrients in this watershed.  相似文献   



We characterized dissolved organic matter (DOM) leached during decomposition of deciduous silver birch litter (Betula pendula Roth.), coniferous Norway spruce litter (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) and a mixture of these litters in order to find out whether the properties of DOM would explain the earlier observed signs for higher microbial activity in soil under birch than spruce.


DOM leached from decomposing litters was collected in a litter-column experiment in the laboratory. Adsorption properties (XAD-8 resin fractionation) and molecular weight as well as the degradability of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and nitrogen (DON) were measured three times during decomposition: 1) in the early stages, 2) after the mass loss reached 20–30 % and 3) when the mass loss reached 30–40 %.


The leaching of DOC hydrophilic neutrals and bases, regarded easily degradable, decreased during decomposition. The leaching of DOC in hydrophobic acids, regarded refractory, increased from spruce and especially from the mixture litter during decomposition and may be connected to the degree of litter decomposition that was highest for the mixture. Unexpectedly, the degradability of DOC differed only slightly between the litters but the degradability of DON was substantially higher for spruce than birch. Spruce DOM seemed to be more N-rich than birch DOM in the early stages of decomposition and it seemed that labile DON was mobilized earlier from spruce than birch litter.


We conclude that the decomposition degree of litter determines largely the properties of DOM. The observed differences in the properties of DOM sampled during the litter decomposition cannot explain differences in C and N cycling between birch and spruce.  相似文献   

The transport and transformation of dissolved organic matter (DOM) and dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) through the soil profile impact down-gradient ecosystems and are increasingly recognized as important factors affecting the balance between accumulation and mineralization of subsoil organic matter. Using zero tension and tension lysimeters at three soil depths (20, 40, 60 cm) in paired forest and maize/soybean land uses, we compared dissolved organic C (DOC), dissolved organic N (DON) and DIN concentrations as well as DOM properties including hydrophilic-C (HPI-C), UV absorption (SUVA254), humification index and C/N ratio. Soil moisture data collected at lysimeter locations suggest zero tension lysimeters sampled relatively rapid hydrologic flowpaths that included downward saturated flow through the soil matrix and/or rapid macropore flow that is not in equilibrium with bulk soil solution whereas tension lysimeters sampled relatively immobile soil matrix solution during unsaturated conditions. The effect of land use on DOC and DON concentrations was largely limited to the most shallow (20 cm) sampling depth where DOC concentrations were greater in the forest (only zero tension lysimeters) and DON concentrations were greater in the cropland (both lysimeter types). In contrast to DOC and DON concentrations, the effect of land use on DOM properties persisted to the deepest sampling depth (60 cm), suggesting that DOM in the cropland was more decomposed regardless of lysimeter type. DOC concentrations and DOM properties differed between lysimeter types only in the forest at 20 cm where soil solutions collected with zero tension lysimeters had greater DOC concentrations, greater SUVA254, greater humification index and lower HPI-C. Our data highlight the importance of considering DOM quality in addition to DOC quantity, and indicate long-term cultivation reduced the delivery of relatively less decomposed DOM to all soil depths.  相似文献   

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