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深圳海域近20年赤潮发生的特征分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
冷科明  江天久 《生态科学》2004,23(2):166-170,174
本文根据深圳海域1981-2002年发生的93起赤潮记录,综合分析了赤潮发生的特征,可归纳为5点:①深圳海域的赤潮多发区位于大鹏湾、大亚湾和深圳圳湾,其中大鹏湾的盐田水域、大亚湾两部的东山和坝光水域、深圳湾的后海与东角头水域为赤潮多发地段;②赤潮发生的频率增高,赤潮持续时间延长;③全年中有两个赤潮多发季节,主要集中在3~5月,其次为9~11月;④赤潮引发种类丰富,约有39种,其中甲藻最多,其次为硅藻,具有一定的区域分布特征;⑤赤潮引发种类具有明显的演替规律,不断有新的种类引发赤潮。  相似文献   

黄渤海海水养殖自身污染的评估   总被引:37,自引:5,他引:32  
探讨了投饵和非投饵两种养殖方式自身污染对海洋环境的影响.结果表明,海水养殖产量与营养盐类、COD和赤潮发生次数均呈正相关关系,其中无机氮含量和赤潮发生次数与虾养殖产量有显著正相关关系,说明海水养殖自身污染对邻近海域富营养化及赤潮发生有一定影响.通过黄渤海海水养殖向海洋排泄氮、磷、COD等污染物估算,分别占相应陆源污染物排海量的2.8%、5.3%、1.8%.虽然与人类其他活动向海洋排污量相比,水产养殖的排污量所占比重还不算大,对于某些局部水域,特别是海水养殖密集区,将对海洋环境的影响产生叠加作用,很可能成为刺激近海富营养化和赤潮发生的一个重要因素,应引起足够的重视.  相似文献   

根据2002年4月25日~5月2日的调查数据,分析了东海近海海域营养盐(NO3--N,PO4^3-P,SiO3^2-Si,NH4-N等)的分布特征,并初步探讨了营养盐分布与赤潮发生的关系.结果表明,调查海区营养盐浓度较高,与国家一类海水水质相比,无机氮和无机磷的超标率分别为46%和60%,长江口及杭州湾附近海域富营养化程度比较严重.调查海域由于受沿岸长江等河流输入的影响。营养盐浓度自近岸向外海快速递减,等值线几乎与海岸线平行.根据调查结束后赤潮发生的特点和区域,表明营养盐浓度的增加,尤其是DIN和PO4^3-P的增加,与赤潮的发生有一定关系。但本次赤潮并不是发生在营养盐浓度最高的海区,因此,富营养化并不是诱发本次赤潮发生的唯一环境因素.  相似文献   

2000~2001年柘林湾浮游植物群落结构及数量变动的周年调查   总被引:49,自引:5,他引:44  
2000年5月-2001年5月对粤东赤潮重灾区柘林湾者的浮游植物周年调查表明,柘林湾共有浮游植物54属153种。其中硅藻为优势类群,共37属114种,占总种数的74.51%;甲藻15属36种;其它2属3种。浮游植物种数和丰度的平面分布表现为弯内低于湾外,东部低于西部的基本格局,季节波动模式则为单峰型,全年数量最高峰位于盛夏7月份。中肋骨条藻(Skeletonema costatum)为该湾的全年优势种,在群落总细胞数中的百分比年平均高达58.7%。通过对水温、营养盐、浮激植物群落的多样性指数和均匀度以及中肋骨务藻的种群密度等相互之间的回归分析,并考虑增养殖渔业等因素,发现柘林湾因大规模增养殖渔业和高强度的排污排废引志的富营养化已在很大程度上改变了该湾浮游植物的群落结构及时空分布,使生物多样性与均匀度明显下降,中肋骨条藻等少数种类则大量增殖,硅藻赤潮,尤其是中肋骨条藻赤潮的发生机会明显增多,但发生甲藻赤潮的可能性较小。  相似文献   

大鹏湾沙头角海域富营养化与赤潮发生的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
报道南海大鹏湾沙头角海域由于工业废水和生活污水的大量流入,使该海域氮、磷和化学需氧量逐年升高,使其富营养化程度值达1.497~11.773,因而近年来冬春季节赤潮发生频繁。主要的赤潮生物有夜光藻NoclilucaSctutllams、裸甲藻Gymnodiniumsp.,中肋骨条藻Skele-tonemaCostatum、海洋原甲藻Prorocentrummicans、海链藻Thalssiosirasp.和角毛藻Chaelocerassp.等。由于该海湾是半封闭性海域,因而赤潮发生的强度较大,其数量为2.7×10 ̄6~8.4×10 ̄4个/m ̄3,生物多样性指数为0.146~0.250.其毒性较大,危害沿岸渔业生产。  相似文献   

赫冬梅  段舜山 《生态科学》2011,30(4):454-458
海洋生态系统是地球生物圈的重要组成部分。目前,人类活动已经严重破坏了海洋生态系统,导致了海洋生态系统的失衡。赤潮的发生正是这种不平衡的具体体现。文章讨论了人类活动对海洋生态系统的负面影响以及对近海海域赤潮发生的推波助澜作用;主要综述了影响赤潮发生和消亡的生态条件及环境影响因子。最后,强调了学科交叉研究在管理和防范赤潮的发生,维护近海海洋生态系统健康服务功能的必要性,并提出了一些相应的对策和措施。  相似文献   

陆源物质输送对赤潮高发区的影响-以铝为例   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7  
近年来长江口附近海域富营养化问题日趋严重,赤潮爆发次数增多,而富含营养物质的长江水的输入可能是海内富营养化的主要物质来源.Al在海洋中停留时间较短且不易受到人为活动的影响,常用Al作为陆源输入及不同水团运动的有效示踪元素.结果表明。研究海域中溶解态Al的浓度秋季高于夏季,且与水体的盐度和悬浮颗粒物浓度表现出一定的关系.赤潮高发区内溶解态Al的浓度一般大于0.04pmol.L-1,明显表现出受到陆源输入的影响.赤潮发生时由于其自身的絮凝及赤潮生物颗粒物表面的吸附作用使水体中的溶解态Al含量平均下降约40%,而在赤潮发生过程中溶解态Al形态变化及机理尚需进一步深入研究.  相似文献   

浅论赤潮   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李诺 《生物学通报》1993,28(8):12-13,9
近年来,我国南北沿海赤潮频发,先后在黄河口(1952年)、辽河口(1957、 1967) 、大沽河口(1977) 、大连湾(1979、 1980、 1981) 、东海(1972) ,湛江(1980) 、香港(1971、 1980、 1986) 等近海水域分别发生夜光藻、中肋骨条藻、毛丝藻、微形原甲藻、颤藻等形成的赤潮。据不完全统计,70年代前,在我国有文字记载的赤潮仅有3次。70年代后,在黄、渤、东、南海近岸海域,发现并有记载的赤潮近30次。不仅给海洋渔业资源和生产造成重大损失,而且给人类健康带来严重影响。如今,随着海洋污染日趋加剧,世界各地赤潮的发生已有与日俱增的趋势。太平洋、大西洋沿岸居民因误食由赤潮污染的  相似文献   

南海北部沿海夜光藻赤潮的生态模式研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
本文根据1980~1991年南海北部沿海发生的夜光藻赤潮资料,介绍了夜光藻的生物学特征.生态学特征,从夜光藻发生赤潮的起始、发展、维持和消亡四个阶段分析和探讨其发生机制,提出了夜光藻赤潮的生态模式。研究表明:夜光藻赤潮各阶段的消长过程受到物理、化学和生物因素的制约.这些因素在夜光藻赤潮发生的不同阶段所起的作用是不一样的,其发生机制仍然存在着生物地理学的差异等。  相似文献   

赤潮的分类分级标准及预警色设置   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
江天久  佟蒙蒙  齐雨藻 《生态学报》2006,26(6):2035-2040
为便于赤潮信息的发布、统计和管理,依据我国赤潮发生的特点初步制定了我国赤潮的分类分级及预警色划分的标准。根据形成赤潮的生物种类特性及其对人类健康和近岸水产养殖的影响,将我国赤潮分为有毒赤潮、鱼毒赤潮、有害赤潮和无害赤潮4种类型,考虑到我国沿海赤潮发生面积和持续时间相差巨大,将我国赤潮分为大型、中型和小型3个级别。由此,将我国赤潮分为12种,并依次用不同颜色和符号代表之,以利于在媒体上发布。在此基础上,制定了不同类型赤潮的预警机制和管理措施,为赤潮防灾减灾工作提供参考。  相似文献   

Between the years 1933–2001, 460 red tide events were found in China's coastal water. The scope of red tide occurrence has extended over all the coastal provinces of China, and the three major areas with high red tide frequency are the Bohai sea, the sea area near the Shengsi Archipelago and Huaniaoshan Island on the outer side of the Changjiang River estuary and the Hangzhou Bay, and the coastal waters on the east side of the Zhujiang River estuary from Hong Kong to East Guangdong. In the past 20 years, the frequency of red tides has been tending upwards. The years of 1988–1990 and 1998–2001 saw the most serious red tides along China's coastal waters, with the latter period as the peak. The average area of a single red tide, i.e., the scale of red tides, is expanding every year, and in 2001 rose to about 500 km2. Every year, China's red tides occur from south to north, with those in the South China Sea occurring from March to May, those in the East China Sea from April to August and those in the Bohai and Huanghai Seas from May to September.  相似文献   

Preliminary studies on eutrophication and red tide problems in Bohai Bay   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
A study was carried out in 1978–1981 on the relationship between eutrophication and the occurrence of red tides in Bohai Bay.An assessment method using a single parameter as well as the multiparameter Trophic State Index was adopted. DIN, DIP, COD loadings and concentrations and phytoplankton community (species composition, diversity index, standing crop, chlorophyll a and primary productivity) were used as parameters. The western part of the bay and two sewage outfall sites showed the highest values of chlorophyll a, nitrate, phosphate, standing crop, primary productivity and the greatest population instability. Therefore, Bohai Bay, can be regarded as mesotrophic, but its estuary eutrophic. Anthropogenic factors are mainly responsible for its eutrophication. A relationship between environmental factors and red tide species was found. Noctiluca miliaris, Prorocentrum minimum and Skeletonema costatum have their bloom periods from July to September and are the most significant species.  相似文献   

I. J. Hodgkiss  K. C. Ho 《Hydrobiologia》1997,352(1-3):141-147
There is mounting evidence of a global increase in nutrient levels of coastal waters through riverine and sewage inputs, and in both the numbers and frequency(as well as the species composition) of red tides. However, it is still not possible to conclude the extent to which the increase in red tides in coastal waters can be attributed to the increase in nutrient levels, since so many other factors are involved. Undoubtedly, a relationship exists between red tides and the N and P load of coastal waters, and many nutrient enrichment experiments have shown that marine phytoplankton blooms are often nutrient limited. What is now becoming clear, however, is that although in classical Liebigian terms minimum amounts can be limiting, nutrient ratios (such as N:P and Si:P) are far more important regulators. This paper reviews evidence collected by the authors from Tolo Harbour, Hong Kong together with data collected in Japanese and North European coastal waters by various authors, which indicates that both long term and relatively short term changes in the N:P ratio are accompanied by increased blooms of non-siliceous phytoplankton groups and, furthermore,that the growth of most red tide causative organisms in Hong Kong coastal water is optimized at a low N:P(atomic) ratio of between 6 and 15. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

长江口及邻近海域富营养化指标原因变量参照状态的确定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
河口区参照状态的确定是营养盐基准制定的核心步骤.采用参照点或观测点指标频数分布曲线法,利用长江口及邻近海域1992-2010年的调查数据,针对长江口外海区及舟山海区富营养化指标的原因变量,即无机氮和活性磷酸盐,进行参照状态值的确定.经分析,长江口外海区无机氮各季节参照状态可确定如下:春季为0.317mg/L、夏季为0.273 mg/L、秋季为0.211mg/L,活性磷酸盐各季节参照状态:春季为0.014mg/L、夏季为0.009 mg/L、秋季为0.018 mg/L;舟山海区无机氮各季节参照状态确定如下:春季为0.372mg/L、夏季为0.273 mg/L、秋季为0.441 mg/L,活性磷酸盐各季节参照状态:春季为0.020mg/L、夏季为0.018 mg/L、秋季为0.029 mg/L.  相似文献   

《Harmful algae》2009,8(1):54-59
Red tides (high biomass phytoplankton blooms) have frequently occurred in Hong Kong waters, but most red tides occurred in waters which are not very eutrophic. For example, Port Shelter, a semi-enclosed bay in the northeast of Hong Kong, is one of hot spots for red tides. Concentrations of ambient inorganic nutrients (e.g. N, P), are not high enough to form the high biomass of chlorophyll a (chl a) in a red tide when chl a is converted to its particulate organic nutrient (N) (which should equal the inorganic nutrient, N). When a red tide of the dinoflagellate Scrippsiella trochoidea occurred in the bay, we found that the red tide patch along the shore had a high cell density of 15,000 cells ml−1, and high chl a (56 μg l−1), and pH reached 8.6 at the surface (8.2 at the bottom), indicating active photosynthesis in situ. Ambient inorganic nutrients (NO3, PO4, SiO4, and NH4) were all low in the waters and deep waters surrounding the red tide patch, suggesting that the nutrients were not high enough to support the high chl a >50 μg l−1 in the red tide. Nutrient addition experiments showed that the addition of all of the inorganic nutrients to a non-red-tide water sample containing low concentrations of Scrippsiella trochoidea did not produce cell density of Scrippsiella trochoidea as high as in the red tide patch, suggesting that nutrients were not an initializing factor for this red tide. During the incubation of the red tide water sample without any nutrient addition, the phytoplankton biomass decreased gradually over 9 days. However, with a N addition, the phytoplankton biomass increased steadily until day 7, which suggested that nitrogen addition was able to sustain the high biomass of the red tide for a week with and without nutrients. In contrast, the red tide in the bay disappeared on the sampling day when the wind direction changed. These results indicated that initiation, maintenance and disappearance of the dinoflagellate Scrippsiella trochoidea red tide in the bay were not directly driven by changes in nutrients. Therefore, how nutrients are linked to the formation of red tides in coastal waters need to be further examined, particularly in relation to dissolved organic nutrients.  相似文献   


World-wide, our coastal waters have been subject to an increased nutrient input since the latter part of the nineteenth century. This has led to the eutrophication or ‘nutrient pollution’ of many coastal sites, including Langstone Harbour and the Ythan Estuary here in the UK. Eutrophication at these and, indeed, at other nutrient enriched sites is evident by the appearance of large blooms of fast-growing opportunistic macroalgae. Blooms of macroscopic species of green algae (Chlorophyta: Ulvophyceae) are particularly common and the phenomenon is often referred to as the occurrence of green tides.

Green tides may have a dramatic environmental impact, causing much damage to the local ecosystem. Numerous strategies have hence been employed in order to combat the problem, but to date there has been limited success. For this reason, current research in the UK is aimed at increasing our knowledge of green tide algae in terms of their ecophysiology, whilst further investigation of the nutrient pathways and fluxes within specific ecosystems has been deemed necessary. It is anticipated that this ‘backto basics’ approach will ultimately contribute to the development of new, successful eutrophication management strategies.  相似文献   

Temporal fluctuations of algicidal micro-organisms against the red tide causing raphidophycean flagellates Chattonella antiqua (Hada) Ono and Heterosigma akashiwo (Hada) Hada ex Hara et Chihara were investigated using the microplate most probable number (MPN) method in northern Hiroshima Bay and Harima-Nada, the Seto Inland Sea, in 1992 and 1993. In Har-ima-Nada, both flagellates appeared at low levels (< 1 cell mL?1), and killer micro-organisms against the two flagellates (C-killer for C. antiqua and H-killer for H. akashiwo) also appeared at low densities (< 2 mL?1). In northern Hiroshima Bay, C. antiqua cells were scarce (< 1 cell mL?1), and C-killers occurred at a low level (≤ 3.4 mL?1). Conversely, red tides of H. akashiwo occurred there in June of both years. The dynamics of H-killers revealed a close relationship with that of H. akashiwo populations. H-killers followed the increase of H. akashiwo cells, reached a maximum level after the beginning of decline of H. akashiwo, maintained a high level for at least 1 week after the crash of bloom, and then decreased. C-killers consistently remained at low densities during the period of H. akashiwo red tides in both 1992 and 1993. Hence, algicidal micro-organisms specifically associated with the occurrence and crash of H. akashiwo red tides, and presumably contributed to the rapid termination of the red tides in the coastal seas such as northern Hiroshima Bay.  相似文献   

中国主要入海河流河口集水区划分与分类   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄金良  李青生  黄玲  王菊英  胡莹莹  冯媛 《生态学报》2012,32(11):3516-3527
采用GIS技术开展中国主要入海河流的流域边界及其汇水单元、河口集水区的划分及其分类。基于ArcGIS水文分析模块划分出15条入海河流的汇水单元,并通过5种不同汇水单元面积等级的划分来表达各入海河流汇水单元的详细程度;划分的流域面积与相关文献资料对比偏差在10%以内;在流域与汇水单元划分的基础上,基于感潮河段的数据收集,确定出88个中国主要入海河流的河口集水区。通过建立分类指标体系,采用聚类分析方法,划分出5类河口:第一类EDA主要分布在环渤海地区、山东半岛和广东沿海;第二类EDA主要分布在长江口和杭州湾周围;第三类EDA主要分布在江苏北部沿海和辽东半岛;第四类包括山东江苏交界处沿海、江苏南部沿海;第五类主要分布在福建浙江沿海、珠江口、长江口、海河口附近、辽河河口附近,并利用快速生物评价法验证河口分类的合理性。研究成果可为进一步开展我国近海河口和海域营养盐基准制订与生态分区提供基础空间数据与方法借鉴。  相似文献   

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