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哺乳动物群的演替过程在重建古环境和古气候中具有重要的作用。群落线(cenogram)是将陆生哺乳动物群中非肉食性种类按体重分布顺序排列的一种曲线,并可在图中将肉食性种类单独排序,以便显示动物群的整体组成。通过与现生哺乳动物群的比较,化石动物群的群落线已经被用来推断古环境及其在地质历史时期的变化。基于甘肃临夏盆地晚新生代哺乳动物群的群落线进行古环境重建,时代从晚渐新世直到早更新世。大多数化石种类的体重通过下第一臼齿面积与体重的回归公式来估计,少数种类用其他牙齿或肢骨来估计。大多数体重估计的测量数据来自临夏盆地的化石,少数取自文献。对7个化石动物群分别计算群落线的统计结果,在此基础上进行古环境解释。这些分析揭示了临夏盆地在晚中新世、早上新世和早更新世具有开阔的环境,晚渐新世是半开阔的林地,而中中新世为比较紧密的森林;在晚渐新世和晚中新世早期气候干燥,晚中新世的其他时段以及早上新世和早更新世为半干旱环境,而中中新世时期相当湿润。  相似文献   

临夏盆地的新生代地层及其哺乳动物化石证据   总被引:29,自引:9,他引:20  
临夏盆地的新生代地层相当发育 ,保存了从渐新世至全新世的连续沉积序列。更为重要的是 ,这些沉积物中含有丰富的哺乳动物化石 ,为划分和对比临夏盆地的新生代地层提供了可靠的证据。然而 ,此前关于这个盆地地层层序和时代的认识有许多矛盾之处 ,地层命名繁复 ,化石证据混乱。近年来我们对临夏盆地的野外考察已理清了沉积序列 ,并在充分的哺乳动物化石证据的基础上重新厘定了各个岩石地层单位所对应的地质时代。临夏盆地的新生代哺乳动物化石以晚渐新世的巨犀动物群、中中新世的铲齿象动物群、晚中新世的三趾马动物群和早更新世的真马动物群最为丰富。  相似文献   

甘肃临夏盆地晚中新世大唇犀化石的年龄结构与生活环境   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
甘肃临夏盆地的晚中新世红粘土堆积中含有大量的三趾马动物群化石,其中犀科化石,特别是大唇犀最为丰富。通过对临夏盆地晚中新世具有代表性的大唇犀化石的年龄结构的分析,初步了解到化石群各年龄段个体的百分比和种群动态。大唇犀化石中成年个体的数量占优势,明显多于老年个体,与正常生活群中的年龄结构吻合,由此可初步断定是突发性事件引起了犀牛种群的灾害性死亡。再进一步对化石的风化、磨蚀、聚集状态及所受的水动力特征等进行分析,发现骨骼受到了弱水流的短距离搬运,说明化石埋藏地离动物死亡地不远。以上分析结果与沉积学特征相结合,说明临夏盆地晚中新世三趾马动物群的集群死亡可能与严重的干旱化事件有关。  相似文献   

大唇犀 (Chilotherium属 )是中国晚中新世三趾马动物群中占统治地位的类型 ,在亚洲的其他地区和南欧也有广泛的分布。然而 ,有关大唇犀头后骨骼的记述相当少。在山西保德和陕西府谷已经发现了丰富的大唇犀化石 ,但到目前为止仅有安氏大唇犀 (Ch .anderssoni)的少量头后骨骼被记述。维氏大唇犀 (Ch .wimani)最早发现于陕西府谷 ,被记述的材料仅包括头骨标本。最近我们在甘肃临夏盆地发现了大量晚中新世的Ch .wimani化石 ,其中不仅有众多的头骨 ,头后骨骼也相当丰富。本文研究的标本采自临夏盆地内众多的晚中新世三趾马动物群化石地点 ,包括和政县的大深沟、南阳山、大山庄、禾托和高家山 ,广河县的后山、兰家山、山庄、寺沟、次滩、沙地沟、阳洼铺子和桥家 ,以及东乡县的双拱北等。在保德的三趾马动物群中 ,大唇犀以Ch .anderssoni和哈氏大唇犀 (Ch .habereri)为代表 ,而在临夏和府谷却是以Ch .wimani为代表。临夏盆地的三趾马动物群中共有 3种无角犀类 ,即Ch .wimani,Acerorhinuscornutus和A .hezhengensis。根据头骨材料的统计 ,Ch .wimani在犀类中占有绝对优势 ,A .hezhengensis和A .cornutus的个体数量很少。与此对应 ,动物群中的无角犀类肢骨明显可以分为 3组 ,其中具中等尺寸的一组占有绝对优势。?  相似文献   

本文记述了巨两栖犀属内的一个新种——马关巨两栖犀(Gigantamynodon maguanensis).它可能是两栖犀类动物中最大的一个种.其时代当为中、晚渐新世.  相似文献   

通过对南海北部琼东南盆地渐新世—上新世3个钻井剖面412个沟鞭藻样品的系统分析,发现了较丰富的沟鞭藻化石。根据沟鞭藻化石丰度、分异度变化以及特征性的环境指示种,对琼东南盆地渐新世至上新世的沉积环境进行了详细研究。认为研究区从早渐新世早期海水开始入侵,至早渐新世晚期海侵范围进一步扩大,一直持续到晚渐新世;早中新世沟鞭藻化石数量和种类明显出现低谷,发生了一次较为明显的海退;中中新世至晚中新世,沟鞭藻化石较丰富,丰度和分异度增加,海水明显比早中新世沉积时期加深;早上新世早期,指示海侵的化石属种较丰富,反映了温暖浅海的沉积环境;早上新世晚期,指示一种开阔的海洋环境,水体较深;晚上新世早期,沟鞭藻化石属种面貌反映了热带浅海环境,但水体可能比早上新世晚期沉积时要浅;晚上新世晚期,指示海侵的沟鞭藻化石属种达到最繁盛时期,海侵范围进一步扩大。  相似文献   

通过对南海北部琼东南盆地渐新世—上新世3个钻井剖面412个沟鞭藻样品的系统分析,发现了较丰富的沟鞭藻化石。根据沟鞭藻化石丰度、分异度变化以及特征性的环境指示种,对琼东南盆地渐新世至上新世的沉积环境进行了详细研究。认为研究区从早渐新世早期海水开始入侵,至早渐新世晚期海侵范围进一步扩大,一直持续到晚渐新世;早中新世沟鞭藻化石数量和种类明显出现低谷,发生了一次较为明显的海退;中中新世至晚中新世,沟鞭藻化石较丰富,丰度和分异度增加,海水明显比早中新世沉积时期加深;早上新世早期,指示海侵的化石属种较丰富,反映了温暖浅海的沉积环境;早上新世晚期,指示一种开阔的海洋环境,水体较深;晚上新世早期,沟鞭藻化石属种面貌反映了热带浅海环境,但水体可能比早上新世晚期沉积时要浅;晚上新世晚期,指示海侵的沟鞭藻化石属种达到最繁盛时期,海侵范围进一步扩大。  相似文献   

邓涛 《化石》2003,(2):13-17
临夏盆地位于青藏高原东北缘 ,晚新生代地层发育 ,蕴藏着丰富的哺乳动物化石。自上个世纪 5 0年代以来这里就盛产作为中药材的“龙骨” ,实际上就是大型的哺乳动物化石 ,可惜的是很少被作为科学研究的材料。最近 ,我们已在从晚渐新世至早更新世的各个层位中发现了大量的哺乳动物化石 ,包括晚渐新世的巨犀动物群、中中新世的铲齿象动物群、晚中新世的三趾马动物群和早更新世的真马动物群 ,尤其以三趾马动物群最为丰富 ,以鼬、剑齿虎、鬣狗、四棱齿象、三趾马、犀牛、弓颌猪、长颈鹿、麝牛和羚羊等为代表。临夏盆地的三趾马动物群化石在数量和…  相似文献   

宁夏海原两个第三纪中期哺乳动物群的发现   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在宁夏南部海原地区首次发现了第三纪中期的哺乳动物化石。它们产自二个不同的层位:上层的采自红柳沟组的底部;下层的产自清水营组的上部,我们称为袁家窝窝动物群。袁家窝窝动物群的时代为中渐新世。这一动物群在海原的发现不但将产中渐新世哺乳动物群的地点往南推移,而且表明在海原的清水营组时代的上限为中渐新世。在红柳沟组底部发现的哺乳动物群表明其时代可能为早中新世(或更早),显然要比典型地区的红柳沟组的时代-中中新世要早。这不但表明红柳沟组是异时性的,至少代表早-中中新世的沉积,而且说明在中新世时从早期到中、晚期宁夏盆地的沉积中心可能由南向北推移。这很可能与六盘山的抬升有关。  相似文献   

在河北省阳原县大黑沟中更新世和岑家湾附近石沟早更新世地层中分别发现了犀牛的下颌骨和股骨化石。其下颌联合部窄长、无下门齿、牙齿釉质层平滑而无褶皱、牙齿表面无垩质充填,股骨较披毛犀的长,故将其归入梅氏犀(Stephanorhinus kirchbergensis)。泥河湾盆地的化石是我国早期梅氏犀化石中材料最可靠,地点层位最明确的记录。山神庙咀和大黑沟出土的板齿犀牙齿及前脚骨化石,是泥河湾盆地发现的最好材料,尤其是大黑沟出土的板齿犀牙齿化石,是迄今在泥河湾盆地首次发现的完整材料;依据冠面结构和测量数据,该批材料可归入裴氏板齿犀(Elasmotherium peii);裴氏板齿犀特征鲜明,是有效名称,我国早更新世的板齿犀均应归入该种。我国第四纪的板齿犀与高加索板齿犀之间存在显著差异,表现在釉质层厚度较大但褶皱不够强烈、下颊齿的下后尖发育、颊齿冠面的前后径多数大于颊舌径、M3比M2小、M3后附尖欠发育,后脊与外脊已完全融合、上颊齿的齿脊更厚。此外,我国的板齿犀与西伯利亚板齿犀也有差异,后者的牙齿齿冠更高、无齿根、釉质层薄且褶皱强烈、上颊齿无后窝。最新地层研究表明,我国含板齿犀属的地层时代不晚于早更新世,且集中出现于下更新统。在晚新生代期间,犀牛在泥河湾盆地十分常见,先后出现过如下属种:大唇犀(Chilotherium sp.)(上新世)、裴氏板齿犀(Elasmotherium peii)(早更新世)、泥河湾披毛犀(Coelodonta nihowanensis)(早更新世)、梅氏犀Stephanorhinus kirchbergensis(早-中更新世)和真披毛犀(Coelodonta antiquitatis)(中-晚更新世)。  相似文献   

The Middle Miocene sediments of Maboko Island (Lake Victoria) in western Kenya yielded numerous avian bones, which remained, however, little studied. The significance of this material is shown by the recent identification of an opisthocomiform bird. In the present study, further avian remains from Maboko Island are described. Most of the specimens belong to aquatic or semi-aquatic groups, of which some are closely related to taxa known from Early and Middle Miocene European avifaunas, that is, Nectornis cormorants (N. africanus nov. sp.) and Laricola-like Laromorphae. The fossil material also includes Ciconiidae (cf. Ciconia), Pelecanidae, Phoenicopteridae (Leakeyornis aethiopicus), Musophagidae, and a species of Ardeidae, which closely resembles the taxon Pikaihao from the Early Miocene of New Zealand. Some avian remains from Maboko Island belong to higher-level taxa unknown from the Middle Miocene of Europe. The occurrence of a giant Jacanidae (?Nupharanassa mabokoensis nov. sp.) is of particular interest, because these are globally absent in extant avifaunas and were previously only known from the Late Eocene/Early Oligocene of Egypt. Further unknown from contemporaneous European sites are small representatives of Jacanidae, Bucerotidae, and Alcedinidae, with the fossils of the latter two taxa being among the earliest published records of their respective groups. Several of the taxa that are common in contemporaneous European avifaunas have not been found in Maboko, and in spite of less pronounced climatic differences, Middle Miocene Afrotropical avifaunas already appear to have been distinct from contemporaneous European ones.  相似文献   

Tao Deng 《Palaeontology》2004,47(6):1427-1439
A new species of the genus Alicornops, A. laogouense , from Laogou in Hezheng County, Linxia Basin, Gansu, China, is described. It is mid-sized in the subfamily Aceratheriinae, but is the largest known species of Alicornops . It represents the first discovery of the genus in Asia. The Middle Miocene fauna bearing A. laogouense is contemporaneous with the Dingjiaergou fauna of Tongxin, Ningxia, China, and its age corresponds to MN 6 in Europe. The discovery of A. laogouense in the Linxia Basin implies that Alicornops dispersed from Europe to Asia. During MN 6 times it was relatively widespread throughout Eurasia. Alicornops laogouense lived in open woodland rich in lakes and rivers.  相似文献   

Thick Cenozoic deposits in the Qaidam Basin provide great potential for understanding the tectonic history, paleoclimatic changes, and evolution of the East Asian Monsoon. This study examines the pollen record from the KC-1 core for the interval covering the later Early to Late Miocene (18–5 Ma). Thermophilic taxa percentages are high between 18 and 14 Ma and decrease after this time, a pattern which fits well with the Middle Miocene Climatic Optimum (MMCO) between 18 and 14 Ma and global climatic cooling after 14 Ma. During the same period, xerophytic taxa percentages gradually increase and those of the conifers gradually decrease, suggesting an aridification process in the Qaidam region driven by the gradual strengthening of the East Asian winter monsoon (EAWM) and weakening of the East Asian summer monsoon (EASM). The global climate cooling process appears to have driven the climatic development of the Qaidam Basin region throughout the Miocene, but the uplift of the Tibetan Plateau also contributed.  相似文献   

南海北部琼东南盆地BD-2井中新世地层沉积连续,是琼东南盆地中新统较典型的钻井剖面之一。该井中新世地层中含丰富的有孔虫化石,共鉴定有孔虫62属98种,其中浮游有孔虫13属41种,底栖有孔虫49属57种。根据有孔虫标志种及螺旋浮游有孔虫旋向优势度的变化,对该井的有孔虫生物地层进行了详细划分,从早中新世至晚中新世共识别出11个有孔虫化石带或联合化石带。探讨了下中新统与中中新统,中中新统与上中新统界线的有孔虫划分标志。依据有孔虫丰度、分异度及组合特征,讨论了BD-2井从早中新世至晚中新世沉积环境演化特征。  相似文献   

临夏盆地已知的大唇犀(Chilotherium属)共有3种,C.primigenius,C.anderssoni和C.wimani。其中,C.wimani是临夏盆地晚中新世三趾马动物群中的优势种类,在临夏盆地的柳树组中部和上部的各个化石地点均有出土,时代为晚中新世中期。该种下颌主要特征表现在联合部强烈地横向扩展和i2巨大且内刃上翻。本文所述标本为一件带畸形牙齿的C.wimani亚成年下颌,年龄约9岁,个体中等大小,其特征与C.anderssoni相差较大,而与C.wimani完全一致。其畸形之处表现在左、右两侧的p4为异常状态,并且在左侧还保留有dp4。左p4前后内外倒转,且下三角座仅为一锥形牙尖形态;右p4不仅内外反转,而且下三角座完全退失。这件标本从病因来看,左dp4的滞留很可能是左p4牙胚的不正常发育造成的,而左、右p4的畸形生长很可能是生物体遗传因素和营养不良共同造成的。C.wimani的数量庞大,种间和种内竞争都很激烈。牙齿的畸形影响了上下牙的咬合状况,在环境恶劣、竞争激烈的情况下,功能劣势是致命的。  相似文献   


The tribe Cricetodontini is a common cricetid group found in several European basins from the Miocene. Here we present a study of the fossils of this group found in the Duero Basin. We updated the biostratigraphical assignation of some of the localities in which several species of Cricetodontini have been found. Cricetodontini remains from eight localities from the central sector of the Duero Basin have been described, measured and assigned to a species. The presence in these localities of Hispanomys aguirrei, H. lavocati, H. nombrevillae and H. aragonensis has allowed correlating them to the biostratigraphic scale built for the Miocene in Calatayud-Daroca Basin, identifying biozones G3, H and I (MN7/8 – MN10, Late Aragonian – Early Vallesian, Middle – Late Miocene). Furthermore, this study constitutes the first citation of this species in this basin, except H. aguirrei, previously described in the Duero Basin. After this work, the biostratigraphical assignation of the studied sites is now well known. We evidenced the resemblance of Duero and Calatayud-Daroca basins.  相似文献   

Stable isotope analyses of 61 diagenetically unaltered belemnite rostra from the Middle to Late Jurassic of the Kachchh Basin of western India suggest stable paleotemperatures across the Callovian-Oxfordian boundary (~14°C). Only at the end of the Middle Oxfordian water temperatures drop for more than 3°C before reaching again higher values during the Kimmeridgian (~12.3°C). The data do not support polar glaciations proposed for the Middle to Late Jurassic transition, which necessarily would have led to a global temperature and sea-level minimum at the boundary. Callovian to Oxfordian rocks in the Kachchh Basin point to a gradual shallowing corresponding to a slight fall in relative sea level. However, the magnitude of this regression is comparatively small, and the sea-level minimum is reached in the late Early Oxfordian and not close to the boundary. Results from the Kachchh Basin therefore, imply almost stable climatic conditions during the Middle to Late Jurassic transition and do not show any evidence for polar glaciations.  相似文献   

An Early to Late Miocene sequence of rodent assemblages from southern France has been quantitatively studied. The resulting pattern seems very similar to a contemporary sequence from central Spain (Calatayud–Teruel Basin). The fossil mammal-bearing localities are of different types: mainly karst infills in France and localities situated in sedimentary basins in Spain. In order to interpret the fossil record, a comparison has been made between southern France faunas of similar age but collected in karst infills and in basin deposits. There seems to be no difference between the two kinds of faunas and thus there is no indication that karst infills systematically give a picture of drier and more open environments. Both types of localities may give a similar relative abundance of taxa and when differences exist they can be attributed to local conditions. The comparison between southern France and the Calatayud–Teruel Basin (central Spain) shows that: (1) similar trends occurred in the two areas; (2) differences between spectra were more important during the late Early Miocene than during the Middle Miocene; (3) the shift between the late Early Miocene and the Middle Miocene environments in southern France does not seem to be correlated with a general drop in temperatures as inferred from the analysis of central Spain faunas.  相似文献   

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