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树鼩毛发的亚显微结构比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文用透射电镜和扫描电镜对树鼩毛发和食虫目鼩鼱、灵长目懒猴等动物毛发的亚显微结构进行了比较研究,发现树鼩毛发和食虫目鼩鼱毛发的毛小皮形态和髓部亚显微结构存在明显差异;与灵长目懒猴等动物毛发比较,其结构亦各具特点。因而作者认为在种属关系上,应将树鼩单列一目为宜。  相似文献   

毛发微观结构研究的回顾与展望   总被引:29,自引:2,他引:27  
张伟  徐艳春 《兽类学报》2003,23(4):339-345
人类认识毛发微观结构的历史已经有160 余年, 显微技术的不断发展使得人们不仅搞清了毛发的基本结构,而且还将毛发结构特征的差异性与动物的种类、动物所受到的环境因子的影响、纺织行业和美发护发行业的具体应用联系起来。随着生物学领域高新技术的不断发展, 对于毛发微观形态学信息的发掘也将随之加深, 毛发微观结构研究在物种识别、功能与形态的关系以及纺织、美发护发等领域将得到更进一步的发展。  相似文献   

动物毛发异常对行为学研究的影响动物游泳试验被广泛的应用于研究啮齿类动物行为学研究。暴露于水中的动物毛发和皮肤是影响实验结果的重要因素。经过遗传修饰或药物处理过的实验动物,经常会出现毛发的异常。在对这些动物进行游泳试验时,就可能会影响到试验结果。芬兰的Kalueff AV等人为了探求毛发异常在动物强迫游泳试验中的作用,他们将129S1品系的实验小鼠脱毛并和未脱毛的小鼠对比它们在游泳中表现的不同。实验结果显示,脱毛小鼠在5分钟的强迫游泳实验中没有表现出与未脱毛小鼠有何不同之处,认为该品系的小鼠毛发改变对于游泳结果不是…  相似文献   

河南灵井许昌人遗址是我国近年来发掘的最为重要的古人类遗址之一。该遗址中出土了大量的石器、骨器、动物化石、粪便化石等遗存以及人类头盖骨化石等。我们对该遗址出土的鬣狗粪化石进行了类型学及其包含的微体化石等方面研究,从分析统计结果来看,鬣狗粪化石中包含了丰富的古信息,如古寄生虫卵、动物毛发、孢粉、植硅体、真菌等。本文主要针对鬣狗粪化石中古寄生虫卵及动物毛发进行分析,探讨了作为寄主鬣狗罹患的寄生虫病,以及鬣狗的食物来源等情况,为深入理解更新世晚期人类适应环境与气候提供新的证据。  相似文献   

角蛋白家族及其对羊毛生长发育的调控   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
角蛋白是动物毛发和羊毛纤维的主要成分,该文简要介绍角蛋白的结构、种类和生物学特性以及在毛发发育中的作用,为角蛋白在动物育种中的应用提供理论基础。  相似文献   

动物的白化主要是由于动物的黑色素细胞缺乏或者黑色素生成发生障碍所导致的一种体色异常现象。白化现象有完全白化和局部白化两种,部分白化指皮肤、毛发等的局部白化;完全白化是指由于完全缺少黑色素,皮肤和毛发白色,眼睛红色,可  相似文献   

近年来主要组织相容性复合体(MHC)基因已经成为保护遗传学和分子生态学重要的遗传标记.鹿科动物是很多生态系统中的关键物种,也包含很多重要的经济物种和濒危物种.因此,鹿科动物的MHC研究可为种群遗传结构、进化、遗传多样性和种群生存力评估、疾病风险评估、抗病力的定向选育等领域的研究提供新的视角.本文从MHC的基因组结构、多态性,与抗病、抗寄生虫的关系,与鹿角生长的关系等方面,综述了20年来鹿科动物MHC的研究成果,并为今后的研究提出了思路.  相似文献   

方伟伟  于顺利 《生态学杂志》2013,32(8):2238-2244
总结了果实生态学的概念及主要研究内容,对国内外的果实生态学研究领域的进展进行了综述,分析了这些研究尚存在的不足之处,并指出了未来研究的科学问题.迄今为止,果实生态学在果实与种子的关系、果实颜色与环境、果实化学成分与环境、群落果实构成式样的地理分布特征、果实及食果动物的协同进化等方面已经取得了若干进展.果实重量谱等物理性状的空间分异格局及机理、果实化学成分的时空变异格局、果实类型的组成式样及大尺度地理分布格局及其机制的探讨、果实传播与食果动物的协同进化等是未来亟待开展的工作.  相似文献   

马鹿东北亚种被毛形态结构的季节性差异   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
金辛  张伟  金煜 《兽类学报》2005,25(4):414-416
被毛作为哺乳动物特有的组织,具有保护和保温功能,一些季节性换毛动物需要通过更换被毛以适应冬季和夏季的不同环境(王泽长,1963;景松岩和张伟,1993)。因此,研究动物被毛结构与功能的季节性特征,对揭示被毛在物种生存和进化过程中的作用具有重要意义(张伟和徐艳春,2003)。对毛的结构多态性和功能多样性研究是国际毛发形态学研究中的前沿领域(Yalden,1985;Gaudette,1985;syred,1991;甘雅玲和郭中伟,2003;张伟和徐艳春,2003)。以往的毛发形态学研究多限于反映物种的特异性,并应用于分类鉴别方面(朱小曼,1987;张伟,1994;金煜,1995)。在强调毛发结构物种特异性的同时,忽略或淡化了其变异性,更缺少对结构和功能关系的研究。马鹿东北亚种(Cervus elaphus xanthopygus)为季节性换毛动物,绒毛退化,其被毛主要由上毛构成。本选择马鹿东北亚种的冬季和夏季上毛作为研究对象,初步测量了冬季和夏季其臀部、后肢上部、后肢下部及蹄部上毛的形态和微观结构数据,比较其季节性差异和部位差异。  相似文献   

角蛋白是广泛存在于羽毛及毛发中的难溶性蛋白质。角蛋白酶可以催化角蛋白的降解,在畜牧、皮革加工、医疗等领域中具有较大的应用价值与潜力。近年来,研究人员对角蛋白酶的来源、分类、结构、功能优化等方面进行了大量的研究,并取得了很多成果,为角蛋白酶的商业化应用提供了很好的基础。本文综述了角蛋白酶结构、功能、应用等方面的研究进展,并提出了今后的研究方向。  相似文献   

1. Guarded hot plate technique was used to measure thermal conductance of winter, summer and sheared pelts of Lama guanicoe.

2. Mean thermal conductance of winter and summer pelage was 1.64 W/m2 °C and 1.79 W/m2 °C, respectively.

3. Mean heat loss in natural pelage, in free convection conditions was 1.74 W/m2 °C and 2.3 W/m2 °C in sheared pelts.

4. From our results, there is seasonal moult in guanacos.  相似文献   

After transfer into a short daylight regimen, the brownish summer pelage of the Djungarian hamster (Phodopus sungorus) changes into the whitish winter phenotype. Although changes in serum prolactin levels are identified as the initiating hormonal signal, morphological data about molting in that species are sparse. The aim of this study was to characterize in detail the summer and winter pelage of the Djungarian hamster and to analyze the alterations in the skin and pelage induced by photoperiodic changes. The main difference between summer and winter hair types is the pattern of pigmentation. In contrast to other mammalian species showing seasonal changes, the winter coat of the Djungarian hamster is not characterized by an increase in hair density. Molting patches were observed at all times, even in the winter coat, showing that the light regimen does not control the process of molting itself but the pattern of pigmentation and eventually the loss of hair during the single molting wave.  相似文献   

Winter severity is a primary factor influencing deer survival and reproduction in northern climates. Prolonged, harsh winters can adversely affect body condition of does, resulting in depressed morphologic development of neonates. In this study, we captured 59 white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) neonates (28 in 2001 and 31 in 2002), following two distinctly different winters, one severe and the other historically mild. Vaginal implant transmitters allowed exact age to be determined for 73% of the neonates; new hoof growth was used to estimate age (days) of the other 27%. Birthdate and morphologic measurements of neonates (i.e., birth mass, new hoof growth, hoof length) were compared by sex and capture year. For known-age neonates (n=43), there was a year-by-sex interaction effect (P=0.01) on birthdate, being later for females during spring 2001 compared with 2002, which was consistent with a significant (P=0.03) year-by-sex interaction for total hoof length (22.3 mm [SE=0.9] and 20.3 [SE=0.8] for females and males in 2001; 19.9 [SE=1.0] and 22.1 [SE=1.0] for females and males in 2002). Interestingly, there was no effect of year on birth mass or birthdate of known-age neonates. A year-by-sex interaction (P=0.04) was determined for birthdates of estimated age (5 yr old were born later (P<0.01) than fawns born to dams 相似文献   

Abstract Several species of Arctic mammals have brown hair in the summer and molt into a white pelage in the winter. It is unknown whether characteristics other than color of the hair also change during the color transition between seasons. We borrowed guard hair samples from museums to represent summer and winter pelages of five species: Alopex lagopus (Arctic fox), Lepus americanus (snowshoe hare), Lepus Arcticus (Arctic hare), Mustela erminea (ermine) and Mustela nivalis (least weasel). Micro-structural differences exist between the brown and white hairs. In general, white winter hairs had larger upper shaft medullas comprising more air-filled cells and smaller lower shafts. These structural changes may function in conservation of heat or in increasing light reflection to whiten the fur and aid as camouflage. © 1997 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.  相似文献   

荆璞  张伟  华彦  刘微 《生态学报》2013,33(16):5126-5131
为了解松鼠东北亚种(Sciurus vulgaris manchuricus)秋季换毛期的被毛性状与保温性能变化的关系,选取2011年9月25日至12月15日期间采集的在哈尔滨室内人工养殖的27张雌性松鼠东北亚种生皮为材料,对背臀部毛皮样本进行传热性能测试,同时对该部位的披针毛、绒毛的长度和毛根出现无髓样本比例进行测量计算。结果表明:1)随着秋季换毛期的时间后移,新生冬毛长度不断增加,毛皮传热系数不断减小。当被毛生长结束时,保温性能达到恒定。2)披针毛长度、绒毛长度、披针毛毛根无髓段比例、绒毛毛根无髓段比例这4个被毛性状因子两两呈极显著正相关(P<0.01),且此4个性状因子皆与毛皮传热系数呈极显著负相关(P<0.01)。以上反映了在气温渐冷的秋季换毛期每时间阶段被毛的长度、生长程度、保温性能的具体变化及相互关系。  相似文献   

Temperate and boreal mammals undergo seasonal changes in pelage that facilitate thermoregulation in winter and summer. We investigated photoperiodic influences on pelage characteristics of male Siberian and Syrian hamsters. Fur density (mg fur/cm2 skin) was measured by weighing the shavings of fur patches removed from the dorsal and ventral surfaces of hamsters maintained in long days (LDs) or transferred to short days (SDs). Patches were reshaved 3 wk later to assess fur regrowth (mg regrown fur/cm2 skin). Fur density was greater in SD than in LD Siberian hamsters after 11 wk of differential phototreatment. The onset of increased fur density in SDs was accompanied by a transient increase in fur regrowth (11-14 wk on the dorsal surface and 7-10 and 11-14 wk on the ventral surface), suggestive of a seasonal molting process. Fur density, body mass, and pelage color of Siberian hamsters returned to values characteristic of LD males after a similar duration of prolonged (>27 wk) SD treatment and appear to be regulated by a similar or common interval-timing mechanism. In Syrian hamsters, dorsal fur density, fur regrowth, and hair lengths were greater in SD than in LD males. Castration increased and testosterone (T) treatment decreased dorsal and ventral fur regrowth in LD and SD hamsters, but the effects of T manipulations on fur density were limited to a decrease in dorsal fur density after T treatment. Decreased circulating T in SDs likely contributes to the seasonal molt of male hamsters by increasing the rate of fur growth during the transition to the winter pelage.  相似文献   

 We investigated the effects of cohort, sex, litter size and time of birth on birth weights and postnatal growth rates of roe deer fawns in a highly reproductive Norwegian population. By repeatedly recapturing radio-collared individuals, a total of 950 weights were obtained from 231 fawns of known age. In accordance with earlier studies, there was a period of linear growth during the first month following birth. Mean postnatal growth rates of 155 g/day are the highest yet recorded for roe deer; however, the mean birth weights of fawns were lower than those reported from populations in continental Europe. During the period of linear growth, we found no sex differences. However, growth rates were affected both by time of birth and litter size; fawns born early had lower growth rates than fawns born during or after the peak calving period, and fawns in triplet – groups had lower growth rates than either fawns in twin – groups or single fawns. Despite a fourfold increase in population density during the study, this factor was not able to explain variation in postnatal growth rates, although cohort effects on birth weight were evident. Received: 13 May 1996 / Accepted: 26 June 1996  相似文献   

王颖  孙长虹  张伟 《生态学报》2015,35(17):5623-5631
被毛在哺乳动物适应性进化过程中执行保温和保护两个重要功能,其形态结构上存在的功能适应性特征因所处的部位不同而表现出适应性分化现象,由动物体躯干至四肢末端呈显著的梯度变化。以黑龙江省通河林区黄鼬东北亚种(Mustela sibirica manchurica)冬季雌雄成体各10只完整毛皮对象,研究了背中部、腹中部和后肢下部3个部位的直针毛、披针毛、绒针毛、绒毛,以及后趾部硬毛的被毛性状因子,统计分析表明:通河林区黄鼬相同身体部位4种类型毛的长度和细度指标均为直针毛披针毛绒针毛绒毛,相同部位4种类型毛长度的相关性极显著,直针毛细度与披针毛细度相关性极显著(P0.01),绒针毛细度与绒毛细度相关性极显著(P0.01),这种特征使得被毛在整体结构上为实施保温和保护功能奠定基础;同时,黄鼬被毛各性状的保温功能从背部向后趾部呈递减趋势,而保护功能则呈现递增趋势,被毛形态结构性状上的分化与动物机体异温性充分结合,对于黄鼬适应寒冷的森林生态环境具有重要意义。  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of the year of birth (cohort effect), sex and birth date on the variations observed in birth weight and postnatal growth rate in 209 newborn fawns marked during eight consecutive fawning seasons from a highly productive roe deer population under good nutritional conditions. Roe deer exhibited a fast body development with a birth weight of 1628 g and a postnatal growth rate of 139 g/day constant over the first 20 days of their life. As previously reported for dimorphic and polygynous ungulates, there was a marked cohort effect on the rate of body development. This variability was partly explained by climatic conditions during late gestation. When fewer than 5 days with rainfall over 5 mm occurred in April, fawns were heavier. High temperatures during April and during the winter could also be involved in fast body development of roe deer fawns. Sex of fawn did not affect roe deer growth pattern. This was expected on the basis of low sexual dimorphism in size and low polygyny level characteristic of roe deer. Lastly, the date of birth did not affect the body development of roe deer fawns. High constancy of mean birth dates and high synchrony of births observed in this population could account for this result.  相似文献   

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