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新疆东部托克逊马鞍桥剖面桑树园组下部灰岩段的顶部发育了刺毛-珊瑚礁,通过对礁体及其上下地层的■类和牙形刺研究,可识别出■类3属14种,以属Eostaffella-Eostaffellina-Pseudostaffella组合为特征;牙形刺2属2种:Idiognathoides corrugatus和Idiognathodus sp.。■类Pseudostaffella antiqua,P.conspecta和P.paracompressa extensa的出现指示桑树园组灰岩段顶部相当于上石炭统滑石板阶上部,属于■类Pseudostaffella composite-P.paracompressa带。牙形刺Idiognathoides corrugatus和Idiognathodus sp.是晚石炭世巴什基尔期常见分子,对应上石炭统罗苏阶上部至滑石板阶上部。综合上述■类和牙形刺生物地层,可以确定桑树园组刺毛-珊瑚礁的时代为巴什基尔期中期(滑石板阶上部)。本文刺毛-珊瑚礁时代的确定可以为石炭纪中期生物灭绝/更替事件之后后生动物礁的复苏演化提供新认识。  相似文献   

塔里木板块塔中Ⅰ号坡折带附近上奥陶统良里塔格组取芯井段中可识别多种生物礁灰岩类型,包括珊瑚骨架/障积岩、海绵骨架/绑结岩、苔藓虫绑结岩、钙藻障积岩、钙质菌藻障积/绑结岩等礁灰岩类,藉此可归纳出珊瑚礁、珊瑚-钙藻礁、层孔虫礁、层孔虫-钙藻礁、珊瑚-层孔虫-钙藻礁、苔藓虫礁丘、钙藻礁丘、灰泥丘和微生物礁等生物建造单元。这些礁体的时空分布模式与古环境分异相关联,纵向上具有灰泥丘向珊瑚-层孔虫-钙藻礁至苔藓虫礁丘和钙藻礁的群落结构更替趋势;空间分布则向台地北缘,即I号坡折带延伸显示由低能带灰泥丘向高能带珊瑚-层孔虫-钙藻礁的相变,而且高能带珊瑚-层孔虫-钙藻主体礁和环其周缘相对低能带的钙藻礁丘、灰泥丘等在一定范围内构成造礁群落结构分异。  相似文献   

桂林北郊灵川县岩山大村剖面和乌龟山剖面为中泥盆世吉维期沉积,其沉积构造、生物组成、微相序列反映出生物礁的特点,大量层孔虫为造礁的主要生物,其生长形式为:(1)厚板状;(2)半球状和穹窿状;(3)大型柱状和不规则状;(4)披覆状或薄板状。珊瑚有3层,或作为礁基,或参加造礁,前者为单体珊瑚,后者为复体珊瑚。刺毛虫主要为根茎状,常被层孔虫包统,也是造礁的主要生物。藻类生物很少。横向上可以分出礁核相,礁后相和礁前斜坡相。主要的微相类型有13种,纵向上可以识别出两个造礁旋回,从礁基-珊瑚、层孔虫礁-礁后外带-礁后内带,两个造礁旋回之上为礁坪所覆。根据礁的规模、礁体与上下沉积物的关系、礁生物组成的变化和古地理位置的讨论推测为一岸礁体系。  相似文献   

塔里木中央隆起区中2井位于塔中南坡台缘带,上奥陶统凯迪阶良里塔格组频繁出现浅水粒屑滩沉积,以及由蓝藻、钙藻兼以少量珊瑚、苔藓虫等造礁生物以不等含量分别构成生物障积或粘结型礁灰岩,棘皮类、腕足类和三叶虫等壳相生物碎屑丰富。可分出数层典型的生物礁、滩组合序列,总体显示为原地生长和近源搬运的生物礁滩复合体建造。环境的动能条件略有变化,但皆属浪基面之上的沉积深度。礁、滩储层形成模式主要受于沉积相带、成岩改造的控制,储层以生屑灰岩、藻粘结灰岩、障积灰岩及砂屑灰岩为主,储集空间类型包括次生溶蚀孔隙、晶洞与裂缝,同时伴随少量的白云岩化作用,且孔隙以深埋藏溶蚀成因为主,次生胶结作用也十分强烈,礁相储层潜力好于滩相。  相似文献   

塔里木板块中央隆起区的塔中低隆带上奥陶统凯迪阶良里塔格组礁相群落是晚奥陶世生物礁演化阶段的例证。该组分为5个岩性段。塔中16井区位于塔中Ⅰ号断裂坡折带向台地内部延伸的缓坡区,海水深度和水流能量显著控制碳酸盐岩的岩相分布。良里塔格组所赋存的典型动物格架礁集中于台地边缘的高能区,而塔中16井区不属于大型动物格架礁建造的富集区域,其早期多以低能带沉积为主,特别是塔中16井和塔中166井灰泥坪常见;晚期常见高能滩相和灰泥丘以及近礁沉积,可划归为台缘坡折带大型格架礁建造向台内的延伸区,这里的水深和能量变化更频繁。偏西北的井在良二段沉积之后抬升较早,东南的塔中161井则保存部分良一段沉积。  相似文献   

桂林北郊灵川县岩山大村剖面和乌龟山剖面为中泥盆世吉维期沉积,其沉积构造、生物组成、微相序列反映出生物礁的特点,大量层孔虫为造礁的主要生物,其生长形式为:(1)厚板状;(2)半球状和穹窿状;(3)大型柱状和不规则状;(4)披覆状或薄板状。珊瑚有3层,或作为礁基,或参加造礁,前者为单体珊瑚,后者为复体珊瑚。刺毛虫主要为根茎状,常被层孔虫包统,也是造礁的主要生物。藻类生物很少。横向上可以分出礁核相,礁后相和礁前斜坡相。主要的微相类型有13种,纵向上可以识别出两个造礁旋回,从礁基-珊瑚、层孔虫礁-礁后外带-礁后内带,两个造礁旋回之上为礁坪所覆。根据礁的规模、礁体与上下沉积物的关系、礁生物组成的变化和古地理位置的讨论推测为一岸礁体系。  相似文献   

山东泰安东平寒武系馒头组徐庄阶顶部的Bailiella lantenoisi带内发现了一种完整保存的球接子类三叶虫Peronopsis rotundatus Ergaliev,1980,这是该种在中国的首次发现,也是首次在原产地哈萨克斯坦之外被发现。该种的发现为华北地区这一时期较为单调的球接子类群增加了新成员,证明具有类似形态特征的Peronopsis同一类群曾在同一时期在全球广泛的出现。该种的发现也为Bailiella lantenoisi带与国际寒武系第三统第五阶顶部Ptychagnostus gibbus带的对比提供了新证据。  相似文献   

黔东北石阡志留系兰多维列统埃隆阶上部的雷家屯组属灰岩和碎屑岩混合相,其分布限于滇黔桂古陆以北离岸几十千米范围内的浅海区。出露于枫香铺子沟、雷家屯、白沙龙口—筷子山、白沙均田和本庄岩门的5个剖面存在生物-沉积相的差异性。铺沟村粉砂岩—泥岩含量高于灰岩,达到4∶1,壳相化石丰度最低且无生物礁滩灰岩沉积;其它4个剖面的碎屑岩—灰岩比例约1∶1,雷家屯壳相化石最丰富,上部出现米级厚度的珊瑚-层孔虫点礁;筷子山剖面的雷家屯组下部开始出现雏形礁,之上的礁核灰岩现已被剥蚀掉,但从礁基的菲利普构造和礁翼塌积岩推测,点礁的正向隆起规模是很明显的;均田剖面仅出露雷家屯组上部约7m的地层,多为粉砂岩和生屑灰岩薄层;岩门剖面多为薄层细颗粒生屑滩相灰岩,近顶部出现钙质微生物形成的叠层石。偏西剖面的雷家屯组顶部展现侵蚀面、泥裂等现象,是桐梓上升期海底暴露的证据,唯有最靠东的铺沟村雷家屯组顶部未见暴露标志,与之上马脚冲组呈整合接触。  相似文献   

大亚湾人工鱼礁附着生物的初步研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
1988年8月至1989年7月在大亚湾鱼礁区进行附着生物调查研究,记录79种生物,大约有82.7%的生物种类是鱼礁区鱼虾的饵料生物(包括35种不带壳和32种带壳的饵料生物),有17.3%的生物种类为非饵料生物。礁区附着生物种类多,附着量大,生长迅速,投礁半年后100%被生物覆盖,附着厚度30mm,附着量达17.487kg/m~2。礁区生物一年四季都能繁殖附着,主要附着期4—10月,高峰期7、8、9三个月,是投礁的最佳时间。  相似文献   

钙质海锦之古生态   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
古生代生物礁中钙质海绵(纤维海绵、房室海绵、硬海绵)的生态位在中三叠世以后被生态竞争能力更强的六射珊瑚所占据。在古生代和中三叠世的钙质海绵礁上,0-10m深度内钙质海绵很发育。由于与钙藻共生,典型的造礁钙质海绵生活在透光带以内,并且在其上部更丰富。钙质海绵礁也会生长到破浪带内并受风浪的破坏而形成倒骨岩和骨屑岩。对古生代的钙质海绵礁而言,倒骨岩和骨屑岩形成于0-3m水深范围内,亮晶骨架岩形成于3-1  相似文献   

为探明浙北近岸典型岛礁瓦氏马尾藻(Sargassum vachellianum)的空间分布格局, 于2016年5月底至6月初, 分别采用走航观察和水下样方法, 对按离岸距离远近的3条岛礁带上12个岛礁瓦氏马尾藻成藻时期的分布特征进行了调查, 并从不同空间尺度比较分析了3条岛礁带上瓦氏马尾藻在水平和垂直分布上的差异。结果表明: (1)在地区尺度上, 高浊度和高波浪能的水域环境限制了瓦氏马尾藻的分布与生长, 导致浙北近岸的瓦氏马尾藻仅分布在第二条岛礁带这一狭窄的分布带上。依据瓦氏马尾藻最低适宜生长水温要高于10 ℃的特性, 我们可以推断出舟山群岛的绿华岛可能是我国特有种瓦氏马尾藻分布的最北部端线。(2)在站点尺度上, 岛礁东南向瓦氏马尾藻定生密度明显低于西北向, 这与调查站位所受风浪影响的方位和强度相一致。在第二岛礁带上的4个岛礁北向瓦氏马尾藻的平均株高仅为26.3 cm, 说明瓦氏马尾藻不适宜在高波浪能生境中生存。(3)在站点尺度内, 第二岛礁带上浊度最低的北渔山岛瓦氏马尾藻有较大的垂直分布范围, 且定生深度达到了6.4 m, 而浊度高的近岸岛礁瓦氏马尾藻垂直分布范围较小。瓦氏马尾藻株高随着水深的增加而逐渐降低, 由此推测, 瓦氏马尾藻虽不能耐受强光, 但光照对瓦氏马尾藻的分布生长起重要作用。与同海区铜藻的垂直分布格局相比, 瓦氏马尾藻具有一定适应高浊度、高沉积物环境的能力。因此, 在浙北近岸海域瓦氏马尾藻是较适合进行生态移植修复的种类。  相似文献   

The origin of Jurassic reefs: Current research developments and results   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary In order to elucidate the control of local, regional and global factors on occurrence, distribution and character of Jurassic reefs, reefal settings of Mid and Late Jurassic age from southwestern Germany, Iberia and Romania were compared in terms of their sedimentological (including diagenetic), palaeoecological, architectural, stratigraphic and sequential aspects. Upper Jurassic reefs of southern Germany are dominated by siliceous sponge—microbial crust automicritic to allomicritic mounds. During the Oxfordian these form small to large buildups, whereas during the Kimmeridgian they more frequently are but marginal parts of large grain-dominated massive buildups. Diagenesis of sponge facies is largely governed by the original composition and fabric of sediments. The latest Kimmeridgian and Tithonian spongiolite development is locally accompanied by coral facies, forming large reefs on spongiolitic topographic elevations or, more frequently, small meadows and patch reefs within bioclastic to oolitic shoal and apron sediments. New biostratigraphic results indicate a narrower time gap between Swabian and Franconian coral development than previously thought. Palynostratigraphy and mineralostratigraphy partly allow good stratigraphic resolution also in spongiolitic buildups, and even in dolomitised massive limestones. Spongiolite development of the Bajocian and Oxfordian of eastern Spain shares many similarities. They are both dominated by extensive biostromal development which is related to hardground formation during flooding events. The Upper Jurassic siliceous sponge facies from Portugal is more localised, though more differentiated, comprising biostromal, mudmound and sponge-thrombolite as well as frequent mixed coral-sponge facies. The Iberian Upper Jurassic coral facies includes a great variety of coral reef and platform types, a pattern which together with the analysis of coral associations reflects the great variability of reefal environments. Microbial reefs ranging from coralrich to siliceous sponge-bearing to pure thrombolites frequently developed at different water depths. Reef corals even thrived within terrigeneous settings. In eastern Romania, small coral reefs of various types as well as larger siliceous sponge-microbial crust mounds grew contemporaneously during the Oxfordian, occupying different bathymetric positions on a homoclinal ramp. Application of sequence stratigraphic concepts demonstrates that onset or, in other cases, maximum development of reef growth is related to sea level rise (transgressions and early highstand) which caused a reduction in allochthonous sedimentation. The connection of reef development with low background sedimentation is corroborated by the richness of reefs in encrusting organisms, borers and microbial crusts. Microbial crusts and other automicrites can largely contribute to the formation of reef rock during allosedimentary hiatuses. However, many reefs could cope with variable, though reduced, rates of background sedimentation. This is reflected by differences in faunal diversities and the partial dominance of morphologically adapted forms. Besides corals, some sponges and associated brachiopods show distinct morphologies reflecting sedimentation rate and substrate consistency. Bathymetry is another important factor in the determination of reefal composition. Not only a generally deeper position of siliceous sponge facies relative to coral facies, but also further bathymetric differentiation within both facies groups is reflected by changes in the composition, diversity and, partly, morphology of sponges, corals, cementing bivalves and microencrusters. Criteria such as authigenic glauconite, dysaerobic epibentic bivalves,Chondrites burrows or framboidal pyrite in the surrounding sediments of many Upper Jurassic thrombolitic buildups suggest that oxygen depletion excluded higher reefal metazoans in many of these reefs. Their position within shallowing-upwards successions and associated fauna from aerated settings show that thrombolitic reefs occurred over a broad bathymetric area, from moderately shallow to deep water. Increases in the alkalinity of sea water possibly enhanced calcification. Reefs were much more common during the Late Jurassic than during the older parts of this period. Particularly the differences between the Mid and Late Jurassic frequencies of reefs can be largely explained by a wider availability of suitable reef habitats provided by the general sea level rise, rather than by an evolutionary radiation of reef biota. The scarcity of siliceous sponge reefs on the tectonically more active southern Tethyan margin as well as in the Lusitanian Basin of west-central Portugal reflects the scarcity of suitable mid to outer ramp niches. Coral reefs occurred in a larger variety of structural settings. Upper Jurassic coral reefs partly grew in high latitudinal areas suggesting an equilibrated climate. This appears to be an effect of the buffering capacity of high sea level. These feedback effects of high sea level also may have reduced oceanic circulation particularly during flooding events of third and higher order, which gave rise to the development of black shales and dysaerobic thrombolite reefs. Hence, the interplay of local, regional and global factors caused Jurassic reefs to be more differentiated than modern ones, including near-actualistic coral reefs as well as non-actualistic sponge and microbial reefs.  相似文献   

Summary The roles of Permian colonial corals in forming organic reefs have not been adequately assessed, although they are common fossils in the Permian strata. It is now known that colonial corals were important contributors to reef framework during the middle and late Permian such as those in South China, northeast Japan, Oman and Thailand. A coral reef occurs in Kanjia-ping, Cili County, Hunan, South China. It is formed by erect and unscathed colonies ofWaagenophyllum growing on top of one anotherin situ to form a baffle and framework. Paleontological data of the Cili coral reef indicates a middle to late Changhsing age (Late Permian), corresponding to thePalaeofusulina zone. The coral reef exposure extends along the inner platform margin striking in E-S direction for nearly 4 km laterally and generally 35 to 57 m thick. The Cili coral reef exhibits a lateral differentiation into three main reef facies; reef core facies, fore-reef facies, and marginal slope facies. The major reef-core facies is well exposed in Shenxian-wan and Guanyin-an sections where it rests on the marginal slope facies. Colonial corals are dispersed and preserved in non-living position easward. Sponges become major stabilizing organisms in the eastern part of Changhsing limestone outcrop in Kanjia-ping, but no read sponge reefs were formed. Coral reefs at Cili County in Human are different distinctly from calcisponge reefs in South China in their palaeogeography, lithofacies development, organic constitutuents, palaeoecology and diagenesis. The Cili coral reef also shows differences in age, depositional facies association, reef organisms and diagenesis from coral reefs in South Kitakami of Japan, Khorat Plateau of Thailand, and Saih Hatat of Oman. Although some sponge reefs and mounds can reach up to the unconformable Permian/Triassic boundary, coral reef at Kanjia-ping, Cili County, is the latest Permian reef known. This reef appears to had been formed in a palaeoenvironment that is different from that of the sponge reefs and provides an example of new and unique Permian reef type in South China, and could help us to: 1) understand the significance of colonial corals in Permian carbonate buildups; 2) evaluate the importance of coral community evolution prior to the collapse of reef ecosystems at the Permian/Triassic boundary; 3) better understand the effects of the biotic extinction events in Palaeotethys realm; 4) look for environmental factors that may have controlled reefs through time and space, and 5) provide valuable data for the study of Permian palaeoclimate and global evolutionary changes of Permian reefs and reef community.  相似文献   

中国第四纪哺乳动物地理区划   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
中国第四纪哺乳动物地理区可划分为古北界的北方区及其东北亚区,属东洋界的南方区及其东部位于二者之间的过渡区。南北两个区系的雏型早已出现,但非常明确而具体,且涉及到几乎各主要哺乳动物目主要始于更新世的早期,北方区与南方区的分异在中更新世已基本稳定,其界线大约位于秦岭山嵴。晚更新世时,南北之间的界线从秦岭的某个地段转向南,沿阿坝若尔盖等地青藏高原的东缘而下,从而为现代动物地理区系的形成奠定了基础。东部过  相似文献   

安徽石台下、中奥陶统紫台组的牙形刺   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
下、中奥陶统紫台组以紫红色泥质灰岩、瘤状泥质灰岩为特征,具有稳定的空间分布范围,沿扬子台地东南缘呈条带状分布,与扬子台地上发育的湄潭组、大湾组等大致同期。作者研究了安徽石台栗阳柳树亭剖面紫台组的牙形刺,共描述19属23种,识别出四个牙形刺带,从下至上分别是Oepikodus evae带、Baltoniodus triangularis带、Baltoniodus navis带和Paroistodus originalis带,并可与同期笔石带对比。除扬子区外,紫台组还可与欧洲、阿根廷前科迪勒拉等地区的同期地层对比。  相似文献   

海南岛保亭县毛感乡南兵至南好公路边南好组以往被确认为下石炭统岩关阶 ,并认为与其下的上志留统足赛岭组呈角度不整合接触。著者最近在该剖面南好组中发现兰多维列世特里奇期晚期 (LateTelychian)Xi nanospirifer腕足动物群和三叶虫Latiproetuscf.latilimbatus,证明久归于下石炭统岩关阶南好组的地质时代应改归于早志留世 (Llandoverian) ;海南岛地区在早志留世明显属于扬子地台区的范畴 ;从地质时间上还暗示南好组与其下伏的足赛岭组不可能存在角度不整合接触 ;  相似文献   

Summary A carbonate buildup near the top of the Upper Jurassic limestone sequence in the Cracow area with a rigid framework built ofTubiphytes and thrombolites, and some fragments of encrusted siliceous sponges and serpules is described. The limestones form a dome-like elevation at the eastern wall of a 15 m high quarry flanked on both sides by stratified limestones with cherts. Six microfacies have been distinguished within the buildup: (1)Tubiphytes/thrombolite boundstone and (2) bioclasticTubiphytes/thrombolite wackestone dominate in the central and bottom part of the buildup. They gradually replace the cyanobacterial crusts and siliceous sponges (3. sponge-algal boundstone), which are sporadically the rock-forming elements in the basal part of the buildup as well as the top. Serpules randomly distributed within the buildup also form small cm-sized structures with a rigid framework (4. serpula-peloid boundstone). (5) tuberoid-peloid wackestone/floatstone and (6) ooid intraclastic grainstone exhibit no significant distributional pattern. Bioclastic-peloidal packstone comprising material derived from the destruction of the buildup occurs in the highest part of the outcrop, overlying the buildup. The sediments of the buildup were subject to rapid lithification, evidence by borings and neptunian microdykes filled with internal sediments, as well as by fracturedTubiphytes. Numerous petrographic features indicate probable episodic emergence of the buildup during its growth; these include asymmetric dissolution textures, asymmetric cements, vadose crystal silt and calcite pseudomorphs after gypsum. Upper Oxfordian carbonate buildups in the Cracow area display various stages of evolution. The carbonate buildup in Mydlniki most closely resembles classical Upper Jurassic reefs.  相似文献   

? Premise of the Study: Calocedrus is among the genera with a typical eastern Asian-western North American disjunct distribution today. The origin of its modern distribution pattern can be better understood by examining its fossil record. ? Methods: The present article reports for the first time a new fossil species of this genus based on compressed material from the Oligocene Ningming Formation of Guangxi, South China, in its present major distribution area in eastern Asia. ? Key Results: Calocedrus huashanensis sp. nov. is most similar to the two extant eastern Asian species, C. macrolepis and C. formosana, in gross morphology of foliage shoots and bears a close resemblance to the latter in cuticle structure. It shows a general similarity to the North American fossil representatives of the genus in alternately branched foliage shoots but is clearly different from the European Paleogene species characterized by oppositely branched leafy shoots. ? Conclusions: This discovery provides new evidence for the floristic exchange of this genus between eastern Asia and North America before the Oligocene (most likely in the Eocene), presumably via the Bering land bridge. The flattened leafy shoots and dimorphic leaves with thin cuticle, open stomatal pits, and shallowly sunken guard cells of the present fossils suggest a rather humid climate during the Oligocene in the Ningming area, South China.  相似文献   

Margachitina margaritana is a distinctive, chain-forming chitinozoan taxon of the uppermost Telychian Stage (Llandovery Series) to lower Homerian Stage (Wenlock Series). M. margaritana is shown to be the end member of a morphological lineage that developed from Calpichitina densa via the intermediate Margachitina banwyensis sp. nov. A local M. banwyensis Biozone, which correlates with the upper lapworthi graptolite Biozone, is proposed for the Banwy River section. The morphological lineage described provides a tool for the enhanced subdivision of the uppermost Llandovery Series, which may prove global in extent. This research suggests also that the base of the Wenlock Series may correlate with a level below the centrifugus graptolite Biozone and it also brings into question the systematic status of Calpichitina and Margachitina, although both genera are retained herein.  相似文献   

Studies carried out for more than 10 years by the Task Group to establish GSSPs at the base of the Moscovian–Kasimovian and Kasimovian–Gzhelian boundaries have resulted in the proposal that the level at which the conodont species Idiognathodus simulator (Ellison, 1941) first appears be selected to mark the base of the Gzhelian Stage. This expands this eastern European chronostratigraphic unit to a global scale.I. simulator (sensu Barrick et al., 2008) has been identified so far in Midcontinent and eastern North America, the Moscow and Donets basins and southern Urals of eastern Europe, and in south-central China. Correlation of this level based on this species and other conodont species can be reinforced in some areas by ammonoid and fusulinid data.  相似文献   

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