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【目的】筛选Pseudomonas sp.SE83 acy Ⅱ定点饱和突变库,获得动力学稳定性提高的头孢菌素C(CPC)酰化酶突变体,并对突变酶进行初步的结构-功能关系分析。【方法】靶标酶Pseudomonas sp.SE83 acy Ⅱ与Pseudomonas diminuta N176具有较高的同源性,通过分析N176的结构B因子,构建CPC酰化酶SE83定点饱和突变库;基于pH指示剂显色法,采用Biomek FX~P自动工作站建立CPC酰化酶高通量筛选方法,获得优良突变酶,对其活性、稳定性等酶学性质进行表征;利用SWISS-MODEL对突变体进行同源建模,探讨突变体结构与功能的关系。【结果】通过B因子分析和同源结构比对,共找出9个靶标位点;经过3轮筛选,发现R218及K226位点突变显著提高酶的热稳定性,其中最显著的R218Q和K226V在40°C的半衰期分别为野生型的3.77和2.77倍,催化效率k_(cat)/K_m分别为野生型的1.8和3.1倍。同源建模分析表明氢键作用和疏水相互作用的增加可能是突变体稳定性提高的原因。【结论】B因子指导的酶分子改造是一种高效可靠的动力学稳定性改造策略,突变体R218Q和K226V均可提高CPC酰化酶的稳定性和催化效率,对进一步的CPC酰化酶分子改造具有一定的参考价值和指导意义。  相似文献   

【目的】目前自然环境中聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯(polyethylene terephthalate, PET)废弃物的积累严重威胁生态健康,因此PET的降解问题已成为全球性的热点问题。生物酶法降解PET技术以其绿色环保而备受关注,但天然PET降解酶的催化活性普遍偏低,亟待进一步定向改造。现阶段定向进化为快速提高PET降解酶催化性能提供了可能,其中筛选方法是成功获得高性能突变体的关键所在。本研究旨在提出一种新型高效灵敏的筛选方法并应用于褐色喜热裂孢菌(Thermobifida fusca)来源角质酶Tfu-0883的定向改造,以期快速获得PET降解活性提高的突变体。【方法】基于易错PCR构建突变体文库,涂布于卵黄磷脂平板,以水解圈的大小作为筛选指标获得PET降解活性提高的突变体;对突变体进行酶学定性并筛选出潜在的分子改造位点,最终获得高性能突变体。【结果】从卵黄磷脂平板中挑取水解圈直径最大的单菌落,即突变体H10(N2D/D94H/A149E),其PET降解能力是野生型的1.5倍,最适温度与pH分别为60℃和8.0。突变体H10中第2位和第149位氨基酸残基远离底物结合凹槽,其突变会导致酶蛋白稳定性下降;第94位氨基酸残基则位于底物结合凹槽附近,由负电荷氨基酸Asp突变为正电荷氨基酸His,有利于吸附在带负电荷的PET表面,是突变体H10降解能力提升的关键因素;随后将野生型的第94位氨基酸残基Asp分别突变为His及同为正电荷且空间位阻更小的Lys和Arg,突变体D94H、D94K和D94R对PET降解能力均有提升,其中,突变体D94K降解PET能力是野生型的3.6倍。【结论】本研究基于磷脂酶水解圈构建了一种新的PET降解酶定向筛选方法,以此获得了降解活性提高的突变体,并证实角质酶Tfu-0883第94位氨基酸残基位点具有提升其PET降解活性的潜在能力。  相似文献   

为了研究藻蓝蛋白β亚基Cys-84裂合酶CpeS结构与功能的关系以及色氨酸残基对于该酶功能的影响,构建了藻蓝蛋白β亚基Cys-84裂合酶CpeS的两个色氨酸突变体,分别为CpeS(W14I)和CpeS(W75S)。通过体内重组检测酶活性的变化,研究色氨酸残基的突变对裂合酶催化活性的影响。重组结果显示:突变体CpeS(W14I)的催化活性几乎完全丧失,为野生型的8%;突变体CpeS(W75S)的催化活性为野生型的76%。由此推测,第14位色氨酸可能是CpeS酶活性的必需氨基酸,其所处的位置可能是裂合酶CpeS的活性位点。  相似文献   

摘要:【目的】为更好地提高伯克霍尔德菌ZYB002脂肪酶LipA在TMP纸浆造纸工艺中的应用,有必要利用蛋白质工程技术,提高其热稳定性。【方法】基于B-factor值筛选LipA多肽链中潜在的突变位点,利用迭代饱和诱变技术,构建突变文库,筛选热稳定性提高的突变体。【结果】利用上述方法,从4个突变文库中分别筛选到在55℃下,半衰期较野生型脂肪酶LipA分别提高了1.8倍、3倍、2.2倍和1.7倍的脂肪酶突变体。【结论】基于B-factor值选择突变位点,利用迭代饱和突变技术,快速筛选到热稳定性有显著提高的突变体。  相似文献   

纤维素水解成为葡萄糖需要一系列纤维素酶的作用,其中β-葡萄糖苷酶(β-glucosidases)起着至关重要的作用。来自于培菌白蚁中肠的β-葡萄糖苷酶(MbmgBG1)具有较高的葡萄糖耐受性(1.5 mol/L的葡萄糖,保持60%以上的酶活力),但是,酶活力低和热稳定性差限制了β-葡萄糖苷酶(MbmgBG1)在食品以及工业领域中的应用。因此通过对保守氨基酸附近的非保守氨基酸定点突变,获得点突变体(F167L、T176C、E347I、R354K、N393G和V425M),其中突变体F167L、R354K的比活力(底物pNPG)比MbmgBG1分别高出约2倍和4倍。突变体的K_(cat)/K_m值比野生型大,反映了突变体对底物的亲和力以及催化能力比MbmgBG1强。当酶活力保留60%以上时,MbmgBG1所耐受的葡萄糖浓度为1.5 mol/L,而F167L为2.0 mol/L,R354K为3.0 mol/L。这些特性的增强表明,对活性中心附近保守区域内的非保守氨基酸突变,可以较大程度地影响活性,因此需要更深入地研究β-葡萄糖苷酶的活性中心位点,进行改造以提高催化效率。  相似文献   

目的:建立谷氨酸依赖型氨基转移酶-谷氨酸脱氢酶偶联反应的96孔板高通量筛选方法,并用于大肠杆菌氨基转移酶Wec E突变库的筛选。方法:通过优化偶联指示酶-谷氨酸脱氢酶、信号分子NADH浓度及双酶偶联反应时间,建立了光学法测定氨基转移酶活性的氨基转移酶-谷氨酸脱氢酶偶联反应方法;通过定点饱和突变技术构建了大肠杆菌氨基转移酶WecE的突变库;采用96孔板高通量初筛、摇瓶复筛获得了高活性的转氨酶突变体,并对纯化的突变体进行催化活力分析。结果:建立了谷氨酸依赖型氨基转移酶目标反应与0.5 U/ml L-谷氨酸脱氢酶和0.4 mmol/L NADH信号指示反应相偶联的筛选方法;构建了氨基转移酶WecE Tyr 321饱和突变库,通过96孔板高通量筛选,获得了催化活性比野生型提高3.4倍的突变体Y321F。结论:所建立高通量筛选方法背景干扰小,准确性高,为谷氨酸依赖型氨基转移酶分子进化提供了可行性方案。  相似文献   

D-泛解酸内酯水解酶的定向进化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
易错PCR结合DNA改组方法向D-泛解酸内酯水解酶基因中引入突变,并构建突变体库。利用酶的催化特点和产物特性建立了基于平板初筛和高效液相复筛的两步法D-泛解酸内酯水解酶活性筛选系统。用该筛选系统以酶活力和pH稳定性为指标对突变体库进行筛选,最终获得一株酶活力高且在低pH条件下稳定性好的突变体Mut E-861。该突变体的酶活力是野生型酶的5.5倍。对突变体和野生型酶在pH 6.0和pH 5.0条件下的残余酶活进行对比,在这两种pH条件下,突变体酶的酶活残留分别为75%和50%,而野生型酶只能保持原来的40%和20%。通过软件对突变体Mut E-861酶基因和野生型酶基因进行分析对比,发现突变体Mut E-861酶基因发生了三处点突变,其中突变使两处氨基酸取代,另一处为沉默突变,未引起氨基酸的变化。  相似文献   

β-丙氨酸是多个药物合成的重要砌块,可以通过天冬氨酸α脱羧酶(Pan D)催化L-天冬氨酸脱羧来合成,但普遍在用的Pan D酶活性不高是制约全细胞催化合成β-丙氨酸的瓶颈。因此,本研究通过酶的挖掘,选择将杰氏棒杆菌来源(Corynebacterium jeikeium)Pan D在Escherichia coli中异源表达。对杰氏棒杆菌来源Pan D进行Alaph Fold2建模和分子对接,采用Rosetta虚拟突变确定突变热点,结合薄层层析初筛和纯化后复筛,最终筛选到突变体L39A,其比酶活为13.45 U/mg,相比野生型酶的比酶活(9.6 U/mg)提升了1.4倍。酶学性质表征数据表明,野生型酶和L39A突变体最适p H均为6.5,且在p H 6.0-7.0之间酶活性稳定;两者最适温度为55℃,但L39A热稳定性较野生型提高;突变体酶的催化效率比野生型提升了1.4倍。对突变体进行结构解析发现,39位取代为侧链基团更小的丙氨酸,亲水性增强,增加了关键催化氨基酸58位酪氨酸与其他氨基酸的相互作用,使活性中心周围的区域稳定性提高,从而提高了催化活性。全细胞催化数据表明,在OD600=4...  相似文献   

【背景】南极假丝酵母脂肪酶B (Candida antarctica lipase B,CALB)具有优异的酯合成活性,是在非水相催化中应用极为广泛的工业用酶。【目的】在保留CALB优秀催化性能的基础上,提高CALB的热稳定性。【方法】采用预测软件PoPMuSiC和FoldX计算CALB潜在热稳定性突变位点,并根据氨基酸残基的空间位置进一步筛选。利用重叠延伸PCR技术在基因calb中引入10个单点突变,于毕赤酵母GS115中表达。【结果】点突变A146G、A151P、L278M均能有效提高CALB的热稳定性。在单点突变的基础上,组合突变体A146G-L278M和A146G-L278M-A151P的热稳定性得到进一步提高。与野生型相比,突变体A146G-L278M和A146G-L278M-A151P的最适反应温度均提高了5°C,T_m值分别提高了3.3°C和4.2°C。此外,合成己酸乙酯的酶促反应动力学分析表明,相比于野生型,突变体A146G-L278M和A146G-L278M-A151P对己酸和乙醇均具有更高的亲和力,且对己酸的催化效率k_(catA)/K_(m A)是野生型的4.1倍。通过分子动力学模拟,从分子水平阐明了突变体A146G-L278M和A146G-L278M-A151P热稳定性提高的机制。【结论】本研究采用的理性设计策略对提高CALB的热稳定性是行之有效的,该策略可作为其他工业用酶提高热稳定性的参考。  相似文献   

对香豆酸是一种具有多种药理活性的天然酚类化合物,也是多种天然药用产物生物合成的前体物质,广泛应用于食品、化妆品、医药等领域。通过微生物合成对香豆酸相对于化学合成和植物提取工艺具有节能减排等优势。但是,目前微生物合成对香豆酸产量较低,难以满足大规模工业发酵生产的要求。为了进一步提高对香豆酸产量,对粘红酵母酪氨酸解氨酶 (Tyrosine ammonia-lyase,TAL) 进行定向进化改造,利用高通量筛选方法从随机突变体文库中筛选TAL催化活性提高的突变体。通过初筛和复筛两轮筛选,从大约10 000个突变体中获得1个TAL催化活性提高1倍的突变体。该突变体包含3个氨基酸突变位点,分别为S9Y、A11N、E518A。进一步通过单点氨基酸饱和突变验证,当S9位点突变为Y、I、N和A11位点突变为N、T、Y时,TAL的催化活性提高1倍以上。通过对S9和A11位点3种类型突变进行组合突变验证,S9Y/A11N和S9N/A11Y突变体的TAL催化活力显著高于其他组合。将S9N/A11Y突变体质粒转入酪氨酸高产菌株CP032。通过摇瓶发酵,该菌株在48 h时的对香豆酸产量达到394.2 mg/L,比对照菌提高2.2倍。本研究工作对促进微生物合成对香豆酸的代谢工程研究具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

alpha-Amylases, in particular, microbial alpha-amylases, are widely used in industrial processes such as starch liquefaction and pulp processes, and more recently in detergency. Due to the need for alpha-amylases with high specific activity and activity at alkaline pH, which are critical parameters, for example, for the use in detergents, we have enhanced the alpha-amylase from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens (BAA). The genes coding for the wild-type BAA and the mutants BAA S201N and BAA N297D were subjected to error-prone PCR and gene shuffling. For the screening of mutants we developed a novel, reliable assay suitable for high throughput screening based on the Phadebas assay. One mutant (BAA 42) has an optimal activity at pH 7, corresponding to a shift of one pH unit compared to the wild type. BAA 42 is active over a broader pH range than the wild type, resulting in a 5-fold higher activity at pH 10. In addition, the activity in periplasmic extracts and the specific activity increased 4- and 1.5-fold, respectively. Another mutant (BAA 29) possesses a wild-type-like pH profile but possesses a 40-fold higher activity in periplasmic extracts and a 9-fold higher specific activity. The comparison of the amino acid sequences of these two mutants with other homologous microbial alpha-amylases revealed the mutation of the highly conserved residues W194R, S197P, and A230V. In addition, three further mutations were found K406R, N414S, and E356D, the latter being present in other bacterial alpha-amylases.  相似文献   

We introduce an upgraded version of the error-prone polymerase chain reaction (epPCR) comprising three DNA polymerase-catalyzed steps. It improves the common epPCR strategy such that random mutations can be confined exactly to a distinct, but freely selectable, sequence region within a gene without the need for flanking restriction endonuclease sites. The new method is called protein domain library generation by overlap extension (PDLGO). To validate PDLGO, we generated a random library of EstE, a multidomain esterase from Xanthomonas vesicatoria. It was demonstrated that random mutations appear exclusively within the catalytic domains as intended. The domains of EstE flanking the catalytic domains are required for transport of EstE to the cell envelope and remain unaltered. Microplates with integrated pH sensors, providing a substrate-independent high-throughput screening tool, were used to analyze whole cells of E. coli expressing the variants of the EstE library. A variant (P286H) with substantially increased catalytic activity was identified. Our results indicate that combining PDLGO with microplates containing integrated pH sensors provides a simple and rapid toolbox for directed evolution of esterases.  相似文献   

The large subunit (HycE, 569 amino acids) of Escherichia coli hydrogenase 3 produces hydrogen from formate via its Ni–Fe-binding site. In this paper, we engineered HycE for enhanced hydrogen production by an error-prone polymerase chain reaction (epPCR) using a host that lacked hydrogenase activity via the hyaB hybC hycE mutations. Seven enhanced HycE variants were obtained with a novel chemochromic membrane screen that directly detected hydrogen from individual colonies. The best epPCR variant contained eight mutations (S2T, Y50F, I171T, A291V, T366S, V433L, M444I, and L523Q) and had 17-fold higher hydrogen-producing activity than wild-type HycE. In addition, this variant had eightfold higher hydrogen yield from formate compared to wild-type HycE. Deoxyribonucleic acid shuffling using the three most-active HycE variants created a variant that has 23-fold higher hydrogen production and ninefold higher yield on formate due to a 74-amino acid carboxy-terminal truncation. Saturation mutagenesis at T366 of HycE also led to increased hydrogen production via a truncation at this position; hence, 204 amino acids at the carboxy terminus may be deleted to increase hydrogen production by 30-fold. This is the first random protein engineering of a hydrogenase.  相似文献   

Fluorogenic substrates based on 4-methylumbelliferone (4-MU) have been widely used for the detection of phosphatase and glycosidase activities. One disadvantage of these substrates, however, is that maximum fluorescence of the reaction product requires an alkaline pH, since 4-MU has a pK(a) approximately 8. In an initial screening of five phosphatase substrates based on fluorinated derivatives of 4-MU, all with pK(a) values lower than that of 4-MU, we found that one substrate, 6,8-difluoro-4-methylumbelliferyl phosphate (DiFMUP), was much improved for the detection of acid phosphatase activity. When measured at the preferred acid phosphatase reaction pH (5.0), DiFMUP yielded fluorescence signals that were more than 10-fold higher than those of 4-methylumbelliferyl phosphate (MUP). DiFMUP was also superior to MUP for the detection of protein phosphatase 1 activity at pH 7 and was just as sensitive as MUP for the detection of alkaline phosphatase activity at pH 10. A beta-galactosidase substrate was also prepared based on 6, 8-difluoro-4-methylumbelliferone. This substrate, 6, 8-difluoro-4-methylumbelliferyl beta-d-galactopyranoside (DiFMUG), was found to be considerably more sensitive than the commonly used substrate 4-methylumbelliferyl beta-d-galactopyranoside (MUG), for the detection of beta-galactosidase activity at pH 7. DiFMUP and DiFMUG should have great utility for the continuous assay of phosphatase and beta-galactosidase activity, respectively, at neutral and acid pH.  相似文献   

In order to make cost-effective bioethanol from dynamic lignocellulosic material, we require potentially acting and stable cellulolytic enzymes. In our investigation, the hyperthermostable endoglucanase Cel5A from Thermotoga maritima was subjected to site-directed mutagenesis and carbohydrate-binding module (CBM) engineering. For this purpose, amino acids around the active-site region were targeted. Results indicated that five single mutants showed a shift in optimal pH from 5 to 5.4. The N147E mutant displayed 10% higher activity than native Cel5A. Domain engineering was performed with fungal and bacterial CBM. In addition, CBM1 from (CBHII) Trichoderma reesei and CBM6 from Clostridium stercorarium xylanase A were fused with Cel5A. Both the CBM-engineered Cel5A showed 14-18-fold higher hydrolytic activity towards Avicel. Immuno-gold labeling assay of engineered enzymes further indicated the relativity that exists between binding ability and activity.  相似文献   

Glycosyltransferases (GTs) are abundant in nature and diverse in their range of substrates. Application of GTs is, however, often complicated by their narrow substrate specificity. GTs with tailored specificities are highly demanded for targeted glycosylation reactions. Engineering of such GTs is, however, restricted by lack of practical and broad-scope assays currently available. Here we present an improvement of an inexpensive and simple assay that relies on the enzymatic detection of inorganic phosphate cleaved from nucleoside phosphate products released in GT reactions. This phosphatase-coupled assay (PCA) is compared with other GT assays: a pH shift assay and a commercially available immunoassay in Escherichia coli cell-free extract (CE). Furthermore, we probe PCA with three GTs with different specificities. Our results demonstrate that PCA is a versatile and apparently general GT assay with a detection limit as low as 1 mU. The detection limit of the pH shift assay is roughly 4 times higher. The immunoassay, by contrast, detected only nucleoside diphosphates (NDPs) but had the lowest detection limit. Compared with these assays, PCA showed superior robustness and, therefore, appears to be a suitable general screening assay for nucleotide sugar-dependent GTs.  相似文献   

The lysophosphoinositide-specific phospholipase C (lysoPI-PLase C) in porcine platelet membranes had an optimal pH of 9.2 and the activity at a physiological pH of 7.3 was 20% of the maximum in the absence of added divalent metals (Murase, S. et al. (1985) J. Biol. Chem. 260, 262). The activity was completely inhibited by 1 mM EGTA in the assay mixture but was restored by addition of excess Ca2+ or Mn2+, indicating that this is a metalloenzyme. However, membranes pretreated with 1 mM EGTA and washed with buffer retained full activity at a free Ca2+ concentration of 5 nM and no stimulation was observed by added Ca2+ at pH 9.2. In contrast to the results obtained at pH 9.2, addition of Ca2+ stimulated lysoPI-PLase C activity severalfold at pH 7.3, apparently by shifting down the optimal pH and broadening the pH profile. The effect of Ca2+ at pH 7.3 was to enhance Vmax with no significant change in Km value. The stimulatory effect of Ca2+ at pH 7.3 alone did not appear to be of physiological significance since millimolar concentrations of Ca2+ were necessary to reach the maximum activity. However, a shift in pH had a profound effect on the Ca2+-dependency of the activity. A rise in 2 pH units increased the apparent affinity for Ca2+ 10,000-fold. These results indicate that the alkalinization and the rise in free Ca2+ concentration known to occur in stimulated platelets could synergistically provide conditions under which the lysoPI-PLase C exerts its activity when the substrate lysoPI is generated by phospholipase A.  相似文献   

The upregulation of heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) has proven to be a useful tool for fighting inflammation. In order to identify new HO-1 inducers, an efficient screening method was developed which can provide new lead structures for drug research. We designed a simple ELISA-based HO-1 enzyme activity assay, which allows for the screening of 12 compounds in parallel in the setting of a 96-well plate. The well-established murine macrophage cell line RAW264.7 is used and only about 26 µg of protein from whole cell lysates is needed for the analysis of HO-1 activity. The quantification of HO-1 activity is based on an indirect ELISA using the specific anti-bilirubin antibody 24G7 to quantify directly bilirubin in the whole cell lysate, applying a horseradish peroxidase-tagged antibody together with ortho-phenylenediamine and H2O2 for detection. The bilirubin is produced on the action of HO enzymes by converting their substrate heme to biliverdin and additional recombinant biliverdin reductase together with NADPH at pH 7.4 in buffer. This sensitive assay allows for the detection of 0.57–82 pmol bilirubin per sample in whole cell lysates. Twenty-three small molecules, mainly natural products with an α,β-unsaturated carbonyl unit such as polyphenols, including flavonoids and chalcones, terpenes, an isothiocyanate, and the drug oltipraz were tested at typically 6 or 24 h incubation with RAW264.7 cells. The activity of known HO-1 inducers was confirmed, while the chalcones cardamonin, flavokawain A, calythropsin, 2′,3,4′-trihydroxy-4-methoxychalcone (THMC), and 2′,4′-dihydroxy-3,4-dimethoxychalcone (DHDMC) were identified as new potent HO-1 inducers. The highest inductive power after 6 h incubation was found at 10 µM for DHDMC (6.1-fold), carnosol (3.9-fold), butein (3.1-fold), THMC (2.9-fold), and zerumbone (2.5-fold). Moreover, the time dependence of HO-1 protein production for DHDMC was compared to its enzyme activity, which was further evaluated in the presence of lipopolysaccharide and the specific HO-1 inhibitor tin protoporphyrin IX. Taken together, we developed a convenient and highly sensitive ELISA-based HO-1 enzyme activity assay, allowing the identification and characterization of molecules potentially useful for the treatment of inflammatory and autoimmune diseases.  相似文献   

Acidic lipase finds its commercial values in medical applications and bioremediation of food wastes. In this work, approaches for rapid screening of lipase-producing bacteria were developed and the feasibility assessment of the screening methods was performed. From food waste samples, the proposed screening procedures allowed isolation of sixteen pure bacterial strains expressing higher lipase activity at acidic pH (pH 6.0) than at alkaline pH (pH 9.0). To enhance the accuracy of lipase activity determination under acidic conditions, a novel assay procedure was also developed by deactivating lipase activity by microwave treatment prior to back titration. This additional step could minimize interferences arising from residual lipase activity during conventional direct back-titration methods in measuring lipase activity at acidic pH. Using the four strategies proposed in this work, the best acidic-lipase-producing isolate was obtained by strategy C (SSC) and was identified as Aeromonas sp. C14, displaying an optimal lipase activity of 0.7 U/ml at an acidic pH of 6.0.  相似文献   

The assembly pathway of the oligosaccharide chains of asparagine-linked glycoproteins in mammalian cells begins with the formation of GlcNAc-PP-dolichol in a reaction catalysed by the enzyme N-acetylglucosamine 1-phosphate transferase. We have investigated the efficiency of two lipid substrates for the transferase activity in an in vitro assay using Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell membranes as an enzyme source. Experiments were carried out with varying concentrations of dolichyl phosphate or its precursor, polyprenyl phosphate. We determined that enzyme activity was optimal at pH 9, where the enzyme exhibited a 3-fold higher Vmax and a 2-fold lower Km for the dolichol substrate. At pH 7.4, the Km and Vmax differences between the two lipids were 10-fold. Under all assay conditions tested, we found that GlcNAc-PP-lipid was the only product formed. We conclude from these results that dolichyl phosphate rather than polyprenyl phosphate is the preferred substrate for the transferase enzyme in CHO cells. This observation is significant in light of the fact that we have previously isolated CHO glycosylation mutants which fail to convert polyprenol into dolichol, and hence utilize polyprenyl derivatives for glycosylation reactions. Thus, these results contribute to our understanding of the glycosylation defects in the mutant cell lines.  相似文献   

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