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中国马褂木不同种源苗期生长规律研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对中国马褂木6个种源(云南金平、浙江安吉、福建武夷山、贵州黎平、广西全州、江西庐山)一年生实生苗的苗高生长规律进行研究。结果表明:(1)各种源在苗高生长上存在着极显著的差异。(2)利用logistic曲线拟合其苗高生长方程,发现各种源苗高生长均呈现明显的"慢—快—慢"的"S"型生长节律。(3)利用有序样本聚类分析将苗木生长划分为幼苗期、生长前期、速生期、生长后期4个阶段,福建武夷山种源最早进入速生期,且持续时间最长,江西庐山种源最晚进入速生期,且持续时间最短。速生期苗高净生长量占总生长量最大的是浙江安吉种源,达56.05%;第二是福建武夷山;最小的是江西庐山种源,只有34.29%。(4)依据苗高和地径两个性状的聚类分析把6个种源分成三大类,第一类是全州种源,苗高生长表现最好;第二类是金平、安吉、武夷山、黎平种源;第三类是庐山种源。  相似文献   

本研究在江西永丰、浙江开化和安徽滁州3个试验点,以32个种源的麻栎试验林为对象,分析了不同种源间林木生长变异、主要经济性状(地上单株生物量)随林龄的动态变化,并基于AMMI模型进行生长性状稳定性分析和优良种源选择。结果表明: 3个试验点麻栎不同种源间的树高、胸(地)径和地上单株生物量均具有显著差异。麻栎地上单株生物量受地点、种源、种源×地点交互作用的显著影响,其中地点对生长变异影响最大,其次为种源和种源×地点。不同地点麻栎苗期(1~3年生)和幼林期(4~11年生)优良种源的选择结果具有较大差异。根据第11年地上单株生物量分别筛选了在当地表现较好的种源,江西永丰试验点7个优良种源,高出试验点均值15.6%~57.8%;浙江开化试验点7个优良种源,高出试验点均值19.2%~45.2%;安徽滁州试验点8个优良种源,高出试验点均值24.9%~63.3%。综合生长量和稳定性表现,筛选出4个适于3个地理区域短轮伐期炭用林培育的优良种源,这些种源地上单株生物量均值为36.55 kg,稳定性参数均值为0.97。  相似文献   

卵果松地理种源试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对来自中美洲4个国家16个地区的卵果松(Pinus oocarpa)种源进行苗期试验,测定苗高和地径生长量,并对其55个月生的苗高和地径进行方差分析,共结果发现:不同种源的卵果松,在同一试验地上,其苗高、地径差异极为显著,初步选出超过对照114—125%的种源,滇南海拔1200米以下地区可引种洪都拉斯种源造林。本试验还对卵果松形态特征的地理变异规律及其相互间的关系进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

对来自27个不同种源的云南松(Pinus yunnanensis Fr.)进行苗期试验,测定苗高和地径生长量,并对其21个月生的苗高和地径进行方差分析。结果表明:不同种源的云南松在相同试验条件下,其苗高和地径差异极为显著,初步选出其苗高超过对照(安宁种源)175.3—205.3%的10个种源,可供造林试验用种。本试验还对云南松形态特征的地理变异规律及其相互间的关系进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

Variation in seedling growth and form between provenances of Podocarpus totara from 42 sites throughout New Zealand was investigated. Seedlings were grown for three years under uniform nursery conditions. There were significant differences between provenances in height growth in the first three years after sowing. Early growth was highly correlated with germination rate after sowing. In the third year, growth followed a different pattern and was negatively correlated with provenance latitude, i.e., provenances from southern latitudes grew more slowly than those from further north. This suggests that genetic factors correlated with mean summer temperature of the locality of seed source were beginning to predominate. Stem form and branch length also varied between provenances, but foliage colour and leaf size did not. Neither stem form nor branch length were related to any provenance site variable. Since provenance variation is appreciable, it is recommended that P. totara plantings for ecological purposes should be of seedlings raised from locally collected seed. However, for growing P. totara in plantations to produce special-purpose high value timber, considerable scope exists for an in-depth breeding study that will eventually lead to producing planting stock with both superior height growth and good tree form.  相似文献   

不同地理种源桔梗种子性状及苗期生长分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
对来源于不同产地的43份桔梗[Platycocon grandiflorus(Jaeq.)A.DC.]种子的地理变异、种子特性及幼苗生长状况进行了分析。根据不同种源桔梗种子的特性、发芽率及幼苗的生长状况,利用聚类分析方法可将供试的桔梗种源大致分为南方和北方2个地理种源,其中北方种源的种子颗粒较大,千粒重达1.21~1.35g;南方种源的种子发芽率高(65%~71%),种子千粒重为1.15~1.20g,幼苗生长健壮,根系较发达。此外,桔梗种子的发芽率与纬度呈明显的负相关,桔梗幼苗地上部分的生长与根茎的生长存在显著的相关性,可作为早期间苗及幼苗筛选的标准。研究结果表明,来源于安徽毫州及安徽太和的桔梗种源适合在浙江富阳地区栽培。  相似文献   

The growth response of Acacia mangium Willd. to inoculation with selected Bradyrhizobium strains was investigated in two field trials in the Ivory Coast (West Africa). In the first trial (Anguededou), four provenances (i.e., trees originating from seeds harvested in different geographical areas) of A. mangium were inoculated with four Bradyrhizobium strains from different origins. Six months after being transplanted in the field, the heights of all inoculated trees showed a statistically significant increase of 9 to 26% compared with those of uninoculated trees, with the most effective strain being Aust 13c. After 19 months, the positive effect of inoculation on tree growth was confirmed. The effect of A. mangium provenance on tree growth was also highly significant. Trees from the Oriomo provenance of Papua New Guinea had a mean height that was 25% greater than those of other provenances. Analysis of variance showed a highly significant effect of interaction between strain and host provenance factors. Thus, most effective strain × provenance combinations could be proposed. Immunological identification of strains clearly showed that 90 to 100% of nodules from trees inoculated with three of the four Bradyrhizobium strains or from uninoculated trees contained exclusively Aust 13c 23 months after tree transplantation. This predominance of Aust 13c in nodules was still observed 42 months after tree transplantation. The second experiment (Port-Bouët), performed with a different soil, confirmed the long-term positive effect of Aust 13c on plant growth, its high competitive ability against indigenous strains, and its persistence in soil. Strain Aust 13c should thus be of great interest for inoculating A. mangium under a wide range of field conditions.  相似文献   

蒙古栎苗期种源分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对带岭试验地25个蒙古栎种源的树高、地径进行调查分析,得到如下结论:(1)蒙古栎1年生苗高、地径及6年生树高、地径间呈正相关且达到了极显著水平。蒙古栎种源各生长性状存在着显著性差异,这表明蒙古栎种源选择是十分必要的。苇河、集安种源可初步作为带岭试验地的优良种源应用于林业生产。(2)蒙古栎地理变异总趋势受经纬度影响,其中经度影响略大。(3)不同蒙古栎种源生长性状、地理、气象因子之间具有一定的相关性。(4)将参试的25个种源划分为3个种源区,Ⅰ区种源多数分布在长白山南部、龙岗山一带,Ⅱ区种源多数分布在长白山及老爷岭,Ⅲ区种源位于小兴安岭和张广才岭。  相似文献   

以福建省不同产地三叶青(Tetrastigma hemsleyanum)块根为材料,对比各地理种源三叶青块根总黄酮含量差异,并以总黄酮含量为指标进行系统聚类分析,探讨地理及气候因子与总黄酮含量的相关性。结果表明,不同种源的三叶青块根总黄酮含量有不同程度的差异,同一种源的三叶青块根总黄酮含量差异不显著。基于块根中的总黄酮含量可以将24个三叶青地理种源划分为三大类,第一类包括宁德周宁、宁德古田、三明大田、泉州永春、南平建瓯和三明永安等6个地理种源,第二类包含三明将乐、三明尤溪、龙岩连城和福州永泰等4个地理种源,第三类包含龙岩新罗、福州闽侯、南平延平、泉州德化、漳州南靖、龙岩永定、厦门同安、龙岩武平、莆田仙游、南平光泽、南平顺昌、三明沙县、南平浦城和漳州长泰等14个地理种源。其中第一类种源三叶青总黄酮含量平均为28.77 mg·g-1,较全省平均水平高60.10%。三叶青总黄酮含量与种源地海拔呈极显著正相关,与种源地年平均气温呈极显著负相关,与年平均降水量呈显著正相关,与无霜期呈显著负相关,与经纬度之间的相关性则不显著。  相似文献   

Conventionally, local seed sources are normally believed to perform better than introduced materials. However, studies show possibility of contrary results with many species such as Acacia senegal. The species is an economically and ecologically important tree of arid and semi‐arid lands of sub‐Saharan Africa. It produces gum arabic, used in land reclamation and agroforestry production. The species is however underutilized in Kenya due to lack of information on growth performance of different seed sources. Glasshouse provenance trial using seeds and soils from seven provenances in Kenya were used to evaluate interactions between seed sources and soils on growth and biomass. Seedling growth was assessed for 12 weeks in a randomized complete block design. Seed length, width, thickness and weight were measured. Seedlings height, root collar diameter, root dry weight, shoot dry weight and biomass were assessed and data subjected to univariate and multivariate analyses. No significant interaction between seed provenance and soils were evident; however, some provenances performed better across all the soils. Significant heritability and relationship between growth and environmental factors are reported. Overall, Ntumburi and Ngarendare provenances showed superior growth and plasticity. These provenances can be used tentatively as seed sources; however, field trials are recommended.  相似文献   

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