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蓝尾石龙子精子的超微结构   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
蓝尾石龙子(Eumeces elegans)附睾以2.5%戊二醛和1%锇酸双重固定,按常规制作超薄切片,用H-600透射电镜研究观察精子的超微结构。精子由头部和尾组成,头部由顶体复合体和核组成,尾由颈段、中段、主段和末段组成。头部的顶体囊前部扁平,分为皮质和髓质,顶体下锥由类结晶状的顶体下物质组成,穿孔器顶端尖,、穿孔器基板塞子状,细胞核延长,核内小管缺,核伸展部前端具一电子透明区,核肩圆,核陷窝锥形。颈段具片层结构,近端中心粒和远端中心粒的长轴呈直角,9束外周致密纤维与远端中心粒相应的9束三联微管相联,向后与轴丝相应的9束双联微管相联,中央纤维与2个中央单微管相联。中段短,含有线状嵴的柱状线粒体,由连续的规则小卵状或小梯形致密体组成线粒体间的环状结构,纤维鞘伸入中段,终环紧贴于细胞膜的内表面。线粒体与环状结构的模式为:rs1/mi1,rs2/mi2,rs3/mi3,rs4/mi4,横切面上每圈线粒体数目为10个。主段前面部分具薄的细胞质颗粒区。纤维3和8至主段前端消失。轴丝复合体呈“9 2”型。蓝尾石龙子精子超微结构与已描述的石龙子科种类比较发现,与蜓蜥群和胎生群的石龙子相似;但没有发现石龙子科精子的独征。  相似文献   

台湾东风螺精子发生和精子形态的超微结构研究   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
柯才焕  李复雪 《动物学报》1992,38(3):233-238
透射电镜研究结果表明,台湾东风螺(Babylonia formosae~**)精子形成过程中经历了一系列重大的形态变化,主要有核逐步拉长、染色质浓缩、顶体形成、线粒体逐渐发达与融合以及中心粒演变为轴丝等过程。其中精细胞分化可分为6个时期。成熟精子的外形呈发丝状,由头部和尾鞭两大部分组成,头部包括顶体复合体和核,尾鞭可分为中段、主段和末段。精子的形态及功能与软体动物的系统发育有密切关系。本文还就台湾东风螺精子形成过程和形态与其它前鳃类作了比较。  相似文献   

家鸽(Columbadomestica)精子分为头部、颈部及尾部。尾部又区分为中段、主段及末段。头部呈圆柱形,主要被精细胞核占据,核的前面包绕顶体,后端连接颈部。颈部有两个中心粒,与头部相邻接的是与精子纵轴垂直的近侧中心粒,远侧中心粒形成基底体向后发出尾部的轴丝。轴丝的结构为9+2型。中段在轴丝之外有线粒体鞘包绕,最外面为质膜。主段和末段无线粒体鞘,轴丝之外直接被以质膜。  相似文献   

应用透射电镜对北草蜥精子的超微结构研究结果表明,北草蜥精子头部顶体囊始终呈圆形,由皮质和髓质组成;顶体囊单侧脊的皮质与髓质问具电子透亮区;穿孔器1个,无穿孔器基板;具顶体下腔;细胞核长形,核内小管缺,核前电子透亮区缺,核肩圆。尾部颈段具片层结构。中段短,多层膜结构缺;纵切面上具2层线粒体;横切面上每圈线粒体6个;2组致密体,具连续的环状结构;线粒体与环状结构的排列模式:rs1/mi1、rs2/mi2;纤维鞘伸人中段,具终环。主段前面部分具薄的细胞质颗粒区;纤维3和8至主段前端消失;轴丝呈“9+2”型。蜥蜴科内不同种类的线粒体数目不同,但都具有2组致密体。不同类群蜥蜴的顶体囊、顶体下腔、核前电子透亮区、穿孔器基板、核肩,以及线粒体与致密体的数目和排列方式等精子超微结构特征都为研究蜥蜴的系统发生提供了辅助信息。  相似文献   

香螺精子发生及精子超微结构   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
侯林  高岩  邹向阳  毕相东 《动物学报》2006,52(4):746-754
本文采用透射电镜技术对香螺(NpatunedecumingiCrosse)精子发生过程进行了观察。结果表明,精原细胞胞质中含有大量的线粒体;初、次级精母细胞的细胞核和大量的线粒体呈极性分布;精子细胞分化过程中,细胞核形态、核内物质以及线粒体的形态发生显著变化;细胞核的核质由不均匀颗粒状浓缩成纤丝状,再浓缩成细线形,最后呈致密均匀状态,细胞核由近圆形伸长为粗线形,具有核后窝;在细胞核后端有8个膨大的线粒体,由卵圆形变为螺旋形,弯曲盘绕在轴丝外部,形成精子的中段;根据细胞核和线粒体的变化特点,将精子形成分为早、中、后三个时期。香螺典型性精子属于进化型,头部呈线形,中段加长,糖原颗粒包围轴丝构成主段。在精子发生过程中,细胞质内没有发达的高尔基复合体和前顶体池,没有观察到香螺精子的顶体。在成熟个体的精巢内,同时存在不具有受精能力的畸变精子。  相似文献   

毛蚶与青蚶精子超微结构及其所反映的蚶科进化关系   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
应用透射电镜技术,比较研究了毛蚶与青蚶精子的超微结构。毛蚶精子顶体为圆锥形,约为核长的1/2;精核无核前窝,具核后窝;中段横切面常见5个(偶见4个)线粒体环绕于中心粒周围;精子末段由轴丝及包绕轴丝的质膜组成,轴丝为典型的“9 2”结构。青蚶精子顶体轴向纵切面呈伞状,覆盖于细胞核前端,约为核长的1/3;精核具核前窝和核后窝;中段横切面常见有5个(偶见6个)线粒体环绕于中心粒周围;末段结构同毛蚶。顶体的形态、核前窝和核后窝的有无、中段线粒体的数量等是探索蚶科动物种间进化关系的线索。  相似文献   

中国石龙子成熟精子的超微结构   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
张永普  胡健饶  计翔 《动物学报》2004,50(3):431-441
利用透射电镜观察中国石龙子附睾成熟精子的超微结构。顶体囊前部扁平、由皮质和髓质组成 ,穿孔器中度倾斜、顶端尖 ,穿孔器基板塞子状 ,细胞核长形 ,核内小管缺 ,核前电子透亮区小 ,核肩圆 ,核陷窝锥形。颈段具片层结构 ,近端中心粒和远端中心粒的长轴呈直角 ,9束外周致密纤维与远端中心粒相应的 9束三联微管相联 ,向后与轴丝相应的 9束双联微管相联 ,中央纤维与 2个中央单微管相联。中段短 ,多层膜结构缺 ,含有线状嵴的柱状线粒体 ,不规则卵状致密体组成不连续的环状结构 ,纤维鞘伸入中段 ,具终环。线粒体与环状结构的模式为 :rs1 /mi1 ,rs2 /mi2 ,rs3/mi3,rs4 /mi4。主段前面部分具薄的细胞质颗粒区。纤维 3和 8至主段前端消失。轴丝呈“9 2”型。中国石龙子精子超微结构具有塞子状的穿孔器基板、致密体形成不连续的环状结构和纤维鞘始于ms2等特征与巨石龙子群和蜓蜥 -胎生群不同。没有发现石龙子科精子的独征  相似文献   

通过电光学显微镜和透射电子显微镜观察了平疣桑椹石磺精子的形态及其超微结构。平疣桑椹石磺成熟精子属于进化型,由头部、中段和末段组成。头部由顶体和精核构成,顶体长约0.7μm,呈细奶嘴状,内含物分布均匀,电子密度稍低于细胞核。顶体基部与精核前端紧密相连,无间隙。精核长约3.8μm,宽约1.0μm,核质高度浓缩,电子密度高,无核泡,纵切似辣椒状,核后端内凹形成核后窝。中段加长,结构复杂,线粒体演化成线粒体鞘,螺旋状包绕轴丝。精子末段由轴丝及包绕轴丝的质膜组成,轴丝为典型的“9+2”结构。比较了平疣桑椹石磺精子与相关腹足类精子结构的异同,进一步证实了腹足纲贝类精子结构之间的区别主要在于顶体有无及形态,精核的长短与外形、中段线粒体的数目及其排列方式等。  相似文献   

余红卫 《动物学杂志》2010,45(6):101-105
应用透射电镜技术观察了中国绿螂(Glaucomya chinensis)精子的超微结构。精子为典型的原生型,包括头部、中段和尾部三部分。头部由顶体和细胞核组成。顶体呈倒"V"字型。细胞核呈长圆柱形,没有核前窝,具有核后窝。中段由4个线粒体环绕中心粒而成。尾部细长,为典型的"9+2"结构。文中还讨论了双壳类精子形态结构的种属间差异。  相似文献   

为了探究可口革囊星虫(Phascolosoma esculenta)精子发生过程及结构上的特殊性,用显微及亚显微技术研究了可口革囊星虫的精子发生和精子结构。可口革囊星虫的精巢位于收吻肌基部,为一曲折的带状组织。成熟精巢内可观察到精原细胞、精母细胞以及精细胞等各阶段的生精细胞。在精子形成早期,很多精细胞脱离精巢,以精细胞团的形式掉落到体腔中。精细胞团内的精细胞同步发育为精子后,脱离精子团进入肾管。成熟精子由头部和尾部组成。头部由钟形顶体与鼓形细胞核构成。顶体后段下包于精核的前端。顶体分内、中、外三层,外层有横隔;顶体下腔内有颗粒状物质不均匀分布,中央有一束丝状纤维组成的顶体棒。核物质电子密度高,核内含空泡。无核前窝,具浅的核后窝。尾部分中段和末段,中段由6个(偶见5个或7个)线粒体围绕近、远端中心粒构成;末段细长鞭状,由轴丝及包绕轴丝的质膜组成,轴丝为典型的"9 2"结构。分析认为:可口革囊星虫精子发生过程以及超微结构上存在特殊的结构与机制:①精细胞团保证了精子形成的同步性;②顶体后段下包于精核的前端使精子头部小而灵巧,利于快速运动;③顶体的横隔使精子顶体的牢固性增强,确保受精时顶体反应的正常进行;④中段较多的线粒体使精子具有更强的环境适应性,有利于有效的受精。  相似文献   

大黄鱼精子的超微结构   总被引:44,自引:1,他引:43  
尤永隆  林丹军 《动物学报》1997,43(2):119-126
大黄鱼的精子由头产和尾部两部分组成。头部结构较为独特,其腹侧有一较大的细胞核,背部有中心粒复合体。头部的后端是袖套。细胞核的腹面稍向外突出背面则稍向内凹。细胞核中的染以质浓缩成致密的团块状。团块状的染色质之间分布着松散的纤维状染色质。植入窝位于细胞核的背部表面,由细胞核背面向内凹陷而成,呈一沟状,其走向与精子的长轴平行。  相似文献   

Å. Franzén 《Zoomorphology》1984,104(3):140-146
Summary Differentiation of spermatids to mature spermatozoa in the bryozoan Tubulipora liliacea was studied by transmission electron microscopy. The spermatozoon of Tubulipora is of a filiform, modified type, and has evolved from the primitive type as an adaptation to a specialized biology of fertilization. The head of the spermatozoon consists of a small, conical acrosome capping an elongated, cylindrical, anteriorly tapering nucleus. A basal invagination in the nucleus contains the proximal portion of the axoneme and a dense attachment matrix. The flagellar axoneme has the typical 9+2 structure. Four elongated rodshaped mitochondria with typical cristae surround the axoneme in the cylindrical middle piece. Granular electron-dense material is accumulated in the form of four columns alternating with four long cylindrical mitochondria. The mitochondrial middle piece is separated externally from the tail region by an involution of the plasma membrane. The tail region contains a cytoplasmic sheath with accessory fibers surrounding the axoneme. Nine outer, coarse fibers extend posteriorly paralleling the nine doublets of the axoneme. The coarse fibers develop from electron-dense plate-like structures associated with the doublets of the axoneme. A characteristic feature in spermiogenesis is that spermatozoa develop in tetrads. There seem to be significant differences in spermatozoan ultrastructure between the three bryozoan classes Stenolaemata, Gymnolaemata, and Phylactolaemata. The differences indicate different lines of evolution of fertilization biology in these groups.Abbreviations used in the figures a acrosome - av acrosomal vesicles - ax axoneme - c coarse fiber - d electron dense rod - m mitochondrion - mp middle piece - Scale bars=0.5 m - mt microtubule - n nucleus - ne nuclear envelope - p nuclear protrusion - pm plasma membrane - t tail  相似文献   

黄腹角雉精子超微结构的研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
温战强  郑光美 《动物学报》1997,43(2):127-132
透射电镜研究表明,黄腹角雉精子的结构与家鸡的相似,圆锥形的顶体位于精核前部,与精核的前端有少许重叠。顶体刺位于顶体下腔里,其部分区域的电子密度较低。核前窝内容纳着顶体部的基部,远端的植入窝则为中心粒复合体和无条纹连接体所占据,后者构成了精子短的颈部。  相似文献   

奶牛精子尾部主段的中央结构为轴丝。在轴丝的外方有外周致密纤维。外周致密纤维由中段延伸而来。进入主段后,9条外周致密纤维逐一终止。最早终止的是第8条纤维。随后的终止顺序是第3、7、4、2、6、5、9、1条。因此,9条外周致密纤维中,最长的是第1条纤维,最短的是第8条纤维。9条纤维按长短顺序排列依次是第1、9、5、6、2、4、7、3、8条。根据外周致密纤维数量的多寡,可以将主段分为10个区域。从近中段端至近末段端,这10个区域依次是9条、8条、7条、6条、5条、4条、3条、2条、1条、0条纤维区域。外周致密纤维的外方有一纤维鞘。纤维鞘的背侧纵柱和腹侧纵柱分别向内伸出一个嵴。在主段的0条纤维区域,纤维鞘直接位于轴丝之外。在纤维鞘的外方还有精子的细胞质膜。  相似文献   

The spermatozoon of the polychaete Tomopteris helgolandica is of an aberrant type with two flagella, each measuring about 40μm. The nucleus is roughly conical and weakly bent. At the anterior end it is rounded and covered only by the nuclear and plasma membranes. Membraneous, electron-dense structures are applied laterally to the nucleus. These structures may have a helical arrangement. The middle piece contains about ten mitochondria, two centrioles, and two centriolar satellite complexes. The centriolar regions are connected with the posterior part of the nucleus. The axonemes of the two tail flagella lack the usual central complex with central tubules, radial spokes, or related structures. No arms seem to be present on the A tubules of the doublets. In the middle piece the tail flagella are surrounded by invaginations of the plasma membrane forming flagellar canals. The sperm has a bilateral symmetry whereas the primitive sperm has a radial symmetry. The occurrence of two tail flagella in this spermatozoon has no phylogenetical connection with biflagellate spermatozoa in other animal groups. A series of mutations has resulted in the development of two flagella emerging from the two centrioles, the lack of a central complex in the axoneme, and the lack of a typical acrosome. In the Polychaeta, sperm structure is generally more related to function that to phylogenetics. During swimming the spermatozoon of Tomopteris rotates around its longitudinal axis.  相似文献   

本文研究卵胎生硬骨鱼褐菖(Sebastiscusmarmoratus)精细胞的成熟变化和精子结构。褐菖精细胞发育晚期已具有硬骨鱼类精子的结构雏形:细胞核的背面较平坦,腹面稍外鼓,呈弧面;染色质浓缩成团块状,核的腹侧和后端的染色质较致密;中心粒复合体由近端中心粒和基体组成,近端中心粒和基体排成“L”形;近端中心粒向细胞核的背侧伸出中心粒附属物,中心粒附属物由9条微管组成,9条微管围成一筒状结构,类似轴丝。在晚期精细胞形成精子的过程中,中心粒附属物和近端中心粒相继退缩以至消失不见,同时细胞核后端的形状也随着发生变化。中心粒附属物和近端中心粒的相继消失可以看作是成熟的最后标志。精子的中心粒复合体由基体及其上方的基体帽组成,袖套接于核的后端,其中约有30~40个线粒体;鞭毛从袖套腔中伸出,鞭毛的中心结构是轴丝;轴丝外方为细胞质形成的侧鳍,在鞭毛的近核段,轴丝两侧的侧鳍较宽且不对称。  相似文献   

A case is presented of an infertile male whose spermatozoa showed low mobility, a high percentage of irregular large heads and a variable number of tails (between 0 and 4). In the spermatozoa with several tails each axoneme, surrounded by its own outer fibres and mitochondrial sheath, arose from its own basal plate. Throughout the middle piece of every spermatozoon all the axonemes were arranged in parallel and were enclosed by the same plasma membrane. Usually, at the beginning of the principal piece, the axonemes became separated. At this level each of them constituted a different tail. In most spermatozoa the fine structure of the tail or tails was normal. The alterations of the inner structure of the tail or tails was normal. The alterations of the inner structure of the flagellum observed in some spermatozoa (enlargement of the fibrous sheath, duplication of the outer fibres and of some peripheral doublets) were independent of the number of tails present. In some cases, an intracytoplasmic coiling of the tail or tails could be observed.  相似文献   

应用扫描电镜(SEM)与透射电镜(TEM)观察了黄姑鱼和大黄鱼精子的超微结构。结果显示,黄姑鱼和大黄鱼精子无论在形态、大小还是超微结构上都十分相似。黄姑鱼和大黄鱼精子均由头部、中段和尾部(鞭毛)3部分组成。精子头部形状近似椭圆形,无顶体,细胞核呈肾形。中心粒复合体位于细胞核背侧,近、远端中心粒相互垂直,远端中心粒分化成基体并形成轴丝。中段的袖套呈筒状,4~5个圆形的线粒体围绕轴丝呈环形排列。精子尾部为单鞭毛,轴丝为典型“9+2”结构,鞭毛表面质膜形成不规则侧鳍。  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the sperm of Epiphragmophora tucumanensis(Doering), a pulmonate land snail belonging to the family Xanthonychidae,was examined. The results showed that this spermatozoon presents a similarmorphology to the other advanced stylommatophoran sperm described.The most peculiar characteristic is the form of the nucleus,which is straight instead of helically coiled. An acrosome ispresent, composed of an apical vesicle and an acrosomal pedestal.The connecting piece or neck region is formed by a basal bodyplus a centriolar derivative. It is also the point of originof coarse fibres that accompany the axoneme. Thus, the axonemalcomplex exhibits a 9+9+2 pattern. The midpiece is an elongatedregion composed of paracrystalline and matrix materials (collectively,the mitochondrial derivative) enclosing a single glycogen helixand the axoneme. The mitochondrial derivative extends to theposterior tip of the spermatozoon. As observed in other stylommatophorans,both an annulus and a glycogen piece are absent. (Received 25 October 1993; accepted 4 February 1994)  相似文献   

The spermatozoon of Tornatina sp. has been studied with phase-contrast light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. The head of the spermatozoon consists of an elongate acrosome which caps the apex of an unusually complex, helical nucleus. This elaborate nuclear morphology has not been previously reported, but possibly is found in other opisthobranch gastropod spermatozoa. An axoneme is inserted deeply into the base of the nucleus whilst posterior from the nucleus, the axoneme is ensheathed successively by the mitochondrial derivative (midpiece) and 'glycogen' granules (glycogen piece). The midpiece exhibits fine structure similar to that observed in other euthyneuran spermatozoa (paracrystalline and matrix materials) and possesses a single helical compartment filled with what are probably glycogen granules. A dense ring structure occurs at the junction of the midpiece and glycogen piece. The spermatozoon of Tornatina and other gastropods (prosobranch and euthyneuran) are compared.  相似文献   

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