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Liu W  Zhang XM  Wang LB 《动物学研究》2010,31(6):627-632
采用动物性饵料和人工饲料培育1~10日龄怀头鲇(Silurus soldatovi)仔稚鱼,分析测定了全鱼酸性、碱性蛋白酶、淀粉酶、脂肪酶以及碱性磷酸酶的活性。结果表明:孵化后3天开口期仔鱼已具有较高的碱性蛋白酶活性,5日龄时碱性蛋白酶比活力达到较高值,8日龄时出现低值,总体变化呈波动上升趋势;酸性蛋白酶活性在1~8日龄处于较低水平,8日龄后开始迅速升高;淀粉酶活性在5日龄左右达到最高值,随后酶活性开始下降至较低水平;脂肪酶活性变化波动较大,表现为双峰型,两个峰值分别出现在3~4日龄和6~8日龄。摄食动物性饵料仔稚鱼消化酶活性和碱性磷酸酶活性均高于摄食人工饲料。在整个早期发育过程中,碱性蛋白酶比酸性蛋白酶活性高,碱性蛋白酶、淀粉酶比活力在约8日龄仔稚鱼转变期明显下降,而酸性蛋白酶活性开始迅速升高,这说明消化酶活性的变化与仔稚鱼发育过程中消化机能转换具有相关性。怀头鲇在10日龄内碱性磷酸酶活性呈上升趋势,表明怀头鲇胃肠道功能的逐步发育完善。  相似文献   

为了探究了鲤(Cyprinus carpio)仔稚鱼的生长过程中主要消化酶活性变化规律, 实验测定了鲤从孵化出膜到40 日龄(日龄, Day after hatching)仔稚鱼期间的生长、可溶性蛋白含量和几种消化酶活性变化。结果显示: 仔稚鱼全长以及体重在15 日龄后增速加快, 特定生长率为14.81%。淀粉酶、脂肪酶、胰蛋白酶, 糜乳蛋白酶、碱性磷酸酶以及氨基肽酶在1 日龄仔鱼体内均能检测到活性。在仔稚鱼发育过程中, 其可溶性蛋白含量先下降后上升。仔鱼摄食前消化酶的活性出现一定的上升, 随着仔稚鱼消化系统发育以及营养方式的转变, 其消化酶活性从3到25 日龄处于不断的变化状态, 而25 日龄到实验结束鲤仔稚鱼的消化酶处于一种相对稳定的状态, 标志着其消化功能趋于完善。根据不同发育时期鲤消化酶活性的变化, 设计有机可腐化的材料制备人工鱼巢以提高人工鱼巢的生态修复功能, 降低饥饿对仔稚鱼成活率的影响。  相似文献   

鳜消化系统器官发生的组织学   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用形态学观察和连续组织切片技术,对出膜后0-35d的鳜仔稚鱼消化系统胚后发育的组织学特征进行了系统研究.结果表明,试验水温为18.0-20.0℃时,鳜初孵仔鱼消化道仅为一段位于脊索下方、卵黄囊上方的实心细胞索,卵黄囊呈椭圆形,含有油球.孵化后第2天,口和肛门形成,消化道贯通.孵化后第4天,消化道上皮细胞出现分化,肝脏和胰脏出现,仔鱼开始由内源性营养向外源性营养转变.孵化后第5天,仔鱼开口摄食,消化道分化成口咽腔、食道、胃、前肠和后肠.孵化后第9天,卵黄囊完全被吸收.此后随着鱼体的生长,消化系统从结构和功能上逐步发育完善和成熟.孵化后第7天前肠中出现空泡,孵化后第8天仔鱼后肠中发现有嗜曙红颗粒,表明肠上皮细胞吸收了脂肪和蛋白质.在孵化后第13天,出现胃腺,标志着稚鱼期的开始.  相似文献   

几种淡水鱼的胃腺细胞显微与超微结构的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
王韫明  王文 《水生生物学报》1989,13(4):334-339,T001,T002
尼罗非鲫的胃腺细胞和一般硬骨鱼类的泌酸胃酶细胞结构不同,属典型的泌酸细胞,与哺乳动物的壁细胞十分相似,细胞内充满微管泡系和线粒体,但是没有发现胃蛋白酶原颗粒,粗面内质网也极少,乌鳢,鲇和黄颡鱼的胃腺细胞则为典型的泌酸酶原细胞,除有微管泡系和线粒体外,还有丰富的胃蛋白酶原颗 和粗面内质网,用显示盐酸的Western方法证明这两类胃腺细胞都能分泌盐酸,但对检测色氨酸的Adams方法,两者都呈阴性反应,未能证明乌鳢胃细胞中胃蛋白酶原的存在,可能乌鳢的胃蛋白酶成分中色氨酸的含量不占多数,故未能检出。这两类胃腺细胞结构和功能的不同,与整个消化道结构的差别相一致,可能与它们的食性不同有关。微管泡系是两类胃腺细胞共有的结构,是泌酸的结构基础,由一系列短管的囊泡组成,在鱼类中,泌酸过程可能有顶浆分泌和局部分泌两种形式,泌酸活动中细胞顶膜,微管泡系以及高尔基体之间膜的转移关系和泌酸形式有关。  相似文献   

为研究褐菖鲉(Sebastiscus marmoratus)视觉器官发育与生态习性及摄食行为之间的关系,用组织学方法对人工培育条件下的褐菖鲉仔、稚鱼的视觉器官发育特征进行了详细观察。结果表明,褐菖鲉为卵胎生鱼类,其视觉器官的分化速度较一般鱼类快,从母体产出时,仔鱼视网膜神经细胞层和原始晶状体已形成;1日龄仔鱼的视网膜分化为6层,晶状体出现纤维化,直径约72 μm,仔鱼开始具有一定趋光性;2日龄仔鱼视网膜分化完成,可见10层结构,巩膜出现,与仔鱼开口摄食相适应,游泳能力增强;5 ~ 7日龄晶状体直径达99 μm,晶状囊形成;17日龄,仔鱼角膜结构分化完成,脉络膜趋于完善;37日龄稚鱼的视觉器官各部分已经发育完全。  相似文献   

目的 应用6种胃肠激素抗血清对胡子鲶(Clarias fuscas)和瓦氏黄颡鱼(Pelteobagrus vachelli Richardson)消化道内分泌细胞进行了免疫组织化学比较.方法 应用链霉亲和素-生物素-过氧化物酶复合物技术(streptavidin biotin-peroxidase complex method,SABC法)免疫组织化学方法.结果 除胡子鲶后肠外,五羟色胺细胞在两种鱼的消化道各段均有分布,其中贲门部或幽门部密度最高,前中肠次之,食道最少;胡子鲶消化道中生长抑素细胞主要分布于胃贲门部和胃部,食管、胃幽门及肠道内未见分布,而瓦氏黄颡主要分布于食管和胃部,肠道内未见分布;胃泌素细胞在胡子鲶消化道内只在肠内检测到,瓦氏黄颡只在幽门胃和前肠两个部位检测到;胰多肽细胞只在瓦氏黄颡的幽门胃和前肠两个部位有分布;胰高血糖素和P-物质两种细胞在两种鱼的消化道各段均未见其分布.结论 两种有胃鱼消化道中六种内分泌细胞的分布既有一定的共性,体现了两者消化生理的共同点;同时又存在较大的种间差异,与各自食性及生活环境相适应.  相似文献   

研究了军曹鱼(Rachycentron canadum)仔、稚鱼的日摄食节律和摄食强度,以及饵料密度、温度、盐度对其摄食的影响.结果表明,发育8 d仔鱼(摄食轮虫)、23 d稚鱼(摄食卤虫无节幼体)和38 d稚鱼(摄食鳗鱼粉状饵料)均表现为明显的昼夜摄食节律,摄食主要在白天进行,白天摄食强度占日摄食强度的68%以上;在白天的摄食中,又以早晨600~800和傍晚1600~1800摄食强度最大;夜间摄食较少或基本不摄食,所以军曹鱼早期幼体的摄食习性属白天摄食且偏于晨昏性类型.在不同饵料密度梯度的试验中,发育8d~11d仔鱼和23d~26 d稚鱼摄食的适宜饵料密度范围分别为15 ind·m-1~20 ind·mL-1和7 ind·mL-1~2 ind·mL-1.温度和盐度对发育21d~24 d稚鱼日摄食强度的影响均表现为抛物线型的变化曲线,摄食的适宜水温范围为27~31℃,适宜盐度范围为28‰~32‰.结果还表明,幼体摄食强度与饵料密度、水温、盐度的关系均适合于用二次多项式来定量描述.  相似文献   

对人工培育的似刺鳊(鱼句)(Paracanthobrama guichenoti)仔鱼、稚鱼和幼鱼的生长与摄食节律进行了研究.结果显示,在1~70日龄间,似刺鳊(鱼句)全长平均日增长率为3.55%,体重平均日增长率为11.26%,头长/全长值随着13龄的增长而变小.全长(L,mm)与体重(M,mg)的关系式为M=0.001 2 L2-0.056 4L+0.650 4;体重(M,mg)与日龄(D,d)的关系式为M=0.004 3 e0.0936D;全长(L,mm)和日龄(D,d)的关系式为L=0.015 4 D2-0.012 8 D+8.196 5.在饵料充足的条件下,20日龄晚期仔鱼全天均有很高的摄食发生率,小高峰出现在8:00时;40日龄稚鱼则表现出明显的昼夜摄食节律,属于典型的白天摄食类型,日摄食率2.337 6%.20 13龄仔鱼和40日龄稚鱼饱食后分别经6 h、5 h整个消化道排空.在水温25℃及饥饿空胃状态下,10日龄仔鱼只经3 d即开始出现死亡个体,经5 d全部死亡;20日龄仔鱼经6 d开始出现死亡个体,经9 d全部死亡;40 13龄稚鱼经7 d才开始出现死亡个体,10 d后全部个体均死亡.  相似文献   

条石鲷的早期生长发育特征   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
对条石鲷(Oplegnathus fasciatus)早期生活史阶段生长发育特征进行了观察和测量,描述了胚胎和胚后各发育阶段的生长发育特征。条石鲷成熟卵子为浮性、端黄卵,卵径0.86mm±0.012mm(n=30),单油球,油球径0.18mm-0.22mm。在水温23.5℃±0.5℃、盐度30.5、pH8.0-8.3条件下,受精卵经27.5h孵化出膜。初孵仔鱼消化道细而直,随着仔鱼发育,消化道变得粗大、弯曲,肠道内褶回增多,消化能力增强。3日龄(仔鱼孵化出膜后第一天称为0日龄,以此类推)仔鱼卵黄囊消耗殆尽,开口,肛门与外界相通,油球在6日龄消耗完毕,进入外源性营养阶段。仔稚鱼培育在室内水泥池进行。在水温21℃-24℃、盐度27-33、pH8.0-8.3条件下,仔鱼开口饵料为S型褶皱臂尾轮虫,4日龄仔鱼开始摄食轮虫或轮虫卵,13日龄开始摄食卤虫无节幼体,25日龄开始进行配合饲料转化,30日龄后苗种摄食配合饲料良好。4日龄仔鱼鳔原基形成,7日龄时鳔开始充气变为亮泡状,生活史终生有鳔。色素细胞首先出现在12h50min的胚体上,至18h已在胚体全身分布,随着胚体发育,色素细胞增多。脊椎骨末端弯曲在15日龄开始,至24日龄弯曲过程完成,除腹鳍外其它鳍的鳍条数与成鱼一致,牙齿(硬齿和绒毛齿)生成,可咬食饵料。体表七条横向黑色素带是条石鲷的一个显著体态特征。21日龄鱼体表形成第一条横向黑色素带,23日龄时体表形成第二条色素带,25日龄时形成第三条色素带,29日龄时仔鱼体表第五条色素带形成,至40日龄时第七条色素带形成,此时稚鱼体态除背鳍、尾鳍、腹鳍上色素外与成体相似。60日龄幼鱼鳞片形成,在体态上与成体无明显区别。  相似文献   

利用组织学切片及阿利新蓝-过碘酸雪夫(AB-PAS)组化染色技术对0~50日龄大鳞副泥鳅(Paramisgurnus dabryanus)消化道各段黏液细胞的发育与分布进行显微观察和研究。大鳞副泥鳅黏液细胞分为Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ和Ⅳ4种类型。消化道黏液细胞最早出现在4日龄仔鱼的口咽腔和食道。10~15日龄口咽腔和食道黏液细胞数量快速增长,15~20日龄肠道各型黏液细胞数量显著增长,20日龄后消化道黏液细胞分布广泛。随着仔稚鱼发育,消化道各部黏液细胞主要以Ⅲ和Ⅳ型细胞为主。根据大鳞副泥鳅仔稚鱼消化道黏液细胞的发育特点,5~10日龄和15~20日龄为其消化道功能发育的两个敏感时期,20日龄后消化道功能逐渐发育完善。建议加强对5~20日龄仔稚鱼的日常饲养管理以提高苗种成活率。  相似文献   

The ontogeny of the digestive tract was studied histologically and histochemically in sharpsnout sea bream Diplodus puntazzo from hatching (0 DAH, Days After Hatching) until day 57 (57 DAH). At hatching, the digestive tract appeared as a histologically undifferentiated straight tube lying dorsally to the yolk sac. When the mouth opened at 3 DAH, the digestive tract was differentiated into buccopharynx, oesophagus, incipient stomach and intestine. The pancreas, liver and gall bladder were also differentiated at this stage and both the bile and pancreatic duct had opened into the anterior intestine. Active feeding began in 50% of larvae at 4 DAH, although permanence of yolk reserves until 7 DAH suggests a period of both endogenous and exogenous feeding. Nutrient absorption was first visible from 5 DAH, as colourless supra- and infranuclear vacuoles in the anterior intestinal mucosa, suggesting a lipid content, as well as supranuclear, eosinophilic vacuoles, containing protein, in the posterior intestinal mucosa. Early caecal development could be detected from 10 DAH, whereas gastric glands appeared at 30 DAH, indicating the transition from larval to juvenile stage and the acquisition of an adult mode of digestion. Goblet cells appeared in the digestive tract of sharpsnout sea bream larvae shortly after first feeding. The mucus content of goblet cells varied with the digestive region and, in the buccal cavity and oesophagus, also with the developmental phase. This study provides knowledge for better husbandry practices in the aquaculture industry, as well as for the implementation of future nutritional studies.  相似文献   

Histological method was used to describe the development of the digestive tract in Atractosteus tristoechus larvae reared under culture conditions. The larvae were kept at 28 ± 1 °C in three 15 L circular tanks for 18 days and they were fed with Artemia. According to the structural changes in the digestive system, three significant stages were established: (1) lecithotrophic, (2) lecithoexotrophic and (3) exotrophic. The first stage spanned from hatching to 3 days after hatching (DAH), the digestive system started to differentiate and larvae depended entirely on the endogenous nutrition from the yolk sac. During second stage (4–10 DAH), considered critical since it is the transition period to exotrophic feeding, the digestive tract was fully differentiated into buccopharynx, esophagus, non-glandular and glandular stomach, anterior and posterior intestine. First periodic Schiff reagent-positive goblet cells also appeared, interdispersed within the epithelium of the digestive tract, increasing substantially in numbers and distribution as development continued. At this early stage, gastric glands were only observed in the fundic stomach and not in the cardiac and pyloric region. Pyloric caeca, spiral valve and rectum were also clearly distinguishable in the intestine. After the onset of the exogenous feeding (11–18 DAH), the organization and differentiation of the digestive tract did not undergo any noticeable modification, only the increase in size and complexity of the structures, and it attained the four tissue layer arrangement characteristic of adult vertebrates.  相似文献   

应用过氧化物酶标记的链霉卵白素免疫细胞化学技术对鳜、大口黑鲈、尼罗非鲫、短盖巨脂鲤、鲇、黄颡鱼、黄鳝和乌鳢等8种有胃真骨鱼消化道粘膜中降钙素免疫活性内分泌细胞进行了免疫细胞化学定位及形态学比较.结果表明,在尼罗非鲫、鳜和大口黑鲈消化道的任何部位均未见到阳性反应。另外5种鱼消化道的不同部位可不同程度地见到阳性细胞,其中黄颡鱼的整个消化道均有降钙素免疫活性的阳性反应;黄鳝和乌鳢的肠道中则无阳性反应,但在它们的胃以及黄鳝的食道中见到阳性细胞;鲇除食道中没有发现阳性细胞外,消化道各段中均有阳性细胞的存在;短盖巨脂鲤则仅在食道中发现阳性细胞。降钙素免疫活性细胞在肠道中的形态大多为长校形,胞体膨大,胞核是空油状,有两个相对的胞突分别伸向肠腔和基膜;胃中的降钙素细胞在位于胃上皮细胞之间时形状多为较短的梭形,而位于胃腺中时其形状较前者更加粗、短,胞突短小,常常呈不规则形状沿胃腺管边缘分布。  相似文献   

This study analysed morphology and histology of the developing mouth and digestive tract of the Malaysian mahseer larvae to assess the best weaning time to a compound diet for the fry on the basis of their morphological features. The mouth development was monitored using light and scanning electron microscopy; the development of the alimentary canal was followed histologically using light microscopy after haematoxylin‐eosin staining. The larval mouth opened 1 day after hatching (1 DAH); the histological structures of oesophagus were completed by 5 DAH. At 2 DAH, differentiation of enterocytes began, and at 7 DAH the supranuclear protein inclusion appeared in the posterior intestine. The hepatopancreas was structurally completed at 4–5 DAH, coinciding with the start of exogenous feeding and the evidence of lipid storage in the liver. It was concluded that Malaysian mahseer larvae should certainly be able to ingest, and possibly digest and absorb, a formulated diet of 287 μm Ø from 7 DAH onward.  相似文献   

The organogenesis of the digestive system was described in the Amazonian pimelodid catfish species Pseudoplatystoma punctifer from hatching (3.5 mm total length, TL) to 41 days post-fertilization (dpf) (58.1 mm TL) reared at 28°C. Newly hatched larvae showed a simple digestive tract, which appeared as a straight undifferentiated and unfolded tube lined by a single layer of columnar epithelial cells (future enterocytes). During the endogenous feeding period, comprised between 20 and 96 h post-fertilization (3.5 to 6.1 mm TL), the larval digestive system experienced a fast transformation with the almost complete development and differentiation of most of digestive organs (buccopahrynx, oesophagus, intestine, liver and exocrine pancreas). Yolk reserves were not completely depleted at the onset of exogenous feeding (4 dpf, 6.1 mm TL), and a period of mixed nutrition was observed up to 6 to 7 dpf (6.8 to 7.3 mm TL) when yolk was definitively exhausted. The stomach was the organ that latest achieved its complete differentiation, characterized by the development of abundant gastric glands in the fundic stomach between 10 and 15 dpf (10.9 to 15.8 mm TL) and the formation of the pyloric sphincter at the junction of the pyloric stomach and the anterior intestine at 15 dpf (15.8 mm TL). The above-mentioned morphological and histological features observed suggested the achievement of a digestive system characteristic of P. punctifer juveniles and adults. The ontogeny of the digestive system in P. punctifer followed the same general pattern as in most Siluriform species so far, although some species-specific differences in the timing of differentiation of several digestive structures were noted, which might be related to different reproductive guilds, egg and larval size or even different larval rearing practices. According to present findings on the histological development of the digestive system in P. punctifer, some recommendations regarding the rearing practices of this species are also provided in order to improve the actual larval rearing techniques of this fast-growing Neotropical catfish species.  相似文献   

The ontogeny of the digestive system of cobia Rachycentron canadum from hatching to 22 days post-hatch (dph) (20·1 mm standard length) was examined with light microscopy. The activities of selected pancreatic enzymes were also determined during this period in order to optimize current rearing methods for this species. At hatching (3·6 mm), the digestive tract consisted of a relatively undifferentiated, straight tube positioned dorsally to the yolk sac. The major morphological changes in the digestive tract primarily occurred over the first 1–4 dph (3·6–4·4 mm). During this time, larvae began exogenous feeding (3 dph) and the digestive tract differentiated into five histologically distinct regions: buccopharynx, oesophagus, stomach anlage, anterior intestine and posterior intestine. Yolk reserves were exhausted by 5 dph (4·5 mm) and the oil globule began rapidly decreasing in size disappearing entirely by 9–10 dph (6·3–6·8 mm). Gastric glands differentiated at this time, and by 12 dph (8·1 mm) surface mucous cells of the stomach anlage stained positive for neutral mucosubstances. By 16 dph (11·6 mm), the blind sac (fundic region) of the stomach formed as did the pyloric caecae which initially appeared as a single protrusion of the anterior intestine just ventral to the pyloric sphincter. Generally, enzyme activities (U larva−1) for amylase (0·0–1·8), chymotrypsin (0·0–7902·4), trypsin (0·2–16·6) and lipase (9·3–1319·0) were measurable at or soon after hatching and increased steadily from c. 8–22 dph (5·7–20·1 mm). The results of this study are discussed in terms of current and future weaning practices of this species.  相似文献   

李宁  梁刚  刘婷婷 《动物学杂志》2011,46(3):117-122
为了探讨中国大鲵(Andrias davidianus)胃肠道形成、分化及发育的基本特征,采用解剖学和组织学方法对其胃肠道胚后发育的形态结构变化进行了观察.结果表明,出膜第7天时的大鲵,胃肠道尚未分化,为一直管;出膜第21天时,已有胃和肠的分化;出膜第35天时,分化出了胃、小肠和大肠.出膜第7天时,胃肠道壁仅由黏膜上皮...  相似文献   

Micale  V.  Garaffo  M.  Genovese  L.  Spedicato  M. T.  & Muglia  U. 《Journal of fish biology》2004,65(S1):332-333
The ontogenesis of the alimentary tract and its associated structures (liver, pancreas, gall bladder) was studied in common pandora Pagellus eythrinus L., a promising species for diversification in Mediterranean aquaculture. Mass production of pandora has been limited so far by high larval and juvenile mortalities, which appear to be related to nutritional deficiencies. The development of the larval digestive system was studied histologically from hatching (0 DAH) until day 50 (50 DAH) in reared specimens, obtained by natural spawning from a broodstock adapted to captivity. At first feeding (3–4 DAH) both the mouth and anus had opened and the digestive tract was differentiated in four portions: buccopharynx, oesophagus, incipient stomach and intestine. The pancreas, liver and gall bladder were also differentiated at this stage. Soon after the commencement of exogenous feeding (5–6 DAH), the anterior intestinal epithelium showed large vacuoles indicating the capacity for absorption of lipids, whereas acidophilic supranuclear inclusions indicating protein absorption were observed in the posterior intestinal epithelium. Both the bile and main pancreatic ducts had opened in the anterior intestine, just after the pyloric sphincter, at this stage. Intestinal coiling was apparent since 4 DAH, while mucosal folding began at 10 DAH. Scattered mucous cells occurred in the oral cavity and the intestine, while they were largely diffused in the oesophagus. Gastric glands and pyloric caeca were firstly observed at 28 DAH and appeared well developed by 41 DAH, indicating the transition from larval to juvenile stage and the acquisition of an adult mode of digestion.  相似文献   

The process of differentiation of digestive tract structures in the sterlet Acipenser ruthenus (L.) larvae was studied from hatching to the beginning of exogenous feeding [9 dph (day post hatching)] using histological procedures. On the day of hatching the digestive tract was closed and completely filled with nutrients (the yolk platelets) that were successively utilized during development. A liver primordium was present in the ventral region of the yolksac. The pancreas was observed on the 2 dph. At the same time, the mouth opening took place. Glandular and nonglandular stomach and anterior and intermediate intestine developed from the yolksac walls. Gastric glands became visible on the 7 dph. The primary intestine developed into the spiral intestine. At the moment of onset of exogenous feeding the yolk material was completely exhausted and there was not mixed feeding observed in sterlet larvae. The fish started exogenous feeding on the 9 dph, which was accompanied with evacuation of melanin plug. At the end of endogenous feeding the digestive tract of sterlet larvae was developed and functional, so they could properly utilize food.  相似文献   

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