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三、治疗·康复仪器的有效性评估医学仪器的种类很多,分类方法也因各自所站的立场不同而异。工程技术人员通常站在工程方法的立场上来论述仪器,习惯用光、电、声、化、热、射线等工程物理术语来命令医学仪器,而生命科学及医务工作者则往往根据医学仪器的用途来称呼医学仪器,造成医学仪器名称的纵横交错。本文从评估医学仪器有效性及安全性出发,拟将医学仪器分成两大类,即治疗·康复仪器类及诊断  相似文献   

冷泉港生物科技股份有限公司成立于上世纪 80年代 ,总部设在台湾。经过 2 0多年的发展 ,它已经成为一家专业的生命科学仪器代理公司 ,其代理的产品可以分为 5个部分 :微生物学仪器、分子生物学仪器、蛋白质组学仪器、生物芯片仪器和常规仪器。在这五部分科研仪器中 ,大部分是高  相似文献   

对如何在微生物毕业实习教育中利用自动化仪器进行教学进行了初步探讨。从上机前的标本处理、正确使用仪器、仪器结果分析、认识仪器的局限性、发临床检测报告、利用VITEK软件的资料处理系统对医院感染进行监控和分析等 6大方面对学生进行培训。认识仪器鉴定的局限性和手工操作的重要性 ,把理论知识和实践工作有机地结合起来。  相似文献   

仪器新品代表了当前及未来一段时间仪器最新技术的发展方向和相关应用领域的最新需求。为了让广大用户及时全面地了解每年推向市场的仪器新品,仪器信息网于2004年开通了新品栏目,该栏目自开通以来已经向广大仪器用户及时、全面地展示了约1000台当年在中国市场上推出的最新仪器及设备。2009年12月新品栏目进行了全面改版,目前其基本功能如下:  相似文献   

昆明生物多样性大型仪器区域中心(区域中心)是根据《中国科学院"十一五"科研装备建设规划》部署,经中国科学院批准建设,是先期建设的十个大型仪器区域中心之一,也是三个生物类大型仪器区域中心之一(北京、上海、昆明)。"区域中心"由昆明动物研究所、昆明植物研究所和西双版纳热带植物园联合组建。其宗旨是:整合大型仪器资源,建立有效支撑生物多样性基础研究及生物资源可持续利用研究的大型仪器共享  相似文献   

将生物医学科研仪器作为以人为本的一类工具加以认识,着眼于科研人员在生物医学科研工作中对仪器的客观与主观需求,分析了生物医学科研仪器在自动化、高通量、可视化和集成化方面不断发展的必然性,阐释了生物医学科研仪器的发展趋势。  相似文献   

 现代植物生理生态学的发展是和测定仪器的进步同步进行的。小型轻便、智能、性能优良和高自动化程度是植物生理生态学仪器发展的必然趋势。该文以光合生理生态学的仪器为例,概述了该领域测定仪器的发展趋势及对学科发展的重要作用,并讨论了控制实验和实验设计中的假重复问题。  相似文献   

经过一年时间的准备,仪器信息网论坛升级为全新社区,由"仪器论坛"、"圈子"、"iLog博客"、"积分商城"和"积分加油站"五个模块组成。 仪器论坛(http://www.instrument.com.cn/bbs)是仪器社区中上线时间最长的一个栏目,仪器论坛按照不同的行业和应用等分成120多个版面,截至10月底已有617098个帖子,每天都会有超过五万的用户在这个交流平台上和业内的朋友们沟通、学习。  相似文献   

经过一年时间的准备,仪器信息网论坛升级为全新社区,由“仪器论坛”、“圈子”、“iLog博客”、“积分商城”和“积分加油站”五个模块组成。仪器论坛(http://www.instrument.com.cn/bbs)是仪器社区中上线时间最长的一个栏目,仪器论坛按照不同的行业和应用等分成120多个版面,截至10月底已有617098个帖子,每天都会有超过五万的用户在这个交流平台上和业内的朋友们沟通、学习。  相似文献   

2011世界制药机械、包装设备与材料中国展与2011世界生化、分析仪器与实验室设备中国展以及世界制药原料中国展近日在上海召开。梅特勒-托利多在此次会上重点展出了实验室研发和分析检测仪器、在线检测仪器、包装检测仪器和  相似文献   

The Cuban species of Calisto are reviewed based on the morphology of adult and immature stages, as well as DNA sequences of six genes (COI, EF1α, wingless, GAPDH, RpS5, CAD). A new species, Calisto occultasp. n., is described from the northeastern Cuban mountains. Calisto smintheus Bates, 1935 and Calisto bruneri, Michener 1949 are revised and revalidated. A new status, the species level, is proposed for Calisto brochei, Torre 1973, Calisto muripetens, Bates 1939 and Calisto bradleyi, Munroe 1950. The immature stages of Calisto smintheus, Calisto brochei,and Calisto occulta are described for the first time, and those of Calisto herophile, Hübner 1823 are redescribed. Useful morphological characters for adults are the shape and conspicuousness of androconial patch, the number and relative size of white dots on underside of hindwing, the shape of aedeagus, the shape of digitiform projection of genitalia valve, the shape and relative size of tegumen and uncus, the relative size of female genitalia, the height of sterigmal ring dorsal crown of the latter, and the relative size of corpus bursae and ductus bursae. For the immature stages, the most important characters are the color pattern of head capsule, the number and width of longitudinal lines of body, in the larvae; and the color pattern and the absence or presence of dorsal ridges on the abdomen of pupae. The phylogenetic relationships between the Cuban Calisto species are quite robust and well-supported; however, conflict between mitochondrial and nuclear datasets was detected in Calisto brochei, Calisto muripetens and to a lesser degree in Calisto bradleyi.  相似文献   

Numbers of species and genera,endemic genera,extant primitive genera,relationship and distribution patterns of presently living Chenopodiaceae(two subfamilies,12 tribes,and 118 genera)are analyzed and compared for eight distributional areas,namely central Asia,Europe,the Mediterranean region,Africa,North America,South America, Australia and East Asia. The Central Asia,where the number of genera and diversity of taxa are greater than in other areas,appears to be the center of distribution of extant Chenopodiaceae.North America and Australia are two secondary centers of distribution. Eurasia has 11 tribes out of the 12,a total of 70 genera of extant chenopodiaceous plants,and it contains the most primitive genera of every tribe. Archiatriplex of Atripliceae,Hablitzia of Hablitzeae,Corispermum of Corispermeae,Camphorosma of Camphorosmaea,Kalidium of Salicornieae,Polecnemum of Polycnemeae,Alexandra of Suaedeae,and Nanophyton of Salsoleae,are all found in Eurasia,The Beteae is an Eurasian endemic tribe,demonstrating the antiquity of the Chenopodiaceae flora of Eurasia.Hence,Eurasia is likely the place of origin of chenopodiaceous plants. The presence of chenopodiaceous plants is correlated with an arid climate.During the Cretaceous Period,most places of the continent of Eurasia were occupied by the ancient precursor to the Mediterranean,the Tethys Sea.At that time the area of the Tethys Sea had a dry and warm climate.Therefore,primitive Chenopodiaceae were likely present on the beaches of this ancient land.This arid climatic condition resulted in differentiation of the tribes Chenopodieae,Atripliceae,Comphorosmeae,Salicornieae,etc.,the main primitive tribes of the subfamily Cyclolobeae. Then following continental drift and the Laurasian and Gondwanan disintegration, the Chenopodiaceae were brought to every continent to propagate and develop, and experience the vicissitudes of climates, forming the main characteristics and distribution patterns of recent continental floras. The tribes Atripliceae, Chenopodieae, Camphorosmeae, and Salicornieae of recent Chenopodiaceae in Eurasia, North America, South America, southern Africa, and Australia all became strongly differentiated. However, Australia and South America, have no genera of Spirolobeae except for a few maritime Suaeda species. The Salsoleae and Suaedeae have not arrived in Australia and South America, which indicates that the subfamily Spirolobeae developed in Eurasia after Australia separated from the ancient South America-Africa continent, and South America had left Africa. The endemic tribe of North America, the tribe Sarcobateae, has a origin different from the tribes Salsoleae and Suaedeae of the subfamily Spirolobeae. Sarcobateae flowers diverged into unisexuality and absence of bractlets. Clearly they originated in North America after North America had left the Eurasian continent. North America and southern Africa have a few species of Salsola, but none of them have become very much differentiated or developed, so they must have arrived through overland migration across ancient continental connections. India has no southern African Chenopodiaceae floristic components except for a few maritime taxa, which shows that when the Indian subcontinent left Africa in the Triassic period, the Chenopodiaceae had not yet developed in Africa. Therefore, the early Cretaceous Period about 120 million years ago, when the ancient Gondwanan and Laurasian continents disintegrated, could have been the time of origin of Chenopodiaceae plants.The Chinese flora of Chenopodiaceae is a part of Chenopodiaceae flora of central Asia. Cornulaca alaschnica was discovered from Gansu, China, showing that the Chinese Chenopodiaceae flora certainly has contact with the Mediterranean Chenopodiaceae flora. The contact of southeastern China with the Australia Chenopodiaceae flora, however, is very weak.  相似文献   

The creation of the Veterinary Schools in the 18th century would reveal a plethora of scientists, some of whom would be the precursors of Pasteur, some rivals, others followers collaborators or friends of the Master. Among the precursors let us name Chabbert, Huzard, Girard, Delafond, Renault, Toussaint, Galtier ; among the rivals: Chauveau, Arloing, Cornevin and Thomas; among the followers, collaborators or friends of Pasteur: Bouley, at first a resolute spontaneist, then the most fervent in defense of Pasteur (President of the Academy of Medicine and of the Academy of Sciences) and Nocard, Director of the School in Alfort, an important collaborator of Pasteur. Later, there was Leclainche, who created the International Office of Epizootics, and who was President of the Academy of Sciences; Guérin, who with Calmette developed the BCG vaccination; Ramon, the father of anatoxins (vaccines against diphtheria, and tetanus, combined vaccines, adjuvants to immunity). Thus, the creation of the Veterinary Schools contributed not only to the evolution of the notion of contagion, to the amelioration of animal health and the economics of agricultural production, but also to serious advances in human care, and to the protection of public health.  相似文献   

The development of new taxonomical theories and approaches, particularly molecular phylogenetics, has led to the expansion of traditional morphology-based taxonomy into the concept of "integrative taxonomy." Taxonomic knowledge has assumed greater significance in recent years, particularly because of growing concerns over the looming biodiversity crisis. Since its establishment in 1938, the Kunming Institute of Botany (KIB), which is located in Yunnan province in Southwest China, has focused attention on the taxonomy and conservation of the flora of China. For the forthcoming 80th anniversary of KIB, we review the achievements of researchers at KIB and their associates with respect to the taxonomy of land plants, fungi, and lichen. Major taxonomic advances are summarized for families of Calymperaceae, Cryphaeaceae, Lembophyllaceae, Neckeraceae, Polytrichaceae and Pottiaceae of mosses, Pteridaceae and Polypodiaceae of ferns, Taxaceae and Cycadaceae of gymnosperms, Asteraceae, Begoniaceae, Ericaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Gesneriaceae, Lamiaceae, Orchidaceae, Orobanchaceae, Poaceae, Theaceae and Urticaceae of angiosperms, Agaricaceae, Amanitaceae, Boletaceae, Cantharellaceae, Physalacriaceae Russulaceae, Suillaceae and Tuberaceae of fungi, and Ophioparmaceae and Parmeliaceae of lichens. Regarding the future development of taxonomy at KIB, we recommend that taxonomists continue to explore the biodiversity of China, integrate new theories and technologies with traditional taxonomic approaches, and engage in creative monographic work, with support from institutions, funding agencies, and the public.  相似文献   

During the years 1996 and 1997, a team of the Laboratory of Prehistory, National Museum of Natural History, Paris, and of the Departments of Archaeology, Karachi and Peshawar University, Pakistan, leads the first prehistoric field investigation in the District of Chitral, Hindu Kush, close to the Wakhan Corridor (the Amu Daria course in the Pamir). Problematics are the origins and the becoming of the Epipaleolithic/Neolithic hunters-gatherers known in the Pamir Plateau and the Gissar Range, the lithics tradition of which share common roots with the Sub-Himalayan Soanian tradition (Mode 1). A second field investigation has been conduced in the North West India, where Soan developed from Early Pleistocene, in the Frontal Range of the Siwaliks and Himachal Pradesh during the years 2003, 2005 and 2006 in cooperation with the Department of Archaeology and Museums of Punjab, India. New discoveries in both countries support new hypothesis for the understanding of human evolution in Asia and Homo sapiens origins.  相似文献   

云南复叶耳蕨属的分类修订   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
研究了云南产复叶耳蕨属植物,提出了新的分类处理。云南共有本属植物20种2变种,其中包括1新组,3个改级新组合,7个云南分布新记录,并清理出了54个云南及其他省区种类的新异名。  相似文献   

Here we report the results of a comprehensive biogeochemical monitoring of Rostherne Mere in 1998, including changes in dissolved oxygen, organic carbon and nitrogen, nitrate/nitrite, ammonia, Al, Na, S, K, Mg, Ca, Si, Fe, Mn, orthophosphate, particulate N & P, suspended solids, temperature, pH, chlorophyll-a and zooplankton. The results demonstrated the major influence of primary producers on the overall geochemical cycling of N, P and Si, and suggested that the significance of zooplankton might have been previously underestimated. For major anions and cations, however, the influence of biota on lake water concentrations appeared to be negligible, reflecting the fact that these chemicals were present far in excess of plankton requirements. Thus changes in concentrations of Ca, K, Na, Mg and S were rather limited and must have reflected changes in hydrological and meteorological parameters. K, however, demonstrated a transitional pattern, reflecting some influence of biological uptake. During the stratification period, the slow processes of bacterial decomposition in the hypolimnion gradually released chemicals contained in the materials accumulated in the bottom layer, remarkably increasing the concentrations of dissolved compounds of those elements present in amounts comparable with the pool stored in the sedimenting detritus (e.g. orthophosphate P, ammonia N, Si and DOC). The decomposition also resulted in a drop in the redox potential, followed by partial denitrification and chemical release from the sediments. The hypolimnion of the Mere was confirmed to remain at the stage of Mn release, characterised by accumulation of DOC, orthophosphates, ammonia and initial stages of denitrification. High levels of P released from the sediments during the stratification period suggest that the lake’s recovery after sewage diversion might be further delayed.  相似文献   

性状(Trait)或功能性状(Functional trait)是植物、动物和微生物等对外界环境长期适应和进化后所呈现出来的可量度的特征,也是人们认识自然、利用或改造自然的重要途径和技术手段。近几十年来,科学家对植物、动物和微生物功能性状的研究取得了令人瞩目的成就,尤其在物种水平的植物叶片和根性状的研究领域;然而,自然生态系统是复杂的,植物、动物和微生物自身的多种性状间及其不同生物间性状的相互作用是广泛存在的,因此需要跨学科、系统性、集成式地调查和研究。以中国东部南北样带(NSTEC)森林生态系统为对象开展了植物、微生物和土壤性状的综合测定;基于其核心的研究结论并适当整合NSTEC前期的相关研究成果,希望能给性状研究提供新的调查模式和分析思路。沿NSTEC从热带雨林到寒温带针叶林3700km样带选取了9个地带性森林生态系统,在群落结构调查基础上对群落内所有植物种类(总计1177物种)开展了系统性的性状测定(叶-枝-干-根多元素含量,叶片形态性状-气孔性状-解剖性状-叶绿素含量-多元素含量-非结构性碳水化合物、细根形态性状-解剖性状-多元素含量等),测定了土壤微生物群落结构、酶活性、土壤有机质结构与组成、土壤碳氮周转及其温度敏感性等参数。基于上述数据,不仅按传统途径系统性地探讨了植物、微生物和土壤多种性状的纬度变异规律与影响因素;还从不同角度探讨了"如何科学地将器官水平测定性状推导至天然森林群落水平"科学难题,并从多个性状角度建立了自然森林生态系统中性状与功能的定量关系。在此基础上提出"性状网络"和"生态系统性状"概念,以其更好地用于揭示自然界复杂的森林生态系统,为验证和发展生态学理论、探讨多种性状间协同(权衡)的生态系统生产力优化机制提供重要的数据支撑。希望通过解决性状尺度拓展的技术难题,未来将传统性状研究拓展至群落或生态系统水平,并与高速发展的宏观观测手段(遥感观测、通量观测、模型模拟)有机结合,使性状研究更好地服务于区域乃至全球性的生态环境问题。  相似文献   

Nine of 10 genera and 119 of approximately 240 species of the Pinaceae occur in China, including 67 endemic species and two endemic genera. In this paper, the distributional maps of all the genera of the Pinaceae are presented (fig. 1-8). The horizontal and vertical distributions of species in each genus are discussed. The analysis of the distribution patterns of the genera indicates that some genera, such as Keteleeria, Tsuga, Pseudotsuga, Cathaya and Pseudolarix, are restricted to the area south of the Qinling Mountains and the Huaihe River, and the others, i. e. Picea, Abies, Larix and Pinus, extend northward to northeastern China. However, all of the genera except Keteleeria and Pinus are not found in very dry areas and tropical mountainous regions of China. The monotypic genera, Cathaya and Pseudolarix, are distributed in eastern and central China. The genus Keteleeria consists of 10 species, 7 of which are concentrated in southern Guizhou, northern Guangxi, southwestern Hunan and easternmost Yunnan. The distribution of the remaining 6 genera shows the maximum concentration in western Sichuan and northwestern Yunnan. (Figs. 2-8). Furthermore, more than third of species of the Pinaceae (37.8%) are also concentrated in western Sichuan and northwestern Yunnan. where a great variety of habitats and different topographic features occur. It is apparent that to conduct our systematic and evolutionary studies on this family in these region is especially needed. The relations between the areal size and the tolerance of species are discussed. The distributions of macrofossils and microfossils of the genera of the Pinaceae ia China are given, and it has been proved that areas of most genera of the family were considerably larger in the past. than at present.  相似文献   

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