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塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地梭梭(Haloxylon ammodendron)蒸腾耗水规律   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
塔里木沙漠公路防护林生长于极端干旱的塔克拉玛干沙漠中,防护林植物的蒸腾耗水和灌溉管理是防护林可持续的核心问题.利用植物茎流计连续测定了塔里木沙漠公路塔中段防护林植物梭梭的茎干液流、蒸腾耗水量.结果表明:梭梭茎干液流具有明显昼夜节律性,液流的高峰值出现在白天10:00~15:00,最小值出现在0:00~03:00,夜间也保持较小的液流;茎干液流受环境因子影响而波动,太阳辐射、气温和风速与茎干液流有较明显的正相关关系,相对湿度和茎干液流呈负相关关系;滴灌条件下,防护林带内土壤含水量充足且在各个月份变化不大,土壤含水量对茎干液流影响不大;依据清晨和午后水势变化,梭梭体内水分在夜间得到了较好的恢复;在一个生长季内,3株直径为2.0、2.8、3.4cm的梭梭总的耗水量分别为295、436、616kg,日平均耗水量分别为1.48、2.18、3.08kg;现行灌溉模式提供了充足的水分供应,梭梭的水分状况良好;在充足水分条件下,梭梭有较大的蒸腾耗水量,干旱的环境条件和较为充足的水分供应是梭梭耗水量大的主要原因;依据梭梭的水分状况,当前水分管理为防护林提供了较充足的水分.  相似文献   

利用热平衡式茎流计和压力室,对不同灌溉量下塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地防护林植物梭梭的水分生理特性进行了测定.结果表明:梭梭茎干液流的日变化曲线随着灌溉量的不同而有所差异,灌溉量为每次每株35和24.5 kg条件下,茎干液流日变化曲线呈单峰型,且变幅较大,灌溉量为每次每株14 kg条件下,其日变化曲线为双峰型,变化较平缓;随着灌溉量的减少,梭梭日平均液流速率逐渐降低,其日单株耗水量也随之降低;随着灌溉量的减少,梭梭的清晨水势和午后水势逐渐降低, 且茎干液流速率与总辐射、空气温度、相对湿度和风速的相关性均增强,但不同灌溉量下,其与总辐射的相关性都最强.  相似文献   

塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地多枝柽柳茎干液流及耗水量   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11  
2005年4—11月,利用植物茎流计研究了塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地沙漠公路防护林植物多枝柽柳的茎干液流特性和耗水量.结果表明:在极端干旱的沙漠腹地,土壤水分充足时,直径为3.5和2.0 cm的多枝柽柳在整个生长季的日平均耗水量分别为6.322和1.179 kg;多枝柽柳的茎干液流呈单峰曲线型,有明显的昼夜变化规律,茎干液流随环境因子变化而波动;在土壤水分充足的条件下,总辐射、风速、温度是影响茎干液流变化的主要环境因子,可以用总辐射和风速的线性回归模型预测茎干液流的变化.沙漠腹地多枝柽柳的蒸腾耗水量相对较高,是因为在较为充足的水分供应条件下,多枝柽柳通过大量的水分消耗来抵御干燥高温的沙漠环境.  相似文献   

闫海龙  张希明  许浩  刘英 《生态学报》2010,30(10):2519-2528
利用Li-6400光合作用系统在沙漠腹地测定分析塔里木沙漠公路防护林植物梭梭(Haloxylon ammodendron)、多枝柽柳(Tamarix ramosissima)和乔木状沙拐枣(Calligonum arborescens)光合特性对干旱胁迫的响应,探讨了水分亏缺对防护林植物光合积累的影响作用。结果显示:沙拐枣的净光合速率、蒸腾速率、水分利用效率、光能利用效率及潜在光合作用能力对水分亏缺最敏感,而柽柳则最不敏感;不同处理下3种植物光合特性变化的差异表明,不同植物对水分亏缺有着不同的响应变化和适应方式;此外,干旱胁迫未提高3种植物的水分利用效率,反而降低了其光能利用效率;C3植物多枝柽柳在干旱高温条件下保持着比C4植物梭梭和沙拐枣更为稳定的光合积累和水分利用效率,说明部分C3植物具备不弱于C4荒漠植物的干旱耐受适应能力;虽然水分亏缺对3种植物的光合作用能力均存在不同程度抑制作用,但未对其光合积累造成不可逆转的影响。可见3种植物都有很强的干旱适应与耐受能力,这种能力表明沙漠公路防护林的灌溉管理还有进一步的节水空间。  相似文献   

以塔克拉玛干沙漠公路防护林的乔木状沙拐枣(Calligonum arborescens)、多枝柽柳(Tamarix ramosis-sima)和梭梭(Haloxylon ammodendron)2年生苗木为材料,采用盆栽试验,设置10d(处理Ⅰ)、20d(处理Ⅱ)和40d(处理Ⅲ)的自然干旱胁迫周期,探讨其不同干旱处理下的水分生理特征及其耐旱性。结果表明:(1)3种苗木的水势均随着干旱胁迫程度增强而降低,水势最大降幅均在第2个干旱处理周期内,在第3个干旱处理周期内水势有较大回升,且以乔木状沙拐枣水势最高,梭梭水势最低。(2)乔木状沙拐枣的PV水分参数均随着干旱胁迫强度的增强而降低,其渗透势在第3个干旱周期内开始回升,而初始质壁分离的相对含水量(RWCtlp)一直呈降低趋势,质外体水分含量(AWC)呈现出"降-升-降"的波动状态。乔木状沙拐枣的耐旱能力随着干旱胁迫程度的增强变化不明显,它主要通过减少水分散失适应干旱环境。(3)多枝柽柳的PV水分参数在处理Ⅰ和处理Ⅱ之间差别很小,处理Ⅲ第60天就枯亡;其Ψsat和Ψtlp在第1个干旱周期降低,第2个干旱周期开始回升,而其AWC随胁迫时间在不断增大;多枝柽柳的耐旱能力随着干旱的增强急剧降低,耐旱性最差,它主要通过增加水分散失适应干旱环境。(4)梭梭的Ψsat和Ψtlp在处理Ⅱ、Ⅲ之间非常接近,且都低于处理Ⅰ,RWCtlp与AWC随着干旱强度增强而增大,同期处理Ⅱ和Ⅲ的AWC都高于处理Ⅰ。梭梭的耐旱能力随着干旱的增强不断增强,它通过增加体内水分含量,减少水分散失应对干旱胁迫。(5)3种植物的耐旱能力强弱为:梭梭>乔木状沙拐枣>多枝柽柳,所以梭梭最适合做沙漠防护林树种。  相似文献   

西北干旱区典型固沙植物夜间耗水及其影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用热平衡包裹式Flow32茎干液流仪和环境要素监测系统研究了河西走廊中段典型固沙植物梭梭(Haloxylon ammodendron)、白刺(Nitraria tangutorum)、沙拐枣(Calligonum mongolicum)夜间液流活动特征,分析影响3种植物夜间耗水的主要环境因素及其利用途径。结果表明:(1)梭梭、白刺、沙拐枣茎干夜间液流密度在前半夜(20:00~0:00)较大且迅速降低,在后半夜(0:00~6:00)仍有微弱液流密度且波动较大;梭梭、白刺、沙拐枣的夜间液流密度差异极显著,平均夜间液流密度依次为3.73、1.12、6.07g·cm-2·h-1,且在典型降雨天气条件下3种植物夜间液流活动明显减弱。(2)在观测期间,总夜间耗水量与基茎显著相关,但3种植物夜间耗水分配在不同月份间差异不显著;梭梭、白刺、沙拐枣夜间耗水对日总耗水贡献率变化范围分别为1%~30%、0.1%~16%和1.5%~20%。(3)饱和水汽压差和风速仅能解释梭梭、沙拐枣、白刺夜间液流密度24%、25%、27%的变化,3种植物夜间液流主要用以茎干补水。  相似文献   

蒸腾是植物重要的生理活动之一, 受到多个环境要素的综合影响。该文利用热平衡包裹式茎干液流仪Flow32监测系统, 对河西走廊中段绿洲—荒漠过渡带主要固沙植物梭梭(Haloxylon ammodendron)生长季的蒸腾过程进行连续监测, 并分析了其对环境要素的响应。结果表明: (1)梭梭茎干液流速率随枝直径的增加而增加, 液流密度随枝直径的增加而降低, 梭梭液流密度日变化呈多峰特征, 整个生长季液流密度变化比较稳定。(2)主成分分析表明第1、2、3主成分能够分别解释环境信息49%、15%、12%的变化, 第一主成分中水汽压亏缺、光合有效辐射及气温反映了大气的蒸腾需求。(3) S型模型对液流密度日变化模拟精度达到0.86, 考虑时滞效应后模拟精度提高至0.9, 降水天气条件下模拟精度降低至0.65。(4)液流密度对主要环境要素存在非对称响应, 同光合有效辐射呈逆时针环状, 同水汽压亏缺、蒸腾需求指数呈顺时针环状。  相似文献   

以策勒绿洲外围6种人工栽培的优势防护林植物为研究对象,在绿洲外围设置A(0m3·m-2)、B(0.1m3·m-2)、C(0.2m3·m-2)3个不同灌水量处理实验,探讨优势防护林植物对不同灌溉量的光合以及水分生理响应特征。结果显示:(1)在不同灌溉量下6种优势防护林植物净光合速率的日变化趋势一致,均为典型的单峰型变化,除红枣以外,其它植物的净光合速率均表现为CBA。(2)随着灌溉量的增加,植物的蒸腾速率也在逐渐增大,灌木日蒸腾速率呈不规则的M型变化趋势。(3)除核桃外,其它植物清晨水势和正午水势均随着灌溉量的增加而增大,且均表现为BCA。(4)6种优势防护林植物在不同的灌溉量下的瞬时水分利用效率日进程基本上一致,且均表现为BCA。研究表明,从水分利用和灌溉量大小的角度来说,在防护林树种的选择中应该优先选用核桃、红枣、桑树和沙拐枣;综合考虑节水和植物生长的情况下,对红枣进行适量灌溉显然比核桃、桑树、柽柳、花棒和沙拐枣更为有效,所以红枣比其余5种植物更适于在策勒绿洲地区节水生长。  相似文献   

为探讨沙漠公路防护林地表凋落物的分解速率和养分释放动态对施肥的响应,采用凋落物分解袋法,对塔里木沙漠公路防护林地乔木状沙拐枣(Calligonum arborescens)同化枝、梭梭(Haloxylon ammodendron)同化枝和多枝柽柳(Tamarix ramosissima)枝凋落物在施肥处理下的分解及养分释放特征进行研究。结果表明:经过420d的分解,3种凋落物质量残留率在对照(不施肥)、施用氮肥、施用磷钾复合肥处理间存在显著性差异(P0.05)。乔木状沙拐枣同化枝、梭梭同化枝和多枝柽柳枝在对照处理下的质量残留率分别为56.95%、31.32%和50.24%。施肥处理下3种凋落物均呈现出梭梭同化枝分解速率最快,多枝柽柳枝次之,乔木状沙拐枣同化枝分解最慢。施用磷钾复合肥极显著提高了3种凋落物的分解速率(P0.01);施用氮肥则促进多枝柽柳枝的分解,抑制乔木状沙拐枣和梭梭同化枝的分解。凋落物分解过程中,对照组3种植物凋落物的C、N、P和K元素均呈现净释放状态;施肥后凋落物的N、P和K元素呈现出富集-释放的模式。凋落物初始P含量和C/N、C/P比值是分解初期的主导因素,初始K、木质素、纤维素含量和C/N、木质素/N比值是分解后期的主要控制因素。研究表明,施肥显著影响沙漠公路防护林地表凋落物的分解,增加防护林地表凋落物的养分归还量,延后养分释放的时间,改善塔里木沙漠公路防护林地的土壤肥力。凋落物初始C/N比值是预测塔里木沙漠凋落物分解的重要因素,且不同分解时期影响凋落物分解的初始化学组成有所差异。  相似文献   

离子吸收分布与几种荒漠植物适应性的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用压力室灌流挤压法结合原子吸收分光光度计测定了胡杨、沙枣、柽柳、梭梭和花棒等5种荒漠优势植物组织以及细胞内和质外体溶液中K+、Na+含量,并用TPS-1型光合蒸腾测定系统和露点微伏压计测定了叶片(同化枝)的蒸腾速率和组织渗透势,以分析荒漠植物离子吸收特点与其适应性的关系。结果表明:5种植物叶片(同化枝)中K+含量差异较小,但Na+含量却有极显著差异,其中梭梭Na+含量最高、胡杨和柽柳次之、花棒和沙枣相对较低,且梭梭和柽柳的根系和组织细胞膜对Na+也具有更高的透性。另外,实验结果还显示组织Na+含量与组织渗透势和蒸腾失水率均呈显著负相关,即Na+的吸收、积累可能在渗透调节和减少水分散失中具有重要作用。由此可见,梭梭和柽柳能够通过大量吸收和积累无机离子来降低渗透势、增强吸水力,同时减少蒸腾失水,具有很强的荒漠环境适应能力;而胡杨蒸腾耗水量较大、花棒和沙枣生理吸水的动力不足,与梭梭和柽柳相比,其荒漠环境适应能力相对较弱。  相似文献   

Effective hydraulic responses to varying soil moisture and evaporative demand are crucial to plant survival in arid ecosystems. This study was carried out during two growing seasons (2004?C2005) on two typical desert shrub species, Tamarix ramosissima and Haloxylon ammodendron, co-occurring in the Gurbantonggut Desert (Central Asia), to investigate their hydraulic responses to seasonal variations in water availability. The root distribution was studied by excavating the intact root systems. Leaf-specific apparent hydraulic conductance (K l) for the two species was calculated based on leaf water potential (?? l) and transpiration rate (T r), which were monitored during the growing seasons. T. ramosissima had a deeper taproot (3.1 vs. 2.6 m) and a larger root surface area (3.02 vs. 1.28 m2) than H. ammodendron. Combined with a higher ?? l, this meant that it maintained a better water status in general. For the deep-rooting T. ramosissima, the seasonal pattern of its predawn leaf water potential (?? pd) was in high accordance with the seasonal changes in soil moisture at a depth of 2.6?C2.8 m, which was largely influenced by the upflow of groundwater through capillary ascent, and barely responded to rain events. For the shallow-rooting H. ammodendron, the seasonal pattern of ?? pd was closely related to soil moisture in the upper layer at a depth of 0?C0.2 and 0.6?C0.8 m, which was recharged periodically by rain events and responded acutely to rainfall above 5 mm. The two species differed in their maximum transpiration rates (T rmax) and ?? pd: in T. ramosissima, T rmax gradually dropped with decreasing ?? pd; in H. ammodendron, T rmax showed no significant response to ?? pd. For T. ramosissima, the major water resource was groundwater and vadose zone water, and ?? l contributed significantly to transpiration regulation. For H. ammodendron, the primary water resource was precipitation input, which was not sufficient to keep the ?? l for this species outside the critical range of leaf shedding in summer. Thus, for these two representative species that share the same habitat, contrasting response strategies to water limitation were observed in relation to water acquisition and root distribution characteristics.  相似文献   

Sap flow in the stems of two cut saplings each of Eucalyptus maculata (a canopy eucalypt forest tree), Doryphora sassafras and Ceratopetalum apetalum (both canopy rainforest trees of south-eastern coastal Australia) was measured by the heat pulse velocity technique and compared with water uptake from a potometer. Scanning electron micrographs of wounding caused by implantation of temperature sensor and heater probes into the sapwood showed that wounding was similar in rainforest and eucalypt species and was elliptical in shape. A circular wound has been implicitly assumed in previous studies. Accurate measurements of sapling water use were obtained using the smaller transverse wound dimension rather than the larger longitudinal dimension because maximum disruption of sap flow through the xylem vessels occurred in the transverse plane. Accurate measurements of sap flux were obtained above a minimum threshold sap velocity. These velocities were 15·7,10·9 and 9·4 cm h?1 for E. maculata, C. apetalum and D. sassafras, respectively. Below the threshold sap velocity, however, sap flow could not be accurately calculated from measurements of heat pulse velocity. The minimum threshold sap velocity appeared to be determined by probe construction and xylem anatomy. Despite the elliptical wounding and inaccurate measurement of sap flow below the threshold sap velocity, total sap flow over the experimental period for two saplings of each species was within 7% of water use measured by the potometer.  相似文献   

Clusia minor L. is a C3-CAM species in which Crassulacean acid Metabolism (CAM) is induced, among other factors, by water deficit. We propose that CAM induction by natural drought in C. minor shifts the sap flow pattern from daytime to a night-time one, and that the decreased osmotic potential due to increased malate content in droughted plants aids in the increase in nocturnal sap flow. In order to test these hypotheses, we followed for 2 years the seasonal changes in parameters of water relationships and sap flow velocity in one single, freestanding tree growing in Caracas. Leaf water and osmotic potential were measured psychrometrically, nocturnal proton accumulation by titration of aqueous leaf extracts and sap flow density with thermal dissipation probes. Leaf water, osmotic and turgor potential remained relatively high throughout the seasons. Nocturnal proton accumulation was nil under extreme drought or after frequent and heavy rains, and high after moderate rainfall. Estimated malate and citrate concentrations contributed up to 80 and 60%, respectively, of the value of osmotic potential. The shape of the daily courses of sap flow velocity varied seasonally, from mostly diurnal during the dry season to mostly nocturnal after a short dry spell during the rainy season, when nocturnal acid accumulation attained high values. There was a strong positive relationship between the proportion of the integrated sap flow courses corresponding to the night and dawn [H+] (r 2 = 0.88). Increased nocturnal sap flow in the CAM stage of the tree of C. minor may be explained by a lower osmotic potential due to an increased acid concentration, together with increased stomatal aperture, as suggested by increased nocturnal acid accumulation probably due to nocturnal CO2 fixation.  相似文献   

Stem water storage capacity and diurnal patterns of water use were studied in five canopy trees of a seasonal tropical forest in Panama. Sap flow was measured simultaneously at the top and at the base of each tree using constant energy input thermal probes inserted in the sapwood. The daily stem storage capacity was calculated by comparing the diurnal patterns of basal and crown sap flow. The amount of water withdrawn from storage and subsequently replaced daily ranged from 4 kg d–1 in a 0·20-m-diameter individual of Cecropia longipes to 54 kg d–1 in a 1·02-m-diameter individual of Anacardium excelsum, representing 9–15% of the total daily water loss, respectively. Ficus insipida, Luehea seemannii and Spondias mombin had intermediate diurnal water storage capacities. Trees with greater storage capacity maintained maximum rates of transpiration for a substantially longer fraction of the day than trees with smaller water storage capacity. All five trees conformed to a common linear relationship between diurnal storage capacity and basal sapwood area, suggesting that this relationship was species-independent and size-specific for trees at the study site. According to this relationship there was an increment of 10 kg of diurnal water storage capacity for every 0·1 m2 increase in basal sapwood area. The diurnal withdrawal of water from, and refill of, internal stores was a dynamic process, tightly coupled to fluctuations in environmental conditions. The variations in basal and crown sap flow were more synchronized after 1100 h when internal reserves were mostly depleted. Stem water storage may partially compensate for increases in axial hydraulic resistance with tree size and thus play an important role in regulating the water status of leaves exposed to the large diurnal variations in evaporative demand that occur in the upper canopy of seasonal lowland tropical forests.  相似文献   

荒漠防护林典型树种液流特征及其对环境因子的响应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用基于热补偿理论的SF300分体液流仪对干旱荒漠区人工防护林典型树种(俄罗斯杨、胡杨、榆树、沙枣)树干液流全天候监测,自动气象站同步记录相关环境因子变化。研究表明:①4种防护林树种茎干液流日变化除沙枣树外均存在明显昼夜节律,液流速度在同属种间差异较小,在不同属种间差异显著,俄罗斯杨的日平均液流速度可以达到沙枣的13.8倍,耗水量排序为俄罗斯杨胡杨榆树沙枣树。②水分充足条件下,增加实验地灌溉量使4种树木蒸腾受到抑制,液流流速降低,水分利用效率降低。③液流流速因所处树干径向位点不同而存在差异,俄罗斯杨、榆树、沙枣液流速度表现出由形成层到髓心的递减趋势,胡杨树干径向位点液流没有表现一定规律。④树干液流流速与环境因子进行相关分析,通过逐步回归分析建立了4个典型树种茎干液流速度与环境因子关系估算模型,分析认为4种树木的环境敏感性排序为俄罗斯杨榆树胡杨沙枣。  相似文献   

科尔沁沙地黄柳和小叶锦鸡儿茎流及蒸腾特征   总被引:27,自引:3,他引:24  
岳广阳  张铜会  赵哈  林牛丽  刘新平  黄刚 《生态学报》2006,26(10):3205-3213
利用Dynamax茎流测量系统、Li-6400光合作用仪和自动气象站分别对科尔沁沙地两种灌木树种黄柳和小叶锦鸡儿的液流变化、蒸腾速率及其周围的环境因子进行检测.研究结果表明:(1)黄柳、小叶锦鸡儿茎干液流通量密度日变化趋势基本相同,呈多峰曲线;液流启动时间分别为4:30、5:30,在13:00左右到达各自液流峰值,峰值大小为81.2~91.7mg/h、17.3~27.1mg/h,20:30降为最低,晚间均具有明显的液流活动现象.(2)灌木的茎流日变化曲线与蒸腾速率日变化曲线并不吻合,实验测得的叶片蒸腾速率不能同步反映茎干液流的动态变化特征;黄柳的叶片蒸腾速率和单枝蒸腾耗水量均大于小叶锦鸡儿,耐旱性相对较低.(3)黄柳、小叶锦鸡儿白天液流通量密度变化趋势与环境因子变化趋势相吻合.相关性分析表明,影响灌木液流变化的主要因子依次是太阳有效辐射、相对湿度、大气温度、风速、10cm和20cm土壤温度.  相似文献   

Hao Xu  Yan Li 《Plant and Soil》2006,285(1-2):5-17
Plant water-use strategy is considered to be a function of the complex interactions between species of different functional types and the prevailing environmental conditions. The functional type of a plant’s root system is fundamental in determining the water-use strategy of desert shrubs and the physiological responses of the plant to an occasional rainfall event, or rain pulse. In this current study of Tamarix ramosissima Ledeb. Fl.Alt., Haloxylon ammodendron (C.A.Mey.) Bunge and Reaumuria soongorica (Pall.) Maxim., three dominant shrub species in the Gurbantonggut Desert (Central Asia), plant root systems were excavated in their native habitat to investigate their functional types and water-use strategies. We monitored leaf water potential, photosynthesis and transpiration rate during a 39-day interval between successive precipitation events during which time the upper soil water changed markedly. Plant apparent hydraulic conductance and water-use efficiency were calculated for the varying soil water conditions. Our results show that: 1) The three species of shrub belong to two functional groups: phreatophyte and non-phreatophyte; 2) The photosynthetic capacity and leaf-specific apparent hydraulic conductance of the three species was stable during the time that the water condition in the upper soil changed; 3) Transpiration, leaf water potential and water-use efficiency in Tamarix ramosissima Ledeb. Fl.Alt. were stable during the period of observation, but varied significantly for the other two species. Tamarix ramosissima Ledeb. Fl.Alt., as a phreatophyte, relies mostly on groundwater for survival; its physiological activity is not inhibited in any way by the deficiency in upper soil water. Non-phreatophyte Haloxylon ammodendron (C.A.Mey.) Bunge and Reaumuria soongorica (Pall.) Maxim. use precipitation-derived upper soil water for survival, and thus respond clearly to rain pulse events in terms of leaf water potential and transpiration. The observed similarity in leaf-specific photosynthesis capacity among all three species indicates that the two non-phreatophyte species are able to maintain normal photosynthesis within a wide range of plant water status. The observed stability in leaf-specific apparent hydraulic conductance indicates that the two non-phreatophyte species are able to maintain sufficient water supply to their foliage via, mostly likely, effective morphological adjustment at the scale of the individual plant.Section editor: H. Lambers  相似文献   

华北落叶松夜间树干液流特征及生长季补水格局   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在宁夏六盘山北侧半干旱区的叠叠沟小流域,采用热扩散探针法在2011年生长季监测了华北落叶松(Larix principisrupprechtii)人工林的树干液流速率,分析了夜间树干液流和补水量的变化特征及与气象、土壤水分等环境因子的关系.结果表明:树干液流速率日变化表现为典型的单峰宽峰曲线,且整个生长季均存在微弱的夜间液流,一般表现为逐渐减小,特别是在晴天,且晴天的变幅显著大于雨天.除生长季中期雨天夜间液流平均速率显著高于晴天,生长季初期及末期雨天与晴天的差异并不显著.生长季内,夜间树干补水总量为11.03 mm,占总蒸腾量的7.22%;5月份的树干补水量最大(4.19mm),其他月份的树干补水量明显减小,在0.9-1.7mm的范围波动.但不同月份间的补水贡献率存在明显差异,表现为生长季末期(9、10月)>初期(5月)>中期(6-8月).相关分析表明,日补水量与各气象因子关系不大,仅与降水量显著正相关(P<0.05),与土壤含水率、日间蒸腾量、日蒸腾总量极显著正相关(P<0.01).夜间补水的月蒸腾贡献率与月均土壤含水率、月均气温、月均日间蒸腾量、月总蒸腾量等显著相关(P<0.05);而夜间补水的日蒸腾贡献率与日最高气温、日均气温、日间蒸腾量、日均饱和水汽压差、日总蒸腾量、日均太阳辐射强度、日最低气温、日均空气相对湿度、日降水量、土壤含水率等极显著相关(P<0.01),经逐步回归分析建立了日补水量蒸腾贡献率与环境因子的多元线性模型.  相似文献   

利用Grainer热扩散式探针法(TDP)连续测定民勤绿洲荒漠过渡带生长季梭梭树干液流,并同步测定外界环境因子。研究了6—11月份不同直径梭梭树干液流日、季变化及其与外界环境因子的相关性。结果显示:(1)随月份的递增,不同直径梭梭树干液流通量(SV)晴天日变化波峰区逐渐缩减。并且在6—8月份,不同直径SV均表现出明显的"宽峰型"现象,且晴天SV明显高于阴、雨天;(2)随季节变化,不同直径梭梭SV波动性较大,直径越大其波动性越高;而梭梭SV未表现出随直径增大液流通量越大的现象;(3)6—11月梭梭树干耗水量先增后降,7月达最高峰,且直径越大,梭梭总耗水量越大;(4)梭梭树干液流与环境因子相关程度受不同天气、时间尺度的影响较大,晴天相关性略高于阴、雨天。空气温度、净辐射、饱和水汽压差是影响梭梭树干液流的主要气象因子。0—100cm土层以上0—250cm根幅区土壤水分对树干液流影响最显著。(5)同比古尔班通古特沙漠梭梭生长季(5—10月)总耗水量458—1044kg以及日均耗水量1.8—6.4kg/d,整个生长季(6—11月)民勤绿洲荒漠过渡带梭梭的总耗水量495—1232kg、日均耗水量为2.0—8.3 kg/d,两者耗水量近似。利用TDP技术测定梭梭耗水量具有一定的可靠性。  相似文献   

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