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太湖新银鱼移植对(鳖)早期摄食和生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究选择长江中游西洞庭湖水系太湖新银鱼移植水体(黄石水库)和未移植水体(蒙泉水库),研究太湖新银鱼(Neosalanx taihuensis Chen)移植对浮游动物食性鱼类(Hemiculter leucisculus Basilewsky)早期生长和摄食的影响。2009年7月下旬和8月中旬共采集稚鱼157尾,其中7月下旬采集稚鱼在14—23日龄之间,两水体间生长差异不显著;8月中旬采集稚鱼在20—49日龄之间,黄石水库生长率显著小于蒙泉水库。对样品耳石日轮分析发现25日龄之前两水体稚鱼生长率相似,之后黄石水库稚鱼较蒙泉水库生长慢。食性分析发现25日龄前两水体稚鱼食物组成相似,主要摄食轮虫、小型枝角类和桡足类;25日龄后黄石水库稚鱼食性没有显著变化,而蒙泉水库稚鱼则转食大型枝角类、昆虫及鱼卵和仔鱼。两水体气候条件、营养状况、鱼类区系组成上基本相同,是否有太湖新银鱼移植是两水体间的主要差别。太湖新银鱼春群在1—5月间繁殖,而的繁殖在6月下旬之后。因此在早期生活史阶段与太湖新银鱼的食物竞争会主要发生在转食大型浮游动物之后。太湖新银鱼摄食使黄石水库大型浮游动物饵料资源短缺,稚鱼在25日龄后不能转食,是导致黄石水库幼鱼在25日龄后生长减慢的重要因素。  相似文献   

抚仙湖太湖新银鱼的生长特性及其渔业利用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
太湖新银鱼(Neosalanx taihuensis Chen)是我国长江及淮河中下游湖泊中的重要经济鱼类.云南滇池移殖太湖新银鱼获得成功后.我国许多大中型湖泊水库都进行了引种.  相似文献   

太湖新银鱼线粒体DNA的制备   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
建立了适合太湖新银鱼等小型鱼类mtDNA分离纯化的有效方法。改进匀浆条件,采用DNaseI和RNase纯化方法,可用常规方法由小量太湖新银鱼中制备出mtDNA。采用改进的碱裂解法,能够在2小时内由单尾太湖新银鱼中快速分离纯化出适于限制性分析用的mtDNA。  相似文献   

淤泥湖近太湖新银鱼的生物学及其增殖途径的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近太湖新银鱼的生殖期为春夏季的3月底至6月上旬,产卵盛期为4月上旬和5月上旬。性成熟年龄为1年,属分批产卵类型。终生以浮游动物为食。生长1年平均全长为68.7mm,平均体重为0.70g。产卵后不久死亡,寿命只有1年。捕捞近太湖新银鱼的合理时期为冬季,捕捞期内划定禁渔区和向禁渔区放流部分亲本。产卵盛期人工放流受精卵或银鱼苗。  相似文献   

滇池太湖新银鱼的生长特性与资源量关系的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王瑛  陈银瑞 《动物学研究》1998,19(4):289-295
为了滇池中太源新银鱼(NeosalanxtaihuensisChen)达到稳产,高产,优质,高效的目的,管理部门急需寻求一个合理的资源平衡点,经31个月的连续采样调查,应用VonBertalanffy生长方程,得到太湖新银鱼1989年和1990年生长方程分别为:L=6.70(1-e^-0.198(t-0.225),W=1.78(1-e^-0.198(t-0.225))^3和L=7.48(1-e^-  相似文献   

邵晓阳  黎道峰  潭路  蔡庆华 《生态学报》2011,31(17):4858-4865
2006年10月-2007年10月对三峡库区香溪河太湖新银鱼、短吻间银鱼资源以及水体的主要理化因子进行调查,对太湖新银鱼、短吻间银鱼的生长特点进行了比较分析,结果表明:(1)香溪河1-3月多年平均气温为8.4℃,2月份多年平均最低10.8℃,适宜银鱼孵化的最佳温度时间为12月至翌年3月。(2)香溪河pH值全年在7.5-9.0之间变动,大多季节稳定在8.5左右,有利银鱼的繁殖生长。(3)太湖新银鱼5-6 cm规格的个体数量占优势,占总数96.2%;太湖新银鱼、短吻间银鱼的肥满度指数分别为(0.004±0.0004)g/cm3、(0.002±0.0003) g/cm3,两种银鱼的肥满度指数差异显著(P<0.001)。分析探讨了银鱼的时空分布格局、捕捞强度和渔产量对银鱼种群形成与衰退的影响。结果显示:(1)太湖新银鱼、短吻间银鱼在三峡水库湖北库区的各支流河道均有分布,沿江而上,种群规模逐渐减小,渔获量组成以太湖新银鱼为优势类群。(2)以灯光诱捕为主的扳罾网(网片规格为14.7 m × 14.7 m,网目0.3 cm × 0.3 cm)引入库区,使银鱼种群数量急剧下降,规格组成也发生巨大变化。2006年10月,太湖新银鱼种群主要由体长为50-60、60-70 mm的个体组成,在种群中所占的比例分别为62.3%和20.6%,大于70 mm的个体也占14.7%;2007年10月,种群主要由体长为40-50、50-60、60-70 mm的个体组成,在种群中所占的比例分别为20.2%、61.7%、15.8%,大于70 mm的个体极少见。(3)太湖新银鱼垂直活动范围在10 m以上的水层,受河岸底质的影响,山坡陡峭、浸水坡面主要由岩石构成的河岸水质清澈,银鱼数量较大。  相似文献   

兴凯湖大银鱼食物组成与食性转化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该文于2010年6月—2011年1月逐月分析中俄界湖兴凯湖外来种大银鱼食性,结果发现,大银鱼主要摄食枝角类、桡足类、虾类和鱼类。6月份大银鱼体长<60 mm,以枝角类和桡足类为食,7月份体长>60 mm群组、8月份体长>80 mm群组、9月份体长>100 mm群组与10月及之后体长>120 mm群组等的食谱中均出现鱼类,且优势种类为大银鱼和属鱼类。该摄食鱼类的大银鱼最小体长随季节而增加的现象,与饵料鱼类生长导致的食物资源可得性变动密切相关。  相似文献   

设计了5对特异性引物,扩增、拼接并测定出太湖新银鱼线粒体tRNAAsp-COII-tRNALys和tRNAGlu-Cytb-tRNAThr两段基因序列片段。基因定位和序列分析发现,太湖新银鱼线粒体COII基因全序列长度为691 bp,序列AT含量为52.80%,编码230个氨基酸;线粒体Cytb基因序列全长为1141 bp,AT含量为48.90%,它编码380个氨基酸。分别位于线粒体COII和Cytb基因两翼的4个tRNA基因(tRNAAsp、tRNALys、tRNAGlu和tRNAThr)同时被测定出来。将太湖新银鱼与有明银鱼、小齿日本银鱼的同源序列进行比对分析,并基于线粒体COII Cytb基因合并数据的核苷酸和氨基酸两种序列形式,以黑斑蛙为外群,对10种鱼类进行分子系统树的构建,结果一致表明:小齿日本银鱼与有明银鱼的亲缘关系近于太湖新银鱼;鲱科与鲑科的亲缘关系近于银鱼科鱼类;此外在本研究硬骨鱼类的4个科中,白鲟科作为原始而古老的类群,是在系统进化的过程中首先分化出来的一支。  相似文献   

共获得49个太湖新银鱼(Neosalanx taihuensis)个体的线粒体细胞色素b(Cyt b)全序列和控制区(D-loop)部分序列。所测线粒体D-loop部分序列长度变化范围为648~680bp,识别到位于前端的一个串联重复序列、一个终止相关序列(ETAS),3个中央保守区保守序列(CSB-F、CSB-E、CSB-D)及一个保守序列区保守序列(CSB-1),结构与其他鱼类的研究结果类似。太湖新银鱼线粒体Cyt b和D-loop片段的相对进化速率的比较研究结果表明,太湖新银鱼D-loop总的序列多态性位点的比例为0.83%,低于线粒体Cyt b部分总的序列多态性位点的比例(1.31%)。假设太湖新银鱼Cyt b基因平均进化速率相对值为1,贝叶斯(Bayes)MCMC模拟给出Cyt b基因的相对速率区间估计为1.000±0.131,而D-loop基因的相对速率为0.859±0.261,表明太湖新银鱼D-loop基因的进化速率低于Cyt b基因,同时,后验概率分布的变异方差也比较大。说明Cyt b基因比D-loop基因具有相对较高的进化速率,也相对更接近分子钟假设。因此,可以认为Cyt b基因比D-loop基因更适于太湖新银鱼种内及近缘种间相关分子生态及系统地理格局的研究。  相似文献   

设计了5对特异性引物,扩增、拼接并测定出太湖新银鱼线粒体tRNA^Asp-COⅡ—tRNAL^ys和tRNA^Glu-cytb—tRNA^Thr两段基因序列片段。基因定位和序列分析发现,太湖新银鱼线粒体COⅡ基因全序列长度为691bp。序列AT含量为52.80%,编码230个氨基酸;线粒体Cytb基因序列全长为1141bp,AT含量为48.90%,它编码380个氨基酸。分别位于线粒体COⅡ和Cytb基因两翼的4个tRNA基因(tRNA^Asp、tRNA^Lys、tRNA^Gls和tRNA^Thr)同时被测定出来。将太湖新银鱼与有明银鱼、小齿日本银鱼的同源序列进行比对分析,并基于线粒体COⅡ+Cytb基因合并数据的核苷酸和氨基酸两种序列形式,以黑斑蛙为外群,对10种鱼类进行分子系统树的构建,结果一致表明:小齿日本银鱼与有明银鱼的亲缘关系近于太湖新银鱼;鲱科与鲑科的亲缘关系近于银鱼科鱼类;此外在本研究硬骨鱼类的4个科中,自鲟科作为原始而古老的类群,是在系统进化的过程中首先分化出来的一支。  相似文献   

This study examined how variability in the abundance and biomass structure of benthic invertebrates affected the feeding choice of the whitefish Coregonus lavaretus on a hard bottom habitat of the brackish Baltic Sea. In general, crustaceans such as Idotea balthica and Gammarus spp. were preferred over molluscs. Although being the most numerous taxon in the invertebrate samples, Mytilus trossulus was the lowest ranking in C. lavaretus food preference. The availability of benthic invertebrate prey set the dietary range of fish but the selectivity largely described fish feeding within this range. There was no clear link between fish predation and the dominance structure of benthic invertebrate communities, suggesting that species composition, abundance and biomass of invertebrate species had no impact on the feeding selectivity of the fish. Thus, while fish predation may not affect the dominant species within a benthic community, due to strong selectivity fish may impose strong pressure on some rarer but highly preferred invertebrate prey species.  相似文献   

The activity of chitinolytic enzymes in the stomach or foregut of 29 North European marine and freshwater fish were determined. No correlation with a chitin-eating feeding habit was observed but species that were able to mechanically disrupt prey had low activity while species that ingest prey whole had high activity. The primary function of gastric chitinase in fish may be to chemically disrupt the chitinous envelope of prey.  相似文献   

Effects of satiation on feeding and swimming behaviour of planktivores   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Asaeda  Takashi  Priyadarshana  Tilak  Manatunge  Jagath 《Hydrobiologia》2001,443(1-3):147-157
Hunger affects the feeding and swimming behaviour in fish. After 36 h of food deprivation, the feeding and swimming behaviour of Pseudorasbora parva (Cyprinidae) was studied under different prey densities (0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10 and 25 of Daphnia pulex per liter). The initial feeding rates showed marked variations in relation to prey availability. Under high prey densities, the initial feeding rate of fish was higher and subsequently decreased faster, when compared to those feeding under low prey densities. At higher prey densities, two factors were involved: that of higher prey encounter rates and also the attainment of food satiation at a faster rate. Across all prey densities, the feeding rates of fish reached a plateau after satiation. The swimming speed of fish was found to be negatively related to the prey density and a significant change in swimming speed was noted as being directly related to the level of satiation. It was found that the increasing satiation level greatly influenced the handling time and reactive volume of predator, which finally caused reduced feeding rates.  相似文献   

The possibility that efficiency of feeding on different prey in three-spined sticklebacks ( Gasterosteus aculeatus L.) increases by experience of such items was investigated experimentally by comparing sticklebacks reared with only non-moving prey (frozen brine shrimps) with sticklebacks caught in the wild from localities where a wide range of prey species was available. Fish without experience of natural food scored less well than those from the wild on various components of foraging and so had reduced feeding efficiency. However, feeding efficiency in naive fish improved after just a few days of experience with natural prey. Such experience-induced changes in foraging efficiency will alter the profitability of prey items for individual fish.  相似文献   

When a three-spined stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus encountered prey simultaneously the probability of hanging and the median pursuit time were greater than when prey were encountered sequentially. During simultaneous prey encounter fish did not choose to attack the more profitable prey but instead the nearer prey was handled first except when the difference between the two prey sizes was large. No difference was found in the level of total energetic intake by the fish regardless of prey size pairing. Fish that handled and ate the first prey of a pair in <5 s attacked the second prey with a high probability of success, demonstrating an opportunistic feeding strategy. Importantly however, the fish did not choose to maximize long term energy intake rate by eating both prey, but rather short-term considerations over the course of feeding took precedence. With an empty stomach, the probability of a fish eating ( P eat) the first prey handled was high regardless of prey size. As stomach fullness increased, the P eat the first prey handled decreased if it was the larger prey. Hence, the fish were unselective when the stomach was empty but thereafter there was a shift in preference towards the smaller prey. The decision of which prey to attack and eat appeared to be based on short-term energy considerations and the level of stomach fullness. This study demonstrates that feeding on a short-term scale is a crucial factor to take account of when analysing fish feeding during simultaneous prey encounter.  相似文献   

Prey orientation in piscivorous brown trout   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Piscivorous brown trout Salmo trutta change their feeding behaviour depending on prey species, prey size and number of prey eaten. In trout which had eaten fish recently, most had one fish in their stomach, but up to 16 prey fish were found. Individuals of the small-sized minnow Phoxinus phoxinus were swallowed chiefly tail first, whereas individuals of the larger Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus were taken both head and tail first. The largest charr were swallowed head first. In stomachs containing more than one fish prey, prey orientation was likely to be mixed. For all three types of prey orientation (i.e. tail first, head first and mixed), significant and positive correlations existed between prey length and predator length. The maximum prey size eaten tail first or in mixed orientation was about 70–85% of the size of prey eaten head first, indicating morphological advantages in eating the prey head first.  相似文献   

Juvenile Platax orbicularis switches foraging tactics from diurnal herbivory to nocturnal zooplanktivory within a day. To examine how juvenile fish actively feed on zooplankton prey during nighttime, a field-recorded video analysis was conducted in the reefs off Kuchierabu-jima Island, southern Japan. Juveniles consistently showed fast and sudden attacks that were accurately directed at individual zooplankton prey, and changed feeding frequencies with different prey densities. A negative relationship was observed between feeding frequency and prey density, with higher feeding frequencies occurring at lower prey concentrations, implying a disturbance effect of clouded zooplankton prey on the juvenile fish. A clear transition from a ram-based to a suction-based feeding mode was observed with fish size, suggesting that changes in the feeding behaviors occur even in juveniles fishes, without drastic morphological changes.  相似文献   

Josef Wanzenböck 《Oecologia》1995,104(3):372-378
The interrelationship of fish size, prey size and handling time within a 15-min feeding period was studied in three size groups of 0 + roach, Rutilus rutilus, and bleak, Alburnus alburnus. Four size classes of cladoceran prey were used to measure changes in feeding rate and handling time from initial rapid feeding to sustained feeding. Observed differences in increase of handling time between prey size classes led to a change in the prey profitability ranking of those size classes within the first 2 min of the experiments. A 1-min feeding period is interpreted as reflecting an intermediate motivational status between extreme hunger and satiation. The use of average handling times for this period revealed a substantial change in prey profitability estimates compared to previous studies which used handling times based on short-term (a few seconds up to 1 min) feeding. It is not the largest prey items a fish can handle and swallow that are most profitable, but prey of intermediate size. By this approach a closer fit between expectations derived from optimal foraging theory and empirical data on prey size selection of 0 + zooplanktivorous fish is qualitatively achieved. Optimal prey size was found to be close the mouth gape width in small fish of 15 mm standard length, decreasing to 50% of mouth gape width in fish of 40 mm standard length.  相似文献   

The ontogenetic, diel, seasonal, and yearly variations in gut fullness, diet, and prey diversity for a California estuarine gobiid (Lepidogobius lepidus Girard) were examined. Also the feeding behavior of this species was described.Small (<50 mm, SL) and large (? 50 mm, SL) gobies consumed similar prey types in different proportions. Major prey items were polychaetes, harpacticoid copepods, gammarid amphipods, molluscs, and other crustaceans. Diets of large and small gobies were not significantly correlated, and larger fish had a more diverse diet. Small fish fed at all times while larger gobies fed primarily at night. Changes in diet may be related to differential prey preferences, feeding chronologies, and increases in fish size.Both large and small gobies displayed seasonal differences in diet and prey diversity. Year-to-year changes in diet also were noted for both size classes. The bay goby uses different feeding behaviors to capture sedentary and motile prey and appears to forage opportunistically. This behavior is probably advantageous in an environment which fluctuates drastically.  相似文献   

Predation and food consumption of five deep‐sea fish species living below 1000 m depth in the western Mediterranean Sea were analysed to identify the feeding patterns and food requirements of a deep‐sea fish assemblage. A feeding rhythm was observed for Risso's smooth‐head Alepocephalus rostratus, Mediterranean grenadier Coryphaenoides mediterraeus and Mediterranean codling Lepidion lepidion. Differences in the patterns of the prey consumed suggest that feeding rhythms at such depths are linked with prey availability. The diets of those predators with feeding rhythms are based principally on active‐swimmer prey, including pelagic prey known to perform vertical migrations. The diets of Günther's grenadier Coryphaenoides guentheri and smallmouth spiny eel Polyacanthonotus rissoanus, which did not show any rhythm in their feeding patterns, are based mainly on benthic prey. Food consumption estimates were low (<1% of body wet mass day?1). Pelagic feeding species showing diel feeding rhythms consumed more food than benthic feeding species with no feeding rhythms.  相似文献   

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