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糙皮侧耳(Pleurotus ostreatus)菌褶经有丝分裂阻断剂预处理、原生质体铺片和Gie-msa 染色并结合苏木精染色后,经过多次反复实验观察,证明糙皮侧耳的染色体条数为 9(n=9);糙皮侧耳从菌褶分化完成到子实体完全成熟的过程中,不断有少量新的双核担子产生,发生核配直到释放担孢子。其减数分裂同步性不高。减数分裂后,4个子核分别进入4个担孢子中,留下中空的担子。  相似文献   

党永  张廷璧 《真菌学报》1994,13(3):215-218
糙皮侧耳(Pleurotus ostreatus)菌褶经有丝分裂阻断剂预处理、原 生质体铺片和Gie-msa染色并结合苏木精染色后,经过多次反复实验观察,证明糙皮侧耳的染色体条数为9(n=9);糙皮侧耳从菌褶分化完成到子实体完全成熟的过程中,不断有少量新的双核担子产生,发生核配直到释放担孢子。其减数分裂同步性不高。减数分裂后,4个子核分别进入4个担孢子中,留下中空的担子。  相似文献   

土红粉盖鹅膏菌减数分裂及核相变化的观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用双苯并咪唑(Hoechst 33258)染色法对不同大小的土红粉盖鹅膏菌子0实体切取菌褶进行观察。结果表明:土红盖鹅膏菌最初形成单倍性双核原担子,单倍性双核原担子发生核配,形成二倍性单核原担子,二倍性单核原担子细胞核发生染色体复制,经减数分裂过程形成4个染色体减半的单倍性子核,这4个子核分别进入形成的4个担孢子中,留下无核的空担子;在减数分裂过程中,出现明显的土星环式细胞;在担孢子中子核又发生有  相似文献   

采用石蜡切片、压片等方法对灰花纹鹅膏菌(Amanita fuliginea)子实体发育过程进行了观察,并用核荧光染料Hoechst 33258对灰花纹鹅膏菌子实体发育过程中的核相变化进行了观察。结果表明,灰花纹鹅膏菌子实体发育是典型的半被果型发育,菌褶是子实层同时发育类型,属于同型菌髓。在子实体发育过程中,单倍的二核担子核配后形成短暂的二倍体单核担子,经过减数分裂形成四核担子,有近40%的担子中核再进行一次有丝分裂形成8核担子,担子进一步发育产生担孢子,其中,二核担孢子约占95%,单核担孢子约2.4%,三核孢子2%左右,4核担孢子约0.4%。灰花纹鹅膏菌基因组中染色体数目2n=10条。  相似文献   

金针菇生活史各阶段核相研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
许昭仪  李浩  张平 《菌物学报》2015,34(3):386-393
对金针菇Flammulina velutipes生活史各阶段的菌丝体、子实体、担孢子等进行荧光显微观察。结果表明,金针菇单个担孢子发育而来的同核体菌丝为单核,无锁状联合,部分单孢菌株能形成同核子实体,同核子实体的原担子中只有1个核,该核在担子中进行一次有丝分裂形成纵向排列的2个子核,担子发育停止,同核子实体不产生担孢子;具有可亲和交配型的两个同核体菌丝经过质配形成异核体菌丝,异核体菌丝双核,具有锁状联合,能形成异核子实体,异核子实体的原担子中具有2个核,这2个核经过核配融合为1个二倍核,二倍核在担子中进行减数分裂形成4个单倍子核,4个子核分别进入4个担孢子中,随着担孢子继续发育,其中的单核再进行一次有丝分裂,成熟担孢子为双核,但这2个核是同质的。单核菌丝和双核菌丝都能产生粉孢子,且产生的粉孢子均为单核。  相似文献   

李浩  张平 《菌物学报》2012,31(2):223-228
用双苯并咪唑(Hoechst 33258)染色法分别对长根小奥德蘑Oudemansiella radicata双孢菌株和四孢菌株的菌丝、子实体、担孢子进行染色观察,结果表明:双孢长根小奥德蘑菌丝细胞多为单核,无锁状联合;原担子中单核进行一次有丝分裂形成两个横向或纵向排列的子核,这2个子核分别进入2个担孢子中,留下无核的空担子;成熟担孢子具有一个核。四孢长根小奥德蘑菌丝细胞大多数为双核,具有锁状联合;进入原担子中的两个单倍性细胞核先发生核配,形成一个二倍性的核,再经过减数分裂形成四个染色体减半的单倍性子核,  相似文献   

答在减数分裂过程中,许多重要变化都发生在第一次分裂的前期。根据染色体的变化特点,又将其分为细线期、偶线期、粗线期、双线期和终变期五个阶段。同源染色体的联会发生在偶线  相似文献   

李文盛 《四川动物》1991,10(4):18-19
本文作者对我国药用动物东亚钳蝎——Buthusmartensi的精母细胞减数分裂和染色体组型进行初步观察。该虫的减数分裂有细线期、偶线期、粗线期、双线期和终变期。染色体数目24者居多,2n=24,即2n=22A+xy。染色体组型有3对为中部着丝粒染色体,7对亚中部着丝粒和1对端部着丝粒染色体。1对性染色体xy均为亚中部着丝粒染色体。  相似文献   

本文通过电镜扫描、石腊切片及用苏木精染色法和DAPI荧光染色,对榆耳子实体有性结构进行观察,证实榆耳子实体菌盖结构分三层:上表层为毛层,表面着生有排列较密集顶端游离的菌丝,它们相互粘连呈菌丝束;中间层为髓部,由较疏松而相互交织在一起的薄壁菌丝组成,菌丝间充满胶质物质;下表层为子实层,表面起伏不平,呈不规则的疣状突起,上面着生担子和囊状体,担子无隔膜棍棒形,外表有不规则的网状纹饰,其顶部着生4个瓶梗状小梗,每个小梗上着生1个椭圆形或腊肠形担孢子,大小为2.5—3.0×6.0—6.5μm,担孢子表面有不规则的网状纹饰结构。在担子间的囊状体为长圆柱形或圆锥形,表面有较密的不规则的网状纹饰。 榆耳有性生殖为异宗配合。绝大多数担孢子含一个细胞核,很少数担孢子含两个细胞核。孢子萌发为一端萌发,也有少数为两端萌发。初生菌丝单核,不能形成子实体,当两种不同遗传性的交配型的初生菌丝结合后,形成具有锁状联合结构的双核菌丝,并可发育成子实体。榆耳具有典型减数分裂过程,不具有减数分裂后核分裂行为,四个子核分别进入四个担孢子内。 在初生菌丝或次生菌丝上,均可产生间生的或顶生的厚垣孢子。经过温度、光照和紫外线照射的诱发,均未发现有其它类型的无性孢子产生。因此,榆耳菌的生活史和大多数担子  相似文献   

本文研究了聚合草(Symphytum officinale L.)花粉母细胞减数分裂时染色体的行为。双线期和终变期染色体完全不形成交叉,中期I的染色体大部分以单价体形式存在,少数染色体次级联会。在减数分裂过程中有落后染色体,单价体提早分离,染色体桥,多极分裂与不均等分裂,形成单分体到十分体等不正常的小孢子,作者认为聚合草是一个远缘杂种,减数分裂染色体行为不正常是其不结实的重要原因。并且,观察到两种类型的减数分裂再组,认为聚合草的部分能育性是由于减数分裂再组时产生的不减数配子引起的。  相似文献   

食用外共生菌根菌是一类可食用并与植物共生的大型真菌,其在纯培养条件下菌丝生长缓慢,不会扭结发育成原基,不能完成生活史。因此关于食用菌根菌纯培养条件下生活史的研究报道极少。本研究的兰茂牛肝菌Lanmaoa asiatica已能在纯培养条件下诱导出原基,这使生活史的研究得以完成。利用扫描电子显微镜、透射电子显微镜及荧光显微镜对兰茂牛肝菌子实体担子、担孢子、纯培养菌丝和原基的核相进行了观察。结果表明,子实体菌丝细胞为双核,担子经过减数分裂形成4个单核担孢子;担孢子萌发时长轴端长出芽状突起伸长为菌丝,原孢子中的细胞核不分裂,直接进入菌丝,形成单核初生菌丝;初生菌丝5d后变为双核菌丝;纯培养菌丝及原基细胞均为双核,其菌丝表面光滑,未观察到锁状联合。  相似文献   

In the genus Laccaria, basidial formation, dikaryotic basidia, karyogamy, and meiosis were generally similar to structures and phenomena reported for other Agaricales. The haploid nuclei of dikaryotic basidia resided side by side in the basidium prior to karyogamy. Following karyogamy a single nucleolus was observed in L. montana (four-spored species); several nucleoli remained in the nucleus of L. tortilis (two-spored species). The haploid number of chromosomes for L. montana appeared to be n = 9. Postmeiotic mitosis typically occurred in the basidiospores resulting in binucleate basidiospores for four-spored species and quadrinucleate basidiospores for two-spored species. Postmeiotic mitosis sometimes occurred in the sterigmata and basidia proper. In instances where postmeiotic mitosis occurred in basidia, mature basidiospores were not formed and the basidia were collapsed, and contained up to eight nuclei.  相似文献   

A sporeless mutant dikaryon, completely defective in sporulation, was isolated from mycelial protoplasts of Pleurotus eryngii mutagenized by UV irradiation. Newly established dikaryons between one component monokaryon from the mutant, and 12 different wild type monokaryons from 3 other wild type dikaryons, all exhibited the sporeless phenotype, whereas those between the other monokaryon and the same wild type monokaryons all produced normal fruiting bodies. These results indicated that the sporeless mutation was induced in one of two nuclei of the mutant and was dominant. In the wild type basidia, the pattern of nuclear behavior during sporulation corresponded to the pattern C nuclear behavior as defined by Duncan and Galbraith. Cytological observation revealed that in the sporeless mutant meiosis was blocked at the meta-anaphase I in most basidia and hence basidiospores and sterigmata were not produced. Although fruiting bodies of the sporeless mutant showed a somewhat leaning growth, their gross morphology and its fruiting body productivity were comparable to that of the original wild type strain. Based on these results, it was considered that the sporeless mutant could serve as a potential material in breeding of sporeless P. eryngii commercial strains.  相似文献   

Immunoblot analysis of Le.CDC5 (842 amino acid residues), the expressed product of the cDNA of Le.cdc5 gene that has been previously reported to be most actively transcribed in primordia and small immature fruiting bodies of the basidiomycete Lentinula edodes, showed that the primordia, immature fruiting bodies and mature fruiting bodies contain similar amounts of Le.CDC5 protein. This indicates that the Le.CDC5 protein molecules synthesized in the beginning and early stage of fruiting-body formation remains in mycelial tissues even after small immature fruiting bodies developed and matured. Immunohistochemical analysis showed that Le.CDC5 is present everywhere in the mycelial tissues of immature fruiting body, but prehymenophore, the border between pileus and stipe, and the bottom of stipe seem likely to contain larger amounts of Le.CDC5. Within the hymenophore of mature fruiting body, the hymenium (in/on which a large number of basidia and basidiospores are formed) contains the Le.CDC5 most exclusively.  相似文献   

When the hymenial lamellae of Coprinus congregatus Bull ex Fr. are used as implants, their potential for renewed fruiting varies according to the photocontrolled meiosis and the consecutive sporogenesis. In the case of young lamellae, whose basidia are still at the dikaryon stage, one can observe immediate start of mycelial growth all around the lamellae and production of the first mature sporophores directly on the lamellae (direct fruiting). Simultaneously, meiosis does not occur in hymenial cells. Conversely, in the case of implantation of the oldest lamellae, whose basidia are characterized by meiotic nuclei beyond prophase 1 and rather near telophase 2 (tetranucleate stage), vegetative growth starts slowly and the first mature sporophores are not produced on the lamellae but on the surrounding vegetative mycelium (indirect fruiting). When the lamellae are isolated from photoindifferent primordia – for instance, 12 h before maturity – sporogenesis in hymenial cells proceeds normally until autolysis of the isolated lamellae. Such isolated lamellae no longer show direct fruiting where the first flush is concerned.  相似文献   

Laccaria and Hydnangium typically undergo a postmeiotic mitotic nuclear division in basidiospores, basidia, or less commonly, in sterigmata resulting in eight nuclei. Basidiospores formed on tetrasterigmate basidia are binucleate, and those on bisterigmate basidia are tetranucleate in both genera. While Hydnangium and Laccaria likely comprise a monophyletic group—a hypothesis based on a number of shared characters—the presence of multinucleate basidiospores in several putative outgroups precludes using this shared character state as a justification for recognizing these two genera in a separate family, Hydnangiaceae, as had been proposed. Based on a review of the literature, the presence and location of postmeiotic mitotic divisions in basidia and basidiospores of Agaricales do not appear to be appropriate for assessing phylogenetic relationships among genera or families because of a high level of homoplasy.  相似文献   

为了筛选香栓菌Trametes suaveolens的最佳出菇配方,同时对子实体不同生长阶段的生物学发育特征进行研究。本文用杨树、柳树、秸秆木屑作为培养料设置了8种配比,每种分为对照A、测试组B共计16个配方进行筛选,对不同时期的菌丝发育状况进行显微观察。结果柳树木屑、杨树木屑的配方均能成功栽培出香栓菌子实体,开袋后在90%-95%空气湿度、一定散射光、13-18℃的低温刺激下28d原基发育为菇蕾,继续培养28d后子实体成熟。其中配料为柳树木屑97%、蔗糖1%、石灰1%、石膏1%、含水量65%左右的配方出菇率最高,配料为柳树木屑的配方开袋后子实体长势最佳,采用边缘开袋方式最佳。子实体发育过程中,先分化出白色蜂窝状原基,原基依靠孔状结构吸收营养后,在其上层包被形成黑色菇蕾,同时基部开始形成子实层;菇蕾内部生殖菌丝不断分化和发育,体积逐渐膨大,颜色由深变浅,菌丝分化出担子并产生担孢子,最终形成子实体。  相似文献   

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