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半滑舌鳎精子发生和精子形成的超微结构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用电子显微镜对半滑舌鳎(Cynoglossus semilaevis)精子发生的过程及精子的超微结构进行了观察。半滑舌鳎精巢属于小叶型,精小叶由各期生精细胞和支持细胞构成。半滑舌鳎的精子发生经历了初级精原细胞、次级精原细胞、初级精母细胞、次级精母细胞和精子细胞,再经过精子形成过程发育成为精子。初级精母细胞成熟分裂的前期Ⅰ,同源染色体经历了联会复合体形成和解聚的变化。在精子形成的过程中,精细胞大致经历了核质浓缩、线粒体迁移及鞭毛的发生等过程。核质浓缩时,精细胞核内位于植入窝周围的染色质首先由细颗粒状浓缩成粗大颗粒状,然后细胞核其他部位的染色质也逐渐浓缩成粗大颗粒状。这些已浓缩成粗大颗粒状的染色质再进一步浓缩为电子密度高的均匀状物质。随着核质的浓缩,核外膜与核内膜之间的间隙增大形成核膜间隙,核内一些没有参与染色质浓缩的物质通过出芽形成囊泡,先排入核膜间隙,然后再外排到细胞质中。核浓缩过程中细胞核的体积和表面积都大大缩小;鞭毛的形成与细胞核的浓缩是同步进行的,当一对中心粒移近细胞核时,核膜凹陷形成植入窝,其周围染色质浓缩的同时,远端中心粒(基体)逐渐向后产生轴丝。成熟精子无顶体,头细长,主要为核占据,核凹窝发达,线粒体4-5个环绕在鞭毛基部形成袖套,尾细长,具侧鳍,尾部轴丝为"9 2"结构。  相似文献   

鲤鱼精子超微结构的研究   总被引:43,自引:2,他引:41  
鲤鱼精子由头部,中片和尾部组成,头部的细胞核卵形,染色质致密。核中有些小空隙,空中的电子致密物质存在。中片紧连在核的后端。中片由中心粒复合体和袖套组成。中心粒复合体位于核后植入窝中,袖套一侧肥厚,一侧狭窄,袖套中有线粒体和囊泡。囊泡有二类,一类含有电子致密物质;另一类无电子致密物质。近袖套内膜处的细胞质中还存在着与内膜平行的膜,精子尾部从袖套腔中伸出。尾部的轴丝与基体相接。尾部的近核端多有许多囊泡  相似文献   

用透射电镜观察了埃及尼罗鲶鱼(Chrysichthys auratus)精子形成及精子超微结构。精子形成过程除了具有鱼类精子形成的共同特征外,还具有一些特点由于细胞核没有转动,中心粒复合体和鞭毛的起始部分位于细胞核的后端,并与核垂直;精子细胞变态过程中未产生袖套腔;基板未跨越基体的基部;基足将基体固定于细胞核;中段和鞭毛的基部具大量囊泡。成熟精子头部呈长锥状,没有顶体;中段长并含大量囊泡,向后延伸并包围鞭毛的基部;鞭毛细长,无侧鳍;线粒体位于核的后端附近,并包围轴丝;轴丝具典型的“9 2”模式。总之,埃及尼罗鲶鱼的精子形成有别于硬骨鱼类的常见的精子形成类型——I型和II型,可以称为III型。  相似文献   

用透射电镜观察了埃及尼罗鲶鱼(Chrysichthys auratus)精子形成及精子超微结构。精子形成过程除了具有鱼类精子形成的共同特征外,还具有一些特点:由于细胞核没有转动,中心粒复合体和鞭毛的起始部分位于细胞核的后端,并与核垂直;精子细胞变态过程中未产生袖套腔;基板未跨越基体的基部;基足将基体固定于细胞核;中段和鞭毛的基部具大量囊泡。成熟精子头部呈长锥状,没有顶体;中段长并含大量囊泡,向后延伸并包围鞭毛的基部;鞭毛细长,无侧鳍;线粒体位于核的后端附近,并包围轴丝;轴丝具典型的“9+2”模式。总之,埃及尼罗鲶鱼的精子形成有别于硬骨鱼类的常见的精子形成类型——I型和II型,可以称为III型。  相似文献   

黄颡鱼(Pseudobagrus fulvidraco)精子的超微结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄颡鱼精子由头部、中段和鞭毛(尾部)三部分组成。头部的主要结构是细胞核。核中浓缩了的染色质呈颗粒状。染色质中有核泡存在。核泡中有致密颗粒状物。植入窝里井状,从核后端往前深陷入核的中央。中段的中心粒复合体位于植入窝中,结构独特。近端中心粒和基体首尾相对,排在同一直线上。某些精子的近端中心粒的中央腔中能见到一、二个粗大的颗粒状物。基体的中央腔中有一对中央微管。近端中心粒和基体之间有中心粒间体将两者隔开。中段的袖套连接于细胞核之后,其中分布着线粒体和一些囊泡。近袖套内膜处的细胞质中有一层膜与袖套内膜平行。鞭毛细长,其起始端位于袖套腔中。鞭毛上长有两排侧鳍。侧鳍呈波纹状,分居轴丝两侧,大致与轴丝的两条中央微管同在一个平面上。侧鳍的基部有囊泡。  相似文献   

用透射电镜和扫描电镜观察隆线精子的发生过程及成熟精子的超微结构。隆线精子发生经历精原细胞、精母细胞、精子细胞和成熟精子四个时期。精原细胞核染色质凝集成团,细胞质内有线粒体、粗面内质网分布。精母细胞核染色质分散,不均匀地分布于核中,细胞质内粗面内质网聚集。在精子细胞分化形成精子的早期,细胞纵向拉伸,核物质开始浓缩;中期精子细胞呈明显的长条形,精子细胞逐渐移入精巢管腔中央,外围包裹一厚层精子鞘;后期精子细胞已进入管腔中,核物质呈高度浓缩状,细胞质层较少,精子细胞间通过外围精子鞘相互粘连成片。成熟精子分散在精巢管腔中央,外形呈棒状,一端稍钝,一端稍尖,无鞭毛、棘突等附属物;核内染色质解聚,均匀分布在核中,具双层核膜,细胞质层很少,精子鞘为单层,无法确认顶体端。隆线雄性生殖细胞的结构及其发生过程均较高等甲壳动物简单和原始,但在功能上表现出相对的适应性,使以隆线为代表的枝角类能适应复杂多变的生活环境  相似文献   

中国雨蛙精子形成的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
林丹军  尤永隆 《动物学报》2000,46(4):376-384,T005,T007
中国雨蛙的精子形成过程中,细胞核的浓缩经历了5个时期。从第1期进入第2期,染色质纤维增粗并聚集成卷曲的柱状结构。从第2期进入第3期,染色质纤维进一步增粗,细胞核逐渐伸直成柱状。进入第4期,染色质紧密聚集,纤维之间间隙很小。进入第5期,染色质纤维聚集成均匀的致密结构。伴随着染色质的浓缩,核膜数次更新,核内不参与浓缩的物质渐次从核中排出,核中出现一串核泡。顶体在染色质未浓缩之前(第1期)开始分化,由一  相似文献   

大黄鱼的精子发生   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
应用电子显微镜技术观察了大黄鱼(Pseudosciaena crcea)的精子发生过程。其发生经历了初级精原细胞、次级精原细胞、初级精母细胞、次级精母细胞和精子细胞阶段,精子细胞再经过精子形成过程成为精子。在精原细胞阶段,部分核仁物质排出核外,成为拟染色体。拟染色体的主要成分是核糖体。在精子发生中,拟染色体逐渐扩散到生精细胞的胞质中。成熟分裂的前期Ⅰ,同源染色体经历了联会复合体形成和解体的变化。在精子形成过程中,精子细胞先形成鞭毛,随后细胞核逐渐浓缩。  相似文献   

中国石龙子精子形成的超微结构研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用透射电镜观察中国石龙子精子的形成过程。结果表明:早期精细胞中有高尔基复合体和线粒体集合,由高尔基复合体所分泌的前顶体囊泡,逐渐向核移动,以后的过程可分为四个时期。时期Ⅰ:前顶体囊泡移至核膜时,核膜凹陷形成封闭的顶体囊泡,囊泡底部靠近核膜处有一电子致密的顶体颗粒,近端中心粒及鞭毛开始出现。时期Ⅱ:顶体囊泡变扁平,细胞核延长,染色质浓缩成短丝状的染色质纤维。时期Ⅲ:核进一步延长,染色质纤维变粗变长,按核纵向排列有序。时期Ⅳ:染色质纤维浓缩至最大限度,电子透明的核质消失,核呈高电子致密,顶体复合体发育完全。  相似文献   

应用光镜和透射电镜技术研究山羊精子发生不同阶段各级生精细胞显微、超微结构及山羊精子分化成熟过程。结果表明:山羊精子发生经历了精原细胞、初级精母细胞、次级精母细胞、精子细胞及变态精子阶段发育成成熟的精子。精原细胞期核呈椭圆形,染色质凝集成团分布于核质中,线粒体开始出现;精母细胞期有高尔基体分布;精子细胞经过核质浓缩、线粒体迁移等过程发育成成熟精子,成熟的山羊精子头部细长,核质高度浓缩,中段膨大,线粒体丰富。线粒体、中心粒对精子变态发生起重要作用,同时观察到头部与中段脱落的畸形精子。  相似文献   

本文研究卵胎生硬骨鱼褐菖(Sebastiscusmarmoratus)精细胞的成熟变化和精子结构。褐菖精细胞发育晚期已具有硬骨鱼类精子的结构雏形:细胞核的背面较平坦,腹面稍外鼓,呈弧面;染色质浓缩成团块状,核的腹侧和后端的染色质较致密;中心粒复合体由近端中心粒和基体组成,近端中心粒和基体排成“L”形;近端中心粒向细胞核的背侧伸出中心粒附属物,中心粒附属物由9条微管组成,9条微管围成一筒状结构,类似轴丝。在晚期精细胞形成精子的过程中,中心粒附属物和近端中心粒相继退缩以至消失不见,同时细胞核后端的形状也随着发生变化。中心粒附属物和近端中心粒的相继消失可以看作是成熟的最后标志。精子的中心粒复合体由基体及其上方的基体帽组成,袖套接于核的后端,其中约有30~40个线粒体;鞭毛从袖套腔中伸出,鞭毛的中心结构是轴丝;轴丝外方为细胞质形成的侧鳍,在鞭毛的近核段,轴丝两侧的侧鳍较宽且不对称。  相似文献   

玫瑰无须鲃精子的超微结构   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
透射和扫描电镜研究显示玫瑰无须售巴(Puntius conchonius)的精子由头、中片和尾三部分组成。头部无顶体,呈球形或卵圆形,主要由细胞核组成,核内染色质致密。核前端几乎无细胞质存在,核膜紧密靠近细胞质膜,而在核的后端有少量细胞质存在。在核后端偏于一侧处有一个浅的核后凹,中心粒复合体部分地镶嵌于其中,中心粒复合体由近端中心粒和远端中心粒组成,二者呈钝角形排列,鞭毛从远端中心粒的末端发出。中片由前边的主要部分——领和后边细薄的袖套构成。领内含有数个不规则分布的线粒体包埋于细胞质中,袖套的长短、粗细差别较大,有的精子没有袖套。由于与鞭毛的不对称连接,使得头部及中片均呈不对称型。尾是一根细长的鞭毛,尾丝具有典型的“9+2”微管结构,尾部两侧均无侧鳍。与鲤科其它鱼精子相比,该鱼精子的主要特征是具有长短不一的袖套,领内有不同数量的液泡,且有些空泡向外界开口呈孔状。袖套的长短与领内液泡化水平似有某种相互联系,这也许与精子的老化程度有关[动物学报51(5):892—897,2005]。  相似文献   

Spermiogenesis in the aplysiid, Aplysia kurodai (Gastropoda, Opisthobranchia) was studied by transmission electron microscopy, with special attention to acrosome formation and the helical organization of the nucleus and the other sperm components. In the early spermatid, the periphery of the nucleus differentiates into three characteristics parts. The first part is that electron-dense deposits accumulate on the outer nuclear envelope. This part is destined to be the anterior side of the sperm because a tiny acrosome is organized on its mid-region at the succeeding stage of spermiogenesis. The second part, in which electron-dense material attaches closely to the inner side of the nuclear envelope, is the presumptive posterior side. A centriolar fossa is formed in this part and the axoneme of the flagellum extends from the fossa. A number of lamellar vesicles derived from mitochondria assemble around the axoneme and form the flagellum complex. The third part is recognized by the chromatin which condenses locally along the inner nuclear envelope. During development of the spermatid, this part extends to form a spiral nucleus accompanied by chromatin condensation and formation of microtubular lamellae outside the extending nucleus.
Finally, in the mature sperm, a tiny, spherical acrosomal vesicle is detected at the apex. The slender nucleus, overlapping both the primary and secondary helices which are composed of different structural elements, winds around the flagellum axoneme.  相似文献   

大黄鱼精子的超微结构   总被引:44,自引:1,他引:43  
尤永隆  林丹军 《动物学报》1997,43(2):119-126
大黄鱼的精子由头产和尾部两部分组成。头部结构较为独特,其腹侧有一较大的细胞核,背部有中心粒复合体。头部的后端是袖套。细胞核的腹面稍向外突出背面则稍向内凹。细胞核中的染以质浓缩成致密的团块状。团块状的染色质之间分布着松散的纤维状染色质。植入窝位于细胞核的背部表面,由细胞核背面向内凹陷而成,呈一沟状,其走向与精子的长轴平行。  相似文献   

Electron microscopical observations of the course of acrosomal differentiation in Euhadra hickonis show that the vesicular component of the mature acrosome is produced by early Golgi activity, whereas an equivalent amount of material that forms a basal component is added later to the outside of the vesicle. It is also suggested that similar material which concurrently accumulates against part of the outer surface of the nuclear envelope is finally incorporated into the basal part of the acrosome.
In the early spermatid, which has a highly polymorphic nucleus, material derived from the well-developed Golgi complex accumulates within a network of tubules in its central maturing zone to form a single acrosomal vesicle ca. 150 nm in diameter. The next stage is characterized by the strikingly spherical shape of the nucleus, as well as by the addition of electron-dense material to the outside of the nuclear envelope over the future anterior surface, and to its inside in the posterior region where the centriolar fossa will form.
At mid-spermiogenesis the Golgi complex moves posteriorly away from the acrosomal vesicle, which remains in the anterior cytoplasm. A growing mass of densely filamentous material forms a hollowed hemisphere around one side of the vesicle. This complex approaches the coated anterior part of the nuclear envelope, turning if necessary so that the filamentous material is in the lead, and the latter merges with the electron-dense material at the center of the coated area. As the late spermatid nucleus elongates, this material passes through a series of changes in arrangement and electron density, finally forming a homogeneously particulate element of medium density that surrounds the proximal half of the acrosomal vesicle and caps the slender tip of the nucleus in the mature spermatozoon.  相似文献   

Unlike the primitive type of spermatozoon found in most polychaetes, the spermatozoon of Autolytus has a bilateral symmetry with elongated nucleus, and the mitochondria surround the posterior part of the nucleus. A rather large disk-shaped acrosome is situated along one side of the anterior part of the nucleus. From the anterior margin of the distal centriole emerge long striated rootlets, which run along the nuclear envelope to the anterior part of the nucleus. The spermatozoon of Chitinopoma serrula has an elongated, slightly bent nucleus, a thimble-like acrosome apically on the anterior surface of the nucleus, and an elongated middle piece containing 4 rod-like mitochondria developed from spherical mitochondria surrounding the basal part of the tail flagellum. In the spermatozoon of Capitella capitata, both nucleus and middle piece are elongated compared to the primitive type. The large and conical acrosome is placed asymmetrically at the nucleus and consists of an acrosomal vesicle and subacrosomal substance. The greater part of the middle piece forms a collar around the initial part of the tail flagellum. The cytoplasm of the collar contains granular material. One or two small mitochondria lie around the 2 centrioles at the base of the nucleus.

These types of spermatozoa represent early steps in the evolution of modified spermatozoa combined with changed biology of reproduction. The modified spermatozoa are larger than the primitive ones.  相似文献   

Lundin  Kennet  Hendelberg  Jan 《Hydrobiologia》1998,383(1-3):197-205
Results from a transmission electron microscope study of the spermiogenesis and spermatozoon of Meara stichopi (Nemertodermatida, Platyhelminthes) indicate that the sperm type of the Nemertodermatida has evolved from the primitive metazoan sperm type rather than from an aberrant biflagellar sperm type as found in many other flatworms. The spirally coiled mitochondrial derivative in the mature spermatozoon develops from two large oval mitochondria in the early spermatid stages. A single flagellum grows out from a peripheral basal body adjacent to a perpendicularly placed accessory centriole. The basal body moves to a distal depression of the nucleus, and becomes equipped with an anchoring fibre apparatus. Most of the flagellum becomes axially incorporated into the developing spermatid. No trace of a second flagellum was found in any stage of the spermiogenesis. Rounded vesicles appear around the proximal, tapering end of the elongating nucleus. Most probably these vesicles form a thin acrosomal structure in the mature spermatozoon. No dense bodies, characteristic of many other ‘turbellarian’ flatworm sperm types, were found. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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