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云南瑞丽桔小实蝇成虫种群数量变动及其影响因子分析   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
陈鹏  叶辉  刘建宏 《生态学报》2006,26(9):2801-2809
分别于1997、2000、2003和2004年通过诱蝇谜对云南瑞丽桔小实蝇种群动态进行了全年监测,并就气候因子及寄主植物对该种群变动的影响进行了系统分析.结果表明,桔小实蝇在瑞丽常年发生,当年11月至翌年1月份,桔小实蝇种群处于较低水平,2月份以后种群数量逐渐上升,至6月份形成种群的年增长高峰,此后至10月份种群数量迅速下降.经逐步回归分析表明,月均温、月平均最高温、月平均最低温、月极端最高温、月极端最低温和月雨日数是影响瑞丽桔小实蝇种群月变动的主要气候因子.通径分析和决策系统分析表明,月均温对种群数量变动具有正效应,是直接影响桔小实蝇种群变动的重要指标,月均最低温是影响种群增长的最主要的限制因素,月雨日数对种群动态的综合影响力最大.瑞丽各月平均温度位于桔小实蝇各虫态生长发育温度范围内,但11~翌年1月份的月均最低温低于桔小实蝇的适温范围,对桔小实蝇种群数量有一定抑制作用.2~5月份雨日数逐渐增多,雨量逐渐增大,有利于种群数量增长;7~8月份持续的强降雨过程被认为是桔小实蝇在该时期种群数量下降的主要原因.而瑞丽的多种瓜果成熟期的交替出现保证了桔小实蝇的食物供应.  相似文献   

云南西双版纳桔小实蝇种群动态   总被引:27,自引:1,他引:26  
叶辉  刘建宏 《应用生态学报》2005,16(7):1330-1334
于1997年、2000年和2003年在云南西双版纳通过性诱剂诱捕对桔小实蝇种群动态进行了全年监测,并就气候因子及寄主种类对该种群变动的影响进行了系统分析.结果表明,桔小实蝇在西双版纳常年发生.当年11月至次年2月,桔小实蝇种群处于较低水平,3月以后种群数量逐渐上升,至6~7月形成一个种群增长高峰,此后至10月种群数量迅速下降.分析表明,影响桔小实蝇种群变化的重要因子是温度、降雨量和寄主种类.西双版纳各月均温位于桔小实蝇适温范围内,但12~2月的月平均最低温度低于桔小实蝇的适温范围,对桔小实蝇种群数量有一定抑制作用.降雨量是影响桔小实蝇种群数量变动的另一重要因子.月降雨量低于50 mm以下对桔小实蝇种群不利,而100~200 mm的月降雨量有助于桔小实蝇种群的增长.月降雨量大于250 mm以上将导致桔小实蝇种群数量下降.6~7月强降雨过程被认为是桔小实蝇在该时期种群数量下降的主要原因.芒果、番石榴、桃、梨、柑桔、龙眼和荔枝是桔小实蝇在该地区的主要寄主水果.其中,芒果和龙眼是当地桔小实蝇最喜好的寄主水果,其种植面积、挂果期和产量对桔小实蝇种群数量变动影响较大,被认为是影响该地区桔小实蝇种群变动的又一主要因素.  相似文献   

云南六库桔小实蝇成虫种群数量变动及其影响因子分析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
陈鹏  叶辉 《昆虫学报》2007,50(1):38-45
应用诱蝇谜引诱剂诱捕法于2003-2005年调查了云南六库桔小实蝇成虫种群动态,系统分析了气候因子及寄主植物对该种群变动的影响。研究结果表明:云南六库桔小实蝇种群发生呈季节性,仅出现于3-12月,成虫消长基本为单峰型,高峰出现在7月。六库桔小实蝇种群数量与气温、降雨量和月雨日数等气象因子有密切关系。决定系数和通径分析结果显示,月降雨量是影响六库桔小实蝇种群动态的主要决策因素;月平均气温和月平均最低气温是影响种群数量变动的主要限制因素,其中,月平均最低温度是间接影响种群数量变动的重要指标。主成分分析筛选出低温条件主成分,其累积方差贡献率达77.65%。逐步回归分析也证实,影响六库桔小实蝇种群月变动的主要气象因子是月平均气温和月平均最低气温。综合分析认为,低温是导致六库桔小实蝇季节性发生的关键因素。  相似文献   

广州桔小实蝇(Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel))发生动态及气象因子   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吕欣  韩诗畴  徐洁莲  黄鸿  吴华  欧剑峰  孙力 《生态学报》2008,28(4):1850-1856
2002~2005年期间,在广东广州利用性引诱剂对桔小实蝇进行了全年种群动态监测,调查可知桔小实蝇可在广州全年发生.该虫数量从5月开始迅速上升,6~9月份是发生盛期;10月份虫口密度逐渐下降,11月到翌年3月份种群数量很低.对桔小实蝇发生数量和气象因子进行主成分分析和相关分析,结果表明温雨因子作用最大,其中月平均降雨量是影响桔小实蝇种群变动的关键因子;日照因子作用次之,但月总日照时数对该虫的发生数量没有显著影响.  相似文献   

为了解蕨类植物多样性及种群分布对环境因子的响应,建立元江干热河谷不同海拔气温和降水的分布模式,对蕨类植物在元江干热河谷内的自然分布进行了研究。结果表明,元江干热河谷从低海拔到高海拔,气温逐渐下降,但降水量却逐渐增加;河谷内蕨类植物多样性及种群分布呈现差异化;干热河谷内蕨类分布受气温影响不大,但与生境水分条件密切相关。元江干热河谷水热条件分布不均,生态环境破碎,气温和降水分布不均,差异化显著,促进了小生境发育。蕨类植物可以指示生态环境的完整性和连续性,某些种群可以指示和监测环境因子尤其是水因子的变化。  相似文献   

石榴园西花蓟马种群动态及其与气象因素的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘凌  陈斌  李正跃  杨仕生  孙文 《生态学报》2011,31(5):1356-1363
2007-2008年,对云南省建水石榴园西花蓟马种群动态进行了系统调查,并采用回归分析(逐步回归分析、通径分析)、主成分分析及灰色系统分析就气象因子对该虫种群动态的影响进行了系统分析。结果表明,西花蓟马在建水石榴园常年发生,冬季较低,夏季最高,成虫全年种群消长呈单峰型,高峰期为5月份。相关性分析结果表明,西花蓟马种群数量与月相对湿度间呈极显著正相关性(P<0.01),与月均气温和月最低气温间呈显著正相关性(P<0.05),与月最高气温、月均降雨量和月均蒸发量间无相关性(P>0.05)。回归分析结果表明,石榴园西花蓟马种群动态的决定因子中影响最大的气象因素是月最低气温,而月均气温和月相对湿度是影响种群数量变动的主要因素。主成分分析表明,月最低气温是主要成分,其累积方差贡献率达73.03%。灰色系统分析结果表明,影响石榴园6种蓟马种群动态最关键的因子是月相对湿度;年度间影响最大的是年总降雨量;石榴花期各蓟马的种群数量与气象因素间关联度最大的是月最低温;果期各种蓟马的种群数量与气象因素间关联度最大的是月均降雨量。  相似文献   

桔小实蝇(Bactrocera dorsalis)是水果和蔬菜上的重要害虫。2014年1—12月对云南蒙自市不同果园和菜地桔小实蝇进行调查并室内饲养观察,结果表明,桔小实蝇在蒙自市为害8科19属20种的瓜果蔬菜,且对枇杷、桃、枣、番石榴、杧果和洋蒲桃等水果为害较为严重;从田间采集受害寄主果实进行单果培养,收集到实蝇共计4种,分别为桔小实蝇、瓜实蝇(Bactrocera cucuribitae)、南亚实蝇(Bactrocera tau)和辣椒实蝇(Bactrocera latifrons)。桔小实蝇在蒙自全年均可为害,且世代重叠。枇杷园内,进入5月后,桔小实蝇种群数量逐渐增加,至8月份达到高峰期,最大诱捕量为(362.27±16.68)头·瓶-1,10月以后其种群数量迅速下降,至12月种群数量最低(6.14±3.06)头·瓶-1。多种气象因子互相作用影响桔小实蝇种群数量变动,其中月平均气温、月极端最低温度、月雨日数和平均日照时数是影响桔小实蝇种群数量变动的主要因素。  相似文献   

中华接蚊是我国疟疾的主要媒介,水稻田是其最大的孳生地,为探讨水稻生长对其种群动态的影响,于1997年3-6月在云南元江县河谷双季稻区开展了观察。1观察点概况观察点位于云南中南部元江县东峨,海拔680m;为干热河谷气候,年平均气温23.8℃,极高温40.8℃,极低温4.2℃,  相似文献   

花椒园节肢动物群落特征与气象因子的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高鑫  张晓明  杨洁  陈国华  石安宪  宋家雄  李强 《生态学报》2011,31(10):2788-2796
分析了云南永善县金沙江畔花椒园节肢动物群落特征与园内最低温度、平均温度、最高温度、最低湿度、平均湿度、最高湿度及月降雨量等7个气象因子的关系。结果表明:节肢动物群落个体数、物种数受最低湿度变化影响最大,表现为正相关的变化趋势;群落多样性、均匀度、丰富度指数变化与最高温度、最高湿度变化的关联度较大,表明节肢动物群落在相对较高的温、湿度环境下具有更高的群落多样性、丰富度及均匀度;优势集中性及优势度指数变化与最高温度、最低湿度变化的关联度较大,表明优势种类在高温或低湿环境下更易出现;稳定性Ss/SiSn/Sp指数与平均湿度的关联度较大,表明适度的湿度变化范围更利于增强群落物种间数量上的制约作用。降雨量对群落特征的影响最小,在月均降雨量小于99.3 mm的3-6月、9月-翌年2月,节肢动物群落特征指标与降雨量成正相关关系,7、8月份月均降雨量大于164.5 mm,群落特征与降雨量表现为负相关性。综合分析表明,气象因子对节肢动物群落特征的影响较大,而温、湿度及降雨量的测量和分析较为方便,研究气象因子与节肢动物群落特征的关系,对了解节肢动物群落特征变化规律和主要害虫种群数量的发生规律具有实际意义。  相似文献   

明确芒果园中蓟马复合种种群动态与气象因子之间的关系。用粘虫板定期定点监测芒果园中蓟马的种群消长情况;通过相关分析、主成分分析和灰色关联分析,分析其与气象因素的关系。芒果花期蓟马种群数量为全年发生高峰。相关分析结果表明,监测日蓟马种群数量与日平均气温(℃)、日最大风速(m/s)显著正相关,与日最低气温(℃)显著负相关。芒果花期蓟马种群数量与2月降水量(mm)、3月平均风速(m/s)、1-2月平均气温(℃)、2月月均最高、最低气温(℃)、2-3月平均相对湿度(%)及1-3月平均最小相对湿度(%)显著相关。主成分分析表明,月平均温度(℃)和月最低气温(℃)是影响蓟马种群动态的主要因素,对蓟马种群动态的影响达56.0%。灰色关联分析表明,月均最低气温(℃)对芒果蓟马种群数量影响最大。月最低气温(℃)和月平均温度(℃)是影响芒果园中蓟马复合种种群数量动态的主要气象因素。芒果蓟马复合种种群数量受食物、种群扩散、天敌、自身繁殖和气候因素的共同影响。  相似文献   

Chen P  Ye H  Liu J H 《农业工程》2006,26(9):2801-2808
Annual monitoring of the population dynamics of the oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel) (Diptera: Tephritidae) using methyl eugenol-baited traps was conducted throughout the year during 1997, 2000, 2003 and 2004 in Ruili, Yunnan Province, China. Temperature, rainfall and host-plant species were analyzed with respect to population fluctuation of the fly. During the study periods the fruit fly occurred throughout the year. Its population remained low from November to January and increased steadily from February until it reached a peak in June. Afterwards, the population declined until October. The results of stepwise regression analysis indicated that monthly mean temperature, monthly mean maximum temperature, monthly mean minimum temperature, monthly extreme maximum temperature, monthly extreme minimum temperature, and monthly raining days were the major climatic factors influencing populations. Path and decision coefficient analyses indicated that the monthly mean temperature was the crucial factor influencing population fluctuation, the monthly mean minimum temperature was the crucial limiting factor indirectly influencing increase in population, and the comprehensive factors influencing fly population dynamics, namely, the monthly raining days were the strongest of all the other factors. Generally, the monthly mean temperatures fell within the ranges of temperatures suitable for development and reproduction of the fly. But the monthly mean minimum temperatures from November to January seemed to be lower and were suggested to be responsible for the low populations in this period. Monthly rainfall and rainy days steadily increased from February through June, and this explained the increase in population observed during this period. During periods of continuous heavy rain from July through August, the fruit fly population showed a remarkable decrease. Host plant species was another essential factor influencing the population fluctuations. Abundant fruit and melon species formed the food and breeding materials for the fly during the study periods.  相似文献   

Annual monitoring of the population dynamics of the oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel) (Diptera: Tephritidae) using methyl eugenol-baited traps was conducted throughout the year during 1997, 2000, 2003 and 2004 in Ruili, Yunnan Province, China. Temperature, rainfall and host-plant species were analyzed with respect to population fluctuation of the fly. During the study periods the fruit fly occurred throughout the year. Its population remained low from November to January and increased steadily from February until it reached a peak in June. Afterwards, the population declined until October. The results of stepwise regression analysis indicated that monthly mean temperature, monthly mean maximum temperature, monthly mean minimum temperature, monthly extreme maximum temperature, monthly extreme minimum temperature, and monthly raining days were the major climatic factors influencing populations. Path and decision coefficient analyses indicated that the monthly mean temperature was the crucial factor influencing population fluctuation, the monthly mean minimum temperature was the crucial limiting factor indirectly influencing increase in population, and the comprehensive factors influencing fly population dynamics, namely, the monthly raining days were the strongest of all the other factors. Generally, the monthly mean temperatures fell within the ranges of temperatures suitable for development and reproduction of the fly. But the monthly mean minimum temperatures from November to January seemed to be lower and were suggested to be responsible for the low populations in this period. Monthly rainfall and rainy days steadily increased from February through June, and this explained the increase in population observed during this period. During periods of continuous heavy rain from July through August, the fruit fly population showed a remarkable decrease. Host plant species was another essential factor influencing the population fluctuations. Abundant fruit and melon species formed the food and breeding materials for the fly during the study periods.  相似文献   

Population dynamics of the Oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel) (Diptera: Tephritidae), were monitored year‐round using methyl eugenol‐baited traps in 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006 in Baoshanba, Yunnan Province, China. Environmental factors including air temperature, rainfall and host‐plant species were analyzed with respect to the population dynamics. This species occurred only during April–November, with one yearly peak in August. The population fluctuation patterns with respect to season were identical in all study years. Correlation analysis and stepwise regression analysis indicated that air temperature, rainfall, sunlight hours and relative humidity were the major climatic factors that correlated with changes in the size of the fly population, and that monthly mean temperature, monthly sunlight hours and monthly relative humidity were most important. The seasonal increase in population size coincided with the fruiting period of the fly's host plants, but host fruit availability influenced the population size only when temperatures were sufficiently high. Cold temperatures may explain why there was no trap capture in the winter months. We believe that air temperature is the key factor explaining the seasonal occurrence of the fly population at Baoshanba.  相似文献   

YE Hui 《Insect Science》2001,8(2):175-182
Abstract The Oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis Hendel (Diptera: Tephritidae), is a serious pest inaect for vegetables and fruits in Yunnan Province. The trap experiments located in 12 counties of Yunnan indicated that, the geographical distribution of Oriental fruit fly there could be plotted as three distribution zones. To the south of Guannan, Yuanjiang and Rulin is the annual distribution zone. In this region, the Oriental fruit fly completed 4–5 generations per year, and infested the local vegetables and fruits all the year around. To the north of Luku, Dayiao and Qujing is the zone without the insect, where the Oriental fruit fly was not trapped and no fruits infested by the fly were found during the present study. The region between the above two zones was the seasonal distribution zone for the insect. The fruit fly occurred only during May to December in this area, and completed 2–3 generations in this period. The peak abundance of the oriental fruit fly took place from June in Jinghong to October in Yiaoan, along the altitude graduates from the south to the north. In elevation, the Oriental fruit fly was trapped at altitude of 500–2300 m above sea level, in which high trap catches appeared between 500–1000 m. It is proposed that the variations of the fruit fly distribution in altitude and latitude are principally correlated with local temperatures and host plants.  相似文献   

桔小实蝇在中国云南省的分布(英文)   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
在云南 1 2个县的诱捕试验表明 ,桔小实蝇在云南的分布可以划分为 3个区域。广南、元江和瑞丽以南的地区为该虫常年发生区。在该区域内 ,桔小实蝇年发生 4- 5代 ,可对瓜果形成周年危害。位于六库、大姚和曲靖以北的地区为该虫的非分布区。本试验未能在该地区诱捕到桔小实蝇或桔小实蝇受害果。位于上述两区域之间的区域为桔小实蝇季节性分布区。桔小实蝇在该地区年发生 2 - 3代 ,出现于 5- 1 1月。桔小实蝇在分布区内不同地区的发生高峰期 ,由南向北逐渐推移 ,如在景洪为 6月而在姚安为 1 0月。在地理垂直分布上 ,该虫主要分布于海拔 50 0 - 2 30 0m范围内 ,而其在 50 0 - 1 0 0 0m范围内发生量最大。研究认为 ,桔小实蝇在上述经度和海拔范围的发生与分布 ,主要与当地气候条件与寄主植物有关。  相似文献   

红火蚁觅食活动的气象因子相关性及其等级划分   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
[背景]气象因子是制约害虫种群动态的重要因素,也是昆虫觅食活动的影响因子。【方法】通过系统的田间调查分析了红火蚁在华南地区的觅食活动年变动规律及其与气象因子的关系。[结果]红火蚁在12和1月份时觅食活动最弱,3—6月出现一个觅食高峰,在下半年的9—11月出现另一个高峰,7、8月份受高温的影响觅食活动有一定程度的回落现象。红火蚁工蚁觅食活动的年变化规律又因不同生境类型呈现一定的差异。相关分析结果表明,红火蚁觅食工蚁数与降水量、月平均气温、月最低气温、月最高气温、月最小相对湿度呈正相关,而与月平均气压呈负相关,且各相关性均达显著水平。逐步回归分析表明,月平均气温、日照时数、月最低气温综合影响红火蚁觅食活动的变化。其中,月平均气温可以作为一个非常重要的直接影响红火蚁觅食活动的参数。对荔枝园内全年红火蚁觅食活动进行分级,对方程进行求导得到红火蚁在荔枝园中觅食活动的5个活动级别所对应的月平均温度、日照时数和月平均最低气温实际临界值。[结论与意义]气象因子与红火蚁的觅食活动存在密切的相关性,研究结果可为红火蚁的监测与控制提供依据。  相似文献   

The survival of infective larvae of Ancylostoma caninum on outdoor grass plots was studied in 40 experiments over 1 year. Weather data were collected over the period. Mean larval survival from August to early November was 24 days (range 1 to 49), from December through February was 0 days, and from March to mid-August was 6.6 days (range 0 to 21). Moderate to high temperatures and substantial rainfall favored larval survival; low temperatures and rainfall favored larval destruction.  相似文献   

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