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生态阈值研究进展   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:17  
生态阈值是指生态系统从一种状态快速转变为另一种状态的某个点或一段区间,推动这种转变的动力来自某个或多个关键生态因子微弱的附加改变。生态阈值现象普遍存在于自然生态系统中。主要有两种类型:生态阈值点(ecological threshold point)和生态阈值带(ecological threshold zone)。在生态阈值点前后,生态系统的特性、功能或过程发生迅速的改变。生态阈值带暗含了生态系统从一种稳定状态到另一稳定状态逐渐转换的过程,而不像点型阈值那样发生突然的转变。后者在自然界中可能更为普遍。在自然资源保护和生态系统可持续管理中,生态阈值研究有着重要的理论和实践意义,受到生态学和相关学科的密切关注。其研究已经在森林、草原、湖泊、海洋等生态系统,从不同角度,针对不同生态因子广泛开展。由于生态因子相互作用的复杂性,有关生态阈值的性质及其在不同空间尺度上的联系仍然存在很大的不确定性。在未来的研究中必须加强综合和定量化研究,进一步提高应用生态阈值的能力。在全球变化和生态响应研究领域,生态阈值研究将会有更大的发展空间。  相似文献   

The concept of ecological thresholds was raised in the 1970s. However, it was subsequently given different definitions and interpretations depending on research fields or disciplines. For most scientists, ecological thresholds refer to the points or zones that link abrupt changes between alternative stable states of an ecosystem. The measurement and quantification of ecological thresholds have great theoretical and practical significance in ecological research for clarifying the structure and function of ecosystems, for planning sustainable development modes, and for delimiting ecological red lines in managing the ecosystems of a region. By reviewing the existing concepts and classifications of ecological thresholds, we propose a new concept and definition at two different levels: the ecological threshold points, i.e. the turning points of quantitative changes to qualitative changes, which can be considered as ecological red lines; the ecological threshold zones, i.e. the regime shifts of the quantitative changes among different stable states, which can be considered as the yellow and/or orange warning boundaries of the gradual ecological changes. The yellow thresholds mean that an ecosystem can return to a stable state by its self-adjustment, the orange thresholds indicate that the ecosystem will stay in the equilibrium state after interference factors being removed, whereas the red thresholds, as the critical threshold points, indicate that the ecosystem will undergo irreversible degradation or even collapse beyond those points. We also summarizes two types of popular Methods in determining ecological thresholds: statistical analysis and modeling based on data of field observations. The applications of ecological thresholds in ecosystem service, biodiversity conservation and ecosystem management research are also reviewed. Future research on ecological thresholds should focus on the following aspects: (1) methodological development for measurement and quantification of ecological thresholds; (2) emphasizing the scaling effect of ecological thresholds and establishment of national-scale observation system and network; and (3) implementation of ecological thresholds as early warning tools in ecosystem management and delimiting ecological red lines.  相似文献   

马华  钟炳林  岳辉  曹世雄 《生态学报》2015,35(18):6148-6156
自然修复主要通过封山育林、禁止农作、禁牧禁伐措施,减少人类对环境的扰动,利用自然生态环境的自我演替能力,恢复生态环境,实现生态平衡。自然修复作为一种成本低、无污染的生态修复手段很早就受到人们重视,但关于自然修复适用范围的研究较少。为了正确认识自然修复的适用性,选择了我国南方红壤地区长期遭受严重土壤侵蚀危害的福建省长汀县为研究对象,通过对长期自然修复样地的监测资料分析,发现在坡度条件为20%—30%下,当植被覆盖度低于20%的退化阈值时,严重的土壤侵蚀引发的土壤肥力损失将导致生态系统自我退化,自然修复不仅无法改善当地的生态系统,反而会引起生态系统的进一步恶化。由此可见,自然修复并不适合所有的生态系统,当生态系统退化到一定程度时,退化生态系统必须通过人工干预来修复。因此,必须探索适合当地的生态修复模式,在生态系统退化突破阈值时,红壤丘陵区应通过恢复土壤肥力、促进自然植被覆盖度增加、综合提高生态系统健康水平。  相似文献   

Ecosystem resilience is the inherent ability to absorb various disturbances and reorganize while undergoing state changes to maintain critical functions. When ecosystem resilience is sufficiently degraded by disturbances, ecosystem is exposed at high risk of shifting from a desirable state to an undesirable state. Ecological thresholds represent the points where even small changes in environmental conditions associated with disturbances lead to switch between ecosystem states. There is a growing body of empirical evidence for such state transitions caused by anthropogenic disturbances in a variety of ecosystems. However, fewer studies addressed the interaction of anthropogenic and natural disturbances that often force an ecosystem to cross a threshold which an anthropogenic disturbance or a natural disturbance alone would not have achieved. This fact highlights how little is known about ecosystem dynamics under uncertainties around multiple and stochastic disturbances. Here, we present two perspectives for providing a predictive scientific basis to the management and conservation of ecosystems against multiple and stochastic disturbances. The first is management of predictable anthropogenic disturbances to maintain a sufficient level of biodiversity for ensuring ecosystem resilience (i.e., resilience-based management). Several biological diversity elements appear to confer ecosystem resilience, such as functional redundancy, response diversity, a dominant species, a foundation species, or a keystone species. The greatest research challenge is to identify key elements of biodiversity conferring ecosystem resilience for each context and to examine how we can manage and conserve them. The second is the identification of ecological thresholds along existing or experimental disturbance gradients. This will facilitate the development of indicators of proximity to thresholds as well as the understanding of threshold mechanisms. The implementation of forewarning indicators will be critical particularly when resilience-based management fails. The ability to detect an ecological threshold along disturbance gradients should therefore be essential to establish a backstop for preventing the threshold from being crossed. These perspectives can take us beyond simply invoking the precautionary principle of conserving biodiversity to a predictive science that informs practical solutions to cope with uncertainties and ecological surprises in a changing world.  相似文献   

长江三峡库区生态环境变化遥感研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

生态系统在环境条件变化时表现出的剧变或阈值现象是当前生态学研究的热点,但是生态阈值定量检测的困难阻碍了这一主题的研究与应用。本文从典型案例入手,通过分析潜在生态阈值的S型曲线式、补给-压力式和跃迁式驱动-响应机理,归纳了局部加权回归散点平滑法、分段回归、高斯模型、拐点分析软件、稳态转换检测软件、指示种阈值分析和系统动力学仿真模型7种生态阈值确定方法,并评述了其优缺点和适用性,以期为生态阈值的定量分析研究提供方法借鉴。  相似文献   

Three decades of study have revealed dozens of examples in which natural systems have crossed biophysical thresholds (‘tipping points’)—nonlinear changes in ecosystem structure and function—as a result of human-induced stressors, dramatically altering ecosystem function and services. Environmental management that avoids such thresholds could prevent severe social, economic and environmental impacts. Here, we review management measures implemented in ecological systems that have thresholds. Using Ostrom''s social–ecological systems framework, we analysed key biophysical and institutional factors associated with 51 social–ecological systems and associated management regimes, and related these to management success defined by ecological outcomes. We categorized cases as instances of prospective or retrospective management, based upon whether management aimed to avoid a threshold or to restore systems that have crossed a threshold. We find that smaller systems are more amenable to threshold-based management, that routine monitoring is associated with successful avoidance of thresholds and recovery after thresholds have been crossed, and that success is associated with the explicit threshold-based management. These findings are powerful evidence for the policy relevance of information on ecological thresholds across a wide range of ecosystems.  相似文献   

黑河中游生态用地景观连接性动态变化及距离阈值   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
景观连接度描述了景观组分在景观格局、过程和功能上的有机联系.本文利用1986、2000和2011年土地覆被数据,基于图论方法,研究了黑河中游生态用地(林地、草地、湿地)景观连接性动态变化,并通过分析不同阈值下景观连接度值的变化揭示了研究区景观的适宜阈值.结果表明: 黑河中游1986—2011年对景观连接度产生重要作用的生态斑块面积呈减少趋势.湿地斑块面积2000—2011年减少幅度较大;草地斑块数量先减少后增加,面积变化不大,但是有斑块破碎化的趋势.不同阈值下景观连接度值的变化验证了距离阈值的正向作用.400~800 m是研究黑河中游物种扩散和生态流运行的适宜距离阈值.选择600 m作为距离阈值时,大型斑块对区域总体景观连接水平影响最为显著,是区域生态系统稳定和健康的关键组成;小型生态斑块虽然占生态斑块总面积的比例不大,但对区域的生态安全格局的维持和改善有较大影响,亦需加强保护与管理.研究结果对干旱区生态系统管理具有重要的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

雄安新区多尺度生态基础设施规划   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨萌  廖振珍  石龙宇 《生态学报》2020,40(20):7123-7131
生态基础设施是保持、改善和增加生态系统服务的条件和过程,对于提升区域生态系统服务能力具有重要意义。已有的生态基础设施规划方法主要针对单一尺度进行,不能体现生态系统服务在不同尺度间的相互影响。基于ArcGIS、最小累积阻力(MCR)模型和层次分析法(AHP)构建了一种"宏观-中观-微观"多尺度生态基础设施核心区识别和生态廊道辨识的方法体系框架。以雄安新区为例,提出生态基础设施规划方案:宏观尺度需维持气候调节、固碳释氧、保护生物多样性、防风固沙等功能的稳定,生态核心区斑块面积建议大于10 km2,生态廊道宽度设置为100-200 m;中观尺度生态核心区斑块面积不小于5 km2,宽度设置为50-100 m,可改善区域水源涵养、文化休闲、净化环境、减弱噪声等生态系统服务功能;微观尺度生态核心区斑块需大于1 km2,宽度为10-30 m,可有效控制径流、净水调蓄。得出以下结论:(1)不同尺度生态基础设施规划目标不同,规模有所差别,其中宏观尺度规模最大,微观最小;(2)多尺度规划方法,可以科学有效的指导生态基础设施建设,提高区域生态系统服务能力;(3)多尺度生态基础设施规划建设需要向多学科理论和方法的交叉融合方向发展。研究结论可为今后全面推进雄安新区的可持续发展提供科学基础和决策参考。  相似文献   

雄安新区多尺度生态安全格局构建框架   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
卢慧婷  严岩  赵春黎  吴钢 《生态学报》2020,40(20):7105-7112
维持城市所处的生态系统格局与过程,使得城市生存和发展所依赖的关键生态系统服务实现供需平衡是保障城市生态安全的根本要求和基本前提。因此,城市生态安全不仅是城市本身的问题,还涉及到城市所处的流域、区域、国家等多个不同的空间尺度,具体由支撑城市及其发展的关键生态系统服务所涉及的生态过程所决定。对生态安全概念及研究进展进行了梳理和分析,在此基础上,提出了一个城市生态安全保障的生态系统服务研究框架,将维持城市生态安全的关键生态系统服务需求分为3个层次:一是水资源供给、食物生产、水质净化等城市生存所依赖的基础资源与基本环境维持相关的服务,二是土壤保持、水源涵养、防风固沙、固碳释氧、生物多样性等生态系统稳定和可持续性维持相关的生态系统稳定和调节类服务,三是生态休闲、微气候调节、降尘减噪、文化审美等人居环境与文化类服务。进而利用该框架,从不同需求层次分别对雄安新区生态安全保障的生态系统服务需求进行了分析,结合其自然地理特征和新区建设的社会经济发展情景,从新区城市、大清河流域和京津冀区域三个尺度提出了雄安新区生态安全格局构建框架,以及相应的保障对策和建议,包括从多尺度进行生态环境调控和管理,打破行政和地域边界限制;关注各尺度各关键生态系统服务的过程,加强生态环境要素的监测和预警;重视新区在人居环境改善层次的生态系统服务需求等。  相似文献   

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