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揭示斑茅割手密复合体在杂交利用过程中的斑茅、割手密野生特异基因在各世代的遗传规律,为利用斑割复合体创制甘蔗育种新亲本提供理论依据。利用AFLP-PCR分子标记结合毛细管电泳技术对斑割复合体在杂交利用过程中的斑茅、割手密野生特异基因在各世代的传递动态进行分析,并研究它们之间的遗传关系。29对AFLP引物组合共扩增出3695个位点,多态性比例为97.89%。斑茅和割手密对斑割复合体的遗传贡献率分别为43.96%和56.04%。斑茅特异位点在F1、BC1和BC2 3个世代的平均遗传率分别为8.25%、1.90%和0.63%,割手密特异位点在F1、BC1和BC2 3个世代的平均遗传率分别为16.98%、2.40%和0.21%,特异遗传物质均呈逐代减少趋势。比较不同世代甘蔗栽培种亲本遗传到后代的特异位点比率,F1的GT02-761特异位点比率最高,BC1的GT05-2743特异位点比例平均高达92.75%,BC2的ROC23遗传率最低,为49.09%,FN39遗传率最高,达94.32%。聚类分析结果表明斑割复合体偏向父本遗传,斑割复合体杂交后代偏向甘蔗栽培种遗传,与分子遗传关系分析结果一致。研究表明,经过3代的遗传重组,斑割复合体后代的遗传物质与斑割复合体相比已发生了很大的改变;研究明确了斑茅、割手密2个亲本在3个世代的遗传贡献规律,为进一步的杂交选育提供理论支持。  相似文献   

采用RAMP分子标记技术对80份甘蔗种质(32份祖亲种、48份栽培品种或品系)的遗传基础进行了分析。从30对引物组合中筛选出4对多态性较强引物,构建了甘蔗80份种质的RAMP指纹图谱,这四对引物组合共扩增出84条带,其多态性为91.7%。80份种质的遗传相似系数变化范围在0.433~0.988,平均0.710。聚类分析表明,随着相似系数结合线的不同,可分别将参试的甘蔗种质从属间(甘蔗属与斑茅种)、野生种(割手密种、大茎野生种、印度种、中国种)与栽培种(热带种)间、栽培种与杂交栽培品种(或品系)间区别开来。各祖亲种与杂交栽培品种(或品系)的遗传相似性由大到小依次为热带种>印度种和中国种>大茎野生种>云南割手密种>其它割手密种>斑茅。另外,本试验首次利用RAMP标记,获得了部分热带种、野生种及斑茅种特异片段,并发现这些特异片段能不同程度地在具有其血缘的栽培种中得到传递。  相似文献   

斑茅割手密复合体(GXAS07-6-1)是广西蔗茅属斑茅和广西甘蔗属割手密的属间杂种,聚集了双亲的优点。本研究利用基于Alu-like的PCR鉴定方法对GXAS07-6-1及甘蔗与GXAS07-6-1的3份F_1材料进行真实性鉴定,基于基因组原位杂交技术(GISH)对父本GXAS07-6-1及其3份F_1染色体组成及核型进行分析。研究结果表明:3份F_1材料为GXAS07-6-1的真杂种;父本GXAS07-6-1的染色体众数为62条,其中30条来自蔗茅属斑茅,32条来自甘蔗属割手密,核型分类属于1B,其染色体按"n+n"方式传递;GXASF_108-2-17、GXASF_108-2-22、GXASF_108-2-32的染色体数目为78~80条,其中69~71条来自甘蔗属,9~11条来自蔗茅属斑茅,3份F_1的核型分类分别属于2B、1B、1B,染色体传递方式均为"n+n"。父本GXAS07-6-1及3份F_1材料中均未发现有染色体的交换或易位现象。甘蔗与斑割复合体杂交,蔗茅属斑茅染色体在亲子间传递过程存在丢失现象。  相似文献   

针对云南割手密82-114(简称云割82-114)丰产、强生势的种质特性,利用福州果蔗(百眉蔗)×云割82-114获得99-67,利用99-67与云瑞99-248杂交获得03-1、03-3、03-12、03-16等18个杂交后代,利用03-16与ROC10杂交获得04-65,利用03-12与云瑞03-122杂交获得04-66等优良创新种质.SSR分子标记鉴定表明:99-67及03-5、03-7、03-10、03-13、03-15是真杂种,为甘蔗新品系的选育提供优良的创新种质.  相似文献   

基于GISH的甘蔗与斑茅F1染色体遗传与核型分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
斑茅在甘蔗育种的利用是现代甘蔗育种种质创新的热点,育种者期望把斑茅中优异的特性通过杂交渗透到甘蔗中。甘蔗与斑茅的F1是斑茅利用研究的难点也是基础。本研究利用基因组原位杂交技术(GISH)分析甘蔗与斑茅的F1染色体构成和核型,探讨甘蔗与斑茅F1染色体的遗传行为。GISH结果表明,甘蔗与斑茅杂交F1的染色体众数68~69条,其中40条来自甘蔗热带种Badila,28~29条来自海南斑茅,未发现有染色体的交换或易位现象。参试材料大部分染色体都属于中部着丝点(m)的染色体,少数为近中部着丝点(sm),YCE95-41核型属2B型,其余的核型都为1B型。甘蔗与斑茅的染色体按n+n的方式传递给F1,本研究结果为斑茅种质在甘蔗育种中的利用及其杂交后代染色体细胞遗传研究提供参考依据。  相似文献   

为了解甘蔗(Saccharum)与斑茅(Erianthus arundinaceus)杂交后代作为抗病亲本的利用价值,通过特异引物PCR鉴定出78份甘蔗与斑茅杂交BC_1真实杂种;通过人工接种花叶病毒和黑穗病菌,初步评价了甘蔗和斑茅杂交BC_1的抗病表现。结果表明,甘蔗和斑茅杂交BC_1的抗花叶病具有普遍性,而黑穗病抗性则出现分离。初步筛选出BC_1无性系YCE01-48、YCE01-71、YCE01-105、YCE01-125、YCE02-184和YCE01-118可同时抗花叶病和黑穗病,有望成为甘蔗杂交利用的高抗病源亲本。  相似文献   

甘蔗、斑茅及其杂种的过氧化物酶同工酶   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
甘蔗属(Saccharum L.)主要包括热带种(S.officinarum L.)、中国种(S.sinensisRoxb)、印度种(S.barberi Jeswiet)、“割手密”种(S.spontaneum L.)和大茎野生种(S.robustum Brandes)。甘蔗属的近缘植物——斑茅(Arundinaceum Retz)应该划归甘蔗属、蔗茅属(Erianthus Michx)或另立一属,意见不一。Dutt 等将斑茅列入蔗茅属,耿以礼等则将其划归甘蔗属。甘蔗糖业栽培的甘蔗(糖蔗)是热带种与割手密种、大  相似文献   

SCoT分子标记在割手密遗传图谱构建中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本研究以割手密GXS85-30×GXS87-16的杂交后代为材料,应用目标起始密码子多态性(SCoT)分子标记对杂交后代进行杂种鉴定,获得由157个单株组成的F1杂种群,同时对比SCoT、AFLP和SSR分子标记在割手密基因组多态性分析和获得分离标记的效果,证实SCoT在扩增DNA多态性上优于SSR分子标记,在获取分离标记上优于AFLP分子标记,验证了SCoT分子标记技术在割手密遗传分析中的应用效果,为割手密遗传分析和遗传图谱构建提供了一种新型高效的目的基因分子标记技术。  相似文献   

利用光周期调控技术诱导甘蔗热带种路打士开花,并与滇蔗茅云南95-19进行远缘杂交,培育实生苗76株,大田移栽成活62株,成活率81.6%;选用4对引物对获得的62份杂交后代进行SSR分子标记鉴定,结果表明,62份杂交后代全部为真杂种,所选SSR引物对滇蔗茅后代群体具有较高的鉴定效率。该杂交组合后代杂种真实率为100%,是目前数量最大的滇蔗茅F1群体。  相似文献   

斑茅(Saccharum arundinaceum L.)是重要的"甘蔗复合群"野生资源,在我国分布广泛,但目前尚未在遗传育种研究中得到很好的利用。本研究以国家甘蔗种质资源圃保存的来自全国9省区的147份斑茅无性系为原始种质,首先基于表型数据筛选58份材料构建了斑茅初级核心种质,然后基于SSR和AFLP分子标记数据筛选16份材料构建斑茅微核心种质,分别占原始种质的39.46%和10.88%。通过表型与分子遗传多样性参数的比较分析,验证了斑茅核心种质具有较好代表性。最后对甘蔗种质资源和遗传育种研究中斑茅核心种质的构建方法和利用策略等问题进行了探讨,以期为"甘蔗复合群"野生类群核心种质的构建及创新利用提供参考,促进资源研究工作重心由数量保存型向创新利用型转变。  相似文献   

11份割手密遗传多样性的SSR分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用10对多态性丰富的SSR引物,以国家甘蔗种质资源圃中保存的14份具有代表性的割手密为对照,对未收集过的云南地区11份割手密(Saccharum spontaneum L.)野生资源进行多样性分析。结果共扩增出233条DNA谱带,与对照相比,新采集材料的多态性条带为207条,其中14条为特有条带,多态性条带比率为0.89。遗传相似性系数和UPGMA聚类分析表明,新采集的材料并没有单独聚为一类,而是比较分散,在相似性系数为0.64处做切割线,参试材料可分为三个类群:第一类群主要由龙门割手密、河边村割手密和福建仙游1号组成;第二类群中包含19份材料,其中新采集的样品有上岗割手密、他拉割手密、安乐割手密、勐根割手密、芒美割手密、贺海割手密、回落割手密、里拉割手密和曼亨割手密,对照材料主要包含了云南、四川、越南、老挝、泰国地区的割手密,其共同特点是均分布在内陆地区;第三类群包括3个材料,分别是海南1号、海南92-2和广东化州割手密,其中不包含新采集的材料。而在相似性系数为0.654处作切割线又能将上述第二类群分为较细的三个亚群。由此可见,新采集的11份割手密资源具有丰富的遗传多样性,与已收集的资源相比,具有一定的差异性。说明依靠云南高山峡谷等立体气候特点,分布着遗传差异显著的割手密无性系。  相似文献   

Kim C  Robertson JS  Paterson AH 《Génome》2011,54(9):727-737
Sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) breeders in the early 20th century made remarkable progress in increasing yield and disease resistance by crossing Saccharum spontaneum L., a wild relative, to Saccharum officinarum L., a traditional cultivar. Modern sugarcane cultivars have approximately 71%-83% of their chromosomes originating from S. officinarum, approximately 10%-21% from S. spontaneum, and approximately 2%-13% recombinant or translocated chromosomes. In the present work, C(0)t-based cloning and sequencing (CBCS) was implemented to further explore highly repetitive DNA and to seek species-specific repeated DNA in both S. officinarum and S. spontaneum. For putatively species-specific sequences, overlappping oligonucleotide probes (overgos) were designed and hybridized to BAC filters from the interspecific hybrid sugarcane cultivar 'R570' to try to deduce parental origins of BAC clones. We inferred that 12?967 BACs putatively originated from S. officinarum and 5117 BACs from S. spontaneum. Another 1103 BACs were hybridized by both species-specific overgos, too many to account for by conventional recombination, thus suggesting ectopic recombination and (or) translocation of DNA elements. Constructing a low C(0)t library is useful to collect highly repeated DNA sequences and to search for potentially species-specific molecular markers, especially among recently diverged species. Even in the absence of repeat families that are species-specific in their entirety, the identification of localized variations within consensus sequences, coupled with the site specificity of short synthetic overgos, permits researchers to monitor species-specific or species-enriched variants.  相似文献   

The use of maize microsatellite markers as a potential cost-effective method for molecular analysis of sugarcane was evaluated. Of the 34 primer pairs obtained from maize genomic libraries, 14 showed repeatable amplifications in Saccharum species clones, commercial hybrids, and the related genera Erianthus, accounting for 41.17% cross transferability. Complex banding patterns were encountered in sugarcane with the number of amplified fragments ranging from 7 to 14 with an average of 10 per primer, indicating the high polyploidy and heterozygosity existing in sugarcane. Phenetic analysis of the SSR polymorphisms produced by nine primers could clearly differentiate the different species of Saccharum and Erianthus and revealed the relationships that existed between them. Genetic similarity co-efficient indicated low diversity existing among the S. officinarum clones (82%) and a relatively higher level of diversity in the S. spontaneum clones (69.7%). Higher level of divergence of Erianthus from Saccharum was also clearly estabilished. Five primers produced genus- and species-specific fragments for Erianthus, S. spontaneum, S. officinarum, and S. barberi. The polymorphic primers, when tested on a panel of 30 commercial sugarcane cultivars, revealed a broad range (32.4-83.3%) of pair-wise similarity values, indicating their ability to detect high levels of polymorphism. A combination of two primers could differentiate all the varieties, further emphasizing their potential in fingerprinting and varietal identification.  相似文献   

Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) affecting plant height and flowering were studied in the two Saccharum species from which modern sugarcane cultivars are derived. Two segregating populations derived from interspecific crosses between Saccharum officinarum and Saccharum spontaneum were genotyped with 735 DNA markers. Among the 65 significant associations found between these two traits and DNA markers, 35 of the loci were linked to sugarcane genetic maps and 30 were unlinked DNA markers. Twenty-one of the 35 mapped QTLs were clustered in eight genomic regions of six sugarcane homologous groups. Some of these could be divergent alleles at homologous loci, making the actual number of genes implicated in these traits much less than 35. Four QTL clusters controlling plant height in sugarcane corresponded closely to four of the six plant-height QTLs previously mapped in sorghum. One QTL controlling flowering in sugarcane corresponded to one of three flowering QTLs mapped in sorghum. The correspondence in locations of QTLs affecting plant height and flowering in sugarcane and sorghum reinforce the notion that the simple sorghum genome is a valuable "template" for molecular dissection of the much more complex sugarcane genome.  相似文献   

Huang  Yongji  Chen  Hong  Han  Jinlei  Zhang  Ya  Ma  Shulin  Yu  Guangrun  Wang  Zonghua  Wang  Kai 《Chromosoma》2020,129(1):45-55
Chromosoma - Modern sugarcane cultivars are highly polyploid and derived from the hybridization of Saccharum officinarum and S. spontaneum, thus leading to singularly complex genomes. The complex...  相似文献   

甘蔗细茎野生种云南不同生态类型的RAPD分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
利用25个随机引物对来自云南不同生态类型的82份甘蔗细茎野生种(Saccharnm spontanenm L.)和4份国外种材料进行RAPD标记,结果表明:云南甘蔗细茎野生种不同生态类型的遗传变异较大,具有丰富的遗传多样性,低续度类型的遗传多样性明显高于高纬度类型,在相同的纬度范围内,随着海拔的升高,其多态性逐渐减少,基于分子聚类分析,86份材料被划分为8个不同群体,表现出明显的地理分布的特点,结果初步证明了云南甘蔗细茎野生种可能起源于云南南部低海拔,低纬度地区,而后逐渐向高海拔,高纬度的西北和东北部演化,扩散,提出了云南南部可能是野生甘蔗起源中心之一的观点。  相似文献   

Modern sugarcane varieties are complex aneuploids and typically have chromosome numbers in the 100-125 range with about 5-10% of them contributed by wild relatives, mainly Saccharum spontaneum, and the rest by S. officinarum. This particular genomic constitution was found favorable for mapping the S. spontaneum genome, using maize as a diploid reference for comparison. We conducted an analysis of 32 individuals derived from the selfing of variety SP 701006 using four isozymes and 53 maize probes which covered the whole maize genome. A total of 348 segregating bands were generated. Highly significant cosegregations enabled us to place 94 markers into 25 cosegregation groups. Eighteen of these groups involved S. spontaneum specific markers and might therefore mark S. spontaneum chromosomes in segregation. On the basis of probes in common, the 25 cosegregation groups could be assembled into eight tentative linkage groups, of which seven describe S. spontaneum chromosomes. A large degree of synteny between sugarcane and maize could be inferred, with a much lower rate of recombination in sugarcane.  相似文献   

Saccharum spontaneum is a wild sugarcane species that is native to and widely distributed in China. It has been extensively used in sugarcane breeding programs, and is being tested for the development of bioenergy cultivars. In order to provide basic information for the exploitation of this species, we analyzed genetic variation among and within native S. spontaneum populations collected from Sichuan, China. Eighty plants from nine native populations were sampled. Twenty-one sequence-related amplified polymorphism primer pairs generated 235 clearly scorable bands, of which 185 were polymorphic (78.7%). Nei's genetic diversity was 0.2801 and Shannon's information index was 0.4155 across the populations. Genetic diversity parameters, G(ST) value (0.2088) and N(m) value (1.8944), showed that the genetic variation within populations was greater than that among populations. In the cluster analysis, one major grouping was formed by populations from Ya'an and another one by populations from Sichuan basin; a population from Baoxing formed a single cluster. In order to fully comprehend the genetic diversity of cold-tolerant local germplasm in this species, germplasm should be collected from the heterogeneous environments along the northern regions of this species' distribution. The germplasm that we collected should be a valuable resource for Saccharum breeding.  相似文献   

割手密作为现代甘蔗遗传杂交育种史上最为成功的野生亲本,对多种不良环境都具有很强的抗逆性,被公认为是抗逆基因的主要来源。但目前真正被有效利用的割手密抗逆亲本和抗逆基因非常有限,我国自育和引进甘蔗主栽品种的抗逆性仍然比较单一且普遍偏弱,因此加强割手密优良抗逆亲本筛选和抗逆基因挖掘利用研究意义重大。本文综述了不同基因型割手密在非生物逆境(干旱、低温等理化因素)和生物逆境(病虫害侵染)下的抗逆性鉴定及其抗逆基因克隆和功能验证等国内外相关研究进展;并探讨了当前割手密资源抗逆材料筛选和抗逆基因挖掘利用中存在的问题和今后的研究方向,希望为高效利用割手密优异抗逆基因资源开展甘蔗多抗逆性聚合育种提供参考。  相似文献   

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