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目的:简化该测定-用含hCG亚单位的3个B细胞表位嵌合肽(CP)检测免疫动物血清中是否产生抗hCGβ环肽^38-57和其羧基端37肽抗体,方法:已知CP1及其衍生物中选用的破伤风类毒素的一个广谱性TCE^580-599(T6)中也还包含一个BCE,特异构建了含单(β5)或双(β9和β8)表位的二组CPs,首先以CPS(T1-T2-5-T6-β5-β9-β8)和CP7(T1-T2-5-T7-β5β9-β8)cDNAs为模板,用PCR方法产生删除β9和β8表位编码顺序的CP4和CP8 cDNAs,并按全拼接合成法产生删除β5表位顺序的CP5和CP9 cDNAs。但是,诱导的宿主菌总蛋白在SDS-PAGE带谱中未特异表达,于是也按前述方法,在以上检测用CPs基因5'端分别接上一段pZP4肽编码序列。结果:重组插入温度诱导型pBV221表达载体后,CP18-21cDNAs均在宿主菌中表达,而且在蛋白印迹试验中,CP18和CP20表达蛋白能识别Ohio州立大学Vernon Stevens教授惠赠的兔抗hCGβ环肽(含β5表位)多抗,而CP19和CP21(含β9和β8表位)表达带可与Dr.Wim Stevens赠送的单抗OT3A发生抗原抗体反应。意义:CP18-21及其表达工程菌的成功构建,为今后分析基因工程表达的CP1和CP7等hCG CPs系列的免疫原性奠定了基础。  相似文献   

禽流感病毒M2e、NP多表位嵌合肽抗原的构建及免疫原性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
摘要: 【目的】为了克服传统禽流感疫苗各亚型之间无交叉保护的缺陷,研制抗禽流感通用型疫苗。【方法】 以禽流感病毒M2e、NP表位为基础串联T细胞表位构建4个原核表达载体: pET-3M2e、pET-3M2e-NP1,2-Fc、pET-3M2e-NP1,2、pET-TCE-3M2e-NP1,2。纯化重组蛋白并与弗氏佐剂混合制成疫苗,胸部肌肉注射免疫20日龄非免鸡(150μg/只),4个融合蛋白分为四组,每组十只。ELISA方法检测血清中M2e抗体水平;在MDCK细胞上检测血清与H9N2亚型禽流感病毒的结合能力,在鸡胚上检测其中和能力;以流式细胞仪测定CD4+、CD8+T淋巴细胞的变化。【结果】研究发现,各免疫组均能检测到高水平的ELISA抗体,免疫荧光显示抗血清均能跟病毒特异性结合,中和试验表明抗血清不能中和病毒但能抑制病毒的复制。流式细胞仪检测显示外周血CD4+、CD8+T淋巴细胞所占比例在免疫后均有明显升高(P<0.05),TCE-3M2e-NP1, 2组CD4+、CD8+T淋巴细胞所占比例分别达到47.23%和36.77%,具有细胞免疫的特征。【结论】构建的嵌合肽抗原具有较好的免疫原性,能刺激机体产生体液和细胞免疫,为进一步研制抗禽流感通用型疫苗做出有益的探索。  相似文献   

HIV感染引起的AIDS已经成为严重影响人类健康和社会发展的全球性疾病。酶联免疫吸附试验和免疫印迹检验组合则被认为是HIV检测的“金标准”。因此本实验构建gp160的抗原多表位融合基因及在原核系统的高表达, 为HIV抗体测定提供特异、价廉的抗原。选定HIV-1 gp160基因中三个片段包含较多抗原表位的区域, 设计带有酶切位点的引物,用PCR的方法从HIV-1HXB2全基因扩增编码这三个片段的基因序列,通过质粒提取、酶切、测序方法鉴定基因片段的正确性, SDS-PAGE和Western Blot测定融合蛋白的抗原特异性。构建的HIV-1 gp160多表位嵌合基因的原核表达质粒,酶切和测序结果表明基因序列正确,基因全长969bp。在大肠杆菌BL21(DE3) 中高效表达的重组蛋白分子量为37kDa,以包涵体的形式存在。应用western blot测定10例正常人和12例HIV/AIDS病人血浆显示HIV-1 gp160多表位融合蛋白具有良好的抗原特异性。成功构建了高表达 HIV-1 gp160多表位蛋白的原核表达系统,纯化的融合蛋白有较强的抗原特异性。  相似文献   

促性腺激素释放激素(gonadotropin-releasinghormone,GnRH)是下丘脑分泌产生的神经激素,对脊椎动物生殖的调控起重要作用。为研究GnRH对奥利亚罗非鱼性腺发育的作用,构建了GnRHcDNA的原核表达载体并进行融合表达。利用RT-PCR方法从丘脑中扩增出长约400bp的目的序列GnRH基因,克隆至T载体中,经酶切鉴定和序列测定分析确认序列的正确性后将此片段克隆到表达载体pMAL-c2x中构建重组表达质粒pMAL-GnRH,并在大肠杆菌TB1中获得了高表达,目的蛋白约占菌体总蛋白的41.6%。菌体经溶菌酶裂解,制备无细胞抽提液,Amylose-sepharose柱层析后得到分子量为56kD单一条带的目的蛋白。目的蛋白经FactorXa酶切裂解,Amylose-sepharose过柱纯化后得到纯化的GnRH前体蛋白。以80μg/只的剂量4次免疫ICR小鼠,免疫小鼠可以检测到特异性针对GnRH前体蛋白的血清抗体应答,免疫组抗体水平显著高于空白组(P<0.05),且加强免疫第5周后抗体效价为0.707±0.320,达到高峰值,说明表达产物具有免疫原性,可以刺激机体产生免疫应答。  相似文献   

旨在通过构建Gag的抗原多表位融合基因及在原核系统的高表达,为HIV诊断及可能的疫苗制备提供试验基础。选定HIV-1 Gag基因中3个片段包含较多抗原表位的区域,设计带有酶切位点的引物,用PCR的方法从HIV-1HXB2全基因扩增编码这3个片段的基因序列,通过质粒提取、酶切、测序方法鉴定基因片段的正确性,SDS-PAGE和Western blotting测定融合蛋白的表达,并免疫动物制备相应抗体。结果显示,构建的HIV-1 Gag多表位嵌合基因的原核表达质粒,酶切和测序结果表明基因序列正确,基因全长576bp。在大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)中高效表达的重组蛋白分子量为27kD,以包涵体的形式存在。纯化目的蛋白免疫家兔,制备多克隆抗体IgG。ELISA和免疫荧光方法检测显示制备的多克隆抗体能具有特异性反应。成功构建和高表达了HIV-1 Gag多表位融合蛋白,纯化蛋白制备的抗体与HIV-1Gag有特异性结合。为进一步研究HIV-1奠定了试验基础。  相似文献   

目的:构建穿膜肽KGF-2(TAT-KGF-2),研究其对人角质形成细胞HaCaT的增殖作用。方法:采用普通PCR技术和特殊引物从人胚胎肺成纤维细胞cDNA中扩增出目的基因TAT-KGF-2,并将其插入pET-28a(+)载体中构建pET28a-TAT-KGF-2重组质粒;将该质粒转化大肠杆菌Rosetta(DE3),IPTG诱导表达重组蛋白TAT-KGF-2;通过Ni-NTA柱纯化获得目标重组蛋白并利用Western blot进行鉴定;MTT法研究TAT-KGF-2对HaCa的增殖作用。结果:成功构建pET28a-TAT-KGF-2重组质粒,经序列比对,与GenBank上公布的人KGF-2基因序列同源性达到100%;获得穿膜肽KGF-2蛋白,分子量约为19 kDa,纯度达到95%以上;TAT-KGF-2对HaCaT在12.5ng/ml时具有增殖作用,并呈浓度依赖性,而且与不具有穿膜功能的KGF-2相比有更强的增殖效果。结论:成功纯化出TAT-KGF-2蛋白,并验证其对HaCaT具有增殖作用,为进一步研究该蛋白的结构和功能奠定了基础。  相似文献   

将HIV-1 p24基因插入至人工设计的复合多表位基因MEG中, 获得嵌合基因MEGp24; 将MEGp24插入到转移载体pUTA2复合启动子ATI-P7.5×20下游, 构建出鸡痘病毒重组转移质粒; 经转染和BrdU加压筛选, 以基因组PCR和Western blot法筛选出重组病毒; 将重组病毒大量制备并纯化后, 分别于0, 14, 42天肌肉注射免疫BALB/c小鼠; 第3次免疫后一周, 采集小鼠全血与脾脏, 分离血清并无菌制备脾淋巴细胞, ELISA法检测小鼠血清HIV-1抗体、脾细胞培养上清中Th1类细胞因子IFN-α和IL-2的含量, 流式细胞仪测定CD4+, CD8+ T淋巴细胞亚类数量, 乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)释放法检测脾特异性CTL杀伤活性. 结果表明, 重组病毒刺激小鼠产生HIV-1特异性抗体, 出现T细胞亚类数量增加, 产生针对HIV-1 H-2d限制性CTL表位的特异性靶细胞杀伤作用, 同时免疫小鼠脾细胞在HIV-1抗原肽的刺激下分泌Th1类细胞因子的水平大幅增加. 研究提示多表位嵌合基因重组FPV疫苗具有良好的免疫原性, 可诱导小鼠产生HIV-1特异性细胞和体液免疫应答.  相似文献   

为获得MUC1/Y的特异表位肽,制备抗体,用PCR扩增其编码序列,克隆到pGEX-2T中,转化DH5α感受态,0.2mmol/L IPTG诱导表达,超声破碎或BPER-TMⅡ试剂处理诱导菌,亲和层析和阴离子交换纯化目的蛋白,SDSPAGE及Western blotting鉴定;免疫家兔制备多抗,初步用于免疫组化分析。结果表明,转化菌经诱导后表达融合蛋白GSTY30,约占菌体总蛋白的20%,大多以可溶形式存在,与诱导温度无关。免疫家兔获得多抗,效价为1∶320 000,纯化的抗体具有特异性,可识别肿瘤细胞表面的MUC1/Y蛋白。所得蛋白和抗体可用于MUC1/Y的表达特征及其生物学功能研究。  相似文献   

孙鹏  孙兴宝  胡鹏  田晓红  邓波  夏良雨  王宁燕  王红  李泓彦  何志强 《遗传》2007,29(11):1351-1356
勘误:重组人巨细胞病毒(HCMV)优势表位嵌合抗原的构建表达以及捕获法检测 IgM 抗体  相似文献   

小肽多拷贝基因表达载体的构建及其高效表达(英文)   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
介绍一种快速、高效构建小肽多拷贝基因表达载体的策略 ,并构建了相应的表达载体pETE coT .用人工合成的编码 2 8个氨基酸残基的胸腺素α1基因为模型 ,采用限制酶EcoT14I识别序列CCAAGG为小肽基因两末端序列 ,利用其酶切后可产生非镜相对称粘性末端 ,一次连接反应就构建出一系列不同基因拷贝数的表达载体 ;在小肽基因两端分别引进编码FactorXa和羟胺蛋白切割位点的序列 ,表达出的融合蛋白可被FactorXa和羟胺剪切出不残留任何外源氨基酸的小肽 .不同拷贝数的小肽融合蛋白在大肠杆菌BL2 1(DE3)中均获得高效表达 .  相似文献   

Carrageenan, the major cell wall carbohydrate of certain red algae, is variable in structure and gelling properties. Sequence types include gelling (kappa and iota) and nongelling (lambda) types in addition to precursors, often in hybrid molecules containing more than one precursor and/or sequence type. Molecular markers to subunits were needed to study carrageenan synthesis, cell wall organization, and the relationship between structure and function. Monoclonal antibodies were produced to carrageenan, and their specificities were determined by competitive enzyme immunoassay. Antibodies were identified with specificities related to kappa, iota, and lambda carrageenan. The patterns of immunofluorescence localization on Kappaphycus alvarezii = Eucheuma alvarezii var. tambalang (Doty) sections were distinctive for each antibody. The antibody to a kappa-related epitope labeled mature tissue strongly; antibodies to an iota-related epitope and a lambda-related epitope labeled weakly, consistent with the kappa-enriched carrageenan produced by this alga. Kappa-related epitopes were distributed throughout the wall and matrix, whereas iota-related epitopes were concentrated in the middle lamella. Lambda-related epitopes were localized primarily at the plant cuticle where kappa and iota antigens were lacking. An antibody appeared to be specific for a precursor of the gelling subunits because it showed maximal wall and intracellular labeling at the youngest developmental stage. All antibodies labeled intracellular inclusions in the transition zone between the epidermis and medulla during the development of medullary cells from the peripheral meristem in young branches. The results demonstrate the intracellular synthesis of epitopes related to all major carrageenan subunits and their differential extracellular distribution.  相似文献   

杨潼 《动物分类学报》1999,24(4):444-452
记述了大生熊虫科大生熊虫属Macrobiotus一新种和三新纪录种,即神农大生熊虫,新种M.shennongensis sp.nov.桃形大生熊虫M.persimulis Binda & Pilato,1972,卷形大生熊虫M.rollei Heinis,1921,陆栖大生熊虫M.terricola Mihelcic,1949以及趾生熊虫属一新种,即水生趾生熊虫,即长白等高熊虫,Is,changb  相似文献   

Two morphotypes of Emiliania huxleyi (Lohmann 1902) Hay et al. 1967, types A and B, known to be unequally distributed in the oceans, were grown in dilution cultures at a range of photon flux densities (PFDs) (1.5–155 μmol photons·m?2·s?1) and two temperatures (10° and 15° C). Calcite carbon and organic carbon content of the cells as well as instantaneous growth rate, cell size, chlorophyll fluorescence, and light-scatter properties clearly depended on growth conditions and differed considerably for the two morphotypes. The ratio between calcite carbon and organic carbon production showed an optimum of 0.65 in E. huxleyi type A cells at PFD = 17.5. The ratio increased slightly with a temperature increase from 10° to 15°C but remained < 1.0 at both temperatures in light-limited cells. In contrast, calcite carbon production exceeded organic carbon production (ratio: 1.4–2.2) in phosphate-deprived cultures. Emiliania huxleyi type B generally showed a higher calcite carbon/organic carbon ratio than E. huxleyi type A, but the relation with PFD was similar. The content of calcite carbon and organic carbon as well as the instantaneous growth rate, cell size, chlorophyll fluorescence, and light-scatter properties showed large diel variations that were closely related to the division cycle. Our results show the importance of mapping the structure of any sampled cell population with respect to the phase in the cell division cycle, as this largely determines the outcome of not only “per cell” measurements but also short time (less than 24 h) flux measurements. For instance, dark production of calcite by E. huxleyi was negatively affected by cell division. Slowly growing (phosphate-stressed) cultures produced calcite in the light and in the dark. In contrast, rapidly growing cultures at 10°C produced calcite only in the light, whereas in the dark there was a significant loss of calcite due to dissolution.  相似文献   

Three clones of the diatom Amphora were euryhaline, able to grow autotrophically at 160 lx (0.001 ly/min) and heterotrophically on glucose and fructose. Furthermore 2 clones grew on glutamate and feast extract. Light-limited growth of individual clones was stimulated by glycerol, galactose, lactate, acetate, aspartate and asparagine, although mannose torn inhibitory at low and high light levels. The half-saturation constant for growth of A. coffeaefomis var. perpusilla Grunow (Cleve) with glucose was 25 μM. Heterotrophic growth rate of this organism became saturated with respect to glucose at 0.5 mM.  相似文献   

本文用磷酸钙沉淀法将含人mdrl 基因表达质粒(pHaMDR 1/A)转染到小鼠胚胎干细胞(ES-5),得到了四个能稳定地在含有200 ng/ml 秋水仙素培液中生长传代的细胞克隆。经Southern 印迹杂交及RNA 印迹杂交证明人mdrl 基因已整合到ES 细胞基因组,并有表达。其中两个克隆杂交信号较强,抗药基因可随秋水仙素浓度提高而扩增,表达量也随之增加。用抗该基因编码的p170糖蛋白抗体对ES-mdr 1细胞作免疫荧光染色,证实p170蛋白分布于细胞表面。未发现ES-mdr 1细胞的体内、外发育潜能与亲代细胞的有何差异。但是mdr1细胞不能被RA 和HMBA 化学药物诱导分化,表明这些细胞已与亲代ES-5细胞不同,具有拮抗化学药物诱导分化的作用,其机理尚待研究。因此,ES-mdr1细胞可作为在细胞水平研究p170糖蛋白作用机理的体系,也可用以建立体外筛选拮抗抗约基因作用新手段的模型。我们也得到了含人mdr1基因的嵌合小鼠,并对它们的嵌合情况作了分析。  相似文献   

Sassoon's isolate identified as Borzia trilocularis (but recently renamed Hormoscilla pringsheimii Anagnostidis and Komárek (1988) was studied with transmission electron microscopy because of its unusual combination of longitudinal wall features, described here in development for the first time. Junctional pores (linear rows of circumferential L-II layer pores near crosswalls) developed into multiple, parallel series, unlike the pores in many other species, which form only single rows. In dividing cells, two single pore rows appear opposite crosswalls after crosswall initiation, but an additional parallel row is usually added to each row by completion of fission. Elongating cells reveal 3–6 parallel and uniformly spaced pore rows developing on each side of crosswall pairs; these rows may end up toward the center of the cell wall after cell elongation. Pores are 18–24 nm wide with a center-to-center and row-to-row distance of 24–36 nm and occur in an especially thick L-II area. The second group of pit-like pores of longitudinal cell walls are 50–135 nm-wide depressions and have a center-to-center distance of 100–1000 nm. These depressions arise when the L-II layer fails to form and appear next to a row-pair of junctional pores soon after fission. Most depressions form single rows, but when they form several rows they may cover much of the surface of the cell. The L-III and L-IV wall layers line these L-II layer cavities; the outer surface of the L-IV layer around and within the depressions is covered with fibrous mucilage. Given their diversity, pores and depressions of longitudinal walls deserve further attention from functional and taxonomic points of view.  相似文献   

Synchronous release of ellipsoidal biflagellated zoo-spores from thick-walled akinetes of Haematococcus lacustris (Gir.) Rostaf. (UTEX 16) was induced. After being released, the zoospores divided rapidly at a rate that depended on the initial concentration of urea in the culture medium. Cells fused after approximately five doublings, and the DNA content of most cells doubled within 50 h. Spherical nonmotile palmella cells and aplanospores appeared after 100 h of incubation in media containing high (1.7 g·L?1) and low (0.85 g·L?1) urea concentrations. Thereafter, the number of nonmotile cells increased with time, whereas motile cell numbers decreased with time. Nonmotile cells continued to grow and divide by forming 4–32 aplanospores, for up to 200 h of incubation in the high-urea medium. The size of the nonmotile cells and the number of daughter cells formed within was inversely proportional to the growth rate of the cultures. Within the first 100 h of incubation, dry weight biomass of the zoo-spores increased from about 0.3 to 0.8 g·L?1. In the following 180 h, dry weight biomass reached 1.7 g·L?1 in the low-urea medium and 2.5 g·L?1 in the high-urea medium. The astaxanthin content of zoospores decreased with time, whereas there was a net accumulation of astaxanthin in the nonmotile cells. The specific rate of accumulation of astaxanthin in motile and nonmotile cells, however, was practically identical.  相似文献   

人胚肾原代培养细胞经换无血清培养液后4~6天,可产生较高的尿激酶活性,从2ml细胞沉淀中(2×10~5细胞)可提取60~100μgpoly(A)~+RNA。6M尿素酸性琼脂糖凝胶电泳表明,其大小为9S~28S,以此poly(A)~+RNA为模板可用于体外翻译及反转录实验,DNA-RNA点杂交表明,此poly(A)~+RNA含有编码尿激酶的mRNA,通过Northern blot杂交实验,估计mRNA大小在1~3 kb之间,本制品可供应反转录途径获得尿激酶基因之用。  相似文献   

Cell walls of forty Chlorella strains covering all species of the Algal Collection of Göttingen (C. fusca var. vacuolata, C. kessleri, C. luteoviridis, C. minutissima, C. protothecoides, C. saccharophila, C. sorokiniana, C. vulgaris, and C. zofingiensis) were compared. The nine species were divided into two groups according to the major sugar in the rigid wall. The first group had a glucose-mannose-rigid wall and included C. fusca var. vacuolata, C. luteoviridis, C. minutissima, C. protothecoides, C. saccharophila, and C. zofingiensis. The second group, with a glucosamine-rigid wall, included C. kessleri, C. sorokiniana, and C. vulgaris. Chlorella strains of the nine species were further classified by constituent sugars, ruthenium red stainability, and anisotropy of the cell walls.  相似文献   

A correlation between genome size and cell volume has been observed across diverse assemblages of eukaryotes. We examined this relationship in diatoms (Bacillariophyceae), a phylum in which cell volume is of critical ecological and biogeochemical importance. In addition to testing whether there is a predictive relationship across extant species, we tested whether evolutionary divergences in genome size were correlated with evolutionary divergences in cell size (using independent contrasts). We estimated total DNA content for 16 diatom species using a flow cytometer and estimated cell volumes using critical dimensions with scaling equations. Our independent contrast analyses indicated a significant correlated evolution between genome size and cell volume. We then explored the evolutionary and ecological implications of this evolutionary relationship. Diatom cell volume is an important component of the global carbon cycle; therefore, understanding the mechanisms that drive diatom genome evolution has both evolutionary and ecological importance.  相似文献   

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