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石油污染土壤堆制微生物降解研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
采用异位生物修复技术堆式堆制处理方法 ,对辽河油田原油污染土壤进行了生物修复处理研究 .处理工程设 4个处理料堆单元 ,每个处理单元长 118.5cm ,宽 6 5 .5cm ,高 12 .5cm .研究结果表明 ,当进行处理的石油污染土壤中石油烃总量为 5 .2 2 g·10 0 g-1土时 ,利用黄孢原毛平革菌 (Phanerochaetechrysospori um) ,经过 5 5d的运行 ,石油烃总量去除率达 5 4.2 % .堆制处理中影响污染土壤石油烃总量生物降解的主要变化因子为污染土壤的O2 和CO2 含量、降解石油烃微生物的数量、污染土壤pH的变化 .通过监测这些数据的变化 ,可直接反映该工程的处理石油污染土壤的效果 .本处理工程采用定期通风措施 ,操作简单、运行费用低廉 ,为石油污染土壤生物修复实用化提供了一种简单易行的污染土壤清洁技术 .  相似文献   

改性措施对复合污染土壤重金属行为影响的研究   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
采用田间实验的方法,研究了在复合污染土壤上石灰+Ca、Mg、P肥处理对重金属迁移、积累的影响及重金属的作物效应.结果表明,在污染土壤上采用石灰+Ca、Mg、P肥处理可减少重金属向作物籽实的迁移和积累,特别是Cd、Ph、As3元素;改性以后,水稻、小麦Cd吸收量比改性前降低了31.5—55%.4种作物对Ph的吸收量降低了23.4-57.8%,Cu、Zn吸收量略有降低.水稻As吸收量增加了56.8%,小麦、大豆As吸收量减少61.8-81.1%.重金属在土壤中存在的形态发生了变化,Cd、Ph、Zn交换态百分含量不同程度地有所减少,而碳酸盐结合态有所增加,可被植物吸收利用的有效含量降低.  相似文献   

鸡粪对铜污染土壤微生物生物量碳的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用室内恒温好气培养法,研究了2.0%、4.0%、6.0%添加量鸡粪对铜污染土壤微生物生物量碳的影响。结果表明:向土壤中施入2.0%、4.0%、6.0%的鸡粪后,有机碳总量比对照分别增加了0.85、1.49、2.04倍,而可浸提有机碳含量分别增加了3.13、5.70、8.23倍,鸡粪的添加促进了土壤可浸提有机碳含量的增加,土壤可浸提有机碳含量和鸡粪添加量呈正相关(r=0.994^**,n=12)。各处理土壤有机碳和可浸提有机碳含量随培养时间逐渐下降,90d后有机碳含量趋于稳定;土壤可浸提有机碳含量120d后趋于稳定。鸡粪显著促进了土壤微生物生物量碳含量和土壤微生物商的增加(P〈0.01),与对照相比,2.0%、4.0%和6.0%鸡粪处理土壤微生物生物量碳含量分别增加2.88、5.19、6.98倍,土壤微生物生物量碳(SMBC)含量和土壤微生物商(SMQ)都与鸡粪的添加量呈正相关(rSMBC=0.998^**,rSMQ=0.858,n=12)。在培养过程中士壤微生物生物量碳与土壤微生物商都呈现先下降再升高再下降的趋势。在培养试验的早期,鸡粪的添加有利于缓解铜污染土壤微生物生物量碳的下降,添加鸡粪的处理在培养的第10d后土壤微生物生物量碳含量开始上升,而对照则在30d以后才开始上升;添加鸡粪的处理在培养前期微生物生物量碳的最大下降幅度分别为:2.0%处理(52.74%)、4.0%处理(45.92%)、6.0%处理(55.52%),而对照的下降幅度为92.02%。培养后期添加鸡粪处理土壤微生物生物量碳仍保持较高的水平。  相似文献   

落地原油对芦苇温地生态工程净化系统影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
籍国东  隋欣等 《生态学报》2002,22(5):649-654
以芦苇湿地为介质净化石油开采过程中落于地面的原油,研究了中试条件下芦苇湿地的净化效果及落地原油对土壤和芦苇介质的影响。结果表明:芦苇湿地对不同施入剂量的落地原油都有较好的净化率,在试验运行期内,芦苇湿地对矿物油的净化率高达88%-96%。落地原油对土壤的污染基本局限于表层,对深层土壤的污染趋势并不明显,一般40-60cm土层的矿物油含量已接近或低于对照区表层土的背景值;落地原油对芦苇生长指标的影响表现出两面性,一方面抑制芦苇的叶龄指数和株高生长量,另一方面又能刺激芦苇的长粗、增加芦苇的生物量;落地原油对纤维素、木质素、戊糖、纤维素宽及纤维素长宽比等芦苇品质指标的影响很小,一些指标甚至优于对照区。  相似文献   

猪粪和稻草对镉污染黄泥土生物活性的影响   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
通过培养试验研究了猪粪和稻草对Cd污染黄泥土生物活性的影响,结果表明,Cd污染土壤的生物活性下降,施用有机肥料后,土壤有效态Cd含量降低,降幅约为40%;微生物量C、N、P和脱氢酶、过氧化氢酶的活性增高,增幅为30%~100%,其中微生物量C、N与土壤有效态Cd之间有显著的负相关关系,可作为污染土壤的生物指标。  相似文献   

淮北平原杨-麦间作系统的小气候效应与土壤水分变化研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
对淮北平原的杨-麦间作系统的小气候效应与土壤水分的研究表明,在冬小麦发育的拔节期和灌浆期,林粮带状间作与对照地相比可以降低农田地面温度1-7℃,提高相对湿度2%-8%,农田日照时数减低量随间作为间距和时间而变化,在范围在4.1%-15.3%之间,农田林网可以提高相对湿度6.4%-11.6%,日照时数减少8.5%-11.75,农林 间作可以提高土壤含水率,幅度随间作密度而定,一般可提高含水率0.67%-3.875,农田林网的土壤含率与林带的方位和离林带的距离有关,在各个方位上均与离林带的距离呈显著负相关。  相似文献   

海南地处热带地区,水热条件好,是发展热带牧草的理想之地。下面介绍几种已在海南推广种植的热带优良牧草。柱花$(StwnthesgUtenensis)柱花草又称笔花豆或热带首著,为多年生蝶形花科草本植物。直立或半匍匐,草层高度为l-1.5米。三出复叶,小叶长达4.(y-.6厘米,宽1.l-1.3厘米。花小,黄色至深黄色;荚果2节,但仅给1粒种子;种子椭圆形,淡黄至黄棕色,稀黑色,长1.82.7毫米,千粒重2.042.53克。桂花草原产南美洲,是较典型的热带牧草,喜高温而伯霜冻,0℃时叶片脱落,-2.5℃便会冻死。但对土壤的适应性广泛,能在各…  相似文献   

研究棕榈酸、儿茶酚和香草酸对土壤中Cd行为的影响表明,土壤中儿茶酚对水稻的毒害浓度为100mg·kg-1,而香草酸则为500mg·kg-1.当土壤中儿茶酚为5000mg·kg-1时,水稻籽实中Cd浓度降到0.008mg·kg-1,土壤淋溶液中Cd浓度降为0.005mg·L-1,3种有机物均能增加土壤中有机结合态Cd的比例,5000mg·kg-1的儿茶酚处理,土壤中有机质结合态Cd占总Cd的48.71%.  相似文献   

真菌对石油污染土壤的降解研究   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
利用微生物对石油污染土壤进行生物降解,具有操作简单,费用低廉,场地适用性强等特点。挑选了2种菌株,进行了室内油降解实验,在摇床实验油降解率:微生物真菌(Faserium.LK)(土著)和真菌(Phanerochaete.Chrysosprium),在20d分别为41.2%和28.1%,真菌(Fusarium.LK)高于真菌(Phane-rochate.Chrysosprium)的降解率,而在培养箱石油污染土壤中,真菌(Fusarium.LK)(土著)和真菌(Phane-rochaete.Chrysosprium),在50d分别为61.8%和66.1%,(Fusarium.LK)低于(Phanerochaete.Chrysosri-um)。  相似文献   

目的利用堆肥处理技术对大庆油田原油污染土壤进行生物修复处理研究,建立最佳堆制配比及堆制条件。方法比较堆肥过程中不同碳氮比对石油烃降解效果的影响,分析堆制过程中各理化参数和总石油烃降解的变化趋势,建立最佳堆制配比及堆制条件。结果 3种比例的堆肥处理,总碳含量呈下降趋势而总氮含量呈上升趋势,当C∶N约为30∶1时,堆肥温度9d持续在50℃以上,土壤中石油烃降解率达到最高。60d后,土壤中总石油烃的降解率可达78%。结论堆肥C∶N为30∶1时为最佳的堆制比例。  相似文献   

A hydrocarbon degrading Acinetobacter baumannii S30 strain, isolated from crude oil-contaminated soil, was inserted with the lux gene from the luciferase gene cassette luxCDABE. Soil microcosms were designed to study the degradation efficacy for total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) of crude oil by lux-tagged A. baumannii S30 pJES. Bioaugmentation of a TPH-contaminated microcosm with A baumannii S30 pJES showed that TPH levels were reduced from 89.3 to 53.9 g/kg soil in 90 days. Biodegradation of TPH by A baumannii S30 pJES was also monitored in shake flask conditions, which showed a reduction of initial TPH levels by over 50% at the end of 120 h. A lux-PCR-based approach along with the standard dilution plating with selective antibiotics was successfully utilized to monitor the survivability of the lux-tagged strain A. baumannii S30 pJES in soil microcosms and stability of the lux insert in the host strain A. baumannii S30. The selective plating technique indicated the population of A. baumannii S30 pJES to be 6.5+/-0.13 x 10(8) CFU/g at day zero (just after bioaugmentation) and 2.09+/-0.08 x 10(8) CFU/g of soil after 90 days of incubation. lux-PCR confirmed the stability of the insert in all the randomly selected colonies of A. baumannii strains from the antibiotic plates. The lux insert was stable after 50 generations in Luria Bertini broth and storage at -70 degrees C as glycerol stocks for over a year. These results revealed that the lux insert was stable and lux-tagged A. baumannii S30 strain could survive in a TPH-contaminated soil microcosm and could degrade TPH in the soil microcosm conditions. It can be used as an effective marker to monitor the survival of augmented strains at a bioremediation site.  相似文献   

Addition of toluene into slurry phase laboratory microcosm is proposed in order to increase desorption rate of hydrocarbons and as an alternative to improve bioavailability of hydrocarbon in aged soils. Our studies showed that toluene has a positive effect on desorption of total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH). Addition of 14,000 mg toluene/kg of soil, in highly polluted soil, increased the consumption rate of hydrocarbons three times in comparison to control without solvent. In 30 days the initial TPH concentration in soil, 292,000 mg/kg, diminished 45%. Although toluene was able to dissolve complex organic compounds such as asphaltene fraction, it probably yielded a highly toxic toluene-hydrocarbons phase. The inhibitory effect of toluene-TPH was also studied. A substrate inhibition model was used: the k(m) and k(i) constants were 57 and 490 mg TPH/L liquid phase, respectively. Experimental data were well described when the proposed model included sequential desorption and biodegradation phenomena. Damk?hler number evaluation showed that rate of mass transfer was the limiting step in overall biodegradation in nonsolvent control. When high concentration of toluene was added, then bioreaction was the limiting step, but inhibitory effect should be considered. However, toluene addition at low concentrations facilitates the biodegradation of aromatic compounds.  相似文献   

This study was performed to investigate the petroleum hydrocarbon (PH) degradative potential of indigenous microorganisms in ozonated soil to better develop combined pre-ozonation/bioremediation technology. Diesel-contaminated soils were ozonated for 0–900min. PH and microbial concentrations in the soils decreased with increased ozonation time. The greatest reduction of total PH (TPH, 47.6%) and aromatics (11.3%) was observed in 900-min ozonated soil. The number of total viable heterotrophic bacteria decreased by three orders of magnitude in the soil. Ozonated soils were incubated for 9weeks for bioremediation. The number of microorganisms in the soils increased during the incubation period, as monitored by culture- and nonculture-based methods. The soils showed additional PH-removal during incubation, supporting the presence of PH-degraders in the soils. The highest removal (25.4%) of TPH was observed during the incubation of 180-min ozonated soil during the incubation while a negligible removal was shown in 900-min ozonated soil. This negligible removal could be explained by the existence of relatively few or undetected PH-degraders in 900-min ozonated soil. After a 9-week incubation of the ozonated soils, 180-min ozonated soil showed the lowest TPH concentration, suggesting that appropriate ozonation and indigenous microorganisms survived ozonation could enhance remediation of PH-contaminated soil. Microbial community composition in 9-week incubated soils revealed a slight difference between 900-min ozonated and unozonated soils, as analyzed by whole cell hybridization. Taken together, this study provided insight into indigenous microbial potential to degrade PH in ozonated soils.  相似文献   

Petroleum pollution is a global problem that requires effective and accessible remediation strategies that takes ecosystem functioning into serious consideration. Bioremediation can be an effective tool to address the challenge. In this study, we used a mesocosm experiment to evaluate the effects of locally sourced and community produced biochar and compost amendments on diesel-contaminated soil. At the end of the 90-day experiment, we quantified the effects of the amendments on total petroleum hydrocarbons (C9-C40) (TPH) and soil pH, organic matter, aggregate stability, soil respiration, extractable phosphorus, extractable potassium, and micronutrients (Mg, Fe, Mn, and Zn). We observed significantly higher TPH degradation in compost-amended soils than in controls and soils amended with biochar. We propose that the addition of compost improved TPH biodegradation by augmenting soil nutrient content and microbial activity. Our results suggest that community-accessible compost can improve TPH biodegradation, and that implementation is possible at the community level.  相似文献   

In this study, we evaluated the hydrocarbon removal efficiency and microbial diversity of different soil layers. The soil layers with high counts of recoverable hydrocarbon degrading bacteria had the highest hydrocarbon removal rate compared with soil layers with low counts of hydrocarbon degrading bacteria. Removal efficiency was 48% in the topsoil, compared with 31% and 11% at depths of 1.5 and 1 m, respectively. In the 1 and 1.5 m soil layers, there was no significant difference between total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) removal in nutrient amended treatments and controls. The respiration rate reflected the difference in the number of bacteria in each soil layer and the availability of nutrients. High O2 consumption corresponded positively with high TPH removal. Analysis of the microbial diversity in the different soil layers using functional diversity (community-level physiological profile, via Biolog) and genetic diversity using polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE) of 16S rDNA revealed differences in, respectively, substrate utilisation patterns and DGGE profiles of 16S rDNA fragments. Microbial diversity as revealed by DNA fragments was lower in the highly contaminated soil layer (1.5 m) than in the topsoil and at 1 m.  相似文献   

The main objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of oily sludge concentration on its biodegradability in soil. Oily sludge was collected and applied to microcosms at full-, half-, or quarter-strength concentrations equivalent to 44.2, 22.2, and 11.1 g kg?1 soil, respectively, of total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) contained in oily sludge. The biodegradability of oily sludge was evaluated by measuring CO2 evolution and by measuring removal of TPH as well as its main composing fractions; namely; alkanes, aromatics, NSO-compounds, and asphaltenes. The collected soil contained 3.63 × 106 cfu g?1 soil of hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria, which is satisfactory to drive successful biodegradation of hydrocarbons in soil. These numbers increased significantly with oily sludge addition at a rate proportional to the added TPH reaching 3.35 × 107 cfu g?1 soil in the half-strength treatment. TPH mineralization rate followed the same pattern. However, TPH-mineralization efficiency was the greatest in quarter-strength treatment at 18.3%. TPH-removal efficiency was also highest in quarter-strength treatment at 30.9%. Nutrients addition caused mineralization inhibition. Since nutrients were added as a ratio of the added carbon, inhibition was the greatest with the highest TPH treatment. While alkanes were degraded, aromatics and asphaltenes were not, and NSO-compounds were enriched. Although SDS was completely biodegradable in soil, its addition promoted mineralization and removal of TPH from soil.  相似文献   

A full-scale study evaluating an inoculum addition to stimulate in situ bioremediation of oily-sludge-contaminated soil was conducted at an oil refinery where the indigenous population of hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria in the soil was very low (10(3) to 10(4) CFU/g of soil). A feasibility study was conducted prior to the full-scale bioremediation study. In this feasibility study, out of six treatments, the application of a bacterial consortium and nutrients resulted in maximum biodegradation of total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) in 120 days. Therefore, this treatment was selected for the full-scale study. In the full-scale study, plots A and B were treated with a bacterial consortium and nutrients, which resulted in 92.0 and 89.7% removal of TPH, respectively, in 1 year, compared to 14.0% removal of TPH in the control plot C. In plot A, the alkane fraction of TPH was reduced by 94.2%, the aromatic fraction of TPH was reduced by 91.9%, and NSO (nitrogen-, sulfur-, and oxygen-containing compound) and asphaltene fractions of TPH were reduced by 85.2% in 1 year. Similarly, in plot B the degradation of alkane, aromatic, and NSO plus asphaltene fractions of TPH was 95.1, 94.8, and 63.5%, respectively, in 345 days. However, in plot C, removal of alkane (17.3%), aromatic (12.9%), and NSO plus asphaltene (5.8%) fractions was much less. The population of introduced Acinetobacter baumannii strains in plots A and B was stable even after 1 year. Physical and chemical properties of the soil at the bioremediation site improved significantly in 1 year.  相似文献   

A phytoremediation study targeting low-level total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) was conducted using cool- and warm-season grasses and willows (Salix species) grown in pots filled with contaminated sandy soil from the New Haven Rail Yard, CT. Efficiencies of the TPH degradation were assessed in a 90-day experiment using 20–8.7–16.6 N-P-K water-soluble fertilizer and fertilizer with molasses amendments to enhance phytoremediation. Plant biomass, TPH concentrations, and indigenous microbes quantified with colony-forming units (CFU), were assessed at the end of the study. Switchgrass grown with soil amendments produced the highest aboveground biomass. Bacterial CFU's were in orders of magnitude significantly higher in willows with soil amendments compared to vegetated treatments with no amendments. The greatest reduction in TPH occurred in all vegetated treatments with fertilizer (66–75%) and fertilizer/molasses (65–74%), followed sequentially by vegetated treatments without amendments, unvegetated treatments with amendments, and unvegetated treatments with no amendment. Phytoremediation of low-level TPH contamination was most efficient where fertilization was in combination with plant species. The same level of remediation was achievable through the addition of grasses and/or willow combinations without amendment, or by fertilization of sandy soil.  相似文献   

Bioremediation of weathered diesel fuel in Arctic soil at low temperature was studied both on-site in small-scale biopiles and in laboratory microcosms. The field study site was on Ellesmere Island (82°30'N, 62°20'W). Biostimulation was by fertilization with phosphorous and nitrogen. Bioaugmentation was with an enrichment culture originating from the field site. In biopiles, total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) were reduced from 2.9 to 0.5 mg/g of dry soil over a period of 65 days. In microcosms at 7 °C, TPH were reduced from 2.4 to 0.5 mg/g of dry soil over a period of 90 days. Inoculation had no effect on hydrocarbon removal in biopiles or in microcosms. Maximum TPH removal rates in the biopiles were approximately 90 μg of TPH g–1 of soil day–1, occurring during the first 14 days when ambient temperature ranged from 0 to 10 °C. The fate of three phylotypes present in the inoculum was monitored using most-probable-number PCR, targeting 16S rRNA genes. Populations of all three phylotypes increased more than 100-fold during incubation of both uninoculated and inoculated biopiles. The inoculum increased the initial populations of the phylotypes but did not significantly affect their final populations. Thus, biostimulation on site enriched populations that were also selected in laboratory enrichment cultures. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

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