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采用静水压处理和静水压与冷休克结合处理两种方法进行了抑制第一次卵裂诱导水晶彩鲫四倍体的研究。水晶彩鯽受精卵在受精后(发育水温14—15℃)50、54、55和60min时的静水压(650kg/cm~2)处理(3min)组中都出现了四倍化胚胎,而在受精后48和48min以前的相同处理组中都没有观察到四倍化胚胎。在受精后(发育水温16-18℃)48、50、52、55、56和60min时的静水压与冷休克结合处理组中,也都出现了四倍化胚胎,且四倍化率比仅用静水压处理高,但存活率更低。在经过处理而发育形成的胚胎中,既有四倍体、次四倍体和4n/2n嵌合体,也有二倍体和次二倍体,并在一些次二倍体和次四倍体中期相中还观察到休克处理致使染色体断裂的痕迹——染色体片段。在抑制卵裂诱发加倍的效应期内,可能存在瞬间对休克耐受性较强的时期,而在此前后,对休克更为敏感。在少数处理组中,已筛选出了数尾四倍体鱼。文中还对鱼类四倍体的诱导技术、抑制卵裂诱发染色体组加倍的效应期以及四倍化胚胎的存活率和生命力等有关问题进行了分析和讨论。  相似文献   

人工诱导兴国红鲤三倍体最佳诱导条件的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用冷休克处理兴国红鲤受精卵诱导产生三倍体鱼 ,初步探讨了获得三倍体兴国红鲤的最佳诱导条件 ,即最恰当的诱导温度 ,最恰当的诱导起始时间 ,最恰当的冷休克处理时间。结果表明 ,在人工授精后 5~ 8min ,将受精卵置于 0~ 2℃的冰水中冷休克处理 1 0~ 1 5min ,再迅速回温至正常水温 ( 2 0~ 2 5℃ )的水中发育 ,可以获得 ( 70± 5) %的三倍体兴国红鲤胚胎 ,孵化率为 50 %~ 70 % ,成活率可达 4 0 %~50 %以上 ,此为采用冷休克技术人工诱导兴国红鲤三倍体的最佳条件。  相似文献   

采用热休克方法对中华绒螯蟹进行了三倍体、四倍体的人工诱导研究。结果表明,在卵子受精后(发育水温20±1℃)10~25分钟,用38~41℃的高温处理1~2分钟,三倍体的平均诱导率为10%~50%,而对受精后30分钟的卵子进行诱导,或在40℃下处理超过25分钟和处理温度高于42℃诱导15分钟的各试验组,均未检测到有三倍体胚胎。依据诱导三倍体的适宜诱导温度和处理时间,将受精后81/2~95/6小时的卵子用40℃热休克处理15分钟,均获得了一定比例的四倍体胚胎,其中四倍体最高诱导率为5296%。检查卵受精后85/6小时经热休克处理所孵得的氵蚤状幼体,其四倍体的出现频率约为197%。讨论了热休克处理促使第一极体保留生产三倍体和抑制第一次卵裂诱导四倍体的条件和技术关键,以及诱导参数与胚胎发育、胚胎存活的相互关系等问题。  相似文献   

陈立侨  赵云龙 《动物学报》1997,43(4):390-398
采用热闹休克方法在中华绒螯蟹进行了三倍体、四倍体的人工诱导研究。结果表明,在卵子受精后10-25分钟,用38-41℃的高温处理1-2分钟三倍体的平均诱导率为10-50%,则对受精后30分钟的卵子进行了诱导,或在40℃下处理超过2.5分和处理温度高于42℃诱导1.5分钟的各试验组,均未检测到有三倍体胚胎。依据诱导三倍体的适宜诱导温度和处理时间,将受精后81/2-95/6小时的卵子用40℃热休克处理1  相似文献   

乌鳢三倍体诱导及其生长   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
采用热休克抑制第二极体排放的方法诱导乌鳢(Channa argus)三倍体,以探索人工诱导乌鳢三倍体的理想热休克条件。采用DNA含量测定法和红细胞核大小鉴定法对获得的鱼苗倍性进行鉴定,同时对普通二倍体乌鳢群体与三倍体群体的生长差异进行了比较研究。结果表明,(1)热休克法适宜诱导条件为,(28±0.5)℃培育水温授精后4 min,在水温42℃条件下持续处理3 min,三倍体诱导率最高,达到87.69%;(2)三倍体与二倍体DNA含量差异极显著(P0.01),其比值为1.50︰1.00;(3)三倍体和二倍体在红细胞核长径、红细胞核体积、红细胞核面积等6项指标上存在极显著差异(P0.01);与二倍体相比,三倍体红细胞体积和核体积分别是其1.69倍和1.60倍;(4)在4月龄与8月龄,三倍体的体长和体重比二倍体稍高,但两者差异不显著(P0.05)。本实验结果为进一步开展乌鳢倍性育种奠定了基础。  相似文献   

采用静水压休克保留第二极体的方法,在鲤(♀)×鲢(?)、鲫(♀)×鲢(?)、白鲫(♀)×鲢(?)和鲢(♀)×鲤(?)、鲢(♀)×鲫(?)、鲢(♀)×白鲫(?)6个正反交组合中都诱导出了异源三倍体,但只有正交鲤(♀)×鲢(?)、鲫(♀)×鲢(?)和白鲫(♀)×鲢(?)3个处理组中整倍性的异源三倍体胚胎才有可能正常发育,孵化出苗;而反交鲢(♀)×鲤(?)、鲢(♀)×鲫(?)和鲢(♀)×白鲫(?)3个处理组中的异源三倍体胚胎在发育过程中不断发生染色体排除和丢失,形成非整倍体而死亡,只有少数雌核发育二倍体鲢才能孵化出苗。结果表明,鱼类人工异源三倍体胚胎的发育命运与杂交物种间的基因组大小有关。  相似文献   

为获得高效的熊本牡蛎的三倍体诱导方法, 分别比较了6-DMAP、高盐和低盐3种诱导方法在不同的诱导浓度(盐度)、起始诱导时间和持续诱导时间下的卵裂率、孵化率和三倍体率, 同时比较了3种方法获得的幼虫的生长、存活和三倍体率变化情况。结果表明, 在6-DMAP诱导组中, 三倍体率和诱导效率分别可达37.97%—58.01%和34.30%—42.50%, 培育期间幼虫的平均存活率27.19%, 生长率13.03 μm/d, 三倍体率降低了24.94%; 在低盐诱导组中, 三倍体率和诱导效率分别可达7.32%—42.25%和2.17%—31.41%, 培育期间幼虫的平均存活率33.92%, 生长率12.71 μm/d, 三倍体率降低了20.64%; 在高盐诱导组中, 三倍体率和诱导效率分别可达7.47%—63.03%和6.58%—49.41%, 培育期间幼虫的平均存活率31.66%, 生长率13.08 μm/d, 三倍体率降低了17.64%。综合来看, 高盐诱导是诱导三倍体熊本牡蛎的最优方法, 其诱导条件的最佳组合为盐度55, 起始诱导时间受精后15min, 持续诱导时间20min。研究为熊本牡蛎的三倍体诱导提供了技术支持, 对熊本牡蛎的多倍体育种具有重要的理论指导意义。  相似文献   

用流式细胞仪检测大黄鱼三倍体   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过对大黄鱼二倍体和三倍体的倍性分析,建立流式细胞仪检测三倍体的方法。大黄鱼受精卵经三倍体诱导处理后,胚胎期进行染色体滴片证实在处理组中有三倍体细胞存在。接着对该组胚胎进行育苗,获得1 ̄3cm的鱼苗,用流式细胞仪进行检测。以二倍体大黄鱼的肌肉组织或血液细胞DNA含量的峰值道数作为对照,用同样的方法取样处理、上机、测定处理组样本个体细胞的DNA含量的峰值道数。如果处理组个体细胞的DNA含量的峰值道数是二倍体组的1.5±0.1倍,则认为该个体为三倍体。实验结果经冷休克或静水压诱导处理的样本共检测182个,三倍体检出率为12.09%,其中有一组检出率高达55.56%。  相似文献   

研究采用冷休克方法诱导黄姑鱼(Nibea albiflora)三倍体并进行鉴定,进一步采用组织学和生殖相关基因表达分析比较了三倍体黄姑鱼的性腺发育特征。研究结果表明:(1)在受精后2.5min以3℃进行10min的冷休克处理,冷休克处理组的受精率和孵化率分别为(70.31±4.49)%和(21.5±6.63)%,其受精率和孵化率显著低于二倍体对照组;(2)经流式细胞仪倍性检测和染色体核型分析发现,三倍体的DNA含量为二倍体的1.5倍,染色体数目为72条,而二倍体的染色体数目为48条,三倍体的比例为100%;(3)三倍体的生殖腺指数显著低于二倍体,进一步通过组织切片观察发现三倍体的精巢和卵巢发育较二倍体滞后,在12月龄时,二倍体精巢和卵巢处于Ⅴ期,而三倍体精巢和卵巢分别处于Ⅲ期和Ⅰ期;(4)三倍体精巢的dmrt1和vasa基因及三倍体卵巢的cyp19a基因表达量均显著低于二倍体(P<0.05);三倍体卵巢的vasa基因表达量也比二倍体低(P>0.05)。综上结果表明:研究通过冷休克处理成功诱导了黄姑鱼三倍体;三倍体的性腺发育较二倍体滞后,育性明显降低。  相似文献   

对罗氏沼虾卵子极体排出时间和第一次卵裂时间进行了观察,并在此基础上,采用热休克和细胞松弛素 B(C,B)两种诱导方法成功诱导出了罗氏沼虾四倍体。石蜡切片显示,当罗氏沼虾卵子完全成熟时,第一极体已经 排出。第二极体排出的时间约在受精后55min。经过雌性原核和雄性原核的联会,第一次卵裂的时间约在受精后 210-230min。设计了多种处理条件,其中热休克诱导罗氏沼虾四倍体的最好条件是:受精后210min,用40℃水温处 理胚胎1.5min,在这种条件下,最高可以得到35.86%的四倍体率;而C.B诱导罗氏沼虾四倍体的最好条件是:受精 后230min,用1.0mg/L的C.B处理胚胎10min,此时最高四倍体诱导率达33.78%。  相似文献   

Triploid rainbow trout were produced by hydrostatic pressure applied to eggs 40 min after fertilization. Treatment for 10 min with or without exposure to 2% ether produced high hatching rates. Nuclear measurements from serial section of 40-day-old fry and from blood smears of 5-month-old juveniles showed that the proportion of triploid individuals was 80–90%. Ether treatment alone did not induce triploidy. Attempts to produce tetraploids by hydrostatic pressure treatment of eggs at 8 h after fertilization failed. Parallel results were also obtained with heat shock.  相似文献   

High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was used to assess the uptake dynamics of the cryoprotectant DMSO by intact unfertilized eggs (stage 0), 8-cell (stage 5) and eyed embryos (stage 30) of medaka, Oryzias latipes, the relation of the internal concentration (Cin) of DMSO with fertilization and survival rates, and the effects of several factors on these processes. The factors examined were: cryoprotectant concentration (0.6, 1.2, 1.9 and 2.5 M), impregnation time (1, 3, 5, 10, 15 and 20 min), temperature (0, 5 and 20 degrees C), hydrostatic pressure (0 and 50 atm), and the osmotic conditions of the materials (normal or partially dehydrated). Cryoprotectant permeation, estimated from the initial rates of DMSO uptake, was higher in embryos than in eggs and increased with embryonic development; however, the DMSO Cin in eyed embryos reached a plateau at 1-5 min and could not be increased by prolonging impregnation. The highest fertilization and survival rates for any given DMSO Cin were obtained with high concentrations and short times of impregnation rather than low concentrations and long impregnation times. Application of hydrostatic pressure (50 atm) and exposure for 3 min to a 1 M trehalose solution prior to impregnation induced a substantial increase in the DMSO Cin of 8-cell embryos in comparison to untreated controls with no significant effect on survival. Hydrostatic pressure also promoted DMSO uptake in unfertilized eggs, but with rapid loss of viability, and was ineffective in eyed embryos. The uptake of DMSO and its toxicity to 8-cell embryos were directly proportional to the temperature of impregnation. The results of this study reveal important interactions between cryoprotectant concentration, impregnation time and the developmental stage (or type) of the materials and provide evidence that hydrostatic pressure, temperature of impregnation and the osmotic conditions of the materials can be manipulated to increase the uptake of cryoprotectant by fish eggs and embryos.  相似文献   

Heat-, cold- and hydrostatic pressure shocks were applied in order to improve triploidy induction in European catfish ( Silurus glanis L . ). A 41°C heat shock (45 s, starting 9 min after gamete activation) provided 88% triploids and a high percentage of malformation (38.8 ± 4.1%). The superior 6°C cold shock (20 min, starting 9 min after gamete activation) gave 100% triploids and a 33.4 ± 3.8% triploid yield. The earliest hydrostatic treatments (600 kg cm2), lasting 4 min and starting 3 min after gamete activation, gave 97.8 ± 1.8% triploids and a 33.7 ± 16.9% triploid yield. The ploidy level was investigated using four approaches: karyotyping, quantification of Ag-stained nucleoli per cell, flow cytometry, and erythrocyte nuclear sizing by computer-assisted image analysis. Induction of triploidy under mass conditions in three experiments gave triploid percentages of 74%, 83% and 66%. Five months later, the percentage of triploids significantly decreased to 12.4%, 8.2% and 21.4%. The growth performance of yearlings was better in diploids than in triploids. Differences between diploids and triploids were 13.5% (NS), 27.6% (P   < 0.001) and 25.4% (P   < 0.05) in the three experiments. Analysis of variance showed the influence of ploidy (P   < 0.001) on growth rate, and multiple range analysis (LSD) assessed differences between total diploids (12.6 g) and total triploids (9.5 g) at the P   < 0.01 level.  相似文献   

AIMS: The aim of this research was to: (i) determine the inactivation pattern of a pressure-resistant strain of Pediococcus damnosus by high hydrostatic pressure in phosphate buffer (pH 6.7) and gilt-head seabream using the linear, biphasic and Weibull models; and (ii) validate the applicability of the Weibull model to predict survival curves at other experimental pressure levels. METHODS AND RESULTS: A pressure-resistant strain of P. damnosus was exposed to a range of pressures (500, 550, 600 and 650 MPa) in phosphate buffer (pH 6.7) and gilt-head seabream for up to 8 min at ambient temperature (23 degrees C). Inactivation kinetics were described by the linear, biphasic and Weibull models. Increasing the magnitude of the pressure applied resulted in increasing levels of inactivation. Pronounced tailing effect was observed at pressures over 600 MPa. The Weibull and biphasic models consistently produced better fit than the linear model as inferred by the values of the root mean squared error, coefficient of determination (R2) and accuracy factor (A(f)). The scale factor (b) of the Weibull model was linearly correlated with pressure (P) treatment in the whole pressure range. Substituting the b parameter in the initial Weibull function and calculating the shape factor (n) by linear interpolation, high pressure (P) was directly incorporated into the model providing reasonable predictions of the survival curves at 570 and 630 MPa. Comparison between the survival curves in phosphate buffer and gilt-head seabream showed a clear protective effect of the food matrix on the resistance of the micro-organism, especially at 500 and 550 MPa. CONCLUSIONS: The Weibull and biphasic models were more flexible to describe the survival curves of P. damnosus in the experimental pressure range, taking also into account the tailing effect that could not be included in the linear model. The Weibull model could also give reasonable predictions of the survival curves at other experimental pressures in both pressure menstrua. As the food matrix has a protective effect in microbial inactivation, the development of accurate mathematical models should be done directly on real food to avoid under- or over-processing times. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The development of accurate models to describe the survival curves of micro-organisms under high hydrostatic pressure treatment would be very important to the food industry for process optimisation, food safety and extension of the applicability of high pressure processing.  相似文献   

采用界面铺张制片和硝酸银一步染色的方法,对人工三倍体水晶彩鲫卵巢发育阻滞型个体的减数分裂染色体配对进行了光镜观察。在分化有初级卵母细胞的卵巢发育阻滞型的三倍体鱼中,减数分裂粗线期细胞主要的由二价体和单价体组成,也见有少量三价体和其它多价体,其染色体成员数大多在90左右;在不同细胞间,染色体的大小变化较大;配对联会过程中形成的配对叉和产生的特异蛋白在一些细胞中明显可见。文中讨论了三倍体染色体配对紊乱  相似文献   

Application of high hydrostatic pressure (200, 300, 350 and 400 MPa) at 5 degrees C for 30 min to different micro-organisms, including Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, moulds and yeasts, proved to be more effective in inactivating these organisms than treatments at 20 degrees C for 10 min and at 10 degrees C for 20 min. Moulds, yeasts, Gram-negative bacteria and Listeria monocytogenes were most sensitive, and their populations were completely inactivated at pressures between 300 and 350 MPa. The same conditions of pressure, temperature, and time were applied to different vegetables (lettuce, tomato, asparagus, spinach, cauliflower and onion), achieving reductions of from 2-4 log units in both viable mesophiles and moulds and yeasts at pressures of between 300 and 400 MPa. Sensory characteristics were unaltered, especially in asparagus, onion, tomato and cauliflower, though slight browning was observed in cauliflower at 350 MPa. Flow cytometry was applied to certain of the microbial populations used in the above experiment before and after the pressurization treatment. The results were indicative of differing percentage survival rates depending on micro-organism type, with higher survival rates for Gram-positive bacteria, except L. monocytogenes, than in the other test micro-organisms. Growth of survivors was undetectable using the plate count method, suggesting that micro-organisms suffering from pressure stress were metabolically inactive though alive. The pressurization treatments did not inactivate the peroxidase responsible for browning in vegetables. Confocal microscopic examination of epidermal tissue from onion showed that the enzyme had been displaced to the cell interior. Use of low temperatures and moderately long pressurization times yielded improved inactivation of micro-organisms and better sensorial characteristics of the vegetables, and should lower industrial costs.  相似文献   

Induction of triploidy was attempted in the Caspian salmon, Salmo trutta caspius, using heat shocks. The optimal temperature level (26, 28 and 30°C), initiation time [5, 10, 20 and 40 min post-fertilization (PF)] and duration of thermal shock (5, 10 and 20 min) required for effective induction of triploidy were investigated. Incidence of triploid fry was determined by surface and volume measurements of erythrocytes as well as from flow-cytometric analysis of some blood samples. Survival from fertilization to swim-up, triploid rates and triploid yields were in the range of 0–70%, 0–97% and 0–57%, respectively. The highest triploid yield was obtained with a shock treatment at 26°C for 10 min duration initiated 40 min PF.  相似文献   

为通过建立雌核发育纯系以实现快速优化种质资源, 文章以翘嘴鳜(Siniperca chuatsi)为研究对象, 探索出了一套静水压诱导雌核发育的方法: 将装有翘嘴鳜精子的培养皿置于摇床缓慢摇动, 在两只15 w的紫外灯管(培养皿与紫外灯管的垂直距离约17 cm)下照射18min, 然后与雌鱼卵子受精5min, 63 MPa静水压处理2min, 最后常规孵化。HRM分型技术检测其雌核发育群体的雌性率为100%。该方法简单快捷, 诱导孵化率(受精后72h的存活率)为7.56%, 比已有的冷休克诱导翘嘴鳜雌核发育的方法约提高3个百分点。研究结果可用于翘嘴鳜雌核发育品系的快速扩群, 也可用于翘嘴鳜抗逆相关品系的种质资源创制。  相似文献   

A system for applying hydrostatic pressures up to 10,000 atm upon cell suspensions for time intervals from a few seconds to several minutes is described. The K+ content of toad red blood cells was used as an indication of the degree of membrane injury induced by the hyperbaric condition. It is practically not affected for pressures up to 2000 atm in experiments lasting 3 or 10 min. falling markedly for pressures of 5000 or 8000 atm. The duration of the applied pressure and its intensity are additive regarding the magnitude of the baroinjury. Glycerol, a cryoprotective agent. at 4.0 M, confers partial but significant baroprotection, which is characterized by a smaller decline of the cell K+ content of the glycerol-treated cells in comparison to the untreated cells, submitted to the same conditions of pressure and time. Baroinjury is compatible with a reversible mechanism. However, irreversible membrane damage occurs for a pressure of 8000 atm applied for 10 min. Baroinjury is discussed in terms of alterations of the lipid leaflet or of membrane proteins, and the mechanism of baroprotection in terms of stabilization of membrane components, under the effect of high pressure, by the association of glycerol with the proteins or the phosphate head groups of phospholipids.  相似文献   

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