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金毛弓背蚁的巢穴结构、头宽频数分布及活动节律   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对金毛弓背蚁Camponotus tonkinus Santschi的巢穴结构、工蚁头宽频数特征及巢外活动节律作了系统的观察和分析。发现金毛弓背蚁地下巢穴极为复杂,有纵横交错的通道系统和众多的小室,蚁后室位于巢穴底部,工蚁的头宽为连续性,范围在1.05-3.85mm,频数分布为不对称的单峰,头宽在1.4~2.Omm的个体最多,占总数的72.7%,晴朗天气里工蚁出入巢活动在上午和下午各有一个高峰,中午随温度升高金毛弓背蚁外出活动进入低谷.  相似文献   

调查显示,北京百花山上"蚂蚁山"的蚂蚁为我国林区特有的种类——中华红林蚁Formica sinensis。该蚂蚁分布海拔相对较高,通常在针叶林或针阔叶混交林中筑巢,进行社会性生活。成虫有4个品级:大型工蚁、小型工蚁、蚁后和雄蚁。每个成熟蚁巢中有2~4个蚁后,为多蚁后社群结构。夏季蚁巢中同时存在着卵、幼虫、蛹和成虫。目前还只发现工蚁和蚁后休眠越冬。对中华红林蚁的各个虫态和品级进行形态描述和测定,并记述工蚁的觅食、建巢及清巢、防御与进攻等行为习性。首次发现雄蚁具有明显的护巢行为。同时,还发现在工蚁的外出活动中,标记信息素的作用不是很明显。  相似文献   

吕晓艳  刘霞  张媛 《昆虫学报》2021,64(10):1196-1204
【目的】入侵物种能够通过竞争影响本地物种的种群,从而影响入侵地的生物多样性。长足光捷蚁Anoplolepis gracilipes是全球最具破坏力的入侵蚂蚁之一。本研究旨在明确西双版纳地区入侵长足捷蚁与土著优势种蚂蚁黄猄蚁Oecophylla smaragdina之间的竞争关系。【方法】通过野外调查和室内控制试验相结合的方法,观察和对比分析长足捷蚁和黄猄蚁的体型大小,雾凉季和雨季的巢穴外觅食活动规律,觅食能力(搜寻食物的时间、在觅食时间内召集的最大工蚁数),打斗行为(不同打斗组合的攻击强度和死亡率)以及对饥渴的耐受性(无食物和水分供应时平均存活时间和存活率随时间的变化)。【结果】长足捷蚁工蚁体长(3.66±0.06 mm)显著小于黄猄蚁工蚁(8.27±0.16 mm)。在雾凉季时,长足捷蚁具有比黄猄蚁更长的觅食活动时间;而在雨季时,两种蚂蚁均在下午温度较高时段觅食活动的个体数量减少。苹果、蜂蜜和火腿肠3种食物作为诱饵时,长足捷蚁具有更快搜寻食物的能力,4~8 min便能找寻到食物,而黄猄蚁需要8~21 min才能找寻到食物,此外在寻找到食物后,长足捷蚁也有更快召集同伴的能力。在人工控制试验中,1头长足捷蚁和1头黄猄蚁同时存在时主要以不攻击和低强度攻击为主,而当两种蚂蚁中的任意其中一种的个体数量增加到5头时,攻击强度会显著增加,两种蚂蚁均存在种间协作行为。在饥渴状态下,两种蚂蚁工蚁的平均存活时间差异不显著,但长足捷蚁最长存活120 h,黄猄蚁最长存活96 h。【结论】在西双版纳地区,长足捷蚁相较于土著黄猄蚁具有更强的觅食的能力,雾凉季觅食活动时间更长,暗示长足捷蚁可能具有较强的温度适应能力。有必要加强对这一入侵蚂蚁的研究,并密切关注其种群在该地区的发展。  相似文献   

徐阳  南小宁  魏琮  贺虹 《昆虫学报》2016,(6):632-640
[目的]在长期的进化过程中,蚂蚁和微生物之间建立了复杂的联系,尤其肠道微生物对蚂蚁的食性进化和物种分化产生了巨大的影响.弓背蚁属Camponotus蚂蚁消化道内普遍存在内共生菌Blochmannia及其他肠道细菌,这些细菌在寄主蚂蚁营养补充方面发挥了重要的作用,此外肠道微生物对食物类型的变化十分敏感,这些信息可能有助于调查寄主蚂蚁在不同季节的取食习性.本研究旨在揭示弓背蚁属蚂蚁肠道微生物是否存在季节特征.[方法]采用16S rRNA-RFLP方法分析比较了了2个日本弓背蚁蚁巢(巢1和2)的工蚁在4个月份时间点(2012年6月12日,8月15日和10月10日,2013年4月15日)的肠道茵群组成.[结果]在8个样品中共发现了17个属的细菌和1种未知细菌,弓背蚁属蚂蚁特有的内共生茵Blochmannia是优势细菌,出现在所有样品中,占67.1%~98.8%;假单胞菌属Pseudomonas和肠杆菌属Enterobacter在大多数的样本中都检测到,其他属的细菌则零星分布在个别样品中,只占较低的比例.两个蚁巢工蚁肠道茵群在4个月份没有呈现一致的变化趋势,都具有低的细菌多样性.在巢1中,4月和10月的肠道细菌多样性相对较高,在6月和8月较低;而在巢2中,8月的肠道细菌多样性明显高于4,6和10月.两个蚁巢6月和10月的肠道茵群组成相似,但是8月和4月差异较大.[结论]日本弓背蚁两个蚁巢的工蚁肠道菌群组成和多样性都随季节产生变化,但是没有呈现一致的变化趋势,没有表现出明显的季节特征.  相似文献   

【目的】在长期的进化过程中,蚂蚁和微生物之间建立了复杂的联系,尤其肠道微生物对蚂蚁的食性进化和物种分化产生了巨大的影响。弓背蚁属Camponotus蚂蚁消化道内普遍存在内共生菌Blochmannia及其他肠道细菌,这些细菌在寄主蚂蚁营养补充方面发挥了重要的作用,此外肠道微生物对食物类型的变化十分敏感,这些信息可能有助于调查寄主蚂蚁在不同季节的取食习性。本研究旨在揭示弓背蚁属蚂蚁肠道微生物是否存在季节特征。【方法】采用16S rR NA-RFLP方法分析比较了了2个日本弓背蚁蚁巢(巢1和2)的工蚁在4个月份时间点(2012年6月12日,8月15日和10月10日,2013年4月15日)的肠道菌群组成。【结果】在8个样品中共发现了17个属的细菌和1种未知细菌,弓背蚁属蚂蚁特有的内共生菌Blochmannia是优势细菌,出现在所有样品中,占67.1%~98.8%;假单胞菌属Pseudomonas和肠杆菌属Enterobacter在大多数的样本中都检测到,其他属的细菌则零星分布在个别样品中,只占较低的比例。两个蚁巢工蚁肠道菌群在4个月份没有呈现一致的变化趋势,都具有低的细菌多样性。在巢1中,4月和10月的肠道细菌多样性相对较高,在6月和8月较低;而在巢2中,8月的肠道细菌多样性明显高于4,6和10月。两个蚁巢6月和10月的肠道菌群组成相似,但是8月和4月差异较大。【结论】日本弓背蚁两个蚁巢的工蚁肠道菌群组成和多样性都随季节产生变化,但是没有呈现一致的变化趋势,没有表现出明显的季节特征。  相似文献   

蚁科(Formicidae)昆虫蚂蚁的食性范围很广,食物的分布格局也变化多端,所以,蚂蚁在觅食活动中常常需要个体间的合作。例如,在某些专门吃蜜露的蚂蚁中,小个体蚂蚁专门收集分散的蜜露资源,然后再把蜜露从嗉囊中反吐给大个体蚂蚁,后者则专门负责把食物运回蚁巢内(J.H.Sudd,1967)。在红褐林蚁(Formica rufa)中,常常可以看到两只工蚁互相合作共同搬运1只像家蝇大小的猎物,其效率要比1只工蚁单独搬运高得多(R.Chauvin,1950)。而在大头蚁(Pheidole crassinoda)中,如果1只蚂蚁的力量不足以搬  相似文献   

西北荒漠草原针毛收获蚁的筑巢行为   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
长有德  贺达汉 《昆虫知识》2002,39(4):281-283,280
针毛收获蚁Messoraciculatus(F .Smith)是我国北方特别是西北荒漠草原的优势种蚂蚁 ,亦是重要的种子收获性蚁类 ,收获、贮藏和取食 1 0余种荒漠植物种子。自然巢穴深 80cm~ 1 3 7cm ,单一巢口 ,沿主隧道不同深度有水平延伸的各层巢室 ,巢室向四周的延伸范围随巢深减小 ,层间距拉大。自然巢穴的空间结构与社群越冬与种子的深层贮藏有着密切的关系。饲养社群筑巢行为由蚁后主导 ,起始营巢位点数与蚁后头数有关 ,每一蚁后带领 5 0~ 70头工蚁 ,营巢时程 0 5~ 0 67d 60工蚁 蚁后 ,蚁巢有多个巢口。自然与饲养社群的巢穴结构差异很大 ,但两者单一蚁后与工蚁所占的有效巢穴空间是基本一致的 ,自然社群 1 81 3 7cm3 蚁后 ,2 99cm3 工蚁 ,饲养社群 1 5 6 2 6cm3 蚁后 ,2 60cm3 工蚁  相似文献   

日本弓背蚁亲系识别的研究:攻击行为测试与RAPD PCR分析   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
亲系识别在社会性昆虫繁衍、维持社群的生命力和个体间的通讯协作等方面具有重要作用。不少学者已应用气相色谱和行为观察方法分析了几种社会性昆虫的亲系识别现象、识别能力及其化学本质 ,但在揭示其遗传背景方面的研究较少[1~ 3] 。作者对采自西安地区陕西师范大学校园和长安县不同巢穴的日本弓背蚁进行了攻击行为测试和RAPD PCR分析 ,旨在探讨它们的亲系识别能力及其遗传背景。1 材料与方法1 1 实验蚂蚁实验所用日本弓背蚁Camponotusjapanicus大型工蚁 (即兵蚁 )于 1997年 5月分别采自陕西师范大学校园、陕…  相似文献   

对白蚁取食行为的研究涉及5科18属38种白蚁。其取食行为多型可归纳为3类:(1)工蚁主导型:采食活动基本上由工蚁完成,兵蚁不参与或仅极少数个体参与,食物侦查或保护采食工蚁的职能不显著;(2)工蚁-兵蚁协同型:这是白蚁采食组织的常见类型,兵蚁成为采食队伍的固定成员,负责采食活动的安全侦查与防卫、食物源侦查等工作;(3)假工蚁主导型:由于尚未分化形成专职的工蚁,因而大龄幼蚁(广义的假工蚁)成为采食活动的主力,同时兼有巢内的保护职能。在食物加工和分配过程中,低等白蚁的幼蚁在未获得消化纤维素能力前主要通过肛交哺获得营养物质和共生物,且肛交哺是新蜕皮个体重新获得共生鞭毛虫的途径。高等白蚁幼龄工蚁负责食物加工、依赖型品级通过口交哺获得营养物质。白蚁采食活动中的行为多型受踪迹信息素控制,不同品级个体腹板腺有明显分化;不同品级和发育阶段个体食性分化与消化道结构、消化酶活性密切相关;保幼激素影响交哺行为以及消化酶基因表达。本文在评述研究进展的同时,对进一步研究提出了展望。  相似文献   

蚂蚁是地球上最常见、数量最多的一类昆虫,是指示生物多样性和环境变化的重要物种。大多数蚂蚁由于其社会性而具有群体觅食的特点,然而不同蚂蚁种类由于食性的差异以及种间竞争等原因会产生觅食节律的分化。为研究相同生境中不同种类蚂蚁觅食规律的差异,本研究分别用20%蔗糖水和鸡肉火腿肠以诱饵法诱集湖边、树林、荔枝园3种生境中的蚂蚁,以此确定不同生境中的优势蚂蚁种类及其觅食行为随时间的动态变化。研究结果表明,虽然不同生境诱集到的蚂蚁种类数无显著差异,但诱集到的蚂蚁数量则差异显著。不同生境的优势种也不一样,湖边的最大优树林势种群为小大头蚁(44.21%);树林的优势种群为白跗节狡臭蚁(67.36%)、小大头蚁、宽结大头蚁;荔枝园的最大优势种群为小大头蚁(63.46%)。结果发现,大多数情况下不同调查时间点上觅食工蚁数或同一时间点上不同蚂蚁的数量之间的差异并无统计学意义。研究结果将为不同生境蚂蚁群落多样性的研究提供理论基础。  相似文献   

In order to elucidate the dominant–subordinate relationship between the foundress and workers, five colonies of the paper wasp Polistes japonicus were observed in a netted and covered cage located outdoors. The number of workers in each colony ranged from four to eight. Workers were divided into first and second broods. Abdominal wagging and ovipositing were performed almost exclusively by the foundress throughout colony development. However, an analysis of aggressive encounters indicated that although the foundress hardly received dominance behaviors (aggression) from workers, it lacked either partially or completely the following characteristics of the queen that are usually seen in paper-wasp colonies with independent-founding queens (except in one colony that produced no second brood): the queen being socially dominant over any worker (the queen had more wins than losses in one-on-one dominance contests with any worker), exhibiting the highest frequency of dominance behaviors, and directing dominance behaviors primarily toward the socially most-dominant worker. In particular, during the mixed-brood period (when all first- and second-brood workers were present on the nest) the foundress hardly exhibited dominance behaviors toward socially dominant workers (mainly second brood) but frequently directed dominance behaviors toward socially subordinate workers (mainly first brood). The foundress disappeared in two colonies before the reproductives emerged; in these colonies the socially most-dominant worker inherited the colony and laid many eggs. The frequency of abdominal wagging by these two foundresses decreased during colony development, while it did not in the other colonies. This suggests that abdominal wagging provides information about the vigor of the performer. The superseder was socially dominant over all other workers, but spent little time wagging its abdomen and allowed some workers to lay eggs.  相似文献   

Interindividual variability in response to environmental stimuliis believed to have a major impact on collective behaviors insocial insects. The present study presents a detailed investigationof the variability in individual fanning behavior underlyingthe collective control of nest climate in bumblebee (Bombusterrestris) colonies. Four colonies were repeatedly exposedto increasing temperature and CO2 levels. The response thresholdof each worker (defined as the mean stimulus intensity at whicha worker responded by fanning) was determined. Temperature responsethresholds of 118 workers and CO2 response thresholds of 88workers were analyzed. Workers differed in their response thresholds.Some consistently responded to low stimulus intensities, othersconsistently responded to high stimulus intensities. No consistentcorrelation between temperature and CO2 thresholds was foundwithin individuals. Response thresholds of fanning bees decreasedover successive trials, providing empirical support for theidea of specialization through individual threshold reinforcement.In addition to variability in individual response thresholds,workers of a colony differed in two other parameters of responsiveness:response probability (the probability of responding to a stimulusonce it exceeded an individual's response threshold) and responseduration (the persistency with which fanning was performed oncean individual responded). The results of the present study suggestthat response threshold, response probability and response durationare important independent parameters of individual responsivenessin the collective control of nest climate in bumblebee colonies.  相似文献   

Ropalidia marginala, a tropical, primitively eusocial, polistinewasp, is unusual in that the queen (the sole egg-layer) is neitherthe most behaviorally dominant nor the most active individualin the colony. The queen by herself rarely ever initiates interactionstoward her nest mates or unloads returning foragers. There arealways a few workers in the colony who are more dominant andactive than the queen. Absence of the queen from her colonydoes not affect colony maintenance activities such as foragingor brood care, but it always results in one individual becomingvery aggressive and dominant. The dominant worker becomes thenext queen if the original queen does not return. The queendoes not appear to play any significant role in colony activityregulation. Instead, colony activities appear to be regulatedby several mechanisms including dominance behavior toward foragers,feeding of larvae, and the unloading of returning foragers,all mediated by workers themselves. Regulation of colony maintenanceappears to be based on direct evaluation of the needs of thecolony by the workers themselves. The queen however has perfectreproductive control over all workers; workers never lay eggsin the presence of the queen. It appears therefore that themechanisms involved in regulation of worker activity and workerreproduction are separate in R marginata. These findings contrastwith other primitively eusocial species where the queen actsas a "central pacemaker" and controls both worker activity andworker reproduction.  相似文献   

We found that genetic relatedness among Polybia occidentalisworkers was .26±0.057, a value high enough to make altruisticbehavior by workers relatively easy to explain. This comparativelyhigh level of relatedness can be attributed to close relatednessamong queens of .57±0.077 and to great variation amongcolonies in numbers of queens. The harmonic mean of queen numberis 3.1 queens per colony, which is much lower than the arithmeticmean of 10.6 queens per colony. These results are consistentwith a colony cycle called cyclical oligogyny, that is characterizedby a reduction in queen number from colony initiation to colonyreproduction. We did not find any evidence that one or a fewqueens monopolized egg laying or that there was any inbreeding,both of which have been hypothesized to increase relatednessamong workers. Another factor that can increase relatednessamong workers and the brood they rear is withincolony segregationon the basis of relatedness. We found that combmate pupae aresignificantly more closely related to each other (r = .41) thanthey are to pupae in other combs (r = .33), but we have notinvestigated whether workers take advantage of these relatednesspatterns. This distribution of relatedness among combs willoccur if queens do not lay eggs randomly throughout the nest,but concentrate their egg laying on one or a subset of the availablecombs.  相似文献   

To determine whether workers engage in trophallactic behavior preferentially toward highly related nestmates, we examined these behaviors between workers in colonies consisting of both kin and non-kin (mixed colony) and of only kin (pure colony). These behaviors were observed under sufficiently fed and in both starvation and normal feeding conditions. Workers in mixed colonies exhibited trophallactic behaviors equally toward kin and non-kin in both experimental conditions. The frequency of trophallaxis between workers in mixed colonies, however, tended to be lower than that in pure colonies, is especially under starvation conditions. The low frequency of trophallaxis among workers discussed in terms of the low degree of genetic relatedness among nestmates in mixed colonies.  相似文献   

We studied possible host finding and resistance mechanisms ofhost colonies in the context of social parasitism by Cape honeybee(Apis mellifera capensis) workers. Workers often join neighboringcolonies by drifting, but long-range drifting (dispersal) tocolonies far away from the maternal nests also rarely occurs.We tested the impact of queenstate and taxon of mother andhost colonies on drifting and dispersing of workers and on the hosting of these workers in A. m. capensis, A. m. scutellata,and their natural hybrids. Workers were paint-marked accordingto colony and reintroduced into their queenright or queenlessmother colonies. After 10 days, 579 out of 12,034 labeled workerswere recaptured in foreign colonies. We found that driftingand dispersing represent different behaviors, which were differentlyaffected by taxon and queenstate of both mother and host colonies.Hybrid workers drifted more often than A. m. capensis and A.m. scutellata. However, A. m. capensis workers dispersed moreoften than A. m. scutellata and the hybrids combined, and A. m. scutellata workers also dispersed more frequently than thehybrids. Dispersers from queenright A. m. capensis colonieswere more often found in queenless host colonies and vice versa,indicating active host searching and/or a queenstate-discriminatingguarding mechanism. Our data show that A. m. capensis workersdisperse significantly more often than other races of A. mellifera,suggesting that dispersing represents a host finding mechanism.The lack of dispersal in hybrids and different hosting mechanismsof foreign workers by hybrid colonies may also be responsiblefor the stability of the natural hybrid zone between A. m.capensis and A. m. scutellata.  相似文献   

Nepotism is an important potential conflict in animal societies.However, clear evidence of nepotism in the rearing of queensin social insects is limited and controversial. In the honeybee, Apis mellifera, multiple mating by queens leads to thepresence of many patrilines within each colony. When the coloniesreproduce through swarming, workers rear a number of new queens,only a few of which will ultimately head a colony. Workers canpotentially increase their inclusive fitness by nepotisticallyfavoring full-sister over half-sister queens during the queenrearing and elimination process. Most studies have focused oninteractions between workers and immature queens (eggs and larvae)or adult queens who have exited their queen cells. However,adult queens often remain in their queen cells for up to 1 weekafter emerging from their pupa. In this situation, workers preventthe queens from emerging, feed them, and protect them from otheremerged queens. This stage in queen rearing is therefore onein which nepotism could occur. The current study is the firstto investigate the kinship between workers and adult queenswho have not emerged from their queen cells. We observed thefull suite of behaviors expected during this phase of colonyreproduction. Although there was no evidence for nepotism inthe worker–queen interactions, there was a nonrandom distributionacross patrilines of the workers interacting with the queencells. In addition, in one colony we found differential treatmentof fostered (nonkin)-queen cells.  相似文献   

Workers in eusocial insects usually tend the brood of the queenand so achieve representation in the next generation throughaiding relatives to reproduce. However, workers of some eusocialspecies, such as bumblebees, are capable of reproductive activityeven in the presence of the queen (in queen-right colonies),and worker reproduction is associated with aggressive behaviorsand egg cannibalism, both of which reduce colony efficiency.Thus, factors that affect worker ovariandevelopment, a preconditionfor reproduction, can influence social harmony and colony productivity.Parasites are a ubiquitous and important part of the bioticenvironment of all organisms. Here we show that parasites playan important role in the reproductive physiology of worker bumblebeesin queen-right colonies of Bombus terrestris, affecting thepattern and timing of ovarian development and oviposition. Workersfrom colonies parasitized with the intestinal trypanosome Crithidiabombi had less developed ovaries than workers of the same agefrom unparasitized colonies. In addition, parasitized colonieswere smaller than unparasitized colonies for about the firsthalf of colony development. This generated further demographiceffects such that workers were on average younger in parasitizedthan in unparasitized colonies around the time of the onsetof worker oviposition, and worker oviposition occurred significantlylater in parasitized colonies. Workers in parasitized coloniestherefore had lower individual reproductive potential and werecooperative for a larger proportion of the colony cycle thanthose in unparasitized colonies. In this system, where transmissionof the parasite between years probably occurs only in infested,young queens, this effect may represent an adaptation on thepart of the parasite to ensure its successful passage throughthe winter. Parasites, by reducing the cost of worker cooperation,may facilitate queen control over her worker force and playan important role in moderating the social organization of eusocialinsect colonies.  相似文献   

In insect societies lacking morphologically specialized breedersand helpers, reproduction is often restricted to behaviorallydominant individuals. Such societies occur in about 100 speciesof ants that have secondarily lost the queen caste. All females,who are morphologically workers, can potentially mate and layeggs but only a few do so, and we demonstrate in Dinoponeraquadriceps that this is regulated by a dominance hierarchy.Six types of agonistic interactions allowed the ranking of 5-10workers in the hierarchy (n = 15 colonies). In particular, alphaand beta had characteristic behavioral profiles and were easily recognized.Only alpha mated, and workers ranking beta to delta sometimes producedunfertilized, male-destined eggs. Natural replacements (n = 19)and experimental removals (n = 15) of alpha demonstrated that betawas the individual most likely to replace alpha, although gammaand more rarely delta sometimes did, and we discuss the conflictthat occurs among high-ranking individuals over who should replacealpha. After such replacements, the new alpha behaved more aggressivelythan the overthrown alpha. Newly emerged workers tended to reachhigh ranks and displaced older high-ranking individuals downthe hierarchy. Low-ranking subordinates often prevented high-rankingindividuals from replacing alpha by biting and holding theirappendages (worker policing), which is consistent with the patternof relatedness associated with monogyny and monandry in D. quadriceps. Weinvestigated the relative importance of chemical communicationand dominance interactions to regulate reproduction. Alpha,beta, and sterile workers have different signatures of cuticularhydrocarbons, and these may provide honest information whichunderpins worker policing by low-ranking individuals.  相似文献   

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