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用HPLC等现代分离技术,从各样少于100g的北极3种石竹科(Caryophyllaceae)植物Stellaria crassipes Hult.、Cerastium arcticum Lange和C.regelii Ostenf.中分得5个新环肽,分别命名为arcticumin A(1)、arcticumin B(2)、arcticumin C(3)、regelin A(4)和crassipin B(5),并通过FAB -MS和氨基酸组成分析初步鉴定了它们的结构;通过对北极石竹科环肽与青藏高原石竹科环肽的比较,证明了环肽是石竹科的特征成分以及北极地区是石竹科植物分布中心的一个区域.  相似文献   

从石竹科植物多荚草(Polycarpon prostratum(Forssk.)Aschers.et Schwein.ex Aschers)中分离得到2个新的环肽化合物polycarponinB和C(1,2)。它们的结构通过波谱方法分别鉴定为:cyclo(G-ly1-Val1-Leu1-Val2-Gly2-Leu2-Pro)和cyclo(-Pro1-Thr-Leu1-Pro2-Pro3-Val-Leu2-Phe)。  相似文献   

石竹科植物组织培养与细胞工程   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
近年来,植物组织培养与细胞工程研究在石竹科植物上取得了一定进展。现从组织培养、原生质体培养和体细胞杂交、单倍体育种、试管开花、转基因等5个方面对其进行综述,并展望了石竹科植物在组织培养和细胞工程研究方面的发展前景。  相似文献   

三种北极石竹科植物的挥发油成分及其化学分类学意义   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过GC/MS方法对采自北极的Stellaria crassipes,Cerastium arcticum和Cerastium regelii 3种石竹科植物挥发油成分进行了研究,共得到54种化学成分,对这些挥发油成分的进一步分析,证明了Stellaria和Cerastium具有较近的亲缘关系。  相似文献   

为编写中国植物志英文版,对我国石竹科植物(不包括繁缕属、无心菜属和蝇子草属)进行了修订,归并2种,增补9种、2亚种、1变种,并对一些属、种的学名和文献加以校订。  相似文献   

黄土高原石竹科植物   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
我国黄土高原石竹科植物有15属,68种,2亚种,5变种,1变型。本文报道了它们的正确名称和常误用的异名、分布、生境和用途。  相似文献   

石竹科(Caryophyllaceae)有70属,约1750种,广布世界,主要分布于温带和寒带。我国有31属372种,分布全国。该科部分种为观赏植物,药用的近50种。关于石竹科植物的染色体研究,国外报道较多,但我国在这方面的研究较少。从已报道的资料来看,该科的染色体数目和结构变异很大。因此,对该科植物进行较系统的染色体研究,探明该科染色体的变异  相似文献   

中国新疆石竹属一新种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
描述了在新疆阿尔泰山喀纳斯自然保护区发现的石竹科(Caryophyllaceae)石竹属(Dianthus)植物一新种--阿尔泰石竹(Dianthus altaicus L.X.Dong & C.Y.Yang),并描绘了形态图.该新种与多分枝石竹(Dianthus ramosissimus Pall)相近,区别点在于:阿尔泰石竹(新种)的花冠粉红色,花瓣菱形,边缘无锯齿,光滑无毛,基生叶线形丛生如禾草状;花粉圆球形,外壁具刺状和环状纹饰;种子呈菱形,种皮表面具瘤状突起.并简单介绍了阿尔泰石竹的生境以及该种在阿尔泰山居群的大小和保护状况.  相似文献   

西藏南部地形较为复杂,植物资源丰富,物种多样性高。笔者在对西藏山南地区高山植物多样性调查过程中,经野外调查、采集标本、查阅植物志等相关资料及分类鉴定,结果发现,山南地区隆子县的无心菜属(Arenaria)球花福禄草[A. globiflora (Fenzl) Edgew. & Hook. f.]和错那县蝇子草属(Silene)的错那蝇子草(S. birgittae Bocquet)为中国新记录种。该报道一方面丰富了中国植物区系的内容,更新了国产石竹科植物资料,对中国西藏山南地区植物多样性的保护及研究具有一定意义。另一方面说明中国西藏山南地区的植物多样性调查仍存在许多调查薄弱地区,还需加强相关地区植物多样性调查工作。  相似文献   

垫状植物是高山冰缘带植物区系的重要组成成分,是植物适应高寒环境趋同进化的特殊生活型。该研究以采自西藏和云南高山冰缘带的5种石竹科垫状植物种子为材料,采用滤纸萌发法、常规压片法镜检观察分析其核型,为青藏高原垫状植物积累核型资料,并为探讨极端环境下特殊生活型植物的核型进化机制提供依据。结果表明:5种植物均为二倍体,染色体核型分别为:密生福禄草(Arenaria densissima),2n=2x=20m+2sm,2A;山生福禄草(A.oreophila),2n=2x=22m,1A;团状福禄草(A.polytrichoides),2n=2x=20m+2sm,2A;大花福禄草(A.smithiana),2n=2x=20m+2sm,1A;囊种草(Thylacospermum caespitosum),2n=2x=18m+4sm,2A。囊种草与福禄草亚属植物的染色体数目一致,为二者在分子系统发育框架下形成的独立分支提供核型证据。并讨论了5种垫状植物古多倍体物种形成的核型进化与中新世青藏高原及周边地区地质抬升的关联。  相似文献   

Two new cyclic peptides, named sajaponicin C (1) and sajaponicin D (2), were isolated from the whole plants of Sagina japonica (Caryophyllaceae). Their structures were determined as cyclo(Pro(2)-Leu(2)-Tyr-Leu(1)-Phe(1)-Pro(3)-Phe(2)-Pro(1)) (1) and cyclo(Pro(1)-Pro(2)-Pro(3)-Pro(4)-Phe(1)-Gly-Thr-Ser-Phe(2)-Ile-Tyr) (2) on the basis of spectroscopic data, especially by two-dimensional (2D) NMR techniques.  相似文献   

To further investigate the cyclopeptldes of the Caryophyllaceae family, two new cyclopeptldes, named Arenarlphilin E (compound 1) and Arenariphilin F (compound 2), were obtained from Arenaria oreophUe J. D. Hooker using some Isolation methods, e. g. normal and reverse silica gel. By detailed spectroscopic analysis, such as FAB^+-MS, 1 D NMR, 2D NMR, the structures of Arenariphilin E (compound 1) and Arenariphilln F (compound 2) were determined as cyclo(lle^1-Gly-Val^1-Ala-Leu-lle^3-lle^2-Val^2-Pro) and cyclo(Pro^2-Pro^1-Gly^2-lle-Val-Leu-Gly^1-AiaThr- Gly^3), respectively.  相似文献   

从云南美登木(Maytenus hookeri Loes.)的根部分离到内生真菌Lr89,根据ITS序列分析,鉴定为白僵菌属(Beauveria)真菌。在PDA琼脂平板发酵物中分离得到2个环肽类化合物,经波波谱鉴定为isaridin A(1)和isariin B(2),本文首次报道了这两个化合物的13C NMR数据。  相似文献   

植物环肽是一个庞大的小分子天然产物家族,通常由4—10个氨基酸残基组合而成。该类化合物广泛存在于全球多种植物的根、茎、枝、叶及种子中,中草药中也时有发现。由于对其生物合成途径及机理研究较少,环肽分子的利用价值尚未得到有效的开发。和常见的非环状基因编码的多肽或蛋白质相比,环肽结构更为复杂。本文将对植物环肽的生物合成途径及其机理做初步探讨。  相似文献   

Pseudocerastium is a monotypic genus in Caryophyllaceae endemic to China. The genus has been widely accepted since it was described in 1998, however its phylogenetic position within Caryophyllaceae has never been studied. In the present study, the whole plastid genome and nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences of Pseudocerastium stellarioides was obtained through genome skimming, and the phylogenetic position of the species was studied for the first time. Plastid phylogenomic analysis of Caryophyllaceae revealed that Pseudocerastium is clustered within the tribe Alsineae with strong support. Phylogenetic analyses based on an enlarged taxon sampling of Alsineae using five DNA regions (matK, rbcL, rps16 intron, trnL-F and ITS) revealed that P. stellarioides was nested deeply within Cerastium with strong support. Analyses of morphological character evolution suggest that the ancestral states in Alsineae include three styles and a six-lobed capsule at the apex, while both Cerastium and Pseudocerastium have five styles and ten lobes at the apex of the capsule, further supporting their close relationship. The species Pseudocerastium stellarioides is similar to Cerastium wilsonii in morphology, but differs in having villous indumentum on the lower part of the filaments and compressed globose seeds. Therefore, based on the present molecular and morphological evidence, the generic name Pseudocerastium is reduced here as a new synonym of Cerastium and the species P. stellarioides is transferred to Cerastium as C. jiuhuashanense.  相似文献   

The family Caryophyllaceae includes world-wide 86 genera and approximately 2100 species. Greece is one of its most important centres of diversity and endemism. A total of 428 Caryophyllaceae taxa are distributed in Greece, 161 of them being endemic to the Greek political territory. The endemic element represents approximately 5% of the global diversity of the family at the species level. The aim of this paper is to discuss the distribution patterns of the Greek endemic Caryophyllaceae, as well as those with a limited distribution range to the neighbouring areas of the Balkans and Anatolia, on the basis of the phytogeographical regions of Greece in order to identify the important regions for their conservation. The majority of the Greek endemic Caryophyllaceae (64.6%) are distributed in only one single phytogeographical region, or even a smaller area indicating the extremely restricted distribution ranges of the endemic plants in Greece. Actually 83 Greek endemic Caryophyllaceae can be grouped on cytotaxonomic criteria. Most of them belong to the category of schizoendemics (91.6%), indicating that the endemism of Caryophyllaceae in Greece has mainly originated in an active way. Cluster analysis has been used to classify the phytogeographical regions according to their floristic similarities. Two iterative complementarity methods were used to evaluate the importance of each phytogeographical region in the conservation of the endemic Caryophyllaceae in Greece. Peloponnisos, Kriti-Karpathos and Sterea Ellas are the most important phytogeographical regions in this respect, followed by North Central and North East. When adding the Balkan-Aegean-Anatolian endemics to the analysis, Peloponnisos, North Central, Kriti-Karpathos, North East and Eastern Aegean result as the most important areas. In every case, an elevated number of sites are required for the conservation of Caryophyllaceae in Greece, reflecting the great dissimilarities in the floristic composition of the various phytogeographical regions. The results provided by the different methods are compared. A catalogue of the Greek endemic Caryophyllaceae is appended.  相似文献   

The accumulation of soluble carbohydrates in maturing diaspores of flowering plants comprising Arctic populations of Cerastium alpinum, indigenous Antarctic species Colobanthus quitensis and Deschampsia antarctica, and cosmopolitan Poa annua from the Antarctic was investigated. For comparative purposes, the diaspores of two species of flowering plants growing in the area of Olsztyn (Poland), Poa annua (Poaceae) and Cerastium arvense (Caryophyllaceae) were used. A qualitative and quantitative analysis of soluble carbohydrates conducted by means of high-resolution gas chromatography showed that monosaccharides (glucose and fructose), maltose and sucrose, raffinose, myo-inositol and galactinol are ubiquitous in developing and mature diaspores among investigated species. Moreover, D. antarctica and P. annua caryopses additionally contained stachyose and 1-kestose; the seeds of Caryophyllaceae studied were found to contain d-pinitol and d-ononitol. The development and maturation of the seeds of polar Caryophyllaceae and Poaceae were accompanied by the changes in the concentration of their soluble carbohydrates. During maturation, seeds accumulated galactinol and raffinose family of oligosaccharides (RFOs), except C. quitensis. Although seeds of the studied Caryophyllaceae contained d-pinitol and lower amounts of d-ononitol, they did not accumulate α-d-galactoside derivatives of mentioned cyclitols. P. annua caryopses, occurring in the Antarctic, were found to accumulate considerably higher amounts of sucrose and 1-kestose than those developed in Olsztyn.  相似文献   

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