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有机体之间化学相互作用的研究及其应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
有机体之间化学相互作用的研究及其应用宋启示(中国科学院昆明生态研究所,650223)ChemicalInteractionAmongOrganismsandTheirApplication¥SongQishi(KunmingInstituteofEcolo-gy,AcademiaSinica650223).ChineseJournalofEcology,1993,12(1):45-48。Thispaperreviewsthemostactiveresearchfieldsonchemicalinteractionamongorganisms:(1)allelopa-thyamongplants,whichiswidelyappliedinagricultureandhorticulture,(2)biochemicalinteractionbe-tweenplantsandinsects,(3)biochemicalinteractionamonginsectsand(4)biochemicalinteractionamongmammalsandbetweenmammalsandplants.Inaddit  相似文献   

最大概率原理在农田生态系统中的应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
最大概率原理在农田生态系统中的应用姚建民(山西省农科院农业资源综合考察研究所,太原030006)马蓉丽(山西省农科院蔬菜研究所,太原030006)ApplicationofMaximumProbabilityPrincipleinFarmlandEcosystem¥.YaoJianmin(InsliluteforCom-prehensiveSurveyofAgriculturalResources,ShanxiAcademyofAgriculturalSciences,Taiyuan030006),MaRongli(InslituteofVegetableResearcgh,ShanxiAcademyofagriculturalSciences,Taiyuan(030006).Chinese,JpurnalofEcology,1993,12(4):58-60.Inordertostrengthenthepracticabilityofmaximumprobabilityprinciple,thispapergivesoutsomees-sentialconditionsneededforapplyingth  相似文献   

集约高产过程中土壤有机质动态初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
集约高产过程中土壤有机质动态初探崔玉亭,韩纯儒(北京农业大学,100094)DynamicsofSoilOrganicMatter(SOM)intheProcessofAgriculturalIntensification¥.CuiYuting;HanChunru(BeijingAgriculturalUniversity,100094).ChineseJournalofEcology,1993,12(2):37—38.Inthispaper,thebalanceofsoilorganicmatter(SOM)intheprocessofagriculturalintensificationinChangzhouregionisstudiedandamedium-andlong-termpredictionofitsdynamicsismade。There-sultsshowthatduringthisprocess,thebalanceofSOMisgettingbetter,andafteramediumorlongpe-riod(e.g,10—20yeats),theSOMcontentcangett  相似文献   

洞庭湖滩血吸虫易感地带保水生态灭螺的试验研究张元培,朱南屏(湖南省水产科学研究所沅江413100)(湖南省华容县血防站414200)EcologicalEIiminationofSnail(Oncomelania)byRctainingWaterinBloodFluke(Schistosoma)Suscepti-bleRegionsAroundDongtingLake¥.ZhangYuanpei(InstituteofFisheriesResearchofHunanProvince,Yuanjiang413100),ZhuNanbing(StationofSnailFeverControlofHuarongCounty,HunanProvince,414200).ChineseJournalofEcology,1993,12(3):23-25.Inbloodfluke(Schistosoma)susceptibleregionsofthelakebeach,experimentsofwaterinundatedelimi-natingsnail(Oncomelania)arecarriedoutbybuil  相似文献   

杨树护田林带疏透度模型及应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杨树护田林带疏透度模型及应用张纪林,吕祥生(江苏省林业科学研究所,南京211153)(江苏省农林厅林业局,南京211153)PorosityModelofPoplarFarmlandShelterbeltandItsApplication¥ZhangJilin(Forestryscienceandtech-nologyresearchInstituteofJiangsu),LuXiangsheng(ForestryBureau“ofJiangsuProvince).ChineseJournalofEcology,1993,12(5):56-60。Inthisarticle,theauthorsatfirstmadethree-principledselection,partialcorrelation,bestmulti-prin-cipleregressionselectloninsequence,Secondlyonthebasisofresidualanalysis,theauthorsmadetestofhighleveragecase,influencecaseandoutlieronsample  相似文献   

本文报道了采自云南省地表枯枝落叶层的目 6新种,隶属6科6属,分别是褐带单烟Caeciliiusspadlcitaensis(单科Caeciliidae),褐痣塔 Tagalopsocus phaeostigmus(双科Amphipsocidae),双钩外 Ectopsocusbiunncialis(外科Ectopsocidae),中斑围 Peripsocusmedimacularis(围 科Peripsocidae),小头触 Psococerastiscapitulatis( 科Psocidae)及单钩苔鼠 Lichenomimahamata(鼠 科Myopsocidae)。模式标本保存于北京农业大学昆虫标本馆。文中量度单位为mm。  相似文献   

生态学的精神价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生态学的精神价值陈清硕(江苏农学院扬州225001)SpiritualValueofEcology¥.ChenQingshuo(JiangsuAgriculturalCollege,Yangzhou225001):ChineseJournalofEcology,1993,12(3):68-72.Thispaperdescribesthefunctionsofecologyintheprogressofsocialideologyandcivilization.Ecologyhelpsbringintobeingtheconstructionofascientificworldoutlookandincreasetheecologicalconscious-nessofmankind.Italsosuppliesatotaldevelopmentalpointofviewforthesocietyandprovidesagreataestheticvalue.Thespiritualvalueofecologyshouldneverbeneglected.Keywords:socialecology,ecol  相似文献   

农业生态学在我国发展的回顾与展望   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
农业生态学在我国发展的回顾与展望骆世明(华南农业大学,广州510642)ReviewandPerspectiveonDevelopmentofAgroecologyChina.¥LuoShiming(SouthChinaAgriculturalUniversity,Guangzhou510642).ChineseJournalofEcology,1993,12(2):4-6.Inlastdecade,greatprogresshasbeenmadeintheteachingandresearchofagriculturalecologyinChi-na,butsomeobstaclesstillexistonhowtounderstandagroecology.Ifwecanrecognizethesocialde-mandofagroecologyanditspositioninagriculturalscienceandpayattentiontothedescription,assess-ment,experimentandanalysisofagroecosystemmodels,thequanti  相似文献   

辽宁省灾害区划初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
辽宁省灾害区划初探尹功成,梁文举(辽宁省农业区划研究所,沈阳110031)(中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所,110015)AnApproachtoCalamityDivisioningofLiaoningProvince¥.YinGongcheng(LiaoningInslituteofAgri-culturalDivisioning,Shenyang110031),LiangWenju(InsliluteofAppliedEcology,AcademiaSinica,Shenyang110015).ChineseJournalofEcology,1993,12(4):61-65.NaturalcalamitiesoccurwhenvariOusnaturalphenomnaendangerlife,mindsandproperties,butsomepotentialenvironmentaldisasterssuchasrnan-madeandanthropogenousnaturaldisastersdevelopslow-lyandprofoundly,whlchareunobviousandnotr  相似文献   

生态农业与乡村经济持续发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生态农业与乡村经济持续发展张壬午,计文瑛,孙鸿良(天津农业部环境保护研究所,300191)(中国农科院,北京100081)EcologicalAgricultureandSustainableDevelopmentofRuralEconomy¥.ZhangRenwu;JiWenying(Agro-environmentProteclionInstitute,Tianjin300191),SunHongliang(ChineseAcademyofAgriculturalScienccs,Beijing100081).ChineseJournalofEcology,1993,12(2):19—20.ThispaperbrieflypresentsthecurrentdevelopmentofecologicalagricultureinChinaandcompareswiththe''sustainableagricultureandruraldevelopment''(SARD)putforwardbyFAO,China’ssustainablea-gricultureisnotonlyaningenious  相似文献   

甘草生活史型的划分   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:1  
探讨了甘草生活史型的定性和定量划分方法并对其结果进行了对比,结果如下:生活史型定性划分法基于生态幅与扰动程度对甘草生活的生境进行划分,将野生甘草、半野生甘草和栽培甘草分别划分为C、CVS和S生活史型。生活史型定量划分法是将生长于不同生境中甘草的营养生长、克隆生殖和有性生殖形态性状参数进行主成分分析,根据主成分得分比例划分生活史型。野生甘草定量划分结果为C0.4552S0.3150V0.2297型,总体上趋于C型生活史型;半野生甘草划分结果为C0.3540V0.3534S0.2926型,其营养生长、无性生殖和有性生殖发育比较均衡,属于CVS过渡生活史型;栽培甘草划分结果为V0.8931S0.0569C0.0500型,为比较典型的V生活史型。栽培甘草的定性、定量划分结果不一致的原因主要在于生长年限太少,克隆生殖和有性生殖均不发达。对植物生活史型的定量划分方法比定性划分法更为可靠、客观。  相似文献   

The relationship between plants and the environment is a core area of research in ecology. Owing to differences in plant sensitivity to the environment at different life history stages, the adaptive strategies of plants are a cumulative result of both their life history and environment. Previous research on plant adaptation strategies has focused on adult plants, neglecting saplings or seedlings, which are more sensitive to the environment and largely affect the growth strategy of subsequent life stages. We compared leaf N and P stoichiometric traits of the seedlings, saplings, and adult trees of Acer mono Maxim and different altitudes and found significant linear trends for both life history stages and altitude. Leaf N and P content by unit mass were greatly affected by environmental change, and the leaf N and P content by unit area varied greatly by life history stage. Acer mono leaf N‐P utilization showed a significant allometric growth trend in all life history stages and at low altitudes. The adult stage had higher N‐use efficiency than the seedling stage and exhibited an isometric growth trend at high altitudes. The N‐P utilization strategies of A. mono leaves are affected by changing environmental conditions, but their response is further dependent upon the life history stage of the plant. Thus, this study provides novel insights into the nutrient use strategies of A. mono and how they respond to the environmental temperature, soil moisture content along altitude and how these changes differ among different life history stages, which further provide the scientific basis for the study of plant nutrient utilization strategy on regional scale.  相似文献   

Life history theory predicts that species with faster life history strategies should be willing to risk their survival more to acquire resources than those with slower life history strategies. Foraging can be a risky behavior and animals generally face a tradeoff between food consumption and predation risk. We predicted that the degree to which animals invest in current versus future reproduction (i.e. life history strategy) would determine how they approach this tradeoff. We manipulated food abundance in wetlands to assess whether life history theory could explain risk taking among females of five duck species with respect to foraging. We found evidence consistent with our prediction based on life history theory; species with a faster life history strategy were willing to engage in riskier behavior, by feeding more intensively, for a greater food reward. Females from species with faster life history strategies devoted 25% more time to feeding when in high food density treatment plots versus control plots. The percentage of time that females from species with slower life history strategies devoted to feeding was not affected by food density. These findings contribute to our understanding of life history theory and represent a possible mechanism to explain differences in life history strategies among species.  相似文献   

The ecological differences between ‘shrubs’ and ‘trees’ are surprisingly poorly understood and clear ecological definitions of these two constructs do not exist. It is not clear whether a shrub is simply a small tree or whether shrubs represent a distinct life‐history strategy. This question is of special interest in African savannas, where shrubs and trees often co‐dominate, but are often treated uniformly as ‘woody plants’ even though the tree to shrub ratio is an important determinant of ecosystem functioning. In this study we use data from a long‐term fire experiment, together with a trait‐based approach to test (i) if woody species usually classified as shrubs or trees in African savanna differ in key traits related to disturbance and resource use; and (ii) if these differences justify the interpretation of the two growth forms as distinct life‐history strategies. We measured for 22 of the most common woody plant species of a South African savanna 27 plant traits related to plant architecture, life‐history, leaf characteristics, photosynthesis and resprouting capacity. Furthermore we evaluated their performance during a long‐term fire experiment. We found that woody plants authors call (i) shrubs; (ii) shrubs sometimes small trees; and (3) trees responded differently to long‐term fire treatments. We additionally found significant differences in architecture, diameter‐height‐allometry, foliage density, resprouting vigour after fire, minimum fruiting height and foliar δ13C between these three woody plant types. We interpret these findings as evidence for at least two different life‐history‐strategies: an avoidance/adaptation strategy for shrubs (early reproduction + adaptation to minor disturbance) and an escape strategy for trees (promoted investment in height growth + delayed reproduction).  相似文献   

Life history theory predicts that people calibrate their reproductive strategies to local levels of environmental harshness and unpredictability. While previous research has established the importance of early life cues in the development of life history strategy, the degree to which life history strategy exhibits plasticity later in life is unclear. Using longitudinal data (total N = 479) from four archival studies and a recently validated psychological measure of life history strategy, we examined mean-level trends in life history strategy at the level of psychological phenotype between the ages of 7 and 60 and found that life history strategy slowed down linearly as a function of age. Highlighting the importance of sexual selection in shaping life history strategy, we also found that men had a faster life history strategy than women at all ages and that the magnitude of this difference was constant across the lifespan. Our findings suggest that life history strategy development continues even in older adulthood. We discuss the possibility that this occurs in response to the accumulation of biological and social (e.g. offspring, relationships) capital and information about local risks and incentives.  相似文献   

Bryophytes and plant strategy theory   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In this paper reference will be made to three widely recurrent types of functional specialization. These correspond to (1) strategies* apparent in the established (adult) phase of the life history, (2) strategies of the regenerative (juvenile) phase and (3) strategies of growth response to seasonal variation in temperature and moisture supply. In each case a comparison will be drawn between the range of strategies displayed by bryophytes and that already described for vascular plants. Reference will be made also to some of the implications of these strategy theories for the role of bryophytes in the structure and dynamics of plant communities.  相似文献   

Differences in life history strategy influence the ecological roles of plant species, including their susceptibility to disturbance events. According to Grime's CSR model, plants exhibit three primary strategies, which reflect tradeoffs between stress and disturbance. Here we classify eastern North American tree species into life history strategies on the basis of the CSR model. Then, using data on ice storm damage to trees, we investigate how the level of damage varied among the different CSR categories. We used tree damage data for almost 2000 individual trees representing 30 species collected during two ice storms in the Appalachian Mountains. We augmented the study with ice damage data gleaned from nine published ice‐storm studies containing over 30 000 individuals representing 22 species. The trees we identified as stress‐tolerators (S) consistently sustained less damage than the other species. This finding matches the stress‐tolerant strategy: damage‐resistance is imperative for the persistence of trees that exhibit slow growth, low reproductive capacity and long lifespan. Our analyses also suggest that competitors (C) suffer widespread damage, particularly branch breakage, but experience low mortality. This pattern likely reflects features of the competitive strategy, such as wood strength and canopy form, which preclude resistance to damage but facilitate rapid recovery. The ice damage datasets did not contain trees that we classified as ruderals (R). Competitive ruderals (C‐R) and stress‐tolerant ruderals (S‐R), however, sustained heavy damage and high mortality, consistent with low investment in tree defense and a prioritization of reproduction. Our analyses suggest the usefulness of the CSR model for interpreting forest dynamics and understanding the implications of tree life‐history strategies for forest disturbance responses.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. To determine whether rarity and decline is linked to organism ecology, associations have been examined between butterfly larval host‐plant competitive, stress‐tolerant, ruderal (C‐S‐R) strategies and butterfly biology. 2. Associations have been sought between mean C‐S‐R scores for larval host plants with butterfly life history, morphology and physiology variables, resource use, population attributes, geography, and conservation status. Comparisons are carried out across species and controlled for phylogenetic patterning. 3. Butterfly biology is linked to host‐plant strategies. An increasing tendency of a butterfly's host plants to a particular strategy biases that butterfly species to functionally linked life‐history attributes and resource breadth and type. In turn, population attributes and geography are significantly and substantially affected by host choice and the strategies of these host plants. 4. The greatest contrast is between butterfly species whose host plants are labelled C and R strategists and those whose host plants are labelled S strategists. Increasingly high host‐plant C and R strategy scores bias butterflies to rapid development, short early stages, multivoltinism, long flight periods, early seasonal emergence, higher mobility, polyphagy, wide resource availability and biotope occupancy, open, areally expansive, patchy population structures, denser distributions, wider geographical ranges, resistance to range retractions as well as to increasing rarity in the face of environmental changes. Increasing host‐plant S strategy scores have reversed tendencies, biasing those butterfly species to extended development times, fewer broods, short flight periods, smaller wing expanse and lower mobility, monophagy, restricted resource exploitation and biotope occupancy, closed, areally limited populations with typical metapopulation structures, sparse distributions, and limited geographical ranges, range retractions, and increased rarity. 5. Species with S strategy host plants are species vulnerable to current environmental changes and species of conservation concern.  相似文献   

Interest in incorporating life history research from evolutionary biology into the human sciences has grown rapidly in recent years. Two core features of this research have the potential to prove valuable in strengthening theoretical frameworks in the health and social sciences: the idea that there is a fundamental trade-off between reproduction and health; and that environmental influences are important in determining how life histories develop. However, the literature on human life histories has increasingly travelled away from its origins in biology, and become conceptually diverse. For example, there are differences of opinion between evolutionary researchers about the extent to which behavioural traits associate with life history traits to form ‘life history strategies’. Here, I review the different approaches to human life histories from evolutionary anthropologists, developmental psychologists and personality psychologists, in order to assess the evidence for human ‘life history strategies’. While there is precedent in biology for the argument that some behavioural traits, notably risk-taking behaviour, may be linked in predictable ways with life history traits, there is little theoretical or empirical justification for including a very wide range of behavioural traits in a ‘life history strategy’. Given the potential of life history approaches to provide a powerful theoretical framework for understanding human health and behaviour, I then recommend productive ways forward for the field: 1) greater focus on the life history trade-offs which underlie proposed strategies; 2) greater precision when using the language of life history theory and life history strategies; 3) collecting more empirical data, from a diverse range of populations, on linkages between life history traits, behavioural traits and the environment, including the underlying mechanisms which generate these linkages; and 4) greater integration with the social and health sciences.  相似文献   

Masquerading animals benefit from the difficulty that predators have in differentiating them from the inedible objects, such as twigs, that they resemble. The function of masquerade has been demonstrated, but how it interacts with the life history of organisms has not yet been studied. Here, we report the use of comparative analyses to test hypotheses linking masquerade to life‐history parameters. We constructed a phylogenetic tree of the British species of the lepidoptera families Geometridae and Drepanidae, and compiled life history and coloration data from the literature. We found that masquerade is associated with the exploitation of a greater diversity of host plants whether measured by the number of families or genera. We found a positive relationship between body size and polyphagy among masquerading species, and no relationship among cryptic species. Among those species predominantly found on woody host plants, masquerading species are more likely to overwinter as larvae while cryptic species mostly overwinter as pupae. Polyphenism was associated with multivoltinism in masquerading species but not cryptic species. Taken together, our results show that masquerade must be viewed as a strategy distinct to crypsis and hence may provide insights into the evolution of both defensive strategies. Our study further demonstrates the utility of broad‐scale between‐species comparisons in studying associations between diverse life‐history parameters and sensory aspects of predator‐prey interactions. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 106 , 90–103.  相似文献   

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