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采用PCR方法克隆了家蚕核型多角体病毒中国镇江株(BmNPV-JZstrain)的酪氨酸蛋白磷酸酯酶基因(ptp),测定了该基因的核苷酸序列。比较了与相关病毒相应基因的同源性,并将该基因插入到原核表达质粒在大肠杆菌中进行了表达。该基因的编码部分由507个核苷酸组成,编码168个氨基酸残基的蛋白多肽,其中含有酪氨酸蛋白磷酸酶酯催化部位的“HC”基序。该基因与苜蓿银纹夜蛾核型多角体病毒(AcMNPV)ptp基因和BmNPV-T3株(日本)拟为ptp基因核苷酸序列的同源性分别为96.8%和98.2%,蛋白质氨基酸序列的同源性分别为97.0%和97.6%。将该基因插入到温度诱导型表达质粒pBV221的温控启动子PRPL之后,在大肠杆菌JM109中表达了具有催化活性的蛋白质,分子量约为19KD,表达产物能催化对硝基酚磷酸钠(PNPP)的脱磷酸反应,这种催化作用可被钒酸钠和ZnCl2抑制。  相似文献   

根据昆虫类胰蛋白酶序列的保守性设计了一对引物,以棉铃虫(Helicoverpa armigera)幼虫中肠总RNA反转录出cDNA第一链作为模板,利用RT-PCR,分离出了一种棉铃虫类胰蛋白酶(HaT)基因的cDNA序列。分析表明该cDNA序列的开放阅读框为696bp,编码一个由231个氨基酸残基组成的多肽,推测的氨基酸序列具有His57,Asp102,Ser192组成的电荷中继网,决定胰蛋白酶底物专一性的Asp189,底物结合部位的Gly216和Gly226残基,及其它胰蛋白酶结构上的保守区域。氨基酸序列同源性比较表明:HaT同其它鳞翅目昆虫类胰蛋白酶有较高的同源性,同源性在44%-79%之间。为研究棉铃虫类胰蛋白酶基因(hat)编码产物的活性,将其插入原核表达载体pGEX4T-3和pET23b中,并在大肠杆菌中进行了诱导表达,结果表明,GST-HaT融合蛋白在大肠杆菌中进行了特异表达,非融合形式的表达产物HaT具有胰蛋白酶催化活性。  相似文献   

中国野蚕一种强抗病毒蛋白的基因分析和活性鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以最近报道的家蚕抗病毒蛋白基因为线索,从中国野蚕(Bombyx mandarina Moore)中肠内克隆了抗家蚕BmNPV病毒的SP-2 cDNA(GenBank登录号:AY945210),基因大小855bp,编码284个氨基酸的蛋白质,分子量29.6kD,基因组全长1376bp,包含5个外显子和4个内含子.该基因的表达仅限于中肠,具有组织特异性,在幼虫龄中表达水平较高,而在眠期和熟蚕没有表达.推导其氨基酸序列,发现其C端氨基酸序列与已报道的家蚕相应序列差别较大,有8个氨基酸完全不同.通过体外重组技术,由高效基因表达系统获得大量重组蛋白,发现该蛋白具有很强的抗家蚕BmNPV活性,与家蚕对应的抗病毒蛋白BmSP-2相比,其抗BmNPV活性高1.6倍.初步认为,该蛋白质C端序列差异可能是造成家蚕与野蚕抗病毒活性差别的主要原因.  相似文献   

对来源于假单胞菌sp.130的戊二酰-7-氨基头孢烷酸(GL-7-ACA)酰化酶结构基因的全序列及所编码蛋白质的α,β亚基的N末端和C末端的氨基酸序列进行了测定。将蛋白质序列与其他同类的GL-7-ACA酰化酶进行了同源性比较,结果显示该酶与来源于假单胞菌GK16和C427的酰化酶的序列有较高同源性,而与其它同类酰化酶的同源性较低。这些酶的α亚基N-末端差别较大,但是β-亚基的N-末端有较高的保守性。  相似文献   

蜕皮激素对昆虫生长、发育和繁殖有重要调控作用,尤其对蜕皮和变态过程。利用GenBank上登录的蜕皮激素C26羟基化酶候选基因CYP18A1的氨基酸序列对家蚕Bombyx mori全基因组数据库进行BLASTP比对,发现了家蚕直向同源基因(ortholog),其完全编码序列经RT-PCR检测和克隆、测序验证后,再以此为信息探针检索家蚕表达序列标签(expressed sequence tags,EST)数据库进行拼接延伸,获得了一条包括5′非翻译区在内的长度为1 737 bp的cDNA序列,验证结果也表明与电子克隆序列完全一致(GenBank登录号为EF421988,P450命名委员会将其命名为CYP18A1)。该基因的开放阅读框为1 623 bp,编码541个氨基酸,含有包括P450s特征结构域在内的所有昆虫P450基因的5个保守结构域,其推定的分子量为61.67 kD,等电点为 8.54。将该基因cDNA序列与家蚕基因组序列进行比对,结果表明该基因具有6个外显子,5个内含子,外显子/内含子边界符合经典的GT-AG规则。同源性分析也发现家蚕CYP18A1与其他昆虫的直向同源基因具有较高相似性。用RT-PCR方法对家蚕主要发育变态时期与组织进行检测,显示出该基因的转录表达不仅具有时空特异性,而且在表达时期上与已报道的蚕体内蜕皮激素含量变化有紧密的一致性。该研究进一步证实了CYP18A1基因与昆虫体内蜕皮激素代谢平衡相关联。  相似文献   

本文利用T4 RNA连接酶将5'-磷酸,3'-氨基修饰的引物1连接到马尾松毛虫质型多角体病毒第8片段dsRNA的3'-OH端,经逆转录,退火,补齐形成全长双链cDNA。使用单一的互补引物2进行PCR 增,扩增产物克隆在pMD18-T载体上,对重组子进行限制性内切酶分析及序列测定。结果表明,克隆片段全长330bp,S'端具有CPV-1型末端保守序列AGTAAA'端具有保守序列GTTAGCC。起始密码子从ATG位于38-40残基,终止密码子TAA位于1208-1210残基。推测S8片段编码390年氨基酸多肽,分子量为44kDa。与舞毒蛾质多角体病(LdCPV)第8片段相比较,核苷酸和氨基酸同源性分别为97%和98%。与家蚕质型多角体病毒(BmCPV)第8片段相比较,核苷酸和氨基酸的同源性分别为83%和85%。与人的呼肠孤病毒第8片段比较没有明显的同源性。  相似文献   

吡哆醛激酶 (EC 在 ATP 和 Zn2 的存在下,催化吡哆醛的磷酸化反应生成磷酸吡哆醛 (PLP)。在生物体内许多酶促反应中,PLP 是一种重要的辅酶因子。家蚕和哺乳动物一样,需依赖食物中的维生素 B6前体来合成 PLP。文章描述了利用家蚕基因组数据库序列信息及使用 PCR 方法,克隆出编码家蚕吡哆醛激酶的 cDNA (GenBank 登录号:DQ452397)。克隆到的 cDNA 含有一个 894 bp 的完整可读框,编码一条分子量为 33.1 kDa,含 298 个氨基酸残基的蛋白质。序列比对显示此蛋白质序列与人类吡哆醛激酶蛋白序列具有 48.6%的同一性,包含吡哆醛激酶家族共有的特征保守序列,但其氨基酸残基数比哺乳动物和植物克隆到的吡哆醛激酶残基数均少 10 多个残基。多序列比对结果显示,吡哆醛激酶中几个有关键功能且在哺乳动物和植物中均保守的氨基酸残基在此蛋白中被替换为其他种类氨基酸残基。采用 T7 启动子和 T7 聚合酶表达系统对克隆到的 cDNA 进行了原核表达并对表达粗提产物进行了酶活检测。实验结果显示表达得到的可溶性蛋白产物占其总蛋白量为 10%,细胞粗提物具有活力为 30 nmol/min/mg 的吡哆醛激酶活性,结果证实了克隆到的 cDNA 编码家蚕中的吡哆醛激酶。  相似文献   

采用PCR方法克隆了家蚕核型多角体病毒中国镇江株 (BmNPV ZJstrain)的酪氨酸蛋白磷酸酯酶基因(ptp) ,测定了该基因的核苷酸序列 ,比较了与相关病毒相应基因的同源性 ,并将该基因插入到原核表达质粒在大肠杆菌中进行了表达。该基因的编码部分由 5 0 7个核苷酸组成 ,编码 16 8个氨基酸残基的蛋白多肽 ,其中含有酪氨酸蛋白磷酸酶酯催化部位的“HC”基序。该基因与苜蓿银纹夜蛾核型多角体病毒 (AcMNPV) ptp 基因和BmN PV -T3 株 (日本 )拟为的 ptp基因核苷酸序列的同源性分别为 96 8%和 98 2 % ,蛋白质氨基酸序列的同源性分别为 97 0 %和 97 6 %。将该基因插入到温度诱导型表达质粒pBV2 2 1的温控启动子PRPL 之后 ,在大肠杆菌JM10 9中表达了具有催化活性的蛋白质 ,分子量约为 19kD ,表达产物能催化对硝基酚磷酸钠 (PNPP)的脱磷酸反应 ,这种催化作用可被钒酸钠和ZnCl2 抑制  相似文献   

利用生物信息学手段,在GenBank数据库进行氨基酸的同源性检索分析,发现来自谷氨酸棒杆茵(Corynebacterium glutamicum)一功能未确定的ORF序列被注释为假设的海藻糖酶(putative trehalose sesynthase),它与已报道的海藻糖合成酶的氨基酸序列有60%以上的同源性。本研究把这段ORF克隆到大肠杆茵进行表达及进行功能鉴定。实验表明这段ORF序列为一新的海藻糖合成酶基因,其表达产物能将麦芽糖分子转化成海藻糖分子。重组酶性质的初步研究表明重组酶在pH7.0~7.5,30℃转化麦芽糖效率最高。  相似文献   

根据发表的鸡抑制素α亚基序列设计引物,用RT-PCR技术从仙居鸡卵泡的颗粒细胞总RNA中扩增出了抑制素α亚基成熟区序列,并进行了克隆和测序,结果显示,仙居鸡成熟α亚基是由113个氨基酸(aa)残基组成的蛋白质,具有1个糖基化位点和7个半胱氨酸残基,与发表的鸡和哺乳类相应序列对比,其核苷酸序列的同源性分别为98%和61.4%-68.7%,其预测氨基酸序列的同源性分别为97.3%和64.6%-69%,且所测鸡α亚基成熟区的糖基化位点及半胱氨酸殖基的数目和位置与发表的鸡和乳类相似,说明该亚基的序列及结构在不同物咱间具有高度保守性,提示其可能具重要的生理功能,鸡各级卵泡中α亚基mRNA表达丰度的定量分析显示,从SYF到F1中,随着卵泡的成熟α亚基的表达量降低,其在SYF和F6-8中表达量最高,在LWF中表达量很低,说明α亚基在卵泡的吸收,选择及优势化过程中起重要调节作用。  相似文献   

Finding gene-specific peptides by mass spectrometry analysis to pinpoint gene loci responsible for particular protein products is a major challenge in proteomics especially in highly conserved gene families in higher eukaryotes. We used a combination of in silico approaches coupled to mass spectrometry analysis to advance the proteomics insight into Arabidopsis cytosolic ribosomal composition and its post-translational modifications. In silico digestion of all 409 ribosomal protein sequences in Arabidopsis defined the proportion of theoretical gene-specific peptides for each gene family and highlighted the need for low m/z cutoffs of MS ion selection for MS/MS to characterize low molecular weight, highly basic ribosomal proteins. We undertook an extensive MS/MS survey of the cytosolic ribosome using trypsin and, when required, chymotrypsin and pepsin. We then used custom software to extract and filter peptide match information from Mascot result files and implement high confidence criteria for calling gene-specific identifications based on the highest quality unambiguous spectra matching exclusively to certain in silico predicted gene- or gene family-specific peptides. This provided an in-depth analysis of the protein composition based on 1446 high quality MS/MS spectra matching to 795 peptide sequences from ribosomal proteins. These identified peptides from five gene families of ribosomal proteins not identified previously, providing experimental data on 79 of the 80 different types of ribosomal subunits. We provide strong evidence for gene-specific identification of 87 different ribosomal proteins from these 79 families. We also provide new information on 30 specific sites of co- and post-translational modification of ribosomal proteins in Arabidopsis by initiator methionine removal, N-terminal acetylation, N-terminal methylation, lysine N-methylation, and phosphorylation. These site-specific modification data provide a wealth of resources for further assessment of the role of ribosome modification in influencing translation in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

自噬是细胞重要的代谢途径,ATG8在自噬体形成过程中起着重要的作用。对ATG8蛋白进行生物信息学分析研究十分必要。本研究以NCBI中人ATG8同源蛋白序列数据为研究材料,分析其与10种模式生物间基因拷贝数、氨基酸序列、蛋白质保守位点相关性。结果表明,人6种ATG8同源蛋白分别定位于5条染色体上,均有泛素样GABARAP结构域。并且,所有模式生物的ATG8同源蛋白中N-端氨基酸序列保守性强于C-端序列。本研究构建的ATG8同源蛋白系统发育树显示,人的ATG8同源蛋白与脊椎动物(斑马鱼,爪蟾,小鼠,大鼠,牛)的ATG8蛋白亲缘关系更近,人的GABARAPs与酵母的ATG8蛋白与的亲缘关系较近。本研究为研究细胞自噬过程及机制提供了丰富的生物进化和生物信息数据支持。  相似文献   

The availability of genome sequences, affordable mass spectrometers and high-resolution two-dimensional gels has made possible the identification of hundreds of proteins from many organisms by peptide mass fingerprinting. However, little attention has been paid to how information generated by these means can be utilised for detailed protein characterisation. Here we present an approach for the systematic characterisation of proteins using mass spectrometry and a software tool FindMod. This tool, available on the internet at http://www.expasy.ch/sprot/findmod.html , examines peptide mass fingerprinting data for mass differences between empirical and theoretical peptides. Where mass differences correspond to a post-translational modification, intelligent rules are applied to predict the amino acids in the peptide, if any, that might carry the modification. FindMod rules were constructed by examining 5153 incidences of post-translational modifications documented in the SWISS-PROT database, and for the 22 post-translational modifications currently considered (acetylation, amidation, biotinylation, C-mannosylation, deamidation, flavinylation, farnesylation, formylation, geranyl-geranylation, gamma-carboxyglutamic acids, hydroxylation, lipoylation, methylation, myristoylation, N -acyl diglyceride (tripalmitate), O-GlcNAc, palmitoylation, phosphorylation, pyridoxal phosphate, phospho-pantetheine, pyrrolidone carboxylic acid, sulphation) a total of 29 different rules were made. These consider which amino acids can carry a modification, whether the modification occurs on N-terminal, C-terminal or internal amino acids, and the type of organisms on which the modification can be found. We illustrate the utility of the approach with proteins from 2-D gels of Escherichia coli and sheep wool, where post-translational modifications predicted by FindMod were confirmed by MALDI post-source decay peptide fragmentation. As the approach is amenable to automation, it presents a potentially large-scale means of protein characterisation in proteome projects.  相似文献   

The eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A (eIF5A) is a ubiquitous protein of eukaryotic and archaeal organisms which undergoes hypusination, a unique post-translational modification. We have generated a polyclonal antibody against murine eIF5A, which in immunocytochemical assays in B16-F10 cells revealed that the endogenous protein is preferentially localized to the nuclear region. We therefore analyzed possible structural features present in eIF5A proteins that could be responsible for that characteristic. Multiple sequence alignment analysis of eIF5A proteins from different eukaryotic and archaeal organisms showed that the former sequences have an extended N-terminal segment. We have then performed in silico prediction analyses and constructed different truncated forms of murine eIF5A to verify any possible role that the N-terminal extension might have in determining the subcellular localization of the eIF5A in eukaryotic organisms. Our results indicate that the N-terminal extension of the eukaryotic eIF5A contributes in signaling this protein to nuclear localization, despite of bearing no structural similarity with classical nuclear localization signals.  相似文献   

孔卫青  杨金宏  朱勇 《昆虫学报》2007,50(3):215-221
MYST组蛋白乙酰转移酶(histone acetyltransferase, HAT)广泛存在于从酵母到人的真核生物中,在真核生物的转录调控中起着重要的作用。利用NCBI已登录的其他物种该基因的氨基酸序列与家蚕的基因组框架图和表达序列标签(expressed sequence tags, EST)数据库进行电子克隆,获得了家蚕中的同源基因。该基因长1 575 bp(GenBank登录号为DQ442997),开放阅读框(ORF)长1 326 bp,无内含子。基因编码442个氨基酸,预测蛋白质的分子量为51.4 kD。序列中有HAT核心结构域、锌指结构域和染色质域3个保守的结构域,与其他物种同源基因具有较高的序列相似性。RT-PCR结果表明该基因在本实验所检测的家蚕各时期和组织中均有表达。将该基因用亚克隆的方法导入到pET50b载体中并成功地进行了原核表达,表达出了带有6个组氨酸和1个Nus·Tag标签的重组蛋白。  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli ammonia channel protein, AmtB, is a homotrimeric polytopic inner membrane protein in which each subunit has 11 transmembrane helices. We have shown that the structural gene amtB encodes a preprotein with a signal peptide that is cleaved off to produce a topology with the N-terminus in the periplasm and the C-terminus in the cytoplasm. Deletion of the signal peptide coding region results in significantly lower levels of AmtB accumulation in the membrane but modification of the signal peptidase cleavage site, leading to aberrant cleavage, does not prevent trimer formation and does not inactivate the protein. The presence of a signal peptide is apparently not a conserved feature of all prokaryotic Amt proteins. Comparison of predicted AmtB sequences suggests that while Amt proteins in Gram-negative organisms utilize a signal peptide, the homologous proteins in Gram-positive organisms do not.  相似文献   

We have identified two single-copy genes from the model legume Medicago truncatula (MtENOD16 and 20) whose expression can be correlated with early stages of root nodulation and whose predicted coding sequences are partially homologous to both pea/vetch ENOD5 and soybean N315/ENOD55. Database searching and sequence alignment have defined the encoded early nodulins as a distinct sub-family of phytocyanin-related proteins, although the absence of key ligands implies that they are unlikely to bind copper. Molecular modelling based on known phytocyanin structure has been used to predict the 3-dimensional conformation of the principle globular domain of MtENOD16/20. Additional structural features common to both early nodulin and phytocyanin precursors include an N-terminal transit peptide, a highly variable (hydroxy)proline-rich sequence which probably undergoes extensive post-translational modification, and a hydrophobic C-terminal tail.  相似文献   

An abundant cytoplasmic 43-kDa protein from Mycoplasma synoviae, a major pathogen from poultry, was identified as elongation factor Tu. The N-terminal amino acid sequence (AKLDFDRSKEHVNVGTIGHV) has 90% identity with the sequence of the Mycoplasma hominis elongation factor Tu protein. Monoclonal antibodies reacting with the M. synoviae elongation factor Tu protein also reacted with 43-kDa proteins from the avian Mycoplasma species Mycoplasma gallinarum, Mycoplasma gallinaceum, Mycoplasma pullorum, Mycoplasma cloacale, Mycoplasma iners and Mycoplasma meleagridis, but not with the proteins from Mycoplasma gallisepticum, Mycoplasma imitans or Mycoplasma iowae. In addition, two groups of phase variable integral membrane proteins, pMSA and pMSB, associated with hemadherence and pathogenicity of M. synoviae strains AAY-4 and ULB925 were identified. The cleavage of a larger hemagglutinating protein encoded by a gene homologous to the vlhA gene of M. synoviae generates pMSB1 and pMSA1 proteins defined by mAb 125 and by hemagglutination inhibiting mAb 3E10, respectively. The N-terminal amino acid sequences of pMSA proteins (SENKLI ... and SENETQ ...) probably indicate the cleavage site of the M. synoviae strain ULB 925 hemagglutinin.  相似文献   

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