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以金叶女贞(Ligustrum×vicaryi)和金森女贞(Ligustrum japonicum‘Howardii’)2种金色叶女贞为试材,采用人工静态熏气的方法,研究SO2胁迫对金色叶植物叶片叶绿素含量及其合成代谢的影响,探讨SO2胁迫影响金色叶植物叶绿素合成的可能位点。结果表明:20和40 mg·m-3的SO2熏气提高了叶绿素、尿卟啉原Ⅲ(UrogenⅢ)、原卟啉Ⅸ(ProtoⅨ)、镁原卟啉Ⅸ(Mg-protoⅨ)的含量,使δ-氨基酮戊酸脱水酶(ALAD)和尿卟啉原Ⅲ合酶(UROS)活性升高,δ-氨基酮戊酸(ALA)和胆色素原(PBG)含量降低;80 mg·m-3的SO2熏气使叶绿素含量降低,引起ALA和PBG含量的积累,降低了UrogenⅢ、ProtoⅨ和Mg-protoⅨ的含量,抑制了ALAD和UROS的活性。研究发现,金叶女贞叶绿素合成关键前体物质含量和相关酶活性随熏气浓度的变化趋势较金森女贞明显,前者对SO2较为敏感,后者抗SO2的能力强于前者,SO2胁迫影响金色叶植物叶绿素合成的可能位点位于UrogenⅢ的合成过程。  相似文献   

研究32种盆栽于佛山市污染区的城市园林绿化植物对大气二氧化硫(SO2)和氟化物的净化能力及其对大气污染的修复功能。结果显示,竹节树、傅园榕等14种植物对SO2、氟化物等污染气体不但具有较强的抗性,而且具有较高的吸收净化能力,叶片平均含硫量达17442(11754—27658mg kg^-1 DW),是清洁区(5988mg kg^-1 DW)的2.9倍;平均含氟量达3725.9(1954.9—5331.7mg kg^-1 DW),是清洁区(1703:mg kg^-1DW)的21倍。表明这些植物对大气SO2、HF复合污染具有很好的净化能力和修复功能。是值得推广的城市园林绿化树种。  相似文献   

3种地被植物对二氧化硫胁迫的生理响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该研究以3种地被植物蜂斗菜、峨眉附地菜和绵毛水苏为材料,采用人工模拟熏气方法,在0、5.71、11.43和17.14mg·m-3 SO2浓度水平下,测定了参试植物的外观受害症状以及和生理生化指标对SO2的反应,明确供试植物对大气污染的反应特性,为选择景观效果良好同时具有更好生态效应的地被植物提供依据。结果表明:(1)随着SO2浓度的增加,3种地被植物受伤害症状从重到轻依次为绵毛水苏峨眉附地菜蜂斗菜,它们的叶片叶绿素含量、叶液pH值不同程度下降,丙二醛含量、相对叶片电导率、可溶性糖含量、游离脯氨酸含量均不同程度上升,同时其SOD、POD、CAT活性被激活并显著增强。(2)隶属函数和主成分分析综合评定结果显示,3种地被植物对SO2抗性能力由强到弱的顺序为:蜂斗菜峨眉附地菜绵毛水苏,与其受伤害症状顺序相反。(3)依据SO2胁迫下叶片含硫量的分析发现,各植物对SO2的净化能力由高到低的顺序为:蜂斗菜绵毛水苏峨眉附地菜。研究表明,3种地被植物中的蜂斗菜对SO2的抗性及净化能力最强,能够通过自身应激保护系统来提高对SO2的抗性,维持正常生长,适宜在城市园林绿化中推广。  相似文献   

袁明  董立花  贾学静  袁澍  杜蕾 《植物研究》2014,34(2):188-193
金叶女贞是一种在园林绿化上广泛应用的彩叶植物,上层叶金黄色,下层叶深绿色。本文利用常规植物制片技术,研究了叶绿素缺少的金叶女贞上层金叶和下层绿叶的解剖结构。结果表明:(1)金叶女贞上层金叶和下层绿叶的上表皮无显著差异,但是下层绿叶的下表皮细胞较小,气孔密度较低;(2)下层绿叶的叶肉组织较薄,细胞较大,排列疏松;(3)在下层绿叶中叶绿体类囊体片层排列密集,叶肉组织内单位体积叶绿体数量较少;(4)冠层部位对光合色素的积累有明显影响。叶绿素缺少的金叶女贞叶片结构显著受到冠层部位的影响,光合色素的变化幅度较一般植物更大,不同冠层部位叶片叶色有明显差异,可以作为研究植物冠层部位对叶形态、结构和生理生化影响的好材料。  相似文献   

该研究以3种阴生地被植物麦冬、虎耳草和紫萼玉簪为研究材料,采用人工模拟熏气方法,测定不同浓度(5.71,11.43,17.14,22.86mg·m~(-3))SO_2胁迫下参试植物的外观受害症状,以及膜质过氧化、保护酶活性、渗透调节物质等生理指标,以叶片吸硫量比较3种植物的净化能力,并采用模糊数学隶属函数与主成分分析法对其抗SO_2能力进行综合评价。结果显示:(1)随着SO_2熏气浓度的升高,3种植物的叶片都有不同程度的受害症状,叶片叶绿素含量、汁液pH值和相对含水量下降,丙二醛含量、叶片相对电导率、可溶性糖、游离脯氨酸含量上升,且其SOD和CAT活性显著增强。(2)隶属函数法和主成分分析法综合评定结果显示,3种地被植物对SO_2抗性能力表现为:麦冬紫萼玉簪虎耳草,与叶片受伤害症状和叶液pH值下降的顺序相反,说明这2个指标可作为简单可行的评价SO_2抗性的重要鉴定指标。(3)3种植物均有一定的SO_2净化能力,其强弱顺序为虎耳草麦冬紫萼玉簪。研究表明,3种阴生地被植物都能够在SO_2胁迫下提高其保护酶活性和渗透调节物质含量,增强其抗硫胁迫和SO_2吸收能力,并以麦冬对SO_2抗性最强,虎耳草对SO_2的吸收能力最强;该试验中最低参试SO_2浓度远远高于城市大气中的实际SO_2浓度,在试验环境下3种阴生植物再都未呈现伤害症状,说明吸收硫能力强的虎耳草和麦冬可以在SO_2污染严重的林下区域大面积应用推广。  相似文献   

邓立杰   《广西植物》1983,(2):137-143
对27种不同抗性等级植物本底(未经污染处理的正常植物)多酚氧化酶、抗坏血酸氧化酶和过氧化物酶活性测定结果,植物本底多酚氧化酶活性与抗性有呈负相关的趋势,抗坏血酸氧化酶和过氧化物酶活性大小与抗性不具规律性。 对植物受不同浓度SO_2污染后酶活性变化分析结果看出,蚬木(抗性植物)和汗斑草(敏感植物)在浓度达受阈前,多酚氧化酶、抗坏血酸氧化酶和过氧化物酶均有随浓度的升高而酶活性逐渐增大的趋势,仅是不同的酶其活性高峰在不同浓度梯度中出现迟早不同而己。在污染浓度达受伤阈后,随着浓度的继续增大,酶活性逐渐下降。而白蝉(抗性植物)和大猪屎青(敏感植物)有的酶具有规律性,有的酶不具有这种规律性。 用使可见伤害达50%的SO_2污染汗斑草后4小时(一次污染),过氧化物酶活性为0.34(未受污染的为12.69),仅为未受污染的2.68%,降低了97.32%,但24小时后为7.68,为未受污染的60.52%,比受污染后4小时提高了57.84%,72小时后为8.52,为未受污染的67.13%,比受污染后4小时提高了65.45%。多酚氧化酶亦具有这种规律性。说明二氧化硫对这两种酶的抑制作用是可逆的。  相似文献   

土壤干旱对观赏植物活性氧产生和抗氧化酶活性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用盆栽试验方法,考察自然干旱-复水处理下观赏植物红叶石楠、金叶女贞、小叶黄杨和大叶黄杨叶片超氧阴离子自由基(O-·2)产生速率、丙二醛(MDA)含量以及保护酶(SOD、POD、CAT)活性的变化,研究各种植物在干旱条件下的活性氧产生与酶促清除过程以及复水后的恢复情况差异,以揭示植物在逆境条件下的适应策略。结果表明:(1)自然干旱过程中,红叶石楠叶片O-·2生成速率呈先降低,之后明显升高,而小叶黄杨、金叶女贞、大叶黄杨均先升后降。(2)干旱提高了4种植物的MDA含量,但金叶女贞和大叶黄杨的MDA含量变化较小。(3)干旱下4种植物叶片的SOD活性增强,它们的POD活性变化不同,而CAT活性均先升高后下降。(4)复水后,4种植物O-·2产生速率和MDA含量均降低;小叶黄杨、金叶女贞、大叶黄杨SOD活性上升,而红叶石楠SOD活性下降;红叶石楠、金叶女贞、大叶黄杨CAT活性下降,而小叶黄杨则上升;红叶石楠、小叶黄杨、大叶黄杨POD活性下降,而金叶女贞却上升。研究表明,不同植物对活性氧的清除途径不同;隶属函数法分析表明4种观赏植物在干旱胁迫初期的综合抗旱性表现依次为:小叶黄杨金叶女贞大叶黄杨红叶石楠。  相似文献   

西双版纳桑寄生植物的危害调查   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
西双版纳的27种桑寄生科植物,危害着野生和栽培的双子叶植物及裸子植物83科263属183种。受害严重的果园植株受害率达76—96%,老式茶园的普洱茶60%以上植株受害,三叶橡胶树50%以上受害,行道庭园树及外引载培植物也受到严重威胁,赞成经济上的重大损失。桑寄生植物的危害性与其生物学特性、对环境和树木的适应性及寄生方式有关。树木有抗寄生性,抗性强的树种少感染或不感染寄生,抗性弱的树种感染多种寄生。桑寄生的幼苗吸器不能侵入光滑、坚硬且具腊质的树皮;树皮产生隔离层除去幼苗及树体内的化学抑制作用,致使桑寄生幼苗不能正常生长发育而完成生命周期。  相似文献   

二氧化硫污染对植物影响的研究进展   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
郑淑颖 《生态科学》2000,19(1):59-64
20多年来 ,关于SO2 污染对植物伤害症状、生长发育、生理生化的影响以及伤害机理的研究获得了长足的发展。研究成果应用于大气SO2 的监测和评价 ,以及抗污树种的筛选。对目前刚开始的SO2 与NOx、O3 等复合污染和酸沉降对植物影响的研究 ,将会成为今后研究的主导方向。  相似文献   

为探明淹水胁迫对乡土风箱果和引种紫叶风箱果叶片光合特性的影响,为风箱果属植物的推广种植提供技术支持,利用双套盆法研究了淹水胁迫对乡土风箱果和引种紫叶风箱果叶片光合气体交换参数和叶绿素荧光参数的影响。结果表明:淹水15 d时2种风箱果叶片的净光合速率(Pn)均显著降低,并且伴随着气孔导度(Gs)和蒸腾速率(Tr)的降低,即淹水胁迫导致的2种风箱果叶片光合能力降低均与气孔因素的限制有关;淹水胁迫下紫叶风箱果叶片的光合抑制主要为气孔因素,而乡土风箱果则为气孔和非气孔因素的共同限制;叶绿素荧光技术分析发现,淹水15 d时紫叶风箱果叶片PSⅡ反应中心活性没有受到明显的影响,主要与非光化学淬灭(NPQ)的增加降低了过剩光能(1-qP)/NPQ有关,而乡土风箱果在淹水胁迫下的PSⅡ反应中心光化学活性明显降低;淹水胁迫明显提高了紫叶风箱果叶片PSⅡ供体侧放氧复合体(OEC)的活性,而对其受体侧电子传递的影响较小;淹水胁迫显著抑制了风箱果叶片PSⅡ受体侧QA向QB的电子传递能力,但不能确定淹水胁迫对风箱果PSⅡ供体侧OEC活性的影响;淹水15 d时风箱果叶片标准化O-K曲线上L点的相对可变荧光VL明显高于紫叶风箱果,即淹水胁迫下风箱果叶片的类囊体膜降解程度明显大于紫叶风箱果;紫叶风箱果较风箱果具有较强的耐淹水能力,在城市低洼易积水地区应选择紫叶风箱果推广种植。  相似文献   

Red pine (Pinus resinosa Ait.) and paper birch (Betula papyrifera Marsh.) seedlings exposed to sulfur dioxide produced acetaldehyde and ethanol, and exhibited increased production of ethylene and ethane. Gas chromatographic measurement of head space gas from incubation tubes containing leaves or seedlings was a simple method of simultaneously measuring all four compounds. Increased ethylene production had two phases, a moderate increase from the beginning of the stress period and a large increase just prior to appearance of leaf lesions. Ethane production in SO2-stressed plants did not increase until lesions appeared. Acetaldehyde and ethanol production began within 6 hours at 0.3 microliter per liter SO2 and 24 hours at 0.1 microliter per liter SO2 and continued throughout a 6-day fumigation. Production of acetaldehyde and ethanol continued when plants were removed to clean air for up to 2 days. A higher concentration of SO2 (0.5 microliter per liter) induced acetaldehyde and ethanol production within 2 hours of the start of fumigation of birch and pine seedlings. A number of other stresses, including water deficit, freezing, and ozone exposure induced production of acetaldehyde and ethanol. Production of these compounds was not due to hypoxia, as the O2 partial pressure in the incubation vessels did not decline. Increasing the O2 partial pressure to 300 millimeters Hg did not affect production of these compounds. Production of ethylene, acetaldehyde, and ethanol declined when more than 80% of the leaf area became necrotic, while ethane production was linearly related to the percentage of necrosis. A number of woody and herbaceous plant species produced acetaldehyde and ethanol in response to freezing stress, while others did not. Measurement of these four compounds simultaneously in the gas phase may be a valuable method for monitoring plant stress, particularly air pollution stress.  相似文献   

Summary SO2-fumigation experiments were conducted with plants of pea (Pisum sativum) and corn (Zea mays) recognized to be, respectively, sensitive and tolerant to the gas. Accumulation of inorganic sulfur in the tissues revealed that the pea takes up considerably greater amounts of SO2 than corn. Porometer measurements and transpiration coefficients show that this greater SO2 uptake is partly related to the lower leaf diffusion resistance of peas. Additional internal sinks for SO2 uptake are discussed in order to give a complete explanation of the differential SO2 uptake of the two species.  相似文献   

Summary Populations of Geranium carolinianum, a winter annual plant common in disturbed habitats, vary in their foliar response to sulfur dioxide, and pollution resistance is characteristic of populations sampled from areas in which SO2 has been a prominent stress. The physiological basis of this ecotypic response was investigated using a whole-plant gaseous exchange system in which leaf resistance to H2O efflux and SO2 influx were concurrently monitored. Individual plants of distinct SO2 susceptibility were exposed to pollutant concentrations of either 0.4, 0.6 or 0.8 l 1-1 in both the dark and light. Total SO2 flux (g cm-2 h-1) to the plant, which is the sum of leaf adsorptive and absorptive loss, varied as an inverse function of leaf resistance (s cm-1), and the relationship was modeled using linear regression techniques. Total SO2 flux was partitioned to leaf surface and internal fractions using estimation procedures with the regression analysis. SO2 flux into the leaf interior, the pollutant fraction responsible for causing foliar injury, was strikingly similar for resistant and sensitive plants at each concentration. Resistant plants must absorb 30% more SO2 than their sensitive counterparts in order to exhibit comparable levels of foliar injury. Therefore, in G. carolinianum the predominant explantation for genetically controlled and quantitatively inherited differences in plant résponse to SO2 is not variable pollutant flux but rather disparate physiological-biochemical processes affecting pollutant toxicity, cellular perturbation and repair. This conclusion is relevant to understanding how populations of G. carolinianum respond over time to elevated levels of SO2 and may explain the inherent susceptibility of this species compared with plants with which it co-exists.  相似文献   

This study was aimed to evaluate the toxic effects of fluoride (F) and/or sulfur dioxide (SO2) on morphology and DNA integrity in liver of male rats. For this, 96 Wistar rats (12-week-old) were randomly divided into four groups after 1-week adaptive breeding: the control group, treated with deionized water; the NaF group, administered high F (100 mg NaF/L in the drinking water); the SO2 group, with sulfur dioxide in ambient air (15 ppm SO2, 4 h/day); and NaF + SO2 group, treated with high F and sulfur dioxide together for 8 consecutive weeks. The body weight, liver organ coefficient, morphology, and DNA damage in the liver of rats were examined. The results showed that the body weight and liver organ coefficient were not significantly changed; however, significant pathological changes of liver tissues were observed in the NaF + SO2 group compared with the individual treated groups and control group. Furthermore, comet assay indicated that DNA damage in liver was significantly increased in the F and/or SO2 treatment groups at 2, 4, 6, and 8 weeks, especially at 4 weeks. These results indicate that the liver morphology and DNA integrity of rats are adversely affected by F and/or SO2 exposure.  相似文献   

We showed that the growth of lactic acid bacteria during alcoholic fermentation depends on the composition of the must. We illustrated how the addition of sulfur dioxide to the must before fermentation and the temperature of storage both affect the growth of these bacteria in the wine. Whereas species of Lactobacillus and Leuconostoc mesenteroides were isolated from grapes and must, Leuconostoc oenos was the only species isolated after alcoholic fermentation. This organism was responsible for the malolactic fermentation. Isolates of this species varied in their ability to ferment pentoses and hexoses. The survival of Leuconostoc oenos in wines after malolactic fermentation depended on wine pH, alcohol concentration, SO2 concentration, and temperature of storage.  相似文献   

城市森林在吸收、滞留大气污染物,改善城市生态环境方面具有重要意义。以大庆市6种常见绿化树种为研究对象,采用水洗-滤膜法和熏气试验探究不同树种对总悬浮颗粒物(TSP)、大颗粒物(PM>10)、粗颗粒物(PM3—10)和细颗粒物(PM1—3)的滞留规律以及对大气中SO2、NO2的消减效果。研究结果表明:(1)不同树种的滞尘能力差异显著(P<0.05),对TSP的滞留量从大到小依次为:油松(3.82±0.40)g/m2>红瑞木(1.45±0.12)g/m2>紫丁香(1.22±0.17)g/m2>梣叶槭(1.21±0.13)g/m2>大叶杨(0.93±0.17)g/m2>旱柳(0.54±0.14)g/m2;(2)树种间对不同颗粒物的滞留量具有显著差异(P<0.05),供试树种对不同粒径颗粒物滞留的质量占比表现...  相似文献   

刘辉  张钢 《植物研究》2008,28(4):442-446
为探明CaCl2处理对金叶女贞(Ligustrum vicaryi)茎抗寒性和电阻抗图谱参数的影响,找出抗寒性和电阻抗图谱参数的关系,2006年9月15日开始对金叶女贞当年生扦插苗进行CaCl2处理,对照为清水;分别用电阻抗图谱法和电导法估测其抗寒性,并进行比较分析。结果表明:CaCl2处理能在抗寒锻炼初期使金叶女贞茎的抗寒性提高3.5℃,金叶女贞茎的抗寒性与未冷冻处理茎的弛豫时间τ、冷冻处理后茎的胞外电阻率re、含水量之间均存在较高的相关性。  相似文献   

The growth response and antioxidant capacity of Brassica oleracea var. capitata f. alba plants treated with 70 ppb of ozone was examined. Four week old cabbage seedlings were fumigated with O3 for 3 days before being transplanted into the growing field. The effect of O3 treatment was determined directly after fumigation and over the course of field cultivation. Plants subjected to O3 treatment had an increased diameter of rosettes and number of leaves after 3 and 7 weeks in agriculture, respectively. In addition, the vast majority of fumigated plants reached marketable quality faster than control plants, indicating a positive role of episodes of increased O3 concentrations during vegetation on growth and yielding.  相似文献   

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