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Zusammenfassung Gemeinsame Verhaltensmerkmale ganzer Gruppen wurden bis jetzt nur selten zusammengestellt. Die Notwendigkeit einer derartigen zusätzlichen Kennzeichnung für die meisenartigen Vügel ergibt sich aus der Vielfalt der Auffassungen. Vor allem die Stellung der GattungenAegithalos undTichodroma ist unklar und in den wissenschaftlichen Werken uneinheitlich.Es wurde deshalb versucht, die wichtigsten Verhaltensweisen der GattungenParus undAegithalos einerseits darzustellen, andererseits die der GattungSitta gegenüberTichodroma undCerthia. Parus Alle bisher bekannten Arten dieser Gattung zerkleinern Nahrung, indem sie diese mit dem Fuß festhalten und Teile davon abzupfen bzw. die Schale von Samen zertrümmern. Dieses Verfahren beherrschen schon Jungvögel, die noch nicht selbständig Nahrung aufnehmen. Alle Meisen sind Höhlenbrüter; die Methode, Höhlen der verschiedensten Größen mit Moos weitgehend auszufüllen, wird als Anpassung an die Verschiedenartigkeit vorgefundener, meist durch Fäulnis entstandener Baumhöhlen gedeutet. Das Bedecken des unvollständigen Geleges kann Nestfeinde daran hindern, das Gelege beim Einblick in die Baumhöhle zu erkennen, da Meisenhöhlen im allgemeinen infolge der Unförmigkeit des Höhleneinganges nicht völlig dunkel sind. Die Nestlingszeit von rund 20 Tagen stellt wohl sicher eine Anpassung an das Brüten in einer geschützten Höhle dar. Ausführlich wird die Drohkombination besprochen, die bei allen Meisen festzustellen ist, die im Nest gestört werden. Diese Kombination, bestehend aus einem Zischlaut, dem Zuklappen des aufgesperrten Schnabels und gleichzeitigen Schlagen der Flügel an die Höhlenwände, kommt nur in einer Höhle zur vollen Wirkung und ist ein Zeichen dafür, daß Meisen phylogenetisch sehr alte Höhlenbrüter sind. Befiederte Jungmeisen wenden sie ebenso an wie in einer Höhle bedrängte Meisen- . Bei der Balz unterscheiden sich Meisen nicht grundlegend von anderen Passeres. Zum Sammeln von Vorräten sind nicht alle Arten von Meisen befähigt, sondern hauptsächlich solche, die im Winterhalbjahr vorwiegend von Samen leben. Kohl- und Blaumeisen sind möglicherweise nicht von Anbeginn Samenfresser gewesen; sie sammeln keine Vorräte. BeiParus major öffnet eine indische Rasse im Käfig keine Samen.Aegithalos Schwanzmeisen unterscheiden sich von denParus-Arten durch eine starke soziale Bindung an Artgenossen. Außer der Brutzeit trifft man nie einzelne Schwanzmeisen an, während Meisen auch mit anderen Arten vorlieb nehmen. Schwanzmeisen nächtigen stets in gegenseitiger Berührung und die Jungen rufen sich mit einem spezifischen Laut immer wieder zusammen. Schwanzmeisen sind nicht territorial. Mindestens beiAegithalos sowie bei dem amerikanischenPsaltriparus können mehr als zwei Altvögel am Nestbau und der Jungenaufzucht beteiligt sein. Von den Lautäußerungen der Schwanzmeisen hat nur einer eine gewisse Ähnlichkeit mit Meisenrufen, alle anderen sind stark verschieden; dies gilt auch für den Warnruf gegenüber Luftfeinden. Die Nestlingszeit der Schwanzmeisen entspricht der von Freibrütern; sie ist deutlich kürzer als bei Meisen. Am Nestbau beteiligen sich und , während bei denParus-Arten nur das baut.Sitta Während die Fähigkeit, abwärts zu klettern, nicht für alleSitta-Arten gilt, zerkleinern alle bisher bekannten Arten Nahrung, indem sie diese in Spalten stecken und mit dem Kopf nach unten hängend daraufklopfen. Dies ist ein grund-legender Unterschied zu allenParus-Arten. Alle holarktischenSitta-Arten sammeln Vorräte, alle sind Höhlenbrüter, die große Bruthöhlen, ähnlich wie die Meisen, verkleinern. Im Unterschied zu den Meisen fehltSitta ein Drohverhalten bei Störung im Nest. Eine Reihe von Arten schützt jedoch den Nesteingang teils durch eine Mauer aus Lehm, teils durch Beschmieren mit frischem Harz oder dadurch, daß Insekten am Flugloch so verrieben werden, daß ein Insektenduft entsteht. Bei Felsenkleibern sind diese Methoden kombiniert.Tichodroma Neuerdings wird der Mauerläufer eher zu den Kleibern gestellt als zuCerthia. Tatsächlich erinnert nur die Schnabelform an letztere Gattung. Es scheint, daß der Mauerläufer für seine Brut die Nähe von Felsschluchten oder Sturzbächen bevorzugt. Dort waren die Rufe flügger Junger im Nest nicht zu hören. Das auffallende Farbmuster kann eine ökologische Anpassung sein. Bettelnde Jungvögel schlagen die Flügel nach dem Ausfliegen viel höher und auffallender als andere Passeres. In der Lebensweise gleichtTichodroma vielfach dem FelsenkleiberS. neumayer, indem sie zur Brutzeit mehr Geröllfelder und den Rand von Schluchten aufsucht als Steilwände. Höhenunterschiede werden stets mit den Flügeln überwunden. Die auffallende Größe der Flügel läßt sich aus der Funktion leicht erklären. Das periodische Flügelzucken entspricht weitgehend dem vonSitta neumayer, nur mit dem Unterschied, daß es dafür beim Mauerläufer keiner erkennbaren Erregung bedarf. An der Bruthöhle wurde ein einziges Mal eine Pendelbewegung beobachtet, wie sie nur bei Kleibern vorkommt. Die Länge von Brutdauer und Nestlingszeit entspricht vor allem der der Kleiber.Certhia Der Stützschwanz ermöglichtCerthia eine völlig andersartige Klettermethode gegenüberSitta undTichodroma. Baumläufer sind an das Brüten in schmalen Spalten angepaßt. Die Brutdauer liegt zwischen der der Meisen und der Kleiber. Die Jungen sind sehr empfindlich und verlassen das Nest, bevor sie fliegen können, bei der geringsten Störung. Damit weichen sie ebenso von anderen Höhlenbrütern ab wie die brütenden , die gleichfalls sofort das Nest verlassen, wenn sie eine Gefahr wahrnehmen. Wenn das dem den zukünftigen Brutplatz demonstriert, schlüpft es ein und führt nach dem Herauskommen eine ritualisierte Schüttelbewegung aus, die Meisen und Kleibern fehlt. Auch die Schlafgewohnheiten sind verschieden.Es wird vorgeschlagen, die Schwanzmeisen als eigene Familie von den Meisen zu trennen. Den Kleibern gebührt ein eigener Familien-Status. Der Mauerläufer ist keinesfalls mitCerthia nahe verwandt, sondern sollte den Kleibern als Unter-familie zugeteilt werden, sofern er nicht eine eigene Familie darstellt.
Summary Up to the present time general behavioral characteristics of entire groups have rarely been synthesized. The necessity of an additional characterization of this kind for the tit-like birds is revealed in the multiplicity of taxonomic interpretations. The positions of the generaAegithalos andTichodroma are especially unclear and are diversely treated in scientific writings.Therefore it was attempted, on the one hand, to present the most important behavior patterns of the generaParus andAegithalos, and on the other hand, those of the genusSitta contrasted withTichodroma andCerthia. Parus All species of this genus known to date break up food items by holding them with the foot and picking off pieces or breaking off the hulls of seeds. Even young which do not yet feed independently have this behavior. All tits are hole nesters. The procedure of the extensive filling in of cavities of the most varied sizes with moss is explained as an adaptation to the variation in tree cavities encountered, largely as the result of rotting. The covering of an incomplete clutch can prevent predators' recognition of the clutch when looking in the hole, for tit holes are generally not completely dark as a result of the irregularity of the entrance. The nestling period of about twenty days certainly represents an adaptation to nesting in a protected cavity. The threat combination present in all tits when disturbed in the nest is discussed in detail. This combination, consisting of a hissing sound, snapping closed of the open bill and concomitant blows of the wings against the sides of the cavity, is fully elicited only in a cavity, and is an indication that hole nesting appeared quite early in the phylogeny of tits. Feathered young utilize this behavior just as do male tits which are disturbed in a cavity. Tits do not differ basically from other passerines in courtship. Not all species of tits store food; those which do are mainly those which feed predominantly on seeds during the winter. Coal and Blue Tits were perhaps not originally seed eaters; they do not store food. The Indian race ofParus major does not eat seeds in captivity.Aegithalos Long-tailed Tits differ fromParus species in their strong social ties to conspecifics. Lone Long-tailed Tits are never encountered outside of the breeding season, whereas other tits even show a preference for other species. Long-tailed Tits always spend the night in mutual contact and the young are brought together repeatedly with a specific call. They are not territorial. At least inAegithalos and the AmericanPsaltriparus more than two adults can take part in nest building and rearing of the young. Only one of the vocalizations of the Long-tailed Tit has a certain similarity to the calls of other tits; all the others differ markedly, also the warning call against aerial predators. The nesting period of the Long-tailed Tit corresponds to that of open nesters; it is clearly shorter than that of other tits. Both male and female participate in nest building, whereas in theParus species only the female builds.Sitta Whereas the ability to climb downwards does not hold for allSitta species, all species known to date break up food items by putting them in crevices and hammering on them with the head hanging downward. This is a basic difference from allParus species. All Holarctic species ofSitta store food and all are hole nesters which, like the tits, reduce the size of large nesting holes. As opposed to the tits,Sitta lacks a threat display when disturbed in the nest. However, a number of species protect the nest entrance, in part by a mud wall, and partly by smearing fresh resin about, or by rubbing insects around the hole so that an insect odor results. Rock Nuthatches combine these methods.Tichodroma The Wall Creeper has recently been placed closer to the nuthatches than toCerthia. Actually only the form of the bill resembles this genus. It seems that the Wall Creeper prefers the vicinity of rocky ravines or waterfalls for breeding. The calls of fledged young in the nest were not heard. The striking color pattern can be an ecological adaptation. After leaving the nest, begging young beat their wings much more widely and conspicuously than other passerines.Tichodroma bears a strong resemblance to the Rock Nuthatch,S. neumayer, in its way of life, in that for the breeding season it seeks out more boulderstrewn fields and ravine edges than steep cliffs. Vertical movements are always accomplished by flight. The striking size of the wing can be easily explained from its function. The periodic wing flashing corresponds closely to that ofSitta neumayer, and differs in the Wall Creeper only in the fact that no recognizable stimulus is needed for it to occur. A single observation was made of an oscillating movement at the nesting cavity, which only occurs in nuthatches. The length of the incubation and nestling periods corresponds especially well to that of the nuthatches.Certhia The prop-like tail makes possible a completely different method of climbing in contrast toSitta andTichodroma. Tree Creepers are adapted for breeding in narrow crevices. The length of the incubation period is intermediate between that of the tits and that of the nuthatches. The young are easily disturbed and will leave the nest, before they can fly, at the least disturbance. They also differ from other hole nesters in that the female will leave the nest immediately if she perceives danger. When the male shows the female the prospective nesting site he slips in and, after coming out, performs a ritualized shaking movement which is not found in tits and nuthatches. The sleeping habits also differ.It is suggested that the Long-tailed Tits and Bush Tits be separated from the other tits, and placed in a family by themselves. The nuthatches deserve familial status. The Wall Creeper is by no means closely related toCerthia, and ought to be designated a subfamily of the nuthatches, in so much as it does not represent a separate family.

Prof. Dr. Konrad Lorenz zum 60. Geburtstag gewidmet

Da uns nun nach Nestbau, Jugendbedaunung, Sperrachen, Stimme, Bewegungsweise z. B. Baum- und Mauerläufer oder Schwanz- und Waldmeisen untereinander durchaus nicht näher zu stehen scheinen als z. B. Waldmeisen und Kleiber, so begnügen wir uns mit den GattungenO. und M. Heinroth  相似文献   

天然免疫系统是多细胞生物抵抗各种入侵微生物的第一道防线.Notch途径介导相邻细胞之间的相互作用,调节细胞、组织、器官的分化和发育.为了进一步探索Notch信号途径在果蝇天然免疫中的功能,利用Notch途径下游基因Su(H)和E(spl)的低表达突变体果蝇,通过体外注射病原体分析了生存率、血细胞的噬菌功能和抗菌肽的表达量以及突变体的血细胞数量.结果表明,革兰氏阴性细菌和真菌感染后果蝇E(spl)突变体的生存率、噬菌能力及抗菌肽的表达量明显降低,而且幼虫期血细胞出现异常增殖;Su(H)突变体只对真菌表现出敏感性,抗菌肽的表达量降低,但是对真菌的噬菌能力正常.此结果表明,Notch途径不仅影响个体的生长发育,而且在果蝇天然免疫中也起重要的调节作用.  相似文献   

滇西二叠纪Shanita-Hemigordius(Hemigordiopsis)有孔虫动物群   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
近几年来,在亚洲一些地区二叠系,发现了一个大型有孔虫Shanita,常与Hemigordius(Hemigordiopsis)伴生,组成特提斯海区二叠纪颇具特色的动物群,分布在一定的区域范围,形成了特定的生物地理区。本文主要记述这一动物群在我国滇西地区的发现及其纵横分布情况。本文材料系云南省地质局第一区测队、云南省地质研究所等单位送来我所鉴定的,薄片、照相、绘图均由我所技术室承担,特此致谢。滇西潞西、腾冲、镇康一带二叠系较发育,由巨厚的白云质灰岩、灰岩及泥岩等组成,含有和中国南部其它地区(秦岭地区除外)不尽相同的有孔虫动物群。据云南省地质局第一区域地质测量大队工作结果,此区二叠系自上而下,大致分层如下: 上覆地层:中三叠统或侏罗系  相似文献   

论湖南海扇(Hunanopecten)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
湖南海扇属为张仁杰(1977)所建。现已描述的有H. exilis Zhang, H. qujiangensis Zhang, H. declivis Y. X. Zhang, H? longauriculus Yin等四种,后两种仅见于个别地点,一般所谈的湖南海扇主要指前两种。湖南海扇具有生物地层学、生态学和分类学意义,本文试图从这三方面给予论述。张仁杰同志惠赠原型照片以供比较,并提出宝贵意见,特致谢意。  相似文献   

Acanthocephalus amini n. sp. (Palaeacanthocephala: Echinorhynchidae) is described from the intestine of Cichlasoma urophthalmus (Günther) (Pisces: Cichlidae) collected in the Río Champotón, a river in Campeche State, Mexico. It is the fourth species of Acanthocephalus Koelreuther, 1771 described from North American freshwater fishes, although two other species are known from South America. The new species is distinguished from other members of Acanthocephalus by features of its trunk, which is small, clavate, slightly expanded medially and bluntly pointed posteriorly. It is further distinguished by having a cylindrical proboscis armed with 13–14 longitudinal rows of 11–12 stout hooks; the apical and medial proboscis hooks are almost uniform in size and shape, decreasing in size towards the base; the posteriormost hooks are smaller, straighter and more slender than the anterior and middle hooks; and the lateral rows of hooks are more widely spaced, forming a conspicuous longitudinal area devoid of hooks. Furthermore, the lemnisci are saccate and shorter than the proboscis receptacle; and the neck is very short with a thick collar of trunk tegument, which encircles the base of proboscis. In males, the testes are in the middle third of trunk, diagonal, spherical and small relative to the body size, and there are six clavate cement glands. In females, the uterus forms a conspicuous, elongate, cylindrical egg reservoir. The new species is most similar to Aalabamensis Amin & Williams, 1983, but can be distinguished by its swollen, clavate trunk, the largest proboscis hooks being present apically and medially, smaller testes, a shorter male reproductive system relative to body size and females with a prominent uterus. They have different hosts and geographical distribution. The new species can be differentiated from Brasacanthus sphoeroides Thatcher, 2001, a similar species in a monotypic echinorhynchid genus, because the latter is larger, has smaller proboscis hooks and its lemnisci are longer than the receptacle.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Lautäußerungen der Lasurmeise (Parus cyanus) besitzen für mitteleuropäische Blaumeisen (P. caeruleus) nur geringen Auslösewert. Sie zeichnen sich durch schnelle Frequenzwechsel aus und sind somit anders aufgebaut alscaeruleus-Gesangs- und Lautelemente; auch differieren sie deutlich im Tonhöhenverlauf. Einzelne Lautäußerungen werden jedoch gut verstanden. Das sind solche Tonfolgen, die mitcaeruleus-Lautäußerungen im Frequenzverlauf übereinstimmen. Auch auf einzelne komplexe Lautäußerungen wird reagiert, wenn wenigstens in einem Teil der Strophe die El. übereinstimmen. Ebenfalls wichtig, aber weniger entscheidend, ist die fallende Strophenmelodie vom Anfang zum Ende der Strophe. Von geringerem Einfluß ist die Tonhöhe der einzelnen Elemente bzw. der Elementblöcke bei übereinstimmendem Tonhöhenverlauf. Folglich erscheint Paarbildung aufgrund akustischer Verständigung nicht unmöglich. Das sehen wir als einen wesentlichen Grund an, warum es mit gewisser Regelmäßigkeit immer wieder zu Mischpaaren und F1-Hybriden kommt. Die partielle Repertoire-Ähnlichkeit zwischen beiden Arten wird als Rest alter gemeinsamer Merkmale vor der Aufspaltung in die beiden rezenten Arten angesehen. Das Repertoire voncyanus ist im ausgedehnten nördlichen Arealteil (cyanus-Gruppe) weitgehend einheitlich. Reaktionsmindernde Dialekte sind bisher nicht erkennbar.
Acoustic barriers between Azure Tit (Parus cyanus) and Blue Tit (Parus caeruleus)?
Summary Unaltered vocalizations of Azure Tits elicit territorial responses in SW German Blue Tits only under certain conditions. Azure Tit vocalizations differ in pitch and form of most notes, especially quick alteration of frequency in time. But single notes are very similar to Blue Tit notes. When combined to artificial songs, high response activity is evoked. These natural and artificial songs are similar tocaeruleus at least in one character. Most important is congruent form (pitch) of the notes in at least a part of the song verse. Also but less decisive is the descending pitch within the entire song starting at the beginning. Less important is the pitch of single elements or element blocks (phrases), as far as the form of elements is congruent. Certain circumstances given, especially low population density of one of the species concerned, interspecific acoustic display and pair formation may occur. But there is no introgression even locally. The partial similarity of vocalizations between both species is regarded as an old character. It already existed when the common ancestor species split into the two recent ones. No dialects seem to exist in the northern part of the vastcyanus area (cyanus group). There is heavy territorial response of on the Ussuri to playback of songs from Novosibirsk (W Siberia).

Beiträge zur Fauna des Fernen Ostens, Nr. 1.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Ein Paar des HonigsaugersNectarinia kilimensis wurde in der Brutzeit beim Nestbau 21 Stunden beobachtet. Über die Bauaktivität gibt Abb. 2 Aufschluß. 140 von 144 Anflügen mit Nistmaterial waren auf 8 Stunden von 8h–16h konzentriert. Das Nistmaterial bestand fast ausschließlich aus Halmen, Pflanzenwolle und Spinnweben; dieses Material wurde von Anfang an abwechselnd verwendet. Nur das hat gebaut. Die Baumethoden werden beschrieben, ebenso verschiedene Balzhandlungen des . Der Nestbau dauerte 4 1/2, beim folgenden Nest 3 1/2 Tage.Beim Brüten waren Schnabel und Oberkopf des sichtbar. Während der Bauzeit wurde ein ausgeflogenes juv. nur vom gefüttert. Als es mindestens 17 Tage alt war, wurde es vom , 6 Tage später auch vom aggressive gejagt, doch war dieses juv. mehr als 3 Wochen nach dem Ausfliegen noch im Revier.
Day-time activity, nest-building method and breeding behaviour of Bronze SunbirdNectarinia (Aidemonia) kilimensis in Central Africa
Summary A pair of Bronze SunbirdsNectarinia kilimensis was observed nest building over a period of 21 hours in the breeding season. Fig. 2 gives information on building activity. Of 144 arrivals with nest material 140 were concentrated in 8 hours from 08.00 to 16.00 hrs. Nest material consisted almost exclusively of grasses, plants, down and spider's webs; this material was, from the outset, used in an alternating pattern. The alone did the building. Nest-building methods are described, also various courtship activities of the . Nest building took 4 1/2 days, in the case of a second nest, 3 1/2 days.The 's bill and crown were visible when she was incubating. One young that had left the nest was fed by the alone. At least 17 days after this young one had fledged, it was chased aggressively by the , 6 days later also by the ; despite this, the same young bird was still in the territory more than three weeks after it had fledged.

文采尔珊瑚(Wentzelella)是我国南方、日本、苏联、新西兰、印度、伊朗、伊拉克、意大利、德国和阿尔卑斯山区等地早二迭世地层内常见的一类珊瑚化石。1927年,Grabau创建了这个属,并指定Lonsdaleia salinaria Waagen et Wentzel 为属型。他给予的定义是:“复体,柱状个体,隔壁始端直抵外壁,边缘未发育成像Lonsdaleia 属的泡沫带,复中柱呈朗士德珊瑚型”。Wentzelella 正式公诸于世,则见于黄汲清的论文中。自Grabau 建立这一个属以来,古生物学家列入Wentzelella 属的种和变种,据笔者所知,计有32个;但  相似文献   

论奇异珊瑚属(Idiophyllum)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
一、前言Idiophyllum Cao,1975属的构造比较复杂,是志留纪四射珊瑚中比较特殊的类型,对这类珊瑚的详细研究,有助于认识晚奥陶世至中志留世四射珊瑚演变发展的历史。Idiophyllum属的分类位置,自建属以来,争议较多,不同的作者对它的定义范围及其系统归属持不同的看法。在陕南、川北一带中志留统宁强组中。Idio-  相似文献   

前言榆林、神木、府谷煤田位于鄂尔多斯盆地东北缘.1982至1983年本单位陕北中生代课题组对该煤田区开展了多方面的煤田地质工作.笔者在测制考考乌素沟剖面时于延安组第二段中部采得大量双壳纲化石,经鉴定为 Hunanella-Margaritifera (Qiyangia)动物群.计有5属21种,这个动物群在我国北方神木地区为首次发现,对于我国  相似文献   

During the reproductive season, male Hyla versicolor produce advertisement calls to attract females. Females exhibit phonotaxis and approach the individual callers, resulting in amplexus. For frogs that call from dense choruses, the extent to which and the range from which a male’s advertisement call within a chorus can be heard by a receptive female leading to phonotaxis is unclear. We investigated females’ responses to natural choruses in the field and found that they were attracted and showed directed orientation to breeding choruses at distances up to 100 m. To assess the role of acoustic cues in the directed orientation, we conducted acoustic playback experiments in the laboratory using conspecific call and noise as stimuli, as well as chorus sounds (that contained calls from a focal male) recorded at various distances, all played at naturalistic intensities. Using two response metrics (females’ normalized response times and their phonotaxis trajectories) we found that, unlike the field experiments, females oriented and were attracted to chorus sounds from 1 to 32 m only, but not from >32 m, or to band-limited noise. Possible reasons for the observed difference in phonotaxis behavior in the two experimental conditions were discussed.  相似文献   

Reproduction of Tickell’s Leaf Warblers Phylloscopus affinis was studied in an alpine valley (29°27′N, 91°40′E, 3,980–5,600 m) in the Lhasa mountains, Tibet, at the upper elevational limit of the species’ breeding range. This species is a summer breeder, and is the only breeding Phylloscopus species in the valley. It nested in all types of shrubby vegetation across the altitudinal range of the valley. Most nests were placed close to the ground (<1 m) in low thorn bushes. Egg-laying dates fell between late May and early July, most within the first 3 weeks after the commencement of breeding. Mean clutch size was 4.0 (3–5) and mean brood size at fledging 3.4 (2–5). Incubation was by the females and lasted 13–14 days, and both parents cared for the young for 14–17 days. Nestlings ready to leave the nest were 13% heavier than the adults. Overall, 76% of nesting attempts produced at least one fledged young. Some aspects of the breeding biology of this high-altitude warbler were compared with those of lower-altitude Phylloscopus species.  相似文献   

The endangered Cook’s petrel (Pterodroma cookii) is restricted to two separated populations at the extremes of its former range across New Zealand. Prior work revealed morphological, foraging, and reproductive isolation between these two remnant populations. To aid the conservation management of the species, additional information is required on the genetic structure of Cook’s petrel. We used mitochondrial DNA sequences (Cytochrome Oxidase subunit 1 gene), collected from 26 and 19 Cook’s petrel breeding on Little Barrier Island (LBI) and Codfish Island (CDF), respectively, for this preliminary study. We uncovered distinct population genetic structure with analysis of molecular variance suggesting genetic isolation of the populations. Levels of genetic variation were higher in the LBI population (four haplotypes present; h = 0.34 and π = 0.10) whereas the CDF population had only one haplotype that was distinct from the LBI population. Our results indicate that Cook’s petrel constitute two distinct management units for which conservation of genetic as well as behavioural and morphological diversity should be a priority. Further genetic studies using nuclear markers are recommended.  相似文献   

Throughout the world, previously extensive areas of natural habitats have been degraded and fragmented, and improving habitat connectivity may help the long-term persistence of species, and their ability to adapt to climate changes. We focused on Borneo, where many remaining areas of tropical forest are highly fragmented, and we assessed the extent to which Protected Areas (PAs) protect highly-connected forest sites. We analysed remotely-sensed land cover data (0.86 km2 grid cell resolution) using ‘Zonation’ reserve design software, and we ranked grid cells (rank 0–1) according to forest extent and connectivity. PAs currently cover 9% of Borneo, but <20% of highly-connected cells (i.e. cells with Zonation ranks ≥0.9) lie within PAs. Approximately 65% of highly-connected cells were located above 400 m elevation, although >60% of Borneo’s total land area lies below 200 m and only 15% of highly-connected cells occurred in these low elevation areas. These findings were relatively insensitive to assumptions about species’ dispersal ability (within the range 1–20 km; representing relatively mobile animal species). The percentage of highly-connected grid cells within PAs could rise from <20 to >50% under proposed new PAs (including the ‘Heart of Borneo’ project), although many other highly-connected sites will remain unprotected. On-going land-use changes mean that existing PAs in lowland areas are likely to become increasingly isolated within inhospitable agricultural landscapes, and improving connectivity through reforestation and rehabilitation of degraded forest may be required to maintain the conservation value of these PAs in future.  相似文献   

Alzheimer’s disease is a complex neurodegenerative disorder. Several genes have been suggested as Alzheimer’s susceptibility factors, the apolipoprotein E (APOE) gene being an established susceptibility gene and the genes coding angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) and apolipoprotein C1 (APOC1) being considered possible candidate genes for the disease. The objective of this study was to investigate the association of ACE and APOC1 gene polymorphisms with susceptibility to Alzheimer’s disease and dementia in general, both alone and combined with the APOE gene. Forty-seven patients with dementia in general (35 of them with Alzheimer’s disease) and 85 controls were investigated. The haplotypes E*3/317*ins and E*4/317*ins of APOE/APOC1 genes were significantly more frequent in the groups with Alzheimer′s disease and dementia in general (P < 0.001). The frequency of the ACE*ins allele was also greater in the groups with Alzheimer’s disease and dementia in general (P = 0.022; P = 0.045), but genotype frequencies were only different in groups without the E*4/317*ins haplotype (P = 0.012 for Alzheimer’s disease; P = 0.04 for dementia). Our data point to important genetic interactions involved in these diseases.  相似文献   

A procedure for producing somatic embryos enriched with dibenzyl trisulfide (DTS) using a hormone-dependent culture system is reported for Petiveria alliacea L. (Guinea hen weed). Leaf explants were cultured on a Murashige and Skoog medium supplemented with a range of naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) concentrations and a fixed concentration of benzyladenine (BAP) at 11.0 μM and sucrose or glucose at 30 g l−1. Leaf explants cultured on all media types started to form callus at the cut surfaces of the discs 10–14 d after initiation. The type of sugar used influenced average fresh weight, the propensity to form roots, as well as the embryogenic response. The highest mean fresh weight (337.7 ± 26.18 mg) and mean root number (23.7 ± 1.69) was produced on media enriched with sucrose and supplemented with 53.7 μM NAA and 11.0 μM BAP. An ethanol extract of rhizogenic/embryogenic callus or somatic embryos was subjected to high-performance liquid chromatography analysis, which revealed the presence of DTS in both extracts. UV spectral analysis and the use of standard quantitation procedures showed that the quantity of DTS in the somatic embryo extract, at 0.16% (w/v), was approximately 30-fold higher than in rhizogenic/embryogenic callus (0.0055% w/v) of similar fresh weight. These results indicate that it is possible to biosynthesize approximately 6 mg of natural DTS from 3,808 mg of fresh somatic embryos within 10 wk from less than three leaf explants.  相似文献   

Home range and habitat use of male Reeves’s pheasant (Syrmaticus reevesii) were studied during winter of 2001∼2002 and 2002∼2003 in the Dongzhai National Nature Reserve, Henan Province. Results from five individuals of Reeves’s pheasant with over 30 relocations, indicated that the average size of home range was 10.03 ± 1.17 hm2 by Minimum Convex Polygon method, 8.60 ± 0.35 hm2 by 90% Harmonic Mean Transformation method, and 9.50 ± 1.90 hm2 by 95% Fixed Kernel method. It was observed that the winter range is smaller than that in the breeding season. The mean core area of the home range was found to be 1.88 ± 0.37 hm2. Although the habitat composition of the core area varied greatly for individuals, a large part of the habitats used were composed of confier and broadleaf mixed forests, masson pine forests, fir forests, and shrubs. Habitat use within the study area was non-random, while habitats within home ranges were randomly used. Habitat use was dictated by tree diameter at breast height, shrub height and coverage at 2.0 m. The proximity between forests and shrubs were also found to be important in providing refuge for the birds during winter. Recommendations for conservation management include protecting the existing habitats in Dongzhai National Nature Reserve, increasing suitable habitat for Reeves’s Pheasant through artificial plantations (e.g. firs), and restoring some parts of the large shrub area into forests. __________ Translated from Biodiversity Science, 2005, 13 (5) [译自: 生物多样性, 2005,13(5)]  相似文献   

The ecology and conservation status of Central Asian populations of Montagu’s Harriers Circus pygargus are poorly known. We studied the breeding biology of this species during 3 years in the Naurzum region, north-central Kazakhstan. Most Montagu’s Harriers in the study area nested in the forest-steppe transition area, in bushy areas dominated by dogrose Rosa canina, which was apparently the nesting vegetation type providing highest and densest nest cover in the study area. Laying occurred from 26 April to 7 June (average 13 May, n = 49) and, although it varied significantly between years, was earlier than in western European populations of similar latitude. Mean (±SD) clutch size was 4.44 ± 0.86 (range 2–6; n = 50), in the higher range observed for the species. There was no significant interannual variation in clutch size, despite large variations in the abundance of small mammals in the area. Diet was mainly composed of lizards (54.2%, n = 533 identified prey in all 3 years), with small mammals (17.1%), passerine birds (14.3%) and insects (13.6%) also being consumed. Mean brood size at the last visit was 2.55 ± 2.10 (range 0–6; n = 51). Failure rate was relatively high; the main identified cause of nest failure was predation. We compare the data obtained in this population breeding in natural steppes with breeding parameters from the well-studied western European populations, and discuss the implications for the conservation of this species.  相似文献   

The pollination of one plant species can be facilitated by the presence of one or more neighboring plant species and evidence has been found in some rewardless species of orchid that benefit from the presence of rewarding plant species in the neighborhood. There are two pollination mechanisms by which a non-rewarding orchid attracts pollinators and increases its reproductive success: (1) A magnetic species effect that occurs even though the flowers do not resemble those of the other species, and (2) floral mimicry where the mimic’s flower resembles that of the model plant species. Oncidium cosymbephorum is a Mexican rewardless epiphytic orchid whose flowers look like those of the rewarding shrub Malpighia glabra (Malpighiaceae). The resemblance of O. cosymbephorum to the oil-offering flowers of M. glabra attracts the same pollinators, and the fitness of the orchid is higher when M. glabra is present than when it is absent. We evaluated the facilitation by M. glabra of the orchid’s pollination for natural and artificial clumps of O. cosymbephorum close to and far from M. glabra over 4 years. Two experiments were performed at five different study sites to evaluate the effect of the presence and absence of M. glabra on the reproductive success of O. cosymbephorum. In experiment 1, we recorded fruit set production in natural and artificial monospecific clumps of the orchid, and in natural and artificial heterospecific clumps of O. cosymbephorum and M. glabra. In experiment 2, we recorded the fruit set of O. cosymbephorum at different sites where individuals grow in monospecific clumps, both before and after cultivated individuals of oil-producing M. glabra had been planted in their vicinity. Both experiments showed that the reproductive success of O. cosymbephorum was greater in the presence of M. glabra than it was in its absence. This study provides experimental evidence for the magnetic species effect. Floral similarity between O. cosymbephorum and M. glabra, should be experimentally tested to determine whether it is adaptive.  相似文献   

An efficient system to regenerate shoots on excised leaves of greenhouse-grown wild lowbush blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium Ait.) was developed in vitro. The effect of thidiazuron (TDZ) on adventitious bud and shoot formation from apical, medial, and basal segments of the leaves was tested. Leaf cultures produced multiple buds and shoots with or without an intermediary callus phase on 2.3–4.5 μM TDZ within 6 wk of culture initiation. The greatest shoot regeneration came from young expanding basal leaf segments positioned with the adaxial side touching the culture medium and maintained for 2 wk in darkness. Callus development and shoot regeneration depended not only on the polarity of the explants but also on the genotype of the clone that supplied the explant material. TDZ-initiated cultures were transferred to medium containing 2.3–4.6 μM zeatin and produced usable shoots after one additional subculture. Elongated shoots were dipped in 39.4 mM indole-3-butyric acid powder and planted on a peat:perlite soilless medium at a ratio of 3:2 (v/v), which yielded an 80–90% rooting efficiency. The plantlets were acclimatized and eventually established in the greenhouse with 75–85% survival.  相似文献   

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