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Diuresis at altitude was thought to be the result of chemoreceptor stimulation leading to a reduction of cardiac volume overload. This hypothesis was tested in ten young, healthy subjects by infusion of almitrine (0.5 mg.kg-1 body mass within 30 min) assuming analogous sites of action, i.e. arterial chemoreceptors and pulmonary vessels, for almitrine as for hypoxic hypoxia. The results show that almitrine increases ventilation, heart rate, systolic blood pressure, central venous pressure and natriuresis, but fails to increase significantly atrial natriuretic peptide plasma concentration and diuresis. It is concluded: (1) that almitrine has similar sites of action as hypoxic hypoxia at about 5000 m, (2) that natriuresis during arterial chemoreceptor stimulation might reduce cardiac volume overload, (3) that the volume excretion hypothesis, in particular the pathways from the cardiac volume overload to the water diuresis, need, for an understanding of the hypoxia-induced diuresis, further direct investigations at altitude.  相似文献   

Whilst hypoxia stimulates fetal peripheral chemoreceptors, fetal breathing movements do not increase as hypoxia also has central effects. We wondered whether specific stimulation of the arterial chemoreceptors by almitrine would produce a stimulation of fetal breathing movements. When almitrine was given to 5 intact and 3 peripherally-chemodenervated fetal sheep in utero, fetal breathing movements rapidly ceased for 1-12 h. There was also a decrease in the amount of time spent in low voltage electrocortical activity. The effects of almitrine are therefore similar to those of hypoxia, and are independent of the peripheral chemoreceptors. Thus it may be a valuable tool in the study of the control of fetal breathing.  相似文献   

The effects of 24-hour intracerebroventricular infusion of human atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) and two related fragments were studied in conscious sheep. ANF (1-28) had no effect on either mean arterial pressure (MAP) or heart rate (HR) when infused at 3 or 10 micrograms/hr, however a small diuresis and an increase in urinary sodium (Na) excretion was observed. The smaller fragment, ANF (5-27) infused at 10 micrograms/hr, increased MAP, HR and body temperature, although the same rate of infusion of ANF (5-28) was without effect. All peptides increased plasma sodium concentration and plasma osmolality. None of the peptides affected plasma ACTH, glucose or renin concentration. ANF (1-28) had no effect on either Na intake or water intake in Na-depleted sheep. These studies suggest that members of the ANF family can influence a number of physiological functions following central administration.  相似文献   

The carotid chemoreceptors of narcotized, vagotomized and spontaneously breathing hydropenic cats in hypertonic mannite diuresis were stimulated by perfusion with venous blood penic cats in hypertonic mannite diuresis were stimulated by perfusion with venous blood for 70 min. Elevation of blood pressure at the innervated kidneys was prevented by an automatically controlled balloon located within the aorta. Stimulation of the chemoreceptors intensified respiration and raised the arterial systemic pressure. With the renal arteries at constant pressure, the effective renal plasma flow and the glomerular filtration rate significantly declined. The filtration fraction remained unchanged. The absolute urinary and sodium excretion did not change significantly, whereas the fractional time-volume, fractional sodium excretion, and the fractional osmotic excretion significantly increased. The fractional tubular reabsorption of osmotically free water was significantly enhanced. These reactions subsided during subsequent perfusion of the glomerula carotici with arterial blood. The results suggest that tubular sodium reabsorption is inhibited by stimulation of the carotid chemoreceptors, although re-adjustment of renal perfusion and filtrate volume cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

Recent work suggests that hypophysectomized (HYPOX) rats show low levels of atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) and an attenuated diuresis and natriuresis to blood volume expansion. The purpose of this was (i) to examine the effect of various hormone replacements on ANF and renal excretion in HYPOX rats and (ii) to compare the renal responses to exogenous ANF in intact and HYPOX rats. Groups of rats received subcutaneous pellet implant of either dexamethasone (DEX), thyroxine (T4), or a placebo. Approximately 1 week later, they were anesthetized and subjected to a 20% blood volume expansion. DEX rats had a higher mean arterial pressure than placebo-treated rats while both MAP and heart rate were higher in T4 rats. Only the DEX rat showed augmented renal responses to volume expansion while no group showed significant changes in plasma ANF concentration during volume expansion. In a second series, groups of HYPOX rats received renal capsular transplants of either six hemi-pituitaries or six pieces of muscle which markedly raised serum prolactin levels in the hemi-pituitary group. The hemi-pituitary rats showed a greater diuresis and natriuresis during volume expansion than the muscle group and also showed a transient increase in plasma ANF. In addition, groups of either intact or HYPOX rats were anesthetized and received intravenous bolus injections of ANF. Both intact and HYPOX rats showed a very similar diuresis and natriuresis to exogenous ANF. However, potassium excretion was markedly reduced in HYPOX rats. The results show that DEX augments the renal responses to volume expansion by some mechanism which does not involve changes in plasma ANF. Thyroxine increases mean arterial pressure and heart rate in HYPOX rats but does not augment the renal or ANF responses to volume expansion. Chronic elevations in prolactin increase the renal response to volume expansion. Finally, the kidneys of HYPOX rats are capable of increasing sodium and water output in response to large doses of exogenous ANF.  相似文献   

Effect of native and synthetic atrial natriuretic factor on cyclic GMP   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
Mammalian atrial cardiocyte granules contain a potent natriuretic and diuretic peptide. Since cGMP appears to be involved in the modulation of cholinergic and toxin-induced sodium transport, we examined the effect of atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) on this nucleotide. Atrial but not ventricular extracts elicited approximately a 28-fold increase of urinary cGMP excretion parallel to the natriuresis and diuresis. The atrial extracts also elevated cGMP levels in kidney slices and primary cultures of renal tubular cells. The effect of ANF on cGMP appeared to be specific since antibodies which were capable of inhibiting the ANF-induced diuresis also suppressed cGMP excretion. Furthermore, during the course of ANF purification, the ANF-induced increase of cGMP production by kidney cells paralleled the heightened specific natriuretic activity of the atrial factor. A synthetic peptide (8-33)-ANF similarly increased urinary plasma and kidney tubular cGMP levels. The exact mechanism of action of ANF on cGMP remains to be elucidated, but indirect inhibition of cGMP phosphodiesterase appears to participate in its effect.  相似文献   

Atrial natriuretic factor inhibits vasopressin secretion in conscious sheep   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To test the hypothesis that atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) has a centrally mediated action on body fluid homeostasis, the effects of intracerebroventricularly (ICV) infused ANF on plasma vasopressin (AVP) concentration and urinary water and electrolyte excretion were investigated in euhydrated and water-deprived conscious sheep. ICV ANF decreased plasma AVP concentration and increased urinary free water excretion in euhydrated sheep, with excretion of Na and K unaltered. However, ICV ANF did not affect urinary volume, free water clearance, or excretion of Na and K in dehydrated animals, although plasma AVP concentration was significantly decreased. The relationship between urine volume and plasma AVP concentration was fitted by a power curve: urine volume = 0.79 X [AVP]-0.71; urine volume changes very little as a function of AVP concentration at the higher ranges. Intravenous infusion of the same amount of ANF was without effect on plasma AVP concentration or urinary excretion in both euhydrated and dehydrated animals. Mean arterial pressure was unchanged throughout all experiments. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that central ANF inhibits AVP secretion.  相似文献   

The acute effects of ethanol on plasma atrial natriuretic peptide levels were investigated in 4 clinically healthy males, aged 24-26 years, consumed either 750 ml of water as a control study, or the same beverage with 1 ml/kg alcohol added, which increased the plasma alcohol concentration to 99.12 +/- 15.10 mg/dl at 60 min. Plasma atrial natriuretic peptide levels were significantly higher in the alcohol study compared to the control study at each time point (10, 20, 30, 60, 120 min after drinking onset), and with a peak at 10 min. Atrial natriuretic peptide levels showed a positive significant correlation with plasma antidiuretic hormone in the control group, while no relationship was found between the two peptides in the alcohol study. Moreover, a significant correlation exists between plasma atrial natriuretic peptide levels and systolic arterial blood pressure, and heart rate, and between the variations in atrial natriuretic peptide values and the variations in plasma sodium, serum ethanol, and plasma osmolality in the alcohol study. Acute ethanol intake causes an increase in urinary volume, and a decrease in urinary potassium excretion and urinary osmolality, and no change in urinary sodium excretion. These data suggest that acute ethanol administration causes a rapid increase in plasma levels of atrial natriuretic peptide, which could be an important factor of ethanol-induced diuresis. The main mechanisms for increased atrial natriuretic peptide release from atria after acute ethanol ingestion seem to be atrial stretch, due to the increase in arterial blood pressure, in heart rate, in sympathetic tone, and in plasma osmolality, and to a direct secretory effect by antidiuretic hormone.  相似文献   

Biochemical mechanisms of atrial natriuretic factor action   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Since atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) is a natriuretic and vasodilatory hormone, its mechanisms of action expectedly involve so-called negative pathways of cell stimulation, notably cyclic nucleotides. Indeed, the guanylate cyclase-cyclic GMP (cGMP) system appears to be the principal mediator of ANF's action. Specifically, particulate guanylate cyclase, a membrane glycoprotein, transmits ANF's effects, as opposed to the activation of soluble guanylate cyclase such agents as sodium nitroprusside. The stimulation of particulate guanylate cyclase by ANF manifests several characteristics. One of them is the functional irreversibility of stimulation with its apparent physiological consequences: the extended impact of ANF on diuresis and vasodilation in vivo lasts beyond the duration of increased plasma ANF levels and is accompanied by a prolonged elevation of cGMP. Another characteristic is the parallelism between guanylate cyclase stimulation and increases of cGMP in extracellular fluids. cGMP egression appears to be an active process, yet its physiological implications remain to be uncovered. In heart failure, cGMP continues to reflect augmented ANF levels, suggesting that in this disease, the lack of an ANF effect on sodium excretion is due to a defect distal to cGMP generation. In hypertension, where ANF levels are either normal or slightly elevated, probably secondary to high blood pressure, the ANF responsiveness of the particulate guanylate cyclase-cGMP system, the hypotensive effects, diuresis and natriuresis are exaggerated. The implications of this exaggerated responsiveness of the ANF-cGMP system in the pathophysiology of hypertension and its potential therapeutic connotations remain to be evaluated.  相似文献   

To determine whether the renal responses to atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) are altered in the diabetic state, the diuretic and natriuretic responses to ANF (0.25 microgram.kg-1.min-1, i.v.) were measured in streptozotocin (STZ) induced diabetic (DIA) rats. Urine flow and sodium excretion were measured before and after ANF from innervated and denervated kidneys in anesthetized (Inactin 0.1 g/kg, i.p.) control and DIA rats (Sprague-Dawley rats injected with vehicle or STZ 65 mg/kg, i.p., respectively, 2 weeks prior to the experiment). Blood glucose levels were significantly elevated in the DIA group compared with the control group. ANF produced a significantly blunted diuresis and natriuresis in DIA rats compared with control rats. In addition, reducing the hyperglycemia in DIA rats by treatment with insulin (third group) reversed the blunted urine flow and sodium excretion responses to ANF. This study demonstrates that (i) there is a blunted natriuresis and diuresis to ANF in the STZ-induced DIA rats, and (ii) restoring the glucose levels to normal by insulin treatment in the DIA rats normalized the renal responses to ANF.  相似文献   

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