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海月水母的生殖   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
和振武 《生物学通报》1993,28(8):14-14,27
海月水母 Aurelia aurita(Linne,1758) 又称水水母。分布几乎遍及世界,主要在暖海和温带海区。我国大连、烟台、青岛等地沿海均有分布。海月水母为雌雄异体,4个褐色的马蹄形生殖腺位于胃囊的底部(图1,本文照片均见封三)在生殖季节(大连在7月中、下旬;烟台为8月上、中旬),精子或卵由生殖腺排出。大多数精子在口腕基沟区被运送至口腕末端,形成粘液  相似文献   

以濒危植物崖柏(Thuja sutchuenensis Franch.)为对象,对其生殖物候、传粉机制进行观察,并采用石蜡切片法对其胚胎发育过程进行研究。结果显示:崖柏于8月分化出大、小孢子叶球,次年3月传粉,为花粉无气囊、具传粉滴、胚珠直立型传粉机制,球果于10月开裂;显微观察发现,传粉期花粉进入珠孔后,贮藏在珠心上方的贮粉室内,同时珠心组织中分化出孢原细胞,进入雌配子体发育阶段,5月中旬,花粉管开始萌发,6月初完成受精,进入胚胎发育阶段,10月初,胚胎发育成熟。研究表明崖柏从大、小孢子叶球形成至种子成熟的整个发育过程中均存在败育,而胚珠败育及雌配子体游离核时期至幼胚发育期间的败育是其生殖障碍的主要原因。本研究获得了崖柏生殖生物学的基础资料,为其人工繁育和制定保护策略提供了重要依据。  相似文献   

花鼠(Eutamias sibiricus),别名:五道眉、花黎棒 似松鼠而形小,全身灰棕褐色,色泽鲜明。背部有显著的黑色纵纹。善于攀登树木和在灌丛、草丛间奔跑,多活动于林缘地带、地下掘洞栖息,也常营巢洞生活。主要以各种植物的种子为食,食谱很广。每年具有冬眠的特性,当年10月中旬至翌年4月初为冬眠期。每年4月中旬至5月末为发情期,每窝产仔3—6只。  相似文献   

以濒危植物崖柏(Thuja sutchuenensis Franch.)为对象,对其生殖物候、传粉机制进行观察,并采用石蜡切片法对其胚胎发育过程进行研究。结果显示:崖柏于8月分化出大、小孢子叶球,次年3月传粉,为花粉无气囊、具传粉滴、胚珠直立型传粉机制,球果于10月开裂;显微观察发现,传粉期花粉进入珠孔后,贮藏在珠心上方的贮粉室内,同时珠心组织中分化出孢原细胞,进入雌配子体发育阶段,5月中旬,花粉管开始萌发,6月初完成受精,进入胚胎发育阶段,10月初,胚胎发育成熟。研究表明崖柏从大、小孢子叶球形成至种子成熟的整个发育过程中均存在败育,而胚珠败育及雌配子体游离核时期至幼胚发育期间的败育是其生殖障碍的主要原因。本研究获得了崖柏生殖生物学的基础资料,为其人工繁育和制定保护策略提供了重要依据。  相似文献   

吴铱  彭中允 《昆虫学报》1954,(2):125-138
1.沟金针虫需2年以上完成一代生活史。越冬成虫2月下旬出土,3月中旬至4月中旬为活动盛期,产卵在1至2寸表土内,卵于5月初孵化,卵期为5至8星期。老熟幼虫8月下旬开始化蛹。9月中旬起羽化,蛹期约2星期。成虫羽化后即行越冬。 2.越冬幼虫2月底至3月中旬开始向表土活动(10厘米处地温8—12℃左右),3月中旬及4月全月是为害盛期(80%以上幼虫集中在1至2寸之表土内),8月至12月表土之幼虫密度极小(仅有虫1.2—6.8%),不致为害成灾。 3.沟金针虫之天敌除一种壁虱(Cheyletus sp.)和一种蜘蛛及蚂蚁外,尚有寄生菌2种,具中一种经鉴定为冬虫夏草(Cordyceps sp.)之一种。 4.小麦整地时适当深犁(5—7寸)并精耕细作能毁杀大部分蛹体及成虫,并可将幼虫翻上来供鸟类捕食(9,10月间97%老熟幼虫,在5—7寸土内化蛹及羽化,同时88%幼虫分布于1—7寸土内)。此外以芝麻与豆类为小麦前作及夏季休间结合翻耕曝晒亦能减少虫害损失。 5.沟金针虫在河南的主要为害期系在春季,所以早春於麦行间耩666毒土或毒沙以毒杀向表土上升之幼虫是值得继续研究的。  相似文献   

于2008~2010年在康定对大栗鳃金龟成虫的出土、取食,特别是交配、产卵等方面进行了研究。结果表明:在康定,成虫4月底开始出土,5月中旬至6月下旬为出土高峰期。成虫可进行多次交配,一次交配过程可以分为3个阶段,即交配前、交配中和交配后,平均交配时长为115.6 min±24.4 min(n=10)。交配日节律呈"M"形,分别在中午和晚上有一明显的高峰期。产卵前,成虫在地表以下10 cm左右做一圆形产卵室,将卵产于其中,堆状分布,初产卵粒为浅黄色,随后颜色逐渐变深。每室产卵33.7粒±7.0粒(n=10)。  相似文献   

全杜娟  魏岩  周晓青  严成 《生态学报》2012,32(11):3352-3358
通过对角果藜(Ceratocarpus arenarius L.)的地上与地下部分生长动态以及生物量配置进行研究,结合其生活周期内土壤含水量变化规律,分析了角果藜的生态适应对策。结果表明:①角果藜植株高度生长速率随时间变化呈"增加—减缓—增加"的模式,而根的生长速率呈"逐渐减缓"的模式。角果藜株高、垂直根的生长速率变化同土壤水分的变化密切相关。②地上部分生物量在5月果实初形成时期和8月至9月的果实成熟期形成两个高峰值。地下部分生物量在3月至5月增长缓慢,随后以最大增长速率迅速达到地下生物量的最大值。角果藜地上、地下生物量的积累动态体现了其与季节变化相吻合的生长发育特点。③具有地上地下结果性的角果藜的生殖配置高达40%以上,高于一次结实的草本植物的生殖投入。这些特性是角果藜适应荒漠生境生长策略选择的综合表现。  相似文献   

中国石龙子雄性生殖腺的年周期变化   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
胡健饶  杜继曾  计翔 《动物学报》2004,50(1):103-110
20 0 1年 3月至 2 0 0 2年 2月期间 ,通过每月捕捉浙江丽水中国石龙子 (Eumeceschinensis)雄性成体 ,解剖动物、观测性腺的形态和组织学特征 ,研究雄性生殖周期。睾丸重量和体积、附睾重、输精管重和曲细精管直径有显著的季节变化。睾丸 3月份最重 ,5-9月最轻。睾丸体积和重量的年周期变化规律一致。附睾 3月份最重 ,8-9月份最轻。输精管 4月最重 ,8-10月最轻。生精活动始于 9月下旬 ,翌年 4月最为活跃。 3月下旬曲细精管直径达全年最大值 ,管腔中开始出现呈穗状排列的精子。从基膜到管腔 ,各级生精细胞依次排列。 4月份生精上皮的生精活动最为活跃 ,5月下旬生精活动已近停止 ,7-8月份曲细精管管壁仅由精原细胞 (其间夹有支持细胞 )构成。根据曲细精管生精上皮的年周期变化规律 ,中国石龙子 8月份睾丸生精活动处于第Ⅰ期 ,9月至次年 2月份第Ⅱ期 ,3月上、中旬为Ⅲ期 ,3月底至 4月为Ⅳ期 ,5-6月份为Ⅴ期 ,7月份为Ⅵ期。 4月下旬附睾管腔中有大量的成熟精子 ,7月附睾管腔中已无精子。中国石龙子属于关联型繁殖周期  相似文献   

【目的】为了开展枯叶蛱蝶Kallimainachus(Doyére,1840)野生种群保育、人工繁育与利用,研究了近自然实验种群越冬雌成虫生殖休眠的性质、自然休眠期及其进展过程。【方法】根据卵母细胞的成熟度,划分繁殖季直接发育雌成虫的生殖发育进度等级;主要根据越冬早期雌成虫是否即时响应适宜条件恢复发育,判定其休眠性质为滞育或静息;通过定期检查放养在近自然条件下的越冬雌成虫的生殖发育进度,阐明其自然休眠期;通过定期将越冬成虫转至25℃、光照L︰D=15︰9和RH70%条件下保育不同天数后解剖检查其生殖细胞的发育情况,判断其滞育期和后滞育静息期。【结果】(1)繁殖季雌成虫在2日龄即开始卵黄沉积,至14日龄均已发育出成熟卵母细胞,其生殖发育被划分为4个等级,日龄与发育等级呈显著线性相关。(2)将羽化于10月上旬、放养在近自然条件下的越冬雌成虫从其11日龄开始,保育在25℃条件下12 d,其生殖发育仍无启动迹象。(3)羽化于9月8日、放养于近自然条件下的雌成虫,在其10日龄时,绝大多数处于休眠状态,少量个体继续发育;羽化于10月1日的雌成虫,从10月中旬至12月下旬,几乎所有个体均处于休眠状态;次年1月上旬,部分个体的卵母细胞发育开始启动。(4)12月上旬,所有检查的近自然实验种群雌成虫均不能在25℃条件下迅速恢复生殖发育;12月下旬,大部分个体在25℃条件下恢复发育。但仍有少量个体未显示发育恢复迹象,体现了个体间存在滞育强度的差异。【结论】枯叶蛱蝶的越冬生殖休眠为典型的滞育;近自然条件下,绝大多数雌成虫从9月中旬到1月下旬处于休眠状态,部分个体在次年1月初开始生殖发育;越冬雌成虫在12月上旬前处于滞育维持阶段,自12月下旬开始逐渐进入后滞育静息期。  相似文献   

2013年3~10月,使用红外监控设备对哈尔滨市松北区某狗獾养殖场的24只笼养东北亚种狗獾(Meles meles amurensis)的繁殖行为进行全天候观察记录。狗獾3月末至5月初交配,翌年3月末至4月初产仔,妊娠期长达11~12个月。以往国内文献报道狗獾交配时间主要分布于7~8月,这种交配时间的变化表明其延迟着床的时间可能也存在较大变化。对交配期内全天各时段交配频次的观察发现,交配可在全天任一时间段发生,昼、夜差异不大。交配时长10~110 min,多数交配的时长为60~80 min。观察还发现,狗獾交配期内交配频次和时长具有明显的周期性变化。  相似文献   

大鳍鳠鱼体能量密度及其预测模型   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
于2000年11月至2001年10月由嘉陵江收集野生大鳍鳠成鱼100尾,其中冬季(12月)、春季(3月)、繁殖前(6月)、繁殖后(8月)、秋季(10月)雌雄各10尾。测定了这10个样本的鱼体能量密度及生化组成。统计分析结果表明:鱼体各生化成分含量,能量密度的性别间差异在各个季度均不显。在雌性群体中,秋季样本的蛋白质含量(16.23%),脂肪含量(5.84%),干物质含量(26.67%)和能量密度(6.14kJ/g)显高于其余各样本的相应指标。春季样本中鱼体脂肪含量和能量密度最低(2.39%,4.55kJ/g)。在雄性群体中,秋季样本的蛋白质含量(16.34%)与能量密度(5.85kJ/g)最高;春季样本中脂肪含量(1.3l%)、干物质含量(22.49%)、能量密度(4.16k.J/g)最低。各样本能量密度均分别与干物质和脂肪含量呈显的直线相关关系。通过协方差分析,将雌性群体中冬季、春季、秋季以及繁殖后样本共4个样本的能量密度与干物质含量的公共回归方程作为以干物质含量(D)预测大鳍鳠雌性群体在非繁殖期能量密度(E)的预测模型:E=-5.573 0.437D;将繁殖前雌性样本的能量密度与干物质含量的回归方程作为预测大鳍鳠雌性群体在繁殖期的能量密度的预测模型:E=-0.605 0.250D;将冬季、春季、秋季以及繁殖后雄性4个样本的能量密度与干物质含量的公共回归方程作为预测大鳍鳠雄性群体在非繁殖期的能量密度的预测模型:E=-6.046 0.456D;将繁殖前雄性样本的能量密度与干物质含量回归方程作为预测大鳍鳠雄性群体在繁殖期的能量密度的预测模型:E=-3.64 0.366D。  相似文献   

The reproductive cycle of the Nile crocodile ( Crocodylus niloticus ) was studied in Zimbabwe. Females attained sexual maturity after they had reached a total length of about 262 to 287 cm and males, 270 to 295 cm. Some adult females did not reproduce every year. Follicle growth and vitellogenesis occurred from April to mid August during the dry winter. During this time reproductive females had elevated levels of plasma oestradiol-17β, testosterone, calcium and magnesium, but lowered levels of iron. The measuring of plasma calcium was an 'early pregnancy' test, reliable up to four months before nesting. Elevated levels of plasma testosterone in reproductive females corresponded to the time of courtship and mating. Ovulation occurred during the latter half of August. Males had viable sperm from mid May to mid September, during the winter. Courtship and mating occurred from late June to mid August, when crocodiles were confined to pools. Females nested on the higher sand ridges in the dry river bed from early September to early October, and eggs hatched during December.  相似文献   

皖西南的潜山地处白背飞虱Sogatella furcifera(Horváth)南北往返迁飞的转折点,既是北迁种群的迁入区,又是后期回迁种群形成的重要虫源区。解析此地白背飞虱种群发生的全过程,可为白背飞虱的异地预测和源头治理提供理论依据和技术支撑。本研究利用HYSPLIT轨迹分析平台和MICAPS天气分析系统模拟分析了潜山白背飞虱2009年6个迁入峰次的虫源地和迁入代种群的形成,又通过田间系统调查与雌虫卵巢系统解剖研究了2009年潜山白背飞虱田间发生动态和世代种群性质及回迁种群的形成。结果表明:(1)2009年潜山白背飞虱的迁入虫源6月上旬来自赣西及湘赣交界地区(27.2°N~28.7°N),6月中下旬来自湘南和湘东南地区(25.1°N~26.7°N),7月上旬和下旬来自湘东和赣西地区(27.1°N~28.5°N),7月中旬来自湘东南和赣南地区(25.5°N~26.8°N),7月底8月初来自赣北和赣西北(28.1°N~29.4°N)。(2)2009年潜山白背飞虱在中稻田和晚稻田滞留危害,发生危害期延长,为后期回迁提供了大量的虫源。(3)确定了潜山稻区的中稻田和双季晚稻田各发生世代的虫源性质。2009年,白背飞虱迁入种群在中稻上繁殖一个世代后,新羽化的成虫(第3代,7月下旬至8月中旬)因连续降雨而大量滞留本地继续为害中稻田,其后再迁入晚稻田危害并大量增殖,形成第4代(8月下旬至9月中旬)回迁种群大量南迁。此期仍有部分个体滞留,所形成的第5代为无效虫源。  相似文献   

Examination of mule deer, Odocoileus hemionus, from Wyoming in Spring, 1974 (8) and in Winter of 1974-75 (8) revealed trypanosomes in all 16 deer. Spring samples showed dividing epimastigotes as well as normal bloodstream forms. Winter samples showed only normal blood stream forms. These differences are considered to be seasonally related.  相似文献   

The occurrence of Marteilioides chungmuensis, a protozoan paramyxean parasite in the reproductive system of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas, was observed at Gosung Bay, Korea. Seasonal variation in gonad development was investigated in a suspended cultured oyster population. Gametogenesis began in February and first-spawning was observed between mid and late June when surface water temperature reached 22 to 25 degrees C. Spawning activity extended from mid June to late September, with 2 marked spawning peaks in June and August. Histological examination indicated that gonad development paralleled seasonal fluctuations in water temperature. Spawning in late June was partly associated with a sudden drop in salinity due to large freshwater inputs to the Bay with the summer monsoon. M. chungmuensis occurred in developing and fully mature eggs of spawning oysters in late June to January, but were not observed from February to May. Monthly mean infection intensity was high in late June when most oysters had their first spawning period. The infection level was also relatively high in late August and November, when oysters were spawning or had completed spawning. Several oysters collected in November (11.4%) and December (16.3%) carried a large quantity of ripe but M. chungmuensis-infected eggs, suggesting that infection also causes spawning failure by delaying spawning and destroying ripe oocytes.  相似文献   

结合田间观察和室内试验,对榆木蠹蛾HolcocerusvicariusWalker的生物学特性进行了较为系统的研究。结果表明,榆木蠹蛾在宁夏3年发生1代,幼虫主要危害枝干和根颈部,幼虫在蛀道内越冬,5月下旬老熟幼虫在被害树周围5—10cm深的沙土内分散化蛹,蛹期(21±5)d。6月初成虫开始出现,有2个羽化高峰,分别为6月中旬和7月下旬,成虫羽化当晚即可交尾,交尾当天或第2天产卵,每雌蛾产卵最多达720粒,卵期(17±5)d,孵化率为72%~88%。未交尾雌雄成虫寿命为5—6d,交尾后雌雄成虫寿命缩短为3—5d。初孵幼虫于6月中旬始见,10月下旬幼虫开始越冬。幼虫孵化后,先危害韧皮部,常10多条聚集在一起,稍大一点即蛀入木质部。本研究为制定切实可行的榆木蠹蛾有效防治提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Hatching success, egg incubation, emergence and hatchling characteristics were assessed for 44 naturally incubating nests of Testudo graeca in south-western Spain. Nest predation rate was 4.5% and overall hatching success was 82.4%. Incubation periods ranged from 78 to 114 days, and hatchlings delayed emergence from the nest from one to 23 days. Emergences occurred from mid August to late September, and were not correlated with nesting dates, but earlier laid nests had longer incubation times, which was probably owing to lower temperatures experienced by clutches laid at the beginning of the nesting season. Variance of hatchling body size and mass was high and was mainly influenced by the gravid female. Mean straight carapace length was 34.14mm, and mean body mass 10.8g. Hatchlings from clutches laid last in the nesting season had significantly better physical condition. Hatchling mass was positively correlated with egg mass, and both variables were positively correlated with emergence date. Both better physical condition and relatively late emergence may confer advantages to hatchlings in the face of unfavourable environmental conditions in autumn.  相似文献   

黄檀丑舟蛾生物学特性及防治的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄檀丑舟蛾是南岭黄檀的重要食叶害虫,该虫在福建南平一年发生6代,以蛹在疏松土壤中越冬,翌年5月初成虫开始羽化。雌虫产卵于嫩叶上,成块。每雌产卵82-306粒。幼虫5龄,各代幼虫的危害盛期;第一代5月下旬至6旬上旬。第二代6月下旬,第三代7月下旬,第四代8月中旬,第五代9月下旬,第六代11月上旬至中旬。试验表明,20%杀灭菊酯4000倍液或80%敌敌畏2000倍液对幼虫均有良好的毒杀效果。  相似文献   

The cottony cushion scale, Icerya purchasi Maskell (Hemiptera: Monophlebidae), is a polyphagous, cosmopolitan and destructive pest of citrus. This study was conducted to obtain the stage-specific phenology of I. purchasi for seasonal management strategies in the field. Movement of crawlers (hatched nymphs) in egg sacs of overwintered females started in late May, peaked in early to mid-June, and was completed by late June. Generally, the 1st generation occurred from late May until late September and the overlapping second generation occurred from early September. The 1st nymphs in the 1st generation peaked in mid June. The 2nd nymphs showed peak activity in late July. The 3rd nymphs showed peak population in early September. The 1st generation adults peaked in mid September. In the 2nd generation, the 1st nymphs peaked in early October, the 2nd nymphs showed peak activity in late October, and the 3rd nymphs reached a plateau after mid October. The 2nd generation adults occurred from late October. Consequently, two life cycles were competed in the Jeju area. The average fertilities of I. purchasi were 623 and 247 crawlers per female in overwintered and summer generations, respectively. An average of 20.7% of all citrus orchards was infested with I. purchasi, with a mean of 3.9% infested trees in Jeju. These results should be useful in establishing management strategies for I. purchasi in citrus orchards.  相似文献   

The seasonal cycle and population dynamics of Schizotetranychus nanjingensis Ma and Yuan, Aponychus corpuzae Rimando (Tetranychidae), Aculus bambusae Kuang (Eriophyidae) and their natural enemy Typhlodromus bambusae Ehara (Phytoseiidae) were studied during 1996–1998 in moso bamboo forests in Nanping, Fujian, China. Damage to bamboo leaves was often caused by mixed populations of the three phytophagous species, which displayed different seasonal dynamics: S. nanjingensis fed actively and reproduced in May and from late July to late October (aestivating from June to mid July), Ap. corpuzae was active and reproduced from mid July to late November, and Ac. bambusae from July to next February. During Spring S. nanjingensis was the dominant species with the greatest niche width, but in Summer Ac. bambusae and Ap. corpuzae became dominant and had greater niche widths. In Autumn, Ac. bambusae decreased but both S. nanjingensis and Ap. corpuzae mites increased and the latter became dominant. In winter all species decreased sharply in number. The two spider mite species (S. nanjingensis and Ap. corpuzae) had high niche overlaps in all four seasons. Niche overlaps between the eriophyid Ac. bambusae and the two spider mites were similarly high except during the spring when Ac. bambusae was absent. The predatory mite (T. bambusae) had higher niche overlap with Ap. corpuzae than with others during Autumn and Winter, but during Spring and Summer niche overlap was higher with S. nanjingensis.  相似文献   

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