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Understanding how plant species richness influences the diversity of herbivorous and predatory/parasitic arthropods is central to community ecology.We explore the effects of crop species richness on the diversity of pest insects and their natural enemies.Using data from a four-year experiment with five levels of crop species richness,we found that crop species richness significantly affected the pest species richness,but there were no significant effects on richness of the pests’natural enemies.In contrast,the species richness of pest insects significantly affected their natural enemies.These findings suggest a cascade effect where trophic interactions are strong between adjacent trophic levels,while the interactions between connected but nonadjacent trophic levels are weakened by the intermediate trophic level.High crop species richness resulted in a more stable arthropod community compared with communities in monoculture crops.Our results highlight the complicated cross-trophic interactions and the crucial role of crop diversity in the food webs of agro-ecosystems.  相似文献   

Areawide management has a long history of achieving solutions that target pests, however, there has been little focus on the areawide management of arthropod natural enemies. Landscape ecology studies that show a positive relationship between natural enemy abundance and habitat diversity demonstrate landscape‐dependent pest suppression, but have not yet clearly linked their findings to pest management or to the suite of pests associated with crops that require control. Instead the focus has often been on model systems of single pest species and their natural enemies. We suggest that management actions to capture pest control from natural enemies may be forth coming if: (i) the suite of response and predictor variables focus on pest complexes and specific management actions; (ii) the contribution of “the landscape” is identified by assessing the timing and numbers of natural enemies immigrating and emigrating to and from the target crop, as well as pests; and (iii) pest control thresholds aligned with crop development stages are the benchmark to measure impact of natural enemies on pests, in turn allowing for comparison between study regions, and generalizations. To achieve pest control we will need to incorporate what has been learned from an ecological understanding of model pest and natural enemy systems and integrate areawide landscape management with in‐field pest management.  相似文献   

Biological control, defined as the reduction of pest populations by natural enemies, is often a component of integrated pest management strategies. Augmentation of natural enemy numbers by planned releases is a common biological control method, the successes and failures of which have been extensively reviewed. The effectiveness of biological control is influenced by how populations of predators and prey (or hosts and parasitoids) disperse in patchy environments. Here, we address the question of whether such dispersal leads to beneficial or detrimental pest control outcomes by developing a simple predator-prey model with constant releases of natural enemies in a two-patch environment. Theoretical and numerical results for all possible cases indicate that population dispersal has significant effects on the persistence of pests. For some ranges of dispersal rates or parameter space, dispersal is beneficial for pest control measures but this is not so for other ranges when it is detrimental. Therefore, knowledge of pest and natural enemy dispersal is crucial for understanding the effectiveness of biological control in a patchy environment. Finally, the model is generalised for multi-patch systems.  相似文献   

The goal of banker plant systems is to sustain a reproducing population of natural enemies within a crop that will provide long-term pest suppression. The most common banker plant system consists of cereal plants infested with Rhopalosiphum padi L. as a host for the parasitoid Aphidius colemani L. Aphidius colemani continually reproduce and emerge from the banker plants to suppress aphid pests such as Aphis gossypii Glover and Myzus persicae Sulzer. Banker plant systems have been investigated to support 19 natural enemy species targeting 11 pest species. Research has been conducted in the greenhouse and field on ornamental and food crops. Despite this there is little consensus of an optimal banker plant system for even the most frequently targeted pests. Optimizing banker plant systems requires future research on how banker plants, crop species, and alternative hosts interact to affect natural enemy preference, dispersal, and abundance. In addition, research on the logistics of creating, maintaining, and implementing banker plant systems is essential. An advantage of banker plant systems over augmentative biological control is preventative control without repeated, expensive releases of natural enemies. Further, banker plants conserve a particular natural enemy or potentially the ‘right diversity’ of natural enemies with specific alternative resources. This may be an advantage compared to conserving natural enemy diversity per se with other conservation biological control tactics. Demonstrated grower interest in banker plant systems provides an opportunity for researchers to improve biological control efficacy, economics, and implementation to reduce pesticide use and its associated risks.  相似文献   

We examined the potential local‐ and landscape‐level impacts of different biofuel production systems on biocontrol, an important service provided by arthropod natural enemies. Specifically, we sampled natural enemies with sweep nets and measured predation of sentinel pest eggs in stands of corn, switchgrass and mixed prairie in Michigan and Wisconsin (total n=40 for natural enemy sampling, n=60 for egg predation), relating them to crop type, forb cover and diversity, and the composition and heterogeneity of the surrounding landscape. Grasslands with intermediate levels of forb cover and flower diversity supported two‐orders of magnitude more natural enemy biomass, fourfold more natural enemy families, and threefold greater rates of egg predation than corn. Data suggest this was in part due to a general increase in biomass, richness and predation in perennial grasslands compared with corn, combined with a positive effect of intermediate levels of forb cover and flower diversity. Specifically, natural enemy biomass and family richness showed hump‐shaped relationships to forb cover that peaked in sites with 5–25% forbs, while egg predation increased with floral diversity. At the landscape scale, both natural‐enemy biomass and egg predation increased with the area of forest in the landscape, and egg predation almost doubled as the area of herbaceous, perennial habitats within 1.5 km of study sites increased. Our results suggest that floristically diverse, perennial grasslands support diverse and abundant predator communities that contribute to natural pest suppression. In addition, large‐scale production of biofuel crops could positively or negatively affect biocontrol services in agricultural landscapes through associated changes in the area of perennial habitats. Biofuel landscapes that incorporate perennial grasslands could support a variety of beneficial organisms and ecosystem services in addition to producing biomass.  相似文献   

Importation of exotic natural enemies for biological control of insect pests entails risks to the environment. Pre-release estimates of the likelihood of achieving successful control would be helpful in avoiding ineffective importations. Based on strong evidence of multi-trophic level interactions in terrestrial ecosystems, we tested whether variation in ecological and biological factors found at the plant and herbivore trophic levels (levels one and two) could be used to create a simple, empirically based formula, capable of estimating the probability of successful biological control against holometabolous insect pests. We constructed a database consisting of 828 records of biological control attempts against 91 pest insect species and used stepwise logistic regression to test whether five basic features of the ecosystem, crop, and pest (habitat type, crop use, pest order, pest feeding niche, and damage severity) were correlated with rates of successful control. Natural enemy characteristics were not included in the model. The final model included 10 significant independent variables, nine of which were two-way interactions; all five basic ecosystem features appeared in significant interactions. The model provided good estimates of historical success rates against pest species in the data set. In a further test, the model was able to correctly rank amenability to biological control for 10 pest species not included in the original data set. These results provide evidence that lower trophic level factors can be useful in the search for a predictive formula for biological control.  相似文献   

大豆田节肢动物群落优势种群时间生态位及营养关系分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
【目的】阐明大豆田节肢动物群落时间生态位及营养关系,为大豆害虫生态调控手段的实施提供坚实的理论依据。【方法】以大豆田节肢动物群落为研究对象,通过两年的田间系统调查分析。【结果】统计得到种类220余种,物种可分为天敌、害虫和中性昆虫3个类群,以天敌物种丰富度最高;害虫中以烟蓟马Thrips tabaci(0.36902)和大豆蚜Aphis glycines(0.13122)优势度最高,且有着较高的生态位重叠指数(0.8163),蚜小蜂Aphytis sp.和大草蛉Chrysopa septempunctata对害虫的时间生态位重叠指数很高,其他天敌如异色瓢虫Harmonia axyridis、龟纹瓢虫Propylaea japonica、黑带食蚜蝇Zyistrophe balteata和黑食蚜盲蝽Deraeocoris punctulatus等对害虫的重叠指数居中;大豆田中各类群构成错综复杂的食物网结构。【结论】综合考虑天敌的种群数量,确定捕食性天敌是控制害虫种群数量的有效天敌。研究可知不能单纯从时间生态位的重叠指数的高低来判断天敌的控制能力。  相似文献   

Population dynamics of pest insect-natural enemy systems on annual crops is quite different from those seen in classic biological control programes. On an annual crop, for example, the persistence of populations of pest insects is forced to terminate when crops are harvested. Pest control on annual crops aims to suppress the maximum density of the pest below a certain level, and a low level equilibrium is not always the aim. It is important to determine the initial impact just after release of a natural enemy in order to determine the success of a biological control program. Therefore, effectiveness of natural enemies should be evaluated by prediction of such short-term population dynamics. This paper presents a new and simple analytical model for successful biological control on annual crops. A criterion of successful biological control is given as the ratio of the pest and natural enemy populations just when the pest begins to decrease. This ratio is derived from the intrinsic rates of natural increase of both populations and the daily total predation by natural enemies. Using this model, criteria on appropriate number and time of release of natural enemies are obtained. The practical applications of this model are discussed with respect to evaluating the success or failure of natural enemy releases in future biological control programs.  相似文献   

Many studies in recent years have investigated the relationship between landscape complexity and pests, natural enemies and/or pest control. However, no quantitative synthesis of this literature beyond simple vote-count methods yet exists. We conducted a meta-analysis of 46 landscape-level studies, and found that natural enemies have a strong positive response to landscape complexity. Generalist enemies show consistent positive responses to landscape complexity across all scales measured, while specialist enemies respond more strongly to landscape complexity at smaller scales. Generalist enemy response to natural habitat also tends to occur at larger spatial scales than for specialist enemies, suggesting that land management strategies to enhance natural pest control should differ depending on whether the dominant enemies are generalists or specialists. The positive response of natural enemies does not necessarily translate into pest control, since pest abundances show no significant response to landscape complexity. Very few landscape-scale studies have estimated enemy impact on pest populations, however, limiting our understanding of the effects of landscape on pest control. We suggest focusing future research efforts on measuring population dynamics rather than static counts to better characterise the relationship between landscape complexity and pest control services from natural enemies.  相似文献   

Conservation biological control and enemy diversity on a landscape scale   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
Conservation biological control in agroecosystems requires a landscape management perspective, because most arthropod species experience their habitat at spatial scales beyond the plot level, and there is spillover of natural enemies across the crop–noncrop interface. The species pool in the surrounding landscape and the distance of crop from natural habitat are important for the conservation of enemy diversity and, in particular, the conservation of poorly-dispersing and specialized enemies. Hence, structurally complex landscapes with high habitat connectivity may enhance the probability of pest regulation. In contrast, generalist and highly vagile enemies may even profit from the high primary productivity of crops at a landscape scale and their abundance may partly compensate for losses in enemy diversity. Conservation biological control also needs a multitrophic perspective. For example, entomopathogenic fungi, plant pathogens and endophytes as well as below- and above-ground microorganisms are known to influence pest-enemy interactions in ways that vary across spatiotemporal scales. Enemy distribution in agricultural landscapes is determined by beta diversity among patches. The diversity needed for conservation biological control may occur where patch heterogeneity at larger spatial scales is high. However, enemy communities in managed systems are more similar across space and time than those in natural systems, emphasizing the importance of natural habitat for a spillover of diverse enemies. According to the insurance hypothesis, species richness can buffer against spatiotemporal disturbances, thereby insuring functioning in changing environments. Seemingly redundant enemy species may become important under global change. Complex landscapes characterized by highly connected crop–noncrop mosaics may be best for long-term conservation biological control and sustainable crop production, but experimental evidence for detailed recommendations to design the composition and configuration of agricultural landscapes that maintain a diversity of generalist and specialist natural enemies is still needed.  相似文献   

Agroecosystems consist on complex trophic relationships among host plants, herbivores and their natural enemies. This article reviews the research of plant volatiles in Brazil, in order to determine multiple resistance mechanisms of economically important crops and to contribute to the understanding of insect-plant interactions. Most pest management programs, including chemical and biological control, do not consider the impact of these chemicals on herbivores and their natural enemies. Alternative control methods are being developed in order to improve our understanding on the endogenous mechanisms of plant induced defenses against phytophagous arthropods. The use of plant volatiles technology as an additional tool in integrated pest management programs would offer a new and environmentally sound approach to crop protection. This technique involves the development of baits that attract beneficial organisms and the manipulation of biochemical processes that induce and regulate plant defenses, key factors in the improvement of control programs against economically important pests. The elucidation of the mechanisms involved in the indirect defenses of plants will result in useful tools for biological control of crop pests.  相似文献   

Sri Lanka is a tropical island with a rich diversity of arthropods, with many species of indigenous natural enemies of economic pests. However, no extensive island wide surveys have been carried out for natural enemies of major crop ecosystems and only a few of the indigenous natural enemies are reported useful for augmentation biological pest control by massive field releases of laboratory-produced insects. Most successful biological control programs on the island are importation (i.e. classical) biological control programs, where established exotic natural enemies control certain pest populations in valuable crops. There is growing interest in the use of native natural enemies in pest management, thus creating a need for intensive research on the ecology of indigenous natural enemies and development of infrastructure and technology to produce natural enemies for augmentation. This paper examines constraints and opportunities for implementation of biological control in Sri Lanka.  相似文献   

To manage agroecosystems for multiple ecosystem services, we need to know whether the management of one service has positive, negative, or no effects on other services. We do not yet have data on the interactions between pollination and pest‐control services. However, we do have data on the distributions of pollinators and natural enemies in agroecosystems. Therefore, we compared these two groups of ecosystem service providers, to see if the management of farms and agricultural landscapes might have similar effects on the abundance and richness of both. In a meta‐analysis, we compared 46 studies that sampled bees, predatory beetles, parasitic wasps, and spiders in fields, orchards, or vineyards of food crops. These studies used the proximity or proportion of non‐crop or natural habitats in the landscapes surrounding these crops (a measure of landscape complexity), or the proximity or diversity of non‐crop plants in the margins of these crops (a measure of local complexity), to explain the abundance or richness of these beneficial arthropods. Compositional complexity at both landscape and local scales had positive effects on both pollinators and natural enemies, but different effects on different taxa. Effects on bees and spiders were significantly positive, but effects on parasitoids and predatory beetles (mostly Carabidae and Staphylinidae) were inconclusive. Landscape complexity had significantly stronger effects on bees than it did on predatory beetles and significantly stronger effects in non‐woody rather than in woody crops. Effects on richness were significantly stronger than effects on abundance, but possibly only for spiders. This abundance‐richness difference might be caused by differences between generalists and specialists, or between arthropods that depend on non‐crop habitats (ecotone species and dispersers) and those that do not (cultural species). We call this the ‘specialist‐generalist’ or ‘cultural difference’ mechanism. If complexity has stronger effects on richness than abundance, it might have stronger effects on the stability than the magnitude of these arthropod‐mediated ecosystem services. We conclude that some pollinators and natural enemies seem to have compatible responses to complexity, and it might be possible to manage agroecosystems for the benefit of both. However, too few studies have compared the two, and so we cannot yet conclude that there are no negative interactions between pollinators and natural enemies, and no trade‐offs between pollination and pest‐control services. Therefore, we suggest a framework for future research to bridge these gaps in our knowledge.  相似文献   

Terrestrial landscapes, including those with embedded agroecosystems, are a mosaic of cover types varying in size. Creating or maintaining habitats that support natural enemy populations to combat agricultural pests is the primary method of conservation biological control. Non-crop habitats can be managed in an attempt to maximize the exchange of natural enemies with adjacent agroecosystems with the expectation that they will suppress damaging pest outbreaks. Despite this goal, current habitat management relying on natural enemy spillover into crops has been unreliably effective at reducing pest abundance or increasing crop yield. Furthermore, the expansion and intensification of agriculture and changes in global climate patterns threaten the foundations of conservation biological control in future agroecosystems. However, the aquatic–terrestrial interface offers a natural boundary similar to the one between agroecosystems and their neighboring non-crop habitats that can provide useful insights to the challenges facing growers. Research of the exchanges between water and land suggests general biological and physical processes that govern the movement of organisms between disparate habitats. We propose that like aquatic insects moving from water to land, natural enemy dispersal from non-crop donor habitats into recipient crop patches on the landscape is a function of (1) the production of natural enemies in the source habitat which establishes the abundance of organisms that can disperse, (2) how and why mobile natural enemies disperse themselves into neighboring recipient habitats, and (3) the configuration of donor and recipient habitats on the landscape. We suggest that conservation biological control practitioners can focus on these main components of natural enemy production and dispersal to predict the effectiveness of conservation biological control measures and guide their adaptation to future global change.  相似文献   

The suppression of agricultural pests has often been proposed as an important service of natural enemy diversity, but few experiments have tested this assertion. In this study we present empirical evidence that increasing the richness of a particular guild of natural enemies can reduce the density of a widespread group of herbivorous pests and, in turn, increase the yield of an economically important crop. We performed an experiment in large field enclosures where we manipulated the presence/absence of three of the most important natural enemies (the coccinellid beetle Harmonia axyridis, the damsel bug Nabis sp., and the parasitic wasp Aphidius ervi) of pea aphids (Acyrthosiphon pisum) that feed on alfalfa (Medicago sativa). When all three enemy species were together, the population density of the pea aphid was suppressed more than could be predicted from the summed impact of each enemy species alone. As crop yield was negatively related to pea aphid density, there was a concomitant non‐additive increase in the production of alfalfa in enclosures containing the more diverse enemy guild. This trophic cascade appeared to be influenced by an indirect interaction involving a second herbivore inhabiting the system – the cowpea aphid, Aphis craccivora. Data suggest that high relative densities of cowpea aphids inhibited parasitism of pea aphids by the specialist parasitoid, A. ervi. Therefore, when natural enemies were together and densities of cowpea aphids were reduced by generalist predators, parasitism of pea aphids increased. This interaction modification is similar to other types of indirect interactions among enemy species (e.g. predator–predator facilitation) that can enhance the suppression of agricultural pests. Results of our study, and those of others performed in agroecosystems, complement the broader debate over how biodiversity influences ecosystem functioning by specifically focusing on systems that produce goods of immediate relevance to human society.  相似文献   

N. C. Leppla  E. G. King 《BioControl》1996,41(3-4):343-360
The immediate goals for improving natural enemy production are to reduce costs, increase efficacy and provide additional species for pest management. This paper describes expanding markets for natural enemies that are or could be produced commercially, gives operational and experimental examples of parasitoid and predator production for use in field crop biological control, defines some of the obstacles and makes recommendations for producing and using natural enemies. Additionally, it provides recent published guidance for implementing biological control in Integrated Pest Management.  相似文献   

Predators of apple and pear pests in northern and central Europe and their use as biological control agents are reviewed. Many natural enemy species are specialized feeders and are able to respond to the population dynamics of particular pest species. The most oustandingly successful example of this is the use of phytoseiid mites, particularly Typhlodromus pyri , against phytophagous pest mites in apple. This mite management strategy is now widespread throughout European apple growing regions. Another example is the use of Anthocoris nemoralis against pear psyllids, Cacopsylla pyricola and C. pyri . Several groups of naturally occurring polyphagous predators, such as chrysopids, coccinellids, syrphids and spiders, also prey on a number of pest species in orchards, contributing generally to the reduction in pest populations. However, they are unlikely alone to prevent pest damage fully and reliably. In seeking biological control opportunities for a particular pest, these polyphagous natural enemies are unlikely to be a high priority. An exception, due to its abundance in orchards, is the common earwig, Forficula auricularia , although this predator may also cause some fruit injury. Another option to consider when reviewing possibilities for biological control in orchards is the introduction of biological control agents. The success rate of this approach, using arthropod predators to control pests of field crops, has been generally poor. Furthermore, mass production methods for predators are likely to be difficult and very costly. The biological supplies industry is constantly seeking culture techniques, largely for arthropod biological control agents of pests of protected crops. It is possible that some future advance may be relevant to orchards, though currently available predators do not appear promising. A careful economic appraisal of the feasibility of use of any potential biological control agent would be prudent before embarking on research.  相似文献   

Reduction of noncrop habitats, intensive use of pesticides and high levels of disturbance associated with intensive crop production simplify the farming landscape and bring about a sharp decline of biodiversity. This, in turn, weakens the biological control ecosystem service provided by arthropod natural enemies. Strategic use of flowering plants to enhance plant biodiversity in a well-targeted manner can provide natural enemies with food sources and shelter to improve biological control and reduce dependence on chemical pesticides. This article reviews the nutritional value of various types of plant-derived food for natural enemies, possible adverse effects on pest management, and the practical application of flowering plants in orchards, vegetables and field crops, agricultural systems where most research has taken place. Prospects for more effective use of flowering plants to maximize biological control of insect pests in agroecosystem are good but depend up on selection of optimal plant species based on information on the ecological mechanisms by which natural enemies are selectively favored over pest species.  相似文献   

农田景观格局对害虫天敌生态控害功能的调控作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
如何提升农田景观的生态服务功能是当前景观生态学和害虫防治学的前沿研究热点.基于区域农田景观格局可显著调节植物-植食性昆虫-天敌之间相互关系的理论基础,本文系统概括总结了农田景观格局及其变化对农田重要天敌多样性与生态控害功能的影响.从不同天敌类群的角度,分析了农田景观格局对捕食性天敌、寄生性天敌、有益微生物及其生态控害功能的调控作用.同时,对优化农田景观作物布局、采取合理的植被生境管理策略进行了展望.本文可为应用植被生境管理提升农田景观中天敌的生态系统服务功能提供参考,进一步促进区域生态农业响应"化学农药减量施用"的战略目标提供理论支撑.  相似文献   

《Biological Control》2007,40(3):441-452
Indigenous natural enemies occur within field grown crops at varying densities dependent upon a variety of other biotic and abiotic parameters. This natural control often does not provide adequate suppression, which results in the application of other pest management solutions including augmentative biological control. When releasing mass-reared natural enemies into a backdrop of existing natural enemy populations, competitive interactions are likely to occur. To assess the influence of these interspecific interactions on the outcome of such biological control practices studies were conducted in a simulated, field cage grown, cut chrysanthemum production system. Competitive interactions of two commercially available parasitoids were studied both in terms of parasitoid-host population dynamics and the impact of interspecific interactions on crop quality at harvest. The parasitoids Diglyphus isaea and Dacnusa sibirica attacking the leafminer Liriomyza langei were used as the model insect system. Both parasitoids are cosmopolitan and are known to occur in many ornamental production areas. Treatment comparisons included single species releases with complimentary releases of both species either simultaneously or with 2-week time lags, as well as a no release control to measure the background effects of natural mortality. Conclusions drawn from results of population-level studies replicated within and among years were that levels of interspecific competition among parasitoid species were undetectable at leafminer densities typical of field-grown ornamental crops (low densities), and thus, the efficacy of one species released into a backdrop of potentially competing parasitoids did not negatively or positively affect the outcome of the augmentative biological control, nor was there a positive outcome; however, crop quality at harvest was influenced.  相似文献   

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