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在所查到的献中,多变革板螨(Gamasholaspis variabilis Petrova,1967)已描述了雌螨、前若螨和幼螨,本描述其雄螨和后若螨。中测量单位为μm,括号内为测量均值。  相似文献   

记述革板螨属1新种:拟绒革板螨Gamasholaspis imiteothenomydis,sp.nov.,并描述绒鼠革板螨Gamasholaspis eothenomydis雄螨、后若螨和前若螨。  相似文献   

记述派伦螨属1新种:遵义派伦螨Parholaspulus zunyiensis sp.nov.和革板螨属1新种:江西革板螨Gamasholaspis jiangxiensissp.nov.,并描述都匀革板螨Gamasholaspis duyunensis Chen,Guo et Gu,1994雄螨.  相似文献   

萎缩巨螯螨 Macrocheles reductus Petrova,1 96 6在所查到的文献中仅见雌螨描述(Брегетова,1 977)。本文描述其雄螨与后若螨 ,并补充雌螨特征。萎缩巨螯螨 Macrochelesreductus Petrova,1966雌螨形态补充描述 (图 1 - 2 ) 形态与原描述所绘图 ( Брегетова,1 977)比较 ,中国标本胸板后缘凹陷较深 ;腹肛板较狭长 ,长宽为 2 53- 31 0× 1 1 5- 1 4 9(平均 2 81× 1 30 )μm,呈有变异。图 1 萎缩巨螯螨 Macrocheles reductus Petrova♀1.胸板 ;2 .腹肛板变异雄螨 (图 1 - 4) 体黄色 ,椭圆形。背板 885× 575μm,后部明…  相似文献   

在所查到的文献中 ,拟双毛派伦螨 Parholaspulus paradichaetes Petrova,1 96 7仅描述了雌螨 ,勃氏派伦螨 Parholaspulus bregetovae Alexandrov,1 96 5已描述了雌螨、雄螨和后若螨( Летрова,1 977) ,本文描述拟双毛派伦螨后若螨和勃氏派伦螨前若螨。文中测量单位为 μm。1 拟双毛派伦螨 (Parholaspulus paradichaetes Petrova,1967)后若螨 (图 1 - 6 )体黄色 ,卵圆形。一标本体长宽为 82 7× 540 ,背板为 6 55× 4 2 5,背板覆盖背面大部 ;另一标本体长宽为 6 89× 4 48,背板为 6 6 6× 4 2 5,背板几乎覆盖整个背面。背板有狭而…  相似文献   

本文描述拟双毛派伦螨Parholaspulus paradichaetes Petrova,1967雄螨及前若螨,阿氏派伦螨 P.alstoni Evans,1956后若螨及前若螨,微小派伦螨 P.minutus Petrova,1967和东方派伦螨 P.orientalis Petrova,1967后若螨.  相似文献   

裂缝常革螨形态描述(蜱螨亚纲:革螨股:寄螨科)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
裂缝常革螨 Vulgarogamasus lyriformis ( Mc Grow et Farrier,1 96 9)分布于美国、加拿大和前苏联。 2 0 0 0年自朝鲜入境货物中采得该螨。在所查到的文献中 ,仅《ОпределительОбитающихвПочвеКлещеи,М esostigmata》一书有该种的记载 ,但只记载有雌螨胸板、生殖区、头盖和雄螨足 的特征 ,无完整描述。今根据朝鲜标本 ,详细描述其雌螨、雄螨、前若螨和幼螨。文中测量单位为μm,括号内为测量均值。裂缝常革螨 Vulgarogamasuslyriformis (Mc Grow et Farrier,1969)图 1- 6 裂缝常革螨 Vulgarogamasu…  相似文献   

单角新革螨雌雄螨描述(蜱螨亚纲:革螨股:寄螨科)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
单角新革螨 Neogamasus unicornutus ( Ewing,1 90 9)同物异名为岛屿新革螨 Neogamasusislandicus( Sellnick,1 94 0 ) ,其后若螨 [1 ]、前若螨及幼螨 [2 ]已有较详细描述 ,但雌螨和雄螨在所查到的文献中只记载有个别特征 ,没有完整描述 [1 ,3- 6] 。本文根据采自集安的标本 ,描述其雌螨和雄螨。文中测量单位为 μm,括号内为测量均值。单角新革螨 Neogamasusunicornutus(Ewing,190 9)雌螨 (图 1 - 7)体黄色 ,卵圆形 ,长 6 78- 70 1 ( 6 89) ,宽 36 8- 41 4 ( 394 )。背板几乎覆盖整个背面 ,后部留狭窄裸露区。前背板长 345- 356 ( 349) ,…  相似文献   

记述中国革板螨属2新种:拟翼革板螨Gamasholaspis subaliventroanalis sp.nov.,似林革板螨Gamasholaspis linsimilis sp.nov.和大陆1新记录:柔革板螨Gamasholaspis blandus Tseng,1993。  相似文献   

本文记录1996年马丹梅采自辽宁省丹东市土壤中的革螨。其中乳突寄螨Parasitusmam-millatus(Berlese,1904),在已查到的文献中仅Micherdzinski(1969)记载了雌螨和雄螨,但他描述的雄螨并不是乳突寄螨,而是季氏寄螨ParasitustichomiroviDavydova,1971。文中也未描述成螨前各期。今根据丹东标本描述乳突寄螨的雄螨及后若螨。文中测量单位为μm。1.茅舍血厉螨Haemolaelapscasalis(Berlese,1887)标本6♀♀,1♂,3后若螨。世界性分布。2.矮肛厉螨Proctolaelapspygmaeus(Müller,1860)标本3♀♀。过去记载国内分布于江西、云南。3.美丽革伊螨Gamas…  相似文献   

Oka: Behind the Barricades. 1998. 312 minutes. For more information contact the National Film Board of Canada, 3155 Côte de Lisse Rd., St. Laurent, Quebec H4N 2N4. Series of four videos:
Kanehsatake: 270 Years of Resistance. 1993. 120 minutes. Directed by Alanis Obomsawin .
Spudwrench: Kahnawake Man. 1997. 58 minutes. Directed by Alanis Obomsawin .
My Name is Kahentiiosta. 1995. 30 minutes. Directed by Alanis Obomsawin .
Acts of Defiance. 1992. 104 minutes. Directed by Alec MacLeod .  相似文献   

When viewed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), the spermatozoon of the phorid dipteran Megaselia scalaris appears threadlike, lacking distinct head and tail areas. These areas can be observed, however, in appropriately stained material. Measurements of Feulgen-stained material reveal average lengths of the head, tail, and total cell of 18.7, 128.7, and 147.4 μm, respectively. When tested for sulfhydryl and disulfide groups, the head displays only disulfide groups. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) reveals 12 different regions: three (1–3) in the head, four (9–12) in the tail, and five (4–8) in a short zone of overlap between the head and tail. Most of the cell lies in regions 9 and 11 of the tail and 3 of the head, accounting for, respectively, 37.3%, 45.7%, and 11.2% of the total length. A tubelike acrosome indents the anterior end of the nucleus. The tail originates asymmetrically in relation to the long axis of the cell as a peglike structure associated with the dorsolateral region of the nucleus. No centriole is visible, and the nucleus has a notched appearance in longitudinal sections. Two mitochondrial derivatives and an axoneme displaying a 9+9+2 microtubule configuration and ATPase activity extend throughout most of the tail. In regions 9 and 10, an asymmetrically arranged accessory body is also present. Features having possible taxonomic utility include the asymmetrically arranged accessory body, the size and shape of the acrosome, and the notched appearance of the nucleus. The present report is apparently the first to describe the spermatozoon of a cyclorrhaphous dipteran which is not a member of the Schizophora.  相似文献   

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