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Phytochelatins (PCs) are metal-binding cysteine-rich peptides, enzymatically synthesized in plants and yeasts from glutathione in response to heavy metal stress by PC synthase (EC In an attempt to increase the ability of bacterial cells to accumulate heavy metals, the Arabidopsis thaliana gene encoding PC synthase (AtPCS) was expressed in Escherichia coli. A marked accumulation of PCs was observed in vivo together with a decrease in the glutathione cellular content. When bacterial cells expressing AtPCS were placed in the presence of heavy metals such as cadmium or the metalloid arsenic, cellular metal contents were increased 20- and 50-fold, respectively. We discuss the possibility of using genes of the PC biosynthetic pathway to design bacterial strains or higher plants with increased abilities to accumulate toxic metals, and also arsenic, for use in bioremediation and/or phytoremediation processes.  相似文献   

Phytochelatins (PCs) with good binding affinities for a wide range of heavy metals were exploited to develop microbial sorbents for cadmium removal. PC synthase from Schizosaccharomyces pombe (SpPCS) was overexpressed in Escherichia coli, resulting in PC synthesis and 7.5-times-higher Cd accumulation. The coexpression of a variant γ-glutamylcysteine synthetase desensitized to feedback inhibition (GshI*) increased the supply of the PC precursor glutathione, resulting in further increases of 10- and 2-fold in PC production and Cd accumulation, respectively. A Cd transporter, MntA, was expressed with SpPCS and GshI* to improve Cd uptake, resulting in a further 1.5-fold increase in Cd accumulation. The level of Cd accumulation in this recombinant E. coli strain (31.6 μmol/g [dry weight] of cells) was more than 25-fold higher than that in the control strain.  相似文献   

Enhanced arsenic accumulation in engineered bacterial cells expressing ArsR   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The metalloregulatory protein ArsR, which offers high affinity and selectivity toward arsenite, was overexpressed in Escherichia coli in an attempt to increase the bioaccumulation of arsenic. Overproduction of ArsR resulted in elevated levels of arsenite bioaccumulation but also a severe reduction in cell growth. Incorporation of an elastin-like polypeptide as the fusion partner to ArsR (ELP153AR) improved cell growth by twofold without compromising the ability to accumulate arsenite. Resting cells overexpressing ELP153AR accumulated 5- and 60-fold-higher levels of arsenate and arsenite than control cells without ArsR overexpression. Conversely, no significant improvement in Cd(2+) or Zn(2+) accumulation was observed, validating the specificity of ArsR. The high affinity of ArsR allowed 100% removal of 50 ppb of arsenite from contaminated water with these engineered cells, providing a technology useful to comply with the newly approved U.S. Environmental Protection Agency limit of 10 ppb. These results open up the possibility of using cells overexpressing ArsR as an inexpensive, high-affinity ligand for arsenic removal from contaminated drinking and ground water.  相似文献   

人干细胞因子受体c-Kit稳定表达细胞株的构建   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
 干细胞因子 (SCF)是一种重要的造血因子 ,其受体c Kit具有酪氨酸激酶活性 .SCF c Kit介导的细胞内信号转导在造血、肥大细胞的生成及其功能、以及生殖细胞和黑色素细胞的发育中起着关键的作用 .通过构建人c kitcDNA的pcDNA3.1真核表达载体 ,转染不表达人c kit的小鼠髓系祖细胞FDC P1.经Zeocin抗性筛选 ,PCR、RT PCR、Western印迹分析、流式细胞仪分析等方法检测到人c kit基因的稳定整合和表达 ,并分布于细胞表面 ,证明获得了稳定表达人c Kit受体的细胞株 .用MTT法检测重组细胞株增殖特性 ,表明重组人SCF可刺激其增殖 .为进一步研究人c Kit受体介导的细胞内信号转导及检测重组人干细胞因子生物学活性提供了有效的细胞模型  相似文献   

The metalloregulatory protein MerR, which exhibits high affinity and selectivity toward mercury, was exploited for the construction of microbial biosorbents specific for mercury removal. Whole-cell sorbents were constructed with MerR genetically engineered onto the surface of Escherichia coli cells by using an ice nucleation protein anchor. The presence of surface-exposed MerR on the engineered strains enabled sixfold-higher Hg2+ biosorption than that found in the wild-type JM109 cells. Hg2+ binding via MerR was very specific, with no observable decline even in the presence of 100-fold excess Cd2+ and Zn2+. The Hg2+ binding property of the whole-cell sorbents was also insensitive to different ionic strengths, pHs, and the presence of metal chelators. Since metalloregulatory proteins are currently available for a wide variety of toxic heavy metals, our results suggest that microbial biosorbents overexpressing metalloregulatory proteins may be used similarly for the cleanup of other important heavy metals.  相似文献   

Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) from plant seeds, known to inhibit pathogen growth have a great potential in developing transgenic plants resistant to disease. Some of the nonspecific-lipid transfer proteins (ns-LTP) that facilitate in vitro transport of lipids, show antimicrobial activity in vitro. Rice seeds also contain ns-LTPs; however, these genes are expressed weakly in seedlings. We have transformed Pusa Basmati 1, an elite indica rice cultivar, with the gene for Ace-AMP1 from Allium cepa, coding for an effective antimicrobial protein homologous to ns-LTPs. The gene for Ace-AMP1 was cloned under an inducible rice phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) or a constitutive maize ubiquitin (UbI) promoter. Ace-AMP1 was expressed in transgenic lines and secreted in the apoplastic space. Protein extracts from leaves of transgenic plants inhibited three major rice pathogens, Magnaporthe grisea, Rhizoctonia solani and Xanthomonas oryzae, in vitro. Enhanced resistance against these pathogens was observed in in planta assays, and the degree of resistance correlating with the levels of Ace-AMP1 with an average increase in resistance to blast, sheath blight, and bacterial leaf blight disease by 86%, 67%, and 82%, respectively. Importantly, transgenic rice plants, with stable integration and expression of Ace-AMP1, retained their agronomic characteristics while displaying enhanced resistance to both fungal and bacterial pathogens.  相似文献   

An rnc70 gene encoding a mutant bacterial ribonuclease III (RNase III) was introduced into wheat (Triticum aestivum cv. Bobwhite) by microprojectile bombardment. T1, T2, and T3 plants regenerated from three transgenic callus lines were challenged with barley stripe mosaic virus. Plants expressing RNase III exhibited a high level of resistance to the virus infection. This resistance was evidenced by the absence of virus symptoms and reduced accumulation of virions in these plants. The result demonstrates that this pathogen-targeted resistance strategy can be effectively employed in conferring resistance to viral diseases of cereal crops.  相似文献   

细菌基因工程杀虫剂研究进展   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
本文综述了在细菌基因工程杀虫菌构建过程中涉及到或可能涉及到的杀虫基因或因素的种类和特性 ,描述了工程菌构建的方法及策略 ,以及目前所获得的各类工程杀虫菌 ;讨论了杀虫工程菌的应用潜力和发展方向。  相似文献   

Natural killer (NK) cells play a vital antitumor role as part of the innate immune system. Efficacy of adoptive transfer of NK cells depends on their ability to recognize and target tumors. We investigated whether low dose focused ultrasound with microbubbles (ldbFUS) could facilitate the targeting and accumulation of NK cells in a mouse xenograft of human colorectal adenocarcinoma (carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA)-expressing LS-174T implanted in NOD.Cg-PrkdcscidIl2rgtm1Wjl/SzJ (NSG) mice) in the presence of an anti-CEA immunocytokine (ICK), hT84.66/M5A-IL-2 (M5A-IL-2). Human NK cells were labeled with an FDA-approved ultra-small superparamagnetic iron oxide particle, ferumoxytol. Simultaneous with the intravenous injection of microbubbles, focused ultrasound was applied to the tumor. In vivo longitudinal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) identified enhanced accumulation of NK cells in the ensonified tumor, which was validated by endpoint histology. Significant accumulation of NK cells was observed up to 24 hrs at the tumor site when ensonified with 0.50 MPa peak acoustic pressure ldbFUS, whereas tumors treated with at 0.25 MPa showed no detectable NK cell accumulation. These clinically translatable results show that ldbFUS of the tumor mass can potentiate tumor homing of NK cells that can be evaluated non-invasively using MRI.  相似文献   

Growth and the production of acetone, butanol, and ethanol by Clostridium beijerinckii NCIMB 8052 on several polysaccharides and sugars were analyzed. On crystalline cellulose, growth and solvent production were observed only when a mixture of fungal cellulases was added to the medium. On lichenan growth and solvent production occurred, but this polymer was only partially utilized. To increase utilization of these polymers and subsequent solvent production, the genes for two new glycoside hydrolases, celA and celD from the fungus Neocallimastix patriciarum, were cloned separately into C. beijerinckii. To do this, a secretion vector based on the pMTL500E shuttle vector and containing the promoter and signal sequence coding region of the Clostridium saccharobutylicum NCP262 eglA gene was constructed and fused either to the celA gene or the celD gene. Stable C. beijerinckii transformants were obtained with the resulting plasmids, pWUR3 (celA) and pWUR4 (celD). The recombinant strains showed clear halos on agar plates containing carboxymethyl cellulose upon staining with Congo red. In addition, their culture supernatants had significant endoglucanase activities (123 U/mg of protein for transformants harboring celA and 78 U/mg of protein for transformants harboring celD). Although C. beijerinckii harboring either celA or celD was not able to grow, separately or in mixed culture, on carboxymethyl cellulose or microcrystalline cellulose, both transformants showed a significant increase in solvent production during growth on lichenan and more extensive degradation of this polymer than that exhibited by the wild-type strain.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Blepharisma cells were attracted by a pellet of live bacteria (Enterobacter) which was separated from the Blepharisma suspension by a cellulose membrane (fractionation: M.W. 14,000). The cells, however, were not attracted by killed bacteria. Crude and heat-treated supernatants obtained from bacterial suspension also induced chemoaccumulation of cells. These results suggest that the cells of Blepharisma detect certain small molecules, produced by live bacteria, that can pass through the cellulose membrane and are stable to heat. From the live bacteria supernatant, several ninhydrin-positive substances were isolated by means of two-dimensional thin-layer chromatography. Several of the spots contained substances that attracted the cells, indicating that certain ninhydrin-positive components, such as peptides or free amino acids (probably products of bacterial metabolism), may serve as a signal for food.  相似文献   

The expression of the eukaryotic bbc1 (breast basic conserved) gene (the bbc1 gene of the marine green alga Chlamydomonas sp. W-80 strain) enhanced the tolerance against salt-stress and freezing-stress in E. coli cells. The expression of the BBC1 protein in the E. coli cells carrying the algal bbc1 gene and that in the Chlamydomonas W-80 cells were examined by Western blotting analysis. The result suggests that the eukaryotic BBC1 protein expressed in the E. coli cells has a protective function against the cellular dehydration. Received: 24 April 2000 / Accepted: 21 August 2000  相似文献   

Metabolic engineering is used to improve titers, yields and generation rates for biochemical products in host microbes such as Escherichia coli. A wide range of biochemicals are derived from the central carbon metabolite acetyl-CoA, and the largest native drain of acetyl-CoA in most microbes including E. coli is entry into the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle via citrate synthase (coded by the gltA gene). Since the pathway to any biochemical derived from acetyl-CoA must ultimately compete with citrate synthase, a reduction in citrate synthase activity should facilitate the increased formation of products derived from acetyl-CoA. To test this hypothesis, we integrated into E. coli C ΔpoxB twenty-eight citrate synthase variants having specific point mutations that were anticipated to reduce citrate synthase activity. These variants were assessed in shake flasks for growth and the production of acetate, a model product derived from acetyl-CoA. Mutations in citrate synthase at residues W260, A267 and V361 resulted in the greatest acetate yields (approximately 0.24 g/g glucose) compared to the native citrate synthase (0.05 g/g). These variants were further examined in controlled batch and continuous processes. The results provide important insights on improving the production of compounds derived from acetyl-CoA.  相似文献   

An efficient transformation system for rice was established by co-cultivating calli, derived from 21-day-old scutellum, with Agrobacterium tumefaciens cells (OD600 = 0.04), maintained on filter paper, moistened with 4 mL of a medium, and supplemented with 400 μM acetosyringone, for a period of 2 days. Presence of the transgene was confirmed by polymerase chain reaction, and stable integration and copy number of the transgene were determined by Southern blot analysis. Among seven plants analyzed, six possessed single T-DNA integration events, while one plant was found to have two integrated copies of the T-DNA. A total of 45 T0 plants were grown in the greenhouse to obtain the T1 generation. T1 plants evaluated for presence of the transgene and for response to inoculation with the bacterial leaf blight pathogen, Xanthomonas oryzae pv. Oryzae, exhibited Mendelian segregation (3:1) for the transgene as well as enhanced resistance to bacterial blight  相似文献   

Osmotin is a major protein which accumulates in tobacco cells (Nicotiana tabacum L. var Wisconsin 38) adapted to low water potentials. Quantitation of osmotin levels by immunoblots indicated that cells adapted to 428 millimolar NaCl contained 4 to 30 times the level of osmotin found in unadapted cells, depending on the stage of growth. Unadapted cells accumulated low levels of osmotin with apparent isoelectric points, (pl) of 7.8 and >8.2. Upon transfer of NaCl-adapted cells to medium without NaCl and subsequent growth for many cell generations, the amount of osmotin declined gradually to a level intermediate between that found in adapted and unadapted cells. NaCl-adapted cells grown in the absence of NaCl accumulated both pl forms; however, the form accumulated by cells adapted to NaCl (pl > 8.2) was most abundant. Adapted cells grown in the absence of NaCl exhibited absolute growth rates and NaCl tolerance levels which were intermediate to those of NaCl-adapted and unadapted cells. The association between osmotin accumulation and stable NaCl tolerance indicates that cells with a stable genetic change affecting the accumulation of osmotin are selected during prolonged exposure to high levels of NaCl. This stable alteration in gene expression probably affects salt tolerance.  相似文献   

Lipofuscin accumulates with age within secondary lysosomes of retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells of humans and many animals. The autofluorescent lipofuscin pigment has an excitation maximum within the range of visible blue light, while it is emitting in the yellow-orange area. This physico-chemical property of the pigment indicates that it may have a photo-oxidative capacity and, consequently, then should destabilize lysosomal membranes of blue-light exposed RPE. To test this hypothesis, being of relevance to the understanding of age-related macular degeneration, cultures of heavily lipofuscin-loaded RPE cells were blue-light–irradiated and compared with respect to lysosomal stability and cell viability to relevant controls. To rapidly convert primary cultures of RPE, obtained from neonatal rabbits, into aged, lipofuscin-loaded cells, they were allowed to phagocytize artificial lipofuscin that was prepared from outer segments of bovine rods and cones. Following blue-light irradiation, lysosomal membrane stability was measured by vital staining with the lysosomotropic weak base, and metachromatic fluorochrome, acridine orange (AO). Quantifying red (high AO concentration within intact lysosomes with preserved proton gradient over their membranes) and green fluorescence (low AO concentration in nuclei, damaged lysosomes with decreased or lost proton gradients, and in the cytosol) allowed an estimation of the lysosomal membrane stability after blue-light irradiation. Cellular viability was estimated with the delayed trypan blue dye exclusion test. Lipofuscin-loaded blue-light–exposed RPE cells showed a considerably enhanced loss of both lysosomal stability and viability when compared to control cells. It is concluded that the accumulation of lipofuscin within secondary lysosomes of RPE sensitizes these cells to blue light by inducing photo-oxidative alterations of their lysosomal membranes resulting in a presumed leakage of lysosomal contents to the cytosol with ensuing cellular degeneration of apoptotic type. The suggested mechanism may have bearings on the development of age-related macular degeneration. © 1997 Elsevier Science Inc.  相似文献   

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